def image_random_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> int: """Handles the image random callback Makes yhe user try the generation again The conversation remains in the "random" state or is put in the "end" state Args: update (Update): update event context (CallbackContext): context passed by the handler Returns: int: new state of the conversation """ info = get_callback_info(update, context) operation = info["query_data"][13:] if operation == 'finish': sender_id = info['sender_id'] info['bot'].edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id=info['chat_id'], message_id=info['message_id'], reply_markup=None) if os.path.exists(build_bg_path(sender_id)): os.remove(build_bg_path(sender_id)) os.remove(build_photo_path(sender_id)) return STATE['end'] generate_photo(info=info, user_data=context.user_data, delete_message=True) return STATE['random']
def background_msg(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> int: """Handles the background message Saves the photo so it can be used as the background of the image Args: update (Update): update event context (CallbackContext): context passed by the handler Returns: int: new state of the conversation """ info = get_message_info(update, context) text = read_md("background") photo = resize_mode = context.user_data['resize_mode'] if photo: # if an actual photo was sent bg_image = info['bot'].getFile(photo[-1].file_id)['sender_id'])) info['bot'].send_message(chat_id=info['chat_id'], text=text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN_V2) generate_photo(info, context.user_data) if resize_mode == "crop": return STATE['crop'] elif resize_mode == "random": return STATE['random'] else: return STATE['end']
def cancel_cmd(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> int: """Handles the /cancel command Cancels the current cretion of the image Puts the conversation in the "end" state Args: update (Update): update event context (CallbackContext): context passed by the handler Returns: int: new state of the conversation """ info = get_message_info(update, context) text = read_md("cancel") # Clear the disk space used by the images, if present bg_path = build_bg_path(info['sender_id']) photo_path = build_photo_path(info['sender_id']) if os.path.exists(bg_path): os.remove(bg_path) if os.path.exists(photo_path): os.remove(photo_path) info['bot'].send_message(chat_id=info['chat_id'], text=text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN_V2) return STATE['end']
def image_crop_callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> int: """Handles the image crop callback Modifies the cropping parameters The conversation remains in the "crop" state or is put in the "end" state Args: update (Update): update event context (CallbackContext): context passed by the handler Returns: int: new state of the conversation """ info = get_callback_info(update, context) operation = info["query_data"][11:] if operation == 'reset': context.user_data['background_offset'] = {'x': 0, 'y': 0} elif operation == 'finish': sender_id = info['sender_id'] info['bot'].edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id=info['chat_id'], message_id=info['message_id'], reply_markup=None) if os.path.exists(build_bg_path(sender_id)): os.remove(build_bg_path(sender_id)) os.remove(build_photo_path(sender_id)) return STATE['end'] else: offset_value = OFFSET_VALUES[operation] context.user_data['background_offset'] = { 'x': context.user_data['background_offset']['x'] + offset_value['x'], 'y': context.user_data['background_offset']['y'] + offset_value['y'] } generate_photo(info=info, user_data=context.user_data, delete_message=True) return STATE['crop']