def authorize_admin(update, context) -> None: global bot args = context.args chatid = update.message.chat_id if len(args) != 1: send_message( chatid, "You need to specify the admin password, use the command like /authorize_admin <b>password</b>", bot, html=True) return elif admin_pw == "": send_message( chatid, "The admin is disabled, check your telegram bot configuration", bot) return if Utils.admin_check(chatid): send_message(chatid, "You already are an admin", bot) elif args[0] == admin_pw: Utils.alchemy_instance.session.add(Admin(chatid)) Utils.alchemy_instance.session.commit() send_message(chatid, "Admin enabled", bot) send_message( chatid, "Remember to disable the --admin-password if you want to avoid people trying to bruteforce this command", bot)"{chatid} got admin authorization") else: send_message(chatid, "The password is wrong", bot)
def send_message_to_everyone(update, context) -> None: global bot args = context.args chatid = update.message.chat_id if not Utils.admin_check(chatid): send_message(chatid, "You're not authorized to do this", bot) return chatid_list = [] message = "" start_time ="{chatid} started sending a message to everyone") chatid_list = Utils.alchemy_instance.session.query( PreferenceUser).filter_by(chat_id=str(chatid)).all() for word in args: message += f"{word} " message = message[:-1] for x in chatid_list: send_message(x.chat_id, message, bot) f"{chatid} finished sending a message to everyone, took {( - start_time).total_seconds()} seconds" )
def send_message_to_everyone(update, CallbackContext) -> None: global bot args = CallbackContext.args chatid = update.message.chat_id if Utils.admin_check(chatid) == False: send_message(chatid, "You're not authorized to do this", bot) return chatid_list = [] message = "" start_time ="{chatid} started sending a message to everyone") results = Utils.retrieve_query_results("SELECT DISTINCT CHAT_ID FROM CHATURBATE") for row in results: chatid_list.append(row[0]) for word in args: message += f"{word} " message = message[:-1] for x in chatid_list: send_message(x, message, bot) f"{chatid} finished sending a message to everyone, took {( - start_time).total_seconds()} seconds")
def view_stream_image_callback(update, CallbackContext): username = CallbackContext.match.string.replace("view_stream_image_callback_", "") chatid = update.callback_query.message.chat_id messageid = update.callback_query.message.message_id if Utils.is_chatid_temp_banned(chatid): return model_instance = Model(username) keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Watch the live", url=f'{username}'), InlineKeyboardButton("Update stream image", callback_data='view_stream_image_callback_' + username)]] markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) try: bot.edit_message_media(chat_id=chatid, message_id=messageid, media=telegram.InputMediaPhoto(model_instance.model_image,caption=f"{username} is now <b>online</b>!",parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML), reply_markup=markup) except Exceptions.ModelPrivate: send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} is in private now, try again later", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} image update because is private') except Exceptions.ModelAway: send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} is away, try again later", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} image update because is away') except Exceptions.ModelPassword: send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} cannot be seen because is password protected", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} image update because is password protected') except (Exceptions.ModelDeleted, Exceptions.ModelBanned, Exceptions.ModelGeoblocked, Exceptions.ModelCanceled, Exceptions.ModelOffline): keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Watch the live", url=f'{username}')]] markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) bot.edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id=chatid, message_id=messageid, reply_markup=markup) #remove update image button send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} cannot be seen because is {model_instance.status}", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} image update because is {model_instance.status}') except Exceptions.ModelNotViewable: send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} is not visible", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} image update') except ConnectionError: send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} cannot be seen because of connection issues, try again later", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} image update because of connection issues') except Exception as e: if hasattr(e, 'message'): if "Message is not modified" in e.message: send_message(chatid, f"This is the latest update of {username}", bot) if not Utils.admin_check(chatid): if Utils.get_last_spam_date(chatid)==None: Utils.set_last_spam_date(chatid, elif ( <= 3: Utils.temp_ban_chatid(chatid, 25) send_message(chatid, "You have been temporarily banned for spamming, try again later", bot) logging.warning(f"Soft banned {chatid} for 25 seconds for spamming image updates") else: Utils.set_last_spam_date(chatid,
def active_models(update, CallbackContext) -> None: global bot chatid = update.message.chat_id if Utils.admin_check(chatid) == False: send_message(chatid, "You're not authorized to do this", bot) return models_count = Utils.retrieve_query_results("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT USERNAME) FROM CHATURBATE")[0][0] send_message(chatid,f"The active models are {models_count}",bot)
def active_users(update, CallbackContext) -> None: global bot chatid = update.message.chat_id if Utils.admin_check(chatid) == False: send_message(chatid, "You're not authorized to do this", bot) return users_count = Utils.retrieve_query_results("SELECT COUNT(CHAT_ID) FROM PREFERENCES")[0][0] send_message(chatid,f"The active users are {users_count}",bot)
def active_models(update, context) -> None: global bot chatid = update.message.chat_id if not Utils.admin_check(chatid): send_message(chatid, "You're not authorized to do this", bot) return models_count = Utils.alchemy_instance.session.query( ChaturbateUser.username).distinct().count() send_message(chatid, f"The active models are {models_count}", bot)
def active_users(update, context) -> None: global bot chatid = update.message.chat_id if not Utils.admin_check(chatid): send_message(chatid, "You're not authorized to do this", bot) return users_count = Utils.alchemy_instance.session.query( PreferenceUser).filter_by(chat_id=str(chatid)).count() send_message(chatid, f"The active users are {users_count}", bot)
def stream_image(update, CallbackContext) -> None: global bot args = CallbackContext.args chatid = update.message.chat_id if len(args) < 1: send_message(chatid, "You didn't specify a model to get the stream image of\nUse the command like this: /stream_image <b>username</b>", bot, html=True) return username = Utils.sanitize_username(args[0]) model_instance = Model(username) if not Utils.admin_check(chatid): if Utils.is_chatid_temp_banned(chatid): return if Utils.get_last_spam_date(chatid) == None: Utils.set_last_spam_date(chatid, elif ( - Utils.get_last_spam_date(chatid)).total_seconds() <= 3: Utils.temp_ban_chatid(chatid, 10) send_message(chatid,"You have been temporarily banned for spamming, try again later", bot) logging.warning(f"Soft banned {chatid} for 10 seconds for spamming image updates") else: Utils.set_last_spam_date(chatid, try: send_image(chatid, model_instance.model_image, bot)'{chatid} viewed {username} stream image') except Exceptions.ModelPrivate: send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} is in private now, try again later", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} stream image because is private') except Exceptions.ModelAway: send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} is away, try again later", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} stream image because is away') except Exceptions.ModelPassword: send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} cannot be seen because is password protected", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} stream image because is password protected') except (Exceptions.ModelDeleted, Exceptions.ModelBanned, Exceptions.ModelGeoblocked, Exceptions.ModelCanceled, Exceptions.ModelOffline): send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} cannot be seen because is {model_instance.status}", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} image update because is {model_instance.status}') except Exceptions.ModelNotViewable: send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} is not visible", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} stream image') except ConnectionError: send_message(chatid, f"The model {username} cannot be seen because of connection issues, try again later", bot) logging.warning(f'{chatid} could not view {username} stream image because of connection issues')
def add(update, context) -> None: global bot args = context.args chatid = update.message.chat_id username_message_list = [] if len(args) < 1: send_message( chatid, "You need to specify an username to follow, use the command like /add <b>username</b>\n You can also add multiple users at the same time by separating them using a comma, like /add <b>username1</b>,<b>username2</b>", bot, html=True) return # not lowercase usernames bug the api calls if len(args) > 1: for username in args: if username != "": username_message_list.append( Utils.sanitize_username(username).replace(",", "")) # len(args)==0 -> only one username or all in one line elif "," in args[0].lower(): for splitted_username in args[0].lower().replace( " ", "").rstrip().split(","): if splitted_username != "": username_message_list.append( Utils.sanitize_username(splitted_username)) else: username_message_list.append(Utils.sanitize_username(args[0])) username_message_list = list( dict.fromkeys(username_message_list)) # remove duplicate usernames usernames_in_database = Utils.alchemy_instance.session.query( ChaturbateUser).filter_by(chat_id=str(chatid)).all() # 0 is unlimited usernames if len(usernames_in_database) + len( username_message_list) > user_limit and ( Utils.admin_check(chatid) == False != user_limit != 0): send_message( chatid, "You are trying to add more usernames than your limit permits, which is " + str(user_limit), bot) f'{chatid} tried to add more usernames than his limit permits') return for username in username_message_list: model_instance = Model(username) if model_instance.status not in ('deleted', 'banned', 'geoblocked', 'canceled', 'error'): if username not in usernames_in_database: Utils.alchemy_instance.session.add( ChaturbateUser(username=username, chat_id=chatid, online=False)) Utils.alchemy_instance.session.commit() send_message(chatid, f"{username} has been added", bot)'{chatid} added {username}') else: send_message(chatid, f"{username} has already been added", bot) elif model_instance.status == 'deleted': send_message(chatid, f"{username} has not been added because is deleted", bot) f"{chatid} could not add {username} because is deleted") elif model_instance.status == 'banned': send_message(chatid, f"{username} has not been added because is banned", bot) f"{chatid} could not add {username} because is banned") elif model_instance.status == 'geoblocked': send_message( chatid, f"{username} has not been added because is geoblocked", bot) f"{chatid} could not add {username} because is geoblocked") elif model_instance.status == 'canceled': send_message(chatid, f"{username} was not added because it doesn't exist", bot) f'{chatid} tried to add {username}, which does not exist') elif model_instance.status == 'error': send_message( chatid, f"{username} was not added because an error happened", bot) f'{chatid} could not add {username} because an error happened')
def add(update, CallbackContext) -> None: global bot args = CallbackContext.args chatid = update.message.chat_id username_message_list = [] if len(args) < 1: send_message( chatid, "You need to specify an username to follow, use the command like /add <b>username</b>\n You can also add multiple users at the same time by separating them using a comma, like /add <b>username1</b>,<b>username2</b>", bot, html=True ) return # not lowercase usernames bug the api calls if len(args) > 1: for username in args: if username != "": username_message_list.append(Utils.sanitize_username(username).replace(",", "")) # len(args)==0 -> only one username or all in one line elif "," in args[0].lower(): for splitted_username in args[0].lower().replace(" ", "").rstrip().split(","): if splitted_username != "": username_message_list.append(Utils.sanitize_username(splitted_username)) else: username_message_list.append(Utils.sanitize_username(args[0])) username_message_list = list(dict.fromkeys(username_message_list)) # remove duplicate usernames usernames_in_database = [] # obtain present usernames results = Utils.retrieve_query_results(f"SELECT USERNAME FROM CHATURBATE WHERE CHAT_ID='{chatid}'") for row in results: usernames_in_database.append(row[0]) # 0 is unlimited usernames if len(usernames_in_database) + len(username_message_list) > user_limit and ( Utils.admin_check(chatid) == False != user_limit != 0): send_message(chatid, "You are trying to add more usernames than your limit permits, which is " + str(user_limit), bot)'{chatid} tried to add more usernames than his limit permits') return for username in username_message_list: model_instance=Model(username) if model_instance.status not in ('deleted', 'banned', 'geoblocked', 'canceled', 'error'): if username not in usernames_in_database: Utils.exec_query(f"INSERT INTO CHATURBATE VALUES ('{username}', '{chatid}', 'F')") send_message(chatid, f"{username} has been added", bot)'{chatid} added {username}') else: send_message(chatid,f"{username} has already been added",bot) elif model_instance.status=='deleted': send_message(chatid, f"{username} has not been added because is deleted", bot)"{chatid} could not add {username} because is deleted") elif model_instance.status=='banned': send_message(chatid, f"{username} has not been added because is banned", bot)"{chatid} could not add {username} because is banned") elif model_instance.status=='geoblocked': send_message(chatid, f"{username} has not been added because is geoblocked", bot)"{chatid} could not add {username} because is geoblocked") elif model_instance.status=='canceled': send_message(chatid, f"{username} was not added because it doesn't exist", bot)'{chatid} tried to add {username}, which does not exist') elif model_instance.status=='error': send_message(chatid, f"{username} was not added because an error happened", bot)'{chatid} could not add {username} because an error happened')