def kippo(): MODUL = "KIPPO" logme(MODUL, "Starting Kippo Modul.", ("P1"), ECFG) # collect honeypot config dic ITEMS = ("kippo", "nodeid", "mysqlhost", "mysqldb", "mysqluser", "mysqlpw") HONEYPOT = readcfg(MODUL, ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) HONEYPOT["ip"] = readonecfg(MODUL, "ip", ECFG["cfgfile"]) if HONEYPOT["ip"].lower() == "false" or HONEYPOT["ip"].lower() == "null": HONEYPOT["ip"] = ECFG["ip"] # open database try: con = MySQLdb.connect(host=HONEYPOT["mysqlhost"], user=HONEYPOT["mysqluser"], passwd=HONEYPOT["mysqlpw"], db=HONEYPOT["mysqldb"], cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) except MySQLdb.Error, e: logme(MODUL, "[ERROR] %s" % (str(e)), ("P3", "LOG"), ECFG)
def kippo(): MODUL = "KIPPO" logme(MODUL,"Starting Kippo Modul.",("P1"),ECFG) # collect honeypot config dic ITEMS = ("kippo","nodeid","mysqlhost","mysqldb","mysqluser","mysqlpw") HONEYPOT = readcfg(MODUL,ITEMS,ECFG["cfgfile"]) HONEYPOT["ip"] = readonecfg(MODUL,"ip", ECFG["cfgfile"]) if HONEYPOT["ip"].lower() == "false" or HONEYPOT["ip"].lower() == "null": HONEYPOT["ip"] = ECFG["ip"] # open database try: con = MySQLdb.connect(host=HONEYPOT["mysqlhost"], user=HONEYPOT["mysqluser"], passwd=HONEYPOT["mysqlpw"], db=HONEYPOT["mysqldb"], cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) except MySQLdb.Error,e: logme(MODUL,"[ERROR] %s" %(str(e)),("P3","LOG"),ECFG)
def cowrie(): MODUL = "COWRIE" logme(MODUL, "Starting Cowrie Modul.", ("P1"), ECFG) # collect honeypot config dic ITEMS = ("cowrie", "nodeid", "logfile") HONEYPOT = readcfg(MODUL, ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) HONEYPOT["ip"] = readonecfg(MODUL, "ip", ECFG["cfgfile"]) if HONEYPOT["ip"].lower() == "false" or HONEYPOT["ip"].lower() == "null": HONEYPOT["ip"] = ECFG["ip"] # logfile file exists ? if os.path.isfile(HONEYPOT["logfile"]) is False: logme(MODUL, "[ERROR] Missing LogFile " + HONEYPOT["logfile"] + ". Skip !", ("P3", "LOG"), ECFG) # count limit imin = int(countme(MODUL, 'fileline', -1, ECFG)) if int(ECFG["sendlimit"]) > 0: logme( MODUL, "Send Limit is set to : " + str(ECFG["sendlimit"]) + ". Adapting to limit!", ("P1"), ECFG) I = 0 x = 0 y = 1 esm = ewsauth(ECFG["username"], ECFG["token"]) jesm = "" # dict to gather session information cowriesessions = {} sessionstosend = [] while True: x, y = viewcounter(MODUL, x, y) I += 1 if int(ECFG["sendlimit"]) > 0 and I > int(ECFG["sendlimit"]): break line = getline(HONEYPOT["logfile"], (imin + I)).rstrip() currentline = imin + I if len(line) == 0: break else: # parse json try: content = json.loads(line) except ValueError, e: logme( MODUL, "Invalid json entry found in line " + str(I) + ", skipping entry.", ("P3"), ECFG) countme(MODUL, 'fileline', -2, ECFG) countme(MODUL, 'daycounter', -2, ECFG) pass # invalid json else: # if new session is started, store session-related info if (content['eventid'] == "cowrie.session.connect"): # create empty session content: structure will be the same as kippo # | id | username | password | success | logintimestamp | session | sessionstarttime| sessionendtime | ip | cowrieip | version| src_port|dst_port cowriesessions[content["session"]] = [ I, '', '', '', '', content["session"], content["timestamp"], '', content["src_ip"], content["sensor"], '', content["src_port"], content["dst_port"] ] # store correponding ssh client version if (content['eventid'] == "cowrie.client.version"): if content["session"] in cowriesessions: cowriesessions[ content["session"]][10] = content["version"] # create successful login if (content['eventid'] == "cowrie.login.success"): if content["session"] in cowriesessions: cowriesessions[content["session"]][0] = currentline cowriesessions[content["session"]][3] = "Success" cowriesessions[ content["session"]][1] = content["username"] cowriesessions[ content["session"]][2] = content["password"] cowriesessions[ content["session"]][4] = content["timestamp"] sessionstosend.append( deepcopy(cowriesessions[content["session"]])) # create failed login elif (content['eventid'] == "cowrie.login.failed"): if content["session"] in cowriesessions: cowriesessions[content["session"]][0] = currentline cowriesessions[content["session"]][3] = "Fail" cowriesessions[ content["session"]][1] = content["username"] cowriesessions[ content["session"]][2] = content["password"] cowriesessions[ content["session"]][4] = content["timestamp"] sessionstosend.append( deepcopy(cowriesessions[content["session"]])) # store session close if (content['eventid'] == "cowrie.session.closed"): for n, i in enumerate(sessionstosend): if (i[5] == content["session"]): i[7] = content["timestamp"]
def glastopfv3(): MODUL = "GLASTOPFV3" logme(MODUL, "Starting Glastopf V3.x Modul.", ("P1"), ECFG) # collect honeypot config dic ITEMS = ("glastopfv3", "nodeid", "sqlitedb", "malwaredir") HONEYPOT = readcfg(MODUL, ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) HONEYPOT["ip"] = readonecfg(MODUL, "ip", ECFG["cfgfile"]) if HONEYPOT["ip"].lower() == "false" or HONEYPOT["ip"].lower() == "null": HONEYPOT["ip"] = ECFG["ip"] # Malwaredir exist ? Issue in Glastopf ! RFI Directory first create when the first RFI was downloaded #if os.path.isdir(HONEYPOT["malwaredir"]) == False: # logme(MODUL,"[ERROR] Missing Malware Dir " + HONEYPOT["malwaredir"] + ". Abort !",("P3","LOG"),ECFG) # return # is sqlitedb exist ? if os.path.isfile(HONEYPOT["sqlitedb"]) is False: logme( MODUL, "[INFO] Missing sqlitedb file " + HONEYPOT["sqlitedb"] + ". Skip !", ("P3", "LOG"), ECFG) return # open database con = sqlite3.connect(HONEYPOT["sqlitedb"], 30) con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row c = con.cursor() # calculate send limit c.execute("SELECT max(id) from events") maxid = c.fetchone()["max(id)"] if maxid is None: logme(MODUL, "[INFO] No entry's in Glastopf Database. Skip !", ("P2", "LOG"), ECFG) return imin, imax = calcminmax(MODUL, int(countme(MODUL, 'sqliteid', -1, ECFG)), int(maxid), ECFG) # read alerts from database c.execute("SELECT * from events where id > ? and id <= ?;", (imin, imax)) rows = c.fetchall() # counter inits x = 0 y = 1 esm = ewsauth(ECFG["username"], ECFG["token"]) jesm = "" for row in rows: x, y = viewcounter(MODUL, x, y) # filter empty requests and nagios checks if row["request_url"] == os.sep or row[ "request_url"] == "/": countme(MODUL, 'sqliteid', row["id"], ECFG) continue # Prepair and collect Alert Data DATA = { "aid": HONEYPOT["nodeid"], "timestamp": row["time"], "sadr": re.sub(":.*$", "", row["source"]), "sipv": "ipv" + ip4or6(re.sub(":.*$", "", row["source"])), "sprot": "tcp", "sport": "", "tipv": "ipv" + ip4or6(HONEYPOT["ip"]), "tadr": HONEYPOT["ip"], "tprot": "tcp", "tport": "80", } REQUEST = { "description": "WebHoneypot : Glastopf v3.1", "url": urllib.quote(row["request_url"].encode('ascii', 'ignore')) } if "request_raw" in row.keys() and len(row["request_raw"]) > 0: REQUEST["raw"] = base64.encodestring(row["request_raw"].encode( 'ascii', 'ignore')) if "filename" in row.keys() and row["filename"] != None: error, malwarefile = malware(HONEYPOT["malwaredir"], row["filename"], ECFG["del_malware_after_send"]) if error == 0: REQUEST["binary"] = malwarefile else: logme(MODUL, "Mission Malwarefile %s" % row["filename"], ("P1", "LOG"), ECFG) # Collect additional Data ADATA = { "sqliteid": row["id"], } if "request_method" in row.keys(): ADATA["httpmethod"] = row["request_method"] if "request_raw" in row.keys(): m ='Host: (\b.+\b)', row["request_raw"], re.M) if m: ADATA["host"] = str( if "request_header" in row.keys(): if 'Host' in json.loads(row["request_header"]): ADATA["host"] = str(json.loads(row["request_header"])["Host"]) if "request_body" in row.keys(): if len(row["request_body"]) > 0: ADATA["requestbody"] = row["request_body"] esm = buildews(esm, DATA, REQUEST, ADATA) if "request_body" in row.keys(): if len(row["request_body"]) > 0: ADATA["requestbody"] = row["request_body"] esm = buildews(esm, DATA, REQUEST, ADATA) jesm = buildjson(jesm, DATA, REQUEST, ADATA) countme(MODUL, 'sqliteid', row["id"], ECFG) countme(MODUL, 'daycounter', -2, ECFG) if ECFG["a.verbose"] is True: verbosemode(MODUL, DATA, REQUEST, ADATA) con.close() if int(esm.xpath('count(//Alert)')) > 0: sendews(esm) writejson(jesm) if y > 1: logme(MODUL, "%s EWS alert records send ..." % (x + y - 1), ("P2"), ECFG) return
logme(MODUL, "EWSrun finish.", ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) while True: if ECFG["a.daycounter"] is True: daycounterreset(lock, ECFG) if ECFG["a.ewsonly"] is False: sender() for i in ("glastopfv3", "glastopfv2", "kippo", "dionaea", "honeytrap", "rdpdetect", "emobility", "conpot", "cowrie"): if ECFG["a.modul"]: if ECFG["a.modul"] == i: if readonecfg(i.upper(), i, ECFG["cfgfile"]).lower() == "true": eval(i + '()') break else: continue if readonecfg(i.upper(), i, ECFG["cfgfile"]).lower() == "true": eval(i + '()') if int(ECFG["a.loop"]) == 0: logme(MODUL, "EWSrun finish.", ("P1"), ECFG) break else: logme(MODUL, "Sleeping for %s seconds ...." % ECFG["a.loop"], ("P1"), ECFG) time.sleep(int(ECFG["a.loop"]))
def ecfg(name, version): MODUL = "EINIT" ECFG = {} parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--configpath", help="Load configuration file from Path") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="set output verbosity", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="set output debug", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "-l", "--loop", help="Go in endless loop. Set {xx} for seconds to wait for next loop", type=int, default=0, action="store") parser.add_argument("-m", "--modul", help="only send alerts for this modul", choices=[ 'glastopfv3', 'glastopfv2', 'kippo', 'dionaea', 'honeytrap', 'rdpdetect', 'emobility', 'conpot', 'cowrie', 'elasticpot', 'suricata', 'rdpy', 'mailoney', 'vnclowpot', 'heralding', 'ciscoasa', 'tanner', 'glutton' ], action="store") parser.add_argument("-s", "--silent", help="silent mode without output", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-i", "--ignorecert", help="ignore certificate warnings", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-S", "--sendonly", help="only send unsend alerts", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-E", "--ewsonly", help="only generate ews alerts files", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-dcr", "--daycounter", help="reset and log daycounters for all honeypots", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-j", "--jsonpath", help="Write JSON output file to path") parser.add_argument( "-L", "--sendlimit", help="Set {xxx} for max alerts will send in one session", type=int, action="store") parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", help="show the EWS Poster Version", action="version", version=name + " " + version) args = parser.parse_args() if args.sendlimit: ECFG["sendlimit2"] = args.sendlimit else: ECFG["sendlimit2"] = "" if args.loop: ECFG["a.loop"] = args.loop else: ECFG["a.loop"] = 0 if args.verbose: ECFG["a.verbose"] = True else: ECFG["a.verbose"] = False if args.debug: ECFG["a.debug"] = True else: ECFG["a.debug"] = False if args.ignorecert: ECFG["a.ignorecert"] = True else: ECFG["a.ignorecert"] = False if args.silent: ECFG["a.silent"] = True else: ECFG["a.silent"] = False if args.daycounter: ECFG["a.daycounter"] = True else: ECFG["a.daycounter"] = False if args.sendonly: ECFG["a.sendonly"] = True else: ECFG["a.sendonly"] = False if args.ewsonly: ECFG["a.ewsonly"] = True else: ECFG["a.ewsonly"] = False if args.configpath: ECFG["path2"] = args.configpath if os.path.isdir(args.configpath) is not True: logme(MODUL, "ConfigPath %s did not exist. Abort !" % (args.configpath), ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) else: ECFG["path2"] = "" if args.modul and args.modul in [ 'glastopfv3', 'glastopfv2', 'kippo', 'dionaea', 'honeytrap', 'rdpdetect', 'emobility', 'conpot', 'cowrie', 'elasticpot', 'suricata', 'rdpy', 'mailoney', 'vnclowpot', 'heralding', 'ciscoasa', 'tanner', 'glutton' ]: ECFG["a.modul"] = args.modul else: ECFG["a.modul"] = "" if args.jsonpath: ECFG["a.jsondir"] = args.jsonpath if os.path.isdir(args.jsonpath) is not True: logme(MODUL, "JsonPath %s did not exist. Abort !" % (args.jsonpath), ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) else: ECFG["a.jsondir"] = "" # say hello logme( MODUL, name + " " + version + " (c) by Markus Schroer <*****@*****.**>\n", ("P0"), ECFG) # read EWSPoster Main Path ECFG["path"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).replace( "/moduls", "") if ECFG["path2"] == "": ECFG["path2"] = ECFG["path"] if os.path.isfile(ECFG["path2"] + os.sep + "ews.cfg") is False: logme( MODUL, "Missing EWS Config %s. Abort !" % (ECFG["path2"] + os.sep + "ews.cfg"), ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) else: ECFG["cfgfile"] = ECFG["path2"] + os.sep + "ews.cfg" # Create IDX File if not exist if os.path.isfile(ECFG["path"] + os.sep + "ews.idx") is False:["path"] + os.sep + "ews.idx", os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) logme(MODUL, "Create ews.idx counterfile", ("P1"), ECFG) # Read Main Config Parameter ITEMS = ("homedir", "spooldir", "logdir", "contact", "del_malware_after_send", "send_malware", "sendlimit") MCFG = readcfg("MAIN", ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) # IP Handling # try to determine the external IP MCFG["ip"] = getOwnExternalIP(ECFG) if not MCFG["ip"]: logme( MODUL, "External IP address cannot be determined. Set external IP in ews.cfg, ews.ip or env variable MY_EXTIP or allow external api request.. Abort !", ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) logme(MODUL, "Using external IP address " + str(MCFG["ip"]), ("P1", "Log"), ECFG) # sendlimit expect if ECFG["sendlimit2"] != "": MCFG["sendlimit"] = ECFG["sendlimit2"] if int(MCFG["sendlimit"]) > 500: logme( MODUL, "Error Sendlimit " + str(MCFG["sendlimit"]) + " to high. Max 500 ! ", ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) elif int(MCFG["sendlimit"]) < 1: logme( MODUL, "Error Sendlimit " + str(MCFG["sendlimit"]) + " to low. Min 1 ! ", ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) elif MCFG["sendlimit"] == "NULL" or str(MCFG["sendlimit"]) == "UNKNOW": logme( MODUL, "Error Sendlimit " + str(MCFG["sendlimit"]) + " Must set between 1 and 500. ", ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) # send_malware ? if MCFG["send_malware"].lower() == "true": MCFG["send_malware"] = True else: MCFG["send_malware"] = False # del_malware_after_send ? if MCFG["del_malware_after_send"].lower() == "true": MCFG["del_malware_after_send"] = True else: MCFG["del_malware_after_send"] = False # home dir available ? if os.path.isdir(MCFG["homedir"]) is not True: logme(MODUL, "Error missing homedir " + MCFG["homedir"] + " Abort !", ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) else: os.chdir(MCFG["homedir"]) # spool dir available ? if os.path.isdir(MCFG["spooldir"]) is not True: logme(MODUL, "Error missing spooldir " + MCFG["spooldir"] + " Abort !", ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) # log dir available ? MCFG["logdir"] = readonecfg("MAIN", "logdir", ECFG["cfgfile"]) if MCFG["logdir"] != "NULL" and MCFG[ "logdir"] != "FALSE" and os.path.isdir(MCFG["logdir"]) is True: MCFG["logfile"] = MCFG["logdir"] + os.sep + "ews.log" elif MCFG["logdir"] != "NULL" and MCFG[ "logdir"] != "FALSE" and os.path.isdir(MCFG["logdir"]) is True: logme(MODUL, "Error missing logdir " + MCFG["logdir"] + " Abort !", ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) else: MCFG["logfile"] = "/var/log" + os.sep + "ews.log" # Proxy Settings ? MCFG["proxy"] = readonecfg(MODUL, "proxy", ECFG["cfgfile"]) # Read EWS Config Parameter ITEMS = ("ews", "username", "token", "rhost_first", "rhost_second") EWSCFG = readcfg("EWS", ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) # Set ews real true or false if EWSCFG["ews"].lower() == "true": EWSCFG["ews"] = True else: EWSCFG["ews"] = False # ignore cert validation if ignorecert-parameter is set EWSCFGCERT = readonecfg("EWS", "ignorecert", ECFG["cfgfile"]) if EWSCFGCERT.lower() == "true": ECFG["a.ignorecert"] = True # Read HPFEED Config Parameter ITEMS = ("hpfeed", "host", "port", "channels", "ident", "secret") HCFG = readcfg("HPFEED", ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) if HCFG["hpfeed"].lower() == "true": HCFG["hpfeed"] = True else: HCFG["hpfeed"] = False # Read EWSJSON Config Parameter ITEMS = ("json", "jsondir") EWSJSON = readcfg("EWSJSON", ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) if EWSJSON["json"].lower() == "true": EWSJSON["json"] = True if os.path.isdir(EWSJSON["jsondir"]) is True: EWSJSON["jsondir"] = EWSJSON["jsondir"] + os.sep + "ews.json" else: logme(MODUL, "Error missing jsondir " + EWSJSON["jsondir"] + " Abort !", ("P1", "EXIT"), ECFG) else: EWSJSON["json"] = False if ECFG["a.jsondir"] != "" and os.path.isdir(ECFG["a.jsondir"]) is True: EWSJSON["json"] = True EWSJSON["jsondir"] = ECFG["a.jsondir"] + os.sep + "ews.json" ECFG.update(MCFG) ECFG.update(EWSCFG) ECFG.update(HCFG) ECFG.update(EWSJSON) return ECFG
def ecfg(name,version): MODUL = "EINIT" ECFG= {} parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c","--configpath", help="Load configuration file from Path") parser.add_argument("-v","--verbose", help="set output verbosity",action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-d","--debug", help="set output debug",action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-s","--silent", help="silent mode without output",action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-S","--sendonly", help="only send unsend alerts",action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-E","--ewsonly", help="only generate ews alerts files",action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-dcr","--daycounter", help="reset and log daycounters for all honeypots",action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-V","--version", help="show the EWS Poster Version",action="version", version=name + " " + version) args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: ECFG["a.verbose"] = True else: ECFG["a.verbose"] = False if args.debug: ECFG["a.debug"] = True else: ECFG["a.debug"] = False if args.silent: ECFG["a.silent"] = True else: ECFG["a.silent"] = False if args.daycounter: ECFG["a.daycounter"] = True else: ECFG["a.daycounter"] = False if args.sendonly: ECFG["a.sendonly"] = True else: ECFG["a.sendonly"] = False if args.ewsonly: ECFG["a.ewsonly"] = True else: ECFG["a.ewsonly"] = False if args.configpath: ECFG["path2"] = args.configpath if os.path.isdir(args.configpath) is not True: logme(MODUL,"ConfigPath %s did not exist. Abort !" % (args.configpath),("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) else: ECFG["path2"] = "" # say hello logme(MODUL,name + " " + version + " (c) by Markus Schroer <*****@*****.**>\n",("P0"),ECFG) # read EWSPoster Main Path ECFG["path"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).replace("/moduls","") if ECFG["path2"] == "": ECFG["path2"] = ECFG["path"] if os.path.isfile(ECFG["path2"] + os.sep + "ews.cfg" ) is False: logme(MODUL,"Missing EWS Config %s. Abort !"%(ECFG["path2"] + os.sep + "ews.cfg"),("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) else: ECFG["cfgfile"] = ECFG["path2"] + os.sep + "ews.cfg" # Create IDX File if not exist if os.path.isfile(ECFG["path"] + os.sep + "ews.idx" ) is False:["path"] + os.sep + "ews.idx", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT ) logme(MODUL,"Create ews.idx counterfile",("P1"),ECFG) # Read Main Config Parameter ITEMS = ("homedir","spooldir","logdir","contact","del_malware_after_send","send_malware","sendlimit") MCFG = readcfg("MAIN",ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) # IP Handling ewsip = ECFG["path2"] + os.sep + "ews.ip" MCFG["ip"] = readonecfg("MAIN","ip", ECFG["cfgfile"]) if os.path.isfile(ewsip) is True: MCFG["ip"] = readonecfg("MAIN","ip", ewsip) if MCFG["ip"].lower() == "null": logme(MODUL,"Error IP Address in File " + ewsip + " not set. Abort !",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) if MCFG["ip"].lower() == "null" or MCFG["ip"].lower() == "false": logme(MODUL,"Error IP Address in ews.cfg not set or null. Abort !",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) # sendlimit expect if int(MCFG["sendlimit"]) > 400: logme(MODUL,"Error Sendlimit " + MCFG["sendlimit"] + " to high. Max 400 ! ",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) elif int(MCFG["sendlimit"]) < 1: logme(MODUL,"Error Sendlimit " + MCFG["sendlimit"] + " to low. Min 1 ! ",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) elif MCFG["sendlimit"] == "NULL" or MCFG["sendlimit"] == "UNKNOW": logme(MODUL,"Error Sendlimit " + MCFG["sendlimit"] + " Must set between 1 and 400. ",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) # send_malware ? if MCFG["send_malware"].lower() == "true": MCFG["send_malware"] = True else: MCFG["send_malware"] = False # del_malware_after_send ? if MCFG["del_malware_after_send"].lower() == "true": MCFG["del_malware_after_send"] = True else: MCFG["del_malware_after_send"] = False # home dir available ? if os.path.isdir(MCFG["homedir"]) is not True: logme(MODUL,"Error missing homedir " + MCFG["homedir"] + " Abort !",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) else: os.chdir(MCFG["homedir"]) # spool dir available ? if os.path.isdir(MCFG["spooldir"]) is not True: logme(MODUL,"Error missing spooldir " + MCFG["spooldir"] + " Abort !",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) # log dir available ? MCFG["logdir"] = readonecfg("MAIN","logdir", ECFG["cfgfile"]) if MCFG["logdir"] != "NULL" and MCFG["logdir"] != "FALSE" and os.path.isdir(MCFG["logdir"]) is True: MCFG["logfile"] = MCFG["logdir"] + os.sep + "ews.log" elif MCFG["logdir"] != "NULL" and MCFG["logdir"] != "FALSE" and os.path.isdir(MCFG["logdir"]) is True: logme(MODUL,"Error missing logdir " + MCFG["logdir"] + " Abort !",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) else: MCFG["logfile"] = "/var/log" + os.sep + "ews.log" # Proxy Settings ? MCFG["proxy"] = readonecfg(MODUL,"proxy", ECFG["cfgfile"]) # Read EWS Config Parameter ITEMS = ("ews","username","token","rhost_first","rhost_second") EWSCFG = readcfg("EWS",ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) # Set ews real true or false if EWSCFG["ews"].lower() == "true": EWSCFG["ews"] = True else: EWSCFG["ews"] = False # Read HPFEED Config Parameter ITEMS = ("hpfeed","host","port","channels","ident","secret") HCFG = readcfg("HPFEED",ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) if HCFG["hpfeed"].lower() == "true": HCFG["hpfeed"] = True else: HCFG["hpfeed"] = False # Read EWSJSON Config Parameter ITEMS = ("json","jsondir") EWSJSON = readcfg("EWSJSON",ITEMS, ECFG["cfgfile"]) if EWSJSON["json"].lower() == "true": EWSJSON["json"] = True else: EWSJSON["json"] = False if EWSJSON["jsondir"] != "NULL" and EWSJSON["jsondir"] != "FALSE" and os.path.isdir(EWSJSON["jsondir"]) is True: EWSJSON["jsondir"] = EWSJSON["jsondir"] + os.sep + "ews.json" else: logme(MODUL,"Error missing jsondir " + EWSJSON["jsondir"] + " Abort !",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) ECFG.update(MCFG) ECFG.update(EWSCFG) ECFG.update(HCFG) ECFG.update(EWSJSON) return ECFG
def glastopfv3(): MODUL = "GLASTOPFV3" logme(MODUL,"Starting Glastopf V3.x Modul.",("P1"),ECFG) # collect honeypot config dic ITEMS = ("glastopfv3","nodeid","sqlitedb","malwaredir") HONEYPOT = readcfg(MODUL,ITEMS,ECFG["cfgfile"]) HONEYPOT["ip"] = readonecfg(MODUL,"ip", ECFG["cfgfile"]) if HONEYPOT["ip"].lower() == "false" or HONEYPOT["ip"].lower() == "null": HONEYPOT["ip"] = ECFG["ip"] # Malwaredir exist ? Issue in Glastopf ! RFI Directory first create when the first RFI was downloaded #if os.path.isdir(HONEYPOT["malwaredir"]) == False: # logme(MODUL,"[ERROR] Missing Malware Dir " + HONEYPOT["malwaredir"] + ". Abort !",("P3","LOG"),ECFG) # return # is sqlitedb exist ? if os.path.isfile(HONEYPOT["sqlitedb"]) is False: logme(MODUL,"[ERROR] Missing sqlitedb file " + HONEYPOT["sqlitedb"] + ". Abort !",("P3","LOG"),ECFG) return # open database con = sqlite3.connect(HONEYPOT["sqlitedb"],30) con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row c = con.cursor() # calculate send limit c.execute("SELECT max(id) from events") maxid = c.fetchone()["max(id)"] if maxid is None: logme(MODUL,"[ERROR] No entry's in Glastopf Database. Abort!",("P2","LOG"),ECFG) return imin, imax = calcminmax(MODUL,int(countme(MODUL,'sqliteid',-1,ECFG)),int(maxid),ECFG) # read alerts from database c.execute("SELECT * from events where id > ? and id <= ?;",(imin,imax)) rows = c.fetchall() # counter inits x = 0 ; y = 1 esm = ewsauth(ECFG["username"],ECFG["token"]) jesm = [ ] for row in rows: x,y = viewcounter(MODUL,x,y) # filter empty requests and nagios checks if row["request_url"] == os.sep or row["request_url"] == "/": countme(MODUL,'sqliteid',row["id"],ECFG) continue # Prepair and collect Alert Data DATA = { "aid" : HONEYPOT["nodeid"], "timestamp" : row["time"], "sadr" : re.sub(":.*$","",row["source"]), "sipv" : "ipv" + ip4or6(re.sub(":.*$","",row["source"])), "sprot" : "tcp", "sport" : "", "tipv" : "ipv" + ip4or6(HONEYPOT["ip"]), "tadr" : HONEYPOT["ip"], "tprot" : "tcp", "tport" : "80", } REQUEST = { "description" : "WebHoneypot : Glastopf v3.1", "url" : urllib.quote(row["request_url"]) } if "request_raw" in row.keys() and len(row["request_raw"]) > 0: #REQUEST["raw"] = base64.standard_b64encode(row["request_raw"]) REQUEST["raw"] = base64.encodestring(row["request_raw"]) if "filename" in row.keys() and row["filename"] != None: error,malwarefile = malware(HONEYPOT["malwaredir"],row["filename"],ECFG["del_malware_after_send"]) if error == 0: REQUEST["binary"] = malwarefile else: logme(MODUL,"Mission Malwarefile %s" % row["filename"] ,("P1","LOG"),ECFG) # Collect additional Data ADATA = { "sqliteid" : row ["id"], } if "request_method" in row.keys(): ADATA["httpmethod"] = row["request_method"] if "request_raw" in row.keys(): m = r'Host: (\b.+\b)', row["request_raw"] , re.M) if m: ADATA["host"] = str( if "request_header" in row.keys(): if 'Host' in json.loads(row["request_header"]): ADATA["host"] = str(json.loads(row["request_header"])["Host"]) if "request_body" in row.keys(): if len(row["request_body"]) > 0: ADATA["requestbody"] = row["request_body"] esm = buildews(esm,DATA,REQUEST,ADATA) jesm = buildjson(jesm,DATA,REQUEST,ADATA) countme(MODUL,'sqliteid',row["id"],ECFG) countme(MODUL,'daycounter', -2,ECFG) if ECFG["a.verbose"] is True: verbosemode(MODUL,DATA,REQUEST,ADATA) con.close() if int(esm.xpath('count(//Alert)')) > 0: sendews(esm) writejson(jesm) if y > 1: logme(MODUL,"%s EWS alert records send ..." % (x+y-1),("P2"),ECFG) return
lock = locksocket(name) if lock is True: logme(MODUL,"Create lock socket successfull.",("P1"),ECFG) else: logme(MODUL,"Another Instance is running !",("P1"),ECFG) logme(MODUL,"EWSrun finish.",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) if ECFG["a.daycounter"] is True: daycounterreset(lock,ECFG) if ECFG["a.ewsonly"] is False: sender() if readonecfg("GLASTOPFV3","glastopfv3",ECFG["cfgfile"]).lower() == "true": glastopfv3() if readonecfg("GLASTOPFV2","glastopfv2",ECFG["cfgfile"]).lower() == "true": glastopfv2() if readonecfg("KIPPO","kippo",ECFG["cfgfile"]).lower() == "true": kippo() if readonecfg("DIONAEA","dionaea",ECFG["cfgfile"]).lower() == "true": dionaea() if readonecfg("HONEYTRAP","honeytrap",ECFG["cfgfile"]).lower() == "true": honeytrap() if readonecfg("RDPDETECT","rdpdetect",ECFG["cfgfile"]).lower() == "true":
logme(MODUL,"EWSrun finish.",("P1","EXIT"),ECFG) while True: if ECFG["a.daycounter"] is True: daycounterreset(lock,ECFG) if ECFG["a.ewsonly"] is False: sender() for i in ("glastopfv3", "glastopfv2", "kippo", "dionaea", "honeytrap", "rdpdetect", "emobility"): if ECFG["a.modul"]: if ECFG["a.modul"] == i: if readonecfg(i.upper(),i,ECFG["cfgfile"]).lower() == "true": eval(i+'()') break else: continue if readonecfg(i.upper(),i,ECFG["cfgfile"]).lower() == "true": eval(i+'()') if int(ECFG["a.loop"]) == 0: logme(MODUL,"EWSrun finish.",("P1"),ECFG) break else: logme(MODUL,"Sleeping for %s seconds ...." % ECFG["a.loop"] ,("P1"),ECFG) time.sleep(int(ECFG["a.loop"]))