예제 #1
def test_smiles_load_datasets(smiles_args):  # noqa: F811
    model = SmilesMolbertModel(smiles_args)

    datasets = model.load_datasets()

    for key in ['train', 'valid', 'test']:
        assert key in datasets.keys()
        assert isinstance(datasets[key], BertSmilesDataset)
예제 #2
    def __init__(
        checkpoint_path: str,
        device: str = None,
        embedding_type: str = 'pooled',
        max_seq_len: Optional[int] = None,
        permute: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
            checkpoint_path: path or S3 location of trained model checkpoint
            device: device for torch
            embedding_type: method to reduce MolBERT encoding to an output set of features. Default: 'pooled'
                Other options are embeddings summed or concat across layers, and then averaged
                Raw sequence and pooled output is also available (set to 'dict')
                average-sum-[2|4], average-cat-[2,4], average-[1|2|3|4], average-1-cat-pooled, pooled, dict
            max_seq_len: used by the tokenizer, SMILES longer than this will fail to featurize
                MolBERT was trained with SuperPositionalEncodings (TransformerXL) to decoupled from the training setup
                By default the training config is used (128). If you have long SMILES to featurize, increase this value
        self.checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path
        self.model_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(checkpoint_path))
        self.hparams_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'hparams.yaml')
        self.device = device or 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
        self.embedding_type = embedding_type
        self.output_all = False if self.embedding_type in ['pooled'] else True
        self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len
        self.permute = permute

        # load config
        with open(self.hparams_path) as yaml_file:
            config_dict = yaml.load(yaml_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

        logger.debug('loaded model trained with hparams:')

        # load smiles index featurizer
        self.featurizer = self.load_featurizer(config_dict)

        # load model
        self.config = Namespace(**config_dict)
        self.model = SmilesMolbertModel(self.config)

        # HACK: manually load model weights since they don't seem to load from checkpoint (PL v.0.8.5)
        checkpoint = torch.load(self.checkpoint_path,
                                map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)


        self.model = self.model.to(self.device)

        if self.output_all:
            self.model.model.config.output_hidden_states = True
예제 #3
def test_smiles_model_tasks(smiles_args, smiles_model, dummy_model_inputs,
                            dummy_labels):  # noqa: F811
    for masked_lm in [True, False]:
        for is_same in [True, False]:
            for num_physchem in [0, 200]:
                if not (masked_lm or is_same or num_physchem):

                smiles_args.masked_lm = masked_lm
                smiles_args.is_same_smiles = is_same
                smiles_args.num_physchem_properties = num_physchem
                smiles_model = SmilesMolbertModel(smiles_args)

                config = smiles_model.get_config()
                tasks = smiles_model.get_tasks(config)

                num_expected_tasks = int(masked_lm) + int(is_same) + (
                    num_physchem > 0)
                assert len(tasks) == num_expected_tasks

                # test that forward returns outputs for all tasks
                output = smiles_model(dummy_model_inputs)

                if masked_lm:
                    masked_lm_task = list(
                        filter(lambda t: t.name == 'masked_lm', tasks))
                    assert len(masked_lm_task) == 1
                    masked_lm_task = masked_lm_task[0]
                    assert isinstance(masked_lm_task, MaskedLMTask)
                    assert 'masked_lm' in output.keys()

                if is_same:
                    is_same_task = list(
                        filter(lambda t: t.name == 'is_same', tasks))
                    assert len(is_same_task) == 1
                    is_same_task = is_same_task[0]
                    assert isinstance(is_same_task, IsSameTask)
                    assert 'is_same' in output.keys()

                if num_physchem > 0:
                    physchem_task = list(
                        filter(lambda t: t.name == 'physchem_props', tasks))
                    assert len(physchem_task) == 1
                    physchem_task = physchem_task[0]
                    assert isinstance(physchem_task, PhyschemTask)
                    assert 'physchem_props' in output.keys()
예제 #4
class MolBertFeaturizer:
    This featurizer takes a molbert model and transforms the input data and
    returns the representation in the last layer (pooled output and sequence_output).

    def __init__(
        checkpoint_path: str,
        device: str = None,
        embedding_type: str = 'pooled',
        max_seq_len: Optional[int] = None,
        permute: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
            checkpoint_path: path or S3 location of trained model checkpoint
            device: device for torch
            embedding_type: method to reduce MolBERT encoding to an output set of features. Default: 'pooled'
                Other options are embeddings summed or concat across layers, and then averaged
                Raw sequence and pooled output is also available (set to 'dict')
                average-sum-[2|4], average-cat-[2,4], average-[1|2|3|4], average-1-cat-pooled, pooled, dict
            max_seq_len: used by the tokenizer, SMILES longer than this will fail to featurize
                MolBERT was trained with SuperPositionalEncodings (TransformerXL) to decoupled from the training setup
                By default the training config is used (128). If you have long SMILES to featurize, increase this value
        self.checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path
        self.model_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(checkpoint_path))
        self.hparams_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'hparams.yaml')
        self.device = device or 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
        self.embedding_type = embedding_type
        self.output_all = False if self.embedding_type in ['pooled'] else True
        self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len
        self.permute = permute

        # load config
        with open(self.hparams_path) as yaml_file:
            config_dict = yaml.load(yaml_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

        logger.debug('loaded model trained with hparams:')

        # load smiles index featurizer
        self.featurizer = self.load_featurizer(config_dict)

        # load model
        self.config = Namespace(**config_dict)
        self.model = SmilesMolbertModel(self.config)
        self.model.load_from_checkpoint(self.checkpoint_path, hparam_overrides=self.model.__dict__)

        # HACK: manually load model weights since they don't seem to load from checkpoint (PL v.0.8.5)
        checkpoint = torch.load(self.checkpoint_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)


        self.model = self.model.to(self.device)

        if self.output_all:
            self.model.model.config.output_hidden_states = True

    # def __getstate__(self):
    #    self.__dict__.update({'model': self.model.to('cpu')})
    #    self.__dict__.update({'device': 'cpu'})
    #    return self.__dict__

    def output_size(self) -> int:
        return self.model.config.hidden_size

    def transform_single(self, smiles: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, bool]:
        features, valid = self.transform([smiles])
        return features, valid[0]

    def transform(self, molecules: Sequence[Any]) -> Tuple[Union[Dict, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]:
        input_ids, valid = self.featurizer.transform(molecules)

        input_ids = self.trim_batch(input_ids, valid)

        token_type_ids = np.zeros_like(input_ids, dtype=np.long)
        attention_mask = np.zeros_like(input_ids, dtype=np.long)

        attention_mask[input_ids != 0] = 1

        input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)
        token_type_ids = torch.tensor(token_type_ids, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)
        attention_mask = torch.tensor(attention_mask, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)

        with torch.no_grad():
            outputs = self.model.model.bert(
                input_ids=input_ids, token_type_ids=token_type_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask

        if self.output_all:
            sequence_output, pooled_output, hidden = outputs
            sequence_output, pooled_output = outputs

        # set invalid outputs to 0s
        valid_tensor = torch.tensor(
            valid, dtype=sequence_output.dtype, device=sequence_output.device, requires_grad=False

        pooled_output = pooled_output * valid_tensor[:, None]

        # concatenate and sum last 4 layers
        if self.embedding_type == 'average-sum-4':
            sequence_out = torch.sum(torch.stack(hidden[-4:]), dim=0)  # B x L x H
        # concatenate and sum last 2 layers
        elif self.embedding_type == 'average-sum-2':
            sequence_out = torch.sum(torch.stack(hidden[-2:]), dim=0)  # B x L x H
        # concatenate last four hidden layer
        elif self.embedding_type == 'average-cat-4':
            sequence_out = torch.cat(hidden[-4:], dim=-1)  # B x L x 4*H
        # concatenate last two hidden layer
        elif self.embedding_type == 'average-cat-2':
            sequence_out = torch.cat(hidden[-2:], dim=-1)  # B x L x 2*H
        # only last layer - same as default sequence output
        elif self.embedding_type == 'average-1':
            sequence_out = hidden[-1]  # B x L x H
        # only penultimate layer
        elif self.embedding_type == 'average-2':
            sequence_out = hidden[-2]  # B x L x H
        # only 3rd to last layer
        elif self.embedding_type == 'average-3':
            sequence_out = hidden[-3]  # B x L x H
        # only 4th to last layer
        elif self.embedding_type == 'average-4':
            sequence_out = hidden[-4]  # B x L x H
        # defaults to last hidden layer
            sequence_out = sequence_output  # B x L x H

        sequence_out = sequence_out * valid_tensor[:, None, None]

        sequence_out = sequence_out.detach().cpu().numpy()
        pooled_output = pooled_output.detach().cpu().numpy()

        if self.embedding_type == 'pooled':
            out = pooled_output
        elif self.embedding_type == 'average-1-cat-pooled':
            sequence_out = np.mean(sequence_out, axis=1)
            out = np.concatenate([sequence_out, pooled_output], axis=-1)
        elif self.embedding_type.startswith('average'):
            out = np.mean(sequence_out, axis=1)
            out = dict(sequence_output=sequence_out, pooled_output=pooled_output)

        return out, valid

    def load_featurizer(self, config_dict):
        # load smiles index featurizer
        if self.max_seq_len is None:
            max_seq_len = config_dict.get('max_seq_length')
            logger.debug('getting smiles index featurizer of length: ', max_seq_len)
            max_seq_len = self.max_seq_len
        return SmilesIndexFeaturizer.bert_smiles_index_featurizer(max_seq_len, permute=self.permute)

    def trim_batch(input_ids, valid):

        # trim input horizontally if there is at least 1 valid data point
        if any(valid):
            _, cols = np.where(input_ids[valid] != 0)
        # else trim input down to 1 column (avoids empty batch error)
            cols = np.array([0])

        max_idx: int = int(cols.max().item() + 1)

        input_ids = input_ids[:, :max_idx]

        return input_ids
예제 #5
 def get_model(args) -> MolbertModel:
     return SmilesMolbertModel(args)
예제 #6
def smiles_model(smiles_args):
    model = SmilesMolbertModel(smiles_args)
    return model