def test_strata(valexamples, model): with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() results = [] labels = [] labelvec = torch.zeros(batch_size, dtype=torch.float32, device='cuda') for pos in range(0, len(valexamples), batch_size): batch = valexamples[pos:pos + batch_size] if len(batch) < batch_size: #wrap last batch batch += valexamples[:batch_size - len(batch)] batch = molgrid.ExampleVec(batch) batch.extract_label( 0, labelvec ) # extract first label (there is only one in this case) gmaker.forward(batch, input_tensor, 2, random_rotation=True ) #create grid; randomly translate/rotate molecule output = model(input_tensor) results.append(output.detach().cpu().numpy()) labels.append(labelvec.detach().cpu().numpy()) results = np.array(results).flatten() labels = np.array(labels).flatten() valrmse = np.sqrt(np.mean((results - labels)**2)) if np.isinf(valrmse): valrmse = 1000 valame = np.mean(np.abs(results - labels)) print("Validation", valrmse, valame) wandb.log({'valrmse': valrmse, 'valame': valame}) wandb.log({'valpred': results, 'valtrue': labels})
def train_strata(strata, model, optimizer, losses, maxepoch, stop=20000, initloss=1000): bestindex = len(losses) #position bestloss=100000 for _ in range(maxepoch): #do at most MAXEPOCH epochs, but should bail earlier np.random.shuffle(strata) for pos in range(0,len(strata),batch_size): batch = strata[pos:pos+batch_size] if len(batch) < batch_size: #wrap last batch batch += strata[:batch_size-len(batch)] batch = molgrid.ExampleVec(batch) batch.extract_label(0,labels) # extract first label (there is only one in this case) gmaker.forward(batch, input_tensor, 2, random_rotation=True) #create grid; randomly translate/rotate molecule output = model(input_tensor) #run model loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(output,labels) # THIS PART DIFFERENT loss.backward() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(),10) optimizer.step() losses.append(float(loss)) trailing = np.mean(losses[-TRAIL:]) if trailing < bestloss: bestloss = trailing bestindex = len(losses) wandb.log({'loss': float(loss),'trailing':trailing,'bestloss':bestloss,'stratasize':len(strata),'lr':optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']}) if len(losses)-bestindex > stop and bestloss < initloss: return bestloss # "converged" return bestloss
def train_strata(strata, model, optimizer, losses, maxepoch, stop=20000): bestloss = 100000 #best trailing average loss we've seen so far in this strata bestindex = len(losses) #position for _ in range( maxepoch): #do at most MAXEPOCH epochs, but should bail earlier np.random.shuffle(strata) for pos in range(0, len(strata), batch_size): batch = strata[pos:pos + batch_size] if len(batch) < batch_size: #wrap last batch batch += strata[:batch_size - len(batch)] batch = molgrid.ExampleVec(batch) batch.extract_label( 0, labels) # extract first label (there is only one in this case) gmaker.forward(batch, input_tensor, 2, random_rotation=True ) #create grid; randomly translate/rotate molecule output = model(input_tensor) #run model loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(output.flatten(), labels.flatten()) loss.backward() if args.clip > 0: nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), args.clip) optimizer.step() losses.append(float(loss)) trailing = np.mean(losses[-TRAIL:]) if trailing < bestloss: bestloss = trailing bestindex = len(losses) model.state_dict(), os.path.join(, '' % (_, pos, bestloss))) if (pos % 100) == 0: wandb.log({ 'loss': float(loss), 'trailing': trailing, 'bestloss': bestloss, 'stratasize': len(strata), 'lr': optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] }) if len(losses) - bestindex > stop: return True # "converged" return False
def test_examplevec(): m = pybel.readstring('smi','c1ccccc1CO') m.addh() m.make3D() c = molgrid.CoordinateSet(m,molgrid.ElementIndexTyper()) c2 = molgrid.CoordinateSet(m) c2.make_vector_types() #this should not screw up index types ex = molgrid.Example() ex.coord_sets.append(c) ex.labels.append(0) ex2 = molgrid.Example() ex2.coord_sets.append(c2) ex2.labels.append(1) evec = molgrid.ExampleVec([ex,ex2])
typer = molgrid.PythonCallbackIndexTyper(mytyper, 4, ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O']) tensor_shape = (1, ) + dims input_tensor = torch.zeros(tensor_shape, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) predictions = [] with torch.no_grad(): labelvec = torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) c = molgrid.CoordinateSet(mol, typer) ex = molgrid.Example() ex.coord_sets.append(c) batch = molgrid.ExampleVec([ex]) types = c.type_index.tonumpy() tcnts = np.array([np.count_nonzero(types == i) for i in range(4)]) base = linmodel.predict([tcnts]) start = time.time() for _ in range(args.n): gmaker.forward( batch, input_tensor, random_translation=2, random_rotation=True ) #create grid; randomly translate/rotate molecule output = model(input_tensor).cpu().numpy() pred = base[0] + output[0][0] #print(pred)