def get_box_from_system(item, structure_indices='all', check=True): if check: _digest_item(item, _form) structure_indices = _digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) from molsysmt.pbc import box_vectors_from_box_lengths_and_angles n_structures = get_n_structures_from_system(item, check=False) if item.unit_cell is not None: cell_lengths = _np.empty([n_structures,3], dtype='float64') cell_angles = _np.empty([n_structures,3], dtype='float64') for ii in range(3): cell_lengths[:,ii] = item.unit_cell[ii] cell_angles[:,ii] = item.unit_cell[ii+3] cell_lengths = _puw.quantity(cell_lengths, 'angstroms') cell_angles = _puw.quantity(cell_angles, 'degrees') box = box_vectors_from_box_lengths_and_angles(cell_lengths, cell_angles) box = _puw.standardize(box) else: box = None if structure_indices is not 'all': if box is not None: box = box[structure_indices,:,:] return box
def get_frame_from_atom(item, indices='all', structure_indices='all'): fff = open(item, 'rb') _ = pickle.load(fff) _ = pickle.load(fff) coordinates = pickle.load(fff) box = pickle.load(fff) time = pickle.load(fff) step = pickle.load(fff) fff.close() if coordinates is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': coordinates = coordinates[structure_indices, :, :] if indices is not 'all': coordinates = coordinates[:, indices, :] coordinates = puw.quantity(coordinates, to_unit='nm') if box is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': box = box[structure_indices, :, :] box = puw.quantity(box, to_unit='nm') if time is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': time = time[structure_indices] time = puw.quantity(time, to_unit='ps') if step is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': step = step[structure_indices, :, :] return step, time, coordinates, box
def to_molsysmt_TrajectoryDict(item, molecular_system=None, atom_indices='all', structure_indices='all'): tmp_item = {} fff = open(item, 'rb') _ = pickle.load(fff) _ = pickle.load(fff) coordinates = pickle.load(fff) box = pickle.load(fff) time = pickle.load(fff) step = pickle.load(fff) fff.close() if coordinates is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': coordinates = coordinates[structure_indices, :, :] if atom_indices is not 'all': coordinates = coordinates[:, atom_indices, :] coordinates = puw.quantity(coordinates, unit='nm') if box is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': box = box[structure_indices, :, :] box = puw.quantity(box, unit='nm') if time is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': time = time[structure_indices] time = puw.quantity(time, unit='ps') if step is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': step = step[structure_indices, :, :] tmp_item['coordinates'] = coordinates tmp_item['box'] = box tmp_item['time'] = time tmp_item['step'] = step if molecular_system is not None: tmp_molecular_system = molecular_system.combine_with_items(tmp_item) else: tmp_molecular_system = None return tmp_item, tmp_molecular_system
def atomic_radius(molecular_system, selection='all', type='vdw'): from molsysmt.basic import get from molsysmt.physico_chemical_properties.atoms.radius import units from molsysmt._private._digestion import digest_target if type == 'vdw': from molsysmt.physico_chemical_properties.atoms.radius import vdw as values else: raise NotImplementedError() atom_types = get(molecular_system, target='atom', selection=selection, type=True) output = [] for ii in atom_types: var_aux = values[ii.capitalize()] output.append(var_aux) output = puw.quantity(np.array(output), units) return output
def box_angles_from_box_vectors(box): n_structures = box.shape[0] tmp_box = np.asfortranarray(puw.get_value(box), dtype='float64') angles = libbox.angles_box(tmp_box, n_structures) angles = np.ascontiguousarray(angles, dtype='float64') del (tmp_box) return puw.quantity(angles.round(6), 'degrees')
def get_box_from_system(item, structure_indices='all', check=True): if check: _digest_item(item, _form) structure_indices = _digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) from molsysmt.pbc import box_vectors_from_box_lengths_and_angles lengths = _puw.quantity(item.unitcells[:,0:3]*0.1, unit='nm') angles = _puw.quantity(item.unitcells[:,3:6], unit='degrees') if structure_indices is not 'all': lengths = lengths[structure_indices,:] angles = angles[structure_indices,:] output = box_vectors_from_box_lengths_and_angles(lengths, angles) return output
def get_time_from_system(item, structure_indices='all', check=True): if check: _digest_item(item, _form) structure_indices = _digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) output = _puw.quantity(item.time, unit='ps') if structure_indices is not 'all': output = output[structure_indices] return output
def to_molsysmt_MolSys(item, atom_indices='all', structure_indices='all', check=True): if check: digest_item(item, 'file:msmpk') atom_indices = digest_atom_indices(atom_indices) structure_indices = digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) from ..molsysmt_MolSys import extract as extract_molsysmt_MolSys from molsysmt import puw import pickle fff = open(item,'rb') tmp_item = pickle.load(fff) fff.close() # lengths with nm values and time in ps if tmp_item.structures.coordinates is not None: value = tmp_item.structures.coordinates quantity = puw.quantity(value, 'nm') tmp_item.structures.coordinates = puw.standardize(quantity) if is not None: value = quantity = puw.quantity(value, 'nm') = puw.standardize(quantity) if tmp_item.structures.time is not None: value = tmp_item.structures.time quantity = puw.quantity(value, 'ps') tmp_item.structures.time = puw.standardize(quantity) tmp_item = extract_molsysmt_MolSys(tmp_item, atom_indices=atom_indices, structure_indices=structure_indices, copy_if_all=False, check=False) return tmp_item
def get_box_from_system(item, indices='all', structure_indices='all'): fff = open(item, 'rb') _ = pickle.load(fff) _ = pickle.load(fff) _ = pickle.load(fff) box = pickle.load(fff) fff.close() if box is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': box = box[structure_indices, :, :] box = puw.quantity(box, to_unit='nm') return box
def get_coordinates_from_atom(item, indices='all', structure_indices='all'): fff = open(item, 'rb') _ = pickle.load(fff) _ = pickle.load(fff) coordinates = pickle.load(fff) fff.close() if coordinates is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': coordinates = coordinates[structure_indices, :, :] if indices is not 'all': coordinates = coordinates[:, indices, :] coordinates = puw.quantity(coordinates, to_unit='nm') return coordinates
def get_coordinates_from_atom(item, indices='all', structure_indices='all', check=True): if check: _digest_item(item, _form) indices = _digest_indices(indices) structure_indices = _digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) coordinates= _puw.quantity( * 0.1, unit='nm') if indices is not 'all': coordinates = coordinates[:, atom_indices, :] if structure_indices is not 'all': coordinates = coordinates[structure_indices,:,:] return coordinates
def get_time_from_system(item, indices='all', structure_indices='all'): fff = open(item, 'rb') _ = pickle.load(fff) _ = pickle.load(fff) _ = pickle.load(fff) _ = pickle.load(fff) time = pickle.load(fff) fff.close() if time is not None: if structure_indices is not 'all': time = time[structure_indices] time = puw.quantity(time, to_unit='nm') return time
def get_coordinates_from_atom(item, indices='all', structure_indices='all', check=True): if check: _digest_item(item, _form) indices = _digest_indices(indices) xyz = _np.column_stack([item.x_coord_list, item.y_coord_list, item.z_coord_list]) xyz = xyz.reshape([-1, item.num_atoms, 3]) xyz = _puw.quantity(xyz, 'angstroms') xyz = _puw.standardize(xyz) if structure_indices is not 'all': xyz = xyz[structure_indices,:,:] if indices is not 'all': xyz = xyz[:,indices,:] return xyz
def get_sasa (molecular_system, target='atom', selection='all', structure_indices='all', syntaxis='MolSysMT', engine='MDTraj'): engine = digest_engine(engine) target = digest_target(target) if engine == 'MDTraj': from mdtraj import shrake_rupley tmp_item = convert(molecular_system, structure_indices=structure_indices, to_form='mdtraj.Trajectory') sasa_array = shrake_rupley(tmp_item, mode='atom') # tiene probe_radius y n_sphere_points if target=='atom': if selection is not 'all': atom_indices = select(molecular_system, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis) sasa_array = sasa_array[:,atom_indices] else: sets_atoms = get(molecular_system, target=target, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis, atom_index=True) n_sets = len(sets_atoms) n_structures = sasa_array.shape[0] new_sasa_array = np.empty([n_structures, n_sets], dtype='float') for ii in range(n_sets): new_sasa_array[:,ii] = sasa_array[:,sets_atoms[ii].astype(int)].sum(axis=1) sasa_array = new_sasa_array sasa_array = puw.quantity(sasa_array, 'nm**2') sasa_array = puw.standardize(sasa_array) else: raise NotImplementedError("Engine not implemented yet") return sasa_array
def mass(molecular_system, target='atom', selection='all'): from molsysmt.basic import get from molsysmt.physico_chemical_properties.atoms.mass import physical, units from molsysmt._private._digestion import digest_target target = digest_target(target) values = physical output = [] if target == 'atom': atom_types = get(molecular_system, target=target, selection=selection, atom_type=True) for ii in atom_types: output.append(values[ii.capitalize()]) elif target in ['group', 'component', 'molecule', 'chain', 'entity']: atom_types_in_target = get(molecular_system, target=target, selection=selection, atom_type=True) for aux in atom_types_in_target: output.append(np.sum([values[ii.capitalize()] for ii in aux])) elif target == 'system': atom_types_in_target = get(molecular_system, target='atom', selection='all', atom_type=True) output.append( np.sum([values[ii.capitalize()] for ii in atom_types_in_target])) if target == 'system': output = output[0] * puw.unit(units) else: output = puw.quantity(np.array(output), units) return output
def wrap_to_pbc(molecular_system, selection='all', structure_indices='all', center='[0,0,0] nanometers', center_of_selection=None, weights_for_center=None, recenter=True, keep_covalent_bonds=False, syntaxis='MolSysMT', engine='MolSysMT', in_place=False): engine = digest_engine(engine) structure_indices = digest_structure_indices(structure_indices) if engine == 'MolSysMT': from molsysmt.basic import select, get, set, extract, copy atom_indices = select(molecular_system, selection=selection, syntaxis=syntaxis) coordinates = get(molecular_system, target='atom', indices=atom_indices, coordinates=True) length_units = puw.get_unit(coordinates) n_structures = coordinates.shape[0] n_atoms = coordinates.shape[1] box, box_shape = get(molecular_system, target='system', structure_indices=structure_indices, box=True, box_shape=True) box = puw.convert(box, to_unit=length_units) orthogonal = 0 if box_shape is None: raise ValueError( "The system has no PBC box. The input argument 'pbc' can not be True." ) elif box_shape == 'cubic': orthogonal = 1 if center_of_selection is not None: from molsysmt.structure import get_center center = get_center(molecular_system, selection=center_of_selection, weights=weights_for_center, structure_indices=structure_indices, syntaxis=syntaxis, engine='MolSysMT') center = puw.convert(center, to_unit=length_units) center = puw.get_value(center) else: center = puw.quantity(center) center = puw.convert(center, to_unit=length_units) center = puw.get_value(center) center_shape = np.shape(center) if len(center_shape) == 1 and center_shape[-1] == 3: center = np.tile(center, [n_structures, 1, 1]) elif len(center_shape) == 2 and center_shape[ -1] == 3 and center_shape[0] == n_structures: center = np.expand_dims(center, axis=1) elif len(center_shape ) == 2 and center_shape[-1] == 3 and center_shape[0] == 1: center = np.tile(center[0], [n_structures, 1, 1]) elif len(center_shape ) == 3 and center_shape[-1] == 3 and center_shape[ 0] == n_structures and center_shape[1] == 1: center = np.array(center) else: raise ValueError('center needs the right shape') box = np.asfortranarray(puw.get_value(box), dtype='float64') coordinates = np.asfortranarray(puw.get_value(coordinates), dtype='float64') center = np.asfortranarray(center, dtype='float64') libbox.wrap_pbc(coordinates, center, box, orthogonal, n_atoms, n_structures) if recenter: translation = np.tile(-center, (n_atoms, 1)) coordinates += translation coordinates = np.ascontiguousarray(coordinates) * length_units else: raise NotImpementedEngineError() if in_place: set(molecular_system, target='atom', indices=atom_indices, structure_indices=structure_indices, syntaxis=syntaxis, coordinates=coordinates) pass else: tmp_molecular_system = copy(molecular_system) set(tmp_molecular_system, target='atom', indices=atom_indices, structure_indices=structure_indices, syntaxis=syntaxis, coordinates=coordinates) return tmp_molecular_system
def charge(molecular_system, target='group', selection='all', type=None, engine='OpenMM'): from molsysmt._private._digestion import digest_engine, digest_target engine = digest_engine(engine) target = digest_target(target) if type in ['physical_pH7', 'collantes']: from molsysmt.basic import get from molsysmt.physico_chemical_properties.groups.charge import units if type == 'physical_pH7': from molsysmt.physico_chemical_properties.groups.charge import physical_pH7 as values, units elif type == 'collantes': from molsysmt.physico_chemical_properties.groups.charge import collantes as values, units else: raise NotImplementedError() output = [] if target == 'atom': raise ValueError( 'Only targets bigger than, or equal to, groups are allowed when type is "physical_pH7" or "collantes"' ) elif target == 'group': group_names = get(molecular_system, target=target, selection=selection, group_name=True) for ii in group_names: output.append(values[ii.upper()]) elif target in ['component', 'molecule', 'chain', 'entity']: group_names = get(molecular_system, target=target, selection=selection, group_name=True) for aux in group_names: output.append(np.sum([values[ii.upper()] for ii in aux])) elif target == 'system': group_names = get(molecular_system, target='group', selection='all', group_names=True) output.append(np.sum([values[ii.upper()] for ii in group_names])) if target == 'system': output = output[0] * puw.unit(units) else: output = puw.quantity(np.array(output), units) else: from molsysmt._private._digestion import digest_molecular_system from molsysmt.basic import get, convert, get_form molecular_system = digest_molecular_system(molecular_system) if engine == 'OpenMM': from openmm import NonbondedForce openmm_system = convert(molecular_system, to_form='openmm.System') output = [] if target == 'atom': atom_indices = get(molecular_system, target=target, selection=selection, atom_index=True) for force_index in range(openmm_system.getNumForces()): force = openmm_system.getForce(force_index) if isinstance(force, NonbondedForce): for index in atom_indices: output.append( force.getParticleParameters( int(index))[0]._value) output = np.array(output, dtype=float).round(4) * puw.unit('e') elif target in [ 'group', 'component', 'chain', 'molecule', 'entity' ]: atom_indices = get(molecular_system, target=target, selection=selection, atom_index=True) for force_index in range(openmm_system.getNumForces()): force = openmm_system.getForce(force_index) if isinstance(force, NonbondedForce): for atom_list in atom_indices: var_aux = 0.0 for index in atom_list: var_aux += force.getParticleParameters( int(index))[0]._value output.append(var_aux) output = np.array(output, dtype=float).round(4) * puw.unit('e') elif target == 'system': atom_indices = get(molecular_system, target='atom', selection='all', index=True) var_aux = 0.0 for force_index in range(openmm_system.getNumForces()): force = openmm_system.getForce(force_index) if isinstance(force, NonbondedForce): for index in atom_indices: var_aux += force.getParticleParameters( int(index))[0]._value output = np.round(var_aux, 4) * puw.unit('e') else: raise NotImplementedError return output