예제 #1
    def __init__(self, request):
        Look for the pot document in the database, load is and create pot object and user
        #save request for later use
        self.request = request

        #all the potviews need bootstrap

        #find the pot
        identifier = request.matchdict['identifier']
        self.participant = DBSession.query(Participant).filter_by(identifier=identifier).first()
        if self.participant is None:
            raise NotFound(_(u'No Pot found'))
        self.pot = self.participant.pot
        if self.pot is None:
            raise NotFound(_(u'No Pot found'))

        #check for logged in user
        self.logged_in = authenticated_userid(self.request)
        if self.logged_in:
            self.user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(username=self.logged_in).first()
            self.user = None

        #redirect to pot-home
        self.redirect_to_pot = HTTPFound(location=self.request.route_url('pot', identifier=self.participant.identifier))
예제 #2
    def view_home(self):
        request = self.request
        my_bootstrap.need()    # we need css
        log.debug("Locale: " + get_locale_name(request))
        if not request.POST and self.logged_in and self.user:
            data = {'HomeForm--yourmail': self.user.email,
                    'HomeForm--yourname': self.user.username
            data = None
        form = home_form(request, data=request.POST or data)
        if request.POST and form.validate():  # if submitted and and valid, create Pot and participant, and then go to pot site
            log.debug("gutes Formular!")
            pot = Pot(form.potname.value)
            participant = Participant(name=form.yourname.value, email=form.yourmail.value)
            if form .yourmail.value:
                mails.new_pot_mail(request, pot, participant, request.route_url('pot', identifier=participant.identifier))
            if self.logged_in:
            return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('pot', identifier=participant.identifier))

        log.debug("Form: %s with model %s", str(id(form)), str(form.model))
        log.debug("Field: %s", str(id(form.potname)))
        log.debug("Form has errors? %s", str(form.errors))
        return {'form': form, 'logged_in': self.logged_in}
예제 #3
    def remove_participant(self):
        This view removes an participant,
        it shows a warning if this participant already added expenses
        id_participant_to_remove = self.request.matchdict['id_participant_to_remove']
        participant = DBSession.query(Participant).get(id_participant_to_remove)

        #check if a participant was found
        if None == participant:
            self.request.session.flash(_(u"An error occured while searching the participant"))
            return self.redirect_to_pot

        #check if participant belongs to this pot
        # should not occur from ui, but only from "hackish" calls
        if participant.pot != self.pot:
            self.request.session.flash(_(u"This is not allowed!"))
            return self.redirect_to_pot
        #now everything should be fine

        # if participant has no expenses, delete him right away,
        # if he has expenses, wait for "submit" which means that the user confirmed his choice
        if not participant.expenses or 'submit' in self.request.POST:
            self.request.session.flash(_(u'The participant {0} and all his expenses got deleted').format(participant.name), 'success')
            return self.redirect_to_pot
            question = {
                'title': _(u'Delete {0}?').format(participant.name),
                'message': _(u'The participant {0} already entered some expenses. These would be lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?').format(participant.name)
            log.debug('return a question')
            return {'question': question, }
예제 #4
 def remove_expense(self):
     This view removes an expense
     id_to_remove = self.request.matchdict['id_to_remove']
     expense = DBSession.query(Expense).get(id_to_remove)
     self.request.session.flash(_(u'The expense of {0} € got deleted').format(expense.amount), 'success')
     return self.redirect_to_pot
예제 #5
파일: views.py 프로젝트: faucon/moneypot
 def remove_expense(self):
     This view removes an expense
     id_to_remove = self.request.matchdict["id_to_remove"]
     expense = DBSession.query(Expense).get(id_to_remove)
     self.request.session.flash(_(u"The expense of {0} € got deleted").format(expense.amount), "success")
     return self.redirect_to_pot
예제 #6
def view_register(context, request):
    my_bootstrap.need()    # we need css
    form = register_form(request)
    if request.POST and form.validate():  # if submitted and and valid, create user
        existing_user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(username=form.username.value).first()  # check for eyisting user with this name, returns existing user or None
        if not existing_user:
            user = User(form.username.value, form.yourmail.value, form.password.value)
            return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url('home'))
            log.debug("Register failed for {0}".format(form.username.value))
            request.session.flash(_(u'username already taken. Please choose another username.'), 'error')
    return {'form': form, 'logged_in': authenticated_userid(request)}
예제 #7
 def invite(self):
     This view shows an form for inviting someone
     fs = invite_form(DBSession, self.request)
     if 'submit' in self.request.POST:
         log.debug('Try to invite a new participant, called from participant {0} {1}'.format(self.participant, self.participant.identifier))
         invited = Participant()
         fs = fs.bind(invited)
         fs.data = self.request.POST
         if fs.validate():
             newurl = self.request.route_url('pot', identifier=invited.identifier)
             if invited.email:
                 mails.invite_mail(self.request, self.pot, self.participant, invited, newurl)
                 user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(email=invited.email).first()
                 if user is not None:
             self.request.session.flash(_(u'''{0} wurde eingeladen. Wenn du eine Mailadresse
             angegeben hast, wird ihm der Link per Mail geschickt. Sonst musst du ihm
             folgenden Link zukommen lassen: <a href={1}>{1}</a>'''.format(invited.name, newurl)), 'success')
             return self.redirect_to_pot
             #do nothing and return form with error messages
     return {'form': fs, 'participant': self.participant, 'pot': self.pot}
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, request):
     Look for the user document in the database and load it
     self.request = request
     self.logged_in = authenticated_userid(request)
     if self.logged_in:
         self.user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(username=self.logged_in).first()
예제 #9
 def pot_view(self):
     fs = expense_form(DBSession, self.participant, self.request)
     if 'submit' in self.request.POST:
         log.debug('Try to save a new expense, called from participant {0} {1}'.format(self.participant, self.participant.identifier))
         ex = Expense()
         fs = fs.bind(ex)
         fs.data = self.request.POST
         if fs.validate():
             expensing_participant = DBSession.query(Participant).get(ex.participant_id)
             self.request.session.flash(_(u'The expense of {0} € was added.').format(ex.amount), 'success')
             return self.redirect_to_pot
             #do nothing and return form with error messages
     return {'form': fs, 'participant': self.participant, 'pot': self.pot}
예제 #10
파일: views.py 프로젝트: faucon/moneypot
def login(request):
    if authenticated_userid(request):
        return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url("overview"))
    trans = get_localizer(request).translate
    form = login_form(request)
    if request.POST and form.validate():
        login = form.username.value
        password = form.password.value
        user = DBSession.query(User).filter_by(username=login).first()  # returns user or None
        if user is not None and user.check_password(password):
            headers = remember(request, login)
            request.session.flash(trans(_("Succesfully logged in")), "success")
            return HTTPFound(location=request.route_url("overview"), headers=headers)
        log.debug("Login failed {0}".format(form.username.value))
        # clear password as it was wrong
        form.data["LoginForm--password"] = ""
        request.session.flash(trans(_(u"Login failed<br />Please try again")), "error")

    return dict(form=form, logged_in=authenticated_userid(request))
예제 #11
파일: views.py 프로젝트: faucon/moneypot
    def change_factor(self):
        change the share factor of one of the participants
        # get values from request
        participant_id = self.request.matchdict["participant_to_change_id"]
        factor = self.request.matchdict["new_factor"]
        # change it to integer:
            factor = int(factor)
        except ValueError:
            # error message
            # (should never occur from ui, only from improper http-requests
            self.request.session.flash(_(u"Don't do this, not an integer"))
            return self.redirect_to_pot

        # load participant
        changed_participant = DBSession.query(Participant).filter_by(identifier=participant_id).one()
        # make sure participant exists and belongs to this pot!
        if (not changed_participant) or (not changed_participant.pot == self.pot):
            # error message
            # (should never occur from ui, only from improper http-requests
            self.request.session.flash(_(u"Don't do this"))
            return self.redirect_to_pot

        # make sure that the new share_factor_sum is != 0 (someone has to pay!)
        new_factorsum = self.pot.share_factor_sum - changed_participant.share_factor + factor
        if new_factorsum == 0:
            # error message:
            self.request.session.flash(_(u"The sum of all factors may not be 0"), "error")
            return self.redirect_to_pot

        # if all checks were successfull, now do the change:
        changed_participant.share_factor = factor
            _(u"The share factor for {0} was changed to {1}".format(str(changed_participant), str(factor))), "success"
        return self.redirect_to_pot