def createMongoObjectDefinition(self) -> V1beta1CustomResourceDefinition: """Create the custom resource definition.""" available_resources = { crd.spec.names.plural: crd for crd in self.extensions_api.list_custom_resource_definition().items } if Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_RESOURCE_PLURAL in available_resources: return available_resources[Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_RESOURCE_PLURAL] # Create it if our CRD doesn't exists yet. "Custom resource definition %s not found in cluster (available: %s), creating it...", Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_RESOURCE_PLURAL, available_resources) with open("mongo_crd.yaml") as f: definition_dict = yaml.load(f) body = KubernetesResources.deserialize( definition_dict, "V1beta1CustomResourceDefinition") # issue with kubernetes causes status.condition==null, which raises an exception and breaks the connection. # by ignoring the validation of this field in the client, we can keep the connection open. with patch( "kubernetes.client.models.v1beta1_custom_resource_definition_status.V1beta1CustomResourceDefinitionStatus.conditions" ): return self.extensions_api.create_custom_resource_definition(body)
def listAllSecretsWithLabels(self, labels: Dict[str, str] = DEFAULT_LABELS ) -> V1SecretList: """Get al secrets with the given labels.""" label_selector = KubernetesResources.createLabelSelector(labels) logging.debug("Getting all secrets with labels %s", label_selector) return self.core_api.list_secret_for_all_namespaces( label_selector=label_selector)
def listAllServicesWithLabels(self, labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None ) -> V1ServiceList: """Get all services with the given labels.""" label_selector = KubernetesResources.createLabelSelector( labels or self.DEFAULT_LABELS) logging.debug("Getting all services with labels %s", label_selector) return self.core_api.list_service_for_all_namespaces( label_selector=label_selector)
def updateService( self, cluster_object: V1MongoClusterConfiguration) -> client.V1Service: """ Updates the given cluster. :param cluster_object: The cluster object from the YAML file. :return: The updated service. """ name = namespace = cluster_object.metadata.namespace body = KubernetesResources.createService(cluster_object)"Updating service %s @ ns/%s.", name, namespace) return self.core_api.patch_namespaced_service(name, namespace, body)
def updateStatefulSet( self, cluster_object: V1MongoClusterConfiguration ) -> client.V1beta1StatefulSet: """ Updates the stateful set for the given cluster object. :param cluster_object: The cluster object from the YAML file. :return: The updated stateful set. """ name = namespace = cluster_object.metadata.namespace body = KubernetesResources.createStatefulSet(cluster_object)"Updating stateful set %s @ ns/%s.", name, namespace) return self.apps_api.patch_namespaced_stateful_set( name, namespace, body)
def createService( self, cluster_object: V1MongoClusterConfiguration ) -> Optional[client.V1Service]: """ Creates the given cluster. :param cluster_object: The cluster object from the YAML file. :return: The created service. """ namespace = cluster_object.metadata.namespace body = KubernetesResources.createService(cluster_object)"Creating service %s @ ns/%s.",, namespace) with IgnoreIfExists(): return self.core_api.create_namespaced_service(namespace, body)
def createStatefulSet( self, cluster_object: V1MongoClusterConfiguration ) -> Optional[client.V1beta1StatefulSet]: """ Creates the stateful set for the given cluster object. :param cluster_object: The cluster object from the YAML file. :return: The created stateful set. """ namespace = cluster_object.metadata.namespace body = KubernetesResources.createStatefulSet(cluster_object) with IgnoreIfExists():"Creating stateful set %s @ ns/%s.",, namespace) return self.apps_api.create_namespaced_stateful_set( namespace, body)
def createSecret( self, secret_name: str, namespace: str, secret_data: Dict[str, str], labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> Optional[client.V1Secret]: """ Creates a new Kubernetes secret. :param secret_name: Unique name of the secret. :param namespace: Namespace to add secret to. :param secret_data: The data to store in the secret as key/value pair dict. :param labels: Optional labels for this secret, defaults to the default labels (see `cls.createDefaultLabels`). :return: The secret if successful, None otherwise. """ secret_body = KubernetesResources.createSecret(secret_name, namespace, secret_data, labels)"Creating secret %s in namespace %s", secret_name, namespace) with IgnoreIfExists(): return self.core_api.create_namespaced_secret( namespace, secret_body)
class KubernetesService: """ Bundled methods for interacting with the Kubernetes API. """ DEFAULT_LABELS = KubernetesResources.createDefaultLabels() # after creating a new object definition we can get 404 not found from K8s. # below we can configure how many times we retry and how long we wait in between. LIST_CUSTOM_OBJECTS_RETRIES = 3 LIST_CUSTOM_OBJECTS_WAIT = 5.0 def __init__(self): # Create Kubernetes config. load_incluster_config() config = Configuration() config.debug = Settings.KUBERNETES_SERVICE_DEBUG self.api_client = client.ApiClient(config) # Re-usable API client instances. self.core_api = client.CoreV1Api(self.api_client) self.custom_objects_api = client.CustomObjectsApi(self.api_client) self.extensions_api = client.ApiextensionsV1beta1Api(self.api_client) self.apps_api = client.AppsV1beta1Api(self.api_client) def createMongoObjectDefinition(self) -> V1beta1CustomResourceDefinition: """Create the custom resource definition.""" available_resources = { crd.spec.names.plural: crd for crd in self.extensions_api.list_custom_resource_definition().items } if Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_RESOURCE_PLURAL in available_resources: return available_resources[Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_RESOURCE_PLURAL] # Create it if our CRD doesn't exists yet. "Custom resource definition %s not found in cluster (available: %s), creating it...", Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_RESOURCE_PLURAL, available_resources) with open("mongo_crd.yaml") as f: definition_dict = yaml.load(f) body = KubernetesResources.deserialize( definition_dict, "V1beta1CustomResourceDefinition") # issue with kubernetes causes status.condition==null, which raises an exception and breaks the connection. # by ignoring the validation of this field in the client, we can keep the connection open. with patch( "kubernetes.client.models.v1beta1_custom_resource_definition_status.V1beta1CustomResourceDefinitionStatus.conditions" ): return self.extensions_api.create_custom_resource_definition(body) def listMongoObjects(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, any]: """ Get all Kubernetes objects of our custom resource type. IMPORTANT: Kubernetes uses the :return: value to deserialize the results, so it must be a class name. :param kwargs: Additional API flags. :return: dict(str, object) """ definition = self.createMongoObjectDefinition() for _ in range(self.LIST_CUSTOM_OBJECTS_RETRIES): try: logging.debug("Listing resources based on definition %s", definition.metadata.uid) return self.custom_objects_api.list_cluster_custom_object( Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_API_GROUP, Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_API_VERSION, Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_RESOURCE_PLURAL, **kwargs) except ApiException as e: if e.status != 404: raise "Could not list the custom Mongo objects: %s. The definition is probably being " "initialized, we wait %s seconds.", e.reason, self.LIST_CUSTOM_OBJECTS_WAIT) sleep(self.LIST_CUSTOM_OBJECTS_WAIT) raise TimeoutError( "Could not list the custom mongo objects after {} retries".format( self.LIST_CUSTOM_OBJECTS_RETRIES)) def getMongoObject(self, name: str, namespace: str) -> V1MongoClusterConfiguration: """ Get a single Kubernetes Mongo object. :param name: The name of the object to get. :param namespace: The namespace in which to get the object. :return: The custom resource object if existing, otherwise None """ return self.custom_objects_api.get_namespaced_custom_object( Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_API_GROUP, Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_API_VERSION, namespace, Settings.CUSTOM_OBJECT_RESOURCE_PLURAL, name) def listAllServicesWithLabels(self, labels: Dict[str, str] = DEFAULT_LABELS ) -> V1ServiceList: """Get all services with the given labels.""" label_selector = KubernetesResources.createLabelSelector(labels) logging.debug("Getting all services with labels %s", label_selector) return self.core_api.list_service_for_all_namespaces( label_selector=label_selector) def listAllStatefulSetsWithLabels( self, labels: Dict[str, str] = DEFAULT_LABELS) -> V1StatefulSetList: """Get all stateful sets with the given labels.""" label_selector = KubernetesResources.createLabelSelector(labels) logging.debug("Getting all stateful sets with labels %s", label_selector) return self.apps_api.list_stateful_set_for_all_namespaces( label_selector=label_selector) def listAllSecretsWithLabels(self, labels: Dict[str, str] = DEFAULT_LABELS ) -> V1SecretList: """Get al secrets with the given labels.""" label_selector = KubernetesResources.createLabelSelector(labels) logging.debug("Getting all secrets with labels %s", label_selector) return self.core_api.list_secret_for_all_namespaces( label_selector=label_selector) def getSecret(self, secret_name: str, namespace: str) -> client.V1Secret: """ Retrieves the secret with the given name. :param secret_name: The name of the secret. :param namespace: The namespace of the secret. :return: The secret object. """ return self.core_api.read_namespaced_secret(secret_name, namespace) def createSecret( self, secret_name: str, namespace: str, secret_data: Dict[str, str], labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> Optional[client.V1Secret]: """ Creates a new Kubernetes secret. :param secret_name: Unique name of the secret. :param namespace: Namespace to add secret to. :param secret_data: The data to store in the secret as key/value pair dict. :param labels: Optional labels for this secret, defaults to the default labels (see `cls.createDefaultLabels`). :return: The secret if successful, None otherwise. """ # Create the secret object. secret_body = KubernetesResources.createSecret(secret_name, namespace, secret_data, labels)"Creating secret %s in namespace %s", secret_name, namespace) with IgnoreIfExists(): return self.core_api.create_namespaced_secret( namespace, secret_body) def updateSecret(self, secret_name: str, namespace: str, secret_data: Dict[str, str]) -> client.V1Secret: """ Updates the given Kubernetes secret. :param secret_name: Unique name of the secret. :param namespace: Namespace to add secret to. :param secret_data: The data to store in the secret as key/value pair dict. :return: The secret if successful, None otherwise. """ secret = self.getSecret(secret_name, namespace) secret.string_data = secret_data"Updating secret %s @ ns/%s", secret_name, namespace) return self.core_api.patch_namespaced_secret(secret_name, namespace, secret) def deleteSecret(self, name: str, namespace: str) -> client.V1Status: """ Deletes the given Kubernetes secret. :param name: Name of the secret to delete. :param namespace: Namespace in which to delete the secret. :return: The deletion status. """ body = V1DeleteOptions()"Deleting secret %s @ ns/%s.", name, namespace) return self.core_api.delete_namespaced_secret(name, namespace, body) def getService(self, name: str, namespace: str) -> client.V1Service: """ Gets an existing service from the cluster. :param name: The name of the service to get. :param namespace: The namespace in which to get the service. :return: The service object if it exists, otherwise None. """ return self.core_api.read_namespaced_service(name, namespace) def createService( self, cluster_object: V1MongoClusterConfiguration ) -> Optional[client.V1Service]: """ Creates the given cluster. :param cluster_object: The cluster object from the YAML file. :return: The created service. """ namespace = cluster_object.metadata.namespace body = KubernetesResources.createService(cluster_object)"Creating service %s @ ns/%s.",, namespace) with IgnoreIfExists(): return self.core_api.create_namespaced_service(namespace, body) def updateService( self, cluster_object: V1MongoClusterConfiguration) -> client.V1Service: """ Updates the given cluster. :param cluster_object: The cluster object from the YAML file. :return: The updated service. """ name = namespace = cluster_object.metadata.namespace body = KubernetesResources.createService(cluster_object)"Updating service %s @ ns/%s.", name, namespace) return self.core_api.patch_namespaced_service(name, namespace, body) def deleteService(self, name: str, namespace: str) -> client.V1Status: """ Deletes the service with the given name. :param name: The name of the service to delete. :param namespace: The namespace in which to delete the service. :return: The deletion status. """"Deleting service %s @ ns/%s.", name, namespace) body = V1DeleteOptions() try: return self.core_api.delete_namespaced_service( name, namespace, body) except TypeError: # bug in kubernetes client 5.0.0 - body parameter was missing. return self.core_api.delete_namespaced_service(name, namespace) def getStatefulSet(self, name: str, namespace: str) -> client.V1beta1StatefulSet: """ Get an existing stateful set from the cluster. :param name: The name of the stateful set to get. :param namespace: The namespace in which to get the stateful set. :return: The stateful set object if existing, otherwise None. """ return self.apps_api.read_namespaced_stateful_set(name, namespace) def createStatefulSet( self, cluster_object: V1MongoClusterConfiguration ) -> Optional[client.V1beta1StatefulSet]: """ Creates the stateful set for the given cluster object. :param cluster_object: The cluster object from the YAML file. :return: The created stateful set. """ namespace = cluster_object.metadata.namespace body = KubernetesResources.createStatefulSet(cluster_object) with IgnoreIfExists():"Creating stateful set %s @ ns/%s.",, namespace) return self.apps_api.create_namespaced_stateful_set( namespace, body) def updateStatefulSet( self, cluster_object: V1MongoClusterConfiguration ) -> client.V1beta1StatefulSet: """ Updates the stateful set for the given cluster object. :param cluster_object: The cluster object from the YAML file. :return: The updated stateful set. """ name = namespace = cluster_object.metadata.namespace body = KubernetesResources.createStatefulSet(cluster_object)"Updating stateful set %s @ ns/%s.", name, namespace) return self.apps_api.patch_namespaced_stateful_set( name, namespace, body) def deleteStatefulSet(self, name: str, namespace: str) -> bool: """ Deletes the stateful set for the given cluster object. :param name: The name of the stateful set to delete. :param namespace: The namespace in which to delete the stateful set. :return: The updated stateful set. """ body = V1DeleteOptions()"Deleting stateful set %s @ ns/%s.", name, namespace) return self.apps_api.delete_namespaced_stateful_set( name, namespace, body) def execInPod(self, container, pod_name, namespace, exec_cmd) -> str: """ Executes a command in the pod with the given name. :param container: The container name. :param pod_name: The pod name. :param namespace: The pod namespace. :param exec_cmd: The command to execute. :return: The command output. """ return stream(self.core_api.connect_get_namespaced_pod_exec, pod_name, namespace, command=exec_cmd, container=container, stderr=True, stdin=False, stdout=True, tty=False)
def _createMeta(self, name: str) -> V1ObjectMeta: return V1ObjectMeta( labels=KubernetesResources.createDefaultLabels(name), name=name, namespace=self.namespace, )