예제 #1
def list_servers_command(parsed_options):
    servers = repository.lookup_all_servers()
    if not servers or len(servers) < 1:
        log_info("No servers have been configured.")

    servers = sorted(servers, key=lambda s: s.id)
    bar = "-" * 80
    print bar
    formatter = "%-25s %-40s %s"
    print formatter % ("_ID", "DESCRIPTION", "CONNECT TO")
    print bar

    for server in servers:
        print formatter % (server.id, to_string(server.get_description()), to_string(server.get_address_display()))
    print "\n"
예제 #2
def list_servers_command(parsed_options):
    servers = repository.lookup_all_servers()
    if not servers or len(servers) < 1:
        log_info("No servers have been configured.")

    servers = sorted(servers, key=lambda s: s.id)
    bar = "-" * 80
    print bar
    formatter = "%-25s %-40s %s"
    print formatter % ("_ID", "DESCRIPTION", "CONNECT TO")
    print bar

    for server in servers:
        print formatter % (server.id, to_string(
            server.get_description()), to_string(server.get_address_display()))
    print "\n"
예제 #3
def list_clusters_command(parsed_options):
    clusters = repository.lookup_all_clusters()
    if not clusters or len(clusters) < 1:
        log_info("No clusters configured")

    # sort clusters by id
    clusters = sorted(clusters, key=lambda c: c.id)
    bar = "-" * 80
    print bar
    formatter = "%-25s %-40s %s"
    print formatter % ("_ID", "DESCRIPTION", "MEMBERS")
    print bar

    for cluster in clusters:
        desc = to_string(cluster.get_description())

        members_info = "[ %s ]" % ", ".join(cluster.get_members_info())

        print formatter % (cluster.id, desc, members_info)
    print "\n"
예제 #4
def list_clusters_command(parsed_options):
    clusters = repository.lookup_all_clusters()
    if not clusters or len(clusters) < 1:
        log_info("No clusters configured")

    # sort clusters by id
    clusters = sorted(clusters, key=lambda c: c.id)
    bar = "-"*80
    print bar
    formatter = "%-25s %-40s %s"
    print formatter % ("_ID", "DESCRIPTION", "MEMBERS")
    print bar

    for cluster in clusters:
        desc = to_string(cluster.get_description())

        members_info = "[ %s ]" % ", ".join(cluster.get_members_info)

        print formatter % (cluster.id, desc, members_info)
    print "\n"