예제 #1
class Allele(EmbeddedDocument):

    _id = ObjectIdField()
    samples = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(SampleAllele), default=[])
    alt = StringField(required=True)

    variant_type = ListField(StringField(), default=[])
    aa_ref = StringField(required=False)
    aa_alt = StringField(required=False)
    aa_pos = IntField(required=False)

    feature_ref = ObjectIdField(required=False)
    feature = EmbeddedDocumentField(Feature, required=False)
예제 #2
class UserMenu(Document):
    # The class that store the relation between the user and the menu, just on special situations
    id = ObjectIdField()
    user = LongField(required=True)
    module = LongField(required=True)
    created_by = LongField(required=True)
    created_date = LongField(required=True)
예제 #3
class StructuredQuery(Document):
    userid = ObjectIdField(required=False)
    query_object_type = StringField(required=True)
    query_type = StringField(default='structured', required=False)
    query = DictField(required=False)
    creation_time = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now())
    query_runtime_duration = FloatField()
예제 #4
class ProductCompanion(Document):
    # Register all the companions for the product
    id = ObjectIdField()
    product = LongField(required=True)
    companion = LongField(required=True)
    status = LongField(required=True)
    created_by = LongField(required=True)
    created_date = LongField(required=True)
예제 #5
class gardens(Document):
    name = StringField()
    address = StringField()
    topleft_lat = FloatField()
    topleft_long = FloatField()
    bottomright_lat = FloatField()
    bottomright_long = FloatField()
    plants = ListField(ObjectIdField())
예제 #6
class Buybills_payment(Document):
    # The Payments of the bills of sale
    id = ObjectIdField()
    code = LongField(required=True)
    total_paid = FloatField(required=True)
    total_left = FloatField(required=True)
    pay_date = LongField(required=True)
    created_by = LongField(required=True)
    created_date = LongField(required=True)
예제 #7
class recipe_description(Document):
    # The description, of the content on every recipe
    id = ObjectIdField()
    recipe = LongField(required=True)
    item = LongField(required=True)
    amount = FloatField(required=True)
    unit = LongField(required=True)
    status = LongField(required=True)
    created_by = LongField(required=True)
    created_date = LongField(required=True)
예제 #8
class UserInfo(Document):
    # Another information, that can be store of every User
    # that handle platea.
    id = ObjectIdField()
    client = LongField(required=True)
    value = StringField(required=True)
    code = LongField(required=True)
    created_by = LongField(required=True)
    created_date = LongField(required=True)
    meta = {"db_alias": "default"}
예제 #9
class recipe_deduction(Document):
    # The description of every reduction on the recipe for every sale.
    id = ObjectIdField()
    recipe = LongField(required=True)
    item = LongField(required=True)
    amount = FloatField(required=True)
    unit = LongField(required=True)
    status = LongField(required=True)
    created_by = LongField(required=True)
    created_date = LongField(required=True)
예제 #10
class ProductInfo(Document):
    # All the products to be sell are listed in here.
    id = ObjectIdField()
    code = LongField(required=True)
    price = FloatField(required=True)
    tax = FloatField(required=True)
    category = LongField(required=True)
    status = LongField(required=True)
    created_by = LongField(required=True)
    created_date = LongField(required=True)
예제 #11
class SessionUserSys(Document):
    # The sessions of the user that work with the system.
    id = ObjectIdField()
    login = DateTimeField(required=True)
    logout = DateTimeField(required=True)
    status = LongField(required=True)
    created_by = LongField(required=True)
    created_date = LongField(required=True)
    code = StringField(required=True,
                       default=CodeGen().GenCode({"table": "SessionUserSys"}))
    meta = {"db_alias": "default"}
예제 #12
class Variant(Document):

    organism = StringField(required=True)
    contig = StringField(required=True)
    pos = IntField(required=True)
    gene = StringField(required=False)
    prot_ref = ObjectIdField()
    ref = StringField(required=False)
    sample_alleles = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(Allele))
    ontologies = ListField(StringField())
    search = EmbeddedDocumentField(ProteinDruggabilitySearch, default=None)
예제 #13
파일: orm.py 프로젝트: vbastos/vclassifieds
class BaseModel(Document):

    created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
    modified = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)

    created_by = ObjectIdField()
    modified_by = ObjectIdField()

    status = IntField(default=Status.VALID)

    meta = {'abstract': True, 'queryset_class': BaseQuerySetMixin}

    # we can add operate log here too.
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not self.created_by:
                self.created_by = current_user.get_id()
            self.modified_by = current_user.get_id()

        self.modified = datetime.now()
        Document.save(self, **kwargs)

    def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not self.created_by:
                self.created_by = current_user.get_id()
            self.modified_by = current_user.get_id()

        self.modified = datetime.now()
        return Document.update(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # we can custom the delete
        # example: set the status to 0 instead of physical delete
        return Document.delete(self, *args, **kwargs)
예제 #14
    class Metadata(Document):
        Metadata stores information about objects in OmegaStore

        # fields
        #: this is the name of the data
        name = StringField(unique_with=['bucket', 'prefix'])
        #: bucket
        bucket = StringField()
        #: prefix
        prefix = StringField()
        #: kind of data
        kind = StringField(choices=MDREGISTRY.KINDS)
        #: for PANDAS_HDF and SKLEARN_JOBLIB this is the gridfile
        gridfile = FileField(
        #: for PANDAS_DFROWS this is the collection
        collection = StringField()
        #: for PYTHON_DATA this is the actual document
        objid = ObjectIdField()
        #: omegaml technical attributes, e.g. column indicies
        kind_meta = DictField()
        #: customer-defined other meta attributes
        attributes = DictField()
        #: s3file attributes
        s3file = DictField()
        #: location URI
        uri = StringField()
        #: created datetime
        created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
        # the actual db is defined in settings, OMEGA_MONGO_URL
        meta = {
            'db_alias': 'omega',
            'indexes': [
                # unique entry
                    'fields': ['bucket', 'prefix', 'name'],
                'created',  # most recent is last, i.e. [-1]

        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self.objid == other.objid

        def __unicode__(self):
            fields = ('name', 'bucket', 'prefix', 'created', 'kind')
            kwargs = ('%s=%s' % (k, getattr(self, k))
                      for k in self._fields.keys() if k in fields)
            return u"Metadata(%s)" % ','.join(kwargs)
예제 #15
class SearchQuery(Document):
    userid = ObjectIdField(required=False)
    query_object_type = StringField(required=True)
    query_type = StringField(default='multifield', required=False)
    # e.g. 15-20, youth
    raw_strings = StringField()
    # e.g.
    #        {"field-1":4,
    #         "field-2":5}
    # where, 4, 5 are the ranking
    query_fields = DictField(default={})
    creation_time = DateTimeField(default=datetime.now())
    query_runtime_duration = FloatField()
예제 #16
class Metadata:
    Metadata stores information about objects in OmegaStore

    # If you use this class to save a document, it will raise a NameError
    # The actual Metadata class is created in make_Metadata() below.
    # Rationale: If we let mongoengine create Metadata here the class
    # is bound to a specific MongoClient instance. Using make_Metadata
    # binds the class to the specific instance that exists at the time
    # of creation. Open to better ways.

    # fields
    #: this is the name of the data
    name = StringField(unique_with=['bucket', 'prefix'])
    #: bucket
    bucket = StringField()
    #: prefix
    prefix = StringField()
    #: kind of data
    kind = StringField(choices=MDREGISTRY.KINDS)
    #: for PANDAS_HDF and SKLEARN_JOBLIB this is the gridfile
    gridfile = FileField(
    #: for PANDAS_DFROWS this is the collection
    collection = StringField()
    #: for PYTHON_DATA this is the actual document
    objid = ObjectIdField()
    #: omegaml technical attributes, e.g. column indicies
    kind_meta = DictField()
    #: customer-defined other meta attributes
    attributes = DictField()
    #: s3file attributes
    s3file = DictField()
    #: location URI
    uri = StringField()
    #: created datetime
    created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
    #: created datetime
    modified = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
예제 #17
class ContactHist(Document):
    # The copy of the contact information
    # to be easy access on an elastic search
    id = ObjectIdField()
    name = StringField(required=True)
    code = LongField(required=True)
    created_by = LongField(required=True)
    telephone = StringField(required=True)
    contact = LongField(required=True)
    last_name = StringField()
    cellphone = StringField()
    address = StringField()
    email = StringField()
    country = LongField()
    birthdate = LongField()
    idDocument = StringField()
    doc_type = StringField()
    created_date = LongField(required=True)
    meta = {"db_alias": "default"}
예제 #18
class user_plants(Document):
    plant_type_id = ObjectIdField()
    latitude = FloatField()
    longitude = FloatField()
    light_duration = FloatField()
    light_intensity = FloatField()
    last_watered = DateField()
    name = StringField()
    price = FloatField()
    outdoors = BooleanField()

    def to_dict(self):
        return {
            "_id": str(self.id),
            "plant_type_id": str(self.plant_type_id),
            "latitude": self.latitude,
            "longitude": self.longitude,
            "light_duration": self.light_duration,
            "light_intensity": self.light_intensity,
            "last_watered": self.last_watered,
            "name": self.name,
            "price": self.price,
            "outdoors": self.outdoors
예제 #19
class LabelValue(Document):
    id = ObjectIdField()
    value = StringField(required=True)
    language = StringField(required=True)  #ID of the language
    label = StringField(required=True)
예제 #20
class Language(Document):
    id = ObjectIdField()
    name = StringField(required=True)  #The language name
    code = StringField(required=True)  #The language code
예제 #21
class Label(Document):
    id = ObjectIdField()
    name = StringField(required=True)  #The id on the webpage
    value = StringField(required=True)  #Default value of the label
예제 #22
class Messages(EmbeddedDocument):
    subject = StringField()
    createDate = DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow())
    readFlag = BooleanField(default=False)
    content = StringField()
    _id = ObjectIdField(default=ObjectId)
예제 #23
class Metadata(Document):
    Metadata stores information about objects in OmegaStore
    # default kinds of data
    PANDAS_DFROWS = 'pandas.dfrows'  # dataframe
    PANDAS_SEROWS = 'pandas.serows'  # series
    PANDAS_HDF = 'pandas.hdf'
    PYTHON_DATA = 'python.data'
    PANDAS_DFGROUP = 'pandas.dfgroup'
    SKLEARN_JOBLIB = 'sklearn.joblib'
    OMEGAML_JOBS = 'script.ipynb'
    SPARK_MLLIB = 'spark.mllib'
    OMEGAML_RUNNING_JOBS = 'job.run'
    #: the list of accepted data types. extend using OmegaStore.register_backend
    KINDS = [
    # fields
    #: this is the name of the data
    name = StringField()
    #: bucket
    bucket = StringField()
    #: prefix
    prefix = StringField()
    #: kind of data
    kind = StringField(choices=KINDS)
    #: for PANDAS_HDF and SKLEARN_JOBLIB this is the gridfile
    gridfile = FileField(
    #: for PANDAS_DFROWS this is the collection
    collection = StringField()
    #: for PYTHON_DATA this is the actual document
    objid = ObjectIdField()
    #: omegaml technical attributes, e.g. column indicies
    kind_meta = DictField()
    #: customer-defined other meta attributes
    attributes = DictField()
    #: s3file attributes
    s3file = DictField()
    #: location URI
    uri = StringField()
    #: created datetime
    created = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
    # the actual db is defined in settings, OMEGA_MONGO_URL
    meta = {
        'db_alias': 'omega',
        'indexes': [
            # unique entry
                'fields': ['bucket', 'prefix', 'name'],
            'created',  # most recent is last, i.e. [-1]

    def __unicode__(self):
        kwargs = ('%s=%s' % (k, getattr(self, k))
                  for k in self._fields.keys() if k in ('bucket', 'prefix', 'created', 'kind'))
        return u"Metadata(%s)" % ','.join(kwargs)
예제 #24
class ProductSaleCompanion(Document):
    # Companion of the Product on the sale
    id = ObjectIdField()
    preorder = LongField(required=True)
    product = LongField(required=True)
    companion = LongField(required=True)
예제 #25
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
        flattened_bases = mcs._get_bases(bases)
        super_new = super(TopLevelDocumentMetaclass, mcs).__new__

        # Set default _meta data if base class, otherwise get user defined meta
        if attrs.get("my_metaclass") == TopLevelDocumentMetaclass:
            # defaults
            attrs["_meta"] = {
                "abstract": True,
                "max_documents": None,
                "max_size": None,
                "ordering": [],  # default ordering applied at runtime
                "indexes": [],  # indexes to be ensured at runtime
                "id_field": None,
                "index_background": False,
                "index_opts": None,
                "delete_rules": None,
                # allow_inheritance can be True, False, and None. True means
                # "allow inheritance", False means "don't allow inheritance",
                # None means "do whatever your parent does, or don't allow
                # inheritance if you're a top-level class".
                "allow_inheritance": None,
            attrs["_is_base_cls"] = True
            attrs["_meta"].update(attrs.get("meta", {}))
            attrs["_meta"] = attrs.get("meta", {})
            # Explicitly set abstract to false unless set
            attrs["_meta"]["abstract"] = attrs["_meta"].get("abstract", False)
            attrs["_is_base_cls"] = False

        # Set flag marking as document class - as opposed to an object mixin
        attrs["_is_document"] = True

        # Ensure queryset_class is inherited
        if "objects" in attrs:
            manager = attrs["objects"]
            if hasattr(manager, "queryset_class"):
                attrs["_meta"]["queryset_class"] = manager.queryset_class

        # Clean up top level meta
        if "meta" in attrs:
            del attrs["meta"]

        # Find the parent document class
        parent_doc_cls = [
            b for b in flattened_bases if b.__class__ == TopLevelDocumentMetaclass
        parent_doc_cls = None if not parent_doc_cls else parent_doc_cls[0]

        # Prevent classes setting collection different to their parents
        # If parent wasn't an abstract class
        if (
            and "collection" in attrs.get("_meta", {})
            and not parent_doc_cls._meta.get("abstract", True)
            msg = "Trying to set a collection on a subclass (%s)" % name
            warnings.warn(msg, SyntaxWarning)
            del attrs["_meta"]["collection"]

        # Ensure abstract documents have abstract bases
        if attrs.get("_is_base_cls") or attrs["_meta"].get("abstract"):
            if parent_doc_cls and not parent_doc_cls._meta.get("abstract", False):
                msg = "Abstract document cannot have non-abstract base"
                raise ValueError(msg)
            return super_new(mcs, name, bases, attrs)

        # Merge base class metas.
        # Uses a special MetaDict that handles various merging rules
        meta = MetaDict()
        for base in flattened_bases[::-1]:
            # Add any mixin metadata from plain objects
            if hasattr(base, "meta"):
            elif hasattr(base, "_meta"):

            # Set collection in the meta if its callable
            if getattr(base, "_is_document", False) and not base._meta.get("abstract"):
                collection = meta.get("collection", None)
                if callable(collection):
                    meta["collection"] = collection(base)

        meta.merge(attrs.get("_meta", {}))  # Top level meta

        # Only simple classes (i.e. direct subclasses of Document) may set
        # allow_inheritance to False. If the base Document allows inheritance,
        # none of its subclasses can override allow_inheritance to False.
        simple_class = all(
            [b._meta.get("abstract") for b in flattened_bases if hasattr(b, "_meta")]
        if (
            not simple_class
            and meta["allow_inheritance"] is False
            and not meta["abstract"]
            raise ValueError(
                "Only direct subclasses of Document may set "
                '"allow_inheritance" to False'

        # Set default collection name
        if "collection" not in meta:
            meta["collection"] = (
                "".join("_%s" % c if c.isupper() else c for c in name)
        attrs["_meta"] = meta

        # Call super and get the new class
        new_class = super_new(mcs, name, bases, attrs)

        meta = new_class._meta

        # Set index specifications
        meta["index_specs"] = new_class._build_index_specs(meta["indexes"])

        # If collection is a callable - call it and set the value
        collection = meta.get("collection")
        if callable(collection):
            new_class._meta["collection"] = collection(new_class)

        # Provide a default queryset unless exists or one has been set
        if "objects" not in dir(new_class):
            new_class.objects = QuerySetManager()

        # Validate the fields and set primary key if needed
        for field_name, field in iteritems(new_class._fields):
            if field.primary_key:
                # Ensure only one primary key is set
                current_pk = new_class._meta.get("id_field")
                if current_pk and current_pk != field_name:
                    raise ValueError("Cannot override primary key field")

                # Set primary key
                if not current_pk:
                    new_class._meta["id_field"] = field_name
                    new_class.id = field

        # If the document doesn't explicitly define a primary key field, create
        # one. Make it an ObjectIdField and give it a non-clashing name ("id"
        # by default, but can be different if that one's taken).
        if not new_class._meta.get("id_field"):
            id_name, id_db_name = mcs.get_auto_id_names(new_class)
            new_class._meta["id_field"] = id_name
            new_class._fields[id_name] = ObjectIdField(db_field=id_db_name)
            new_class._fields[id_name].name = id_name
            new_class.id = new_class._fields[id_name]
            new_class._db_field_map[id_name] = id_db_name
            new_class._reverse_db_field_map[id_db_name] = id_name

            # Prepend the ID field to _fields_ordered (so that it's *always*
            # the first field).
            new_class._fields_ordered = (id_name,) + new_class._fields_ordered

        # Merge in exceptions with parent hierarchy.
        exceptions_to_merge = (DoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned)
        module = attrs.get("__module__")
        for exc in exceptions_to_merge:
            name = exc.__name__
            parents = tuple(
                getattr(base, name) for base in flattened_bases if hasattr(base, name)
            ) or (exc,)

            # Create a new exception and set it as an attribute on the new
            # class.
            exception = type(name, parents, {"__module__": module})
            setattr(new_class, name, exception)

        return new_class
예제 #26
class users(Document):
    email = StringField()
    gardens = ListField(ObjectIdField())
    unsubscribed = BooleanField()
예제 #27
class ProductPreCompound(Document):
    # Compounds of the preorder
    id = ObjectIdField()
    preorder = LongField(required=True)
    product = LongField(required=True)
    compound = LongField(required=True)
예제 #28
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from mongoengine.errors import ValidationError
from mongoengine.base.fields import ObjectIdField

# Used to validate object_ids.
# Called by is_valid_object_id
OBJECT_ID = ObjectIdField()

def is_valid_object_id(value):
    """Validates BSON IDs using mongoengine's ObjectIdField field."""
        return True
    except ValidationError:
        return False

def trim_field_key(document, field_key):
    Returns the smallest delimited version of field_key that
    is an attribute on document.

    return (key, left_over_array)
    trimming = True
    left_over_key_values = []
    current_key = field_key
    while trimming and current_key:
        if hasattr(document, current_key):
예제 #29
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        flattened_bases = cls._get_bases(bases)
        super_new = super(TopLevelDocumentMetaclass, cls).__new__

        # Set default _meta data if base class, otherwise get user defined meta
        if (attrs.get('my_metaclass') == TopLevelDocumentMetaclass):
            # defaults
            attrs['_meta'] = {
                'abstract': True,
                'max_documents': None,
                'max_size': None,
                'ordering': [],  # default ordering applied at runtime
                'indexes': [],  # indexes to be ensured at runtime
                'id_field': None,
                'index_opts': None,
                'delete_rules': None,
                'allow_inheritance': None,
            attrs['_is_base_cls'] = True
            attrs['_meta'].update(attrs.get('meta', {}))
            attrs['_meta'] = attrs.get('meta', {})
            # Explictly set abstract to false unless set
            attrs['_meta']['abstract'] = attrs['_meta'].get('abstract', False)
            attrs['_is_base_cls'] = False

        # Set flag marking as document class - as opposed to an object mixin
        attrs['_is_document'] = True

        # Ensure queryset_class is inherited
        if 'objects' in attrs:
            manager = attrs['objects']
            if hasattr(manager, 'queryset_class'):
                attrs['_meta']['queryset_class'] = manager.queryset_class

        # Clean up top level meta
        if 'meta' in attrs:

        # Find the parent document class
        parent_doc_cls = [b for b in flattened_bases
                        if b.__class__ == TopLevelDocumentMetaclass]
        parent_doc_cls = None if not parent_doc_cls else parent_doc_cls[0]

        # Prevent classes setting collection different to their parents
        # If parent wasn't an abstract class
        if (parent_doc_cls and 'collection' in attrs.get('_meta', {})
            and not parent_doc_cls._meta.get('abstract', True)):
                msg = "Trying to set a collection on a subclass (%s)" % name
                warnings.warn(msg, SyntaxWarning)

        # Ensure abstract documents have abstract bases
        if attrs.get('_is_base_cls') or attrs['_meta'].get('abstract'):
            if (parent_doc_cls and
                not parent_doc_cls._meta.get('abstract', False)):
                msg = "Abstract document cannot have non-abstract base"
                raise ValueError(msg)
            return super_new(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        # Merge base class metas.
        # Uses a special MetaDict that handles various merging rules
        meta = MetaDict()
        for base in flattened_bases[::-1]:
            # Add any mixin metadata from plain objects
            if hasattr(base, 'meta'):
            elif hasattr(base, '_meta'):

            # Set collection in the meta if its callable
            if (getattr(base, '_is_document', False) and
                not base._meta.get('abstract')):
                collection = meta.get('collection', None)
                if callable(collection):
                    meta['collection'] = collection(base)

        meta.merge(attrs.get('_meta', {}))  # Top level meta

        # Only simple classes (direct subclasses of Document)
        # may set allow_inheritance to False
        simple_class = all([b._meta.get('abstract')
                            for b in flattened_bases if hasattr(b, '_meta')])
        if (not simple_class and meta['allow_inheritance'] is False and
           not meta['abstract']):
            raise ValueError('Only direct subclasses of Document may set '
                             '"allow_inheritance" to False')

        # Set default collection name
        if 'collection' not in meta:
            meta['collection'] = ''.join('_%s' % c if c.isupper() else c
                                         for c in name).strip('_').lower()
        attrs['_meta'] = meta

        # Call super and get the new class
        new_class = super_new(cls, name, bases, attrs)

        meta = new_class._meta

        # Set index specifications
        meta['index_specs'] = new_class._build_index_specs(meta['indexes'])

        # If collection is a callable - call it and set the value
        collection = meta.get('collection')
        if callable(collection):
            new_class._meta['collection'] = collection(new_class)

        # Provide a default queryset unless exists or one has been set
        if 'objects' not in dir(new_class):
            new_class.objects = QuerySetManager()

        # Validate the fields and set primary key if needed
        for field_name, field in new_class._fields.iteritems():
            if field.primary_key:
                # Ensure only one primary key is set
                current_pk = new_class._meta.get('id_field')
                if current_pk and current_pk != field_name:
                    raise ValueError('Cannot override primary key field')

                # Set primary key
                if not current_pk:
                    new_class._meta['id_field'] = field_name
                    new_class.id = field

        # Set primary key if not defined by the document
        if not new_class._meta.get('id_field'):
            id_field = ObjectIdField(primary_key=True)
            id_field.name = 'id'
            id_field._auto_gen = True
            new_class._fields['id'] = id_field
            new_class.id = new_class._fields['id']
            new_class._meta['id_field'] = 'id'
            new_class._db_field_map['id'] = id_field.db_field

        # Merge in exceptions with parent hierarchy
        exceptions_to_merge = (DoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned)
        module = attrs.get('__module__')
        for exc in exceptions_to_merge:
            name = exc.__name__
            parents = tuple(getattr(base, name) for base in flattened_bases
                         if hasattr(base, name)) or (exc,)
            # Create new exception and set to new_class
            exception = type(name, parents, {'__module__': module})
            setattr(new_class, name, exception)

        return new_class
예제 #30
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
        flattened_bases = mcs._get_bases(bases)
        super_new = super(TopLevelDocumentMetaclass, mcs).__new__

        # Set default _meta data if base class, otherwise get user defined meta
        if attrs.get('my_metaclass') == TopLevelDocumentMetaclass:
            # defaults
            attrs['_meta'] = {
                'abstract': True,
                'max_documents': None,
                'max_size': None,
                'ordering': [],  # default ordering applied at runtime
                'indexes': [],  # indexes to be ensured at runtime
                'id_field': None,
                'index_background': False,
                'index_drop_dups': False,
                'index_opts': None,
                'delete_rules': None,

                # allow_inheritance can be True, False, and None. True means
                # "allow inheritance", False means "don't allow inheritance",
                # None means "do whatever your parent does, or don't allow
                # inheritance if you're a top-level class".
                'allow_inheritance': None,
            attrs['_is_base_cls'] = True
            attrs['_meta'].update(attrs.get('meta', {}))
            attrs['_meta'] = attrs.get('meta', {})
            # Explicitly set abstract to false unless set
            attrs['_meta']['abstract'] = attrs['_meta'].get('abstract', False)
            attrs['_is_base_cls'] = False

        # Set flag marking as document class - as opposed to an object mixin
        attrs['_is_document'] = True

        # Ensure queryset_class is inherited
        if 'objects' in attrs:
            manager = attrs['objects']
            if hasattr(manager, 'queryset_class'):
                attrs['_meta']['queryset_class'] = manager.queryset_class

        # Clean up top level meta
        if 'meta' in attrs:
            del attrs['meta']

        # Find the parent document class
        parent_doc_cls = [
            b for b in flattened_bases
            if b.__class__ == TopLevelDocumentMetaclass
        parent_doc_cls = None if not parent_doc_cls else parent_doc_cls[0]

        # Prevent classes setting collection different to their parents
        # If parent wasn't an abstract class
        if (parent_doc_cls and 'collection' in attrs.get('_meta', {})
                and not parent_doc_cls._meta.get('abstract', True)):
            msg = 'Trying to set a collection on a subclass (%s)' % name
            warnings.warn(msg, SyntaxWarning)
            del attrs['_meta']['collection']

        # Ensure abstract documents have abstract bases
        if attrs.get('_is_base_cls') or attrs['_meta'].get('abstract'):
            if (parent_doc_cls
                    and not parent_doc_cls._meta.get('abstract', False)):
                msg = 'Abstract document cannot have non-abstract base'
                raise ValueError(msg)
            return super_new(mcs, name, bases, attrs)

        # Merge base class metas.
        # Uses a special MetaDict that handles various merging rules
        meta = MetaDict()
        for base in flattened_bases[::-1]:
            # Add any mixin metadata from plain objects
            if hasattr(base, 'meta'):
            elif hasattr(base, '_meta'):

            # Set collection in the meta if its callable
            if (getattr(base, '_is_document', False)
                    and not base._meta.get('abstract')):
                collection = meta.get('collection', None)
                if callable(collection):
                    meta['collection'] = collection(base)

        meta.merge(attrs.get('_meta', {}))  # Top level meta

        # Only simple classes (i.e. direct subclasses of Document) may set
        # allow_inheritance to False. If the base Document allows inheritance,
        # none of its subclasses can override allow_inheritance to False.
        simple_class = all([
            b._meta.get('abstract') for b in flattened_bases
            if hasattr(b, '_meta')
        if (not simple_class and meta['allow_inheritance'] is False
                and not meta['abstract']):
            raise ValueError('Only direct subclasses of Document may set '
                             '"allow_inheritance" to False')

        # Set default collection name
        if 'collection' not in meta:
            meta['collection'] = ''.join('_%s' % c if c.isupper() else c
                                         for c in name).strip('_').lower()
        attrs['_meta'] = meta

        # Call super and get the new class
        new_class = super_new(mcs, name, bases, attrs)

        meta = new_class._meta

        # Set index specifications
        meta['index_specs'] = new_class._build_index_specs(meta['indexes'])

        # If collection is a callable - call it and set the value
        collection = meta.get('collection')
        if callable(collection):
            new_class._meta['collection'] = collection(new_class)

        # Provide a default queryset unless exists or one has been set
        if 'objects' not in dir(new_class):
            new_class.objects = QuerySetManager()

        # Validate the fields and set primary key if needed
        for field_name, field in iteritems(new_class._fields):
            if field.primary_key:
                # Ensure only one primary key is set
                current_pk = new_class._meta.get('id_field')
                if current_pk and current_pk != field_name:
                    raise ValueError('Cannot override primary key field')

                # Set primary key
                if not current_pk:
                    new_class._meta['id_field'] = field_name
                    new_class.id = field

        # Set primary key if not defined by the document
        new_class._auto_id_field = getattr(parent_doc_cls, '_auto_id_field',
        if not new_class._meta.get('id_field'):
            # After 0.10, find not existing names, instead of overwriting
            id_name, id_db_name = mcs.get_auto_id_names(new_class)
            new_class._auto_id_field = True
            new_class._meta['id_field'] = id_name
            new_class._fields[id_name] = ObjectIdField(db_field=id_db_name)
            new_class._fields[id_name].name = id_name
            new_class.id = new_class._fields[id_name]
            new_class._db_field_map[id_name] = id_db_name
            new_class._reverse_db_field_map[id_db_name] = id_name
            # Prepend id field to _fields_ordered
            new_class._fields_ordered = (id_name, ) + new_class._fields_ordered

        # Merge in exceptions with parent hierarchy
        exceptions_to_merge = (DoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned)
        module = attrs.get('__module__')
        for exc in exceptions_to_merge:
            name = exc.__name__
            parents = tuple(
                getattr(base, name)
                for base in flattened_bases if hasattr(base, name)) or (exc, )
            # Create new exception and set to new_class
            exception = type(name, parents, {'__module__': module})
            setattr(new_class, name, exception)

        return new_class
예제 #31
class ProductSaleCompound(Document):
    # Compound of products to sale
    id = ObjectIdField()
    preorder = LongField(required=True)
    product = LongField(required=True)
    compound = LongField(required=True)