예제 #1
class Car(me.Document):
    id = me.IntField(primary_key=True)
    model = me.StringField()
    color = me.StringField()
    year = me.IntField()
예제 #2
class MongoDocument(mongoengine.Document):
    meta = {'collection': COLLECTION}
    number = mongoengine.IntField()
예제 #3
class Count(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument):
    total_count = mongoengine.IntField()
예제 #4
class Machine(OwnershipMixin, me.Document):
    """The basic machine model"""

    id = me.StringField(primary_key=True, default=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex)

    cloud = me.ReferenceField('Cloud', required=True)
    owner = me.ReferenceField('Organization', required=True)
    location = me.ReferenceField('CloudLocation', required=False)
    size = me.ReferenceField('CloudSize', required=False)
    network = me.ReferenceField('Network', required=False)
    subnet = me.ReferenceField('Subnet', required=False)
    name = me.StringField()

    # Info gathered mostly by libcloud (or in some cases user input).
    # Be more specific about what this is.
    # We should perhaps come up with a better name.
    machine_id = me.StringField(required=True)
    hostname = me.StringField()
    public_ips = me.ListField()
    private_ips = me.ListField()
    ssh_port = me.IntField(default=22)
    OS_TYPES = ('windows', 'coreos', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'unix')
    os_type = me.StringField(default='unix', choices=OS_TYPES)
    rdp_port = me.IntField(default=3389)
    actions = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(Actions, default=lambda: Actions())
    extra = me.DictField()
    cost = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(Cost, default=lambda: Cost())
    image_id = me.StringField()
    # libcloud.compute.types.NodeState
    state = me.StringField(default='unknown',
                           choices=('running', 'starting', 'rebooting',
                                    'terminated', 'pending', 'unknown',
                                    'stopping', 'stopped', 'suspended',
                                    'error', 'paused', 'reconfiguring'))
    machine_type = me.StringField(default='machine',
                                  choices=('machine', 'vm', 'container',
                                           'hypervisor', 'container-host'))
    parent = me.ReferenceField('Machine', required=False)

    # We should think this through a bit.
    key_associations = me.EmbeddedDocumentListField(KeyAssociation)

    last_seen = me.DateTimeField()
    missing_since = me.DateTimeField()
    unreachable_since = me.DateTimeField()
    created = me.DateTimeField()

    monitoring = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(Monitoring,
                                          default=lambda: Monitoring())

    ssh_probe = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(SSHProbe, required=False)
    ping_probe = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(PingProbe, required=False)

    # Number of vCPUs gathered from various sources. This field is meant to
    # be updated ONLY by the mist.api.metering.tasks:find_machine_cores task.
    cores = me.IntField()

    meta = {
        'indexes': [{
            'fields': ['cloud', 'machine_id'],
            'sparse': False,
            'unique': True,
            'cls': False,
        }, {
            'fields': ['monitoring.installation_status.activated_at'],
            'sparse': True,
            'unique': False

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Machine, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.ctl = MachineController(self)

    def clean(self):
        # Remove any KeyAssociation, whose `keypair` has been deleted. Do NOT
        # perform an atomic update on self, but rather remove items from the
        # self.key_associations list by iterating over it and popping matched
        # embedded documents in order to ensure that the most recent list is
        # always processed and saved.
        for ka in reversed(range(len(self.key_associations))):
            if self.key_associations[ka].keypair.deleted:
        # Populate owner field based on self.cloud.owner
        if not self.owner:
            self.owner = self.cloud.owner
        if self.monitoring.method not in config.MONITORING_METHODS:
            self.monitoring.method = config.DEFAULT_MONITORING_METHOD

    def clean_os_type(self):
        """Clean self.os_type"""
        if self.os_type not in self.OS_TYPES:
            for os_type in self.OS_TYPES:
                if self.os_type.lower() == os_type:
                    self.os_type = os_type
                self.os_type = 'unix'

    def delete(self):
        super(Machine, self).delete()
        except (AttributeError, me.DoesNotExist) as exc:
            if self.owned_by:
        except (AttributeError, me.DoesNotExist) as exc:

    def as_dict(self):
        # Return a dict as it will be returned to the API

        # tags as a list return for the ui
        tags = {
            tag.key: tag.value
            for tag in mist.api.tag.models.Tag.objects(
                resource=self).only('key', 'value')
        # Optimize tags data structure for js...
        if isinstance(tags, dict):
            tags = [{
                'key': key,
                'value': value
            } for key, value in tags.iteritems()]
        return {
            {action: self.actions[action]
             for action in self.actions},
            if self.monitoring and self.monitoring.hasmonitoring else '',
            'key_associations': [ka.as_dict() for ka in self.key_associations],
            self.location.id if self.location else '',
            self.size.name if self.size else '',
            str(self.last_seen.replace(tzinfo=None) if self.last_seen else ''),
                    tzinfo=None) if self.missing_since else ''),
                    tzinfo=None) if self.unreachable_since else ''),
            str(self.created.replace(tzinfo=None) if self.created else ''),
            self.parent.id if self.parent is not None else '',
            'probe': {
                'ping': (self.ping_probe.as_dict() if self.ping_probe
                         is not None else PingProbe().as_dict()),
                'ssh': (self.ssh_probe.as_dict() if self.ssh_probe is not None
                        else SSHProbe().as_dict()),
            self.network.id if self.network else '',
            self.subnet.id if self.subnet else '',
            self.owned_by.id if self.owned_by else '',
            self.created_by.id if self.created_by else '',

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Machine %s (%s) in %s' % (self.name, self.id, self.cloud)
예제 #5
class DiskUsage(me.EmbeddedDocument):
    used = me.IntField(default=0)
    free = me.IntField(default=0)
    percent = me.FloatField(default=0)  # show in percent
    total = me.IntField(required=True, default=0)
예제 #6
 class ReferenceDoc(me.Document):
     field = me.IntField(primary_key=True, default=42)
예제 #7
class BonusCardTrx(mge.EmbeddedDocument):
    trx_id = mge.StringField(required=True)  # номер транзакции
    trx_value = mge.IntField(required=True)  # Сколько начислено бонусных единиц(миль)
    departure_airport = mge.StringField(required=True)  # откуда
    arrival_airport = mge.StringField(required=True)  # куда
    flight_date = mge.DateTimeField(required=True)  # дата полёта
예제 #8
class Image(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument):
    path = mongoengine.StringField(required=True)
    width = mongoengine.IntField(required=True)
    height = mongoengine.IntField(required=True)
    content_type = mongoengine.StringField(required=True)
예제 #9
class UserProfile(me.Document):
    User profile model which has other social data and related
    user info

    first_name = me.StringField(max_length=30)
    last_name = me.StringField(max_length=30)
    google = me.DictField()
    github = me.DictField()
    avatar = me.URLField()
    facebook_handle = me.StringField(max_length=100)
    twitter_handle = me.StringField(max_length=100)
    linkedin_handle = me.StringField(max_length=100)
    description = me.StringField(max_length=500)
    company = me.StringField(max_length=100)
    designation = me.StringField(max_length=100)
    mobile = me.IntField()

    created_at = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow)
    updated_at = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow)
    created_by = me.ReferenceField('User', required=False)
    updated_by = me.ReferenceField('User', required=False)
    is_active = me.BooleanField(default=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return ' '.join([self.first_name, self.last_name])

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(UserProfile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def pre_save(cls, sender, document, **kwargs):
        if document.google:
            if UserProfile.objects.filter(
                          google__email=document.google['email']).count() > 0:
                raise ValidationError('This account is already registered.')
        if document.github:
            if UserProfile.objects.filter(
                          github__email=document.github['email']).count() > 0:
                raise ValidationError('This account is already registered.')
        if document.description and len(document.description) > 500:
            raise ValidationError('Description exceeds 500 characters')
        if document.facebook_handle and len(document.facebook_handle) > 100:
            raise ValidationError('Facebook id exceeds 100 characters')
        if document.twitter_handle and len(document.twitter_handle) > 100:
            raise ValidationError('Twitter id exceeds 100 characters')
        if document.linkedin_handle and len(document.linkedin_handle) > 100:
            raise ValidationError('Linked-in id exceeds 100 characters')
        if document.company and len(document.company) > 100:
            raise ValidationError('Company exceeds 100 characters')
        if document.designation and len(document.designation) > 100:
            raise ValidationError('Designation exceeds 100 characters')
        if document.first_name and len(document.first_name) > 30:
            raise ValidationError('First name exceeds 30 characters')
        if document.last_name and len(document.last_name) > 30:
            raise ValidationError('Last name exceeds 30 characters')
        if document.mobile and len(str(document.mobile)) > 13:
            raise ValidationError('Mobile number exceeds 13 characters')

    def post_save(cls, sender, document, **kwargs):
        if not document.first_name and not document.last_name:
            first_name = last_name = ''
            if document.google:
                if 'first_name' in document.google.keys(): 
                    first_name = document.google['first_name']
                if 'last_name' in document.google.keys():
                    last_name = document.google['last_name']
            if document.github:
                    first_name, last_name = document.github['name'].split(' ')
                except ValueError:
                    first_name, last_name = document.github['name'], ''
                except KeyError:

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(UserProfile, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

    def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(UserProfile, self).update(*args, **kwargs)

    def to_json(self, fields=None, exclude=None):
        return json_dumper(self, fields, exclude)
예제 #10
class Schedule(me.Document, ConditionalClassMixin):
    """Abstract base class for every schedule attr mongoengine model.
    This model is based on celery periodic task and creates defines the fields
    common to all schedules of all types. For each different schedule type, a
    subclass should be created adding any schedule specific fields and methods.

     Documents of all Schedule subclasses will be stored on the same mongo

    One can perform a query directly on Schedule to fetch all cloud types, like



    condition_resource_cls = Machine

    meta = {
        'indexes': [
                'fields': ['owner', 'name', 'deleted'],
                'sparse': False,
                'unique': True,
                'cls': False,

    id = me.StringField(primary_key=True, default=lambda: uuid4().hex)
    name = me.StringField(required=True)
    description = me.StringField()
    deleted = me.DateTimeField()

    owner = me.ReferenceField(Organization, required=True)

    # celery periodic task specific fields
    queue = me.StringField()
    exchange = me.StringField()
    routing_key = me.StringField()
    soft_time_limit = me.IntField()

    # mist specific fields
    schedule_type = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(BaseScheduleType, required=True)
    task_type = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(BaseTaskType, required=True)

    # celerybeat-mongo specific fields
    expires = me.DateTimeField()
    start_after = me.DateTimeField()
    task_enabled = me.BooleanField(default=False)
    run_immediately = me.BooleanField()
    last_run_at = me.DateTimeField()
    total_run_count = me.IntField(min_value=0, default=0)
    max_run_count = me.IntField(min_value=0, default=0)

    no_changes = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # FIXME
        import mist.api.schedules.base
        super(Schedule, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.ctl = mist.api.schedules.base.BaseController(self)

    def owner_query(self):
        return me.Q(cloud__in=Cloud.objects(owner=self.owner).only('id'))

    def add(cls, auth_context, name, **kwargs):
        """Add schedule

        This is a class method, meaning that it is meant to be called on the
        class itself and not on an instance of the class.

        You're not meant to be calling this directly, but on a schedule class
        instead like this:

            schedule = Schedule.add(owner=owner, **kwargs)
        owner = auth_context.owner

        if not name:
            raise RequiredParameterMissingError('name')
        if not owner or not isinstance(owner, Organization):
            raise BadRequestError('owner')
        if Schedule.objects(owner=owner, name=name, deleted=None):
            raise ScheduleNameExistsError()
        schedule = cls(owner=owner, name=name)

        return schedule

    def schedule(self):
        if self.schedule_type:
            return self.schedule_type.schedule
            raise Exception("must define interval, crontab, one_off schedule")

    def args(self):
        mids = [
            machine.id for machine in self.get_resources()
            if machine.state != 'terminated'
        fire_up = self.task_type.args
        return [self.owner.id, fire_up, self.name, mids]

    def kwargs(self):
        return {}

    def task(self):
        return self.task_type.task

    def enabled(self):
        if self.deleted:
            return False
        if not self.get_resources().count():
            return False
        if self.expires and self.expires < datetime.datetime.now():
            return False
        # if self.start_after and self.start_after < datetime.datetime.now():
        #     return False
        if self.max_run_count and (
            (self.total_run_count or 0) >= self.max_run_count):
            return False
            return self.task_enabled

    def __unicode__(self):
        fmt = '{0.name}: {{no schedule}}'
        if self.schedule_type:
            fmt = 'name: {0.name} type: {0.schedule_type._cls}'
            raise Exception("must define interval or crontab schedule")
        return fmt.format(self)

    def validate(self, clean=True):
        Override mongoengine validate. We should validate crontab entry.
            Use crontab_parser for crontab expressions.
            The parser is a general purpose one, useful for parsing hours,
            minutes and day_of_week expressions.

            example for minutes:
                minutes = crontab_parser(60).parse('*/15')
                [0, 15, 30, 45]

        if isinstance(self.schedule_type, Crontab):
            cronj_entry = self.schedule_type.as_dict()
                for k, v in cronj_entry.items():
                    if k == 'minute':
                    elif k == 'hour':
                    elif k == 'day_of_week':
                    elif k == 'day_of_month':
                        celery.schedules.crontab_parser(31, 1).parse(v)
                    elif k == 'month_of_year':
                        celery.schedules.crontab_parser(12, 1).parse(v)
                        raise me.ValidationError(
                            'You should provide valid period of time')
            except celery.schedules.ParseException:
                raise me.ValidationError('Crontab entry is not valid')
            except Exception as exc:
                raise me.ValidationError('Crontab entry is not valid:%s' %
        super(Schedule, self).validate(clean=True)

    def delete(self):
        super(Schedule, self).delete()

    def as_dict(self):
        # Return a dict as it will be returned to the API

        last_run = '' if self.total_run_count == 0 else str(self.last_run_at)

        conditions = [condition.as_dict() for condition in self.conditions]

        sdict = {
            'id': self.id,
            'name': self.name,
            'description': self.description or '',
            'schedule': unicode(self.schedule_type),
            'schedule_type': self.schedule_type.type,
            'schedule_entry': self.schedule_type.as_dict(),
            'task_type': str(self.task_type),
            'expires': str(self.expires or ''),
            'start_after': str(self.start_after or ''),
            'task_enabled': self.task_enabled,
            'active': self.enabled,
            'run_immediately': self.run_immediately or '',
            'last_run_at': last_run,
            'total_run_count': self.total_run_count,
            'max_run_count': self.max_run_count,
            'conditions': conditions,

        return sdict
예제 #11
class PollingSchedule(ShardedScheduleMixin, me.Document):

    meta = {
        'allow_inheritance': True,
        'strict': False,
        'indexes': ['shard_id']

    # We use a unique name for easy identification and to avoid running the
    # same schedule twice. The name is autopopulated during the invocation of
    # the `clean` method.
    name = me.StringField(unique=True)

    # The following fields are defined in celerybeatmongo.models.PeriodicTask.
    # Here, we define no fields in the base class, and expect subclasses to
    # either define their fields, or simply use properties.
    # task = me.StringField(required=True)
    # args = me.ListField()
    # kwargs = me.DictField()

    # Scheduling information. Don't edit them directly, just use the model
    # methods.
    default_interval = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(
        PollingInterval, required=True, default=PollingInterval(every=0))
    override_intervals = me.EmbeddedDocumentListField(PollingInterval)

    # Optional arguments.
    queue = me.StringField()
    exchange = me.StringField()
    routing_key = me.StringField()
    soft_time_limit = me.IntField()

    # Used internally by the scheduler.
    last_run_at = me.DateTimeField()
    total_run_count = me.IntField(min_value=0)
    run_immediately = me.BooleanField()

    def get_name(self):
        """Construct name based on self.task"""
            return self.task.split('.')[-1]
        except NotImplementedError:
            return '%s: No task specified.' % self.__class__.__name__

    def clean(self):
        """Automatically set value of name"""
        self.name = self.get_name()

    def task(self):
        """Return task name for this schedule

        Subclasses should define an attribute, property or field to do this.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def args(self):
        """Return task args for this schedule"""
        return [str(self.id)]

    def kwargs(self):
        """Return task kwargs for this schedule"""
        return {}

    def enabled(self):
        """Whether this task is currently enabled or not"""
        return bool(self.interval.timedelta)

    def interval(self):
        """Merge multiple intervals into one

        Returns a dynamic PollingInterval, with the highest frequency of any
        override schedule or the default schedule.

        interval = self.default_interval
        for i in self.override_intervals:
            if not i.expired():
                if not interval.timedelta or i.timedelta < interval.timedelta:
                    interval = i
        return interval

    def schedule(self):
        """Return a celery schedule instance

        This is used internally by celerybeatmongo scheduler
        return celery.schedules.schedule(self.interval.timedelta)

    def expires(self):
        return None

    def add_interval(self, interval, ttl=300, name=''):
        """Add an override schedule to the scheduled task

        Override schedules must define an interval in seconds, as well as a
        TTL (time to live), also in seconds. Override schedules cannot be
        removed, so short TTL's should be used. You can however add a new
        override schedule again, thus practically extending the time where an
        override is in effect.

        Override schedules can only increase, not decrease frequency of the
        schedule, in relation to that define in the `default_interval`.
        assert isinstance(interval, int) and interval > 0
        assert isinstance(ttl, int) and 0 < ttl < 3600
        expires = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=ttl)
            PollingInterval(name=name, expires=expires, every=interval))

    def cleanup_expired_intervals(self):
        """Remove override schedules that have expired"""
        self.override_intervals = [
            override for override in self.override_intervals
            if not override.expired()

    def set_default_interval(self, interval):
        """Set default interval

        This is the interval used for this schedule, if there is no active
        override schedule with a smaller interval. The default interval never
        expires. To disable a task, simply set `enabled` equal to False.
        self.default_interval = PollingInterval(name='default', every=interval)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return "%s %s" % (self.get_name(), self.interval or '(no interval)')
예제 #12
class College(mgng.EmbeddedDocument):
    name = mgng.StringField()
    status = mgng.StringField()
    rank = mgng.IntField()
    essays = mgng.ListField(mgng.EmbeddedDocumentField(Essay))
예제 #13
class Mark(me.EmbeddedDocument):
    mark = me.IntField(min_value=1, max_value=12)
    id_item = me.ReferenceField(Items)
    name_item = me.StringField(min_length=1, max_length=255, required=True)
예제 #14
class Result(mongoengine.Document):
    task_id = mongoengine.StringField(required=True, unique=True)
    result = mongoengine.StringField()
    high_count = mongoengine.IntField()
    medium_count = mongoengine.IntField()
    low_count = mongoengine.IntField()
예제 #15
 class EmbeddedB(me.EmbeddedDocument):
     field_b = me.IntField(default=42)
예제 #16
class PeriodicTaskInfo(me.Document):
    class Lock(me.EmbeddedDocument):
        id = me.StringField(default=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex)
        created_at = me.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now())

    # Unique task identifier.
    key = me.StringField(primary_key=True)

    # Track successes/failures for autodisabling.
    last_success = me.DateTimeField()
    last_failure = me.DateTimeField()
    failures_count = me.IntField(default=0)

    # Lock to prevent concurrent running of the same task.
    lock = me.EmbeddedDocumentField(Lock)

    # Class attributes (NOT FIELDS). This define constants on the class.
    # Subclasses may override by setting attributes, dynamic properties or
    # fields.

    # Task won't be autodisabled if it has failed less times.
    min_failures_count = 50
    # Task won't be autodisabled if it has succeeded in this period.
    min_failures_period = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
    # Task will be autodisabled if it has failed more times.
    max_failures_count = 100
    # Task will be autodisabled if it hasn't succeeded in this period.
    max_failures_period = datetime.timedelta(days=2)

    # Lock will be broken if it was last acquired more than this time ago.
    break_lock_after = datetime.timedelta(seconds=300)

    # Abort task if previous attempt was in less than this time before.
    min_interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)

    def get_or_add(cls, key):
            task = cls.objects.get(key=key)
        except cls.DoesNotExist:
            log.info("PeriodicTaskInfo for '%s' missing, will create.", key)
            task = cls(key=key)
            except me.NotUniqueError:
                # Work around race condition where document was created since
                # we checked.
                    "PeriodicTaskInfo for '%s' creation race "
                    "condition, will reload.", key)
                task = cls.objects.get(key=key)
        log.debug("Loaded PeriodicTaskInfo for '%s'.", key)
        return task

    def get_last_run(self):
        if self.last_success and self.last_failure:
            return max(self.last_success, self.last_failure)
        return self.last_success or self.last_failure

    def check_failures_threshold_exceeded(self):
        """Raise PeriodicTaskThresholdExceeed if task should be autodisabled"""

        now = datetime.datetime.now()

        # If it hasn't run recently, then allow it to run.
        last_run = self.get_last_run()
        if not last_run or now - last_run > datetime.timedelta(days=1):

        # Not exceeded if it hasn't failed enough times.
        if self.min_failures_count is not None:
            if self.failures_count < self.min_failures_count:

        # Not exceeded if it hasn't failed for long enough.
        if self.min_failures_period is not None:
            if now - self.last_failure < self.min_failures_period:

        # Exceeded if it has failed too many times.
        if self.max_failures_count is not None:
            if self.failures_count > self.max_failures_count:
                raise PeriodicTaskThresholdExceeded()

        # Exceed if it has been failing for too long.
        if self.max_failures_period is not None:
            if now - self.last_failure > self.max_failures_period:
                raise PeriodicTaskThresholdExceeded()

        # None of the conditions matched, so threshold hasn't been exceeded.

    def check_too_soon(self):
        """Raise error if task has been run too recently"""
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        # Find last run. If too recent, abort.
        if self.min_interval:
            last_run = self.get_last_run()
            if last_run:
                if now - last_run < self.min_interval:
                    raise PeriodicTaskTooRecentLastRun()

    def acquire_lock(self, attempts=1, retry_sleep=1):
        """Acquire run lock"""
        # Is another same task running?
        for i in range(attempts):
            if not self.lock:
            if self.break_lock_after:
                now = datetime.datetime.now()
                if now - self.lock.created_at > self.break_lock_after:
                    # Has been running for too long or has died. Ignore.
                        "Other task '%s' seems to have started, but "
                        "it's been quite a while, will ignore and run.",
            if i < attempts - 1:
            log.warning("Lock for task '%s' is taken.", self.key)
            raise PeriodicTaskLockTakenError()
        self.lock = self.Lock()

    def release_lock(self):
        lock_id = self.lock.id
        if not self.lock or lock_id != self.lock.id:
                "Someone broke our lock for task '%s' since we "
                "acquired it!", self.key)
        self.lock = None

    def task_runner(self, persist=False):
        """Context manager to run periodic tasks that update model state

        This is a context manager, so it meant be used in a `with` statement,
        like this:

            with task_runner('unique-task-key'):

        What this does:
        1. Takes care of using locks to prevent concurrent runs of the same
        2. Tracks last success, last failure, and failure count of this task.


        if not persist:
        self.acquire_lock(attempts=60 if persist else 1)

        except Exception:
            self.last_failure = datetime.datetime.now()
            self.failures_count += 1
            self.last_success = datetime.datetime.now()
            self.failures_count = 0
            self.last_attempt_started = None

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)
예제 #17
 class Doc(me.Document):
     id = me.IntField(primary_key=True, default=1)
     map = me.MapField(me.EmbeddedDocumentField(MappedDoc))
     str = me.MapField(me.StringField())
class Products(medb.Document):
    description = medb.StringField(required=True,max_length=500)
    price = medb.IntField(required=True,max_value=15)
예제 #19
class BonusCard(mge.Document):
    bonus_card_number = mge.StringField(min_length=3, max_length=10, unique=True, required=True)
    balance = mge.IntField(min_value=0, default=0)
    card_history = mge.ListField(mge.EmbeddedDocumentField(BonusCardTrx))

    meta = {'allow_inheritance': True}
예제 #20
class Task(mongoengine.Document):
    """Tasks are the smallest unit of work, which contain an exact target that
    needs to be processed."""
    STATUSES = (
        (QUEUED, "Queued"),
        (PROCESSING, "Processing"),
        (FAILED, "Failed"),
        (FINISHED, "Finished"),

    meta = {'indexes': ['md5']}

    job_id = mongoengine.StringField(required=True,
                                     help_text="ID of parent Job.")
    target = mongoengine.StringField(required=True,
                                     help_text="Target URL or filesystem path")
    md5 = mongoengine.StringField(max_length=MD5_LENGTH,
                                  help_text="MD5 hexdigest of target.")
    title = mongoengine.StringField(help_text="Processed page title.")
    size = mongoengine.IntField(min_value=0,
                                help_text="Size of page in bytes.")
    images = mongoengine.IntField(min_value=0,
                                  help_text="Number of images on the page.")
    timestamp = mongoengine.DateTimeField(help_text="End time of task.")
    status = mongoengine.StringField(choices=STATUSES,
                                     help_text="Job status.")
    notes = mongoengine.StringField(help_text="Arbitary information")

    def create(cls, job_id, target):
        """Create a new task for the passed in target.

        :param job_id:  The string ID of the parent job instance
        :param target:  The target URL or filesystem path
        :returns:       ``Task`` instance
        task = cls(job_id=job_id, target=target)
        return task

    def is_queued(self):
        return self.status == self.QUEUED

    def is_processing(self):
        return self.status == self.PROCESSING

    def is_finished(self):
        return self.status == self.FINISHED

    def is_failed(self):
        return self.status == self.FAILED

    def download_link(self):
        url_template = settings.BOTTLE_CONFIG['artexin.zipball_url_template']
        return url_template.format(self.md5)

    def zipball_path(self):
        zipball_root = settings.BOTTLE_CONFIG['artexin.out_dir']
        filename = '{0}.zip'.format(self.md5)
        return os.path.join(zipball_root, filename)

    def mark_queued(self):
        self.status = self.QUEUED

    def mark_processing(self):
        self.status = self.PROCESSING

    def mark_failed(self, reason):
        self.status = self.FAILED
        self.notes = reason

    def mark_finished(self):
        self.status = self.FINISHED
        self.notes = ''
예제 #21
class SSHProbe(me.EmbeddedDocument):
    uptime = me.FloatField()  # seconds
    loadavg = me.ListField(me.FloatField())
    cores = me.IntField()
    users = me.IntField()
    pub_ips = me.ListField(me.StringField())
    priv_ips = me.ListField(me.StringField())
    macs = me.ListField(me.StringField())
    df = me.StringField()
    kernel = me.StringField()
    os = me.StringField()
    os_version = me.StringField()
    distro = me.StringField()
    dirty_cow = me.BooleanField()
    updated_at = me.DateTimeField()
    unreachable_since = me.DateTimeField()
    meta = {'strict': False}

    def update_from_dict(self, data):

        uptime = data.get('uptime')
            self.uptime = float(uptime)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            log.error("Invalid uptime value: %s", uptime)
            self.uptime = 0

        loadavg = data.get('loadavg')
            assert isinstance(loadavg, list)
            assert len(loadavg) == 3
            for i in range(3):
                loadavg[i] = float(loadavg[i])
            self.loadavg = loadavg
        except Exception as exc:
            log.error("Invalid loadavg '%s': %r", loadavg, exc)
            self.loadavg = []

        for int_attr in ('cores', 'users'):
            val = data.get(int_attr)
                setattr(self, int_attr, int(val))
            except Exception as exc:
                log.error("Invalid %s '%s': %r", int_attr, val, exc)
                setattr(self, int_attr, 0)

        for strarr_attr in ('pub_ips', 'priv_ips', 'macs'):
            val = data.get(strarr_attr)
                assert isinstance(val, list)
                assert all(isinstance(item, basestring) for item in val)
                setattr(self, strarr_attr, val)
            except Exception as exc:
                log.error("Invalid %s '%s': %r", strarr_attr, val, exc)
                setattr(self, strarr_attr, [])

        for str_attr in ('df', 'kernel', 'os', 'os_version', 'distro'):
            setattr(self, str_attr, str(data.get(str_attr, '')))

        self.dirty_cow = bool(data.get('dirty_cow'))
        self.unreachable_since = None
        self.updated_at = datetime.datetime.now()

    def as_dict(self):
        data = {
            key: getattr(self, key)
            for key in (
        # Handle datetime objects
        for key in ('updated_at', 'unreachable_since'):
            if data[key]:
                data[key] = str(data[key].replace(tzinfo=None))
        return data
예제 #22
class BigdataDeplay(mongoengine.Document):
    _id = mongoengine.ObjectIdField()
    file_total = mongoengine.IntField()
    hdfs_total = mongoengine.StringField()
    t_time = mongoengine.StringField()
    hdfs_remaining = mongoengine.StringField()
    miss_block = mongoengine.IntField()
    active_name = mongoengine.StringField()
    version = mongoengine.StringField()
    live_node = mongoengine.IntField()
    blocks_total = mongoengine.IntField()
    dead_node = mongoengine.IntField()
    cluster_id = mongoengine.StringField()
    hdfs_used = mongoengine.StringField()
    cluster_status = mongoengine.StringField()
    node_size_total = mongoengine.IntField()
    node_size_remaining = mongoengine.IntField()
    node_ip = mongoengine.StringField()
    non_dfs_used = mongoengine.IntField()
    node_size_used = mongoengine.IntField()
    node_name = mongoengine.StringField()
    node_state = mongoengine.StringField()
    block_num = mongoengine.IntField()
    total_cpu = mongoengine.IntField()
    cluster_state = mongoengine.StringField()
    used_cpu = mongoengine.IntField()
    appsPending = mongoengine.IntField()
    appsRuning = mongoengine.IntField()
    total_mem = mongoengine.IntField()
    total_live = mongoengine.IntField()
    used_mem = mongoengine.IntField()
    unhealthyNodes = mongoengine.IntField()
    table_name = mongoengine.StringField()

    meta = {"collection": 'Bigdata_deplay'}

    def __str__(self):
        return self._id
예제 #23
class MemoryUsage(me.EmbeddedDocument):
    used = me.IntField(default=0)
    free = me.IntField(default=0)
    total = me.IntField(required=True, default=0)
예제 #24
class Imdb(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument):
    id = mongoengine.StringField()
    rating = mongoengine.DecimalField()
    votes = mongoengine.IntField()
예제 #25
class SystemLoad(me.EmbeddedDocument):
    cpu = me.FloatField(default=0)
    memory = me.IntField(default=0)
예제 #26
class Awards(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument):
    wins = mongoengine.IntField()
    nominations = mongoengine.IntField()
    text = mongoengine.StringField()
예제 #27
class User(mongo.Document):
    meta = {'queryset_class': CustomUserQuerySet, 'allow_inheritance': True}

    full_name = mongo.StringField(verbose_name=_('full name'), max_length=30)
    email = mongo.EmailField(verbose_name=_('email address'),
    password = mongo.StringField(max_length=128, verbose_name=_('password'))
    last_login = mongo.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('last login'),
    is_staff = mongo.BooleanField(default=False)
    is_active = mongo.BooleanField(default=True)
    is_superuser = mongo.BooleanField(default=False)
    site_id = mongo.IntField(required=True, default=settings.SITE_ID)
    current_role = mongo.StringField(required=False)

    image = mongo.StringField(required=False)
    user_types = mongo.ListField(mongo.ReferenceField(UserTypes),
                                 verbose_name=_('User Types'))
    primary_user_type = mongo.ReferenceField(
        UserTypes, required=False, verbose_name=_('Primary User Type'))
    organization = mongo.ReferenceField(Organization,
    custom_field_form = mongo.ReferenceField("FormSchema", required=False)
    activation_key = mongo.StringField(required=False)
    key_expires = mongo.DateTimeField(required=False)

    ban = mongo.BooleanField(default=False)
    ban_reason = mongo.StringField(max_length=255, required=False)

    address = mongo.StringField(max_length=255, required=False)
    city = mongo.StringField(max_length=255, required=False)
    state = mongo.StringField(max_length=255, required=False)
    zip = mongo.StringField(max_length=50, required=False)
    phone = mongo.StringField(max_length=20, required=False)
    description = mongo.StringField(required=False)
    point = mongo.PointField(required=False)

    #used for dashboard resource reference
    dashboard_resource_id = mongo.StringField(max_length=24, required=False)
    # TODO disabled for now, either needs to become a custom form, or hard coded like the address above
    # billing_phone = mongo.StringField(max_length=20, required=False, verbose_name=_('Billing Phone'))
    # shipping_phone = mongo.StringField(max_length=20, required=False, verbose_name=_('Shipping Phone'))

    # same_address = mongo.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name=_('Is shipping adddress same as billing address'))
    # address_verified = mongo.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name=_('Address verified by TaxCloud'))

    created = mongo.StringField(required=True, default=str(datetime.now()))
    updated = mongo.StringField(required=True, default=str(datetime.now()))

    USERNAME_FIELD = 'email'
    REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['full_name']

    def objects(doc_cls, queryset):
        # This may actually also be done by defining a default ordering for
        # the document, but this illustrates the use of manager methods
        return queryset.filter(site_id=settings.SITE_ID)

    def all(doc_cls, queryset):
        # This may actually also be done by defining a default ordering for
        # the document, but this illustrates the use of manager methods
        return queryset.all()

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.updated = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

        if self.address and self.zip and self.city and self.state:
            address = (self.address + ", " + self.zip, self.city, self.state)
            geocoded_addr = verify_address(address)
            if geocoded_addr != 'Error':
                self.point = geocoded_addr

        super(User, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

        if not self.primary_user_type:

    def set_current_role(self, role):
        self.current_role = role

    def set_primary_user_type(self, typ=None):
        admin = UserTypes.objects.get(name='Admin')
        if typ:
            typ = UserTypes.objects.get(name=typ)
        elif admin in self.user_types:
            typ = admin
            typ = self.user_types[0]
        self.primary_user_type = typ
        if self.site_id == 1:
            self.current_role = 'maps-admin'
            self.current_role = typ.name

    # def is_provider(self):
    #     return len(self.user_types.filter(type='provider')) > 0

    def get_username(self):
        "Return the identifying username for this User"
        return getattr(self, self.USERNAME_FIELD)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.get_username()

    def natural_key(self):
        return (self.get_username(), )

    def is_anonymous(self):
        Always returns False. This is a way of comparing User objects to
        anonymous users.
        return False

    def is_authenticated(self):
        Always return True. This is a way to tell if the user has been
        authenticated in templates.
        return True

    def set_password(self, raw_password):
        self.password = make_password(raw_password)

    def check_password(self, raw_password):
        Returns a boolean of whether the raw_password was correct. Handles
        hashing formats behind the scenes.
        def setter(raw_password):

        return check_password(raw_password, self.password, setter)

    def set_unusable_password(self):
        # Sets a value that will never be a valid hash
        self.password = make_password(None)

    def has_usable_password(self):
        return is_password_usable(self.password)

    def get_session_auth_hash(self):
        Returns an HMAC of the password field.
        key_salt = "maps.users.models.AbstractBaseUser.get_session_auth_hash"
        return salted_hmac(key_salt, self.password).hexdigest()

    def email_user(self, subject, message, from_email=None, **kwargs):
        Sends an email to this User.
        send_mail(subject, message, from_email, [self.email], **kwargs)

    def location_count(self):
            return Location.objects(created_by=str(self.id)).count()
        except mongo.ValidationError:
            return 0

    def image_url(self):
        url = None
        if self.image:
            url = settings.MEDIA_URL + self.image
        return url

    def custom_form(self):
        output = []
            if self.custom_field_form:
                serializer = FormSchemaIdSerializer(self.custom_field_form)
        return output

    def has_permission(self, obj_name, action):
        for ut in self.user_types:
            if ut.has_permission(obj_name, action):
                return True

        return False

    def has_edit_other_permission(self, obj_name):
        return self.has_permission(obj_name, '4')

    def has_delete_other_permission(self, obj_name):
        return self.has_permission(obj_name, '5')

    def has_edit_own_permission(self, obj_name):
        return self.has_permission(obj_name, '1')

    def has_delete_own_permission(self, obj_name):
        return self.has_permission(obj_name, '2')

    def can_delete(self, obj, perm_type=None):
        if not perm_type:
            perm_type = obj.permission_type

        if obj.created_by == self.id:
            if self.has_delete_own_permission(perm_type):
                return True
            if self.has_delete_other_permission(perm_type):
                return True
        return False

    def can_edit(self, obj, perm_type=None):
        if not perm_type:
            perm_type = obj.permission_type

        if obj.created_by == self.id:
            if self.has_edit_own_permission(perm_type):
                return True
            if self.has_edit_other_permission(perm_type):
                return True
        return False

    def permission_type(self):
        return "users"
예제 #28
 class SubDocB(me.Document):
     field_b = me.IntField(primary_key=True, default=42)
예제 #29
class Friend(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument):
    id = mongoengine.IntField(name='fb_id')
    name = mongoengine.StringField()
예제 #30
class PowResult(ModelMixin, mg.Document):
    meta = {"collection": "zil_pow_results", "strict": False}

    header = mg.StringField(max_length=128, required=True)
    seed = mg.StringField(max_length=128, required=True)
    boundary = mg.StringField(max_length=128, required=True)
    pub_key = mg.StringField(max_length=128, required=True)

    mix_digest = mg.StringField(max_length=128, required=True)
    nonce = mg.StringField(max_length=128, required=True)
    hash_result = mg.StringField(max_length=128, required=True)

    block_num = mg.IntField(default=0)
    pow_fee = mg.FloatField(default=0.0)
    finished_date = mg.DateField()
    finished_time = mg.DateTimeField()
    verified_time = mg.DateTimeField()

    verified = mg.BooleanField(default=False)
    miner_wallet = mg.StringField(max_length=128)
    worker_name = mg.StringField(max_length=64, default="")

    def __str__(self):
        return f"[PowResult: {self.pub_key}, {self.header}]"

    def avg_pow_fee(cls, block_num):
        return cls.query(block_num=block_num).average("pow_fee")

    def get_pow_result(cls, header, boundary, pub_key=None, order="-finished_time"):
        query = Q(header=header) & Q(boundary=boundary)
        if pub_key is not None:
            query = query & Q(pub_key=pub_key)
        cursor = cls.objects(query).order_by(order)    # default to get latest one
        return cursor.first()

    def epoch_rewards(cls, block_num=None, miner_wallet=None, worker_name=None):
        match = {}
        if block_num is not None:
            if isinstance(block_num, int):
                match = {
                    "block_num": {
                        "$eq": block_num,
                start, end = block_num
                match = {
                    "block_num": {
                        "$gte": start,
                        "$lte": end,

        if miner_wallet is not None:
                "miner_wallet": {
                    "$eq": miner_wallet,

        if worker_name is not None:
                "worker_name": {
                    "$eq": worker_name,

        group = {
            "_id": None,
            "rewards": {"$sum": "$pow_fee"},
            "count": {"$sum": 1},
            "verified": {"$sum": {"$cond": ["$verified", 1, 0]}},
            "first_work_at": {"$min": "$finished_time"},
            "last_work_at": {"$max": "$finished_time"}

        pipeline = [
            {"$match": match},
            {"$group": group},

        res = list(cls.objects.aggregate(*pipeline))
        if res:
            rewards = res[0]
            rewards.pop("_id", None)
            return rewards

        return {"rewards": None, "count": 0, "verified": 0,
                "first_work_at": None, "last_work_at": None}

    def rewards_by_miners(cls, block_num):
        if block_num is None:
            block_num = PowWork.get_latest_block_num()

        match = {
            "block_num": {
                "$eq": block_num,

        group = {
            "_id": "$miner_wallet",
            "block_num": {"$first": "$block_num"},
            "date": {"$first": "$finished_date"},
            "date_time": {"$first": "$finished_time"},
            "rewards": {"$sum": "$pow_fee"},
            "finished": {"$sum": 1},
            "verified": {"$sum": {"$cond": ["$verified", 1, 0]}},

        project = {
            "_id": 0,
            "miner_wallet": "$_id",
            "block_num": 1,
            "date": 1,
            "date_time": 1,
            "rewards": 1,
            "finished": 1,
            "verified": 1,

        pipeline = [
            {"$match": match},
            {"$group": group},
            {"$project": project}

        return list(cls.objects.aggregate(*pipeline))

    def get_worker(self):
        return miner.Worker.get_or_create(self.miner_wallet, self.worker_name)