예제 #1
def run_producer(server={"server": None, "port": None}, shared_id=None):

    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)

    config = {
        server["port"] if server["port"] else "6666",
        server["server"] if server["server"] else "localhost",
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../sim-min.json'),
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../crop-min.json'),
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../site-min.json'),
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../climate-min.csv'),
    # read commandline args only if script is invoked directly from commandline
    if len(sys.argv) > 1 and __name__ == "__main__":
        for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
            k, v = arg.split("=")
            if k in config:
                config[k] = v

    print "config:", config

    socket.connect("tcp://" + config["server"] + ":" + config["port"])

    with open(config["sim.json"]) as _:
        sim_json = json.load(_)

    with open(config["site.json"]) as _:
        site_json = json.load(_)

    with open(config["crop.json"]) as _:
        crop_json = json.load(_)

    with open(config["climate.csv"]) as _:
        climate_csv = _.read()

    env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
        "crop": crop_json,
        "site": site_json,
        "sim": sim_json,
        "climate": climate_csv
    #print env

    # add shared ID if env to be sent to routable monicas
    if config["shared_id"]:
        env["sharedId"] = config["shared_id"]


    print "done"
def run_producer():

    # calibration options
    calibration_mode = False

    # simulation options
    activate_debug = False

    output_dir = "runs/2019-02-15/"

    # calibration -------------------------------------

    # technical initialisation
    config = {
        "user": "******",
        "port": "66666",
        "server": "localhost"

    paths = PATHS[config["user"]]

    sent_id = 0
    start_send = time.clock()
    socket = initialise_sockets(config)

    # output file
    output_filename = "agmip_calibration_phase2_step2_evaluation.csv"

    if calibration_mode:
        output_filename = "agmip_calibration_phase2_step2_calibration.csv"

    # read in management information
    management_file = paths["INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"] + "info/CSIRO_data_set/simulation_plan.xlsx"
    management_df = pd.read_excel(management_file, sheader=0, index_col=None, keep_default_na=False,

    print "Shape", management_df.shape

    # iterate over every row/environment where row contains the setup of one simulation
    for sim_row, environment in management_df.iterrows():

        print "Run simulation " + str(sim_row)

        id = int(environment["ID"])
        calibration_mode = bool(environment["Calibration"])
        year = int(environment["Year"])
        site_name = environment["Site"]
        sowing_day = environment["sowDay"]

        sim_parameters = None
        site_parameters = None
        crop_parameters = None

        simulation_dir = "monica_simulation_setup/evaluation"
        if calibration_mode:
            simulation_dir = "monica_simulation_setup/calibration"

        sim_file = "sim-%d.json" % id
        with open(simulation_dir + "/" + sim_file) as fp:
            sim_parameters = json.load(fp)

        site_file = sim_parameters["site.json"]

        with open(site_file) as fp:
            site_parameters = json.load(fp)

        #site_parameters["include-file-base-path"] = paths["INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"]
        sim_parameters["include-file-base-path"] = paths["INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"]

        # spring wheat parameters for stage temperature sum
        stage1_sum = 142.74
        stage2_sum = 218.43
        stage3_sum = 302.21
        stage4_sum = 67.51
        stage5_sum = 273.15

        tsum_zadok30 =  stage2_sum + (stage3_sum * 0.25)
        tsum_zadok65 = stage2_sum + stage3_sum + (stage4_sum * 0.25)

        output_map = {

            "events": [
                "anthesis", [
                "maturity", [
                ["while", "Stage", "=", 2], [
                    ["Date|EmergeDate", "FIRST"]
                ["while", "Stage", "=", 3], [
                    ["Date|BeginStage3", "FIRST"]
                ["while", "Stage", "=", 4], [
                    ["Date|BeginStage4", "FIRST"]
                ["while", "Stage", "=", 5], [
                    ["Date|BeginStage5", "FIRST"]
                ["while", "Stage", "=", 6], [
                    ["Date|BeginStage6", "FIRST"]
                ["while", "TempSum", ">=", tsum_zadok30], [
                    ["Date|ZADOK30", "FIRST"]
                ["while", "TempSum", ">=", tsum_zadok65], [
                    ["Date|ZADOK65", "FIRST"]
                ["while", "Stage", "=", 6], [
                    ["Date|ZADOK90", "FIRST"]

        sim_parameters["output"] = output_map

        crop_file = sim_parameters["crop.json"]
        with open(crop_file) as fp:
            crop_parameters = json.load(fp)

        env_map = {
            "crop": crop_parameters,
            "site": site_parameters,
            "sim": sim_parameters,
            "climate": ""

        env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config(env_map)

        env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim_parameters["climate.csv-options"]
        env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["start-date"] = sim_parameters["climate.csv-options"]["start-date"]
        env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["end-date"] = sim_parameters["climate.csv-options"]["end-date"]
        env["pathToClimateCSV"] = sim_parameters["climate.csv"]

        # overwrite stage temperature sum values with tommaso's calibrated ones
        # stage 1
            ["StageTemperatureSum"][0][0] = stage1_sum

            ["StageTemperatureSum"][0][1] = stage2_sum

        env["cropRotation"][0]["worksteps"][0]["crop"]["cropParams"]["cultivar"] \
            ["StageTemperatureSum"][0][2] = stage3_sum

        env["cropRotation"][0]["worksteps"][0]["crop"]["cropParams"]["cultivar"] \
            ["StageTemperatureSum"][0][3] = stage4_sum

        env["cropRotation"][0]["worksteps"][0]["crop"]["cropParams"]["cultivar"] \
            ["StageTemperatureSum"][0][4] = stage5_sum

        # final env object with all necessary information
        env["customId"] = {
            "id": id,
            "calibration": calibration_mode,
            "output_dir": output_dir,
            "output_filename": output_filename,
            "sowing_day": sowing_day,
            "site_name": site_name,
            "year": year

        with open("monica_simulation_setup/env.json", "w") as fp:
            json.dump(env, fp=fp, indent=4)

        # sending env object to MONICA ZMQ
        print("sent env ", sent_id, " customId: ", env["customId"])
        sent_id += 1

        # break

    stop_send = time.clock()

    # just tell the sending time if objects have really been sent

    print("sending ", sent_id, " envs took ", (stop_send - start_send), " seconds")
def producer(setup=None):
    "main function"
    # reload monica_io module so that cached references will be cleared
    # this is a problem because the "crops" key in crop.json is changed on every call to this function
    # and thus for every setup, but calls to ["ref", "crops", "XXX"] will cache the result of 
    # resolving references to XXX and thus the updates to XXX for the secondary yield further up won't happen 

    paths = PATHS[USER]

    #Configure producer
    if setup == None:
        run_id = "custom"
        PRODUCTION_LEVEL = 'WL.NL.rain' #options: "Pot", "WL.NL.rain"
        TF = "continuous"
        FERT_STRATEGY = "BASE" #options: "NDEM", "NMIN", "BASE"
        COVER_CROP_FREQ = {
            #always use int for insert-cc-every and out-of
            #keep out-of as small as possible (to ensure uniform temporal distribution)
            "insert-cc-every": 1, #CM
            "out-of": 4, #CM
            "suffix": "25" #TODO set it (for output file name)
        EXPORT_RATE = "base"
        RESIDUES_HUMUS_BALANCE = False #mgt complying with humus balance approach of NRW
            "heavy": 200,
            "medium": 300,
            "light": 400
        run_id = setup["id"]
        TF = setup["TF"]
        if setup["res_mgt"] == "RESIDUES_HUMUS_BALANCE":
            RESIDUES_HUMUS_BALANCE = False
            EXPORT_RATE = setup["res_mgt"]
    #end of user configuration

    #assemble file name suffix for out
    suffix = "_id" + run_id + "_"
    suffix += TF + "_"
    suffix += "fert-" + FERT_STRATEGY.lower() + "_"
        suffix += "res-humbal_"
        suffix += "res-" + EXPORT_RATE + "_"
    suffix += "cc-" + COVER_CROP_FREQ["suffix"] + "_"
    suffix += "pl-" + PRODUCTION_LEVEL.replace(".", "") + "_"

        rotations_file = "json_templates/rotations_dynamic_harv.json"
    elif FERT_STRATEGY == "NDEM":
        rotations_file = "json_templates/rotations_dynamic_harv_Ndem.json"
    elif FERT_STRATEGY == "BASE":
        rotations_file = "json_templates/rotations_dynamic_harv_Nbaseline.json"

    rotations_spinup_file = "json_templates/rotations_dynamic_harv_Nbaseline_SU.json"

    if LOCAL_RUN:
        PATH_TO_CLIMATE_DATA_DIR = timeframes[TF]["local-path-to-climate"]
        PATH_TO_CLIMATE_DATA_DIR = timeframes[TF]["cluster-path-to-climate"]

    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    port = 6666 if len(sys.argv) == 1 else sys.argv[1]
    if LOCAL_RUN:
        socket.connect("tcp://cluster1:" + str(port))

    soil_db_con = sqlite3.connect("soil.sqlite")

    with open("json_templates/sim.json") as _:
        sim = json.load(_)
        sim["start-date"] = timeframes[TF]["start-date"]
        sim["end-date"] = timeframes[TF]["end-date"]

    with open("json_templates/site.json") as _:
        site = json.load(_)

    with open("json_templates/crop.json") as _:
        crop = json.load(_)

    with open("json_templates/cover-crop.json") as _:
        cover_crop = json.load(_)["CM"]
            #inject additional harvest params
            for ws in range(len(cover_crop["worksteps"])):
                if cover_crop["worksteps"][ws]["type"] == "AutomaticHarvest":
                    cover_crop["worksteps"][ws]["opt-carbon-conservation"] = True
                    cover_crop["worksteps"][ws]["crop-impact-on-humus-balance"] = [humus_equivalent["crop"]["CC"], "Humus equivalent [Heq]"]
                    cover_crop["worksteps"][ws]["residue-heq"] = [humus_equivalent["material"]["green-manure"], "Heq ton-1 DM"]
                    cover_crop["worksteps"][ws]["crop-usage"] = CROP_USAGE_HUMBAL["CC"]
                    cover_crop["worksteps"][ws]["exported"] = True #Needed to fire the humus balance approach; if true and crop-usage="green-manure" --> the crop is anyway returned to the soil

    with open("json_templates/cover-crop_SU.json") as _:
        cover_crop_spinup = json.load(_)["CM_SU"]

    with open("json_templates/sims.json") as _:
        sims = json.load(_)
        if SOC_STUDY:
            sims = sims["soc_study"]
            sims = sims["potentials_study"]
        if FERT_STRATEGY != "NMIN":
            #turn off Nmin automatic fertilization
            for setting in sims.iteritems():
                setting[1]["UseNMinMineralFertilisingMethod"] = False
    #load initialization SOC values
    SOC_ini_vals = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict())
    with open("settings_SOC_study/SOCini_unique_combinations.csv") as _:
        reader = csv.reader(_)
        for row in reader:
            param_id = int(row[0])
            sim_id = row[1]
            corgs = []
            for i in range(3, 8):
                if len(row) > i and row[i] != "":
            SOC_ini_vals[param_id][sim_id] = corgs
    param_vals = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float))
    best_p_id = -999
    best_like = -999
    #load parameters sets (used only for SOC study)
    with open("settings_SOC_study/" + PARAMETERS_FILE) as _:
        reader = csv.reader(_)
        for row in reader:
            param_id = int(row[0])
            param_vals[param_id]["PartSOM_Fast_to_SOM_Slow"] = float(row[1])
            param_vals[param_id]["SOM_FastDecCoeffStandard"] = float(row[2])
            param_vals[param_id]["PartSMB_Fast_to_SOM_Fast"] = float(row[3])
            param_vals[param_id]["PartSMB_Slow_to_SOM_Fast"] = float(row[4])
            param_vals[param_id]["AOM_SlowDecCoeffStandard"] = float(row[5])
            param_vals[param_id]["SOM_SlowDecCoeffStandard"] = float(row[6])
            param_vals[param_id]["AOM_SlowUtilizationEfficiency"] = float(row[7])
            #following two params were calibrated using exps 25 and 35 from V140 Muencheberg
            param_vals[param_id]["PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast"] = 0.81
            param_vals[param_id]["PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow"] = 0.19
            like = float(row[8])
            if like > best_like:
                best_like = like
                best_p_id = param_id

    def load_rotations(rotations_file, spinup):
        with open(rotations_file) as _:
            rotations = json.load(_)        
            #identify rotations with codes
            rots_info = {}
            for bkr, rots in rotations.iteritems():
                for rot in rots.iteritems():
                    rot_code = int(rot[0])
                    my_rot = []
                    for cm in rot[1]:#["worksteps"]:
                        for ws in range(len(cm["worksteps"])):
                            if cm["worksteps"][ws]["type"] == "Sowing":
                    #for each crop, identify previous main one (needed to determine expected N availability)
                    rot_info = []
                    for i in range(len(my_rot)):
                        cm_info = {}
                        current_cp = my_rot[i]
                        if i != 0:
                            previous_cp = my_rot[i-1]
                            previous_cp = my_rot[-1]
                        cm_info["current"] = current_cp
                        cm_info["previous"] = previous_cp
                    rots_info[rot_code] = rot_info
            if RESIDUES_HUMUS_BALANCE and spinup==False:
                #inject additional harvest params
                for bkr, rots in rotations.iteritems():
                    for rot in rots.iteritems():
                        rot_code = int(rot[0])
                        rot_info = rots_info[rot_code]
                        cp_index = 0
                        for cm in rot[1]:#["worksteps"]:
                            for ws in range(len(cm["worksteps"])):
                                cp = rot_info[cp_index]["current"]
                                if cm["worksteps"][ws]["type"] == "AutomaticHarvest":
                                    cm["worksteps"][ws]["opt-carbon-conservation"] = True
                                    cm["worksteps"][ws]["crop-impact-on-humus-balance"] = [humus_equivalent["crop"][cp], "Humus equivalent [Heq]"]
                                    if cp == "SBee":
                                        cm["worksteps"][ws]["residue-heq"] = [humus_equivalent["material"]["green-manure"], "Heq ton-1 DM"]
                                        cm["worksteps"][ws]["residue-heq"] = [humus_equivalent["material"]["straw"], "Heq ton-1 DM"]
                                    cm["worksteps"][ws]["organic-fertilizer-heq"] = [humus_equivalent["material"]["pig-slurry"], "Heq ton-1 DM"]
                                    cm["worksteps"][ws]["crop-usage"] = CROP_USAGE_HUMBAL[cp]
                                    cm["worksteps"][ws]["max-residue-recover-fraction"] = CROP_USAGE_HUMBAL["max-residue-recover-fraction"]
                                    cp_index += 1
            return rotations, rots_info
    rotations, rots_info = load_rotations(rotations_file, spinup=False)
    rotations_spinup, rots_info_spinup = load_rotations(rotations_spinup_file, spinup=True)

    #find the latest crop harvested to determine when to finish the spinup
    last_date_spinup = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(date))
    for bkr_id in rotations_spinup.keys():
        for rot_id in rotations_spinup[bkr_id].keys():
            rotation_spinup = rotations_spinup[bkr_id][rot_id]
            my_year = 1971
            last_date = None
            i = 0
            while True:
                first_ws =  rotation_spinup[i]["worksteps"][0]["date"].split("-")
                last_ws = rotation_spinup[i]["worksteps"][-1]["latest-date"].split("-")
                first_date = date(my_year, int(first_ws[1]), int(first_ws[2]))
                if last_date != None and first_date < last_date:
                    my_year += 1
                my_year += int(last_ws[0])
                last_date = date(my_year, int(last_ws[1]), int(last_ws[2]))
                if last_date.year == 2004:
                    last_date_spinup[bkr_id][rot_id] = last_date + timedelta(days=1)
                i += 1
                if i == len(rotation_spinup):
                    i = 0

    #for spinup and "BASE" fertilization:
    #read additional info
    #1. expected mineral N availability
    expected_N_availability = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict())
    with open ("expected_N_availability.csv") as _:
        reader = csv.reader(_)
        for row in reader:
            cp_sequence = (row[0], row[1])
            soil_type = row[2]
            expected_N_value = float(row[3])
            expected_N_availability[cp_sequence][soil_type] = expected_N_value
            expected_N_availability[cp_sequence]["target_depth"] = float(row[4])
    #2. rules to split mineral fertilization
    mineralN_split = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict())
    with open ("MineralN_topdressing.csv") as _:
        reader = csv.reader(_)
        for row in reader:
            cp = row[0]
            mineralN_split[cp]["target"] = float(row[2])
            for i in range(4, 7):
                if row[i] != "":
                        mineralN_split[cp][i-4] = float(row[i])

    def modify_2ry_yield_params(cp, export_r):
        for k in EXPORT_PRESETS[export_r].keys():
            if cp[0] in k:
                my_rate = EXPORT_PRESETS[export_r][k]
        for organ in cp[1]["cropParams"]["cultivar"]["OrganIdsForSecondaryYield"]:
            organ["yieldPercentage"] *= my_rate
    for cp in crop["crops"].iteritems():
        #correct version
        if "_SU" in cp[0]:
            modify_2ry_yield_params(cp, "base")
        elif not RESIDUES_HUMUS_BALANCE: #"_SU" not in cp[0]
            modify_2ry_yield_params(cp, EXPORT_RATE)
        #old version (bugged)
        #if "_SU" in cp[0]:
        #    modify_2ry_yield_params(cp, "base")
        #    continue
        #    modify_2ry_yield_params(cp, EXPORT_RATE)

    sim["UseSecondaryYields"] = True
    sim["include-file-base-path"] = paths["INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"]

    def read_general_metadata(path_to_file):
        "read metadata file"
        with open(path_to_file) as file_:
            data = {}
            reader = csv.reader(file_, delimiter="\t")
            for row in reader:
                if int(row[1]) != 1:
                data[(int(row[2]), int(row[3]))] = {
                    "subpath-climate.csv": row[9],
                    "latitude": float(row[13]),
                    "elevation": float(row[14])
            return data

    general_metadata = read_general_metadata("NRW_General_Metadata.csv")

    def load_mapping(row_offset=0, col_offset=0):
        to_climate_index = {}
        with(open("working_resolution_to_climate_lat_lon_indices.json")) as _:
            l = json.load(_)
            for i in xrange(0, len(l), 2):
                cell = (row_offset + l[i][0], col_offset + l[i][1])
                to_climate_index[cell] = tuple(l[i+1])
            return to_climate_index

    def read_orgN_kreise(path_to_file, col_index):
        "read organic N info for kreise"
        with open(path_to_file) as file_:
            data = {}
            reader = csv.reader(file_, delimiter=",")
            for row in reader:
                for kreis_code in row[1].split("|"):
                    if kreis_code != "":
                        data[int(kreis_code)] = float(row[col_index])
        return data

    orgN_kreise = read_orgN_kreise("NRW_orgN_balance_T27.csv", 8)
    #orgN_kreise = read_orgN_kreise("NRW_orgN_balance_T28.csv", 6)

    def soil_OID(con, profile_id):
        "return soil OID from the database connection for given profile id"
        query = """
            from soil_profile 
            where id = ? 
            order by id

        con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
        for row in con.cursor().execute(query, (profile_id,)):
            OID = row["soil_OID"]
        return OID

    def update_soil(row, col):
        "in place update the env"

        site["SiteParameters"]["Latitude"] = general_metadata[(row, col)]["latitude"]
        site["SiteParameters"]["HeightNN"] = [general_metadata[(row, col)]["elevation"], "m"]
        site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"] = soil_io.soil_parameters(soil_db_con, soil_ids[(row, col)])
        KA5_txt = soil_io.sand_and_clay_to_ka5_texture(site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"][0]["Sand"][0], site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"][0]["Clay"][0])
        for layer in site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"]:
            layer["SoilBulkDensity"][0] = max(layer["SoilBulkDensity"][0], 600)
            layer["SoilOrganicCarbon"][0] = layer["SoilOrganicCarbon"][0] * 0.6 #correction factor suggested by TGaiser

        return KA5_txt

    def set_initial_SOC(SOC_vals):
        for layer, val in enumerate(SOC_vals):
            if len(site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"]) > layer:
                site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"][layer]["SoilOrganicCarbon"][0] = val

    def read_header(path_to_ascii_grid_file):
        "read metadata from esri ascii grid file"
        metadata = {}
        header_str = ""
        with open(path_to_ascii_grid_file) as _:
            for i in range(0, 6):
                line = _.readline()
                header_str += line
                sline = [x for x in line.split() if len(x) > 0]
                if len(sline) > 1:
                    metadata[sline[0].strip().lower()] = float(sline[1].strip())
        return metadata, header_str

    def read_ascii_grid(path_to_file, include_no_data=False, row_offset=0, col_offset=0):
        "read an ascii grid into a map, without the no-data values"
        def int_or_float(s):
                return int(s)
            except ValueError:
                return float(s)

        with open(path_to_file) as file_:
            data = {}
            #skip the header (first 6 lines)
            for _ in range(0, 6):
            row = -1
            for line in file_:
                row += 1
                col = -1
                for col_str in line.strip().split(" "):
                    col += 1
                    if not include_no_data and int_or_float(col_str) == -9999:
                    data[(row_offset+row, col_offset+col)] = int_or_float(col_str)

            return data

    #offset is used to match info in general metadata and soil database
    soil_ids = read_ascii_grid("asc_grids/soil-profile-id_nrw_gk3.asc", row_offset=282)
    bkr_ids = read_ascii_grid("asc_grids/bkr_nrw_gk3.asc", row_offset=282)
    lu_ids = read_ascii_grid("asc_grids/lu_resampled.asc", row_offset=282)
    kreise_ids = read_ascii_grid("asc_grids/kreise_matrix.asc", row_offset=282)
    meteo_ids = load_mapping(row_offset=282)

    soil_metadata, _ = read_header("asc_grids/soil-profile-id_nrw_gk3.asc")

    wgs84 = Proj(init="epsg:4326")
    gk3 = Proj(init="epsg:3396")
    gk5 = Proj(init="epsg:31469")

    def create_ascii_grid_interpolator(arr, meta, ignore_nodata=True):
        "read an ascii grid into a map, without the no-data values"

        rows, cols = arr.shape

        cellsize = int(meta["cellsize"])
        xll = int(meta["xllcorner"])
        yll = int(meta["yllcorner"])
        nodata_value = meta["nodata_value"]

        xll_center = xll + cellsize // 2
        yll_center = yll + cellsize // 2
        yul_center = yll_center + (rows - 1)*cellsize

        points = []
        values = []

        for row in range(rows):
            for col in range(cols):
                value = arr[row, col]
                if ignore_nodata and value == nodata_value:
                r = xll_center + col * cellsize
                h = yul_center - row * cellsize
                points.append([r, h])

        return NearestNDInterpolator(np.array(points), np.array(values))

    path_to_slope_grid = paths["path-to-data-dir"] + "/germany/slope_1000_gk5.asc"
    slope_metadata, _ = read_header(path_to_slope_grid)
    slope_grid = np.loadtxt(path_to_slope_grid, dtype=float, skiprows=6)
    slope_gk5_interpolate = create_ascii_grid_interpolator(slope_grid, slope_metadata)

    #counter = 0
    #for k, v in bkr_ids.iteritems():
    #    if v == 134:
    #        if k in lu_ids:
    #            counter += 1
    #print counter

    def insert_cc(crop_rotation, cc_data):
        "insert cover crops in the rotation"
        insert_cover_here = []
        for cultivation_method in range(len(crop_rotation)):
            for workstep in crop_rotation[cultivation_method]["worksteps"]:
                if workstep["type"] == "Sowing":
                    if workstep["crop"][2] in COVER_BEFORE:
                        insert_cover_here.append((cultivation_method, workstep["date"]))
        for position, mydate in reversed(insert_cover_here):
            mydate = mydate.split("-")
            main_crop_sowing = date(2017, int(mydate[1]), int(mydate[2]))
            latest_harvest_cc = main_crop_sowing - timedelta(days = 10)
            latest_harvest_cc = unicode("0001-" + str(latest_harvest_cc.month).zfill(2) + "-" + str(latest_harvest_cc.day).zfill(2))
            crop_rotation.insert(position, copy.deepcopy(cc_data))
            crop_rotation[position]["worksteps"][1]["latest-date"] = latest_harvest_cc

    def calculate_orgfert_amount(N_applied, fert_type, soilCN=10):
        "convert N applied in amount of fresh org fert"
        AOM_DryMatterContent = fert_type["AOM_DryMatterContent"][0]
        AOM_NH4Content = fert_type["AOM_NH4Content"][0]
        AOM_NO3Content = fert_type["AOM_NO3Content"][0]
        CN_Ratio_AOM_Fast = fert_type["CN_Ratio_AOM_Fast"][0]
        CN_Ratio_AOM_Slow = fert_type["CN_Ratio_AOM_Slow"][0]
        PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast = fert_type["PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast"][0]
        PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow = fert_type["PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow"][0]
        AOM_to_C = 0.45

        AOM_fast_factor = (AOM_to_C * PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast)/CN_Ratio_AOM_Fast
        AOM_slow_factor = (AOM_to_C * PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow)/CN_Ratio_AOM_Slow
        AOM_SOM_factor = (1- (PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast + PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow)) * AOM_to_C / soilCN

        conversion_coeff = AOM_NH4Content + AOM_NO3Content + AOM_fast_factor + AOM_slow_factor + AOM_SOM_factor

        AOM_dry = N_applied / conversion_coeff
        AOM_fresh = AOM_dry / AOM_DryMatterContent

        return AOM_fresh

    def update_fert_values(rotation, rot_info, cc_in_cm, expected_N_availability, mineralN_split, soil_type, orgN_applied, spinup):
        "function to mimic baseline fertilization"

        cow_unit = 100
        GVs = orgN_applied/cow_unit
        orgN_effect = GVs * 10

        #insert cc in rotation info
        for cm in reversed(range(len(rot_info))):
            rot_info[cm]["has_cover_before"] = False
            if rot_info[cm]["current"] in COVER_BEFORE and cc_in_cm:
                rot_info[cm]["has_cover_before"] = True
                cc_info = {"current": "CC"}
                rot_info.insert(cm, cc_info)

        for cm in range(len(rotation)):
            if rot_info[cm]["current"] == "CC":
                #cover crops do not receive any fertilization
            current_cp = rot_info[cm]["current"]
            previous_cp = rot_info[cm]["previous"]
            has_cover = rot_info[cm]["has_cover_before"]

            if spinup: #spinup crops contain "_SU" by convention
                current_cp = current_cp.replace("_SU", "")
                previous_cp = previous_cp.replace("_SU", "")

            N_target = mineralN_split[current_cp]["target"]
            expected_Nmin = expected_N_availability[(current_cp, previous_cp)][soil_type]

            #modify expected Nmin depending on livestock pressure and presence of cover crop
            if has_cover:
                expected_Nmin += 20
            expected_Nmin += orgN_effect

            #calculate N to be applied with mineral fertilization
            sum_Nfert = max(N_target - expected_Nmin, 0)

            #map the fertilization worksteps
            ref_fert = 0
            for ws in range(len(rotation[cm]["worksteps"])):
                workstep = rotation[cm]["worksteps"][ws]
                if workstep["type"] == "MineralFertilization" and workstep["amount"][0] == 0:
                    workstep["amount"][0] = sum_Nfert * mineralN_split[current_cp][ref_fert]
                    ref_fert += 1

    def extend_rotation(rot, ccfreq_denominator): #ccfreq = COVER_CROP_FREQ["out-of"]
        ext_rot = []
        for i in range(ccfreq_denominator):
        return ext_rot

    def insert_CC(ext_rot, cover_crop, ccfreq_numerator): #COVER_CROP_FREQ["insert-cc-every"]
        cc_in_cm = {}
        for cm in range(len(ext_rot)):
            cc_in_cm[cm] = False
            if (cm+1) <= ccfreq_numerator:
                insert_cc(ext_rot[cm], cover_crop)
                cc_in_cm[cm] = True
        return ext_rot, cc_in_cm

    def update_mineral_fert(ext_rot, cc_in_cm, rot_id, rots_info, spinup=False):
        'for baseline scenario'
        for rot in range(len(ext_rot)):

    def compose_rotation(ext_rot): #crop["cropRotation"] = composed_rot
        composed_rot = []
        for rot in ext_rot:
            for cm in rot:
        return composed_rot

    def rotate(crop_rotation):
        "rotate the crops in the rotation"
        crop_rotation.insert(0, crop_rotation.pop())
    def set_params(env, params):
        'set values of sensitive params'
        soilorg_params = env['params']['userSoilOrganicParameters']["DEFAULT"]
        crop_rotations = env["cropRotations"]

        soilorg_params["PartSOM_Fast_to_SOM_Slow"][0] = params["PartSOM_Fast_to_SOM_Slow"]
        soilorg_params["SOM_FastDecCoeffStandard"][0] = params["SOM_FastDecCoeffStandard"]
        soilorg_params["PartSMB_Fast_to_SOM_Fast"][0] = params["PartSMB_Fast_to_SOM_Fast"]
        soilorg_params["PartSMB_Slow_to_SOM_Fast"][0] = params["PartSMB_Slow_to_SOM_Fast"]
        soilorg_params["SOM_SlowDecCoeffStandard"][0] = params["SOM_SlowDecCoeffStandard"]
        soilorg_params["AOM_SlowUtilizationEfficiency"][0] = params["AOM_SlowUtilizationEfficiency"]

        for rot in crop_rotations:
            for cm in rot["cropRotation"]:
                for ws in cm["worksteps"]:
                    if ws["type"] == "OrganicFertilization":
                        ws["parameters"]["AOM_SlowDecCoeffStandard"][0] = params["AOM_SlowDecCoeffStandard"]
                        ws["parameters"]["PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast"][0] = params["PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast"]
                        ws["parameters"]["PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow"][0] = params["PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow"]
                    #elif ws["type"] == "Sowing":
                    #    ws["crop"]["residueParams"]["PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast"][0] = params["PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast"]

    sent_id = 0
    start_send = time.clock()
    simulated_cells = 0
    no_kreis = 0
    counter_debug = 0

    #bkr2lk = defaultdict(set) #for additional info
    #soilty2iniSOC = defaultdict(list) #for additional info

    export_lat_lon_coords = False
    export_lat_lon_file = None
    srows = int(soil_metadata["nrows"])
    scellsize = int(soil_metadata["cellsize"])
    sxll = int(soil_metadata["xllcorner"])
    syll = int(soil_metadata["yllcorner"])
    sxll_center = sxll + scellsize // 2
    syll_center = syll + scellsize // 2
    syul_center = syll_center + (srows - 1)*scellsize

    unique_combos = {} #for calibration/SA envs

    run_params_id = []
    if SOC_STUDY:
        #investigate parameter uncertainty
        for p_id in param_vals.keys():
        run_params_id = sorted(run_params_id)
        #use only best parameter set
    ###Read missing data to be run
    file_missing_data = "report_missing_data/report_missing_sims_id" + run_id + ".csv"
    rerun_cells = set()
    with open(file_missing_data) as _:
        reader = csv.reader(_)
        for missing_info in reader:
    for (row, col), gmd in general_metadata.iteritems():

        #run only what's needed:
        row_col = "{}{:03d}".format(row, col)
        if row_col not in rerun_cells:

        #if row_col != "487040":
        #    continue
        #if int(row) != 504 or int(col) != 62:
        #    continue

        if (row, col) in soil_ids and (row, col) in bkr_ids and (row, col) in lu_ids:

            # get gk3 coordinates for soil row/col
            sr_gk3 = sxll_center + col * scellsize
            sh_gk3 = syul_center - row * scellsize

            if export_lat_lon_coords:
                if not export_lat_lon_file:
                    export_lat_lon_file = open("soil_row_col_to_lat_lon_coords.csv", "w")

                slon, slat = transform(gk3, wgs84, sr_gk3, sh_gk3)
                export_lat_lon_file.write(",".join(map(str, [row, col, slat, slon])) + "\n")

            sr_gk5, sh_gk5 = transform(gk3, gk5, sr_gk3, sh_gk3)
            site["SiteParameters"]["Slope"] = slope_gk5_interpolate(sr_gk5, sh_gk5) / 100.0


            bkr_id = bkr_ids[(row, col)]

            ########for testing
            #if bkr_id != 129:
            #    continue

            soil_id = soil_ids[(row, col)]
            meteo_id = meteo_ids[(row, col)]
            if (row, col) in kreise_ids:
                kreis_id = kreise_ids[(row, col)]
                no_kreis += 1
                print "-----------------------------------------------------------"
                print "kreis not found for calculation of organic N, skipping cell"
                print "-----------------------------------------------------------"

            simulated_cells += 1

            KA5_txt = update_soil(row, col)
            s_OID = soil_OID(soil_db_con, soil_ids[(row, col)])        

            light_soils = ["Ss", "Su2", "Su3", "Su4", "St2", "Sl3", "Sl2"]
            heavy_soils = ["Tu3", "Tu4", "Lt3", "Ts2", "Tl", "Tu2", "Tt"]

            soil_type = "medium"
            if KA5_txt in light_soils:
                soil_type = "light"
            elif KA5_txt in heavy_soils:
                soil_type = "heavy"

            site["SiteParameters"]["SoilSpecificHumusBalanceCorrection"] = HUMBAL_CORRECTION[soil_type]


            #row_col = "{}{:03d}".format(row, col)
            #topsoil_carbon[row_col] = site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"][0]["SoilOrganicCarbon"][0]

            for rot_id, rotation in rotations[str(bkr_id)].iteritems():

                #retrieve info for calibration/SA
                dump_env = False
                if (s_OID, meteo_id, rot_id, orgN_kreise[kreis_id]) not in unique_combos.keys():
                    profs = []
                    dump_env = True
                    for prof in range(len(site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"])):
                        prof_info = {
                            "SOC": site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"][prof]["SoilOrganicCarbon"][0],
                            "thickness": site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"][prof]["Thickness"][0],
                            "N_layers": int(round(site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"][prof]["Thickness"][0] * 10))
                    unique_combos[(s_OID, meteo_id, rot_id, orgN_kreise[kreis_id])] = profs
                    print "added combo OID: {0}, meteo: {1}, rot: {2}, org N: {3}".format(str(s_OID), str(meteo_id), str(rot_id), str(orgN_kreise[kreis_id]))
                m_id = str(meteo_id).replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace(", ", "_")
                unique_id = str(s_OID) + "_" + m_id + "_" + str(rot_id) + "_" + str(int(orgN_kreise[kreis_id]))

                if SOC_STUDY:
                    #avoid repeating simulations which will yield the same results
                    if unique_id not in unique_combos.keys():
                        unique_combos[unique_id] = True

                for p_id in run_params_id:
                    if p_id in SOC_ini_vals.keys() and unique_id in SOC_ini_vals[p_id].keys():
                        set_initial_SOC(SOC_ini_vals[p_id][unique_id])# vals at the beginning of spinup
                        #print("p_id {0}, unique_id {1} - OK!".format(str(p_id), str(unique_id)))
                        #counter_debug += 1
                        #print counter_debug
                        print ("initial SOC not found for p_id: {0} and unique_id: {1}".format(str(p_id), str(unique_id)))
                        print (row_col)
                    #spinup period (1971-2004):
                    rotation_spinup = rotations_spinup[str(bkr_id)][rot_id]
                    ext_rot_spinup = extend_rotation(rotation_spinup, 4)
                    ext_rot_spinup, cc_in_cm_spinup = insert_CC(ext_rot_spinup, cover_crop_spinup, 1)
                    update_mineral_fert(ext_rot_spinup, cc_in_cm_spinup, rot_id, rots_info_spinup, spinup=True)

                    #following period (2005-2050):
                    ext_rot = extend_rotation(rotation, COVER_CROP_FREQ["out-of"])
                    ext_rot, cc_in_cm = insert_CC(ext_rot, cover_crop, COVER_CROP_FREQ["insert-cc-every"])
                    if FERT_STRATEGY == "BASE":
                        update_mineral_fert(ext_rot, cc_in_cm, rot_id, rots_info)

                    crop_rot1 = compose_rotation(ext_rot_spinup)
                    crop_rot2 = compose_rotation(ext_rot)

                    crop["cropRotations"] = [
                            "start": "1971-01-01",
                            "end": last_date_spinup[str(bkr_id)][rot_id].isoformat(),
                            "cropRotation": crop_rot1
                            "start": (last_date_spinup[str(bkr_id)][rot_id] + timedelta(days=1)).isoformat(),
                            "end": "2060-12-31",
                            "cropRotation": crop_rot2

                    env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
                        "crop": crop,
                        "site": site,
                        "sim": sim,
                        "climate": ""

                    set_params(env, param_vals[p_id])

                    #assign amount of organic fertilizer
                    for sim_period in range(2):
                        for cultivation_method in env["cropRotations"][sim_period]["cropRotation"]:
                            for workstep in cultivation_method["worksteps"]:
                                if workstep["type"] == "OrganicFertilization":
                                    workstep["amount"][0] = calculate_orgfert_amount(orgN_kreise[kreis_id], workstep["parameters"])

                    #with open("test_crop.json", "w") as _:
                    #    _.write(json.dumps(crop, indent=4))

                    #climate is read by the server
                    env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]
                    env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["start-date"] = sim["start-date"]
                    env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["end-date"] = sim["end-date"]
                    env["pathToClimateCSV"] = []

                    for PATH in PATH_TO_CLIMATE_DATA_DIR:
                        env["pathToClimateCSV"].append(PATH + "row-" + str(meteo_id[0]) + "/col-" + str(meteo_id[1]) + ".csv")
                    #read dumped event for test purpose:
                    #comment this after test
                    #basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
                    #d_env = basepath + "/dumped_envs/" + unique_id + ".json"
                    #with open(d_env) as _:
                    #    env = json.load(_)

                    for sim_id, sim_ in sims.iteritems():
                        if sim_id != PRODUCTION_LEVEL:
                        env["events"] = sim_["output"]
                        env["params"]["simulationParameters"]["NitrogenResponseOn"] = sim_["NitrogenResponseOn"]
                        env["params"]["simulationParameters"]["WaterDeficitResponseOn"] = sim_["WaterDeficitResponseOn"]
                        env["params"]["simulationParameters"]["UseAutomaticIrrigation"] = sim_["UseAutomaticIrrigation"]
                        env["params"]["simulationParameters"]["UseNMinMineralFertilisingMethod"] = sim_["UseNMinMineralFertilisingMethod"]
                        env["params"]["simulationParameters"]["FrostKillOn"] = sim_["FrostKillOn"]

                        #if dump_env:
                        #    #save the env for calibration/SA
                        #    basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
                        #    filename = basepath + "/dumped_envs/" + unique_id + ".json"
                        #    with open(filename, "w") as _:
                        #        _.write(json.dumps(env, indent=4))
                        #        print("dumped env: " + unique_id)

                        for main_cp_iteration in range(0, len(rots_info[int(rot_id)])):
                            #do not allow crop rotation of sim_period2 to start with a CC
                            if "is-cover-crop" in env["cropRotations"][1]["cropRotation"][0].keys() and env["cropRotations"][1]["cropRotation"][0]["is-cover-crop"] == True:
                            env["customId"] = rot_id \
                                            + "|" + sim_id \
                                            + "|" + str(soil_id) \
                                            + "|(" + str(row) + "/" + str(col) + ")" \
                                            + "|" + str(bkr_id) \
                                            + "|" + str(main_cp_iteration) \
                                            + "|" + str(sim["UseSecondaryYields"]) \
                                            + "|" + str(timeframes[TF]["start-recording-out"]) \
                                            + "|" + str(RESIDUES_HUMUS_BALANCE) \
                                            + "|" + suffix \
                                            + "|" + KA5_txt \
                                            + "|" + soil_type \
                                            + "|" + str(p_id) \
                                            + "|" + str(orgN_kreise[kreis_id]) \
                                            + "|" + unique_id
                            print "sent env ", sent_id, " customId: ", env["customId"]
                            sent_id += 1
                            rotate(env["cropRotations"][1]["cropRotation"]) #only simperiod2 is rotated
    if export_lat_lon_file:

    stop_send = time.clock()

    print "sending ", sent_id, " envs took ", (stop_send - start_send), " seconds"
    print "simulated cells: ", simulated_cells, "; not found kreise for org N: ", no_kreis

def main():

    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    #port = 6666 if len(sys.argv) == 1 else sys.argv[1]
    config = {"port": 6666, "start": 1, "end": 8157}
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
            k, v = arg.split("=")
            if k in config:
                config[k] = int(v)

    if LOCAL_RUN:
        socket.connect("tcp://localhost:" + str(config["port"]))
        socket.connect("tcp://cluster2:" + str(config["port"]))

    with open("sim.json") as _:
        sim = json.load(_)

    with open("site.json") as _:
        site = json.load(_)

    with open("crop.json") as _:
        crop = json.load(_)

    with open("sims.json") as _:
        sims = json.load(_)

    sim["include-file-base-path"] = PATHS[USER]["INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"]

    period_gcms = [
            "grcp": "0",
            "period": "0",
            "gcm-rcp": "0_0"
            "grcp": "1",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "GFDL-CM3_45"
            "grcp": "2",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "GFDL-CM3_85"
            "grcp": "3",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "GISS-E2-R_45"
            "grcp": "4",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "GISS-E2-R_85"
            "grcp": "5",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "HadGEM2-ES_26"
            "grcp": "6",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "HadGEM2-ES_45"
            "grcp": "7",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "HadGEM2-ES_85"
            "grcp": "8",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "MIROC5_45"
            "grcp": "9",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "MIROC5_85"
            "grcp": "10",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "MPI-ESM-MR_26"
            "grcp": "11",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "MPI-ESM-MR_45"
            "grcp": "12",
            "period": "2",
            "gcm-rcp": "MPI-ESM-MR_85"
            "grcp": "1",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "GFDL-CM3_45"
            "grcp": "2",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "GFDL-CM3_85"
            "grcp": "3",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "GISS-E2-R_45"
            "grcp": "4",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "GISS-E2-R_85"
            "grcp": "5",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "HadGEM2-ES_26"
            "grcp": "6",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "HadGEM2-ES_45"
            "grcp": "7",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "HadGEM2-ES_85"
            "grcp": "8",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "MIROC5_45"
            "grcp": "9",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "MIROC5_85"
            "grcp": "10",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "MPI-ESM-MR_26"
            "grcp": "11",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "MPI-ESM-MR_45"
            "grcp": "12",
            "period": "3",
            "gcm-rcp": "MPI-ESM-MR_85"

    start_year = {"0": "1980", "2": "2040", "3": "2070"}

    def read_latitude(filename):
        defs = defaultdict(list)
        lats = {}
        with open(filename) as _:
            reader = csv.reader(_)
            for row in reader:
                res = int(row[1])
                if res < 25:
                row_col = (int(row[2]), int(row[3]))
                lat = float(row[13])
                lats[row_col] = lat

            for res, vals in defs.iteritems():
                lats[(res, -1)] = sum(vals) / len(vals)

            return lats

    latitudes = read_latitude(PATHS[USER]["LOCAL_ARCHIVE_PATH_TO_PROJECT"] +

    def read_lookup_file(filename):
        lll = []
        with open(filename) as _:
            reader = csv.reader(_)
            for row in reader:
                    25: (int(row[0]), int(row[1])),
                    50: (int(row[2]), int(row[3])),
                    100: (int(row[4]), int(row[5]))
            return lll

    lookup = read_lookup_file(PATHS[USER]["LOCAL_ARCHIVE_PATH_TO_PROJECT"] +

    def read_soil_properties(filename):
        soil = defaultdict(list)
        with open(filename) as _:
            reader = csv.reader(_)
            for row in reader:
                row_col = (int(row[3]), int(row[2]))
                #skip horizons with no properties defined
                if float(row[45]) <= 0.00001:
                #avoid BD to be too low (soilT crashes)
                bulk_d = max(600.0, float(row[32]) * 1000)
                    "depth": float(row[15]),
                    "thickness": float(row[16]),
                    "pwp": float(row[44]),
                    "fc": float(row[45]),
                    "sat": float(row[46]),
                    "corg": float(row[34]),
                    "bulk-density": bulk_d,
                    "sand": float(row[29]) / 100.0,
                    "clay": float(row[27]) / 100.0,
                    "ph": float(row[36]),
                    "sceleton": float(row[31]) / 100.0
            return soil

    soil = {
        read_soil_properties(PATHS[USER]["LOCAL_ARCHIVE_PATH_TO_PROJECT"] +
        read_soil_properties(PATHS[USER]["LOCAL_ARCHIVE_PATH_TO_PROJECT"] +
        read_soil_properties(PATHS[USER]["LOCAL_ARCHIVE_PATH_TO_PROJECT"] +

    def update_soil(soil_res, row, col, crop_id):
        "update function"

        crop["cropRotation"][2] = crop_id

        soil_layers = soil[soil_res][(row, col)]

        site["Latitude"] = latitudes[(row, col)] if (
            row, col) in latitudes else latitudes[(soil_res, -1)]

        layers = []
        profile_depth = 0
        for iii, layer in enumerate(soil_layers):
            lll = {
                "SoilOrganicCarbon": [layer["corg"], "%"],
                "SoilBulkDensity": [layer["bulk-density"], "kg m-3"],
                "FieldCapacity": [layer["fc"], "m3 m-3"],
                "PermanentWiltingPoint": [layer["pwp"], "m3 m-3"],
                "PoreVolume": [layer["sat"], "m3 m-3"],
                [80.0 if crop_id == "M" else 50.0, "% [0-100]"],
            profile_depth = layer["depth"]

            #!!!! danger, this is changing in memory sims events structure and events can only then be assigned to env
            sims["output"][crop_id][1][6][1][1] = int(
                min(math.ceil(profile_depth * 10), 20))


        site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"] = layers
        return profile_depth
        #print site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"]

    #assert len(row_cols) == len(pheno["GM"].keys()) == len(pheno["WW"].keys())
    #print "# of rowsCols = ", len(row_cols)

    climate_to_soil = [{
        "step": 1,
        "climate": 25,
        "soil": 25
    }, {
        "step": 1,
        "climate": 25,
        "soil": 50
    }, {
        "step": 1,
        "climate": 25,
        "soil": 100
    }, {
        "step": 2,
        "climate": 50,
        "soil": 25
    }, {
        "step": 2,
        "climate": 100,
        "soil": 25
    }, {
        "step": 3,
        "climate": 50,
        "soil": 50
    }, {
        "step": 3,
        "climate": 100,
        "soil": 100

    production_situations = {
        "PLP": {
            "water-response": False,
            "nitrogen-response": False
        "PLW": {
            "water-response": True,
            "nitrogen-response": False
        "PLN": {
            "water-response": True,
            "nitrogen-response": True

    i = 1
    start_store = time.clock()
    #start = config["start"] - 1
    #end = config["end"] - 1
    #row_cols_ = row_cols[start:end+1]
    #print "running from ", start, "/", row_cols[start], " to ", end, "/", row_cols[end]

    for c2s in climate_to_soil:

        step = c2s["step"]
        climate_resolution = c2s["climate"]
        soil_resolution = c2s["soil"]

        climate_to_soils = defaultdict(set)
        for mmm in lookup:

        print "step: ", step, " ", sum(
            [len(s[1]) for s in climate_to_soils.iteritems()]
        ), " runs in climate_res: ", climate_resolution, " and soil_res: ", soil_resolution

        for (climate_row,
             climate_col), soil_coords in climate_to_soils.iteritems():

            #if (climate_row, climate_col) != (6,6):
            #    continue

            for soil_row, soil_col in soil_coords:

                #if (soil_row, soil_col) != (11,11):
                #    continue

                for crop_id in ["W", "M"]:
                    rootdepth_soillimited = update_soil(
                        soil_resolution, soil_row, soil_col, crop_id)
                    env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({

                    env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]
                    env["events"] = sims["output"][crop_id]
                    for workstep in env["cropRotation"][0]["worksteps"]:
                        if workstep["type"] == "Seed":
                            current_rootdepth = float(
                                "CropSpecificMaxRootingDepth"] = min(
                                    current_rootdepth, rootdepth_soillimited)

                    for production_id, switches in production_situations.iteritems(

                            "WaterDeficitResponseOn"] = switches[
                            "NitrogenResponseOn"] = switches[

                        for period_gcm in period_gcms:

                            grcp = period_gcm["grcp"]
                            period = period_gcm["period"]
                            gcm = period_gcm["gcm-rcp"]

                            #if period != "0":
                            #    continue
                            #if climate_resolution != 50:
                            #    continue
                            #if soil_resolution != 25:
                            #    continue
                            #if crop_id != "W":
                            #    continue

                            if period != "0":
                                climate_filename = "daily_mean_P{}_GRCP_{}_RES{}_C0{}R{}.csv".format(
                                    period, grcp, climate_resolution,
                                    climate_col, climate_row)
                                climate_filename = "daily_mean_P{}_RES{}_C0{}R{}.csv".format(
                                    period, climate_resolution, climate_col,

                            if LOCAL_RUN:
                                env["pathToClimateCSV"] = PATHS[USER][
                                    "LOCAL_ARCHIVE_PATH_TO_PROJECT"] + "Climate_data/NRW_weather_climate_change_v3/res_" + str(
                                    ) + "/period_" + period + "/GRCP_" + grcp + "/" + climate_filename
                                env["pathToClimateCSV"] = PATHS[USER][
                                    "ARCHIVE_PATH_TO_PROJECT"] + "Climate_data/NRW_weather_climate_change_v3/res_" + str(
                                    ) + "/period_" + period + "/GRCP_" + grcp + "/" + climate_filename

                            #initialize nitrate/ammonium in soil layers at start of simulation
                            #for i in range(3):
                            #    env["cropRotation"][0]["worksteps"][i]["date"] = start_year[period] + "-01-01"

                            env["customId"] = crop_id \
                                                + "|" + str(climate_resolution) \
                                                + "|(" + str(climate_row) + "/" + str(climate_col) + ")" \
                                                + "|" + str(soil_resolution) \
                                                + "|(" + str(soil_row) + "/" + str(soil_col) + ")" \
                                                + "|" + period \
                                                + "|" + grcp \
                                                + "|" + gcm \
                                                + "|" + production_id

                            #with open("envs/env-"+str(i)+".json", "w") as _:
                            #    _.write(json.dumps(env))

                            print "sent env ", i, " customId: ", env[
                            i += 1

    stop_store = time.clock()

    print "sending ", (i - 1), " envs took ", (stop_store -
                                               start_store), " seconds"
    #print "ran from ", start, "/", row_cols[start], " to ", end, "/", row_cols[end]
예제 #5
def run_producer():
    "main function"
    #site_name = "FI"
    site_name = "FI"

    simulations = ["F"]

    simulation_dir = "simulation/" + site_name + "/"

    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)

    config = {"user": "******", "port": "66666", "server": "localhost"}
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
            k, v = arg.split("=")
            if k in config:
                config[k] = v

    paths = PATHS[config["user"]]

    socket.connect("tcp://" + config["server"] + ":" + str(config["port"]))

    for sim_type in simulations:

        c_files = climate_files[sim_type][site_name]
        co2_values = climate_files[sim_type]["CO2"]
        print c_files

        for climate_file, co2 in zip(c_files, co2_values):

            output_file = "O" + os.path.splitext(
                os.path.basename(climate_file))[0] + ".txt"

            if sim_type == "C":
                output_file = "O" + os.path.splitext(
                    os.path.basename(climate_file))[0] + str(co2) + ".txt"

            if sim_type == "F":
                output_file = "MO_FU2050_YR_" + os.path.splitext(
                        climate_file))[0] + "_" + site_name + ".txt"

            with open(simulation_dir + "sim-" + site_name + ".json") as _:
                sim = json.load(_)

            with open(simulation_dir + "site-" + site_name + ".json") as _:
                site = json.load(_)

            with open(simulation_dir + "crop-" + site_name + ".json") as _:
                crop = json.load(_)

            sim["include-file-base-path"] = paths["INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"]

            if sim_type == "F":
                sim["start-date"] = timeframes[site_name][climate_file][
                sim["end-date"] = timeframes[site_name][climate_file][

            sent_id = 0
            start_send = time.clock()

            env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
                "crop": crop,
                "site": site,
                "sim": sim,
                "climate": ""
            #monica_io.add_climate_data_to_env(env, sim)

            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["start-date"] = sim["start-date"]
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["end-date"] = sim["end-date"]

            env["pathToClimateCSV"] = []
            climate_path = paths[
                "INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"] + simulation_dir + "climate/" + climate_file + ".csv"

            env["params"]["userEnvironmentParameters"]["AtmosphericCO2"] = co2

            env["customId"] = {
                "id": "BCD3",
                "site": site_name,
                "output_filename": output_file

            #"id": "BCD3",
            #"site_name": site_name


            print("sent env ", sent_id, " customId: ", env["customId"])
            sent_id += 1

        stop_send = time.clock()

        print("sending ", sent_id, " envs took ", (stop_send - start_send),
              " seconds")
    def __init__(self, exp_maps, host):

        self.host = host

        #for multi-experiment: create a M-2 relationship between exp_IDs and param files
        self.IDs_paramspaths = {}
        for exp_map in exp_maps:
            self.IDs_paramspaths[exp_map["exp_ID"]] = {}
            self.IDs_paramspaths[exp_map["exp_ID"]]["species"] = exp_map["species_file"]
            self.IDs_paramspaths[exp_map["exp_ID"]]["cultivar"] = exp_map["cultivar_file"]

        #load rules (for MONICA output)
        with open("calibration_rules.json") as _:
            self.calibration_rules = json.load(_)

        #data structures for spotpy
        self.expected_outcome = [] #former "observations"; stores success scores
        self.simulation_outcome = [] #former "simulations"; stores outcome after checking rules
        self.exp_ids = [] #mirrors spotpy data structure to provide the user with info on the exp id (success/failure)
        self.checked_rules = [] #mirrors spotpy data structure to provide the user with info on the checked rule (success/failure)

        self.species_params={} #map to store different species params sets avoiding repetition
        self.cultivar_params={} #map to store different cultivar params sets avoiding repetition

        #create envs
        self.envs = []
        for exp_map in exp_maps:
            with open(exp_map["sim_file"]) as simfile:
                sim = json.load(simfile)
                sim["crop.json"] = exp_map["crop_file"]
                sim["site.json"] = exp_map["site_file"]
                #sim["climate.csv"] = exp_map["climate_file"]

            with open(exp_map["site_file"]) as sitefile:
                site = json.load(sitefile)

            with open(exp_map["crop_file"]) as cropfile:
                crop = json.load(cropfile)
                mycrop = exp_map["crop_ID"]
                crop["crops"][mycrop]["cropParams"]["species"][1] = exp_map["species_file"]
                crop["crops"][mycrop]["cropParams"]["cultivar"][1] = exp_map["cultivar_file"]

            env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
                "crop": crop,
                "site": site,
                "sim": sim,
                "climate": ""
            #customize monica output
            env["events"] = []
            for rule_id, rule_specs in self.calibration_rules.iteritems():
                env["events"].append(rule_specs["custom event"][0]) #customize output
                env["events"].append(rule_specs["custom event"][1])
            #climate is read by the server
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["start-date"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]["start-date"]
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["end-date"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]["end-date"]
            env["pathToClimateCSV"] = []

            #monica_io.add_climate_data_to_env(env, sim) this might not be supported anymore

            for ws in env["cropRotation"][0]["worksteps"]:
                if ws["type"] == "Seed" or ws["type"] == "Sowing":
                    self.species_params[exp_map["species_file"]] = ws["crop"]["cropParams"]["species"]
                    self.cultivar_params[exp_map["cultivar_file"]] = ws["crop"]["cropParams"]["cultivar"]
            env["customId"] = exp_map["exp_ID"]

        self.context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket_producer = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        self.socket_producer.connect("tcp://" + self.host["server"] + ":" + self.host["push-port"])
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, exp_maps, obslist):

        #for multi-experiment: create a M-2 relationship between exp_IDs and param files
        self.IDs_paramspaths = {}
        for exp_map in exp_maps:
            self.IDs_paramspaths[exp_map["exp_ID"]] = {}
                exp_map["exp_ID"]]["species"] = exp_map["species_file"]
                exp_map["exp_ID"]]["cultivar"] = exp_map["cultivar_file"]

        #custom events (for MONICA output)
        custom_events = defaultdict(list)
        with open("template_events.json") as _:
            template_events = json.load(_)

        #observations data structures
        self.observations = []  #for spotpy
        for record in obslist:
            my_event = deepcopy(
                template_events[record["stage"]])  #deepcopy just to be sure :)
            if record["stage"] == "Zadok12":
                #special case, "Stage" (=2) instead of "DOY" is used
                my_event[0] = unicode(record["date"].isoformat())

        self.species_params = {
        }  #map to store different species params sets avoiding repetition
        self.cultivar_params = {
        }  #map to store different cultivar params sets avoiding repetition

        #create envs
        self.envs = []
        for exp_map in exp_maps:
            with open(exp_map["sim_file"]) as simfile:
                sim = json.load(simfile)
                #sim["events"] = custom_events[exp_map["exp_ID"]] #customize output, if here monica.io will ignore it (why?)
                #with open("test_sim_events.json", "w") as out_f:
                #    json.dump(sim, out_f, indent=4)
                sim["crop.json"] = exp_map["crop_file"]
                sim["site.json"] = exp_map["site_file"]
                sim["EmergenceMoistureControlOn"] = True
                sim["EmergenceFloodingControlOn"] = True
                #sim["climate.csv"] = exp_map["climate_file"]

            with open(exp_map["site_file"]) as sitefile:
                site = json.load(sitefile)

            with open(exp_map["crop_file"]) as cropfile:
                crop = json.load(cropfile)
                mycrop = exp_map["crop_ID"]
                crop["crops"][mycrop]["cropParams"]["species"][1] = exp_map[
                crop["crops"][mycrop]["cropParams"]["cultivar"][1] = exp_map[

            env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
                "crop": crop,
                "site": site,
                "sim": sim,
                "climate": ""

            env["events"] = custom_events[exp_map["exp_ID"]]  #customize output

            #climate is read by the server
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["start-date"] = sim[
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["end-date"] = sim[
            env["pathToClimateCSV"] = []

            position = int(exp_map["where_in_rotation"][0])

            for position in exp_map["where_in_rotation"]:
                for ws in env["cropRotation"][position]["worksteps"]:
                    if ws["type"] == "Seed" or ws["type"] == "Sowing":
                        self.species_params[exp_map["species_file"]] = ws[
                        self.cultivar_params[exp_map["cultivar_file"]] = ws[

            #monica_io.add_climate_data_to_env(env, sim) this does not work anymore properly

            env["customId"] = exp_map["exp_ID"]
            env["where_in_rotation"] = exp_map["where_in_rotation"]

        self.context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket_producer = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
예제 #8
def main():
    "main function"

    config = {
        "port": 6666,
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
            k,v = arg.split("=")
            if k in config:
                config[k] = int(v) 

    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    if LOCAL_RUN:
        socket.connect("tcp://localhost:" + str(config["port"]))
        socket.connect("tcp://cluster" + str(RUN_ON_CLUSTER) + ":" + str(config["port"]))

    soil_db_con = sqlite3.connect("soil.sqlite")

    with open("sim-voce.json") as _:
        sim = json.load(_)

    with open("site-voce.json") as _:
        site = json.load(_)

    with open("crop-voce.json") as _:
        crop = json.load(_)

    with open("rotations-voce.json") as _:
        rotations = json.load(_)

    sim["include-file-base-path"] = PATHS[USER]["INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"]

    def read_general_metadata(path_to_file):
        "read metadata file"
        with open(path_to_file) as file_:
            data = {}
            reader = csv.reader(file_, delimiter="\t")
            for row in reader:
                if int(row[1]) != 1:
                data[(int(row[2]), int(row[3]))] = {
                    "subpath-climate.csv": row[9],
                    "latitude": float(row[13]),
                    "elevation": float(row[14])
            return data

    general_metadata = read_general_metadata("NRW_General_Metadata.csv")

    def load_mapping(row_offset=0, col_offset=0):
        to_climate_index = {}
        with(open("working_resolution_to_climate_lat_lon_indices.json")) as _:
            l = json.load(_)
            for i in xrange(0, len(l), 2):
                cell = (row_offset + l[i][0], col_offset + l[i][1])
                to_climate_index[cell] = tuple(l[i+1])
            return to_climate_index

    def read_orgN_kreise(path_to_file):
        "read organic N info for kreise"
        with open(path_to_file) as file_:
            data = {}
            reader = csv.reader(file_, delimiter=",")
            for row in reader:
                for kreis_code in row[1].split("|"):
                    if kreis_code != "":
                        data[int(kreis_code)] = float(row[8])
        return data

    orgN_kreise = read_orgN_kreise("NRW_orgN_balance.csv")
    #print orgN_kreise.keys()

    def update_soil_crop_dates(row, col):
        "in place update the env"
        #startDate = date(1980, 1, 1)# + timedelta(days = p["sowing-doy"])
        #sim["start-date"] = startDate.isoformat()
        #sim["end-date"] = date(2010, 12, 31).isoformat()
        #sim["debug?"] = True

        site["Latitude"] = general_metadata[(row, col)]["latitude"]
        site["HeightNN"] = [general_metadata[(row, col)]["elevation"], "m"]
        site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"] = soil_io.soil_parameters(soil_db_con, soil_ids[(row, col)])
        for layer in site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"]:
            layer["SoilBulkDensity"][0] = max(layer["SoilBulkDensity"][0], 600)
    def read_ascii_grid(path_to_file, include_no_data=False, row_offset=0, col_offset=0):
        "read an ascii grid into a map, without the no-data values"
        def int_or_float(s):
                return int(s)
            except ValueError:
                return float(s)

        with open(path_to_file) as file_:
            data = {}
            #skip the header (first 6 lines)
            for _ in range(0, 6):
            row = -1
            for line in file_:
                row += 1
                col = -1
                for col_str in line.strip().split(" "):
                    col += 1
                    if not include_no_data and int_or_float(col_str) == -9999:
                    data[(row_offset+row, col_offset+col)] = int_or_float(col_str)

            return data

    #offset is used to match info in general metadata and soil database
    soil_ids = read_ascii_grid("soil-profile-id_nrw_gk3.asc", row_offset=282)
    bkr_ids = read_ascii_grid("bkr_nrw_gk3.asc", row_offset=282)
    lu_ids = read_ascii_grid("lu_resampled.asc", row_offset=282)
    kreise_ids = read_ascii_grid("kreise_matrix.asc", row_offset=282)
    meteo_ids = load_mapping(row_offset=282)

    #counter = 0
    #for k, v in bkr_ids.iteritems():
    #    if v == 134:
    #        if k in lu_ids:
    #            counter += 1
    #print counter

    i = 0
    start_send = time.clock()

    def calculate_orgfert_amount(N_applied, fert_type):
        "convert N applied in amount of fresh org fert"
        AOM_DryMatterContent = fert_type["AOM_DryMatterContent"][0]
        AOM_NH4Content = fert_type["AOM_NH4Content"][0]
        AOM_NO3Content = fert_type["AOM_NO3Content"][0]
        CN_Ratio_AOM_Fast = fert_type["CN_Ratio_AOM_Fast"][0]
        CN_Ratio_AOM_Slow = fert_type["CN_Ratio_AOM_Slow"][0]
        PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast = fert_type["PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast"][0]
        PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow = fert_type["PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow"][0]
        AOM_to_C = 0.45

        AOM_fast_factor = 1/(CN_Ratio_AOM_Fast/(AOM_to_C * PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast))
        AOM_slow_factor = 1/(CN_Ratio_AOM_Slow/(AOM_to_C * PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow))

        conversion_coeff = AOM_NH4Content + AOM_NO3Content + AOM_fast_factor + AOM_slow_factor

        AOM_dry = N_applied / conversion_coeff
        AOM_fresh = AOM_dry / AOM_DryMatterContent

        return AOM_fresh

    simulated_cells = 0
    no_kreis = 0
    for (row, col), gmd in general_metadata.iteritems():

        if (row, col) in soil_ids and (row, col) in bkr_ids and (row, col) in lu_ids:

            bkr_id = bkr_ids[(row, col)]
            #if bkr_id != 143:
            #    continue
            soil_id = soil_ids[(row, col)]
            meteo_id = meteo_ids[(row, col)]
            if (row, col) in kreise_ids:
                kreis_id = kreise_ids[(row, col)]
                no_kreis += 1
                print "-----------------------------------------------------"
                print "kreis not found for calculation of organic N" #TODO find out a solution
                print "-----------------------------------------------------"

            simulated_cells += 1
            update_soil_crop_dates(row, col)

            for rot_id, rotation in rotations.iteritems():

                crop["cropRotation"] = rotation

                env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
                    "crop": crop,
                    "site": site,
                    "sim": sim,
                    "climate": ""

                #assign amount of organic fertilizer
                #for cultivation_method in env["cropRotation"]:
                #    for workstep in cultivation_method["worksteps"]:
                #        if workstep["type"] == "OrganicFertilization":
                #            workstep["amount"] = calculate_orgfert_amount(orgN_kreise[kreis_id], workstep["parameters"])

                #climate is read by the server
                env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]
                if LOCAL_RUN:
                    env["pathToClimateCSV"] = LOCAL_PATH_TO_CLIMATE_DATA_DIR + "row-" + str(meteo_id[0]) + "/col-" + str(meteo_id[1]) + ".csv"
                    env["pathToClimateCSV"] = PATH_TO_CLIMATE_DATA_DIR + "row-" + str(meteo_id[0]) + "/col-" + str(meteo_id[1]) + ".csv"
                #env["pathToClimateCSV"] = PATH_TO_CLIMATE_DATA_DIR + gmd["subpath-climate.csv"]

                env["customId"] = rot_id \
                                + "|" + str(soil_id) \
                                + "|(" + str(row) + "/" + str(col) + ")" \
                                + "|" + str(bkr_id)
                print "sent env ", i, " customId: ", env["customId"]
                #if i > 10:
                #    exit()
                i += 1

    stop_send = time.clock()

    print "sending ", i, " envs took ", (stop_send - start_send), " seconds"
    print "simulated cells: ", simulated_cells, "; not found kreise for org N: ", no_kreis
예제 #9
    def __init__(self, exp_maps, observations, config, finalrun):
        #read params - they will be modified in the run method
        with open(config["soilorg_params_path"]) as _:
            self.soil_organic_params = json.load(_)

        with open(config["fertorg_params_path"]) as _:
            self.fert_organic_params = json.load(_)
            #following params were calibrated using exps 25 and 35 from V140 Muencheberg
            self.fert_organic_params["PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast"][0] = 0.81
            self.fert_organic_params["PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow"][0] = 0.19

        #observations data structures
        self.observations = observations
        self.obslist = helper.create_spotpylist(self.observations)

        #create envs
        self.envs = []
        for exp_map in exp_maps:
            with open(exp_map["sim_file"]) as simfile:
                sim = json.load(simfile)
                sim["crop.json"] = exp_map["crop_file"]
                sim["site.json"] = exp_map["site_file"]
                sim["climate.csv"] = exp_map["climate_file"]

            with open(exp_map["site_file"]) as sitefile:
                site = json.load(sitefile)

            with open(exp_map["crop_file"]) as cropfile:
                crop = json.load(cropfile)
                crop["cropRotations"] = []

            env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
                "crop": crop,
                "site": site,
                "sim": sim

            #create references to self.soil_organic_params and self.fert_organic_params
                "userSoilOrganicParameters"] = self.soil_organic_params
            for cm in env["cropRotation"]:
                for ws in cm["worksteps"]:
                    if ws["type"] == "OrganicFertilization":
                        ws["parameters"] = self.fert_organic_params

            #customize events section
            env["events"] = []
            with open(config["events-file"]) as _:
                json_out = json.load(_)
                env["events"] = json_out["events"]

            #climate is read by the server
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]
            env["pathToClimateCSV"] = []
            if config["server"] == "localhost":
                local_path_to_climate = os.path.dirname(
                    os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "\\climate_files"
                cluster_path_to_climate = "/archiv-daten/md/projects/sustag/climate_files_uncertainty_analysis"
                    cluster_path_to_climate).replace("\\", "/"))
                #print env["pathToClimateCSV"][0]

            env["customId"] = str(exp_map["treatment"]) + "|" + str(
                exp_map["parcel"]) + "|" + config["events-file"]


        #open sockets
        self.context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket_push = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        s_push = "tcp://" + config["server"] + ":" + config["push-port"]

        self.socket_pull = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL)
        s_pull = "tcp://" + config["server"] + ":" + config["pull-port"]
예제 #10
    def __init__(self, exp_maps, obslist):

        #for multi-experiment: create a M-2 relationship between exp_IDs and param files
        self.IDs_paramspaths = {}
        for exp_map in exp_maps:
            self.IDs_paramspaths[exp_map["exp_ID"]] = {}
            self.IDs_paramspaths[exp_map["exp_ID"]]["species"] = exp_map["species_file"]
            self.IDs_paramspaths[exp_map["exp_ID"]]["cultivar"] = exp_map["cultivar_file"]

        #observations data structures
        self.observations = [] #for spotpy
        for record in obslist:

        self.species_params={} #map to store different species params sets avoiding repetition
        self.cultivar_params={} #map to store different cultivar params sets avoiding repetition

        #create envs
        self.envs = []
        for exp_map in exp_maps:
            with open(exp_map["sim_file"]) as simfile:
                sim = json.load(simfile)
                sim["crop.json"] = exp_map["crop_file"]
                sim["site.json"] = exp_map["site_file"]
                #sim["climate.csv"] = exp_map["climate_file"]

            with open(exp_map["site_file"]) as sitefile:
                site = json.load(sitefile)

            with open(exp_map["crop_file"]) as cropfile:
                crop = json.load(cropfile)
                mycrop = exp_map["crop_ID"]
                crop["crops"][mycrop]["cropParams"]["species"][1] = exp_map["species_file"]
                crop["crops"][mycrop]["cropParams"]["cultivar"][1] = exp_map["cultivar_file"]

            env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
                "crop": crop,
                "site": site,
                "sim": sim,
                "climate": ""
            #climate is read by the server
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["start-date"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]["start-date"]
            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["end-date"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]["end-date"]
            env["pathToClimateCSV"] = []

            position = int(exp_map["where_in_rotation"][0])

            for position in exp_map["where_in_rotation"]:
                for ws in env["cropRotation"][position]["worksteps"]:
                    if ws["type"] == "Seed" or ws["type"] == "Sowing":
                        self.species_params[exp_map["species_file"]] = ws["crop"]["cropParams"]["species"]
                        self.cultivar_params[exp_map["cultivar_file"]] = ws["crop"]["cropParams"]["cultivar"]

            #monica_io.add_climate_data_to_env(env, sim) this does not work anymore properly
            env["customId"] = exp_map["exp_ID"]
            env["where_in_rotation"] = exp_map["where_in_rotation"]

        self.context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket_producer = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    def __init__(self, exp_maps, obslist, finalrun):

        #for multi-experiment: create a M-2 relationship between exp_IDs and param files
        self.IDs_paramspaths = {}
        for exp_map in exp_maps:
            self.IDs_paramspaths[exp_map["exp_ID"]] = {}
            self.IDs_paramspaths[exp_map["exp_ID"]]["species"] = exp_map["species_file"]
            self.IDs_paramspaths[exp_map["exp_ID"]]["cultivar"] = exp_map["cultivar_file"]

        #observations data structures
        self.observations = [] #for spotpy
        self.evaluationdates = {} #for plotting outputs
        self.obsdict = {} #for plotting outputs
        i = 0 #i is a reference to match the element in result array (from spotpy)
        for record in obslist:
            var_name = record["variable"]
            if "aggregation" in record.keys():
                #for plotting purposes the variable name must be unique (and match variable in collect results method)
                fromL = str(record["aggregation"][1][0])
                toL = str(record["aggregation"][1][1])
                var_name += " " + fromL + " to " + toL 
            if var_name not in self.evaluationdates: #add the variable as a key
                self.evaluationdates[var_name] = {}
                self.obsdict[var_name] = {}
            if record["exp_ID"] not in self.evaluationdates[var_name]: #add the experiment as a key
                self.evaluationdates[var_name][record["exp_ID"]] = []
                self.obsdict[var_name][record["exp_ID"]] = []
            thisdate = record["date"].split("-")#self.evaluationdates needs a date type (not isoformat)
            self.evaluationdates[var_name][record["exp_ID"]].append([i, date(int(thisdate[0]), int(thisdate[1]), int(thisdate[2]))])
            self.obsdict[var_name][record["exp_ID"]].append([i, record["value"]])
            i += 1

        #normalization data structure
        self.normalize = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
        for var in self.obsdict:
            var_indexes = []
            self.normalize[var]["max_obs_value"] = 0.01
            for exp_id in self.obsdict[var]:
                inds_values = self.obsdict[var][exp_id]
                for index_value in inds_values:
                    var_indexes.append(index_value[0]) #index in evallist
                    self.normalize[var]["max_obs_value"] = max(self.normalize[var]["max_obs_value"], index_value[1]) #max observed value
            self.normalize[var]["where"] = var_indexes
        #apply normalization to obs
        for anorm in self.normalize:
            n_factor = self.normalize[anorm]["max_obs_value"] / 100
            for jjj in self.normalize[anorm]["where"]:
                self.observations[jjj] /= n_factor

        self.species_params={} #map to store different species params sets avoiding repetition
        self.cultivar_params={} #map to store different cultivar params sets avoiding repetition

        #create envs
        self.envs = []
        for exp_map in exp_maps:
            with open(exp_map["sim_file"]) as simfile:
                sim = json.load(simfile)
                sim["crop.json"] = exp_map["crop_file"]
                sim["site.json"] = exp_map["site_file"]
                sim["climate.csv"] = exp_map["climate_file"]

            with open(exp_map["site_file"]) as sitefile:
                site = json.load(sitefile)

            with open(exp_map["crop_file"]) as cropfile:
                crop = json.load(cropfile)
                mycrop = exp_map["crop_ID"]
                crop["crops"][mycrop]["cropParams"]["species"][1] = exp_map["species_file"]
                crop["crops"][mycrop]["cropParams"]["cultivar"][1] = exp_map["cultivar_file"]

            env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
                "crop": crop,
                "site": site,
                "sim": sim

            #add required outputs
            for record in obslist:
                if record["exp_ID"] == exp_map["exp_ID"]:
                    if not finalrun: #output only info required by spotpy
                        var = [unicode(record["variable"])]
                        if "aggregation" in record.keys():
                            var = []
                        env["events"].append(var) #TODO:Add weight here?

                    elif finalrun: #daily output for plots
                        if "daily" not in env["events"]:
                            env["events"].append([]) #empty list of daily variables
                        var = [unicode(record["variable"])]
                        if "aggregation" in record.keys():
                            var = record["aggregation"]
                        if var not in env["events"][1]: #avoid to ask twice the same var as out
            position = int(exp_map["where_in_rotation"][0])

            for ws in env["cropRotation"][position]["worksteps"]:
                if ws["type"] == "Seed" or ws["type"] == "Sowing":
                    self.species_params[exp_map["species_file"]] = ws["crop"]["cropParams"]["species"]
                    self.cultivar_params[exp_map["cultivar_file"]] = ws["crop"]["cropParams"]["cultivar"]

            monica_io.add_climate_data_to_env(env, sim)
            env["customId"] = exp_map["exp_ID"]
            env["where_in_rotation"] = exp_map["where_in_rotation"]

        self.context = zmq.Context()
        self.socket_producer = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
def main():

    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    #port = 6666 if len(sys.argv) == 1 else sys.argv[1]
    config = {"port": 6666, "start": 1, "end": 8157}
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
            kkk, vvv = arg.split("=")
            if kkk in config:
                config[kkk] = int(vvv)

    #socket.bind("tcp://*:" + str(config["port"]))
    #socket.connect("tcp://localhost:" + str(config["port"]))
    socket.connect("tcp://cluster2:" + str(config["port"]))

    with open("sim.json") as _:
        sim = json.load(_)

    with open("site.json") as _:
        site = json.load(_)

    with open("crop.json") as _:
        crop = json.load(_)

    with open("sims.json") as _:
        sims = json.load(_)

    sim["include-file-base-path"] = "C:/Users/berg.ZALF-AD/MONICA"

    def read_pheno(path_to_file):
        "read phenology data"
        with open(path_to_file) as _:
            ppp = {}
            reader = csv.reader(_)
            for row in reader:
                ppp[(int(row[0]), int(row[1]))] = {
                    "sowing-doy": int(row[6]),
                    "flowering-doy": int(row[7]),
                    "harvest-doy": int(row[8])
            return ppp

    pheno = {
        "GM": read_pheno("Maize_pheno_v3.csv"),
        "WW": read_pheno("WW_pheno_v3.csv")

    soil = {}
    row_cols = []
    with open("JRC_soil_macsur_v3.csv") as _:
        reader = csv.reader(_)
        for row in reader:
            row_col = (int(row[1]), int(row[0]))
            soil[row_col] = {
                "elevation": float(row[4]),
                "latitude": float(row[5]),
                "depth": float(row[6]),
                "pwp": float(row[7]),
                "fc": float(row[8]),
                "sat": float(row[9]),
                "sw-init": float(row[10]),
                "oc-topsoil": float(row[11]),
                "oc-subsoil": float(row[12]),
                "bd-topsoil": float(row[13]),
                "bd-subsoil": float(row[14]),
                "sand-topsoil": float(row[15]),
                "sand-subsoil": float(row[18]),
                "clay-topsoil": float(row[16]),
                "clay-subsoil": float(row[19]),

    def read_calibrated_tsums(path_to_file, crop_id):
        "read calibrated tsums into dict"
        with open(path_to_file) as _:
            rrr = {}
            reader = csv.reader(_)
            for line in reader:
                ddd = {}

                row_, col_ = line[0].split("_")
                row, col = (int(row_), int(col_))
                ddd["tsums"] = [
                delta = 0
                if crop_id == "GM":
                    delta = 1
                    ddd["CriticalTemperatureHeatStress"] = float(line[10])

                ddd["BeginSensitivePhaseHeatStress"] = 0
                ddd["EndSensitivePhaseHeatStress"] = 0
                ddd["HeatSumIrrigationStart"] = float(line[delta + delta + 9])
                ddd["HeatSumIrrigationEnd"] = float(line[delta + delta + 10])

                rrr[(row, col)] = ddd

            return rrr

    calib = {
        "GM": read_calibrated_tsums("Calibrated_TSUM_Maize.csv", "GM"),
        "WW": read_calibrated_tsums("Calibrated_TSUM_WW.csv", "WW")

    def update_soil_crop_dates(row, col, crop_id):
        "update function"
        sss = soil[(row, col)]
        ppp = pheno[crop_id][(row, col)]

        extended_harvest_doy = ppp["harvest-doy"] + 10
        start_date = date(START_YEAR, 1, 1)
        sim["climate.csv-options"]["start-date"] = start_date.isoformat()
        end_date = date(2010, 12, 31)
        sim["climate.csv-options"]["end-date"] = end_date.isoformat()
        #sim["debug?"] = True

        pwp = sss["pwp"]
        fc_ = sss["fc"]
        sm_percent_fc = sss["sw-init"] / fc_ * 100.0

        is_wintercrop = ppp["sowing-doy"] > ppp["harvest-doy"]
        seeding_date = date(START_YEAR, 1,
                            1) + timedelta(days=ppp["sowing-doy"])
            "date"] = seeding_date.strftime("0000-%m-%d")
            "soilMoisturePercentFC"] = sm_percent_fc

            "date"] = seeding_date.strftime("0000-%m-%d")
        crop["cropRotation"][0]["worksteps"][1]["crop"][2] = crop_id

        harvest_date = date(START_YEAR + (1 if is_wintercrop else 0), 1,
                            1) + timedelta(days=extended_harvest_doy)
        #harvest_date = date(1980, 12, 31) if crop_id == "GM" else date(1980 + (1 if is_wintercrop else 0), 1, 1) + timedelta(days=ppp["harvest-doy"])
            "date"] = harvest_date.strftime("000" +
                                            ("1" if is_wintercrop else "0") +

        site["Latitude"] = sss["latitude"]
        top = {
            "Thickness": [0.3, "m"],
            "SoilOrganicCarbon": [sss["oc-topsoil"], "%"],
            "SoilBulkDensity": [sss["bd-topsoil"] * 1000, "kg m-3"],
            "FieldCapacity": [fc_, "m3 m-3"],
            "PermanentWiltingPoint": [pwp, "m3 m-3"],
            "PoreVolume": [sss["sat"], "m3 m-3"],
            "SoilMoisturePercentFC": [sm_percent_fc, "% [0-100]"],
            "Sand": sss["sand-topsoil"] / 100.0,
            "Clay": sss["clay-topsoil"] / 100.0
        sub = {
            "Thickness": [1.7, "m"],
            "SoilOrganicCarbon": [sss["oc-subsoil"], "%"],
            "SoilBulkDensity": [sss["bd-subsoil"] * 1000, "kg m-3"],
            "FieldCapacity": [fc_, "m3 m-3"],
            "PermanentWiltingPoint": [pwp, "m3 m-3"],
            "PoreVolume": [sss["sat"], "m3 m-3"],
            "SoilMoisturePercentFC": [sm_percent_fc, "% [0-100]"],
            "Sand": sss["sand-subsoil"] / 100.0,
            "Clay": sss["clay-subsoil"] / 100.0

        site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"] = [top, sub]
        #print site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"]

    print "# of rowsCols = ", len(row_cols)

    i = 0
    start_store = time.clock()
    start = config["start"] - 1
    end = config["end"] - 1
    row_cols_ = row_cols[start:end + 1]
    print "running from ", start, "/", row_cols[
        start], " to ", end, "/", row_cols[end]
    for row, col in row_cols_:
        if soil[(row, col)]["bd-topsoil"] < 0.6:  #avoid to simulate peat soils

        for crop_id in ["WW", "GM"]:
            update_soil_crop_dates(row, col, crop_id)
            env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
                "crop": crop,
                "site": site,
                "sim": sim,
                "climate": ""

            env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]

            env["params"]["userEnvironmentParameters"]["AtmosphericCO2"] = 360

            climate_filename = "{}_{:03d}_v1.csv".format(row, col)

            #read climate data on the server and send just the path to the climate data csv file
            env["pathToClimateCSV"] = PATH_TO_CLIMATE_DATA_SERVER + climate_filename

            cal = calib[crop_id][(row, col)]
            cultivar = env["cropRotation"][0]["worksteps"][1]["crop"][
            cultivar["CropSpecificMaxRootingDepth"] = 1.5
            cultivar["StageTemperatureSum"] = cal["tsums"]
            cultivar["BeginSensitivePhaseHeatStress"] = 0
            cultivar["EndSensitivePhaseHeatStress"] = 0
            cultivar["HeatSumIrrigationStart"] = cal["HeatSumIrrigationStart"]
            cultivar["HeatSumIrrigationEnd"] = cal["HeatSumIrrigationEnd"]

            env["customId"] = crop_id + "|(" + str(row) + "/" + str(col) + ")"

            print "sent env ", i, " customId: ", env["customId"]
            i += 1


    stop_store = time.clock()

    print "sending ", i, " envs took ", (stop_store - start_store), " seconds"
    print "ran from ", start, "/", row_cols[start], " to ", end, "/", row_cols[
예제 #13
def run_producer(setup,
                     "server": None,
                     "port": None,
                     "nd-port": None

    config = {
        "user": USER,
        "port": server["port"] if server["port"] else "66663",
        "no-data-port": server["nd-port"] if server["nd-port"] else "5555",
        "server": server["server"] if server["server"] else "localhost"

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
            k, v = arg.split("=")
            if k in config:
                config[k] = v

    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    prod_cons_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)

    soil_db_con = sqlite3.connect(paths["path-to-data-dir"] +

    #connect producer and consumer directly
    prod_cons_socket.bind("tcp://*:" + str(config["no-data-port"]))

    if LOCAL_RUN:
        socket.connect("tcp://localhost:" + str(config["port"]))
        socket.connect("tcp://" + config["server"] + ":" + str(config["port"]))

    with open("sim.json") as _:
        sim_json = json.load(_)
        sim_json["include-file-base-path"] = paths["include-file-base-path"]

    with open("site.json") as _:
        site_json = json.load(_)

    with open("crop.json") as _:
        crop_json = json.load(_)

    def get_value(list_or_value):
        return list_or_value[0] if isinstance(list_or_value,
                                              list) else list_or_value

    sent_env_count = 1
    start_time = time.clock()

    if preprocessed_data == None:
        preprocessed_data = preprocess_data()

    dem_gk5_interpolate = preprocessed_data["dem_gk5_interpolate"]
    slope_gk5_interpolate = preprocessed_data["slope_gk5_interpolate"]
    soil_gk5_interpolate = preprocessed_data["soil_gk5_interpolate"]
    cdict = preprocessed_data["cdict"]
    climate_gk5_interpolate = preprocessed_data["climate_gk5_interpolate"]
    stat_infos = preprocessed_data["stat_infos"]

    #put custom crop in place
    for stat_info in stat_infos:
        for cm in stat_info["rotation"]:
            for ws in cm["worksteps"]:
                if "crop" in ws.keys():
                    ws["crop"] = custom_crop

    #send stations list to the consumer
    sim_stats = []
    for stat_info in stat_infos:

    for stat_info in stat_infos:

        station_id = stat_info["station_id"]
        r_gk5, h_gk5 = stat_info["gk5_rh"]

        env_template = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
            "crop": crop_json,
            "site": site_json,
            "sim": sim_json,
            "climate": ""
        env_template["cropRotation"] = stat_info["rotation"]
        env_template["events"] = stat_info["events"]

        soil_id = soil_gk5_interpolate(r_gk5, h_gk5)
        if soil_id == -9999:
        if soil_id < 1 or soil_id > 71:
            #print "row/col:", row, "/", col, "has unknown soil_id:", soil_id

        crow, ccol = climate_gk5_interpolate(r_gk5, h_gk5)

        height_nn = dem_gk5_interpolate(r_gk5, h_gk5)
        slope = slope_gk5_interpolate(r_gk5, h_gk5)

        clat, clon = cdict[(crow, ccol)]
        #slon, slat = transform(gk5, wgs84, r, h)
        #print "srow:", srow, "scol:", scol, "h:", h, "r:", r, " inter:", inter, "crow:", crow, "ccol:", ccol, "slat:", slat, "slon:", slon, "clat:", clat, "clon:", clon

            "__enable_T_response_leaf_expansion__"] = setup[

        # set soil-profile
        sp_json = soil_io.soil_parameters(soil_db_con, soil_id)
        soil_profile = monica_io.find_and_replace_references(sp_json,
        #print "soil:", soil_profile
            "SoilProfileParameters"] = soil_profile

        # setting groundwater level
        if setup["groundwater-level"]:
            groundwaterlevel = 20
            layer_depth = 0
            for layer in soil_profile:
                if layer.get("is_in_groundwater", False):
                    groundwaterlevel = layer_depth
                    #print "setting groundwaterlevel of soil_id:", str(soil_id), "to", groundwaterlevel, "m"
                layer_depth += get_value(layer["Thickness"])
                "MinGroundwaterDepthMonth"] = 3
                "MinGroundwaterDepth"] = [max(0, groundwaterlevel - 0.2), "m"]
                "MaxGroundwaterDepth"] = [groundwaterlevel + 0.2, "m"]

        # setting impenetrable layer
        if setup["impenetrable-layer"]:
            impenetrable_layer_depth = get_value(
            layer_depth = 0
            for layer in soil_profile:
                if layer.get("is_impenetrable", False):
                    impenetrable_layer_depth = layer_depth
                    #print "setting leaching depth of soil_id:", str(soil_id), "to", impenetrable_layer_depth, "m"
                layer_depth += get_value(layer["Thickness"])
                "LeachingDepth"] = [impenetrable_layer_depth, "m"]
                "ImpenetrableLayerDepth"] = [impenetrable_layer_depth, "m"]

        if setup["elevation"]:
            env_template["params"]["siteParameters"]["heightNN"] = height_nn

        if setup["slope"]:
            env_template["params"]["siteParameters"]["slope"] = slope / 100.0

        if setup["latitude"]:
            env_template["params"]["siteParameters"]["Latitude"] = clat

            "UseNMinMineralFertilisingMethod"] = setup["fertilization"]
            "UseAutomaticIrrigation"] = setup["irrigation"]

            "NitrogenResponseOn"] = setup["NitrogenResponseOn"]
            "WaterDeficitResponseOn"] = setup["WaterDeficitResponseOn"]
            "EmergenceMoistureControlOn"] = setup["EmergenceMoistureControlOn"]
            "EmergenceFloodingControlOn"] = setup["EmergenceFloodingControlOn"]

        env_template["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim_json["climate.csv-options"]

        if LOCAL_RUN:
            env_template["pathToClimateCSV"] = paths[
                "path-to-climate-csvs-dir"] + "row-" + str(
                    crow) + "/col-" + str(ccol) + ".csv"
            env_template["pathToClimateCSV"] = paths[
                "archive-path-to-climate-csvs-dir"] + "row-" + str(
                    crow) + "/col-" + str(ccol) + ".csv"

        env_template["customId"] = {"station_id": int(station_id)}

        #with open("envs/env-"+str(sent_env_count)+".json", "w") as _:
        #    _.write(json.dumps(env))

        print "sent env ", sent_env_count, " customId: ", env_template[
        sent_env_count += 1

    stop_time = time.clock()

    print "sending ", (sent_env_count -
                       1), " envs took ", (stop_time - start_time), " seconds"
    #print "ran from ", start, "/", row_cols[start], " to ", end, "/", row_cols[end]
    print "exiting run_producer()"
예제 #14
def run_producer():

    # some options and configurations
    create_simulation_files = False

    # calibration options
    training_mode = False
    calibrate_apache = False

    # simulation options
    activate_debug = False
    run_via_simulation_files = False
    output_dir = "runs/2018-07-16/"

    # calibration -------------------------------------
    # original "StageTemperatureSum": [[148, 284, 380, 180, 420, 25 ], "\u00b0C d"]

    # overwrite some settings if creation of simulation files is active
    if create_simulation_files:
        run_via_simulation_files = False
        training_mode = False

    # technical initialisation
    config = {"user": "******", "port": "66666", "server": "localhost"}

    sent_id = 0
    start_send = time.clock()
    socket = initialise_sockets(config)

    # output file
    output_filename = "agmip_calibration_phase2_step1_evaluation.csv"
    if training_mode:
        output_filename = "agmip_calibration_phase2_step1_calibration.csv"

    paths = PATHS[config["user"]]

    # read in management information
    management_file = paths[
        "INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"] + "monica_simulation_setup/input_data/cal2_phenology_mgt_soil_data.txt"
    management_df = pd.read_csv(management_file,

    # iterate over every row/environment where row contains the setup of one simulation
    for environment in management_df.iterrows():

        simulation_row = environment[1]
        sim_id = int(simulation_row["n"])

        if training_mode:
            # calibration mode
            if simulation_row["Date_observee_Epi_1cm"] == "NA":
                    "Skip evaluation simulation because testing mode is active"

            if calibrate_apache:
                if simulation_row["Variete"] != "Apache":
                    # calibration mode active but sim_id refers to wrong cultivar
                # Bermude
                if simulation_row["Variete"] != "Bermude":

        # apache parameters
        stage1_sum = 148
        stage2_sum = 101  # 340
        stage3_sum = 429  # 407

        if simulation_row["Variete"] == "Bermude":
            stage1_sum = 148
            stage2_sum = 83  # 340
            stage3_sum = 477  # 407

        # ------------------------------------------------

        # based on Christian Kersebaums assumptions

        tsum_bbch55 = (stage2_sum + stage3_sum)
        tsum_bbch30 = (stage3_sum) * 0.25 + stage2_sum

        print("Run simulation " + str(sim_id))
        sim_parameters = None
        site_parameters = None
        crop_parameters = None

        if run_via_simulation_files:
            # run from existing simulation files
            print("Run from MONICA simulation files ...")

            simulation_dir = "monica_simulation_setup/calibration/"
            if simulation_row["Date_observee_Epi_1cm"] == "NA":
                simulation_dir = "monica_simulation_setup/evaluation/"

            with open(simulation_dir + "sim-" + str(sim_id) + ".json") as fp:
                sim_parameters = json.load(fp)

            with open(simulation_dir + "site-" + str(sim_id) + ".json") as fp:
                site_parameters = json.load(fp)

            with open(simulation_dir + "crop-" + str(sim_id) + ".json") as fp:
                crop_parameters = json.load(fp)

            # dynamically create simulation objects
                "Dynamic run by creating simulation objects directly from AgMIP management file."
            site_parameters = create_site_parameters(simulation_row)
            crop_parameters = create_crop_parameters(simulation_row)
            sim_parameters = create_sim_parameters(
                simulation_row, paths["INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"], sim_id,
                output_dir, activate_debug, create_simulation_files,
                tsum_bbch30, tsum_bbch55)

        if site_parameters is None:
            print("ERROR: site_parameters == None")
        if crop_parameters is None:
            print("ERROR: crop_parameters == None")
        if sim_parameters is None:
            print("ERROR: sim_parameters == None")

        # check if just MONICA simulation files should be created from the provided input files
        # do'nt send any information if input files should be created
        if create_simulation_files:
            dir = "monica_simulation_setup/calibration/"
            if simulation_row["Date_observee_Epi_1cm"] == "NA":
                dir = "monica_simulation_setup/evaluation/"

            with open(dir + "site-" + str(sim_id) + ".json", "w") as fp:
                json.dump(site_parameters, fp=fp, indent=4)

            with open(dir + "crop-" + str(sim_id) + ".json", "w") as fp:
                json.dump(crop_parameters, fp=fp, indent=4)

            with open(dir + "sim-" + str(sim_id) + ".json", "w") as fp:
                json.dump(sim_parameters, fp=fp, indent=4)

        env_map = {
            "crop": crop_parameters,
            "site": site_parameters,
            "sim": sim_parameters
        env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config(env_map)

        # calibration

        # for calibration overwrite stage temperature sum values
            "cultivar"]["StageTemperatureSum"][0][1] = stage2_sum

            "cultivar"]["StageTemperatureSum"][0][2] = stage3_sum

            "cultivar"]["StageTemperatureSum"][0][0] = stage1_sum

        temp_sum = env["cropRotation"][0]["worksteps"][0]["crop"][
        bbch30_tempsum = temp_sum[0] + temp_sum[1] + 0.25 * (temp_sum[3])

        # final env object with all necessary information
        env["customId"] = {
            "id": sim_id,
            "calibration": training_mode,
            "sim_files": output_dir,
            "output_filename": output_filename,
            "cultivar": simulation_row["Variete"],
            "sowing_date": simulation_row["Date_Semis"],
            simulation_row["Date_observee_Epi_1cm"],  # observation bbch 30
            simulation_row["Date_observee_Epiaison"],  # observation bbch 55
            "site": simulation_row["Libelle"]

        with open("monica_simulation_setup/env.json", "w") as fp:
            json.dump(env, fp=fp, indent=4)

        # sending env object to MONICA ZMQ
        print("sent env ", sent_id, " customId: ", env["customId"])
        sent_id += 1

    stop_send = time.clock()

    # just tell the sending time if objects have really been sent
    if not create_simulation_files:
        print("sending ", sent_id, " envs took ", (stop_send - start_send),
              " seconds")
예제 #15
def producer(setup=None):
    "main function"

    paths = PATHS[USER]

    #Configure producer
    if setup == None:
        run_id = "custom"
        PRODUCTION_LEVEL = 'WL.NL.rain'  #options: "Pot", "WL.NL.rain"
        TF = "historical"
        FERT_STRATEGY = "BASE"  #options: "NDEM", "NMIN", "BASE"
        COVER_CROP_FREQ = {
            #always use int for insert-cc-every and out-of
            #keep out-of as small as possible (to ensure uniform spatial distribution)
            "insert-cc-every": 1,  #CM
            "out-of": 4,  #CM
            "suffix": "25"  #REMEMBER to set it (for output file name)
        EXPORT_RATE = "base"
        RESIDUES_HUMUS_BALANCE = False  #mgt complying with humus balance approach of NRW: if true, RESIDUE_EXPORTED has no effect!
        run_id = setup["id"]
        TF = setup["TF"]
        if setup["res_mgt"] == "RESIDUES_HUMUS_BALANCE":
            RESIDUES_EXPORTED = False
            RESIDUES_HUMUS_BALANCE = False
            RESIDUES_EXPORTED = True
            EXPORT_RATE = setup["res_mgt"]
    #end of user configuration

    #assemble file name suffix for out
    suffix = "_id" + run_id + "_"
    suffix += TF + "_"
    suffix += "fert-" + FERT_STRATEGY.lower() + "_"
        suffix += "res-humbal_"
        suffix += "res-" + EXPORT_RATE + "_"
    suffix += "cc-" + COVER_CROP_FREQ["suffix"] + "_"
    suffix += "pl-" + PRODUCTION_LEVEL.replace(".", "") + "_"

        rotations_file = "rotations_dynamic_harv.json"
    elif FERT_STRATEGY == "NDEM":
        rotations_file = "rotations_dynamic_harv_Ndem.json"
    elif FERT_STRATEGY == "BASE":
        rotations_file = "rotations_dynamic_harv_Nbaseline.json"

    if LOCAL_RUN:
        PATH_TO_CLIMATE_DATA_DIR = timeframes[TF]["local-path-to-climate"]
        PATH_TO_CLIMATE_DATA_DIR = timeframes[TF]["cluster-path-to-climate"]

    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    port = 6666 if len(sys.argv) == 1 else sys.argv[1]
    if LOCAL_RUN:
        socket.connect("tcp://cluster1:" + str(port))

    soil_db_con = sqlite3.connect("soil.sqlite")

    with open("sim.json") as _:
        sim = json.load(_)
        sim["start-date"] = timeframes[TF]["start-date"]
        sim["end-date"] = timeframes[TF]["end-date"]

    with open("site.json") as _:
        site = json.load(_)

    with open("crop.json") as _:
        crop = json.load(_)

    with open("cover-crop.json") as _:
        cover_crop = json.load(_)["CM"]
            #inject additional harvest params
            for ws in range(len(cover_crop["worksteps"])):
                if cover_crop["worksteps"][ws]["type"] == "AutomaticHarvest":
                        "opt-carbon-conservation"] = True
                        "crop-impact-on-humus-balance"] = [
                            "Humus equivalent [Heq]"
                    cover_crop["worksteps"][ws]["residue-heq"] = [
                        "Heq ton-1 DM"
                        "crop-usage"] = CROP_USAGE_HUMBAL["CC"]
                        "exported"] = True  #Needed to fire the humus balance approach; if true and crop-usage="green-manure" --> the crop is anyway returned to the soil

    with open("sims.json") as _:
        sims = json.load(_)
        if FERT_STRATEGY != "NMIN":
            #turn off Nmin automatic fertilization
            for setting in sims.iteritems():
                setting[1]["UseNMinMineralFertilisingMethod"] = False

    with open(rotations_file) as _:
        rotations = json.load(_)
        #identify rotations with codes
        rots_info = {}
        for bkr, rots in rotations.iteritems():
            for rot in rots.iteritems():
                rot_code = int(rot[0])
                my_rot = []
                for cm in rot[1]:  #["worksteps"]:
                    for ws in range(len(cm["worksteps"])):
                        if cm["worksteps"][ws]["type"] == "Sowing":
                #for each crop, identify previous main one (needed to determine expected N availability)
                rot_info = []
                for i in range(len(my_rot)):
                    cm_info = {}
                    current_cp = my_rot[i]
                    if i != 0:
                        previous_cp = my_rot[i - 1]
                        previous_cp = my_rot[-1]
                    cm_info["current"] = current_cp
                    cm_info["previous"] = previous_cp
                rots_info[rot_code] = rot_info
            #inject additional harvest params
            for bkr, rots in rotations.iteritems():
                for rot in rots.iteritems():
                    rot_code = int(rot[0])
                    rot_info = rots_info[rot_code]
                    cp_index = 0
                    for cm in rot[1]:  #["worksteps"]:
                        for ws in range(len(cm["worksteps"])):
                            cp = rot_info[cp_index]["current"]
                            if cm["worksteps"][ws][
                                    "type"] == "AutomaticHarvest":
                                    "opt-carbon-conservation"] = True
                                    "crop-impact-on-humus-balance"] = [
                                        "Humus equivalent [Heq]"
                                if cp == "SBee":
                                    cm["worksteps"][ws]["residue-heq"] = [
                                        ["green-manure"], "Heq ton-1 DM"
                                    cm["worksteps"][ws]["residue-heq"] = [
                                        "Heq ton-1 DM"
                                    "organic-fertilizer-heq"] = [
                                        ["pig-slurry"], "Heq ton-1 DM"
                                    "crop-usage"] = CROP_USAGE_HUMBAL[cp]
                                    "max-residue-recover-fraction"] = CROP_USAGE_HUMBAL[
                                cp_index += 1

        #read additional info required for baseline fert strategy:
        #1. expected mineral N availability
        expected_N_availability = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict())
        with open("expected_N_availability.csv") as _:
            reader = csv.reader(_)
            for row in reader:
                cp_sequence = (row[0], row[1])
                soil_type = row[2]
                expected_N_value = float(row[3])
                    soil_type] = expected_N_value
                expected_N_availability[cp_sequence]["target_depth"] = float(
        #2. rules to split mineral fertilization
        mineralN_split = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict())
        with open("MineralN_topdressing.csv") as _:
            reader = csv.reader(_)
            for row in reader:
                cp = row[0]
                mineralN_split[cp]["target"] = float(row[2])
                for i in range(4, 7):
                    if row[i] != "":
                        mineralN_split[cp][i - 4] = float(row[i])

    sim["UseSecondaryYields"] = RESIDUES_EXPORTED
        for cp in crop["crops"].iteritems():
            for k in EXPORT_PRESETS[EXPORT_RATE].keys():
                if cp[0] in k:
                    my_rate = EXPORT_PRESETS[EXPORT_RATE][k]
            for organ in cp[1]["cropParams"]["cultivar"][
                organ["yieldPercentage"] *= my_rate

    sim["include-file-base-path"] = paths["INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"]

    def read_general_metadata(path_to_file):
        "read metadata file"
        with open(path_to_file) as file_:
            data = {}
            reader = csv.reader(file_, delimiter="\t")
            for row in reader:
                if int(row[1]) != 1:
                data[(int(row[2]), int(row[3]))] = {
                    "subpath-climate.csv": row[9],
                    "latitude": float(row[13]),
                    "elevation": float(row[14])
            return data

    general_metadata = read_general_metadata("NRW_General_Metadata.csv")

    def load_mapping(row_offset=0, col_offset=0):
        to_climate_index = {}
        with (open("working_resolution_to_climate_lat_lon_indices.json")) as _:
            l = json.load(_)
            for i in xrange(0, len(l), 2):
                cell = (row_offset + l[i][0], col_offset + l[i][1])
                to_climate_index[cell] = tuple(l[i + 1])
            return to_climate_index

    def read_orgN_kreise(path_to_file):
        "read organic N info for kreise"
        with open(path_to_file) as file_:
            data = {}
            reader = csv.reader(file_, delimiter=",")
            for row in reader:
                for kreis_code in row[1].split("|"):
                    if kreis_code != "":
                        data[int(kreis_code)] = float(row[8])
        return data

    orgN_kreise = read_orgN_kreise("NRW_orgN_balance.csv")

    def update_soil(row, col):
        "in place update the env"

        site["SiteParameters"]["Latitude"] = general_metadata[(
            row, col)]["latitude"]
        site["SiteParameters"]["HeightNN"] = [
            general_metadata[(row, col)]["elevation"], "m"
            "SoilProfileParameters"] = soil_io.soil_parameters(
                soil_db_con, soil_ids[(row, col)])
        KA5_txt = soil_io.sand_and_clay_to_ka5_texture(
        for layer in site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"]:
            layer["SoilBulkDensity"][0] = max(layer["SoilBulkDensity"][0], 600)
            layer["SoilOrganicCarbon"][0] = layer["SoilOrganicCarbon"][
                0] * 0.6  #correction factor suggested by TGaiser

        return KA5_txt

    def read_header(path_to_ascii_grid_file):
        "read metadata from esri ascii grid file"
        metadata = {}
        header_str = ""
        with open(path_to_ascii_grid_file) as _:
            for i in range(0, 6):
                line = _.readline()
                header_str += line
                sline = [x for x in line.split() if len(x) > 0]
                if len(sline) > 1:
                    metadata[sline[0].strip().lower()] = float(
        return metadata, header_str

    def read_ascii_grid(path_to_file,
        "read an ascii grid into a map, without the no-data values"

        def int_or_float(s):
                return int(s)
            except ValueError:
                return float(s)

        with open(path_to_file) as file_:
            data = {}
            #skip the header (first 6 lines)
            for _ in range(0, 6):
            row = -1
            for line in file_:
                row += 1
                col = -1
                for col_str in line.strip().split(" "):
                    col += 1
                    if not include_no_data and int_or_float(col_str) == -9999:
                    data[(row_offset + row,
                          col_offset + col)] = int_or_float(col_str)

            return data

    #offset is used to match info in general metadata and soil database
    soil_ids = read_ascii_grid("soil-profile-id_nrw_gk3.asc", row_offset=282)
    bkr_ids = read_ascii_grid("bkr_nrw_gk3.asc", row_offset=282)
    lu_ids = read_ascii_grid("lu_resampled.asc", row_offset=282)
    kreise_ids = read_ascii_grid("kreise_matrix.asc", row_offset=282)
    meteo_ids = load_mapping(row_offset=282)

    soil_metadata, _ = read_header("soil-profile-id_nrw_gk3.asc")

    wgs84 = Proj(init="epsg:4326")
    gk3 = Proj(init="epsg:3396")
    gk5 = Proj(init="epsg:31469")

    def create_ascii_grid_interpolator(arr, meta, ignore_nodata=True):
        "read an ascii grid into a map, without the no-data values"

        rows, cols = arr.shape

        cellsize = int(meta["cellsize"])
        xll = int(meta["xllcorner"])
        yll = int(meta["yllcorner"])
        nodata_value = meta["nodata_value"]

        xll_center = xll + cellsize // 2
        yll_center = yll + cellsize // 2
        yul_center = yll_center + (rows - 1) * cellsize

        points = []
        values = []

        for row in range(rows):
            for col in range(cols):
                value = arr[row, col]
                if ignore_nodata and value == nodata_value:
                r = xll_center + col * cellsize
                h = yul_center - row * cellsize
                points.append([r, h])

        return NearestNDInterpolator(np.array(points), np.array(values))

    path_to_slope_grid = paths[
        "path-to-data-dir"] + "/germany/slope_1000_gk5.asc"
    slope_metadata, _ = read_header(path_to_slope_grid)
    slope_grid = np.loadtxt(path_to_slope_grid, dtype=float, skiprows=6)
    slope_gk5_interpolate = create_ascii_grid_interpolator(
        slope_grid, slope_metadata)

    #counter = 0
    #for k, v in bkr_ids.iteritems():
    #    if v == 134:
    #        if k in lu_ids:
    #            counter += 1
    #print counter

    def rotate(crop_rotation):
        "rotate the crops in the rotation"
        crop_rotation.insert(0, crop_rotation.pop())

    def insert_cc(crop_rotation, cc_data):
        "insert cover crops in the rotation"
        insert_cover_here = []
        for cultivation_method in range(len(crop_rotation)):
            for workstep in crop_rotation[cultivation_method]["worksteps"]:
                if workstep["type"] == "Sowing":
                    if workstep["crop"][2] in COVER_BEFORE:
                            (cultivation_method, workstep["date"]))
        for position, mydate in reversed(insert_cover_here):
            mydate = mydate.split("-")
            main_crop_sowing = date(2017, int(mydate[1]), int(mydate[2]))
            latest_harvest_cc = main_crop_sowing - timedelta(days=10)
            latest_harvest_cc = unicode("0001-" +
                                        str(latest_harvest_cc.month).zfill(2) +
                                        "-" +
            crop_rotation.insert(position, copy.deepcopy(cc_data))
                "latest-date"] = latest_harvest_cc

    def calculate_orgfert_amount(N_applied, fert_type, soilCN=10):
        "convert N applied in amount of fresh org fert"
        AOM_DryMatterContent = fert_type["AOM_DryMatterContent"][0]
        AOM_NH4Content = fert_type["AOM_NH4Content"][0]
        AOM_NO3Content = fert_type["AOM_NO3Content"][0]
        CN_Ratio_AOM_Fast = fert_type["CN_Ratio_AOM_Fast"][0]
        CN_Ratio_AOM_Slow = fert_type["CN_Ratio_AOM_Slow"][0]
        PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast = fert_type["PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast"][0]
        PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow = fert_type["PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow"][0]
        AOM_to_C = 0.45

        AOM_fast_factor = (AOM_to_C * PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast) / CN_Ratio_AOM_Fast
        AOM_slow_factor = (AOM_to_C * PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow) / CN_Ratio_AOM_Slow
        AOM_SOM_factor = (
            1 -
            (PartAOM_to_AOM_Fast + PartAOM_to_AOM_Slow)) * AOM_to_C / soilCN

        conversion_coeff = AOM_NH4Content + AOM_NO3Content + AOM_fast_factor + AOM_slow_factor + AOM_SOM_factor

        AOM_dry = N_applied / conversion_coeff
        AOM_fresh = AOM_dry / AOM_DryMatterContent

        return AOM_fresh

    def update_fert_values(rotation, rot_info, cc_in_cm,
                           expected_N_availability, mineralN_split, soil_type,
        "function to mimic baseline fertilization"

        cow_unit = 100
        GVs = orgN_applied / cow_unit
        orgN_effect = GVs * 10

        #insert cc in rotation info
        for cm in reversed(range(len(rot_info))):
            rot_info[cm]["has_cover_before"] = False
            if rot_info[cm]["current"] in COVER_BEFORE and cc_in_cm:
                rot_info[cm]["has_cover_before"] = True
                cc_info = {"current": "CC"}
                rot_info.insert(cm, cc_info)

        for cm in range(len(rotation)):
            if rot_info[cm]["current"] == "CC":
                #cover crops do not receive any fertilization
            current_cp = rot_info[cm]["current"]
            previous_cp = rot_info[cm]["previous"]
            has_cover = rot_info[cm]["has_cover_before"]

            N_target = mineralN_split[current_cp]["target"]
            expected_Nmin = expected_N_availability[(current_cp,

            #modify expected Nmin depending on livestock pressure and presence of cover crop
            if has_cover:
                expected_Nmin += 20
            expected_Nmin += orgN_effect

            #calculate N to be applied with mineral fertilization
            sum_Nfert = max(N_target - expected_Nmin, 0)

            #map the fertilization worksteps
            ref_fert = 0
            for ws in range(len(rotation[cm]["worksteps"])):
                workstep = rotation[cm]["worksteps"][ws]
                if workstep["type"] == "MineralFertilization" and workstep[
                        "amount"][0] == 0:
                        0] = sum_Nfert * mineralN_split[current_cp][ref_fert]
                    ref_fert += 1

    sent_id = 0
    start_send = time.clock()
    simulated_cells = 0
    no_kreis = 0

    #bkr2lk = defaultdict(set) #for additional info
    #soilty2iniSOC = defaultdict(list) #for additional info

    export_lat_lon_coords = False
    export_lat_lon_file = None
    srows = int(soil_metadata["nrows"])
    scellsize = int(soil_metadata["cellsize"])
    sxll = int(soil_metadata["xllcorner"])
    syll = int(soil_metadata["yllcorner"])
    sxll_center = sxll + scellsize // 2
    syll_center = syll + scellsize // 2
    syul_center = syll_center + (srows - 1) * scellsize

    for (row, col), gmd in general_metadata.iteritems():

        #if int(row) != 505 or int(col) != 58:
        #    continue

        if (row, col) in soil_ids and (row,
                                       col) in bkr_ids and (row,
                                                            col) in lu_ids:

            # get gk3 coordinates for soil row/col
            sr_gk3 = sxll_center + col * scellsize
            sh_gk3 = syul_center - row * scellsize

            if export_lat_lon_coords:
                if not export_lat_lon_file:
                    export_lat_lon_file = open(
                        "soil_row_col_to_lat_lon_coords.csv", "w")

                slon, slat = transform(gk3, wgs84, sr_gk3, sh_gk3)
                    ",".join(map(str, [row, col, slat, slon])) + "\n")

            sr_gk5, sh_gk5 = transform(gk3, gk5, sr_gk3, sh_gk3)
            site["SiteParameters"]["Slope"] = slope_gk5_interpolate(
                sr_gk5, sh_gk5) / 100.0


            bkr_id = bkr_ids[(row, col)]

            ########for testing
            #if bkr_id != 129:
            #    continue

            soil_id = soil_ids[(row, col)]
            meteo_id = meteo_ids[(row, col)]
            if (row, col) in kreise_ids:
                kreis_id = kreise_ids[(row, col)]
                no_kreis += 1
                print "-----------------------------------------------------"
                print "kreis not found for calculation of organic N"
                print "-----------------------------------------------------"

            simulated_cells += 1

            KA5_txt = update_soil(row, col)

            light_soils = ["Ss", "Su2", "Su3", "Su4", "St2", "Sl3", "Sl2"]
            heavy_soils = ["Tu3", "Tu4", "Lt3", "Ts2", "Tl", "Tu2", "Tt"]

            soil_type = "medium"
            if KA5_txt in light_soils:
                soil_type = "light"
            elif KA5_txt in heavy_soils:
                soil_type = "heavy"

                "SoilSpecificHumusBalanceCorrection"] = HUMBAL_CORRECTION[


            #row_col = "{}{:03d}".format(row, col)
            #topsoil_carbon[row_col] = site["SiteParameters"]["SoilProfileParameters"][0]["SoilOrganicCarbon"][0]

            for rot_id, rotation in rotations[str(bkr_id)].iteritems():

                ########for testing
                #if rot_id not in ["9120", "7120", "7130", "8120", "6110", "6120", "5120", "1110", "1130", "3110", "3130", "2110", "2120", "2130", "4110", "4120"]:
                #    continue

                #extend rotation
                ext_rot = []
                for i in range(COVER_CROP_FREQ["out-of"]):

                #insert CC in a subset of CM
                cc_in_cm = {}
                for cm in range(len(ext_rot)):
                    cc_in_cm[cm] = False
                    if (cm + 1) <= COVER_CROP_FREQ["insert-cc-every"]:
                        insert_cc(ext_rot[cm], cover_crop)
                        cc_in_cm[cm] = True

                #update mineral fert (baseline N scenario)
                if FERT_STRATEGY == "BASE":
                    for rot in range(len(ext_rot)):
                            cc_in_cm[rot], expected_N_availability,
                            mineralN_split, soil_type, orgN_kreise[kreis_id])

                #compose the rotation
                composed_rot = []
                for rot in ext_rot:
                    for cm in rot:
                crop["cropRotation"] = composed_rot

                env = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config({
                    "crop": crop,
                    "site": site,
                    "sim": sim,
                    "climate": ""
                env["sharedId"] = "ts_sustag_nrw"

                #assign amount of organic fertilizer
                for cultivation_method in env["cropRotation"]:
                    for workstep in cultivation_method["worksteps"]:
                        if workstep["type"] == "OrganicFertilization":
                            workstep["amount"][0] = calculate_orgfert_amount(
                                orgN_kreise[kreis_id], workstep["parameters"]
                            )  #TODO: assign soilCN param dynamically

                #with open("test_crop.json", "w") as _:
                #    _.write(json.dumps(crop, indent=4))

                #climate is read by the server
                env["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim["climate.csv-options"]
                env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["start-date"] = sim["start-date"]
                env["csvViaHeaderOptions"]["end-date"] = sim["end-date"]
                env["pathToClimateCSV"] = []

                for PATH in PATH_TO_CLIMATE_DATA_DIR:
                    env["pathToClimateCSV"].append(PATH + "row-" +
                                                   str(meteo_id[0]) + "/col-" +
                                                   str(meteo_id[1]) + ".csv")

                for sim_id, sim_ in sims.iteritems():
                    if sim_id != PRODUCTION_LEVEL:
                    env["events"] = sim_["output"]
                        "NitrogenResponseOn"] = sim_["NitrogenResponseOn"]
                        "WaterDeficitResponseOn"] = sim_[
                        "UseAutomaticIrrigation"] = sim_[
                        "UseNMinMineralFertilisingMethod"] = sim_[
                        "FrostKillOn"] = sim_["FrostKillOn"]

                    for main_cp_iteration in range(
                            0, len(rots_info[int(rot_id)])):
                        #do not allow crop rotation to start with a CC
                        if "is-cover-crop" in env["cropRotation"][0].keys(
                        ) and env["cropRotation"][0]["is-cover-crop"] == True:

                        env["customId"] = rot_id \
                                        + "|" + sim_id \
                                        + "|" + str(soil_id) \
                                        + "|(" + str(row) + "/" + str(col) + ")" \
                                        + "|" + str(bkr_id) \
                                        + "|" + str(main_cp_iteration) \
                                        + "|" + str(sim["UseSecondaryYields"]) \
                                        + "|" + str(timeframes[TF]["start-recording-out"]) \
                                        + "|" + str(RESIDUES_HUMUS_BALANCE) \
                                        + "|" + suffix \
                                        + "|" + KA5_txt \
                                        + "|" + soil_type

                        print "sent env ", sent_id, "customId:", env[
                            "customId"], "shared_id:", env["sharedId"]
                        sent_id += 1

    if export_lat_lon_file:

    stop_send = time.clock()

    print "sending ", sent_id, " envs took ", (stop_send -
                                               start_send), " seconds"
    print "simulated cells: ", simulated_cells, "; not found kreise for org N: ", no_kreis
예제 #16
def main():

    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    #port = 6666 if len(sys.argv) == 1 else sys.argv[1]
    config = {"port": 16666, "start": 1, "end": 8157}
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
            k, v = arg.split("=")
            if k in config:
                config[k] = int(v)

    soil_db_con = sqlite3.connect(PATHS[USER]["PATH_TO_SOIL_DIR"] +

    if LOCAL_RUN:
        socket.connect("tcp://localhost:6666")  # + str(config["port"]))
        socket.connect("tcp://cluster2:" + str(config["port"]))

    with open("sim.json") as _:
        sim = json.load(_)

    with open("site.json") as _:
        site = json.load(_)

    with open("crop.json") as _:
        crop = json.load(_)

    #sim["include-file-base-path"] = PATHS[USER]["INCLUDE_FILE_BASE_PATH"]

    crows = 938
    ccols = 720

    xll = 5137800
    yll = 5562800
    cellsize = 100
    scols = 3653
    srows = 5001

    wgs84 = Proj(init="epsg:4326")
    #gk3 = Proj(init="epsg:31467")
    gk5 = Proj(init="epsg:31469")

    #cdict = {}
    def create_interpolator(path_to_file, wgs84, gk5):
        "read an ascii grid into a map, without the no-data values"
        with open(path_to_file) as file_:
            # skip headerlines

            nrows = 938
            ncols = 720

            points = np.zeros((ccols * crows, 2), np.int32)
            values = np.zeros((ccols * crows), np.int32)

            i = -1
            row = -1
            for line in file_:
                row += 1
                col = -1

                for col_str in line.strip().split(" "):
                    col += 1
                    i += 1
                    clat, clon = col_str.split("|")
                    #cdict[(row, col)] = (clat, clon)
                    r, h = transform(wgs84, gk5, clon, clat)
                    points[i, 0] = h
                    points[i, 1] = r
                    values[i] = 1000 * row + col
                    #print "row:", row, "col:", col, "clat:", clat, "clon:", clon, "h:", h, "r:", r, "val:", values[i]

            return NearestNDInterpolator(points, values)

    interpol = create_interpolator(
        "germany-lat-lon-coordinates.grid", wgs84, gk5)

    soil_profiles = {}
    envs = {}

    start = time.clock()
    i = 1
    srow = -1
    with open(PATHS[USER]["PATH_TO_SOIL_DIR"] + "buek1000_100_gk5.asc") as _:
        for i in range(0, 6):

        for line in _:
            srow += 1
            scol = -1
            for col_str in line.strip().split(" "):
                scol += 1

                soil_id = int(col_str)
                if soil_id == -9999:
                if soil_id not in envs:
                        "SoilProfileParameters"] = soil_io.soil_parameters(
                            soil_db_con, soil_id)
                    envs[soil_id] = monica_io.create_env_json_from_json_config(
                            "crop": crop,
                            "site": site,
                            "sim": sim,
                            "climate": ""
                    envs[soil_id]["csvViaHeaderOptions"] = sim[

                env = envs[soil_id]

                sh = yll + (cellsize / 2) + (srows - srow) * cellsize
                sr = xll + (cellsize / 2) + scol * cellsize
                inter = interpol(sh, sr)
                crow = int(inter / 1000)
                ccol = inter - (crow * 1000)
                #clat, clon = cdict[(crow, ccol)]
                #slon, slat = transform(gk5, wgs84, r, h)
                #print "srow:", srow, "scol:", scol, "h:", sh, "r:", sr, " inter:", inter, "crow:", crow, "ccol:", ccol, "slat:", slat, "slon:", slon, "clat:", clat, "clon:", clon

                if LOCAL_RUN:
                    env["pathToClimateCSV"] = PATHS[USER][
                        "PATH_TO_CLIMATE_CSVS_DIR"] + "germany/row-" + str(
                            crow) + "/col-" + str(ccol) + ".csv"
                    env["pathToClimateCSV"] = PATHS[USER][
                        "PATH_TO_CLIMATE_CSVS_DIR"] + "germany/row-851/col-543.csv"
                    env["pathToClimateCSV"] = PATHS[USER][
                        "ARCHIVE_PATH_TO_CLIMATE_CSVS_DIR"] + "germany/row-" + str(
                            crow) + "/col-" + str(ccol) + ".csv"
                    env["pathToClimateCSV"] = PATHS[USER][
                        "ARCHIVE_PATH_TO_CLIMATE_CSVS_DIR"] + "germany/row-851/col-543.csv"
                #print env["pathToClimateCSV"]

                env["customId"] = "(" + str(crow) + "/" + str(ccol) + ")" \
                                + "|(" + str(srow) + "/" + str(scol) + ")"

                #with open("envs/env-"+str(i)+".json", "w") as _:
                #    _.write(json.dumps(env))

                print "sent env ", i, " customId: ", env["customId"]
                #if i > 100:
                #    exit()
                i += 1

    stop = time.clock()
    print "sending ", (i - 1), " envs took ", (stop - start), " seconds"
    #print "ran from ", start, "/", row_cols[start], " to ", end, "/", row_cols[end]