예제 #1
def scipy_proj_error(x, args):
    """Calculates projection error of instance points with a 2D box.
    Used for minimizing projection error when varying xz_dist and centroid_y.

        x: array of inputs
            xz_dist: distance along viewing angle
            centroid_y: box centroid y
        args: dict with additional data
            'viewing_angle': viewing angle
            'inst_points' = (N, 3) instance points
            'cam_p' = (3, 4) camera projection matrix
            'exp_grid_uv' = expected [u, v] grid projection
            'rotate_view' = bool of whether to rotate by viewing angle

        proj_err_norm: projection error normalized by the number of valid pixels

    # Parse inputs from x
    xz_dist = x[0]
    centroid_y = x[1]

    # Parse inputs from args
    viewing_angle = args['viewing_angle']
    inst_points = args['inst_points']
    cam_p = args['cam_p']
    exp_grid_uv = args['exp_grid_uv']
    rotate_view = args['rotate_view']

    pred_points_in_img, valid_points_mask = instance_utils.proj_points(
        xz_dist, centroid_y, viewing_angle, inst_points, cam_p, rotate_view=rotate_view)
    proj_err_norm = np_proj_error(pred_points_in_img, valid_points_mask, exp_grid_uv)

    return proj_err_norm
예제 #2
def scipy_convex_hull_mask_inv_iou_with_viewing_angle(x, args):
    """Computes masks by calculating a convex hull from points. Creates two masks (if possible),
    one for the estimated foreground pixels and one for the estimated background pixels.
    Minimizes inverted IoU by varying xz_dist, centroid_y, and viewing angle.

        x: array of inputs
            xz_dist: distance along viewing angle
            centroid_y: box centroid y
            viewing_angle: viewing angle

        args: dict with additional data
            'viewing_angle': viewing angle
            'inst_points' = (N, 3) instance points
            'cam_p' = (3, 4) camera projection matrix
            'im_shape' = image shape [im_height, im_width]
            'gt_hull_mask' = expected mask created from instance mask

        inverted_iou: 1.0 - IoU of the mask computed from the convex hull and the gt hull mask

    # Parse inputs from x
    xz_dist = x[0]
    centroid_y = x[1]
    viewing_angle = x[2]

    # Parse inputs from args
    inst_points = args['inst_points']
    cam_p = args['cam_p']
    im_shape = args['im_shape']
    gt_hull_mask = args['gt_hull_mask']

    pred_points_in_img, valid_points_mask = instance_utils.proj_points(
        xz_dist, centroid_y, viewing_angle, inst_points, cam_p)
    iou = convex_hull_mask_iou(pred_points_in_img, im_shape, gt_hull_mask)

    # Invert IoU so it can be minimized
    inverted_iou = 1.0 - iou

    return inverted_iou
예제 #3
def np_proj_err_rgb(xz_dist, centroid_y, viewing_angle, cam2_inst_points_local, cam_p,
                    inst_rgb, image, valid_mask_map):

    # Get instance RGB
    inst_rgb_map = inst_rgb.reshape(48, 48, 3)

    # Project points to image
    proj_uv, _ = instance_utils.proj_points(
        xz_dist, centroid_y, viewing_angle, cam2_inst_points_local, cam_p)

    # Get RGB values of projected pixels
    proj_uv_int = np.round(proj_uv).astype(np.int32)
    guess_rgb = image[proj_uv_int[1], proj_uv_int[0]]
    guess_rgb_map = guess_rgb.reshape(48, 48, 3) * np.expand_dims(valid_mask_map, 2)

    # Check image similarity
    image_diff_map = abs(inst_rgb_map - guess_rgb_map)
    image_diff_map_norm = np.sum(image_diff_map, axis=2) / 255.0
    image_diff_total = np.sum(image_diff_map_norm) / np.count_nonzero(valid_mask_map)

    return image_diff_total
예제 #4
def np_proj_err_rgb_images(xz_dist, centroid_y, viewing_angle,
                           cam2_inst_points_local, cam_p,
                           inst_rgb, inst_mask, image, valid_mask_map, box_2d,
                           guess_row_col, show_images=False):
    """(Work in progress) Calculates the projection error based on RGB similarity and shows
    images for comparison.

        xz_dist: Distance along viewing angle
        centroid_y: Object centroid y
        viewing_angle: Viewing angle
        cam2_inst_points_local: (N, 3) Instance points in local frame
        cam_p: (3, 4) Camera projection matrix
        inst_rgb: List of instance RGB values
        image: Image of sample
        valid_mask_map: (H, W) Map mask of valid values
        guess_row_col: Guess index, used for numbering images
        show_images: (optional) Whether to show comparison images

        image_diff_total: Lowest image difference

    # Get projection into image
    proj_uv, valid_points_mask = instance_utils.proj_points(
        xz_dist, centroid_y, viewing_angle, cam2_inst_points_local, cam_p)

    # Get RGB values of projected pixels
    proj_uv_int = np.round(proj_uv).astype(np.int32)
    guess_rgb = image[proj_uv_int[1], proj_uv_int[0]]
    guess_rgb_map = guess_rgb.reshape(48, 48, 3) * np.expand_dims(valid_mask_map, 2)

    # Estimated image
    est_image = np.copy(image) * np.expand_dims(~inst_mask, 2)
    est_image[proj_uv_int[1], proj_uv_int[0]] = inst_rgb

    est_image[proj_uv_int[1]-1, proj_uv_int[0]] = inst_rgb
    est_image[proj_uv_int[1]+1, proj_uv_int[0]] = inst_rgb
    est_image[proj_uv_int[1], proj_uv_int[0]-1] = inst_rgb
    est_image[proj_uv_int[1], proj_uv_int[0]+1] = inst_rgb

    box_2d_int = np.round(box_2d).astype(np.int32)
    est_inst_rgb = est_image[box_2d_int[0]:box_2d_int[2], box_2d_int[1]:box_2d_int[3]]
    est_inst_rgb_resized = cv2.resize(est_inst_rgb, (48, 48))

    # Check image similarity
    inst_rgb_map = inst_rgb.reshape(48, 48, 3)
    # image_diff_map = abs(inst_rgb_map - guess_rgb_map)
    image_diff_map = abs(inst_rgb_map - est_inst_rgb_resized)
    image_diff_map_norm = np.sum(image_diff_map, axis=2) / 255.0
    image_diff_total = np.sum(image_diff_map_norm)

    if show_images:
        # cv2_size = (160, 160)
        cv2_size = (90, 90)
        cv2_size = (120, 120)

        # # Show instance RGB for comparison
        # inst_rgb_map_resized = cv2.resize(inst_rgb_map, cv2_size)
        # vis_utils.cv2_imshow('inst_rgb_map_resized {}'.format(guess_row_col),
        #                      inst_rgb_map_resized,
        #                      size_wh=cv2_size, row_col=guess_row_col)
        # # Show guess
        # guess_rgb_map_resized = cv2.resize(guess_rgb_map, (200, 200))
        # vis_utils.cv2_imshow('guess_rgb_map_resized {}'.format(guess_row_col),
        #                      guess_rgb_map_resized,
        #                      size_wh=cv2_size, row_col=guess_row_col)

        vis_utils.cv2_imshow('est_inst_rgb_resized {}'.format(guess_row_col),
                             size_wh=cv2_size, row_col=guess_row_col)

        # combined = cv2.addWeighted(inst_rgb_map, 0.5, est_inst_rgb_resized, 0.5, 0.0)
        # vis_utils.cv2_imshow('combined {}'.format(guess_row_col),
        #                      combined,
        #                      size_wh=cv2_size, row_col=guess_row_col)

        # vis_utils.cv2_imshow('image_diff_map_norm {}'.format(guess_row_col),
        #                      image_diff_map_norm,
        #                      size_wh=cv2_size, row_col=guess_row_col)

        # vis_utils.cv2_imshow('valid_mask {}'.format(centroid_y),
        #                      (valid_mask_map * 255).astype(np.uint8),
        #                      size_wh=cv2_size, row_col=guess_row_col)

    return image_diff_total