예제 #1
# calculate weights of all possible edges
w = gi.calc_weight(pos, k)
# initialize the list to store all the edge list in the type of string
edge_list = [None] * 0
# write initial edge list into edge_list[0] as a string
# get the the number of neighbors of node 0
neighbor_0 = len(tmp.neighbors(0))
# get the number of edges in the whole graph
n_edge = tmp.number_of_edges()
# check necessary edges of the zeroth graph
keep_i = ug.chk_bridges(tmp)
# calculate the inverse of probability q(j|i) for the zeroth graph
prob_i = mc.calc_prob(keep_i, etot)
# calculate thetas for zeroth graphs
theta_i, max_i = mc.calc_theta(tmp, w, r)
# sum the maximum length
sum_max_len = max_i

# I/O part
expectations = open('output', 'w')
edges = open('edgelist', 'w')
summary = open('summary', 'w')
# output information
print('{}{}'.format('total number of nodes:  ', k), file=summary)
print('{}{}'.format('nodes positions:  ', pos), file=summary)
print('{}'.format(tmp.edges()), file=edges)
print('{}{}{}{}{:6d}{:9.4f}{:9.4f}{:9.4f}'.format('nsteps  ', 'degree_0  ',
                                                  'n_edges  ', 'max_len', 1,
                                                  neighbor_0, n_edge,