예제 #1
    def __init__(self, path, data, command_line):

        # Unusual construction, since the data files are not distributed
        # alongside JLA (size problems)
            Likelihood_sn.__init__(self, path, data, command_line)
        except IOError:
            raise io_mp.LikelihoodError(
                "The JLA data files were not found. Please download the "
                "following link "
                ", extract it, and copy all files present in "
                "`jla_likelihood_v4/data` to `montepython/data/JLA`")

        # Load matrices from text files, whose names were read in the
        # configuration file
        self.C00 = self.read_matrix(self.mag_covmat_file)
        self.C11 = self.read_matrix(self.stretch_covmat_file)
        self.C22 = self.read_matrix(self.colour_covmat_file)
        self.C01 = self.read_matrix(self.mag_stretch_covmat_file)
        self.C02 = self.read_matrix(self.mag_colour_covmat_file)
        self.C12 = self.read_matrix(self.stretch_colour_covmat_file)

        # Reading light-curve parameters from self.data_file (jla_lcparams.txt)
        self.light_curve_params = self.read_light_curve_parameters()
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, path, data, command_line):

        # Unusual construction, since the data files are not distributed
        # alongside JLA (size problems)
            Likelihood_sn.__init__(self, path, data, command_line)
        except IOError:
            raise io_mp.LikelihoodError(
                "The JLA data files were not found. Please download the "
                "following link "
                ", extract it, and copy all files present in "
                "`jla_likelihood_v4/data` to `your_montepython/data/JLA`")

        # Load matrices from text files, whose names were read in the
        # configuration file
        self.C00 = self.read_matrix(self.mag_covmat_file)
        self.C11 = self.read_matrix(self.stretch_covmat_file)
        self.C22 = self.read_matrix(self.colour_covmat_file)
        self.C01 = self.read_matrix(self.mag_stretch_covmat_file)
        self.C02 = self.read_matrix(self.mag_colour_covmat_file)
        self.C12 = self.read_matrix(self.stretch_colour_covmat_file)

        # Reading light-curve parameters from self.data_file (jla_lcparams.txt)
        self.light_curve_params = self.read_light_curve_parameters()
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, path, data, command_line):

        # Unusual construction, since the data files are not distributed
        # alongside Pantheon (size problems)
            Likelihood_sn.__init__(self, path, data, command_line)
        except IOError:
            raise io_mp.LikelihoodError(
                "The Pantheon data files were not found. Please check if "
                "the following files are in the data/Pantheon directory: "
                "\n-> pantheon.dataset"
                "\n-> lcparam_full_long.txt"
                "\n-> sys_full_long.dat")

        # Load matrices from text files, whose names were read in the
        # configuration file
        self.C00 = self.read_matrix(self.mag_covmat_file)

        # Reading light-curve parameters from self.data_file (lcparam_full_long.txt)
        self.light_curve_params = self.read_light_curve_parameters()

        # Reordering by J. Renk. The following steps can be computed in the
        # initialisation step as they do not depend on the point in parameter-space
        #   -> likelihood evaluation is 30% faster

        # Compute the covariance matrix
        # The module numexpr is used for doing quickly the long multiplication
        # of arrays (factor of 3 improvements over numpy). It is used as a
        # replacement of blas routines cblas_dcopy and cblas_daxpy
        # For numexpr to work, we need (seems like a bug, but anyway) to create
        # local variables holding the arrays. This cost no time (it is a simple
        # pointer assignment)
        C00 = self.C00
        covm = ne.evaluate("C00")

        sn = self.light_curve_params

        # Update the diagonal terms of the covariance matrix with the
        # statistical error
        covm += np.diag(sn.dmb**2)

        # Whiten the residuals, in two steps.
        # Step 1) Compute the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix, in
        # place. This is a time expensive (0.015 seconds) part, which is why it is
        # now done in init. Note that this is different to JLA, where it needed to
        # be done inside the loglkl function.
        self.cov = la.cholesky(covm, lower=True, overwrite_a=True)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, path, data, command_line):

        # Unusual construction, since the data files are not distributed
        # alongside Pantheon (size problems)
            Likelihood_sn.__init__(self, path, data, command_line)
        except IOError:
            raise io_mp.LikelihoodError(
                "The Pantheon data files were not found. Please check if "
                "the following files are in the data/Pantheon directory: "
                "\n-> pantheon.dataset"
                "\n-> lcparam_full_long.txt"
                "\n-> sys_full_long.dat")

        # Load matrices from text files, whose names were read in the
        # configuration file
        self.C00 = self.read_matrix(self.mag_covmat_file)

        # Reading light-curve parameters from self.data_file (lcparam_full_long.txt)
        self.light_curve_params = self.read_light_curve_parameters()
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, path, data, command_line):

        # This reads the configuration file as well
            Likelihood_sn.__init__(self, path, data, command_line)
        except IOError:
            raise io_mp.LikelihoodError(
                "The JLA data files were not found. Please download the "
                "following link "
                ", extract it, and copy all files present in "
                "`jla_likelihood_v4/data` to `your_montepython/data/JLA`")

        # read the only matrix
        self.C00 = self.read_matrix(self.mu_covmat_file)

        # Read the simplified light-curve self.data_file
        self.light_curve_params = self.read_light_curve_parameters()

        # The covariance matrix can be already inverted, once and for all
        # (cholesky)
        self.C00 = la.cholesky(self.C00, lower=True, overwrite_a=True)
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, path, data, command_line):

        # This reads the configuration file as well
            Likelihood_sn.__init__(self, path, data, command_line)
        except IOError:
            raise io_mp.LikelihoodError(
                "The JLA data files were not found. Please download the "
                "following link "
                ", extract it, and copy all files present in "
                "`jla_likelihood_v4/data` to `your_montepython/data/JLA`")

        # read the only matrix
        self.C00 = self.read_matrix(self.mu_covmat_file)

        # Read the simplified light-curve self.data_file
        self.light_curve_params = self.read_light_curve_parameters()

        # The covariance matrix can be already inverted, once and for all
        # (cholesky)
        self.C00 = la.cholesky(self.C00, lower=True, overwrite_a=True)