예제 #1
    def test_gravity(self):
        """Test Moon object creation from text"""

        # 1. Create two moons
        ganymede = moon.Moon(text='<x=3, y=4, z=7>')
        callisto = moon.Moon(text='<x=5, y=4, z=2>')

        # 2. Calculate the effects of gravity

        # 3. Check the change in velocities
        self.assertEqual(ganymede.delta, [+1, 0, -1])
        self.assertEqual(callisto.delta, [-1, 0, +1])

        # 4. Apply these changes in velocities

        # 5. Check the updated velocities and positions
        self.assertEqual(ganymede.pos, (4, 4, 6))
        self.assertEqual(ganymede.vel, (1, 0, -1))
        self.assertEqual(ganymede.delta, [0, 0, 0])
        self.assertEqual(ganymede.stopped(), False)
        self.assertEqual(callisto.pos, (4, 4, 3))
        self.assertEqual(callisto.vel, (-1, 0, 1))
        self.assertEqual(callisto.delta, [0, 0, 0])
        self.assertEqual(callisto.stopped(), False)
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, width, height):
     self.mWidth = width
     self.mHeight = height
     self.mBlueSky = sky.Sky(self.mWidth, self.mHeight)
     self.mGround = ground.Ground(self.mWidth, self.mHeight)
     self.mMountain = mountain.Mountain(self.mWidth, self.mHeight)
     self.mMoon = moon.Moon(self.mWidth, self.mHeight)
     self.mWater = water.Water(self.mWidth, self.mHeight)
     self.mHouse = house.House(self.mWidth, self.mHeight)
     self.mCloud = cloud.Cloud(self.mWidth, self.mHeight)
     self.mBird = bird.Bird(self.mWidth, self.mHeight)
예제 #3
    def test_text_init(self):
        """Test Moon object creation from text"""

        # 1. Create default Moon object
        mymoon = moon.Moon(text='<x=-1, y=0, z=2>')

        # 2. Make sure it has the default values
        self.assertEqual(mymoon.pos, (-1, 0, 2))
        self.assertEqual(mymoon.vel, (0, 0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(mymoon.delta, [0, 0, 0])

        # 3. Check methods
        self.assertEqual(mymoon.stopped(), True)
        self.assertEqual(mymoon.energy(), 0)
            'pos=<x= -1, y=  0, z=  2>, vel=<x=  0, y=  0, z=  0>, nrg=   0')
예제 #4
    def test_value_init(self):
        "Test Moon object creation with values"

        # 1. Create Panel object with values
        mymoon = moon.Moon(pos=(2, -1, -3), vel=(3, -2, -1))

        # 2. Make sure it has the specified values
        self.assertEqual(mymoon.pos, (2, -1, -3))
        self.assertEqual(mymoon.vel, (3, -2, -1))
        self.assertEqual(mymoon.delta, [0, 0, 0])

        # 3. Check methods
        self.assertEqual(mymoon.stopped(), False)
        self.assertEqual(mymoon.energy(), 36)
            'pos=<x=  2, y= -1, z= -3>, vel=<x=  3, y= -2, z= -1>, nrg=  36')
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, text=None):

        # 1. Start with very few moons
        self.moons = []
        self.zeroes = [0, 0, 0]

        # 2. If we have text, create moons and add to list
        if text is not None:

            # 3. Loop for each line of text
            for line in text:

                # 4. Create a new orbiting body
                body = moon.Moon(text=line)

                # 5. Add this moon to the list
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, width_factor, seed=time.time(), prnt=False):
        '''Initialize random variables and generate image'''

        if width_factor <= 0:
            print("Whoops! First paramater must be greater than zero")

        ##-=-=-=- Set Random Seed -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-##
        self.rand_seed = int(seed)

        ##-=-=-=- Tweakable Values -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=##
        self.num_ranges = 3  # Number of mountain ranges to be generated
        self.num_sines = 10  # Number of sin values generated for each mountain range
        self.image_height = 150  # Consider this the amount of "detail" in the mountains
        self.shadow_angle = 2.5  # The angle of the shadow on the mountains

        ##-=-=-=- Constant Values -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=##
        self.constant = 30  # Overall amplitude of superpositioned waves
        self.k = 0.04  # Streching factor of mountains
        self.pnf = perlin.SimplexNoise()  # Initialize perlin noise creator
        self.sky_color = [30, 30, 40]  # Set Color of sky and mountains
        self.color = [
            random.randint(0, 150),
            random.randint(0, 150),
            random.randint(0, 150)
        self.moon = moon.Moon(15, self.rand_seed)

        ##-=-=-=- Programatically Set Values -=-=-=-##
        self.image_width = int(width_factor * self.image_height)
        self.data = list  # Stored variables of sine wave functions
        self.output = [[
            tuple(self.sky_color) for x in range(self.image_width)
        ] for y in range(self.image_height)]
        self.moon_location = random.randint(0, self.image_width - 10)

        ##-=-=-=- Creation -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-##
        self.pnf.randomize()  # Randomize perlin noise
        self.generate_ranges()  # Generate variables for sine functions
        self.create_moon(self.moon_location, 2)
        self.create_scene()  # Assign values to pixels
        if prnt:
예제 #7
파일: game.py 프로젝트: jpmit/pyweek17
    def store_globals(self):
        """We store references to some things here that are needed all
        over the game."""

        # number of levels
        self.numlevels = len(leveldata.ALLDATA)

        # the main sprites
        self.moon = moon.Moon(self)
        self.rocket = rocket.Rocket(self)
        self.pbar = powerbar.Powerbar(self)
        self.gbar = gravitybar.Gravitybar(self)

        # text 'gravity' and 'power' for status bars are stored as
        # additional sprites
        self.pbartext = fontsprite.FontSprite(self.barfont, 'power',
        self.gbartext = fontsprite.FontSprite(self.barfont, 'gravity',

        # some states needed by many objects
        self.hitmoon = False
        self.rktdead = False  # dead if gone off-screen
        self.hitasteroid = False

        # number of rockets destroyed so far in game
        self.numdestroyed = 0
        self.destroyedtext = fontsprite.FontSprite(self.destfont,

        # collision functions
        # rocket with asteroids (scaled rect collision)
        self.collide_roid = pygame.sprite.collide_rect_ratio(Game.\
        # rocket with moon ('pixel perfect' collision)
        self.collide_moon = pygame.sprite.collide_mask

        # scroller handles moving screen and sprites etc
        self.scroller = scrolling.Scroller(self)
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, jdn):
   self.jdn = jdn
   self.cylenian_date = cylenian.CylenianDate(self.jdn)
   self.gregorian_date = gregorian.GregorianDate(self.jdn)
   self.moon = moon.Moon(self.jdn)
예제 #9
파일: day12.py 프로젝트: mhaig/adventofcode
import numpy
import sys

import moon

def lcm(a, b):
    return abs(a * b) // math.gcd(a, b)

moons = []
for line in sys.stdin.read().split('\n'):
    if len(line):
        xyz = [x.split('=')[1] for x in line.strip('<>').split(',')]
        moons.append(moon.Moon(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]))

print('\n'.join([str(x) for x in moons]))

original = copy.deepcopy(moons)

count = 0
while True:
    for m in moons:
        for o in moons:

    for m in moons:

    count += 1
예제 #10
        sun.print(start_secs, start_secs + 3600*24)
    if rain != None:
        rain.print(start_secs, start_secs + 3600*24)
    if moon != None:
        moon.print(start_secs, start_secs + 3600*24)
    if seatemp != None:
        seatemp.print(start_secs, start_secs + 3600*24)
    if tide != None:
        tide.print(start_secs, start_secs + 3600*24)
    if swell_wind != None:
        swell_wind.print(start_secs, start_secs + 3600*24)

location = "sydney"
locations = ["sydney", "newcastle", "wollongong", "frazer_beach", "boat_harbour"]
if len(sys.argv) >= 1 and sys.argv[1] in locations:
    location = sys.argv[1]

suni = sun.Sun(willy_uri_get("sun", location))
raini = rain.Rain(willy_uri_get("rain", location))
mooni = moon.Moon(willy_uri_get("moon", location))
seatempi = seatempnet.Seatempnet(seatemp_page[location])
tidei = tide.Tide(willy_uri_get("tide", location))
swelli = swell.Swell(willy_uri_get("swell", location))
windi = wind.Wind(willy_uri_get("wind", location))
swell_windi = swell_wind.SwellWind(swelli.get(), windi.get())

for i in range(0, 7):
    secs = now + 3600 * 24 * i
    print_a_day(secs, suni, raini, mooni, seatempi, tidei, swell_windi)   
예제 #11
import moon, mars, util

rpc_handler = util.XMLRPCHandler()

#_earth = earth.Earth()
_moon = moon.Moon()
_mars = mars.Mars()

#def earth_altitude(pos, lon=None):
#    return util.for_positions(_earth.altitude, pos, lon)

#def earth_radius(pos, lon=None):
#    return util.for_positions(_earth.radius, pos, lon)

def moon_altitude(pos, lon=None):
    return util.for_positions(_moon.altitude, pos, lon)

def moon_radius(pos, lon=None):
    return util.for_positions(_moon.radius, pos, lon)

def mars_altitude(pos, lon=None):
    return util.for_positions(_mars.altitude, pos, lon)