예제 #1
def K_BK_Chan(name):
    K_BK = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    K_BK.Ek = EK
    K_BK.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    K_BK.Gk = 0.0
    K_BK.Xpower = 0.0
    K_BK.Ypower = 0.0
    K_BK.Zpower = 1.0
    K_BK.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'

    # cai = 5.e-5
    # d1 = .84
    # d2 = 1.
    # k1 = .48e-3
    # k2 = .13e-6
    # abar = .28
    # bbar = .48
    # st=1
    # tfactor = 1
    # F_KC = F/1000.0
    # def exp1(k,d,v):
    #     return k*np.exp(-2*d*F_KC*v*1e3/R/(273.15 + celsius))
    # def alp(v,c):
    #     return c*abar/(c + exp1(k1,d1,v))
    # def bet(v,c):
    #     return bbar/(1 + c/exp1(k2,d2,v))

    zgate = moose.element(K_BK.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    # x = Vmin
    # tblA = np.zeros([len(v),len(ca)])
    # tblB = np.zeros([len(v),len(ca)])
    # for i in np.arange(len(v)):
    #     tblA[i] = np.array([alp(x,y) for y in ca])
    #     tblB[i] = np.add(tblA[i],[bet(x, y) for y in ca])/tfactor
    #     x = x + dV
    #     print(i, end='\r')
    # zgate.tableA = tblA*1e3
    # zgate.tableB = tblB*1e3

    zgate.tableA = tblA
    zgate.tableB = tblB

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(K_BK.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return K_BK
def K_BK_Chan(name):
    K_BK = moose.HHChannel2D( '/library/' + name )
    K_BK.Ek = EK
    K_BK.Gbar = 300.0*SOMA_A
    K_BK.Gk = 0.0
    K_BK.Xpower = 0.0
    K_BK.Ypower = 0.0
    K_BK.Zpower = 1.0
    K_BK.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'

    zgate = moose.element( K_BK.path + '/gateZ' )
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    zgate.tableA = tblA*1e3
    zgate.tableB = tblB*1e3

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring( K_BK.path + '/addmsg4' )
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return K_BK
예제 #3
def KBK_Chan(name):
    KBK = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    KBK.Ek = EK
    KBK.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    KBK.Gk = 0.0
    KBK.Xpower = 0.0
    KBK.Ypower = 0.0
    KBK.Zpower = 1.0
    KBK.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'

    cai = 5.e-5
    d1 = .84
    d2 = 1.
    k1 = 0.000588
    k2 = 8.76481e-08
    abar = .28
    bbar = .48
    st = 1
    tfactor = 1.279493
    F_KC = F / 1000.0

    def exp1(k, d, v):
        return k * np.exp(-2 * d * F_KC * v * 1e3 / R / (273.15 + celsius))

    def alp(v, c):
        return c * abar / (c + exp1(k1, d1, v))

    def bet(v, c):
        return bbar / (1 + c / exp1(k2, d2, v))

    zgate = moose.element(KBK.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    x = Vmin
    tblA = np.zeros([len(v), len(ca)])
    tblB = np.zeros([len(v), len(ca)])
    for i in np.arange(len(v)):
        tblA[i] = np.array([alp(x, y) for y in ca])
        tblB[i] = np.add(tblA[i], [bet(x, y) for y in ca]) / tfactor
        x = x + dV
        print(i, end='\r')

    zgate.tableA = tblA * 1e3
    zgate.tableB = tblB * 1e3

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(KBK.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return KBK
예제 #4
def KmAHP_Chan(name):
    KmAHP = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    KmAHP.Ek = EK
    KmAHP.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    KmAHP.Gk = 0.0
    KmAHP.Xpower = 0.0
    KmAHP.Ypower = 0.0
    KmAHP.Zpower = 1.0
    KmAHP.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'

    celsius = 20
    gkbar = 0.01e4
    d1 = 1
    d2 = 1.5
    k1 = 0.18
    k2 = 0.011
    bbar = 0.28e3
    abar = 0.48e3
    F_KC = F / 1000.0

    def alp(v, c):
        return c * abar / (c + k1 * np.exp(-2 * d1 * F * v / R /
                                           (273.15 + celsius)))

    def bet(v, c):
        return bbar / (1 + c / (k2 * np.exp(-2 * d2 * F * v / R /
                                            (273.15 + celsius))))

    zgate = moose.element(KmAHP.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    x = Vmin
    tblA = np.zeros([Vdivs + 1, Cadivs + 2])
    tblB = np.zeros([Vdivs + 1, Cadivs + 2])
    for i in np.arange(Vdivs + 1):
        tblA[i] = [alp(x, y) for y in np.arange(Camin, Camax + dCa, dCa)]
        tblB[i] = np.add(
            tblA[i], [bet(x, y) for y in np.arange(Camin, Camax + dCa, dCa)])
        x = x + dV
        print(i, end='\r')

    zgate.tableA = tblA * 1e3
    zgate.tableB = tblB * 1e3

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(KmAHP.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return KmAHP
예제 #5
def K_BK_Chan(name):
    K_BK = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    K_BK.Ek = EK
    K_BK.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    K_BK.Gk = 0.0
    K_BK.Xpower = 1.0
    K_BK.Ypower = 0.0
    K_BK.Zpower = 0.0
    K_BK.Xindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'

    xgate = moose.element(K_BK.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.xminA = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    xgate.yminA = Camin
    xgate.ymaxA = Camax
    xgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    xgate.xminB = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    xgate.yminB = Camin
    xgate.ymaxB = Camax
    xgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    d1 = .84
    d2 = 1.
    k1 = .48e-3
    k2 = .13e-6
    abar = .28
    bbar = .48
    st = 1
    F_KC = F / 1000
    gbar = .01e4

    exp1k1d1 = k1 * np.exp(-2 * d1 * F_KC * v * 1e3 / R / (273.15 + celsius))
    exp1k2d2 = k2 * np.exp(-2 * d2 * F_KC * v * 1e3 / R / (273.15 + celsius))

    tblA = np.zeros([Vdivs, Cadivs])
    tblB = np.zeros([Vdivs, Cadivs])
    for i in np.arange(Cadivs):
        tblA[:, i] = ca[i] * abar / (ca[i] + exp1k1d1)
        tblB[:, i] = tblA[:, i] + bbar / (1 + ca[i] / exp1k2d2)
        print(i, end='\r')

    xgate.tableA = tblA * 1e3
    xgate.tableB = tblB * 1e3
    # print(np.array(xgate.tableA)/np.array(xgate.tableB))

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(K_BK.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc concOut . concen'
    return K_BK
예제 #6
def BKchan_proto(chanparams,
    ZFbyRT = 2 * 96520 / (8.3134 * (23 + 273.15))
    v_array = np.linspace(VMIN, VMAX, VDIVS)
    ca_array = np.linspace(CAMIN, CAMAX, CADIVS)
    #set up the two dimensional gating matrix:
    gatingMatrix = []
    for i, pars in enumerate(chanparams.Xparam):
        Vdepgating = pars.K * np.exp(pars.delta * ZFbyRT * v_array)
        #These assignments are specific to the BK channel, calculate 2D array of gating values
        if i == 0:
            #This is the forward rate constant for a two state channel
                pars.alphabeta * ca_array[None, :] /
                (ca_array[None, :] + pars.K * Vdepgating[:, None]))
            #this is backward rate constant for a two state channel
                pars.alphabeta /
                (1 + ca_array[None, :] / pars.K * Vdepgating[:, None]))
    #adding forward rate to backward rate  gives “alpha+beta” which = 1/tau
        gatingMatrix[i] += gatingMatrix[0]

    chan = moose.HHChannel2D(
        '/library/' +
        chanparams.name)  # two dimensional tabulated channel gating
    chan.Xpower = chanparams.Xpow
    chan.Ek = chanparams.Erev
    chan.Xindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"  # critical for correctly using voltage and calcium
    xGate = moose.HHGate2D(chan.path + '/gateX')
    xGate.xminA = xGate.xminB = VMIN
    xGate.xmaxA = xGate.xmaxB = VMAX
    xGate.xdivsA = xGate.xdivsB = VDIVS
    xGate.yminA = xGate.yminB = CAMIN
    xGate.ymaxA = xGate.ymaxB = CAMAX
    xGate.ydivsA = xGate.ydivsB = CADIVS
    xGate.tableA = gatingMatrix[
        0]  # assign gatingMatrix to tables, [0] is forw rate = ss/tau
    xGate.tableB = gatingMatrix[1]  #[1] is 1/tau
    return chan
예제 #7
def wildcard_setup():
    a = moose.Neutral('/alfa')
    b = moose.Compartment('/alfa/bravo')
    c = moose.HHChannel('/alfa/bravo/charlie')
    f = moose.HHChannel2D('/alfa/bravo/foxtrot')
    e = moose.Neutral('/alfa/echo')
    d = moose.DiffAmp('/alfa/echo/delta')
    p = moose.PulseGen('/alfa/echo/papa')
    e1 = moose.Pool('/alfa/bravo/charlie/echo')
    g = moose.HHChannel('%s/golf' % (e1.path))
    f1 = moose.Neutral('/alfa/bravo/foxtail')
    c1 = moose.Neutral('/alfa/bravo/charlee')
    b.Rm = 2.0e6
    c.Gbar = 1e-9
    f.Gbar = 0.5e-6
    p.delay[0] = 10e-3
    d.gain = 3.0
    g.Gbar = 1e-6
예제 #8
def BKchan_proto(model, chanpath, params):
    ZFbyRT= 2 * constants.Faraday / (constants.R * constants.celsius_to_kelvin(model.Temp))
    v_array = np.linspace(model.VMIN, model.VMAX, model.VDIVS)
    ca_array = np.linspace(model.CAMIN, model.CAMAX, model.CADIVS)
    if model.VDIVS<=5 and model.CADIVS<=5:
        log.info("{}, {}", v_array, ca_array)
    gatingMatrix = []
    for i,pars in enumerate(params.X):
        if i == 0:
            gatingMatrix[i] += gatingMatrix[0]

    chan = moose.HHChannel2D(chanpath)
    chan.Xpower = params.channel.Xpow
    xGate = moose.HHGate2D(chan.path + '/gateX')
    if log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
        log.info("{}", chan.path)
        for ii in np.arange(0, model.VDIVS,1000):
            log.info("V={}", model.VMIN+ii*(model.VMAX-model.VMIN)/(model.VDIVS-1))
            for jj in np.arange(0,model.CADIVS,1000):
                log.info("    Ca={} A,B={},{}",
                         xGate.tableA[ii][jj], xGate.tableB[ii][jj])
    return chan
예제 #9
def connect_CaConc(compartment_list):
    context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext()
    #### Connect the Ca pools and channels
    #### Ca channels should have an extra field called 'ion' defined and set in MOOSE.
    #### Ca dependent channels like KCa should have an extra field called 'ionDependency' defined and set in MOOSE.
    #### Am connecting these at the very end so that all channels and pools have been created
    for compartment in compartment_list:
        if context.exists(compartment.path + '/Ca_mit_conc'):  # Ca Pool
            caconc = moose.CaConc(compartment.path + '/Ca_mit_conc')
            for child in compartment.getChildren(compartment.id):
                neutralwrap = moose.Neutral(child)
                if neutralwrap.className == 'HHChannel':
                    channel = moose.HHChannel(child)
                    ### If 'ion' field is not present, the Shell returns '0', cribs and prints out a message but it does not throw an exception
                    if channel.getField('ion') == 'Ca':
                        channel.connect('IkSrc', caconc, 'current')
                        #print 'Connected ',channel.path
                if neutralwrap.className == 'HHChannel2D':
                    channel = moose.HHChannel2D(child)
                    ### If 'ionDependency' field is not present, the Shell returns '0', cribs and prints out a message but it does not throw an exception
                    if channel.getField('ionDependency') == 'Ca':
                        caconc.connect('concSrc', channel, 'concen')
예제 #10
def Ca_N_Chan(name):
    Ca_N = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    Ca_N.Ek = ECa
    Ca_N.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    Ca_N.Gk = 0.0
    Ca_N.Xpower = 2.0
    Ca_N.Ypower = 1.0
    Ca_N.Zpower = 1.0
    Ca_N.Xindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    Ca_N.Yindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    Ca_N.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'
    Ca_N.instant = 4

    xgate = moose.element(Ca_N.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.xminA = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    # xgate.yminA = Camin
    # xgate.ymaxA = Camax
    # xgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    xgate.xminB = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    # xgate.yminB = Camin
    # xgate.ymaxB = Camax
    # xgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    ygate = moose.element(Ca_N.path + '/gateY')
    ygate.xminA = Vmin
    ygate.xmaxA = Vmax
    ygate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    # ygate.yminA = Camin
    # ygate.ymaxA = Camax
    # ygate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    ygate.xminB = Vmin
    ygate.xmaxB = Vmax
    ygate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    # ygate.yminB = Camin
    # ygate.ymaxB = Camax
    # ygate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    zgate = moose.element(Ca_N.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    cao = 2
    z = 2
    T = celsius + 273.15
    ki = .001
    q10 = 5
    mmin = 0.2
    hmin = 3
    a0m = 0.03
    zetam = 2
    vhalfm = -14
    gmm = 0.1
    gcanbar = .0003e4

    alph = 1.6e-4 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 48.4)
    beth = 1 / (np.exp((-v * 1e3 + 39.0) / 10.) + 1.)
    alpm = 0.1967 * (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + 19.88) / (np.exp(
        (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + 19.88) / 10.0) - 1.0)
    betm = 0.046 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 20.73)
    alpmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    betmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * gmm * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))

    qt = q10**((celsius - 25) / 10)
    a = alpm
    b = 1 / (a + betm)
    minf = a / (a + b)
    minf = a * b
    taum = betmt / (qt * a0m * (1 + alpmt))
    taum[taum < mmin / qt] = mmin / qt
    tblA = np.zeros([Vdivs, 1])
    tblB = np.zeros([Vdivs, 1])
    for i in np.arange(1):
        tblA[:, i] = minf / taum
        tblB[:, i] = 1 / taum
        print(i, end='\r')
    xgate.tableA = tblA * 1e3
    xgate.tableB = tblB * 1e3

    qt = q10**((celsius - 25) / 10)
    a = alph
    b = 1 / (a + beth)
    hinf = a * b
    tauh = 80 * np.ones(len(hinf))
    tauh[tauh < hmin] = hmin
    tblA = np.zeros([Vdivs, 1])
    tblB = np.zeros([Vdivs, 1])
    for i in np.arange(1):
        tblA[:, i] = hinf / tauh
        tblB[:, i] = 1 / tauh
        print(i, end='\r')
    ygate.tableA = tblA * 1e3
    ygate.tableB = tblB * 1e3

    ezfrt = np.exp(z * v * F / R / T)
    tblA = np.zeros([Vdivs, Cadivs])
    tblB = np.zeros([Vdivs, Cadivs])
    for i in np.arange(Cadivs):
        tblA[:, i] = ki / (ki + ca[i]) * v * (ca[i] / cao * ezfrt -
                                              1) / (ezfrt - 1) / (v - ECa)
        print(i, end='\r')
    tblB = tblA * 0 + 1
    zgate.tableA = tblA
    zgate.tableB = tblB

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(Ca_N.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc concOut . concen'

    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring(Ca_N.path + '/addmsg2')
    addmsg2.value = '. IkOut ../Ca_conc current'
    return Ca_N
def Ca_T_Chan(name):
    Ca_T = moose.HHChannel2D( '/library/' + name )
    Ca_T.Ek = EK
    Ca_T.Gbar = 300.0*SOMA_A
    Ca_T.Gk = 0.0
    Ca_T.Xpower = 2.0
    # Ca_T.Ypower = 1.0
    # Ca_T.Zpower = 1.0
    Ca_T.Xindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    # Ca_T.Yindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    # Ca_T.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'

    xgate = moose.element( Ca_T.path + '/gateX' )
    xgate.xminA = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsA = 0
    xgate.yminA = Vmin
    xgate.ymaxA = Vmax
    xgate.ydivsA = Vdivs
    xgate.xminB = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsB = 0
    xgate.yminB = Vmin
    xgate.ymaxB = Vmax
    xgate.ydivsB = Vdivs

    # ygate = moose.element( Ca_T.path + '/gateY' )
    # ygate.xminA = 0
    # ygate.xmaxA = 0
    # ygate.xdivsA = 0
    # ygate.yminA = Vmin
    # ygate.ymaxA = Vmax
    # ygate.ydivsA = Vdivs
    # ygate.xminB = 0
    # ygate.xmaxB = 0
    # ygate.xdivsB = 0
    # ygate.yminB = Vmin
    # ygate.ymaxB = Vmax
    # ygate.ydivsB = Vdivs

    # zgate = moose.element( Ca_T.path + '/gateZ' )
    # zgate.xminA = Vmin
    # zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    # zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    # zgate.yminA = Camin
    # zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    # zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    # zgate.xminB = Vmin
    # zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    # zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    # zgate.yminB = Camin
    # zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    # zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    cai = 50.e-6
    cao = 2
    q10 = 5
    a0h =0.015
    zetah = 3.5
    vhalfh = -75
    a0m =0.04
    zetam = 2
    vhalfm = -28

    a = 0.2*(-1.0*v*1e3+19.26)/(np.exp((-1.0*v*1e3+19.26)/10.0)-1.0)
    b = 0.009*np.exp(-v*1e3/22.03)
    minf = a/(a+b)
    alpmt = np.exp(0.0378*zetam*(v*1e3-vhalfm))
    betmt = np.exp(0.0378*zetam*gmm*(v*1e3-vhalfm))
    mtau = betmt/(qt*a0m*(1+alpmt))
    x = Vmin
    tblA = np.zeros([2,len(v)])
    tblB = np.zeros([2,len(v)])
    for i in np.arange(2):
        tblA[i] = minf/mtau*np.ones(len(v))
        tblB[i] = 1/mtau*np.ones(len(v))
        x = x + dV
        print(i, end='\r')
    xgate.tableA = tblA*1e3
    xgate.tableB = tblB*1e3

    # a = 1.e-6*np.exp(-v/16.26)
    # b = 1/(np.exp((-v+29.79)/10.)+1.)
    # hinf = a/(a+b)
    # alph = np.exp(0.0378*zetah*(v*1e3-vhalfh))
    # beth = np.exp(0.0378*zetah*gmh*(v*1e3-vhalfh))
    # htau = beth/(a0h*(1+alph))
    # htau[htau<hmin]=hmin
    # ygate.tableA =  hinf/htau*1e3
    # ygate.tableB = 1/htau*1e3

    # x = Vmin
    # tblA = np.zeros([len(v),len(ca)])
    # tblB = np.zeros([len(v),len(ca)])
    # for i in np.arange(len(v)):
    #     tblA[i] = np.array([alp(x,y) for y in ca])
    #     tblB[i] = np.add(tblA[i],[bet(x, y) for y in ca])/tfactor
    #     x = x + dV
    #     print(i, end='\r')
    # zgate.tableA = tblA*1e3
    # zgate.tableB = tblB*1e3

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring( Ca_T.path + '/addmsg4' )
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return Ca_T
예제 #12
 def set_compartment_param(self, compartment, name, value, mechanismname):
     """ Set the param for the compartment depending on name and mechanismname. """
     if name == 'CM':
         compartment.Cm = value * math.pi * compartment.diameter * compartment.length
     elif name == 'RM':
         compartment.Rm = value / (math.pi * compartment.diameter *
     elif name == 'RA':
         compartment.Ra = value * compartment.length / (
             math.pi * (compartment.diameter / 2.0)**2)
     elif name == 'Em':
         compartment.Em = value
     elif name == 'initVm':
         compartment.initVm = value
     elif name == 'inject':
         # this reader converts to SI
         _logger.info("Comparment %s inject %s A." %
                      (compartment.name, value))
         compartment.inject = value
     elif name == 'v_reset':
         compartment.vReset = value  # compartment is a moose.LIF instance (intfire)
     elif name == 'threshold':
         compartment.thresh = value  # compartment is a moose.LIF instance (intfire)
     elif name == 't_refrac':
         compartment.refractoryPeriod = value  # compartment is a moose.LIF instance (intfire)
     elif name == 'g_refrac':
         _logger.info("SORRY, current moose.LIF doesn't support g_refrac.")
     elif mechanismname is 'synapse':  # synapse being added to the compartment
         ## these are potential locations, we do not actually make synapses,
         ## unless the user has explicitly asked for it
         if self.createPotentialSynapses:
             syn_name = value
             if not moose.exists(compartment.path + '/' + syn_name):
                 make_new_synapse(syn_name, compartment, syn_name,
         ## I assume below that compartment name has _segid at its end
         segid = compartment.name.split('_')[
             -1]  # get segment id from compartment name
     elif mechanismname is 'spikegen':  # spikegen being added to the compartment
         ## these are potential locations, we do not actually make the spikegens.
         ## spikegens for different synapses can have different thresholds,
         ## hence include synapse_type in its name
         ## value contains name of synapse i.e. synapse_type
         #spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(compartment.path+'/'+value+'_spikegen')
     ## previous were mechanism that don't need a ChannelML definition
     ## including integrate_and_fire (I ignore the ChannelML definition)
     ## thus integrate_and_fire mechanism default values cannot be used
     ## i.e. nothing needed in /library, but below mechanisms need.
     elif mechanismname is not None:
         ## if mechanism is not present in compartment, deep copy from library
         ## all mechanisms have been loaded into the library earlier
         if not moose.exists(compartment.path + '/' + mechanismname):
             neutralObj = moose.element(
                 "/library/" + mechanismname)  # gives error if not present
             if 'CaConc' == neutralObj.className:  # Ion concentration pool
                 libcaconc = moose.CaConc("/library/" + mechanismname)
                 ## deep copies the library caconc under the compartment
                 caconc = moose.copy(libcaconc, compartment, mechanismname)
                 caconc = moose.CaConc(caconc)
                 ## CaConc connections are made later using connect_CaConc()
                 ## Later, when calling connect_CaConc,
                 ## B is set for caconc based on thickness of Ca shell and compartment l and dia
                 ## OR based on the Mstring phi under CaConc path.
                 channel = None
             elif 'HHChannel2D' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel2D
                 libchannel = moose.HHChannel2D("/library/" + mechanismname)
                 ## deep copies the library channel under the compartment
                 channel = moose.copy(libchannel, compartment,
                 channel = moose.HHChannel2D(channel)
                 moose.connect(channel, 'channel', compartment, 'channel')
             elif 'HHChannel' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel
                 libchannel = moose.HHChannel("/library/" + mechanismname)
                 ## deep copies the library channel under the compartment
                 channel = moose.copy(libchannel, compartment,
                 channel = moose.HHChannel(channel)
                 moose.connect(channel, 'channel', compartment, 'channel')
         ## if mechanism is present in compartment, just wrap it
             neutralObj = moose.Neutral(compartment.path + '/' +
             if 'CaConc' == neutralObj.className:  # Ion concentration pool
                 caconc = moose.CaConc(
                     compartment.path + '/' +
                     mechanismname)  # wraps existing channel
                 channel = None
             elif 'HHChannel2D' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel2D
                 channel = moose.HHChannel2D(
                     compartment.path + '/' +
                     mechanismname)  # wraps existing channel
             elif 'HHChannel' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel
                 channel = moose.HHChannel(
                     compartment.path + '/' +
                     mechanismname)  # wraps existing channel
         if name == 'Gbar':
             if channel is None:  # if CaConc, neuroConstruct uses gbar for thickness or phi
                 ## If child Mstring 'phi' is present, set gbar as phi
                 ## BUT, value has been multiplied by Gfactor as a Gbar,
                 ## SI or physiological not known here,
                 ## ignoring Gbar for CaConc, instead of passing units here
                 child = moose_utils.get_child_Mstring(caconc, 'phi')
                 if child is not None:
                     #child.value = value
                     #caconc.thick = value
             else:  # if ion channel, usual Gbar
                 channel.Gbar = value * math.pi * compartment.diameter * compartment.length
         elif name == 'Ek':
             channel.Ek = value
         elif name == 'thick':  # thick seems to be NEURON's extension to NeuroML level 2.
             caconc.thick = value  ## JUST THIS WILL NOT DO - HAVE TO SET B based on this thick!
             ## Later, when calling connect_CaConc,
             ## B is set for caconc based on thickness of Ca shell and compartment l and dia.
             ## OR based on the Mstring phi under CaConc path.
     if neuroml_utils.neuroml_debug:
         _logger.info("Setting %s  for comparment %s to %s" %
                      (name, compartment.path, value))
예제 #13
def Ca_L_Chan(name):
    Ca_L = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    Ca_L.Ek = ECa
    Ca_L.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    Ca_L.Gk = 0.0
    Ca_L.Xpower = 2.0
    Ca_L.Ypower = 0.0
    Ca_L.Zpower = 1.0
    Ca_L.Xindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    # Ca_L.Yindex = 'C1_INDEX'
    Ca_L.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'
    Ca_L.instant = 4

    xgate = moose.element(Ca_L.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.xminA = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    # xgate.yminA = Camin
    # xgate.ymaxA = Camax
    # xgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    xgate.xminB = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    # xgate.yminB = Camin
    # xgate.ymaxB = Camax
    # xgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    zgate = moose.element(Ca_L.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    cao = 2
    z = 2
    T = celsius + 273.15
    ki = .001
    cai = 50.e-6
    cao = 2
    q10 = 5
    mmin = 0.2
    tfa = 1
    a0m = 0.1
    zetam = 2
    vhalfm = 4
    gmm = 0.1
    gcalbar = .003e4

    qt = q10**((celsius - 25) / 10)
    a = 15.69 * (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + 81.5) / (np.exp(
        (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + 81.5) / 10.0) - 1.0)
    b = 1 / (a + 0.29 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 10.86))
    minf = a * b
    alpmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    betmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * gmm * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    tau = betmt / (qt * a0m * (1 + alpmt))
    tau[tau < mmin / qt] = mmin / qt
    tblA = np.zeros([Vdivs, 1])
    tblB = np.zeros([Vdivs, 1])
    for i in np.arange(1):
        tblA[:, i] = minf / tau
        tblB[:, i] = 1 / tau
        print(i, end='\r')
    xgate.tableA = tblA * 1e3
    xgate.tableB = tblB * 1e3

    ezfrt = np.exp(z * v * F / R / T)
    tblA = np.zeros([Vdivs, Cadivs])
    tblB = np.zeros([Vdivs, Cadivs])
    for i in np.arange(Cadivs):
        tblA[:, i] = ki / (ki + ca[i]) * v * (ca[i] / cao * ezfrt -
                                              1) / (ezfrt - 1) / (v - ECa)
        print(i, end='\r')
    tblB = tblA * 0 + 1
    zgate.tableA = tblA
    zgate.tableB = tblB

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(Ca_L.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc concOut . concen'

    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring(Ca_L.path + '/addmsg2')
    addmsg2.value = '. IkOut ../Ca_conc current'
    return Ca_L
예제 #14
    def set_compartment_param(self, compartment, name, value, mechName):
        """ Set the param for the compartment depending on name and mechName. """
        if name == 'CM':
            compartment.Cm = value * math.pi * compartment.diameter * compartment.length
        elif name == 'RM':
            compartment.Rm = value / (math.pi * compartment.diameter *
        elif name == 'RA':
            compartment.Ra = value * compartment.length / \
        elif name == 'Em':
            compartment.Em = value
        elif name == 'initVm':
            compartment.initVm = value
        elif name == 'inject':
            msg = " {0} inject {1} A.".format(compartment.name, value)
            debug.printDebug("INFO", msg)
            compartment.inject = value
        elif mechName is 'synapse':

            # synapse being added to the compartment
            # these are potential locations, we do not actually make synapses.
            # I assume below that compartment name has _segid at its end

            # get segment id from compartment name
            segid = moose_methods.getCompartmentId(compartment.name)

        # spikegen being added to the compartment
        elif mechName is 'spikegen':
            # these are potential locations, we do not actually make the
            # spikegens.  spikegens for different synapses can have different
            # thresholds, hence include synapse_type in its name value contains
            # name of synapse i.e. synapse_type
            #spikegen = moose.SpikeGen(compartment.path+'/'+value+'_spikegen')
        elif mechName is not None:

            # if mechanism is not present in compartment, deep copy from library
            if not moose.exists(compartment.path + '/' + mechName):

                # if channel does not exist in library load it from xml file
                if not moose.exists(self.libraryPath + "/" + mechName):
                    cmlR = ChannelML(self.nml_params)
                    model_filename = mechName + '.xml'
                    model_path = neuroml_utils.find_first_file(
                        model_filename, self.model_dir)
                    if model_path is not None:
                        msg = 'Mechanism {0}: files {1} not found under {2}'\
                                .format( mechName
                                        , model_filename
                                        , self.model_dir

                neutralObj = moose.Neutral(self.libraryPath + "/" + mechName)

                # Ion concentration pool
                if 'CaConc' == neutralObj.className:
                    libcaconc = moose.CaConc(self.libraryPath + "/" + mechName)

                    # deep copies the library caconc under the compartment
                    caconc = moose.copy(libcaconc, compartment, mechName)
                    caconc = moose.CaConc(caconc)

                    # CaConc connections are made later using connect_CaConc()
                    # Later, when calling connect_CaConc, B is set for caconc
                    # based on thickness of Ca shell and compartment l and dia
                    # OR based on the Mstring phi under CaConc path.
                    channel = None

                elif 'HHChannel2D' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel2D
                    libchannel = moose.HHChannel2D(self.libraryPath + "/" +
                    ## deep copies the library channel under the compartment
                    channel = moose.copy(libchannel, compartment, mechName)
                    channel = moose.HHChannel2D(channel)
                    moose.connect(channel, 'channel', compartment, 'channel')
                elif 'HHChannel' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel
                    libchannel = moose.HHChannel(self.libraryPath + "/" +

                    # deep copies the library channel under the compartment
                    channel = moose.copy(libchannel, compartment, mechName)
                    channel = moose.HHChannel(channel)
                    moose.connect(channel, 'channel', compartment, 'channel')
            # if mechanism is present in compartment, just wrap it
                neutralObj = moose.Neutral(compartment.path + '/' + mechName)
                # Ion concentration pool
                if 'CaConc' == neutralObj.className:
                    # wraps existing channel
                    caconc = moose.CaConc(compartment.path + '/' + mechName)
                    channel = None
                elif 'HHChannel2D' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel2D
                    # wraps existing channel
                    channel = moose.HHChannel2D(compartment.path + '/' +
                elif 'HHChannel' == neutralObj.className:  ## HHChannel
                    # wraps existing channel
                    channel = moose.HHChannel(compartment.path + '/' +
            if name == 'Gbar':
                # if CaConc, neuroConstruct uses gbar for thickness or phi
                if channel is None:
                    # If child Mstring 'phi' is present, set gbar as phi BUT,
                    # value has been multiplied by Gfactor as a Gbar, SI or
                    # physiological not known here, ignoring Gbar for CaConc,
                    # instead of passing units here
                    child = moose_utils.get_child_Mstring(caconc, 'phi')
                    if child is not None:
                        #child.value = value
                        #caconc.thick = value
                else:  # if ion channel, usual Gbar
                    channel.Gbar = value * math.pi * compartment.diameter \
                            * compartment.length
            elif name == 'Ek':
                channel.Ek = value

            # thick seems to be NEURON's extension to NeuroML level 2.
            elif name == 'thick':
                # JUST THIS WILL NOT DO - HAVE TO SET B based on this thick!
                caconc.thick = value
                # Later, when calling connect_CaConc, B is set for caconc based
                # on thickness of Ca shell and compartment l and dia.  OR based
                # on the Mstring phi under CaConc path.

        if neuroml_utils.neuroml_debug:
            msg = "Setting {0} for {1} value {2}".format(
                name, compartment.path, value)
            debug.printDebug("DEBUG", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
예제 #15
    def readChannelML(self, channelElement, params={}, units="SI units"):
        ## I first calculate all functions assuming a consistent system of units.
        ## While filling in the A and B tables, I just convert to SI.
        ## Also convert gmax and Erev.
        if 'Physiological Units' in units:  # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
            Vfactor = 1e-3  # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3  # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e1  # S/m^2 from mS/cm^2
            concfactor = 1e6  # Mol = mol/m^-3 from mol/cm^-3
        elif 'SI Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            concfactor = 1.0
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong units %s. Existing" % units)

        if not moose.exists('/library'):

        channel_name = channelElement.attrib['name']
        if utils.neuroml_debug:
            pu.info("Loading channel %s into /library" % channel_name)

        IVrelation = channelElement.find('./{' + self.cml +
        intfire = IVrelation.find('./{' + self.cml + '}integrate_and_fire')

        if intfire is not None:
            ## Below params need to be set while making an LIF compartment
            moosechannel = moose.Neutral('/library/' + channel_name)
            moosechannelval = moose.Mstring(moosechannel.path + '/vReset')
            moosechannelval.value = str(
                float(intfire.attrib['v_reset']) * Vfactor)
            moosechannelval = moose.Mstring(moosechannel.path + '/thresh')
            moosechannelval.value = str(
                float(intfire.attrib['threshold']) * Vfactor)
            moosechannelval = moose.Mstring(moosechannel.path + '/refracT')
            moosechannelval.value = str(
                float(intfire.attrib['t_refrac']) * Tfactor)
            ## refracG is currently not supported by moose.LIF
            ## Confirm if g_refrac is a conductance density or not?
            ## assuming g_refrac is a conductance density below
            moosechannelval = moose.Mstring(moosechannel.path + '/refracG')
            moosechannelval.value = str(
                float(intfire.attrib['g_refrac']) * Gfactor)
            ## create an Mstring saying this is an integrate_and_fire mechanism
            moosechannelval = moose.Mstring(moosechannel.path +
            moosechannelval.value = 'True'

        concdep = IVrelation.find('./{' + self.cml + '}conc_dependence')
        if concdep is None:
            moosechannel = moose.HHChannel('/library/' + channel_name)
            moosechannel = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + channel_name)

        if IVrelation.attrib['cond_law'] == "ohmic":
            moosechannel.Gbar = float(
                IVrelation.attrib['default_gmax']) * Gfactor
            moosechannel.Ek = float(
                IVrelation.attrib['default_erev']) * Vfactor
            moosechannelIon = moose.Mstring(moosechannel.path + '/ion')
            moosechannelIon.value = IVrelation.attrib['ion']
            if concdep is not None:
                moosechannelIonDependency = moose.Mstring(moosechannel.path +
                moosechannelIonDependency.value = concdep.attrib['ion']

        nernstnote = IVrelation.find('./{' + utils.meta_ns + '}notes')
        if nernstnote is not None:
            ## the text in nernstnote is "Nernst,Cout=<float>,z=<int>"
            nernst_params = nernstnote.text.split(',')
            if nernst_params[0] == 'Nernst':
                nernstMstring = moose.Mstring(moosechannel.path +
                nernstMstring.value = str( float(nernst_params[1].split('=')[1]) * concfactor ) + \
                                        ',' + str( int(nernst_params[2].split('=')[1]) )

        gates = IVrelation.findall('./{' + self.cml + '}gate')
        if len(gates) > 3:
                "Sorry! Maximum x, y, and z (three) gates are possible in MOOSE/Genesis"
        gate_full_name = [
            'gateX', 'gateY', 'gateZ'
        ]  # These are the names that MOOSE uses to create gates.
        ## if impl_prefs tag is present change VMIN, VMAX and NDIVS
        impl_prefs = channelElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}impl_prefs')
        if impl_prefs is not None:
            table_settings = impl_prefs.find('./{' + self.cml +
            ## some problem here... disable
            VMIN_here = float(table_settings.attrib['min_v'])
            VMAX_here = float(table_settings.attrib['max_v'])
            NDIVS_here = int(table_settings.attrib['table_divisions'])
            dv_here = (VMAX_here - VMIN_here) / NDIVS_here
            ## default VMIN, VMAX and dv are in SI
            ## convert them to current calculation units used by channel definition
            ## while loading into tables, convert them back to SI
            VMIN_here = utils.VMIN / Vfactor
            VMAX_here = utils.VMAX / Vfactor
            NDIVS_here = utils.NDIVS
            dv_here = utils.dv / Vfactor
        offset = IVrelation.find('./{' + self.cml + '}offset')
        if offset is None: vNegOffset = 0.0
        else: vNegOffset = float(offset.attrib['value'])
        self.parameters = []
        for parameter in channelElement.findall('.//{' + self.cml +
                (parameter.attrib['name'], float(parameter.attrib['value'])))

        for num, gate in enumerate(gates):
            # if no q10settings tag, the q10factor remains 1.0
            # if present but no gate attribute, then set q10factor
            # if there is a gate attribute, then set it only if gate attrib matches gate name
            self.q10factor = 1.0
            self.gate_name = gate.attrib['name']
            for q10settings in IVrelation.findall('./{' + self.cml +
                ## self.temperature from neuro.utils
                if 'gate' in q10settings.attrib:
                    if q10settings.attrib['gate'] == self.gate_name:

            ############### HHChannel2D crashing on setting Xpower!
            #### temperamental! If you print something before, it gives cannot creategate from copied channel, else crashes
            ## Setting power first. This is necessary because it also
            ## initializes the gate's internal data structures as a side
            ## effect. Alternatively, gates can be initialized explicitly
            ## by calling HHChannel.createGate().
            gate_power = float(gate.get('instances'))
            if num == 0:
                moosechannel.Xpower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: moosechannel.Xindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"
            elif num == 1:
                moosechannel.Ypower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: moosechannel.Yindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"
            elif num == 2:
                moosechannel.Zpower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: moosechannel.Zindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"

            ## Getting handle to gate using the gate's path.
            gate_path = moosechannel.path + '/' + gate_full_name[num]
            if concdep is None:
                if not moose.exists(gate_path):
                    moosegate = moose.HHGate(gate_path)
                    moosegate = moose.element(gate_path)
                ## set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate.min = VMIN_here * Vfactor
                moosegate.max = VMAX_here * Vfactor
                moosegate.divs = NDIVS_here
                ## V.IMP to get smooth curves, else even with 3000 divisions
                ## there are sudden transitions.
                moosegate.useInterpolation = True
                moosegate = moose.HHGate2D(gate_path)

            ##### If alpha and beta functions exist, make them here
            for transition in gate.findall('./{' + self.cml + '}transition'):
                ## make python functions with names of transitions...
                fn_name = transition.attrib['name']
                ## I assume that transitions if present are called alpha and beta
                ## for forward and backward transitions...
                if fn_name in ['alpha', 'beta']:
                    self.make_cml_function(transition, fn_name, concdep)
                    pu.fatal("Unsupported transition %s" % fn_name)

            time_course = gate.find('./{' + self.cml + '}time_course')
            ## tau is divided by self.q10factor in make_function()
            ## thus, it gets divided irrespective of <time_course> tag present or not.
            if time_course is not None:
                self.make_cml_function(time_course, 'tau', concdep)
            steady_state = gate.find('./{' + self.cml + '}steady_state')
            if steady_state is not None:
                self.make_cml_function(steady_state, 'inf', concdep)

            if concdep is None: ca_name = ''  # no Ca dependence
                ca_name = ',' + concdep.attrib[
                    'variable_name']  # Ca dependence

            ## Create tau() and inf() if not present, from alpha() and beta()
            for fn_element,fn_name,fn_expr in [(time_course,'tau',"1/(alpha+beta)"),\
                ## put in args for alpha and beta, could be v and Ca dep.
                expr_string = fn_expr.replace('alpha',
                                              'self.alpha(v' + ca_name + ')')
                expr_string = expr_string.replace(
                    'beta', 'self.beta(v' + ca_name + ')')
                ## if time_course/steady_state are not present,
                ## then alpha annd beta transition elements should be present, and fns created.
                if fn_element is None:

            ## non Ca dependent channel
            if concdep is None:
                ## while calculating, use the units used in xml defn,
                ## while filling in table, I convert to SI units.
                v0 = VMIN_here - vNegOffset
                n_entries = NDIVS_here + 1
                tableA = [0.0] * n_entries
                tableB = [0.0] * n_entries
                for i in range(n_entries):
                    v = v0 + i * dv_here

                    inf = self.inf(v)
                    tau = self.tau(v)
                    ## convert to SI before writing to table
                    ## qfactor is already in inf and tau
                    tableA[i] = inf / tau / Tfactor
                    tableB[i] = 1.0 / tau / Tfactor

                moosegate.tableA = tableA
                moosegate.tableB = tableB

            ## Ca dependent channel
                ## UNITS: while calculating, use the units used in xml defn,
                ##        while filling in table, I convert to SI units.
                ##        Note here Ca units do not enter, but
                ##         units of CaMIN, CaMAX and ca_conc in fn expr should match.
                v = VMIN_here - vNegOffset
                CaMIN = float(concdep.attrib['min_conc'])
                CaMAX = float(concdep.attrib['max_conc'])
                CaNDIVS = 100
                dCa = (CaMAX - CaMIN) / CaNDIVS
                ## CAREFUL!: tableA = [[0.0]*(CaNDIVS+1)]*(NDIVS_here+1) will not work!
                ## * does a shallow copy, same list will get repeated 200 times!
                ## Thus setting tableA[35][1] = 5.0 will set all rows, 1st col to 5.0!!!!
                tableA = [[0.0] * (CaNDIVS + 1) for i in range(NDIVS_here + 1)]
                tableB = [[0.0] * (CaNDIVS + 1) for i in range(NDIVS_here + 1)]
                for i in range(NDIVS_here + 1):
                    Ca = CaMIN
                    for j in range(CaNDIVS + 1):
                        inf = self.inf(v, Ca)
                        tau = self.tau(v, Ca)
                        ## convert to SI (Tfactor) before writing to table
                        ## qfactor is already in inf and tau
                        tableA[i][j] = inf / tau / Tfactor
                        tableB[i][j] = 1.0 / tau / Tfactor
                        Ca += dCa
                    v += dv_here

                ## Presently HHGate2D doesn't allow the setting of tables as 2D vectors directly
                moosegate.tableA = tableA
                moosegate.tableB = tableB

                ## set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate.xminA = VMIN_here * Vfactor
                moosegate.xmaxA = VMAX_here * Vfactor
                moosegate.xdivsA = NDIVS_here
                #moosegate.dxA = dv_here*Vfactor
                moosegate.yminA = CaMIN * concfactor
                moosegate.ymaxA = CaMAX * concfactor
                moosegate.ydivsA = CaNDIVS
                #moosegate.dyB = dCa*concfactor

                ## set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate.xminB = VMIN_here * Vfactor
                moosegate.xmaxB = VMAX_here * Vfactor
                moosegate.xdivsB = NDIVS_here
                #moosegate.dxB = dv_here*Vfactor
                moosegate.yminB = CaMIN * concfactor
                moosegate.ymaxB = CaMAX * concfactor
                moosegate.ydivsB = CaNDIVS
def Ca_T_Chan(name):
    Ca_T = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    Ca_T.Ek = ECa
    Ca_T.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    Ca_T.Gk = 0.0
    Ca_T.Xpower = 2.0
    Ca_T.Ypower = 1.0
    Ca_T.Zpower = 1.0
    Ca_T.Xindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    Ca_T.Yindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    Ca_T.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'
    Ca_T.instant = 4

    xgate = moose.element(Ca_T.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.xminA = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    # xgate.yminA = Camin
    # xgate.ymaxA = Camax
    # xgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    xgate.xminB = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    # xgate.yminB = Camin
    # xgate.ymaxB = Camax
    # xgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    ygate = moose.element(Ca_T.path + '/gateY')
    ygate.xminA = Vmin
    ygate.xmaxA = Vmax
    ygate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    # ygate.yminA = Camin
    # ygate.ymaxA = Camax
    # ygate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    ygate.xminB = Vmin
    ygate.xmaxB = Vmax
    ygate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    # ygate.yminB = Camin
    # ygate.ymaxB = Camax
    # ygate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    zgate = moose.element(Ca_T.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    cao = 2
    q10 = 5
    mmin = 0.2
    hmin = 10
    a0h = 0.015
    zetah = 3.5
    vhalfh = -75
    gmh = 0.6
    a0m = 0.04
    zetam = 2
    vhalfm = -28
    gmm = 0.1
    z = 2
    T = celsius + 273.15
    gcatbar = .003e4

    qt = q10**((celsius - 25) / 10)
    a = 0.2 * (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + 19.26) / (np.exp(
        (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + 19.26) / 10.0) - 1.0)
    b = 0.009 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 22.03)
    minf = a / (a + b)
    alpmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    betmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * gmm * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    mtau = betmt / (qt * a0m * (1 + alpmt))
    mtau[mtau < mmin] = mmin
    tblA = np.zeros([Vdivs, 1])
    tblB = np.zeros([Vdivs, 1])
    for i in np.arange(1):
        tblA[:, i] = minf / mtau
        tblB[:, i] = 1 / mtau
        print(i, end='\r')
    xgate.tableA = tblA * 1e3
    xgate.tableB = tblB * 1e3

    qt = q10**((celsius - 25) / 10)
    a = 1.e-6 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 16.26)
    b = 1 / (np.exp((-v * 1e3 + 29.79) / 10.) + 1.)
    hinf = a / (a + b)
    alph = np.exp(0.0378 * zetah * (v * 1e3 - vhalfh))
    beth = np.exp(0.0378 * zetah * gmh * (v * 1e3 - vhalfh))
    htau = beth / (a0h * (1 + alph))
    htau[htau < hmin] = hmin
    tblA = np.zeros([Vdivs, 1])
    tblB = np.zeros([Vdivs, 1])
    for i in np.arange(1):
        tblA[:, i] = hinf / htau
        tblB[:, i] = 1 / htau
        print(i, end='\r')
    ygate.tableA = tblA * 1e3
    ygate.tableB = tblB * 1e3

    ezfrt = np.exp(z * v * F / R / T)
    tblA = np.zeros([Vdivs, Cadivs])
    tblB = np.zeros([Vdivs, Cadivs])
    for i in np.arange(Cadivs):
        tblA[:, i] = v * (ca[i] / cao * ezfrt - 1) / (ezfrt - 1) / (v - ECa)
        print(i, end='\r')
    tblB = tblA * 0 + 1
    zgate.tableA = tblA
    zgate.tableB = tblB

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(Ca_T.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc concOut . concen'

    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring(Ca_T.path + '/addmsg2')
    addmsg2.value = '. IkOut ../Ca_conc current'
    return Ca_T
예제 #17
def simp_Chan(name):
    simp = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    simp.Ek = EK
    simp.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    simp.Gk = 0.0
    simp.Xpower = 1.0
    simp.Ypower = 0.0
    simp.Zpower = 1.0
    simp.Xindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    # simp.Yindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    simp.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'
    simp.instant = 2

    xgate = moose.element(simp.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.xminA = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    xgate.yminA = Vmin
    xgate.ymaxA = Vmax
    xgate.ydivsA = Vdivs
    xgate.xminB = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    xgate.yminB = Vmin
    xgate.ymaxB = Vmax
    xgate.ydivsB = Vdivs

    # zgate = moose.element( simp.path + '/gateZ' )
    # zgate.xminA = Vmin
    # zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    # zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    # zgate.yminA = Camin
    # zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    # zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    # zgate.xminB = Vmin
    # zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    # zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    # zgate.yminB = Camin
    # zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    # zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    cai = 0.05e-3
    cao = 2
    q10 = 5
    mmin = 0.2
    hmin = 10
    a0h = 0.015
    zetah = 3.5
    vhalfh = -75
    gmh = 0.6
    a0m = 0.04
    zetam = 2
    vhalfm = -28
    gmm = 0.1

    qt = q10**((celsius - 25) / 10)

    a = 0.2 * (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + 19.26) / (np.exp(
        (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + 19.26) / 10.0) - 1.0)
    b = 0.009 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 22.03)
    minf = a / (a + b)
    alpmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    betmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * gmm * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    mtau = betmt / (qt * a0m * (1 + alpmt))
    mtau[mtau < mmin] = mmin

    tblA = np.reshape(np.tile(minf / mtau, xgate.ydivsA),
                      (xgate.xdivsA, xgate.ydivsA))
    tblB = np.reshape(np.tile(1 / mtau, xgate.ydivsA),
                      (xgate.xdivsA, xgate.ydivsA))
    xgate.tableA = tblA * 1e3
    xgate.tableB = tblB * 1e3

    # x = Vmin
    # tblA = np.zeros([len(v),len(ca)])
    # tblB = np.zeros([len(v),len(ca)])
    # for i in np.arange(len(v)):
    #     tblA[i] = np.array([alp(x,y) for y in ca])
    #     tblB[i] = np.add(tblA[i],[bet(x, y) for y in ca])/tfactor
    #     x = x + dV
    #     print(i, end='\r')
    # zgate.tableA = tblA*1e3
    # zgate.tableB = tblB*1e3

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(simp.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'
    return simp
예제 #18
def simp_Chan(name):
    simp = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    simp.Ek = ECa
    simp.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    simp.Gk = 0.0
    simp.Xpower = 0.0
    simp.Ypower = 0.0
    simp.Zpower = 1.0
    # simp.Xindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    # simp.Yindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    simp.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'
    simp.instant = 4

    # xgate = moose.element( simp.path + '/gateX' )
    # xgate.xminA = Vmin
    # xgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    # xgate.xdivsA = 0
    # xgate.yminA = Vmin
    # xgate.ymaxA = Vmax
    # xgate.ydivsA = Vdivs
    # xgate.xminB = Vmin
    # xgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    # xgate.xdivsB = 0
    # xgate.yminB = Vmin
    # xgate.ymaxB = Vmax
    # xgate.ydivsB = Vdivs

    # xgate = moose.element( simp.path + '/gateX' )
    # xgate.xminA = Vmin
    # xgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    # xgate.xdivsA = 0
    # xgate.yminA = Vmin
    # xgate.ymaxA = Vmax
    # xgate.ydivsA = Vdivs
    # xgate.xminB = Vmin
    # xgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    # xgate.xdivsB = 0
    # xgate.yminB = Vmin
    # xgate.ymaxB = Vmax
    # xgate.ydivsB = Vdivs

    zgate = moose.element(simp.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    # q10 = 5
    # mmin=0.2
    # hmin=10
    # a0h =0.015
    # zetah = 3.5
    # vhalfh = -75
    # gmh=0.6
    # a0m =0.04
    # zetam = 2
    # vhalfm = -28
    # gmm=0.1
    # qt=q10**((celsius-25)/10)
    # a = 0.2*(-1.0*v*1e3+19.26)/(np.exp((-1.0*v*1e3+19.26)/10.0)-1.0)
    # b = 0.009*np.exp(-v*1e3/22.03)
    # minf = a/(a+b)
    # alpmt = np.exp(0.0378*zetam*(v*1e3-vhalfm))
    # betmt = np.exp(0.0378*zetam*gmm*(v*1e3-vhalfm))
    # mtau = betmt/(qt*a0m*(1+alpmt))
    # mtau[mtau<mmin]=mmin
    # tblA = np.zeros([xgate.ydivsA, 2])
    # tblB = np.zeros([xgate.ydivsB, 2])
    # for i in np.arange(2):
    #     tblA[:,i] = minf/mtau
    #     tblB[:,i] = 1/minf
    #     print(i, end='\r')
    # print('X setup')
    # tblA = np.transpose(minf/mtau)
    # tblB = np.transpose(1/mtau)
    # tblA = np.reshape(np.tile(minf/mtau,xgate.ydivsA),(xgate.xdivsA,xgate.ydivsA))
    # tblB = np.reshape(np.tile(1/mtau,xgate.ydivsA),(xgate.xdivsA,xgate.ydivsA))
    # xgate.tableA = tblA*1e3
    # xgate.tableB = tblB*1e3

    z = 2
    T = celsius + 273.15
    cao = 2
    ezfrt = np.exp(z * v * F / R / T)
    tblA = np.zeros([zgate.ydivsA, zgate.xdivsA])
    tblB = np.zeros([zgate.ydivsB, zgate.xdivsB])
    for i in np.arange(zgate.ydivsA):
        tblA[i] = v * (ca[i] / cao * ezfrt - 1) / (ezfrt - 1) / (v - ECa)
        print(i, end='\r')

    tblB = tblA * 0 + 1
    zgate.tableA = tblA
    zgate.tableB = tblB

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(simp.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc concOut . concen'

    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring(simp.path + '/addmsg2')
    addmsg2.value = '. IkOut ../Ca_conc current'
    return simp
예제 #19
def simp_Chan(name):
    simp = moose.HHChannel2D( '/library/' + name )
    simp.Ek = ECa
    simp.Gbar = 300.0*SOMA_A
    simp.Gk = 0.0
    simp.Xpower = 1.0
    simp.Ypower = 0.0
    simp.Zpower = 1.0
    simp.Xindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    # simp.Yindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    simp.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'
    simp.instant = 4

    xgate = moose.element( simp.path + '/gateX' )
    xgate.xminA = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsA = 0
    xgate.yminA = Vmin
    xgate.ymaxA = Vmax
    xgate.ydivsA = Vdivs
    xgate.xminB = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsB = 0
    xgate.yminB = Vmin
    xgate.ymaxB = Vmax
    xgate.ydivsB = Vdivs

    zgate = moose.element( simp.path + '/gateZ' )
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    cai = 0.05e-3
    cao = 2
    q10 = 5
    a0h =0.015
    zetah = 3.5
    vhalfh = -75
    a0m =0.04
    zetam = 2
    vhalfm = -28


    a = 0.2*(-1.0*v*1e3+19.26)/(np.exp((-1.0*v*1e3+19.26)/10.0)-1.0)
    b = 0.009*np.exp(-v*1e3/22.03)
    minf = a/(a+b)
    alpmt = np.exp(0.0378*zetam*(v*1e3-vhalfm))
    betmt = np.exp(0.0378*zetam*gmm*(v*1e3-vhalfm))
    mtau = betmt/(qt*a0m*(1+alpmt))
    tblA = np.zeros([2,xgate.ydivsA])
    tblB = np.zeros([2,xgate.ydivsB])
    x = Vmin
    for i in np.arange(2):
        tblA[i] = minf/mtau
        tblB[i] = 1/minf
        x = x + dV
        print(i, end='\r')
    # tblA = np.transpose(minf/mtau)
    # tblB = np.transpose(1/mtau)
    # tblA = np.reshape(np.tile(minf/mtau,xgate.ydivsA),(xgate.xdivsA,xgate.ydivsA))
    # tblB = np.reshape(np.tile(1/mtau,xgate.ydivsA),(xgate.xdivsA,xgate.ydivsA))
    xgate.tableA = tblA*1e3
    xgate.tableB = tblB*1e3

    z = 2
    T = celsius+273.15
    cao = 2
    ezfrt  = np.exp(z*v*F/R/T)
    x = Vmin
    tblA = np.zeros([zgate.xdivsA,zgate.ydivsA])
    tblB = np.zeros([zgate.xdivsB,zgate.ydivsB])
    for i in np.arange(zgate.ydivsA):
        tblA[:,i] = v*(ca[i]/cao*ezfrt-1)/(ezfrt-1)/(v-ECa)
        x = x + dV
        print(i, end='\r')

    tblB = tblA*0 +1
    zgate.tableA = tblA
    zgate.tableB = tblB

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring( simp.path + '/addmsg4' )
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc    concOut    . concen'

    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring( simp.path + '/addmsg2' )
    addmsg2.value = '.    IkOut    ../Ca_conc    current'
    return simp
예제 #20
def connect_CaConc(compartment_list, temperature=None):
    """ Connect the Ca pools and channels within each of the compartments in compartment_list
     Ca channels should have a child Mstring named 'ion' with value set in MOOSE.
     Ca dependent channels like KCa should have a child Mstring called 'ionDependency' with value set in MOOSE.
     Call this only after instantiating cell so that all channels and pools have been created. """
    for compartment in compartment_list:
        caconc = None
        for child in compartment.children:
            if child.className == "CaConc":
                caconc = moose.element(child)
        if caconc is not None:
            child = get_child_Mstring(caconc, "phi")
            if child is not None:
                caconc.B = float(
                )  # B = phi by definition -- see neuroml 1.8.1 defn
                ## B has to be set for caconc based on thickness of Ca shell and compartment l and dia,
                ## OR based on the Mstring phi under CaConc path.
                ## I am using a translation from Neuron for mitral cell, hence this method.
                ## In Genesis, gmax / (surfacearea*thick) is set as value of B!
                caconc.B = (1 / (2 * FARADAY) /
                            (math.pi * compartment.diameter *
                             compartment.length * caconc.thick))
            for neutralwrap in compartment.children:
                if neutralwrap.className == "HHChannel":
                    channel = moose.HHChannel(child)
                    ## If child Mstring 'ion' is present and is Ca, connect channel current to caconc
                    for childid in channel.children:
                        # in async13, gates which have not been created still 'exist'
                        # i.e. show up as a child, but cannot be wrapped.
                            child = moose.element(childid)
                            if child.className == "Mstring":
                                child = moose.Mstring(child)
                                assert child
                                if child.name == "ion":
                                    if child.value in ["Ca", "ca"]:
                                        moose.connect(channel, "IkOut", caconc,
                                        # print 'Connected IkOut of',channel.path,'to current of',caconc.path
                                ## temperature is used only by Nernst part here...
                                if child.name == "nernst_str":
                                    nernst = moose.Nernst(channel.path +
                                    nernst_params = child.value.split(",")
                                    nernst.Cout = float(nernst_params[0])
                                    nernst.valence = int(nernst_params[1])
                                    nernst.Temperature = temperature
                                    moose.connect(nernst, "Eout", channel,
                                    moose.connect(caconc, "concOut", nernst,
                                    # print 'Connected Nernst',nernst.path
                        except TypeError:

                if neutralwrap.className == "HHChannel2D":
                    channel = moose.HHChannel2D(child)
                    ## If child Mstring 'ionDependency' is present, connect caconc Ca conc to channel
                    for childid in channel.children:
                        # in async13, gates which have not been created still 'exist'
                        # i.e. show up as a child, but cannot be wrapped.
                            child = moose.element(childid)
                            if (child.className == "Mstring"
                                    and child.name == "ionDependency"):
                                child = moose.Mstring(child)
                                if child.value in ["Ca", "ca"]:
                                    moose.connect(caconc, "concOut", channel,
                                    # print 'Connected concOut of',caconc.path,'to concen of',channel.path
                        except TypeError as e:
예제 #21
    def readChannelML(self, channelElement, params={}, units="SI units"):
        """Loads a single channel
        # I first calculate all functions assuming a consistent system of units.
        # While filling in the A and B tables, I just convert to SI.  Also
        # convert gmax and Erev.
        if 'Physiological Units' in units:
            # see pg 219 (sec 13.2) of Book of Genesis
            Vfactor = 1e-3  # V from mV
            Tfactor = 1e-3  # s from ms
            Gfactor = 1e1  # S/m^2 from mS/cm^2
            concfactor = 1e6  # Mol = mol/m^-3 from mol/cm^-3
        elif 'SI Units' in units:
            Vfactor = 1.0
            Tfactor = 1.0
            Gfactor = 1.0
            concfactor = 1.0
                             "wrong units %s. Existing... " % units,
            raise UserWarning, "Unknown units"

        # creates /library in MOOSE tree; elif present, wraps
        channel_name = channelElement.attrib['name']
        if utils.neuroml_debug:
            msg = "Loading channel {} into {} ".format(channel_name,
            debug.printDebug("INFO", msg)

        IVrelation = channelElement.find('./{' + self.cml +
        concdep = IVrelation.find('./{' + self.cml + '}conc_dependence')
        cPath = os.path.join(self.libraryPath, channel_name)
        if concdep is None:
            channel = moose.HHChannel(cPath)
            channel = moose.HHChannel2D(cPath)

        if IVrelation.attrib['cond_law'] == "ohmic":
            channel.Gbar = float(IVrelation.attrib['default_gmax']) * Gfactor
            channel.Ek = float(IVrelation.attrib['default_erev']) * Vfactor
            channelIon = moose.Mstring(channel.path + '/ion')
            channelIon.value = IVrelation.attrib['ion']
            if concdep is not None:
                channelIonDependency = moose.Mstring(channel.path +
                channelIonDependency.value = concdep.attrib['ion']

        nernstnote = IVrelation.find('./{' + utils.meta_ns + '}notes')
        if nernstnote is not None:
            # the text in nernstnote is "Nernst,Cout=<float>,z=<int>"
            nernst_params = string.split(nernstnote.text, ',')
            if nernst_params[0] == 'Nernst':
                nernstMstring = moose.Mstring(channel.path + '/nernst_str')
                nernstMstring.value = str(
                    float(string.split(nernst_params[1], '=')[1]) *
                    concfactor) + ',' + str(
                        int(string.split(nernst_params[2], '=')[1]))

        gates = IVrelation.findall('./{' + self.cml + '}gate')
        if len(gates) > 3:
            msg = "Sorry! Maximum x, y, and z (three) gates are possible in\

            debug.printDebug("ERR", msg, frame=inspect.currentframe())
            raise UserWarning, "Bad value or parameter"

        # These are the names that MOOSE uses to create gates.
        gate_full_name = ['gateX', 'gateY', 'gateZ']

        # if impl_prefs tag is present change VMIN, VMAX and NDIVS
        impl_prefs = channelElement.find('./{' + self.cml + '}impl_prefs')
        if impl_prefs is not None:
            table_settings = impl_prefs.find('./{' + self.cml +
            # some problem here... disable
            VMIN_here = float(table_settings.attrib['min_v'])
            VMAX_here = float(table_settings.attrib['max_v'])
            NDIVS_here = int(table_settings.attrib['table_divisions'])
            dv_here = (VMAX_here - VMIN_here) / NDIVS_here
            # default VMIN, VMAX and dv are in SI convert them to current
            # calculation units used by channel definition while loading into
            # tables, convert them back to SI
            VMIN_here = utils.VMIN / Vfactor
            VMAX_here = utils.VMAX / Vfactor
            NDIVS_here = utils.NDIVS
            dv_here = utils.dv / Vfactor
        offset = IVrelation.find('./{' + self.cml + '}offset')
        if offset is None:
            vNegOffset = 0.0
            vNegOffset = float(offset.attrib['value'])
        self.parameters = []
        for parameter in channelElement.findall('.//{' + self.cml +
                (parameter.attrib['name'], float(parameter.attrib['value'])))

        for num, gate in enumerate(gates):
            # if no q10settings tag, the q10factor remains 1.0 if present but no
            # gate attribute, then set q10factor if there is a gate attribute,
            # then set it only if gate attrib matches gate name
            self.q10factor = 1.0
            self.gate_name = gate.attrib['name']
            q10sets = IVrelation.findall('./{' + self.cml + '}q10_settings')
            for q10settings in q10sets:
                # self.temperature from neuro.utils
                if 'gate' in list(q10settings.attrib.keys()):
                    if q10settings.attrib['gate'] == self.gate_name:

            # HHChannel2D crashing on setting Xpower!  temperamental! If you
            # print something before, it gives cannot creategate from copied
            # channel, else crashes Setting power first. This is necessary
            # because it also initializes the gate's internal data structures as
            # a side effect. Alternatively, gates can be initialized explicitly
            # by calling HHChannel.createGate().
            gate_power = float(gate.get('instances'))
            if num == 0:
                channel.Xpower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: channel.Xindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"
            elif num == 1:
                channel.Ypower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: channel.Yindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"
            elif num == 2:
                channel.Zpower = gate_power
                if concdep is not None: channel.Zindex = "VOLT_C1_INDEX"

            ## Getting handle to gate using the gate's path.
            gate_path = os.path.join(channel.path, gate_full_name[num])
            if concdep is None:
                moosegate = moose.HHGate(gate_path)
                # set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate.min = VMIN_here * Vfactor
                moosegate.max = VMAX_here * Vfactor
                moosegate.divs = NDIVS_here
                ## V.IMP to get smooth curves, else even with 3000 divisions
                ## there are sudden transitions.
                moosegate.useInterpolation = True
                moosegate = moose.HHGate2D(gate_path)

            # If alpha and beta functions exist, make them here
            for transition in gate.findall('./{' + self.cml + '}transition'):
                # make python functions with names of transitions...
                fn_name = transition.attrib['name']
                # I assume that transitions if present are called alpha and beta
                # for forwand backward transitions...
                if fn_name in ['alpha', 'beta']:
                    self.make_cml_function(transition, fn_name, concdep)
                        "ERROR", "Unsupported transition {0}".format(fn_name))

            time_course = gate.find('./{' + self.cml + '}time_course')
            # tau is divided by self.q10factor in make_function() thus, it gets
            # divided irrespective of <time_course> tag present or not.
            if time_course is not None:
                self.make_cml_function(time_course, 'tau', concdep)
            steady_state = gate.find('./{' + self.cml + '}steady_state')
            if steady_state is not None:
                self.make_cml_function(steady_state, 'inf', concdep)

            if concdep is None:
                ca_name = ''  # no Ca dependence
                # Ca dependence
                ca_name = ',' + concdep.attrib['variable_name']

            # Create tau() and inf() if not present, from alpha() and beta()
            for fn_element, fn_name, fn_expr in [
                (time_course, 'tau', "1/(alpha+beta)"),
                (steady_state, 'inf', "alpha/(alpha+beta)")
                # put in args for alpha and beta, could be v and Ca dep.
                expr_string = self.replace(fn_expr, 'alpha',
                                           'self.alpha(v' + ca_name + ')')
                expr_string = self.replace(expr_string, 'beta',
                                           'self.beta(v' + ca_name + ')')
                # if time_course/steady_state are not present, then alpha annd
                # beta transition elements should be present, and fns created.
                if fn_element is None:

            # non Ca dependent channel
            if concdep is None:
                # while calculating, use the units used in xml defn, while
                # filling in table, I convert to SI units.
                v0 = VMIN_here - vNegOffset
                n_entries = NDIVS_here + 1
                tableA = [0.0] * n_entries
                tableB = [0.0] * n_entries
                for i in range(n_entries):
                    v = v0 + (i * dv_here)
                    inf = self.inf(v)
                    tau = self.tau(v)
                    # convert to SI before writing to table
                    # qfactor is already in inf and tau
                    tableA[i] = (inf / tau) / Tfactor
                    tableB[i] = (1.0 / tau) / Tfactor

                moosegate.tableA = tableA
                moosegate.tableB = tableB

            ## Ca dependent channel
                # UNITS: while calculating, use the units used in xml defn,
                # while filling in table, I convert to SI units.  Note here Ca
                # units do not enter, but units of CaMIN, CaMAX and ca_conc in
                # fn expr should match.
                v = VMIN_here - vNegOffset
                CaMIN = float(concdep.attrib['min_conc'])
                CaMAX = float(concdep.attrib['max_conc'])
                CaNDIVS = 100
                dCa = (CaMAX - CaMIN) / CaNDIVS

                # CAREFUL!: tableA = [[0.0]*(CaNDIVS+1)]*(NDIVS_here+1) will not
                # work!  * does a shallow copy, same list will get repeated 200
                # times!  Thus setting tableA[35][1] = 5.0 will set all rows,
                # 1st col to 5.0!!!!
                tableA = [[0.0] * (CaNDIVS + 1) for i in range(NDIVS_here + 1)]
                tableB = [[0.0] * (CaNDIVS + 1) for i in range(NDIVS_here + 1)]
                for i in range(NDIVS_here + 1):
                    Ca = CaMIN
                    for j in range(CaNDIVS + 1):
                        inf = self.inf(v, Ca)
                        tau = self.tau(v, Ca)
                        # convert to SI (Tfactor) before writing to table
                        # qfactor is already in inf and tau
                        tableA[i][j] = (inf / tau) / Tfactor
                        tableB[i][j] = (1.0 / tau) / Tfactor
                        Ca += dCa
                    v += dv_here

                # Presently HHGate2D doesn't allow the setting of tables as 2D
                # vectors directly
                #moosegate.tableA = tableA #moosegate.tableB = tableB

                # Instead, I wrap the interpol2D objects inside HHGate2D and set
                # the tables
                moosegate_tableA = moose.Interpol2D(moosegate.path + '/tableA')

                # set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate_tableA.xmin = VMIN_here * Vfactor
                moosegate_tableA.xmax = VMAX_here * Vfactor
                moosegate_tableA.xdivs = NDIVS_here
                #moosegate_tableA.dx = dv_here*Vfactor
                moosegate_tableA.ymin = CaMIN * concfactor
                moosegate_tableA.ymax = CaMAX * concfactor
                moosegate_tableA.ydivs = CaNDIVS
                #moosegate_tableA.dy = dCa*concfactor
                moosegate_tableA.tableVector2D = tableA

                moosegate_tableB = moose.Interpol2D(moosegate.path + '/tableB')
                ## set SI values inside MOOSE
                moosegate_tableB.xmin = VMIN_here * Vfactor
                moosegate_tableB.xmax = VMAX_here * Vfactor
                moosegate_tableB.xdivs = NDIVS_here
                #moosegate_tableB.dx = dv_here*Vfactor
                moosegate_tableB.ymin = CaMIN * concfactor
                moosegate_tableB.ymax = CaMAX * concfactor
                moosegate_tableB.ydivs = CaNDIVS
                #moosegate_tableB.dy = dCa*concfactor
                moosegate_tableB.tableVector2D = tableB
예제 #22
def simp_Chan(name):
    simp = moose.HHChannel2D('/library/' + name)
    simp.Ek = ECa
    simp.Gbar = 300.0 * SOMA_A
    simp.Gk = 0.0
    simp.Xpower = 1.0
    simp.Ypower = 0.0
    simp.Zpower = 1.0
    simp.Xindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    # simp.Yindex = 'VOLT_INDEX'
    simp.Zindex = 'VOLT_C1_INDEX'
    simp.instant = 4

    xgate = moose.element(simp.path + '/gateX')
    xgate.xminA = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    xgate.yminA = Vmin
    xgate.ymaxA = Vmax
    xgate.ydivsA = Vdivs
    xgate.xminB = Vmin
    xgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    xgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    xgate.yminB = Vmin
    xgate.ymaxB = Vmax
    xgate.ydivsB = Vdivs

    zgate = moose.element(simp.path + '/gateZ')
    zgate.xminA = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxA = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsA = Vdivs
    zgate.yminA = Camin
    zgate.ymaxA = Camax
    zgate.ydivsA = Cadivs
    zgate.xminB = Vmin
    zgate.xmaxB = Vmax
    zgate.xdivsB = Vdivs
    zgate.yminB = Camin
    zgate.ymaxB = Camax
    zgate.ydivsB = Cadivs

    cao = 2
    q10 = 5
    mmin = 0.2
    hmin = 10
    a0h = 0.015
    zetah = 3.5
    vhalfh = -75
    gmh = 0.6
    a0m = 0.04
    zetam = 2
    vhalfm = -28
    gmm = 0.1
    qt = q10**((celsius - 25) / 10)
    a = 0.2 * (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + 19.26) / (np.exp(
        (-1.0 * v * 1e3 + 19.26) / 10.0) - 1.0)
    b = 0.009 * np.exp(-v * 1e3 / 22.03)
    minf = a / (a + b)
    alpmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    betmt = np.exp(0.0378 * zetam * gmm * (v * 1e3 - vhalfm))
    mtau = betmt / (qt * a0m * (1 + alpmt))
    mtau[mtau < mmin] = mmin
    # tblA = np.zeros([1,xgate.ydivsA])
    # tblB = np.zeros([1,xgate.ydivsB])
    # tblA[0] = minf/mtau*1e3
    # tblB[0] = 1/mtau*1e3
    tblA = np.zeros([xgate.xdivsA, 1])
    tblB = np.zeros([xgate.xdivsB, 1])
    for i in np.arange(1):
        tblA[:, i] = minf / mtau * 1e3
        tblB[:, i] = 1 / mtau * 1e3
        print(i, end='\r')

    # tblB = tblA*0 +1
    xgate.tableA = tblA
    xgate.tableB = tblB
    # for i in np.arange(1,xgate.ydivsB):
    #     tblA[i] = minf/mtau*0+1
    #     tblB[i] = 1/mtau*0+1
    #     print(i, end='\r')
    # tblA[:,0] = minf/mtau*1e3
    # tblB[:,0] = 1/mtau*1e3
    # print('X setup')
    # tblA = np.transpose(minf/mtau)
    # tblB = np.transpose(1/mtau)
    # tblA = np.reshape(np.tile(minf/mtau,xgate.ydivsA),(xgate.xdivsA,xgate.ydivsA))
    # tblB = np.reshape(np.tile(1/mtau,xgate.ydivsA),(xgate.xdivsA,xgate.ydivsA))

    z = 2
    T = celsius + 273.15
    cao = 2
    ezfrt = np.exp(z * v * F / R / T)
    # ezfrt = np.exp(z*v*1e3*293.15/25/T) #Used in NEURON. gives very slightly different values
    tblA = np.zeros([zgate.xdivsA, zgate.ydivsA])
    tblB = np.zeros([zgate.xdivsB, zgate.ydivsB])
    for i in np.arange(zgate.ydivsA):
        tblA[:, i] = v * (ca[i] / cao * ezfrt - 1) / (ezfrt - 1) / (v - ECa)
        print(i, end='\r')

    tblB = tblA * 0 + 1
    zgate.tableA = tblA
    zgate.tableB = tblB

    addmsg4 = moose.Mstring(simp.path + '/addmsg4')
    addmsg4.value = '../Ca_conc concOut . concen'

    addmsg2 = moose.Mstring(simp.path + '/addmsg2')
    addmsg2.value = '. IkOut ../Ca_conc current'
    return simp