def updatepbest(self): # This function updates the population Pbest if self.t == 1: self.pbest = list(self.p) for m in range(self.pop): self.pbest[m].makevlrep(self.swarm[m].getvlrep(), self.items) else: for m in range(self.pop): if self.p[m].getindex() != self.pbest[m].getindex(): # See if the new sol. m dominates the current personal best if mop.dom(self.p[m].getfits(), self.pbest[m].getfits()): self.pbest[m] = self.p[m] self.pbest[m].makevlrep(self.swarm[m].getvlrep(), self.items) print(' Swarm member', m, 'found new personal best!') else: if not mop.dom(self.pbest[m].getfits(), self.p[m].getfits()): pbran = random.random() if pbran < 0.5: self.pbest[m] = self.p[m] self.pbest[m].makevlrep(self.swarm[m].getvlrep(), self.items)
def fnds(setp): # This module performs the fast-non-dominated-sort described in Deb(2002). # To run this module, enable the following line: # from mop import dom numsol = len(setp) fronts = [] sp = [] fhold = [] nps = [] for p in range(numsol): shold = [] nump = 0 for q in range(numsol): if setp[p] != setp[q]: if mop.dom(setp[p].getfits(), setp[q].getfits()): shold.append(setp[q]) if mop.dom(setp[q].getfits(), setp[p].getfits()): nump += 1 sp.append(shold) nps.append(nump) if nump == 0: fhold.append(setp[p]) setp[p].updaterank(1) fronts.append(fhold) # Pareto set i = 0 while fronts[i] != []: q = [] for j in range(numsol): if setp[j] in fronts[i]: for k in range(numsol): if setp[k] in sp[j]: nps[k] -= 1 if nps[k] == 0: setp[k].updaterank(i + 2) q.append(setp[k]) fronts.append(q) i += 1 return setp, fronts
def approx(archive): # This module finds the final approximate set. numsol = len(archive) ndset = [] for p in range(numsol): nump = 0 # number of sol. that dominate p for q in range(numsol): if archive[p] != archive[q]: if mop.dom(archive[q].getfits(), archive[p].getfits()): nump += 1 if nump == 0: ndset.append(archive[p]) ndset = rmdupl(ndset) return ndset
def approx(archive): # This module finds the final approximate set. # To run this module, enable the following line: # from mop import dom numsol = len(archive) ndset = [] for p in range(numsol): np = 0 for q in range(numsol): if archive[p] != archive[q]: if dom(archive[q].getfits(), archive[p].getfits()): np += 1 if np == 0: ndset.append(archive[p]) return ndset
def paretols(self, m, nls, retrieve=False): # This function finds up to nls neighbors to check if they dominate # solution m of the new generation. x = m.getx() y = m.gety() neighbors = [] for k in range(nls): newx, newy = self.binmutation(x, y) newfit = self.moop.calcfits(newx, newy) self.updatefe() # If we find a neighbor that is nondominated by solution m, add to q. if not mop.dom(m.getfits(), newfit): neighbors = self.addneighbor(newx, newy, newfit, neighbors) if retrieve is True: return neighbors
def pls(self, maxmum): # This function performs the Pareto Local Search from Ke(2014). # Step 2 in MOMAD. # input: pp, pl, pe, maxmum # output: pl, pe m = 0 while self.pp != [] and m < maxmum: palpha = [] for x in range(len(self.pp)): print(' Searching near solution', self.pp[x].getindex()) nofx = self.neighborhood(self.pp[x], 50) for y in range(len(nofx)): self.update1(nofx[y]) if mop.dom(nofx[y].getfits(), self.pp[x].getfits()): = self.update2(nofx[y], if nofx[y] in palpha = self.update2(nofx[y], palpha) self.pp = list(palpha) m += 1