예제 #1
    def ensure_dir_exists(cls, dir_location):
        """ Helper function that will make directories if they don't exist.

        Useful for temporary locations"""

        if dir_location and not os.path.exists(dir_location):
            from morphforge.core.mgrs.logmgr import LogMgr
            LogMgr.info('Creating FS Location - ' + dir_location)
            if not os.path.exists(dir_location):
        return cls.validate_exists(dir_location)
예제 #2
    def Load(self, morphname, src, regionNames=None):

        regionNames = regionNames if regionNames else self.defaultxyzXYZRegionNames
        lines = [l.strip() for l in src.readlines()]
        lines = [l for l in lines if l and l[0] != '#' and l[0] != ':']

        # Check the header:
        line1 = lines[0].translate(None, '\t ')
        assert line1 == 'n,T,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,P'

        line1 = lines[0].translate(None, '\t ')
        assert line1 == 'n,T,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,P'

        regionTypes = dict([(index, Region(name))
                            for index, name, in regionNames.iteritems()])
        sections = []

        for l in lines[1:]:
            toks = l.split(',')
            T = int(toks[1])
            xyz = (float(toks[2]), float(toks[3]), float(toks[4]))
            XYZ = (float(toks[5]), float(toks[6]), float(toks[7]))

            centre = ((xyz[0] + XYZ[0]) / 2.0, (xyz[1] + XYZ[1]) / 2.0,
                      (xyz[2] + XYZ[2]) / 2.0)
            rad = np.sqrt(sum([(xyz[i] - centre[i])**2.0 for i in [0, 1, 2]]))

            if rad < 0.3:
                rad = 0.3

            if sections:
                LogMgr.info("Loading ID: %d" % int(toks[0]))
                newSect = sections[-1].create_distal_section(
                newSect = Section(regions=[regionTypes[T]],


        # Create the Cell
        c = MorphologyTree(name=morphname, root=sections[0], metadata={})
        return c
예제 #3
    def _run_spawn(self):

        LogMgr.info("_run_spawn() [Pickling Sim]")
        (bundle, resfilename) = MetaDataBundleBuilder.build_std_pickler(self)
        (_bundlefname, sim_cmd) = bundle.write_to_file_and_get_exec_string()

        # if Exists(resfilename):
        #    os.unlink(resfilename)

        if not os.path.exists(resfilename):

            # Setup the LD_LIBRARY PATH:
            # It may be nessesary to add the following to .mfrc
            # ld_library_path_suffix = /home/michael/hw/morphforge/src/morphforgecontrib/neuron_gsl/cpp
            ld_path_additions = RCMgr.get("Neuron", "ld_library_path_suffix").split(":")
            old_ld_path = os.environ.get("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "")
            os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = ":".join([old_ld_path] + ld_path_additions)

            LogMgr.info("_run_spawn() [Spawning subprocess]")
            ret_code = subprocess.call(sim_cmd, shell=True)
            if ret_code != 1:
                raise ValueError("Unable to simulate %s" % self.name)
            LogMgr.info("_run_spawn() [Finished spawning subprocess]")

        # Load back the results:
        LogMgr.info("_run_spawn() [Loading results]")
        print "_run_spawn() [Loading results from %s ]" % resfilename
        self.result = SimulationResult.load_from_file(resfilename)
        LogMgr.info("_run_spawn() [Finished loading results]")

        # We have to do this so that the simulation object
        # within the result is correct!!
        self.result.simulation = self

        # Save the simulation summary:
        do_summary = False
        if do_summary:
            fname = "~/Desktop/pdfs/%s.pdf" % (self._sim_desc_str().replace(" ", ""))
            summary = SimulationMRedoc.build(self)

        # And unlink the old files (so we don't go mad on disk space)

        return self.result
예제 #4
    def _run_spawn(self):

        LogMgr.info('_run_spawn() [Pickling Sim]')
        (bundle, resfilename) = MetaDataBundleBuilder.build_std_pickler(self)
        (_bundlefname, sim_cmd) = bundle.write_to_file_and_get_exec_string()

        # if Exists(resfilename):
        #    os.unlink(resfilename)

        if not os.path.exists(resfilename):

            # Setup the LD_LIBRARY PATH:
            # It may be nessesary to add the following to .mfrc
            # ld_library_path_suffix = /home/michael/hw/morphforge/src/morphforgecontrib/neuron_gsl/cpp
            ld_path_additions = RCMgr.get('Neuron',
            old_ld_path = os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '')
            os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join([old_ld_path] +

            LogMgr.info('_run_spawn() [Spawning subprocess]')
            ret_code = subprocess.call(sim_cmd, shell=True)
            if ret_code != 1:
                raise ValueError('Unable to simulate %s' % self.name)
            LogMgr.info('_run_spawn() [Finished spawning subprocess]')

        # Load back the results:
        LogMgr.info('_run_spawn() [Loading results]')
        self.result = SimulationResult.load_from_file(resfilename)
        LogMgr.info('_run_spawn() [Finished loading results]')

        # We have to do this so that the simulation object
        # within the result is correct!!
        self.result.simulation = self

        # Save the simulation summary:

        do_summary = False
        if do_summary:
            fname = '~/Desktop/pdfs/%s.pdf' % (self._sim_desc_str().replace(
                ' ', ''))
            summary = SimulationMRedoc.build(self)

        return self.result
예제 #5
    def Load(self, morphname, src, regionNames=None):
        assert False, 'Do not use this module ~ currently in development'

        regionNames = regionNames if regionNames else self.defaultxyzXYZRegionNames
        lines = [l.strip() for l in src.readlines()]
        lines = [l for l in lines if l and l[0] != '#' and l[0] != ':']

        # Check the header:
        line1 = lines[0].translate(None, '\t ')
        assert line1 == 'n,T,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,P'

        line1 = lines[0].translate(None, '\t ')
        assert line1 == 'n,T,x,y,z,X,Y,Z,P'

        regionTypes = dict([(index, Region(name)) for index, name, in regionNames.iteritems() ])
        sections = []

        for l in lines[1:]:
            toks = l.split(',')
            T = int(toks[1])
            xyz = (float(toks[2]), float(toks[3]), float(toks[4]))
            XYZ = (float(toks[5]), float(toks[6]), float(toks[7]))

            centre = ((xyz[0] + XYZ[0]) / 2.0, (xyz[1] + XYZ[1]) / 2.0, (xyz[2] + XYZ[2]) / 2.0)
            rad = np.sqrt(sum([(xyz[i] - centre[i]) ** 2.0 for i in [0, 1, 2]]))

            if rad < 0.3:
                rad = 0.3

            if sections:
                LogMgr.info("Loading ID: %d" % int(toks[0]))
                newSect = sections[-1].create_distal_section(regions=[regionTypes[T]], x=centre[0], y=centre[1], z=centre[2], r=rad)
                newSect = Section (regions=[regionTypes[T]], x=centre[0], y=centre[1], z=centre[2], r=rad)


        # Create the Cell
        c = MorphologyTree(name=morphname, root=sections[0],
        return c
예제 #6
    def _RunSpawn(self):
        LogMgr.info("_RunSpawn() [Pickling Sim]")
        b, resfilename = MetaDataBundleBuilder.buildStdPickler(self)
        bundlefilename, simCmd = b.writeToFileAndGetExecString()
        #if Exists(resfilename):
        #    os.unlink(resfilename)
        if not Exists(resfilename):

            # Setup the LD_LIBRARY PATH:
            # It may be nessesary to add the following to .mfrc
            # ld_library_path_suffix = /home/michael/hw/morphforge/src/morphforgecontrib/neuron_gsl/cpp
            ld_path_additions = RCMgr.get("Neuron","ld_library_path_suffix").split(":")
            old_ld_path = os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH','') 
            os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ":".join( [old_ld_path] + ld_path_additions ) 
            LogMgr.info("_RunSpawn() [Spawning subprocess]")
            retCode = ExecCommandGetRetCode(simCmd)
            if retCode != 1: raise ValueError("Unable to simulate %s" % self.name)
            LogMgr.info("_RunSpawn() [Finished spawning subprocess]")
        # Load back the results:
        LogMgr.info("_RunSpawn() [Loading results]")
        self.result = SimulationResult.loadFromFile(resfilename)
        LogMgr.info("_RunSpawn() [Finished loading results]")
        # We have to do this so that the simulation object
        # within the result is correct!!
        self.result.simulation = self
        return self.result