예제 #1
 def getSingleSectionSoma(cls, rad=None, area=None):
     assert (rad or area) and not(rad and area)
     if area:
         area = convertToUnit(area, defaultUnit="um2" ).rescale("um2").magnitude
         rad = numpy.power((area / (4.0 * numpy.pi)), 1.0 / 2.0)
         assert isinstance(int,rad) or isinstance(float,rad)
         rad = convertToUnit(rad, defaultUnit="um" ).rescale("um").magnitude
     somaRegion = Region("soma")
     dummysection = Section(region=None, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, r=rad)
     dummysection.extrudeChildSection(region=somaRegion, x=rad * 2.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, r=rad, idTag="soma")
     cell = MorphologyTree("SimpleSomaMorph", dummysection=dummysection, metadata={})      
     return cell
예제 #2
 def getSomaAxonMorph(cls, axonLength=1000.0, axonRad=0.3, somaRad=20.0, axonSections=10):
     somaRegion = Region("soma")
     axonRegion = Region("axon")
     axonSectionLength = float(axonLength) / float(axonSections)
     dummyRoot = Section(region=None, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, r=somaRad)
     soma = dummyRoot.extrudeChildSection(region=somaRegion, x=somaRad * 2.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, r=somaRad, idTag="soma")
     prevSection = soma
     for x in range(1, axonSections):
         axon = prevSection.extrudeChildSection(region=axonRegion, x=x * axonSectionLength + 2.0 * somaRad, y=0, z=0, r=axonRad, idTag="axon_%d" % x)
         prevSection = axon
     cell = MorphologyTree("SimpleSomaAxonMorph", dummysection=dummyRoot, metadata={})
     return cell