예제 #1
 def InternalConfigure(self, config_dict):
     self.a_min, self.a_max = reader.read_param(config_dict, "paramRange", "required")["a"]
     self.b_min, self.b_max = reader.read_param(config_dict, "paramRange", "required")["b"]
     self.x_min, self.x_max = reader.read_param(config_dict, "paramRange", "required")["x"]
     self.y_min, self.y_max = reader.read_param(config_dict, "paramRange", "required")["y"]
     self.width_min, self.width_max = reader.read_param(config_dict, "paramRange", "required")["width"]
     return True
    def InternalConfigure(self, config_dict={}):
        Required class attributes:
        - volume [m3]
        - density [1/m3]
        - experiment duration [s]
        - neutrino mass [eV]
        - energy window [KEmin,KEmax]
        - background [counts/eV/s]
        - energy resolution [eV]

        self.KEmin, self.KEmax = reader.read_param(
            config_dict, "energy_window", [
                Constants.tritium_endpoint() - 1e3,
                Constants.tritium_endpoint() + 1e3
        self.volume = reader.read_param(config_dict, "volume", 1e-6)
        self.density = reader.read_param(config_dict, "density", 1e18)
        self.duration = reader.read_param(config_dict, "duration", 1e18)
        self.neutrinomass = reader.read_param(config_dict, "neutrino_mass",
        self.background = reader.read_param(config_dict, "background", 1e-6)
        self.poisson_fluctuations = reader.read_param(config_dict,
        self.energy_resolution = reader.read_param(config_dict,
                                                   "energy_resolution", 0)
        self.numberDecays = reader.read_param(config_dict, "number_decays", -1)
        return True
예제 #3
 def InternalConfigure(self, params):
         object_type: class of the object to read in the file
         object_name: name of the tree followed by the name of the object
         use_katydid: retro-compatibility to Katydid namespace
     self.object_type = reader.read_param(params, "object_type",
     self.object_name = reader.read_param(params, "object_name",
     self.use_katydid = reader.read_param(params, "use_katydid", False)
     return True
예제 #4
    def InternalConfigure(self, params):
        # Initialize Canvas
        # try:
        #     self.rootcanvas = RootCanvas.RootCanvas(params, optStat=0)
        # except:
        self.rootcanvas = RootCanvas(params, optStat=0)

        # Read other parameters
        self.namedata = reader.read_param(params, 'variables', "required")
        self.multipleHistos = False
        if isinstance(self.namedata, list):
            self.multipleHistos = True
        if self.multipleHistos:
            self.histos = []
            for var in self.namedata:
                aParamsDict = params
                aParamsDict.update({"variables": str(var)})
                self.histos.append(RootHistogram(params, optStat=0))
            self.histo = RootHistogram(params, optStat=0)
        return True
예제 #5
    def InternalConfigure(self, param_dict):
        # Initialize Canvas: for some reason, the module or the class is
        # imported depending which script imports.
            self.rootcanvas = RootCanvas(param_dict, optStat=0)
            self.rootcanvas = RootCanvas.RootCanvas(param_dict, optStat=0)

        # Read other parameters
        self.nbins_x = int(reader.read_param(param_dict, 'n_bins_x', 100))
        self.nbins_y = int(reader.read_param(param_dict, 'n_bins_y', 100))
        self.namedata = reader.read_param(param_dict, 'variables', "required")
        self.draw_opt_2d = reader.read_param(
            param_dict, 'root_plot_option', "contz")
        return True
예제 #6
 def InternalConfigure(self, config_dict):
         null_neutrino_mass (bool): set the neutrino mass to zero during fit
     self.null_m_nu = reader.read_param(config_dict, "null_neutrino_mass",
     return True
 def InternalConfigure(self, params):
         frequency_data: An list of frequencies to be converted to
             energies, in Hz
         B: Magnetic field used to convert frequency to energy in T
         m_electron: Electron mass in eV (Default=510998.910)
         omega_c: (Default=1.758820088e+11)
         frequencies: list of frequencies to be converted
         energies: list of the energies converted from frequencies in Hz
     self.params = params
     self.B = reader.read_param(params, "B", "required")
     self.m_electron = reader.read_param(params, "m_electron", 510998.910)
     self.omega_c = reader.read_param(params, "omega_c", 1.758820088e+11)
     self.frequencies = list()
     self.energies = list()
     return True
예제 #8
 def InternalConfigure(self, params):
     # Initialize Canvas
     self.rootcanvas = RootCanvas(params, optStat=0)
     self.histo = RootHistogram(params, optStat=0)
     # Read other parameters
     self.namedata = reader.read_param(params, 'variables', "required")
     return True
예제 #9
    def InternalConfigure(self, param_dict):
        # Initialize Canvas: for some reason, the module or the class is
        # imported depending which script imports.
            self.rootcanvas = RootCanvas(param_dict, optStat=0)
            self.rootcanvas = RootCanvas.RootCanvas(param_dict, optStat=0)

        # Read other parameters
        self.namedata = reader.read_param(param_dict, 'variables', "required")
        return True
예제 #10
 def InternalConfigure(self, config_dict):
     self.module_name = str(reader.read_param(config_dict, 'module_name', "required"))
     self.function_name = str(reader.read_param(config_dict, 'function_name', "required"))
     self.config_dict = config_dict
     # Test if the module exists
         import imp
         self.module = imp.load_source(
             self.module_name, self.module_name+'.py')
     except Exception as err:
         return 0
     # Test if the function exists in the file
     if hasattr(self.module, self.function_name):
         logger.info("Found {} using {}".format(
             self.function_name, self.module_name))
         logger.critical("Couldn't find {} using {}".format(
             self.function_name, self.module_name))
         return False
     return True
예제 #11
 def InternalConfigure(self, config_dict):
     self.varName = reader.read_param(config_dict, "varName", "required")
     self.mode = reader.read_param(config_dict, "mode", "generate")
     logger.debug("Mode {}".format(self.mode))
     self.iter = int(reader.read_param(config_dict, "iter", "required"))
     if self.mode == "lsampling":
         self.binned = int(reader.read_param(config_dict, "binned", False))
         self.nuisanceParametersNames = reader.read_param(config_dict, "nuisanceParams", "required")
         self.warmup = int(reader.read_param(config_dict, "warmup", self.iter/2.))
     self.numCPU = int(reader.read_param(config_dict, "n_jobs", 1))
     self.options = reader.read_param(config_dict, "options", dict())
     if self.mode not in ['generate', 'lsampling', 'fit']:
         logger.error("Mode '{}' is not valid; choose between 'mode' and 'lsampling'".format(self.mode))
         return False
     self.datasetName = "data_"+self.varName
     self.paramOfInterestNames = reader.read_param(config_dict, "interestParams", "required")
     self.fixedParameters = reader.read_param(config_dict, "fixedParams", dict)
     if not isinstance(self.fixedParameters, dict):
         logger.error("fixedParams should be a dictionary like {'varName': value}")
         return False
     return True
예제 #12
 def __init__(self, input_dict, optStat='emr'):
     self.n_bins_x = reader.read_param(input_dict, "n_bins_x", 100)
     self.x_min, self.x_max = reader.read_param(input_dict, "range", [0., -1.])
     self.dataName = reader.read_param(input_dict, "variables", "required")
     self.title = str(reader.read_param(input_dict, "title", 'hist_{}'.format(self.dataName)))
     self.xtitle = reader.read_param(input_dict, "x_title", self.dataName)
     self.ytitle = reader.read_param(input_dict, "y_title", "")
예제 #13
 def InternalConfigure(self, config_dict):
         null_neutrino_mass (bool): set the neutrino mass to zero during fit
     self.fixed_m_nu = reader.read_param(config_dict, "fixed_m_nu", False)
     self.neutrino_mass = reader.read_param(
         config_dict, "neutrino_mass", 0.)
     self.energy_resolution = reader.read_param(
         config_dict, "energy_resolution", 0.)
     # self.n_events = reader.read_param(config_dict, "n_events", 1200)
     # self.n_bkgd = reader.read_param(config_dict, "n_kbg", 100)
     self.background = reader.read_param(config_dict, "background", 1e-6)
     self.volume = reader.read_param(config_dict, "volume", 1e-6)
     self.density = reader.read_param(config_dict, "density", 1e18)
     self.duration = reader.read_param(config_dict, "duration", 1e18)
     self.KE_min, self.KE_max = reader.read_param(
         config_dict, "paramRange", "required")["KE"]
     self.numberDecays = reader.read_param(config_dict, "number_decays", -1)
     self.poisson_fluctuations = reader.read_param(
         config_dict, "poisson_fluctuations", False)
     return True
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, input_dict, optStat='emr'):

        self.width = reader.read_param(input_dict, "width", 600)
        self.height = reader.read_param(input_dict, "height", 400)
        self.title = reader.read_param(
            input_dict, "title", 'can_{}_{}'.format(self.height, self.width))
        if self.title != "":
            plots._set_style_options(0.04, 0.1, 0.07, 0.12, optStat)
            plots._set_style_options(0.04, 0.1, 0.03, 0.12, optStat)
        self.xtitle = reader.read_param(input_dict, "x_title", "")
        self.ytitle = reader.read_param(input_dict, "y_title", "")
        self.canvasoptions = reader.read_param(input_dict, "options", "")

        # Creating Canvas
        from ROOT import TCanvas
        self.canvas = TCanvas(self.title, self.title, self.width, self.height)
        if "logy" in self.canvasoptions:
        if "logx" in self.canvasoptions:

        # Output path
        self.path = reader.read_param(input_dict, "output_path", "./")
        self.output_format = reader.read_param(
            input_dict, "output_format", "pdf")
        if not self.path.endswith('/'):
            self.path = self.path + "/"
        if self.title != ' ':
            self.figurefullpath = self.path+self.title+'_'
            self.figurefullpath = self.path
        if isinstance(input_dict['variables'], str):
            self.figurefullpath += input_dict['variables']
        elif isinstance(input_dict['variables'], list):
            for namedata in input_dict['variables']:
                self.figurefullpath += namedata + '_'

        if self.figurefullpath.endswith('_'):
            self.figurefullpath = self.figurefullpath[:-1]
        self.figurefullpath += "." + self.output_format
예제 #15
    def InternalConfigure(self, params):
            object_type: class of the object to read in the file
            object_name: name of the tree followed by the name of the object
            use_katydid: retro-compatibility to Katydid namespace
            read_livetimes: read livetimes from root files
            channel_ids: key list that will be used for storing the file content, length determines how many files are read
            rf_roi_min_freqs: list of frequencies that is added to all frequencies read from ROOT file, has to match length of channel ids
            channel_transition_ranges: list of frequency ranges for each channel
            merged_frequency_variable: reutrn key for merged start frequencies
        self.object_type = reader.read_param(params, "object_type",
        self.object_name = reader.read_param(params, "object_name",
        self.use_katydid = reader.read_param(params, "use_katydid", False)
        self.read_livetimes = reader.read_param(params, "read_livetimes",

        self.channel_ids = reader.read_param(params, "channel_ids",
                                             ['a', 'b', 'c'])
        self.rf_roi_min_freqs = reader.read_param(params, "rf_roi_min_freqs",
                                                  [0, 0, 0])
        self.transition_freqs = reader.read_param(params,
                                                  [0, 0])
        self.frequency_variable_name = reader.read_param(
            params, "merged_frequency_variable", "F")

        if len(self.channel_ids) > len(self.rf_roi_min_freqs):
            raise ValueError('More channel ids than min frequencies')
        if len(self.channel_ids) > len(self.transition_freqs):
            raise ValueError('More channel ids than frequency ranges')
        if len(self.channel_ids) > len(self.file_name):
            raise ValueError('More channel ids than root files')

        self.N_channels = len(self.channel_ids)
        return True
예제 #16
 def InternalConfigure(self, params):
     self.tree_name = reader.read_param(params, "tree_name", "required")
     self.file_option = reader.read_param(params, "file_option", "Recreate")
     return True
예제 #17
    def InternalConfigure(self, params):
        All parameters have defaults.
        Configurable parameters are:
        - Q [eV]: endpoint energy
        - neutrino_mass [eV]: true neutrino mass
        - minf [Hz]: low frequency cut-off (high cutoff is determined from efficiency dict)
        – Kmin [eV]: low energy cut-off
        – Kmax [eV]: high energy cut-off
        - n_steps: number of energy bins that data will be drawn from
        - B_field: used for energy-frequency conversion
        - sig_trans [eV]: width of thermal broadening
        - other_sig [eV]: width of other broadening
        - runtime [s]: used to calculate number of background events
        - S: number of signal events
        - A_b [1/eV/s]: background rate
        - poisson_stats (boolean): if True number of total events is random
        - err_from_B [eV]: energy uncertainty originating from B uncertainty
        - survival_prob: lineshape parameter - ratio of n+t/nth peak
        - scattering_sigma [eV]: lineshape parameter - 0-th peak gaussian broadening standard deviation
        - NScatters: lineshape parameter - number of scatters included in lineshape
        - simplified_scattering_path: path to simplified lineshape parameters
        #- detailed_scattering_path: path to H2 scattering files for detailed lineshape
        - efficiency_path: path to efficiency vs. frequency (and uncertainties)
        - use_lineshape (boolean): determines whether tritium spectrum is smeared by lineshape.
          If False, it will only be smeared with a Gaussian
        - detailed_or_simplified_lineshape: If use lineshape, this string determines which lineshape model is used.
        - apply_efficiency (boolean): determines whether tritium spectrum is multiplied by efficiency
        - return_frequency: data is always generated as energies. If this parameter is true a list of frequencies is added to the dictionary

        # Read other parameters
        self.Q = reader.read_param(
            params, 'Q', QT2)  #Choose the atomic or molecular tritium endpoint
        self.m = reader.read_param(params, 'neutrino_mass',
                                   0.2)  #Neutrino mass (eV)
        self.Kmin = reader.read_param(
            params, 'Kmin', self.Q - self.m -
            2300)  #Energy corresponding to lower bound of frequency ROI (eV)
        self.Kmax = reader.read_param(params, 'Kmax', self.Q - self.m +
                                      1000)  #Same, for upper bound (eV)
        self.minf = reader.read_param(params, 'minf',
                                      25.8e+9)  #Minimum frequency
        if self.Kmax <= self.Kmin:
            logger.error("Kmax <= Kmin!")
            return False
        self.n_steps = reader.read_param(params, 'n_steps', 1e5)
        if self.n_steps <= 0:
            logger.error("Negative number of steps!")
            return False
        self.B_field = reader.read_param(params, 'B_field', 0.9578186017836624)

        #For a Phase IV gaussian smearing:
        self.sig_trans = reader.read_param(
            params, 'sig_trans', 0.020856
        )  #Thermal translational Doppler broadening for atomic T (eV)
        self.other_sig = reader.read_param(
            params, 'other_sig',
            0.05)  #Kinetic energy broadening from other sources (eV)
        self.broadening = np.sqrt(
            self.sig_trans**2 +
            self.other_sig**2)  #Total energy broadening (eV)

        # Phase II Spectrum parameters
        self.runtime = reader.read_param(
            params, 'runtime',
            6.57e6)  #In seconds. Default time is ~2.5 months.
        self.S = reader.read_param(params, 'S', 3300)
        self.B_1kev = reader.read_param(
            params, 'B_1keV', 0.1)  #Background rate per keV for full runtime
        self.A_b = reader.read_param(
            params, 'A_b', self.B_1kev / float(self.runtime) /
            1000.)  #Flat background activity: events/s/eV
        self.B = self.A_b * self.runtime * (self.Kmax - self.Kmin
                                            )  #Background poisson rate
        self.poisson_stats = reader.read_param(params, 'poisson_stats', True)
        self.err_from_B = reader.read_param(
            params, 'err_from_B',
            0.)  #In eV, kinetic energy error from f_c --> K conversion

        #Simplified scattering model parameters
        self.survival_prob = reader.read_param(params, 'survival_prob', 0.77)
        self.scattering_sigma = reader.read_param(params, 'scattering_sigma',
        self.NScatters = reader.read_param(params, 'NScatters', 20)

        self.simplified_scattering_path = reader.read_param(
            params, 'simplified_scattering_path',
        #self.detailed_scattering_path = reader.read_param(params, 'detailed_scattering_path', None)
        self.efficiency_path = reader.read_param(params, 'efficiency_path', '')

        self.use_lineshape = reader.read_param(params, 'use_lineshape', True)
        self.detailed_or_simplified_lineshape = reader.read_param(
            params, 'detailed_or_simplified_lineshape', 'detailed')
        self.apply_efficiency = reader.read_param(params, 'apply_efficiency',
        self.return_frequency = reader.read_param(params, 'return_frequency',

        # get file content if needed
        # get efficiency dictionary
        if self.apply_efficiency:
            self.efficiency_dict = self.load_efficiency_curve()
            self.efficiency_dict = None

        # generate data with lineshape
        if self.use_lineshape:
            self.lineshape = self.detailed_or_simplified_lineshape
            if self.lineshape == 'simplified':
                self.SimpParams = self.load_simp_params(
                    self.scattering_sigma, self.survival_prob, self.NScatters)
            elif self.lineshape == 'detailed':
                if not os.path.exists('./scatter_spectra_files'):
                    raise IOError('./scatter_spectra_files does not exist')
                self.SimpParams = [
                    self.scattering_sigma * 2 * math.sqrt(2 * math.log(2)),
                raise ValueError(
                    "'detailed_or_simplified' is neither 'detailed' nor 'simplified'"

            self.lineshape = 'gaussian'
            self.SimpParams = [self.broadening]
            logger.info('Lineshape is Gaussian')
        return True
예제 #18
    def InternalConfigure(self, params):
        # Read other parameters
        self.bins_choice = reader.read_param(params, 'bins_choice', [])
        self.gases = reader.read_param(params, 'gases', ["H2", "Kr"])
        self.max_scatters = reader.read_param(params, 'max_scatters', 20)
        self.max_comprehensive_scatters = reader.read_param(
            params, 'max_comprehensive_scatters', 20)
        self.fix_scatter_proportion = reader.read_param(
            params, 'fix_scatter_proportion', True)
        if self.fix_scatter_proportion == True:
            self.scatter_proportion = reader.read_param(
                params, 'gas1_scatter_proportion', 0.8)
        # This is an important parameter which determines how finely resolved
        # the scatter calculations are. 10000 seems to produce a stable fit, with minimal slowdown
        self.num_points_in_std_array = reader.read_param(
            params, 'num_points_in_std_array', 10000)
        self.RF_ROI_MIN = reader.read_param(params, 'RF_ROI_MIN',
        self.B_field = reader.read_param(params, 'B_field', 0.957810722501)
        self.shake_spectrum_parameters_json_path = reader.read_param(
            params, 'shake_spectrum_parameters_json_path',
        self.path_to_osc_strengths_files = reader.read_param(
            params, 'path_to_osc_strengths_files', '/host/')

        if not os.path.exists(self.shake_spectrum_parameters_json_path):
            raise IOError('Shake spectrum path does not exist')
        if not os.path.exists(self.path_to_osc_strengths_files):
            raise IOError('Path to osc strengths files does not exist')
예제 #19
 def InternalConfigure(self, params):
     self.frequencies = list()
     self.results = list()
     self.frequency_shift = reader.read_param(params, "frequency_shift", 0)
     return True
예제 #20
 def InternalConfigure(self, params):
     """Configures by reading in list of names of divergence plots to be created and dictionary containing fit object"""
     self.which_diag_plots = reader.read_param(params,"which_diag_plots")
     self.data = reader.read_param(params,"data",{})
예제 #21
    def InternalConfigure(self,config_dict):
            - null_neutrino_mass (bool): set the neutrino mass to zero during fit
            - background: background rate in 1/eV/s
            - event_rate: tritium events in 1/s
            - duration:  duration of data taking in s
            - options: Dicitonary (for example: {"snr_efficiency": True, "channel_efficiency":False, "smearing": False})
                determines which efficiencies are multiplied and whether spectrum is smeared
            - energy_or_frequency: determines whether generated data is in energy or frequency domain
            - KEmin: minimum energy in eV. Only used if domain is energy.
            - KEmax: maximum energy in eV. Only used if domain is energy.
            - frequency_window: frequency range around central frequency in Hz. Only used if domain in frequency.
            - energy_resolution: width of Gaussian that will be used to smeare spectrum. Only used if domain is energy.
            - frequency_resolution: width of Gaussian that will be used to smeare spectrum. Only used if domain is frequency.
            - B_field_strength: used to translate energies to frequencies. Required for efficiency and frequency domain data.
            - snr_efficiency_coefficiency: polynomial coefficients for global (channel independent) efficiency.
            - channel_efficiency: coefficiency for filter function used to calcualte channel efficiency.
                        function is: "c4 * TMath::Sqrt(1/(1 + 1*TMath::Power((@0*TMath::Power(10, -6)-cf)/c0, c1)))* TMath::Sqrt(1/(1 + TMath::Power((@0*TMath::Power(10, -6)-cf)/c2, c3)))
                        cf is in MHz
            - channel_central_frequency: central frequency needed to calculate channel efficiency. Only used if channel efficiency is applied.
            - mixing_frequency: frequency to substract from global frequencies.

        self.null_m_nu = reader.read_param(config_dict,"null_neutrino_mass",False)
        self.background = reader.read_param(config_dict, "background", 1e-9)
        self.event_rate = reader.read_param(config_dict, "event_rate", 1.)
        self.duration = reader.read_param(config_dict, "duration", 24*3600)
        self.energy_or_frequency = reader.read_param(config_dict, "energy_or_frequency", "frequency")
        self.KEmin = reader.read_param(config_dict, "KEmin", 18.6e3-1e3)
        self.KEmax = reader.read_param(config_dict, "KEmax", 18.6e3+1e3)
        self.Fwindow = reader.read_param(config_dict, "frequency_window", [-50e6, 50e6])
        self.energy_resolution = reader.read_param(config_dict, "energy_resolution", 0)
        self.frequency_resolution = reader.read_param(config_dict, "frequency_resolution", 0)
        self.B = reader.read_param(config_dict, "B_field_strength", 0.95777194923080811)
        self.snr_eff_coeff = reader.read_param(config_dict, "snr_efficiency_coefficients", [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        self.channel_eff_coeff = reader.read_param(config_dict, "channel_efficiency_coefficients", [24587.645303008387, 7645.8567999493698, 24507.145055859062, -11581.288750763715, 0.98587787287591955])
        self.channel_cf = reader.read_param(config_dict, "channel_central_frequency", 1000e6)
        self.mix_frequency = reader.read_param(config_dict, "mixing_frequency", 24.5e9)
        self.Fmin, self.Fmax = [self.mix_frequency + self.channel_cf + self.Fwindow[0] , self.mix_frequency + self.channel_cf + self.Fwindow[1]]

        return True
    def InternalConfigure(self, params):

        # Read other parameters
        self.namedata = reader.read_param(params, 'variables', "required")
        self.N = reader.read_param(params, 'N', 'N')
        self.eff_eqn = reader.read_param(params, 'efficiency', '1')
        self.bins = reader.read_param(params, 'bins', [])
        self.asInteger = reader.read_param(params, 'asInteger', False)
        self.energy_or_frequency = reader.read_param(
            params, 'energy_or_frequency',
            'energy')  #Currently only set up to use frequency
        self.efficiency_filepath = reader.read_param(params,
                                                     'efficiency_filepath', '')
        self.fss_bins = reader.read_param(params, "fss_bins", False)
        # If self.fss_bins is True, self.bins is ignored and overwritten

        # initialize the histogram to store the corrected data
        if self.energy_or_frequency == 'energy':
            self.output_bin_variable = 'KE'
        elif self.energy_or_frequency == 'frequency':
            self.output_bin_variable = 'F'
            return False

        self.efficiency_file_content = self.GetEfficiencyFileContent()
        if not self.efficiency_file_content == self.GetEfficiencyFileContent():
            logger.error("Failed reading efficiency file")
            return False

        if self.fss_bins == True:
            self.bin_centers = self.efficiency_file_content['frequencies']
            self.bins = np.array(self.bin_centers) - (self.bin_centers[1] -
                                                      self.bin_centers[0]) / 2
            self.bins = np.append(self.bins, [
                self.bin_centers[-1] +
                (self.bin_centers[1] - self.bin_centers[0]) / 2
            self.bin_centers = self.bins[0:-1] + 0.5 * (self.bins[1] -

            # check that frequency bins are withing good frequency region
            if self.bins[-1] > np.max(
                    'Bin edge above FSS frequency region. FSS region is {} - {} GHz'
                        np.min(self.efficiency_file_content['frequencies']) *
                        np.max(self.efficiency_file_content['frequencies']) *
                return False
            elif self.bins[0] < np.min(
                    'Bin edge below FSS frequency region. As long as tritium endpoint is higher (in frequency) this is not a problem. FSS region is {} - {} GHz'
                        np.min(self.efficiency_file_content['frequencies']) *
                        np.max(self.efficiency_file_content['frequencies']) *

        return True