def ensemble2pointcloud( ensemble: CloudEnsemble) -> Optional[Union[PointCloud, HybridCloud]]: """ Merges vertices and labels from all clouds in the ensemble into a single PointCloud with the respective object boundary information saved in obj_bounds. There can only be one HybridCloud per CloudEnsemble, if there is one, the nodes and edges get transferred as well. Args: ensemble: The CloudEnsemble whose clouds should be merged. """ parts = [ensemble.clouds[key] for key in ensemble.clouds.keys()] names = [key for key in ensemble.clouds.keys()] merged_clouds = clouds.merge_clouds(parts, names, ignore_hybrids=True) if merged_clouds is not None: merged_clouds.add_no_pred(ensemble.no_pred) if ensemble.hc is None: return merged_clouds else: if merged_clouds is None: # no additional clouds are present return ensemble.hc return clouds.merge_clouds([ensemble.hc, merged_clouds], ['hybrid', 'clouds'])
def build_pcd(cloud_list: list, random_seed: int) -> o3d.geometry.PointCloud: """ Builds an Open3d point cloud object out of the given list of morphx PointClouds. Args: cloud_list: List of MorphX PointCloud objects which should be visualized. random_seed: flag for using the same colors. """ if random_seed is not None: np.random.seed(random_seed) # merge all clouds in cloud_list merged = None for cloud in cloud_list: if isinstance(cloud, CloudEnsemble): cloud = cloud.flattened if merged is None: merged = cloud else: merged = clouds.merge_clouds([merged, cloud]) labels = merged.labels vertices = merged.vertices # add 3D points pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vertices) # assign colors if labels exist if labels is not None and len(labels) != 0: labels = labels.reshape(len(labels)) label_num = int(max(np.unique(labels)) + 1) # generate colors (either fixed or randomly) if label_num <= 10: colors = np.array([[122, 174, 183], [197, 129, 104], [87, 200, 50], [137, 58, 252], [133, 1, 1], [107, 114, 219], [4, 52, 124], [46, 41, 78], [46, 41, 78], [46, 41, 78]]) / 255 else: colors = np.random.choice(range(256), size=(label_num, 3)) / 255 colors = colors[labels.astype(int)] pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) return pcd
def sample_ensemble(ensemble: CloudEnsemble, vertex_number: int, random_seed: Optional[int] = None) \ -> Tuple[Optional[PointCloud], np.ndarray]: """ Samples ensemble parts with respect to their vertex number. Each cloud in the ensemble gets len(cloud.vertices)/len(ensemble.vertices)*vertex_number points (ceiled if possible), where len(ensemble.vertices) is just the total number of vertices from all ensemble clouds. The samples from the different clouds are merged into one PointCloud, the cloud information gets saved in the obj_bounds dict of that PointCloud. Args: ensemble: The ensemble from whose objects the samples should be drawn. vertex_number: The number of requested sample points. random_seed: A random seed to make sampling deterministic. Returns: PointCloud object with ensemble cloud information in obj_bounds. Dict with ensemble object names as keys and indices of the samples drawn from this object as np.arrays. """ total = 0 for key in ensemble.clouds: total += len(ensemble.clouds[key].vertices) if total == 0: return None, np.zeros(0) current = 0 result_ixs = np.zeros((vertex_number, 1)) samples = [] names = [] for key in ensemble.clouds: verts = len(ensemble.clouds[key].vertices) / total * vertex_number if current + ceil(verts) <= vertex_number: verts = ceil(verts) sample, ixs = clouds.sample_objectwise(ensemble.clouds[key], verts, random_seed=random_seed) result_ixs[current:current + verts] = ixs current += verts samples.append(sample) names.append(key) result = clouds.merge_clouds(samples, names) return result, result_ixs
def load_cloudset(self, idx: int): """ Gets executed when cloudset flag is set and visualizes the results from cloudset chunking performed by the save_cloudset method. Args: idx: Index at which file the viewing should start. """ while idx < len(self.files1): file = self.files1[idx] slashs = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(file) if char == '/'] filename = file[slashs[-1]:-4] print("Viewing: " + filename) with open(file, 'rb') as f: content = pickle.load(f) hybrid_idx = content[0] hybrid_file = [ file for file in self.files2 if 'cloud_{}'.format(hybrid_idx) in file ] hybrid = basics.load_pkl(hybrid_file[0]) local_bfs = content[1] sample = content[2] bfs_cloud = visualize.prepare_bfs(hybrid, local_bfs) hybrid_bfs = clouds.merge_clouds([hybrid, bfs_cloud]) res = self.core_next(hybrid_bfs, sample, 'sample_h{}_i{}'.format(hybrid_idx, idx)) if res is None: return else: idx += res
def compare_transforms(chunk_size: int, sample_num: int): """ Create and save all resulting chunks of an dataset with different transforms """ # features = {'hc': np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]), # 'mi': np.array([0, 1, 0, 0]), # 'vc': np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]), # 'sy': np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])} features = {'hc': np.array([1])} identity = clouds.Compose([clouds.Identity()]) center = clouds.Compose([clouds.Center()]) path = os.path.expanduser('~/thesis/gt/cmn/dnh/voxeled/') save_path = f'{path}examples/' ch = ChunkHandler(path, sample_num=sample_num, density_mode=False, tech_density=100, bio_density=100, specific=True, ctx_size=chunk_size, obj_feats=features, transform=identity, splitting_redundancy=2, label_mappings=[(5, 3), (6, 4)], label_remove=None, sampling=True, verbose=True) ch_transform = ChunkHandler(path, sample_num=5000, density_mode=False, tech_density=100, bio_density=100, specific=True, ctx_size=chunk_size, obj_feats=features, transform=center, splitting_redundancy=2, label_mappings=[(5, 3), (6, 4)], label_remove=None, sampling=True, verbose=True) vert_nums = [] counter = 0 chunk_num = 0 total = None for item in ch.obj_names: total_cell = None chunk_num += ch.get_obj_length(item) for i in range(ch.get_obj_length(item)): sample, idcs, vert_num = ch[(item, i)] sample_t, _, _ = ch_transform[(item, i)] vert_nums.append(vert_num) if not os.path.exists(save_path + f'{item}/'): os.makedirs(save_path + f'{item}/') if vert_num < ch.sample_num: counter += 1 with open(f'{save_path}{item}/{i}.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump([sample, sample_t], f) if total_cell is None: total_cell = sample else: total_cell = clouds.merge_clouds([total_cell, sample]) if total is None: total = total_cell else: total = clouds.merge_clouds([total, total_cell]) with open(f'{save_path}{item}/total.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(total_cell, f) with open(f'{save_path}total.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(total, f) vert_nums = np.array(vert_nums) print(f"Min: {vert_nums.min()}") print(f"Max: {vert_nums.max()}") print(f"Mean: {vert_nums.mean()}") print(f"Chunks with less points than requested: {counter}/{chunk_num}") with open(f'{save_path}{chunk_size}_vertnums.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(vert_nums, f) f.close()
def analyse_features(m_path: str, args_path: str, out_path: str, val_path: str, context_list: List[Tuple[str, int]], label_mappings: List[Tuple[int, int]] = None, label_remove: List[int] = None, splitting_redundancy: int = 1, test: bool = False): device = torch.device('cuda') m_path = os.path.expanduser(m_path) out_path = os.path.expanduser(out_path) args_path = os.path.expanduser(args_path) val_path = os.path.expanduser(val_path) # load model specifications argscont = ArgsContainer().load_from_pkl(args_path) lcp_flag = False # load model if argscont.architecture == 'lcp' or argscont.model == 'ConvAdaptSeg': kwargs = {} if argscont.model == 'ConvAdaptSeg': kwargs = dict(, architecture=argscont.architecture, act=argscont.act, norm=argscont.norm_type) conv = dict(layer=argscont.conv[0], kernel_separation=argscont.conv[1]) model = get_network(argscont.model, argscont.input_channels, argscont.class_num, conv,, **kwargs) lcp_flag = True elif argscont.use_big: model = SegBig(argscont.input_channels, argscont.class_num, trs=argscont.track_running_stats, dropout=0, use_bias=argscont.use_bias, norm_type=argscont.norm_type, use_norm=argscont.use_norm, kernel_size=argscont.kernel_size, neighbor_nums=argscont.neighbor_nums, reductions=argscont.reductions, first_layer=argscont.first_layer, padding=argscont.padding, nn_center=argscont.nn_center, centroids=argscont.centroids,, normalize=argscont.cp_norm) else: print("Adaptable model was found!") model = SegAdapt(argscont.input_channels, argscont.class_num, architecture=argscont.architecture, trs=argscont.track_running_stats, dropout=argscont.dropout, use_bias=argscont.use_bias, norm_type=argscont.norm_type, kernel_size=argscont.kernel_size, padding=argscont.padding, nn_center=argscont.nn_center, centroids=argscont.centroids,, normalize=argscont.cp_norm, act=argscont.act) try: full = torch.load(m_path) model.load_state_dict(full) except RuntimeError: model.load_state_dict(full['model_state_dict']) model.eval() pts = torch.rand(1, argscont.sample_num, 3, device=device) feats = torch.rand(1, argscont.sample_num, argscont.input_channels, device=device) contexts = [] th = None if not test: # prepare data loader if label_mappings is None: label_mappings = argscont.label_mappings if label_remove is None: label_remove = argscont.label_remove transforms = clouds.Compose(argscont.val_transforms) th = TorchHandler(val_path, argscont.sample_num, argscont.class_num, density_mode=argscont.density_mode, bio_density=argscont.bio_density, tech_density=argscont.tech_density, transform=transforms, specific=True, obj_feats=argscont.features, ctx_size=argscont.chunk_size, label_mappings=label_mappings, hybrid_mode=argscont.hybrid_mode, feat_dim=argscont.input_channels, splitting_redundancy=splitting_redundancy, label_remove=label_remove, sampling=argscont.sampling, force_split=False, padding=argscont.padding, exclude_borders=0) for context in context_list: pts = torch.zeros((1, argscont.sample_num, 3)) feats = torch.ones((1, argscont.sample_num, argscont.input_channels)) sample = th[context] pts[0] = sample['pts'] feats[0] = sample['features'] o_mask = sample['o_mask'].numpy().astype(bool) l_mask = sample['l_mask'].numpy().astype(bool) target = sample['target'].numpy() target = target[l_mask].astype(int) contexts.append((feats, pts, o_mask, l_mask, target)) else: contexts.append((feats, pts)) for c_ix, context in enumerate(contexts): # set hooks if lcp_flag: layer_outs = SaveFeatures(list(model.children())[0][1:]) act_outs = SaveFeatures([layer.activation for layer in list(model.children())[0][1:]]) else: layer_outs = SaveFeatures(list(model.children())[1]) act_outs = SaveFeatures([list(model.children())[0]]) feats = context[0].to(device, non_blocking=True) pts = context[1].to(device, non_blocking=True) if lcp_flag: pts = pts.transpose(1, 2) feats = feats.transpose(1, 2) output = model(feats, pts).cpu().detach() if lcp_flag: output = output.transpose(1, 2).numpy() if not test: output = np.argmax(output[0][context[2]].reshape(-1, th.num_classes), axis=1) pts = context[1][0].numpy() identifier = f'{context_list[c_ix][0]}_{context_list[c_ix][1]}' target = PointCloud(pts, context[4]) x_offset = (pts[:, 0].max() - pts[:, 0].min()) * 1.5 * 3 pred = PointCloud(pts[context[3]], output) pred.move(np.array([x_offset / 2, 0, 0])) clouds.merge([target, pred]).save2pkl(out_path + identifier + '_0io_r_a.pkl') for ix, layer in enumerate(layer_outs.features): if len(layer) < 2: continue feats = layer[0].detach().cpu()[0] feats_act = act_outs.features[ix].detach().cpu()[0] pts = layer[1].detach().cpu()[0] if lcp_flag: feats = feats.transpose(0, 1).numpy() feats_act = feats_act.transpose(0, 1).numpy() pts = pts.transpose(0, 1).numpy() else: feats = feats.numpy() feats_act = feats_act.numpy() pts = pts.numpy() x_offset = (pts[:, 0].max() - pts[:, 0].min()) * 1.5 * 3 x_offset_act = x_offset / 3 y_size = (pts[:, 1].max() - pts[:, 1].min()) * 1.5 y_offset = 0 row_num = feats.shape[1] / 8 total_pc = None total_pc_act = None for i in range(feats.shape[1]): if i % 8 == 0 and i != 0: y_offset += y_size pc = PointCloud(vertices=pts, features=feats[:, i].reshape(-1, 1)) pc_act = PointCloud(vertices=pts, features=feats_act[:, i].reshape(-1, 1)) pc.move(np.array([(i % 8) * x_offset, y_offset, 0])) pc_act.move(np.array([(i % 8) * x_offset + x_offset / 2.8, y_offset, 0])) pc = clouds.merge_clouds([pc, pc_act]) pc_act = PointCloud(vertices=pts, features=feats_act[:, i].reshape(-1, 1)) pc_act.move(np.array([(i % 8) * x_offset_act, y_offset, 0])) if total_pc is None: total_pc = pc total_pc_act = pc_act else: total_pc = clouds.merge_clouds([total_pc, pc]) total_pc_act = clouds.merge_clouds([total_pc_act, pc_act]) total_pc.move(np.array([-4 * x_offset - x_offset / 2, -row_num / 2 * y_size - y_size / 2, 0])) total_pc_act.move(np.array([-4 * x_offset_act - x_offset_act / 2, -row_num / 2 * y_size - y_size / 2, 0])) total_pc.save2pkl(out_path + f'{context_list[c_ix][0]}_{context_list[c_ix][1]}_l{ix}_r.pkl') total_pc_act.save2pkl(out_path + f'{context_list[c_ix][0]}_{context_list[c_ix][1]}_l{ix}_a.pkl')
def hybridmesh2poisson(hm: HybridMesh, tech_density: int, obj_factor: float) -> PointCloud: """ If there is a skeleton, it gets split into chunks of approximately equal size. For each chunk the corresponding mesh piece gets extracted and gets sampled according to its area. If there is no skeleton, the mesh is split into multiple parts, depending on its area. Each part is then again sampled based on its area. Args: hm: HybridMesh which should be transformed into a HybridCloud with poisson disk sampled points. tech_density: poisson sampling density in point/um². With tech_density = -1, the number of sampled points equals the number of vertices in the given HybridMesh. """ if len(hm.nodes) == 0: offset = 0 mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=hm.vertices, faces=hm.faces) area = mesh.area * 1e-06 # number of chunks should be relative to area chunk_number = round(area / 6) if area == 0 or chunk_number == 0: return PointCloud() total = None for i in tqdm(range(int(chunk_number))): # process all faces left with last chunk if i == chunk_number-1: chunk_faces = hm.faces[offset:] else: chunk_faces = hm.faces[offset:offset + floor(len(hm.faces) // chunk_number)] offset += floor(len(hm.faces) // chunk_number) chunk_hm = HybridMesh(vertices=hm.vertices, faces=chunk_faces, labels=hm.labels, types=hm.types) mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=chunk_hm.vertices, faces=chunk_hm.faces) area = mesh.area * 1e-06 if tech_density == -1: pc = meshes.sample_mesh_poisson_disk(chunk_hm, int(len(chunk_hm.vertices) * obj_factor)) else: pc = meshes.sample_mesh_poisson_disk(chunk_hm, tech_density * area * obj_factor) if total is None: total = pc else: total = clouds.merge_clouds([total, pc]) result = PointCloud(vertices=total.vertices, labels=total.labels, encoding=hm.encoding, no_pred=hm.no_pred, types=total.types) else: total = None intermediate = None context_size = 5 skel2node_mapping = True counter = 0 chunks = graphs.bfs_iterative(hm.graph(), 0, context_size) for chunk in tqdm(chunks): chunk = np.array(chunk) # At the first iteration the face2node mapping must be done if skel2node_mapping: print("Mapping faces to node for further processing. This might take a while...") skel2node_mapping = False extract = hybrids.extract_mesh_subset(hm, chunk) if len(hm.faces) == 0: continue # get the mesh area in trimesh units and use it to determine how many points should be sampled mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vertices=extract.vertices, faces=extract.faces) area = mesh.area * 1e-06 if area == 0: continue else: if tech_density == -1: pc = meshes.sample_mesh_poisson_disk(extract, len(extract.vertices)) else: pc = meshes.sample_mesh_poisson_disk(extract, tech_density * area) if intermediate is None: intermediate = pc else: intermediate = clouds.merge_clouds([intermediate, pc]) # merging slows down process => hold speed constant by reducing merging operations counter += 1 if counter % 50 == 0: if total is None: total = intermediate else: total = clouds.merge_clouds(([total, intermediate])) intermediate = None total = clouds.merge_clouds([total, intermediate]) result = HybridCloud(nodes=hm.nodes, edges=hm.edges, vertices=total.vertices, labels=total.labels, encoding=hm.encoding, no_pred=hm.no_pred, types=total.types) return result