class DepthVideoCamera(AbstractDepthCamera): """ This sensor generates a Depth 'image' from the camera perspective. "Depth images are published as sensor_msgs/Image encoded as 32-bit float. Each pixel is a depth (along the camera Z axis) in meters." [ROS Enhancement Proposal 118]( on Depth Images. If you are looking for PointCloud data, you can use external tools like [depth_image_proc]( which will use the ``intrinsic_matrix`` and the ``image`` to generate it, or eventually the ``XYZCameraClass`` in this module. """ _name = "Depth camera" add_data( 'image', 'none', 'buffer', "Z-Buffer captured by the camera, " "converted in meters. memoryview of float of size " "``(cam_width * cam_height * sizeof(float))`` bytes.") def initialize(self): from morse.sensors.zbuffertodepth import ZBufferToDepth # Store the camera parameters necessary for image processing self.converter = ZBufferToDepth(self.near_clipping, self.far_clipping, \ self.image_width, self.image_height) def process_image(self, image): # Convert the Z-Buffer self.local_data['image'] = self.converter.recover(image)
class DepthVideoCamera(AbstractDepthCamera): """ This sensor generates a Depth 'image' from the camera perspective. "Depth images are published as sensor_msgs/Image encoded as 32-bit float. Each pixel is a depth (along the camera Z axis) in meters." [ROS Enhancement Proposal 118]( on Depth Images. If you are looking for PointCloud data, you can use external tools like [depth_image_proc]( which will use the ``intrinsic_matrix`` and the ``image`` to generate it, or eventually the ``XYZCameraClass`` in this module. """ _name = "Depth camera" add_data('image', 'none', 'buffer', "Z-Buffer captured by the camera, " "converted in meters. memoryview of float of size " "``(cam_width * cam_height * sizeof(float))`` bytes.") def initialize(self): from morse.sensors.zbuffertodepth import ZBufferToDepth # Store the camera parameters necessary for image processing self.converter = ZBufferToDepth(self.near_clipping, self.far_clipping, \ self.image_width, self.image_height) def process_image(self, image): # Convert the Z-Buffer self.local_data['image'] = self.converter.recover(image)
class DepthVideoCameraClass(VideoCameraClass): """ This sensor generates a Depth 'image' from the camera perspective. "Depth images are published as sensor_msgs/Image encoded as 32-bit float. Each pixel is a depth (along the camera Z axis) in meters." [ROS Enhancement Proposal 118]( on Depth Images. If you are looking for PointCloud data, you can use external tools like [depth_image_proc]( which will use the ``intrinsic_matrix`` and the ``image`` to generate it, or eventually the ``XYZCameraClass`` in this module. """ _name = "Depth camera" add_data('image', 'none', 'buffer', "Z-Buffer captured by the camera, " "converted in meters. memoryview of float of size " "``(cam_width * cam_height * sizeof(float))`` bytes.") def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): """ Constructor method. Receives the reference to the Blender object. The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent. """ # Call the constructor of the parent class VideoCameraClass.__init__(self, obj, parent) # Store the camera parameters necessary for image processing self.converter = ZBufferToDepth(self.near_clipping, self.far_clipping, \ self.image_width, self.image_height) def default_action(self): """ Update the texture image. """ # Grab an image from the texture if self.bge_object['capturing'] and (self._n != 0) : # Call the action of the parent class CameraClass.default_action(self) image_data = morse.core.blenderapi.cameras()[].source # Convert the Z-Buffer self.local_data['image'] = self.converter.recover(image_data) self.capturing = True if (self._n > 0): self._n -= 1 if (self._n == 0): self.completed(status.SUCCESS) else: self.capturing = False
def __init__(self, obj, parent=None): """ Constructor method. Receives the reference to the Blender object. The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent. """ # Call the constructor of the parent class VideoCameraClass.__init__(self, obj, parent) # Store the camera parameters necessary for image processing self.converter = ZBufferToDepth(self.near_clipping, self.far_clipping, \ self.image_width, self.image_height)
def initialize(self): from morse.sensors.zbuffertodepth import ZBufferToDepth # Store the camera parameters necessary for image processing self.converter = ZBufferToDepth(self.near_clipping, self.far_clipping, \ self.image_width, self.image_height)