예제 #1
def Finished():
    visThread.stopScan()  # stop looking for the ball
    mHandler.killWalk()  # stop walking
    mot.stance()  # sit down
    mot.setHead(0, 0)  # set head straight
    time.sleep(1)  # wait until seated etc
    mot.killKnees()  # stiffness off to prevent heating
    if not gsc.getSecondaryState():  # if not penalty shootout
        audProxy.setOutputVolume(85)  # volume on
예제 #2
def Finished():
    visThread.stopScan()            # stop looking for the ball
    ledProxy.off('AllLeds')         # turn off ledProxy
    mot.killWalk()                  # stop walking
    mot.stance()                    # sit down
    mot.setHead(0,0)                # set head straight
    time.sleep(1)                   # wait until seated etc
    mot.killKnees()                 # stiffness off to prevent heating
    if not sc.getSecondaryState():
        audProxy.setOutputVolume(85)       # volume on
예제 #3
def BallFoundKeep():
    global phase
    global ball_loc
    global firstCall
    if firstCall['BallFoundKeep']:
        firstCall['BallFoundKeep'] = False
    maxlength = 6
    halfmaxlength = (maxlength/2.0)

    #  FIND A BALL  #
    ball = visThread.findBall()        
    if ball:    
        #if ball[0] < 0.3 and (ball[1] < 0.5 or ball[1] > -0.5):
        #    phase = 'InGoalArea'
        #    mot.move('normalPose')
        #    visThread.findBall()
        #    return True
        (x,y) = ball
        memProxy.insertData('dntBallDist', math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2))

        if len(ball_loc) == 0:
            ball_loc[ 0 ] = ball
        elif len(ball_loc) < maxlength:
            # add to dict, key being a number from maxlength to 0. Last position is position 8 (key 7)
            # but only if ball_loc is already filled and ball is a new location
            if ball != ball_loc[ len(ball_loc) - 1 ]:
                ball_loc[ len(ball_loc) ] = ball
        elif ball != ball_loc[ maxlength - 1 ]:
            xold = 0
            yold = 0
            xnew = 0
            ynew = 0

            # shift elements sidewards, newest ballloc becomes nr <maxlength>, oldest is thrown away
            for number in ball_loc:
                (x,y) = ball_loc[number]
                if number != 0:
                    ball_loc[number-1] = (x,y)
                # add to xold/new and yold/new variables, number 0 is oldest, number <maxlength> most recent ballloc
                if number == 0:
                elif 0 < number < halfmaxlength + 1:
                    xold += x / halfmaxlength
                    yold += y / halfmaxlength
                    xnew += x / halfmaxlength
                    ynew += y / halfmaxlength
            xnew += ball[0] / halfmaxlength
            ynew += ball[1] / halfmaxlength
            ball_loc[maxlength-1] = ball

            # calc diff in distance
            distold = math.sqrt(xold**2 + yold**2)
            distnew = math.sqrt(xnew**2 + ynew**2)
            speed = distold - distnew
            print 'Ball moving from ', xold, yold, 'to', xnew, ynew, '(mean). Speed', speed
            # calculate direction if speed is high enough
            if speed > 0.225:
                # This is all triangular magic using similarity between two triangles formed by balllocations and Nao.
                # Keep in mind that y-axis is inverted and that x is forward, y is sideways!
                #                                              x 
                #      (yold,xold)                             |
                #            .                                 |    
                #            | \                               |
                #          B |   \                             |
                #            |     \                           |
                #            |_______.  (ynew,xnew )           |
                #                A   | \                       |
                #                    |   \                     |
                #                  C |     \                   |
                #                    |       \                 |
                #     y _____________|_________._______________.___________ -y
                #                            (dir,0)           Nao = (0,0)
                #                    [--- D ---]
                # Mathematical proof:
                # A = yold - ynew
                # B = xold - xnew
                # C = xnew
                # D = ynew - dir
                # Similar triangles -> C / B = D / A 
                #                      D     = A*C/B
                #                      D     = ynew - dir
                #                      dir   = A*C/B - ynew
                dir = (yold - ynew )* xnew / (xold - xnew) - ynew
                # if a direction has been found, clear all variables 
                ball_loc = dict()
                ball_loc['Direction'] = dir
                phase = 'BallApproaching'
                firstCall['BallFoundKeep'] = True
                print 'Direction', dir
        phase = 'BallNotFoundKeep'
        firstCall['BallFoundKeep'] = True
예제 #4
def BallFoundKeep():
    global phase
    global ball_loc
    global firstCall

    if firstCall["BallFoundKeep"]:
        firstCall["BallFoundKeep"] = False

    maxlength = 6
    halfmaxlength = 3

    #  FIND A BALL  #
    ball = visThread.findBall()
    if ball:
        # if ball[0] < 0.3 and (ball[1] < 0.5 or ball[1] > -0.5):
        #    phase = 'InGoalArea'
        #    mot.move('normalPose')
        #    visThread.findBall()
        #    return True
        (x, y) = ball

        length = len(ball_loc)
        if length == maxlength:
            ball_loc = ball_loc[1:]
        if length == maxlength:
            xold = 0
            yold = 0
            xnew = 0
            ynew = 0

            # shift elements sidewards, newest ballloc becomes nr <maxlength>, oldest is thrown away
            for number in range(maxlength):
                (x, y) = ball_loc[number]

                # add to xold/new and yold/new variables, number 0 is oldest, number <maxlength> most recent ballloc
                if 0 <= number < halfmaxlength:
                    xold += x
                    yold += y
                    xnew += x
                    ynew += y
            # calculate the mean of measurements
            xold /= halfmaxlength
            yold /= halfmaxlength
            xnew /= halfmaxlength
            ynew /= halfmaxlength

            # calc diff in distance
            distold = math.sqrt(xold ** 2 + yold ** 2)
            distnew = math.sqrt(xnew ** 2 + ynew ** 2)
            speed = distold - distnew

            print "Ball moving from ", xold, yold, "to", xnew, ynew, "(mean). Speed", speed, "Distnew: ", distnew

            # calculate direction if speed is high enough
            if speed > 0.23 or (distnew < 0.8 and speed > 0.05):

                # This is all triangular magic using similarity between two triangles formed by balllocations and Nao.
                # Keep in mind that y-axis is inverted and that x is forward, y is sideways!
                #                                              x
                #      (yold,xold)                             |
                #            .                                 |
                #            | \                               |
                #          B |   \                             |
                #            |     \                           |
                #            |_______.  (ynew,xnew )           |
                #                A   | \                       |
                #                    |   \                     |
                #                  C |     \                   |
                #                    |       \                 |
                #     y _____________|_________._______________.___________ -y
                #                            (dir,0)           Nao = (0,0)
                #                    [--- D ---]

                # Mathematical proof:
                # A = yold - ynew
                # B = xold - xnew
                # C = xnew
                # D = ynew - dir

                # Similar triangles -> C / B = D / A
                #                      D     = A*C/B
                #                      D     = ynew - dir
                #                      A*C/B = ynew - dir
                #                      dir   = A*C/B - ynew

                dir = (yold - ynew) * xnew / (xold - xnew) - ynew
                print "Direction", dir
                # if a direction has been found, clear all variables
                phase = "BallNotFoundKeep"

                ball_loc = list()
                firstCall["BallFoundKeep"] = True
                print "Direction", dir
        phase = "BallNotFoundKeep"
        firstCall["BallFoundKeep"] = True