예제 #1
def calculate_contour_2(receive_contour_queue, send_motor_queue, p_start_lock,
    global run_flag
    global currentDutyCycleT
    global p0, p1, p2, p3
    x_diff = 0
    y_diff = 0
    area_diff = 0
    last_areaDiff = 0
    area = 0
    last_xdiff = 0
    last_ydiff = 0
    start_time = 0
    waiting_threshold = 10
    count = 0
    Period = 200
    #print("I am here1")
    tilt_lst = [0, 0]
    global controller
    controller = motor_controller()
    while (run_flag.value):
            if ((not receive_contour_queue.empty())):
                #last_contour_receive_time = time.time()
                contours = receive_contour_queue.get()  # Extract contour
                # print("Main Processor 2: Get the processed contour from queue\n")
                # print("2 receive_contour_queue  ", receive_contour_queue.qsize())
                Area_list = []
                if 0 == len(contours):
                    # print("Calibration --- finding balloon\n\n\n\n\n")
                    # controller.set_control( 0, 0)
                    controller.set_control(0, 10)
                    if count < Period / 2:
                        tilt_lst[0] = 1
                        tilt_lst[1] = 1.0
                    if count >= Period / 2 and count < Period:
                        tilt_lst[0] = -1
                        tilt_lst[1] = 1.0
                    if count == Period:
                        count = 0
                    count += 1
                    # print currentDutyCycleT
                    if (send_motor_queue.qsize() < 2):
                        send_motor_queue.put(tilt_lst)  # put mask in queue
                    run_flag.value = 0
                    if run_flag.value == 0:

                    # print("processor 2 time ", time.time() - run_time)
                    # print("\n\n\n\n")
                #print("Processor 2 Didn't Receive Frame, sleep for 10ms")
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            run_flag.value = 0
    print("Quiting Processor 2")
예제 #2
파일: main.py 프로젝트: mokis/O10
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

ot = time.time()
running = True

fow_speed = 0
turn_speed = 0
skew = 0

connection_counter = 0

speed_f = speed_filter.speed_filter()

motor_ctrl = motor_controller.motor_controller()

print "start"

while running:

    man_ctrl = zmq.recv("man_ctrl")
    connection_counter += 1

    if len(man_ctrl) == 3:
        connection_counter = 0

        fow_speed = float(man_ctrl[0])
        turn_speed = float(man_ctrl[1])
예제 #3
def calculate_contour_2(receive_contour_queue, send_motor_queue, p_start_lock,
    global count2
    global tilt_time
    global currentDutyCycleT
    global run_flag
    # global p0,p1,p2,p3
    x_diff = 0
    y_diff = 0
    area_diff = 0
    last_areaDiff = 0
    area = 0
    last_xdiff = 0
    last_ydiff = 0
    start_time = 0
    waiting_threshold = 20
    count_no_contour = 0
    #print("I am here1")
    tilt_lst = [0, 0]
    count = 0
    Period = 200
    controller = motor_controller()
    while (run_flag.value):
            if ((not receive_contour_queue.empty())):
                #last_contour_receive_time = time.time()
                contours = receive_contour_queue.get()  # Extract contour
                # print("Main Processor 2: Get the processed contour from queue\n")
                # print("2 receive_contour_queue  ", receive_contour_queue.qsize())
                count2 += 1
                #print("count2 ", count2)
                Area_list = []
                if 0 == len(contours):
                    # print("Calibration --- finding balloon\n\n\n\n\n")
                    # controller.set_control( 0, 0)
                    controller.set_control(0, 10)
                    if count < Period / 2:
                        tilt_lst[0] = 1
                        tilt_lst[1] = 1.0
                    if count >= Period / 2 and count < Period:
                        tilt_lst[0] = -1
                        tilt_lst[1] = 1.0
                    if count == Period:
                        count = 0
                    count += 1
                    # print currentDutyCycleT
                    if (send_motor_queue.qsize() < 2):
                    if count_no_contour > 150:
                        run_flag.value = 0
                        if run_flag.value == 0:
                        # yeh_David
                    time.sleep(waiting_threshold / 1000.)
                    count_no_contour += 1
                    count_no_contour = 0
                    run_time = time.time()
                    Area_list = [cv2.contourArea(c) for c in contours]
                    ##print (Area_list)
                    maxindex = Area_list.index(max(Area_list))
                    ##print maxindex
                    cnt = contours[maxindex]  #Get the first contour
                    ##print (contours[0])
                    M = cv2.moments(cnt)  #Calculat M of the first contour
                    # #print (M)
                    #calcualte the center coordinate
                    if M['m00'] != 0:
                        cx = int(M['m10'] / M['m00'])
                        cy = int(M['m01'] / M['m00'])
                        area = M['m00']
                        #PID control Algo to calculate strength to control servo
                        x_diff = cx - center_x
                        y_diff = abs(cy - center_y)
                        area_diff = area_ref - area
                        # #print("x_bar=%f, y_bar= %f" % (cx,cy))
                        # #print("x_diff= %f, y_diff= %f" % (x_diff,y_diff))
                        # #print("area = %f" % area)

                        #### PID Parameters ####
                        kp_x = 1.0
                        kd_x = 0.001
                        ### ZH PID
                        # Ku = 3
                        # kp_x = Ku*0.6
                        # Tu = 3
                        # Td = Tu/8
                        # kd_x = kp_x*Td

                        kp_z = 6
                        kd_z = 0

                        kp_y = 6
                        kd_y = 0.001

                        proportional_x = x_diff
                        proportional_y = y_diff / (y_res / 2.0)
                        proportional_z = area_diff

                        derivative_x = (last_xdiff - x_diff) / (time.time() -
                        derivative_y = (last_ydiff - y_diff) / (time.time() -
                        derivative_z = (last_areaDiff -
                                        area_diff) / (time.time() - start_time)

                        start_time = time.time()
                        ##print("derivative_x: " + str(derivative_x))
                        ##print("derivative_x*kd_x: " + str(derivative_x*kd_x))
                        #start_time = time.time()
                        strength_x = proportional_x * kp_x + derivative_x * kd_x
                        strength_z = proportional_z * kp_z + derivative_z * kd_z
                        strength_y = proportional_y * kp_y - derivative_y * kd_y
                        ##print "strength:"
                        ##print strength_x

                    #Assume the left and top corner is (0,0)
                    if ((abs(area_diff) <= area_tlr
                         or currentDutyCycleT == 65000)
                            and abs(x_diff) <= x_tlr):
                        c = 1
                        controller.set_control(0, 0)
                            strength_z * 0.005, strength_x *
                            0.05)  #strength_z*0.005, strength_x*0.05
                        # print("area didn't meet the reference")

                    if (y_diff <= y_tlr):
                        # do nothing within tolerance range
                        b = 1
                    elif (cy > center_y):
                        tilt_lst[0] = 1
                        tilt_lst[1] = strength_y
                        ##print('the camera need to raise its head up\n')

                        tilt_lst[0] = -1
                        tilt_lst[1] = strength_y
                        ##print('the camera need to low its head down\n')
                    length_time = time.time() - tilt_time
                    tilt_time = time.time()
                    last_area = area
                    last_xdiff = x_diff
                    last_ydiff = y_diff
                    last_areaDiff = area_diff
                    # #print(tilt_lst)
                    # print(send_motor_queue.qsize())
                    if (send_motor_queue.qsize() < 2):
                        send_motor_queue.put(tilt_lst)  # put mask in queue
                        #print("send_motor_queue", send_motor_queue.qsize())
                    #print("tilt time", length_time)
                    # print("processor 2 time ", time.time() - run_time)#print the running time of processor 2
                #print("Processor 2 Didn't Receive Frame, sleep for 10ms")
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            run_flag.value = 0
예제 #4
def recognize_balloon(run_flag, send_frame_queue, receive_contour_queue,
                      p_start_turn, p_end_turn, p_start_lock, p_end_lock):
    #global cx	# Reference for motors angular velocity
    #global area # Reference for motors velocity
    last_contour_receive_time = 0
    start_time = 0
    start_queue = datetime.now()
    count_put = 0
    count_print_x = 0
    global count1
    global count2
    global count3
    global tilt_time

    time_total_run = time.time()
    x_diff = 0
    y_diff = 0
    area_diff = 0
    area = 0
    last_areaDiff = 0
    last_xdiff = 0
    last_ydiff = 0
    waiting_threshold = 10
    calibration = False
    controller = motor_controller()

    while (run_flag.value):
            #1. get a frame and show ret,
            _, frame = cap.read()
            # height 480; width 640; channel 3
            #cv2.imshow('Capture', frame)
            #2. change to hsv model
            hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
            #3. Threshold the HSV image to get only red colors and get mask
            mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_red, upper_red)  #lower than
            # print(mask)
            start_time_count = time.time()
            #cv2.imshow('Mask_first', mask)
            print('count1  %d, count2   %d, count3   %d' %
                  (count1, count2, count3))

            # #find the contours
            # contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(mask, 1, 2)

            cur_time = datetime.now()
            delta_time = cur_time - start_queue
            delta_time_tol_ms = delta_time.total_seconds() * 1000

            if (calibration):
                print("Calibration the camera")

                #only put the mask in queue if it has past 10ms and there are less than 4 masks in queue
                if (delta_time_tol_ms >
                        waiting_threshold) and (send_frame_queue.qsize() < 4):
                    start_queue = cur_time  # Update last send to queue time
                    send_frame_queue.put(mask)  # put mask in queue
                    count_put += 1
                    #print("put the mask to queue\n")

                #check if receive_contour_queue is not qmpty
                if ((not receive_contour_queue.empty())):
                    last_contour_receive_time = time.time()
                    contours = receive_contour_queue.get()  # Extract contour
                    #print("Main Processor: Get the processed contour from queue\n")

                    Area_list = []
                    if 0 == len(contours):
                        time.sleep(waiting_threshold / 1000.)
                        Area_list = [cv2.contourArea(c) for c in contours]
                        #print (Area_list)
                        maxindex = Area_list.index(max(Area_list))
                        #print maxindex
                        cnt = contours[maxindex]  #Get the first contour
                        #print (contours[0])
                        M = cv2.moments(cnt)  #Calculat M of the first contour
                        # print (M)
                        #calcualte the center coordinate
                        if M['m00'] != 0:
                            cx = int(M['m10'] /
                                     M['m00'])  # columns for angular velocity
                            cy = int(M['m01'] / M['m00'])  # rows
                            area = M['m00']  # area for velocity
                            #PID control Algo to calculate strength to control servo
                            #x_diff = abs(cx - center_x) # should it be absolute? it can be negative as well
                            x_diff = center_x - cx
                            y_diff = abs(cy - center_y)
                            area_diff = area_ref - area
                            #print("x_bar=%f, y_bar= %f" % (cx,cy))
                            #print("x_diff= %f, y_diff= %f" % (x_diff,y_diff))
                            #print("area = %f" % area)
                            count_print_x += 1

                            kp_x = 3
                            kd_x = 0
                            # ZH PID
                            Ku = 3
                            kp_x = Ku * 0.6
                            Tu = 2.2
                            Td = Tu / 8
                            kd_x = kp_x * Td

                            kp_x_right = 3
                            kd_x_right = 0.005

                            #kp_y = 8
                            #kd_y = 0.00005
                            # ZH PID
                            Ku_y = 9
                            kp_y = Ku_y * 0.6
                            Tu_y = 2.5
                            Td_y = Tu_y / 8
                            kd_y = kp_y * Td_y * 0.1

                            kp_area = 6
                            kd_area = 0

                            proportional_x = x_diff
                            proportional_area = area_diff
                            #proportional_x_left = x_diff/(x_res/2.0)
                            #proportional_x_right = x_diff/(x_res/2.0)
                            proportional_y = y_diff  #/(y_res/2.0)

                            derivative_x = (last_xdiff - x_diff) / (
                                time.time() - start_time)
                            derivative_area = (last_areaDiff - area_diff) / (
                                time.time() - start_time)
                            derivative_y = (last_xdiff - y_diff) / (
                                time.time() - start_time)
                            #derivative_z = (last_area - area)/(time.time() - start_time)

                            start_time = time.time()
                            #print("derivative_x: " + str(derivative_x))
                            #print("derivative_x*kd_x: " + str(derivative_x*kd_x))
                            strength_x = proportional_x * kp_x - derivative_x * kd_x
                            strength_area = proportional_area * kp_area - derivative_area * kd_area
                            #strength_x_left = proportional_x_left*kp_x_left - derivative_x*kd_x_left
                            #strength_x_right = proportional_x_right*kp_x_right - derivative_x*kd_x_right
                            strength_y = proportional_y * kp_y + derivative_y * kd_y
                            #print "strength:"
                            #print strength_x

                        #Assume the left and top corner is (0,0)
                        if (abs(x_diff) <= x_tlr):
                            a = 1
                            controller.set_control(0, 0)
                            #do nothing within tolerance range
                            controller.set_control(0., strength_x * 0.05)
                                'the car need to turn left and mvoe forward\n')

                        if (abs(area_diff) <= area_tlr):
                            c = 1
                            controller.set_control(0, 0)
                            controller.set_control(strength_area * 0.005, 0.)
                            print("area didn't meet the reference")

                        if (y_diff <= y_tlr):
                            # do nothing within tolerance range
                            b = 1
                        elif (cy > center_y):
                            rotate_camera(1, strength_y * 0.01)
                            #print('the camera need to raise its head up\n')

                            rotate_camera(-1, strength_y * 0.01)
                            #print('the camera need to low its head down\n')
                        length_time = time.time() - tilt_time
                        tilt_time = time.time()
                        #last_area = area
                        last_xdiff = x_diff
                        last_ydiff = y_diff
                        last_areaDiff = area_diff
                        print("tilt time", length_time)

            #if ((time.time()-last_contour_receive_time) < waiting_threshold/1000.):
            #cv2.circle(frame, (cx, cy), 7, (255, 255, 255), -1) #Draw center of object
            #cv2.drawContours(frame,contours,-1,(255,0,0),3) #Draw contour of object

            #cv2.circle(frame, (center_x, center_y), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1) #Draw center of camera
            #cv2.imshow('frame',frame) #Display Frame

            cal_time = time.time() - start_time_count
            print("Running_time = ", cal_time)
            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
                run_flag.value = 0
                time_total_run = time.time() - time_total_run
                print('count_put %d' % count_put)
                print('count_print_x %d' % count_print_x)
                print('Total running time', time_total_run)
                print('count1 %d, count2%d, count3%d' %
                      (count1, count2, count3))
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            run_flag.value = 0
            time_total_run = time.time() - time_total_run
            print('count_put %d' % count_put)
            print('count_print_x %d' % count_print_x)
            print('Total running time', time_total_run)
            print('count1 %d, count2%d, count3%d' % (count1, count2, count3))

    print("Quit Processor 0")
예제 #5
### Yanling Wu (yw996), Yeh Dawei(ty359) 				##
### This is for celebration mode and the car  			##
### will turn around and move forward and backward      ##

import time
from motor_controller import motor_controller

controller = motor_controller()

value = 1
start_time = time.time()
while 10 > (time.time() - start_time):
    if value == 1:
        controller.set_control(0., 30.)
        value += 1
    if value == 2:
        controller.set_control(0., -30.)
        value += 1
    if value == 3:
        controller.set_control(2000., 0.)
        value += 1
    if value == 4:
        controller.set_control(-2000., 0.)
        value = 1