# Grasp from floor on front # x = 0.3 # y = 0.0 # z = - 0.1 # roll = math.pi # pitch = 0.4 # yaw = 0 kinematics_solver = KinematicsSolver("analytical") # kinematics_solver = KinematicsSolver("geometrical") print "IK" if kinematics_solver.check_ik_solver_has_solution( [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw], "/arm_link_0"): joint_angles = kinematics_solver.get_ik_solution( [x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw], "/arm_link_0") #print joint_angles move_arm_component.to_joint_positions(joint_angles) ik_result = True print ik_result else: ik_result = False print ik_result # #### 7.move_arm_component.joint_velocities(joint_velocities) # time = 5.0 # time_taken = 0 # init_time = rospy.get_rostime().secs # while(init_time <= 0): # init_time = rospy.get_rostime().secs # print 'init time recorded is ' + repr(init_time) +' secs' # #timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), my_callback) # while(time_taken<time): # now = rospy.get_rostime().secs
pitch = 0.4 yaw = 0 # Grasp from floor on front # x = 0.3 # y = 0.0 # z = - 0.1 # roll = math.pi # pitch = 0.4 # yaw = 0 kinematics_solver = KinematicsSolver("analytical") # kinematics_solver = KinematicsSolver("geometrical") print "IK" if kinematics_solver.check_ik_solver_has_solution([x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw], "/arm_link_0"): joint_angles = kinematics_solver.get_ik_solution([x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw], "/arm_link_0") #print joint_angles move_arm_component.to_joint_positions(joint_angles) ik_result = True print ik_result else: ik_result = False print ik_result # #### 7.move_arm_component.joint_velocities(joint_velocities) # time = 5.0 # time_taken = 0 # init_time = rospy.get_rostime().secs # while(init_time <= 0): # init_time = rospy.get_rostime().secs # print 'init time recorded is ' + repr(init_time) +' secs' # #timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), my_callback) # while(time_taken<time): # now = rospy.get_rostime().secs
import roslib roslib.load_manifest("edufill_blockly") import rospy import move_gripper_component import move_arm_component # move_gripper_component example script #### 1.move_gripper_component.to_pose(command_string) ######### command_string-'OPEN'/'CLOSE' #### 2.move_gripper_component.to_positions(gripper_value) ######### gripper_value=[left_gripper_value,right_gripper_value] if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node('move_gripper') # initialize the arm to a nice position move_arm_component.to_joint_positions([0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) #move gripper by command- OPEN/CLOSE move_gripper_component.to_pose('OPEN') # component 'to_pose()' move_gripper_component.to_pose('CLOSE') # component 'to_pose()' #move gripper by values -[left_gripper_value,right_gripper_value] left_gripper_value = 0.0000 # range - 0 to 0.0115 right_gripper_value = 0.0 # input argument list gripper_value = [left_gripper_value, right_gripper_value] move_gripper_component.to_joint_positions( gripper_value) # component 'to_joint_positions()' move_gripper_component.to_pose('CLOSE')
import roslib roslib.load_manifest("edufill_blockly") import rospy import move_gripper_component import move_arm_component # move_gripper_component example script #### 1.move_gripper_component.to_pose(command_string) ######### command_string-'OPEN'/'CLOSE' #### 2.move_gripper_component.to_positions(gripper_value) ######### gripper_value=[left_gripper_value,right_gripper_value] if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("move_gripper") # initialize the arm to a nice position move_arm_component.to_joint_positions([0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) # move gripper by command- OPEN/CLOSE move_gripper_component.to_pose("OPEN") # component 'to_pose()' move_gripper_component.to_pose("CLOSE") # component 'to_pose()' # move gripper by values -[left_gripper_value,right_gripper_value] left_gripper_value = 0.0000 # range - 0 to 0.0115 right_gripper_value = 0.0 # input argument list gripper_value = [left_gripper_value, right_gripper_value] move_gripper_component.to_joint_positions(gripper_value) # component 'to_joint_positions()' move_gripper_component.to_pose("CLOSE")