예제 #1
def main():
        #Initialize rospy.
    	rospy.init_node('moveit_py_demo', anonymous=True)
        #Initialize moveit_commander and instantiate a RobotCommander object
    	robot = RobotCommander()
	#Instantiate a PlanningSceneInterface object
	scene = PlanningSceneInterface()

	display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/move_group/display_planned_path',moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory)


	## We can get a list of all the groups in the robot
	print "============ Robot Groups:"
	print robot.get_group_names()

	## Sometimes for debugging it is useful to print the entire state of the
	## robot.
	print "============ Printing robot state"
	print robot.get_current_state()
	print "============"

	## Planning to a Pose goal
	targetPose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()

	targetPose.position.x=  0.709590443177;	
	targetPose.position.y=  0.13514430593;
	targetPose.position.z=  1.15568059916;
	targetPose.orientation.x= 0.0435837961582;
	targetPose.orientation.y= 0.14705394851;
	targetPose.orientation.z= -0.13176607002;
	targetPose.orientation.w=  0.979343296159;
	## New class for move the robot
	baxtermove = movebx.movebx()
	## Move left arm

	targetPose.position.x=  0.654540132723;	
	targetPose.position.y=  -0.606420703205;
	targetPose.position.z=  0.606416800913;
	targetPose.orientation.x= 0.158876021296;
	targetPose.orientation.y= 0.818640184036;
	targetPose.orientation.z= -0.354173908;
	targetPose.orientation.w=   0.423258197594;

	## Move right arm

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import rospy
#To use the python interface to move_group, import the moveit_commander module
from moveit_commander import*
#Some messages
from moveit_msgs.msg import*
import baxter_interface
import std_msgs.msg
import movebx
import point_data

#New object to move the Baxter Robot
""" Baxter Move object"""
baxtermove = movebx.movebx()
"""Points for left position"""
leftdata = point_data.left_data()
"""Points for right position"""
rightdata = point_data.right_data()

#Future: home position of each arm

def callback(data):
	"""Callback function"""
	option = data.data
 	print "Data received ----------- \n", option
	if(option == 0):
	elif(option == 1):