예제 #1
    def compute_cartesian_path(self, waypoints, eef_step, jump_threshold, avoid_collisions=True, path_constraints=None):
        """ Compute a sequence of waypoints that make the end-effector move in straight line segments that follow the poses specified as waypoints. Configurations are computed for every eef_step meters; The jump_threshold specifies the maximum distance in configuration space between consecutive points in the resultingpath; Kinematic constraints for the path given by path_constraints will be met for every point along the trajectory, if they are not met, a partial solution will be returned. The return value is a tuple: a fraction of how much of the path was followed, the actual RobotTrajectory. """
        if path_constraints:
            if type(path_constraints) is Constraints:
                constraints_str = conversions.msg_to_string(path_constraints)
                raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set path constraints, unknown constraint type " + type(path_constraints))
            (ser_path, fraction) = self._g.compute_cartesian_path([conversions.pose_to_list(p) for p in waypoints], eef_step, jump_threshold, avoid_collisions, constraints_str)
            (ser_path, fraction) = self._g.compute_cartesian_path([conversions.pose_to_list(p) for p in waypoints], eef_step, jump_threshold, avoid_collisions)

        path = RobotTrajectory()
        return (path, fraction)
예제 #2
 def set_pose_targets(self, poses, end_effector_link=""):
     """ Set the pose of the end-effector, if one is available. The expected input is a list of poses. Each pose can be a Pose message, a list of 6 floats: [x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] or a list of 7 floats [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw] """
     if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
         if not self._g.set_pose_targets([conversions.pose_to_list(p) if type(p) is Pose else p for p in poses], end_effector_link):
             raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set target poses")
         raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to set poses for")
예제 #3
 def place(self, object_name, location=None, plan_only=False):
     """Place the named object at a particular location in the environment or somewhere safe in the world if location is not provided"""
     result = False
     if location is None:
         result = self._g.place(object_name, plan_only)
     elif type(location) is PoseStamped:
         old = self.get_pose_reference_frame()
         result = self._g.place(object_name, conversions.pose_to_list(location.pose), plan_only)
     elif type(location) is Pose:
         result = self._g.place(object_name, conversions.pose_to_list(location), plan_only)
     elif type(location) is PlaceLocation:
         result = self._g.place(object_name, conversions.msg_to_string(location), plan_only)
         raise MoveItCommanderException("Parameter location must be a Pose, PoseStamped or PlaceLocation object")
     return result
예제 #4
 def set_pose_target(self, pose, end_effector_link=""):
     """ Set the pose of the end-effector, if one is available. The expected input is a Pose message, a PoseStamped message or a list of 6 floats:"""
     """ [x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] or a list of 7 floats [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw] """
     if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
         ok = False
         if type(pose) is PoseStamped:
             old = self.get_pose_reference_frame()
             ok = self._g.set_pose_target(conversions.pose_to_list(pose.pose), end_effector_link)
         elif type(pose) is Pose:
             ok = self._g.set_pose_target(conversions.pose_to_list(pose), end_effector_link)
             ok = self._g.set_pose_target(pose, end_effector_link)
         if not ok:
             raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set target pose")
         raise MoveItCommanderException("There is no end effector to set the pose for")
예제 #5
def all_close(goal, actual, tolerance):
  Convenience method for testing if a list of values are within a tolerance of their counterparts in another list
  @param: goal       A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
  @param: actual     A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
  @param: tolerance  A float
  @returns: bool
    all_equal = True
    if type(goal) is list:
        for index in range(len(goal)):
            if abs(actual[index] - goal[index]) > tolerance:
                return False

    elif type(goal) is geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped:
        return all_close(goal.pose, actual.pose, tolerance)

    elif type(goal) is geometry_msgs.msg.Pose:
        return all_close(pose_to_list(goal), pose_to_list(actual), tolerance)

    return True
예제 #6
 def set_pose_target(self, pose, end_effector_link=""):
     """ Set the pose of the end-effector, if one is available. The expected input is a Pose message, a PoseStamped message or a list of 6 floats:"""
     """ [x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] or a list of 7 floats [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw] """
     if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
         ok = False
         if type(pose) is PoseStamped:
             old = self.get_pose_reference_frame()
             ok = self._g.set_pose_target(
                 conversions.pose_to_list(pose.pose), end_effector_link)
         elif type(pose) is Pose:
             ok = self._g.set_pose_target(conversions.pose_to_list(pose),
             ok = self._g.set_pose_target(pose, end_effector_link)
         if not ok:
             raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set target pose")
         raise MoveItCommanderException(
             "There is no end effector to set the pose for")
예제 #7
def all_close(goal, actual, tolerance):
	Convenience method for checking if a list of values are within tolerance
	goal = A list of floats, a Pose, or PoseStamped
	actual = A list of floats, a Pose, or PoseStamped
	tolerance = A float
	returns a bool 


    all_equal = True
    if type(goal) is list:
        for index in range(len(goal)):
            if abs(actual[index] - goal[index]) > tolerance:
                return False
    elif type(goal) is geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped:
        return all_close(goal.pose, actual.pose, tolerance)

    elif type(goal) is geometry_msgs.msg.Pose:
        return all_close(pose_to_list(goal), pose_to_list(actual), tolerance)

    return True
예제 #8
    def all_close(self, goal, actual, tolerance = 0.01):
        Convenience method for testing if a list of values are within a tolerance of their counterparts in another list
        @param: goal: A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
        @param: actual: list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
        @param: tolerance: A float

        if type(goal) is list:
            for index in [0, 1, 2]:
                if abs(actual[index] - goal[index]) > tolerance:
                    return False

        elif type(goal) is geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped:
            return self.all_close(goal.pose, actual.pose, tolerance)

        elif type(goal) is geometry_msgs.msg.Pose:
            # print "pose_to_list(goal):"+str(pose_to_list(goal))
            # print "pose_to_list(actual):"+str(pose_to_list(actual))
            return self.all_close(pose_to_list(goal), pose_to_list(actual), tolerance)

        return True
예제 #9
def change_end_pose(group, input_pose):
    end_goal = pose_to_list(group.get_current_pose().pose)
    for i, ele in enumerate(input_pose):
        if ele != None:
            end_goal[i] = ele
    # print  "\nOUT: ", input_pose, end_goal
    if group.go(wait=True):
        # if group.plan():
        print "\nSolution found for ", input_pose
        print "\nGroup moved to ", end_goal
        print "\nNo solution found for ", input_pose
예제 #10
 def place(self, object_name, location=None):
     """Place the named object at a particular location in the environment or somewhere safe in the world if location is not provided"""
     result = False
     if location is None:
         result = self._g.place(object_name)
     elif type(location) is PoseStamped:
         old = self.get_pose_reference_frame()
         result = self._g.place(object_name,
     elif type(location) is Pose:
         result = self._g.place(object_name,
     elif type(location) is PlaceLocation:
         result = self._g.place(object_name,
         raise MoveItCommanderException(
             "Parameter location must be a Pose, PoseStamped or PlaceLocation object"
     return result
 def set_pose_targets(self, poses, end_effector_link=""):
     """ Set the pose of the end-effector, if one is available. The expected input is a list of poses. Each pose can be a Pose message, a list of 6 floats: [x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] or a list of 7 floats [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw] """
     if len(end_effector_link) > 0 or self.has_end_effector_link():
         if not self._g.set_pose_targets(
                 conversions.pose_to_list(p) if type(p) is Pose else p
                 for p in poses
             raise MoveItCommanderException("Unable to set target poses")
         raise MoveItCommanderException(
             "There is no end effector to set poses for")
예제 #12
 def all_close(self, goal, actual, tolerance):
     Convenience method for testing if a list of values are within a tolerance of their counterparts in another list
     @param: goal       A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
     @param: actual     A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
     @param: tolerance  A float
     @returns: bool
         all_equal = True
         if type(goal) is list:
             for index in range(len(goal)):
                 if abs(actual[index] - goal[index]) > tolerance:
                     return False
         elif type(goal) is PoseStamped:
             return self.all_close(goal.pose, actual.pose, tolerance)
         elif type(goal) is Pose:
             return self.all_close(pose_to_list(goal), pose_to_list(actual),
         return True
     except TypeError:
             "Incompatible types between goal and actual in 'RobotUR.allClose'"
예제 #13
def change_end_pose(group, input_pose):
    pose_goal = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
    end_goal = pose_to_list(pose_goal)

    for i, ele in enumerate(input_pose):
        if ele != None:
            end_goal[i] = ele
    if group.go(wait=True):
        print "Solution found for ", input_pose
        print "Group moved to ", end_goal
        print "No solution found for", input_pose
예제 #14
def pose_close(goal, actual, position_tol, orientation_tol):
    Convenience method for testing if a list of values are within a position_tolerance of their counterparts in another list
    @param: goal       A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
    @param: actual     A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
    @param: position_tolerance  A float
    @returns: bool

    if type(goal) is list:
        pos_actual = np.array(actual[0:3])
        q_actual = np.array(actual[3:7])

        pos_goal = np.array(goal[0:3])
        q_goal = np.array(goal[3:7])

        # check position
        diff = np.abs(pos_goal - pos_actual)
        position_close = np.all(diff < position_tol)

        # https://math.stackexchange.com/a/90098
        dist = 2 * np.inner(q_goal, q_actual)**2 - 1
        diff = abs(np.arccos(dist))
        orientation_close = np.all(diff < orientation_tol)

        return position_close, orientation_close

    elif type(goal) is PoseStamped:
        return pose_close(goal.pose, actual.pose, position_tol,

    elif type(goal) is Pose:
        return pose_close(pose_to_list(goal), pose_to_list(actual),
                          position_tol, orientation_tol)

    return True
예제 #15
def pose_to_lists(pose_msg, orientation_type):
        if orientation_type == euler, retrun euler angles in radians
    # print(orientation_type)
    pose = pose_to_list(pose_msg)
    position = pose[0:3]
    quaternion = pose[3:7]

    if orientation_type == "euler":
        euler = euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)
        orientation = euler
    elif orientation_type == "quaternion":
        orientation = quaternion
        raise MoveItCommanderException(
            "Unknown type, accepts type 'euler' or 'quaternion'")

    return position, orientation
예제 #16
def pose2affine(pose):
    """Convert pose to affine transform.

    >>> p = conversions.list_to_pose([1,2,3,0,1,0,0])
    >>> pose2affine(p)
    array([[-1.,  0.,  0.,  1.],
           [ 0.,  1.,  0.,  2.],
           [ 0.,  0., -1.,  3.],
           [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  1.]])
    lst = conversions.pose_to_list(pose)
    pos = np.array(lst[:3])
    rot = np.array(lst[3:])

    T = np.zeros((4, 4))
    T[np.ix_([0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2])] = q2mat(rot)
    T[np.ix_([0, 1, 2], [3])] = pos.reshape(3, 1)
    T[np.ix_([3], [0, 1, 2, 3])] = [0, 0, 0, 1]

    return T
예제 #17
    def move_pose_relative(self, dpose, velocity):
        if velocity is None:

        pose = pose_to_list(self.moveg.get_current_pose().pose)

        t_xform = np.dot(tr.translation_matrix(pose[0:3]),
        s_xform = np.dot(tr.translation_matrix(dpose[0:3]),

        xform = np.dot(t_xform, s_xform)
        pose = tr.translation_from_matrix(xform).tolist() + list(

        wp = [list_to_pose(pose)]  # waypoints
         fraction) = self.moveg.compute_cartesian_path(wp,
        if fraction < 1.0:
            self.last_error_msg = "No motion plan found."
            return False

        v = self.velocity if velocity is None else velocity
        plan = self.moveg.retime_trajectory(self.robot.get_current_state(),
                                            plan, v)

            self.moveg.execute(plan, wait=True)
        except MoveItCommanderException as e:
            self.last_error_msg = str(e)
            return False

        return True
예제 #18
파일: move.py 프로젝트: Faair/Warthog_ws
	def all_close(goal, actual, tolerance):
	Convenience method for testing if a list of values are within a tolerance of their counterparts in another list
	@param: goal A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
	@param: actual A list of floats, a Pose or a PoseStamped
	@param: tolerance A float
	@returns: bool
	all_equal = True
	if type(goal) is list:
	for index in range(len(goal)):
	if abs(actual[index] - goal[index]) > tolerance:
	return False
	elif type(goal) is geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped:
	return all_close(goal.pose, actual.pose, tolerance)
	elif type(goal) is geometry_msgs.msg.Pose:
	return all_close(pose_to_list(goal), pose_to_list(actual), tolerance)
	return True
	class MoveGroupPythonIntefaceTutorial(object):
	def __init__(self):
	super(MoveGroupPythonIntefaceTutorial, self).__init__()
	## First initialize `moveit_commander`_ and a `rospy`_ node:
	## Instantiate a `RobotCommander`_ object. This object is the outer-level interface to
	## the robot:
	robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander()
	## Instantiate a `PlanningSceneInterface`_ object. This object is an interface
	## to the world surrounding the robot:
	scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface()
	## Instantiate a `MoveGroupCommander`_ object. This object is an interface
	## to one group of joints. In this case the group is the joints in the Panda
	## arm so we set ``group_name = panda_arm``. If you are using a different robot,
	## you should change this value to the name of your robot arm planning group.
	## This interface can be used to plan and execute motions on the Panda:
	group_name = "manipulator"
	group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(group_name)
	## We create a `DisplayTrajectory`_ publisher which is used later to publish
	## trajectories for RViz to visualize:
	display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/move_group/display_planned_path',
	## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL basic_info
	## Getting Basic Information
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	# We can get the name of the reference frame for this robot:
	planning_frame = group.get_planning_frame()
	print "============ Reference frame: %s" % planning_frame
	# We can also print the name of the end-effector link for this group:
	eef_link = group.get_end_effector_link()
	print "============ End effector: %s" % eef_link
	# We can get a list of all the groups in the robot:
	group_names = robot.get_group_names()
	print "============ Robot Groups:", robot.get_group_names()
	# Sometimes for debugging it is useful to print the entire state of the
	# robot:
	print "============ Printing robot state"
	print robot.get_current_state()
	print ""
	# Misc variables
	self.box_name = ''
	self.robot = robot
	self.scene = scene
	self.group = group
	self.display_trajectory_publisher = display_trajectory_publisher
	self.planning_frame = planning_frame
	self.eef_link = eef_link
	self.group_names = group_names
	def go_to_joint_state(self):
	# Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear.
	# In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good
	# reason not to.
	group = self.group
	## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL plan_to_joint_state
	## Planning to a Joint Goal
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	## The Panda's zero configuration is at a `singularity <https://www.quora.com/Robotics-What-is-meant-by-kinematic-singularity>`_ so the first
	## thing we want to do is move it to a slightly better configuration.
	# We can get the joint values from the group and adjust some of the values:
	joint_goal = group.get_current_joint_values()
	joint_goal[0] = 0
	joint_goal[1] = -pi/4
	joint_goal[2] = 0
	joint_goal[3] = -pi/2
	joint_goal[4] = 0
	joint_goal[5] = pi/3
	joint_goal[6] = 0
	# The go command can be called with joint values, poses, or without any
	# parameters if you have already set the pose or joint target for the group
	group.go(joint_goal, wait=True)
	# Calling ``stop()`` ensures that there is no residual movement
	# For testing:
	# Note that since this section of code will not be included in the tutorials
	# we use the class variable rather than the copied state variable
	current_joints = self.group.get_current_joint_values()
	return all_close(joint_goal, current_joints, 0.01)
	def go_to_pose_goal(self):
	# Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear.
	# In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good
	# reason not to.
	group = self.group
	## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL plan_to_pose
	## Planning to a Pose Goal
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	## We can plan a motion for this group to a desired pose for the
	## end-effector:
	pose_goal = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
	pose_goal.orientation.w = 1.0
	pose_goal.position.x = 0.4
	pose_goal.position.y = 0.1
	pose_goal.position.z = 0.4
	## Now, we call the planner to compute the plan and execute it.
	plan = group.go(wait=True)
	# Calling `stop()` ensures that there is no residual movement
	# It is always good to clear your targets after planning with poses.
	# Note: there is no equivalent function for clear_joint_value_targets()
	# For testing:
	# Note that since this section of code will not be included in the tutorials
	# we use the class variable rather than the copied state variable
	current_pose = self.group.get_current_pose().pose
	return all_close(pose_goal, current_pose, 0.01)
	def plan_cartesian_path(self, scale=1):
	# Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear.
	# In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good
	# reason not to.
	group = self.group
	## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL plan_cartesian_path
	## Cartesian Paths
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	## You can plan a Cartesian path directly by specifying a list of waypoints
	## for the end-effector to go through:
	waypoints = []
	wpose = group.get_current_pose().pose
	wpose.position.z -= scale * 0.1 # First move up (z)
	wpose.position.y += scale * 0.2 # and sideways (y)
	wpose.position.x += scale * 0.1 # Second move forward/backwards in (x)
	wpose.position.y -= scale * 0.1 # Third move sideways (y)
	# We want the Cartesian path to be interpolated at a resolution of 1 cm
	# which is why we will specify 0.01 as the eef_step in Cartesian
	# translation. We will disable the jump threshold by setting it to 0.0 disabling:
	(plan, fraction) = group.compute_cartesian_path(
	waypoints, # waypoints to follow
	0.01, # eef_step
	0.0) # jump_threshold
	# Note: We are just planning, not asking move_group to actually move the robot yet:
	return plan, fraction
	def display_trajectory(self, plan):
	# Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear.
	# In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good
	# reason not to.
	robot = self.robot
	display_trajectory_publisher = self.display_trajectory_publisher
	## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL display_trajectory
	## Displaying a Trajectory
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	## You can ask RViz to visualize a plan (aka trajectory) for you. But the
	## group.plan() method does this automatically so this is not that useful
	## here (it just displays the same trajectory again):
	## A `DisplayTrajectory`_ msg has two primary fields, trajectory_start and trajectory.
	## We populate the trajectory_start with our current robot state to copy over
	## any AttachedCollisionObjects and add our plan to the trajectory.
	display_trajectory = moveit_msgs.msg.DisplayTrajectory()
	display_trajectory.trajectory_start = robot.get_current_state()
	# Publish
	def execute_plan(self, plan):
	# Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear.
	# In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good
	# reason not to.
	group = self.group
	## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL execute_plan
	## Executing a Plan
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	## Use execute if you would like the robot to follow
	## the plan that has already been computed:
	group.execute(plan, wait=True)
	## **Note:** The robot's current joint state must be within some tolerance of the
	## first waypoint in the `RobotTrajectory`_ or ``execute()`` will fail
	def wait_for_state_update(self, box_is_known=False, box_is_attached=False, timeout=4):
	# Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear.
	# In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good
	# reason not to.
	box_name = self.box_name
	scene = self.scene
	## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL wait_for_scene_update
	## Ensuring Collision Updates Are Receieved
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	## If the Python node dies before publishing a collision object update message, the message
	## could get lost and the box will not appear. To ensure that the updates are
	## made, we wait until we see the changes reflected in the
	## ``get_known_object_names()`` and ``get_known_object_names()`` lists.
	## For the purpose of this tutorial, we call this function after adding,
	## removing, attaching or detaching an object in the planning scene. We then wait
	## until the updates have been made or ``timeout`` seconds have passed
	start = rospy.get_time()
	seconds = rospy.get_time()
	while (seconds - start < timeout) and not rospy.is_shutdown():
	# Test if the box is in attached objects
	attached_objects = scene.get_attached_objects([box_name])
	is_attached = len(attached_objects.keys()) > 0
	# Test if the box is in the scene.
	# Note that attaching the box will remove it from known_objects
	is_known = box_name in scene.get_known_object_names()
	# Test if we are in the expected state
	if (box_is_attached == is_attached) and (box_is_known == is_known):
	return True
	# Sleep so that we give other threads time on the processor
	seconds = rospy.get_time()
	# If we exited the while loop without returning then we timed out
	return False
	def add_box(self, timeout=4):
	# Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear.
	# In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good
	# reason not to.
	box_name = self.box_name
	scene = self.scene
	## Adding Objects to the Planning Scene
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	## First, we will create a box in the planning scene at the location of the left finger:
	box_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped()
	box_pose.header.frame_id = "panda_leftfinger"
	box_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0
	box_name = "box"
	scene.add_box(box_name, box_pose, size=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
	# Copy local variables back to class variables. In practice, you should use the class
	# variables directly unless you have a good reason not to.
	return self.wait_for_state_update(box_is_known=True, timeout=timeout)
	def attach_box(self, timeout=4):
	# Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear.
	# In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good
	# reason not to.
	box_name = self.box_name
	robot = self.robot
	scene = self.scene
	eef_link = self.eef_link
	group_names = self.group_names
	## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL attach_object
	## Attaching Objects to the Robot
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	## Next, we will attach the box to the Panda wrist. Manipulating objects requires the
	## robot be able to touch them without the planning scene reporting the contact as a
	## collision. By adding link names to the ``touch_links`` array, we are telling the
	## planning scene to ignore collisions between those links and the box. For the Panda
	## robot, we set ``grasping_group = 'hand'``. If you are using a different robot,
	## you should change this value to the name of your end effector group name.
	grasping_group = 'hand'
	touch_links = robot.get_link_names(group=grasping_group)
	scene.attach_box(eef_link, box_name, touch_links=touch_links)
	# We wait for the planning scene to update.
	return self.wait_for_state_update(box_is_attached=True, box_is_known=False, timeout=timeout)
	def detach_box(self, timeout=4):
	# Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear.
	# In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good
	# reason not to.
	box_name = self.box_name
	scene = self.scene
	eef_link = self.eef_link
	## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL detach_object
	## Detaching Objects from the Robot
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	## We can also detach and remove the object from the planning scene:
	scene.remove_attached_object(eef_link, name=box_name)
	# We wait for the planning scene to update.
	return self.wait_for_state_update(box_is_known=True, box_is_attached=False, timeout=timeout)
	def remove_box(self, timeout=4):
	# Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear.
	# In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good
	# reason not to.
	box_name = self.box_name
	scene = self.scene
	## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL remove_object
	## Removing Objects from the Planning Scene
	## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
	## We can remove the box from the world.
	## **Note:** The object must be detached before we can remove it from the world
	# We wait for the planning scene to update.
	return self.wait_for_state_update(box_is_attached=False, box_is_known=False, timeout=timeout)
	def main():
	print "============ Press `Enter` to begin the tutorial by setting up the moveit_commander (press ctrl-d to exit) ..."
	tutorial = MoveGroupPythonIntefaceTutorial()
	print "============ Press `Enter` to execute a movement using a joint state goal ..."
	print "============ Press `Enter` to execute a movement using a pose goal ..."
	print "============ Press `Enter` to plan and display a Cartesian path ..."
	cartesian_plan, fraction = tutorial.plan_cartesian_path()
	print "============ Press `Enter` to display a saved trajectory (this will replay the Cartesian path) ..."
	print "============ Press `Enter` to execute a saved path ..."
	print "============ Press `Enter` to add a box to the planning scene ..."
	print "============ Press `Enter` to attach a Box to the Panda robot ..."
	print "============ Press `Enter` to plan and execute a path with an attached collision object ..."
	cartesian_plan, fraction = tutorial.plan_cartesian_path(scale=-1)
	print "============ Press `Enter` to detach the box from the Panda robot ..."
	print "============ Press `Enter` to remove the box from the planning scene ..."
	print "============ Python tutorial demo complete!"
	except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
	except KeyboardInterrupt:
	if __name__ == '__main__':
예제 #19
rospy.init_node('forward_kinematics', anonymous=True)
robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander()
scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface()
group_arm = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander("arm")
display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher(
planning_frame = group_arm.get_planning_frame()
print "============ \nReference frame: %s" % planning_frame
eef_link = group_arm.get_end_effector_link()
print "End effector: %s" % eef_link
group_names = robot.get_group_names()
print "Robot Groups:", robot.get_group_names(), "\n============"

print "Group_arm pose\n", group_arm.get_current_pose()
print "Joint Angles\n", group_arm.get_current_joint_values()

# change_joint_angles(group_arm, [1.2, 0.4, -1.57, 1, 0.3])
# change_joint_angles(group_arm, [-3.0357, 0, 0, 0, 0])
# change_joint_angles(group_arm, [3.24426, 0, 0, 0, 0])
change_joint_angles(group_arm, [0, 0, -1.57, -1.57, -2.47])
# change_joint_angles(group_arm, [0, -1.973232422, -1.99, -2.36344086, -2.616666666])
# change_joint_angles(group_arm, [0, 0.57, 0, 0, 0])
#[0.0, -0.2477628272874607, 0.4472224202239656, 0.3047862245403626, 0.07725225351232594, -0.23323341117218666, 0.9201845589721035]
print "\nGroup_arm pose\n", group_arm.get_current_pose()
print "Joint Angles\n", group_arm.get_current_joint_values()

print "\nGroup_arm pose\n", pose_to_list(group_arm.get_current_pose().pose)
예제 #20
def all_close(goal, actual, tolerance):
    x0, y0, z0, qx0, qy0, qz0, qw0 = pose_to_list(actual)
    x1, y1, z1, qx1, qy1, qz1, qw1 = pose_to_list(goal)
    d = dist((x1, y1, z1), (x0, y0, z0))
    cos_phi_half = fabs(qx0 * qx1 + qy0 * qy1 + qz0 * qz1 + qw0 * qw1)
    return d <= tolerance and cos_phi_half >= cos(tolerance / 2.0)