예제 #1
def helicalScan(tscan, lim1, lim2, az1, el1, c):


        c = c

        degtoctsEl = config.degtoctsEl
        offsetEl = gp.galilElOffset

        if lim1 < 0. or lim2 > 90.:
            print 'Warning, %.2f deg elevation is below the horizon, your going to break the telescope...' % P2El + deltaEl

        #moving to starting elevation
        if el1 < lim1:
            print 'moving to starting elevation %f' % lim1
            moveto.location(az1, el1, None, lim1, c)

        if el1 > lim2:
            print 'moving to starting elevation %f' % lim2
            moveto.location(az1, el1, None, lim2, c)

        # deg to ct conversion for each motor
        degtoctsAZ = config.degtoctsAZ
        degtoctsEl = config.degtoctsEl

        #offset between galil and beam
        offsetAz = gp.galilAzOffset
        offsetEl = gp.galilElOffset

        #azimuth scan settings
        azSP = config.azSP  # az scan speed, 90 deg/sec
        azAC = config.azAC  # acceleration
        azDC = config.azDC  # deceleration

        #gclib/galil commands to set az axis motor motion
        c('JGA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
        c('ACA=' + str(azAC))  #acceleration, cts/sec
        c('DCA=' + str(azDC))  #deceleration, cts/sec

        #elevation settings
        elevSP = config.elevSP  # x degrees/sec
        elevAC = config.elevAC  # acceleration
        elevDC = config.elevDC  #

        elevD = (lim2 - lim1) * degtoctsEl  # distance to desired elev
        elevDsmall = (lim2 - el1) * degtoctsEl  # distance to desired elev

        #gclib/galil commands to set az axis motor motion
        c('SPB=' + str(elevSP))  #elevation speed
        c('ACB=' + str(elevAC))  #acceleration, cts/sec
        c('DCB=' + str(elevDC))  #deceleration, cts/sec

        #if your inside the specified range move to starting position
        if el1 < lim2 or el1 > lim1:
            c('PRB=' + str(elevDsmall))
        #if your at starting point just start moving
            c('PRB=' + str(elevD))

        #set start time
        st = time.time()
        #set current time to start time
        ct = st
        #duration of  scan
        dt = tscan * 60.  # scan time in minutes

        print(' Starting Helical Scan')

        c('BGA')  #begin az motion
        c('BGB')  # begin el motion

        #scan in azimuth while current time < start time + duration
        while ct < st + dt:

            if c('MG _SCB') == '1.0000':
                print 'changing direction'
                elevD = -elevD
                c('PRB=' + str(elevD))

            #update current time
            ct = time.time()

            #if  az stops moving exit while loop
            if c('MG _BGA') == '0.0000':

        c('STX')  # stop when duration has passed

        print(' done.')

        del c  #delete the alias

        # except handler
    except gclib.GclibError as e:
        print('Unexpected GclibError:', e)

예제 #2
def linearScan(location, cbody, numAzScans, MinAz, MaxAz, c):

        #print('gclib version:', g.GVersion())
        #g.GOpen('COM1 --direct')

        c = c

        # deg to ct conversion for each motor
        degtoctsAZ = config.degtoctsAZ
        degtoctsEl = config.degtoctsEl

        #azimuth scan settings
        azSP = config.azSP  # az scan speed, 90 deg/sec
        azAC = config.azAC  # acceleration
        azDC = config.azDC  # deceleration

        #gclib/galil commands to set az axis motor motion
        c('ACA=' + str(azAC))  #acceleration, cts/sec
        c('DCA=' + str(azDC))  #deceleration, cts/sec

        MinCT = MinAz * degtoctsAZ  # min az scanned to
        MaxCT = MaxAz * degtoctsAZ  # max az scanned to

        #loop through back and forth azimuth scans
        for i in range(0, numAzScans):

            #find az, el of various sky objects
            az, el = planets.getpointing(location, cbody)

            print('%s az, el: ' % cbody, az, el)

            #keep the telescope from pointing below the horizon
            if el < 0. or el > 180.:
                    'Warning, this elevation is below the horizon, your going to break the telescope...'

            #forward scan
            if (i % 2) == 0:

                moveto.location(az + MinAz, el, c)

                #gclib/galil commands to move az axis motor
                c('SPA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
                c('PRA=' + str(MaxCT - MinCT))  #relative move
                print(' Starting forward pass: '******'BGA')  #begin motion

                #if it hasnt reached its intended position,
                #its because I stopped it and the function should end
                if c('MG _SCA') != '1.0000':

                #c('AMA') # wait for motion to complete

                #g.GMotionComplete('A') # I don't know what this does
                print(' done.')

            #backwards scan

                moveto.location(az + MaxAz, el, c)

                #gclib/galil commands to move az axis motor
                c('SPA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
                c('PRA=' +
                  str(MinCT -
                      MaxCT))  #relative move, 1024000 cts = 360 degrees
                print(' Starting backward pass: '******'BGA')  #begin motion
                #c('AMA') #wait for motion to complete

                #if it hasnt reached its intended position,
                #its because I stopped it and the function should end
                if c('MG _SCA') != '1.0000':

                print(' done.')

        del c  #delete the alias

    # except handler
    except gclib.GclibError as e:

        print('Unexpected GclibError:', e)

예제 #3
def azScan2(tscan, elevations, az1, el1, c):


        c = c

        # deg to ct conversion for each motor
        degtoctsAZ = config.degtoctsAZ
        degtoctsEl = config.degtoctsEl

        #offset between galil and beam
        offsetAz = gp.galilAzOffset
        offsetEl = gp.galilElOffset

        #azimuth scan settings
        azSP = config.azSP  # az scan speed, 90 deg/sec
        azAC = config.azAC  # acceleration
        azDC = config.azDC  # deceleration

        #gclib/galil commands to set az axis motor motion
        c('JGA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
        c('ACA=' + str(azAC))  #acceleration, cts/sec
        c('DCA=' + str(azDC))  #deceleration, cts/sec

        #elevation settings
        elevSP = config.elevSP  # x degrees/sec
        elevAC = config.elevAC  # acceleration
        elevDC = config.elevDC  # deceleration

        #gclib/galil commands to set az axis motor motion
        c('SPB=' + str(elevSP))  #elevation speed
        c('ACB=' + str(elevAC))  #acceleration, cts/sec
        c('DCB=' + str(elevDC))  #deceleration, cts/sec

        #initial position
        P1AZ = az1 * degtoctsAZ
        P1El = el1 * degtoctsEl
        print('AZ:', az1, 'Elev:', el1)

        if elevations == None:
            elevations = [el1]

        #maybe add this back in
        #for i in range(0, iterations):

        #loop through iterations
        for e in elevations:

            moveto.location(az1, el1, None, float(e), c)

            #set start time
            #st = datetime.utcnow()
            st = time.time()
            #set current time to start time
            ct = st
            #duration of azimuth scan
            #dt = timedelta(0, tscan)
            dt = tscan * 60 * 60
            print(' Starting az Scan at elevation: ' + str(e))

            c('BGA')  #begin motion
            #scan in azimuth while current time < start time + duration
            while ct < st + dt:
                #update current time
                #ct = datetime.utcnow()
                ct = time.time()

                #if it hasnt reached its intended position,
                #its because I stopped it and the function should end
                if c('MG _BGA') == '0.0000':

            c('ST')  # stop when duration has passed

            #wait till az axis is done moving

            print(' done with elevation %s.' % e)

        del c  #delete the alias

    # except handler
    except gclib.GclibError as e:
        print('Unexpected GclibError:', e)

예제 #4
def linearScan(location, cbody, numAzScans, MinAz, MaxAz, az1, el1, c):


        c = c

        # deg to ct conversion for each motor
        degtoctsAZ = config.degtoctsAZ
        degtoctsEl = config.degtoctsEl

        #azimuth scan settings
        azSP = config.azSP  # az scan speed, 90 deg/sec
        azAC = config.azAC  # acceleration
        azDC = config.azDC  # deceleration

        #gclib/galil commands to set az axis motor motion
        c('ACA=' + str(azAC))  #acceleration, cts/sec
        c('DCA=' + str(azDC))  #deceleration, cts/sec

        MinCT = MinAz * degtoctsAZ  # min az scanned to
        MaxCT = MaxAz * degtoctsAZ  # max az scanned to

        #find az, el of various sky objects
        az, el = planets.getpointing(location, cbody)

        moveto.location(az1, el1, az + MinAz, el, c)
        az1 = (az + MinAz) % 360
        el1 = el % 360

        #loop through back and forth azimuth scans
        for i in range(0, numAzScans):

            if i != 0:
                #find az, el of various sky objects
                az, el = planets.getpointing(location, cbody)

            print('%s az, el: ' % cbody, az, el)

            #keep telescope from pointing below horizon
            if el < 0. or el > 90.:
                    'Warning, %.2f deg elevation is below the horizon, your going to break the telescope...'
                    % el)

            #forward scan
            if (i % 2) == 0:

                if i != 0:
                    moveto.location(az1, el1, az + MinAz, el, c)

                #gclib/galil commands to move az axis motor
                c('SPA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
                c('PRA=' + str(MaxCT - MinCT))  #relative move
                print(' Starting forward pass: '******'BGA')  #begin az motion

                #wait till az axis is done moving

                #if it hasnt reached its intended position,
                #its because I stopped it and the function should end
                if c('MG _SCA') != '1.0000':

                print(' done.')
                az1 = (az + MaxAz) % 360
            #backwards scan

                az, el = planets.getpointing(location, cbody)
                moveto.location(az1, el1, az + MaxAz, el, c)

                #gclib/galil commands to move az axis motor
                c('SPA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
                c('PRA=' +
                  str(MinCT -
                      MaxCT))  #relative move, 1024000 cts = 360 degrees
                print(' Starting backward pass: '******'BGA')  #begin az motion

                #wait till az axis is done moving

                #if it hasnt reached its intended position,
                #its because I stopped it and the function should end
                if c('MG _SCA') != '1.0000':

                print(' done.')
                az1 = (az + MinAz) % 360
        print 'finished scan'

        del c  #delete the alias

    # except handler
    except gclib.GclibError as e:

        print('Unexpected GclibError:', e)

예제 #5
def horizontalScan(location, cbody, numAzScans, MinAz, MaxAz, MinEl, MaxEl,
                   stepSize, az1, el1, c):


        c = c

        # deg to ct conversion for each motor
        degtoctsAZ = config.degtoctsAZ
        degtoctsEl = config.degtoctsEl

        #azimuth scan settings
        azSP = config.azSP  # az scan speed, 90 deg/sec
        azAC = config.azAC  # acceleration
        azDC = config.azDC  # deceleration

        #gclib/galil commands to set az axis motor motion
        c('ACA=' + str(azAC))  #acceleration, cts/sec
        c('DCA=' + str(azDC))  #deceleration, cts/sec

        MinCT = MinAz * degtoctsAZ  # min az scanned to
        MaxCT = MaxAz * degtoctsAZ  # max az scanned to

        #number of elevations to scan at, rounds to nearest integer
        #numElScans = int(round(((MaxEl - MinEl)/stepSize)))
        numElScans = int(round(((MaxEl - MinEl + stepSize) / stepSize)))

        #find az, el of various sky objects
        az, el = planets.getpointing(location, cbody)

        moveto.location(az1, el1, az + MinAz, el + MinEl, c)
        az1 = (az + MinAz) % 360
        el1 = (el + MinEl) % 360

        #loop through back and forth az scans at different elevations
        for j in range(0, numElScans):
            print('starting horizontal scan: ', j + 1)
            for i in range(0, numAzScans):

                if i != 0:
                    #find az, el of varios sky objects
                    az, el = planets.getpointing(location, cbody)

                print('%s az, el: ' % cbody, az, el)

                #keep the telescope from pointing below the horizon
                if el + MinEl < 0.:
                        'Warning, %.2f deg min elevation is below the horizon, your going to break the telescope...'
                        % (el + MinEl))

                #keep the telescope from pointing below the horizon
                if el + MaxEl > 90.:
                        'Warning, %.2f deg max elevation is below the horizon, your going to break the telescope...'
                        % (el + MaxEl))

                #forward scan
                if (i % 2) == 0:

                    if i != 0:
                        moveto.location(az1, el1, az + MinAz,
                                        el + MinEl + j * stepSize, c)
                        el1 = (el + MinEl + j * stepSize) % 360

                    #gclib/galil commands to move az axis motor
                    c('SPA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
                    c('PRA=' + str(MaxCT - MinCT))  #relative move
                    print(' Starting forward pass: '******'BGA')  #begin az motion

                    #wait till az axis is done moving

                    #if it hasnt reached its intended position,
                    #its because I stopped it and the function should end
                    if c('MG _SCA') != '1.0000':
                        print 'stopped stepped el scan'

                    print(' done.')

                    az1 = (az + MaxAz) % 360
                #backwards scan

                    az, el = planets.getpointing(location, cbody)
                    moveto.location(az1, el1, az + MaxAz,
                                    el + MinEl + j * stepSize, c)
                    el1 = (el + MinEl + j * stepSize) % 360

                    #gclib/galil commands to move az axis motor
                    c('SPA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
                    c('PRA=' + str(MinCT - MaxCT))  #relative move
                    print(' Starting backward pass: '******'BGA')  #begin az motion

                    #wait till az axis is done moving

                    #if it hasnt reached its intended position,
                    #its because I stopped it and the function should end
                    if c('MG _SCA') != '1.0000':
                        print 'stopped stepped el scan'

                    print(' done.')

                    az1 = (az + MinAz) % 360

        print 'finished scan'

        del c  #delete the alias

    # except handler
    except gclib.GclibError as e:
        print('Unexpected GclibError:', e)

예제 #6
g = gclib.py()
#connect to network
g.GOpen(' --direct -s ALL')
#g.GOpen('COM1 --direct')
#used for galil commands
c = g.GCommand

c('AB')  #abort motion and program
c('MO')  #turn off all motors
c('SH')  #servo on

#how long should it scan in azimuth before switching elevations, in seconds
tscan = 5
#numRotations = 1

# how many different elevations to scan at
iterations = 2

#difference in elevation for each scan
deltaEl = 90.

#starting elevation and azimuth
az0 = 60.
el0 = 0.

moveto.location(az0, el0, c)
scan.azScan(tscan, iterations, deltaEl, c)
#scantest.azScan(numRotations, iterations, deltaEl, c)

g.GClose()  #close connections
예제 #7
파일: scan.py 프로젝트: hshe824/greenpol
def helicalScan(tscan, lim1, lim2, c):


        c = c

        if lim1 < 0. or lim2 > 90.:
            print 'Warning, %.2f deg elevation is below the horizon, your going to break the telescope...' % P2El + deltaEl

        #moving to starting elevation
        print 'moving to starting elevation %f' % lim1
        moveto.location(None, lim1, c)

        # deg to ct conversion for each motor
        degtoctsAZ = config.degtoctsAZ
        degtoctsEl = config.degtoctsEl

        #offset between galil and beam
        offsetAz = gp.galilAzOffset
        offsetEl = gp.galilElOffset

        #azimuth scan settings
        azSP = config.azSP  # az scan speed, 90 deg/sec
        azAC = config.azAC  # acceleration
        azDC = config.azDC  # deceleration

        #gclib/galil commands to set az axis motor motion
        c('JGA=' + str(azSP))  #speed, cts/sec
        c('ACA=' + str(azAC))  #acceleration, cts/sec
        c('DCA=' + str(azDC))  #deceleration, cts/sec

        #elevation settings
        elevSP = config.elevSP  # x degrees/sec
        elevAC = config.elevAC  # acceleration
        elevDC = config.elevDC  # deceleration
        elevD = (lim2 -
                 lim1) * degtoctsEl  # move elevation x degrees each iteration

        #gclib/galil commands to set az axis motor motion
        c('SPB=' + str(elevSP))  #elevation speed
        c('ACB=' + str(elevAC))  #acceleration, cts/sec
        c('DCB=' + str(elevDC))  #deceleration, cts/sec
        c('PRB=' + str(elevD))

        #initial position
        #P1AZ = ((float(c('TPX')) / degtoctsAZ) + offsetAz) % 360.
        #P1El = ((float(c('TPY')) / degtoctsEl) + offsetEl) % 360.
        #print('AZ:', P1AZ, 'Elev:', P1El)

        #set start time
        st = time.time()
        #set current time to start time
        ct = st
        #duration of  scan
        dt = tscan * 60.  # scan time in minutes

        print(' Starting helical Scan')

        c('BGA')  #begin az motion
        c('BGB')  # begin el motion

        #scan in azimuth while current time < start time + duration
        while ct < st + dt:

            if c('MG _SCB') == '1.0000':
                elevD = -elevD
                c('PRB=' + str(elevD))

        #update current time
            ct = time.time()

            #if  az stops moving exit while loop
            if c('MG _BGA') == '0.0000':

        c('STX')  # stop when duration has passed

        print(' done.')

        #final position after each az scan
        #P2AZ = ((float(c('TPX')) / degtoctsAZ) + offsetAz) % 360.
        #P2El = ((float(c('TPY')) / degtoctsEl) + offsetEl) % 360.
        #print('AZ:', P2AZ, 'Elev:', P2El)

        del c  #delete the alias

        # except handler
    except gclib.GclibError as e:
        print('Unexpected GclibError:', e)
