예제 #1
def movieInput():
    movie = raw_input("Enter a movie name: ")
        movieId = int(movie)
        name = movieDB.getName(movieId)
        if name is not None:
            return [(movieId, name)]
            return []
    except ValueError:
        return movieDB.getSimilarMovieNameAndIDs(movie)
예제 #2
def main():
    global MORE
    while MORE:
        found = movieInput()
        movieID = 0
        movieName = ""
        if len(found) == 0:
            print "Found no movies with that name. Please try again"
        elif len(found) == 1:
            print "Found '" + found[0][1] + "', ID: " + str(found[0][0]) + ". Searching for recommendations."
            print ""
            movieID = found[0][0]
            movieName = found[0][1]
        elif len(found) > 1:
            print "Found " + str(len(found)) + " movies. Please choose the number from below and press enter."
            for i in range(0, len(found)):
                print str(i + 1) + ") " + found[i][1]
            index = raw_input("Please give the number: ")
            index = int(index) - 1
            movieID = found[index][0]
            movieName = found[index][1]
            print "Searching for recommendations."
            print ""
        if len(found) > 0:
            recommendations = findRecommendations(movieID)
            for i in range(0, len(recommendations)):
                name = movieDB.getName(recommendations[i])
                genres = movieDB.getGenres(recommendations[i])
                gStr = ""
                for genre in genres:
                    gStr += genre + ", "
                gStr = gStr[:-2]
                print "Recommendation nr." + str(i + 1) + ": '" + name + "'."
                print "ID: " + str(recommendations[i])
                print "Genres: " + gStr
                print "--------------------------------"
        print ""
        print "Do you want to search for another movie?"
        yorn = raw_input("Type 'y' or 'n' and press enter.")
        if yorn != "y":
            MORE = False
        print ""
def printRecommendedMovies(movieID):
    result = getRecommendedMovies(movieID)
    for k in result:
        print movieDB.getName(int(k[0]))