예제 #1
 def withdraw(self, id, user_signer):
     """Withdraw the authenticated from a presentation they're enrolled on.
     This is quite convoluted but the best way to avoid exposing any
     implementation details to the user. We get the presentation they are
     trying to withdraw from, check to see they're actually enrolled on it
     and we have a provider for that presentation. Then we hand over to the
     provider to issue the withdrawal.
     :param id: unique identifier of the presentation
     :param user_signer: oAuth token of the user
     :return True if withdrawing from the course succeeded else False
     result = searcher.get_by_ids([id])
     course = presentation_to_presentation_object(result.results[0])
     presentation = course.presentations[0]
     user_courses = self.my_courses(user_signer)
         ucourse = filter(lambda c: c.id == course.id, user_courses)[0]
         upres = filter(lambda p: p.id == presentation.id, ucourse.presentations)[0]
     except IndexError:
         logger.warn("Attempt to withdraw from a course the user may not be registered on",
                 extra={'presentation_id': id})
         return False
         provider = self.get_provider(presentation)
     except ProviderException:
         logger.info("No provider found to withdraw presentation.",
                 extra={'presentation_id': id})
         return False
         return provider.withdraw(upres.booking_id, user_signer)
예제 #2
 def get_event(self, uid):
     """Get an event by its unique identifier
     :param uid: identifier of the event
     :return: Event domain object or None if not found
     docs = searcher.get_by_ids([uid])
     if docs.results:
         return Event.from_solr_dict(docs.results[0])
         return None
예제 #3
 def book_presentation(self, id, message, user_signer,
     """Book a presentation
     :param id: unique identifier of the presentation
     :param message: message to book the presentation
     :param user_signer: oAuth token of the user
     :param supervisor_email: (optional) email of the supervisor
     :return True if booking succeeded else False
     result = searcher.get_by_ids([id])
     course = presentation_to_presentation_object(result.results[0])
     presentation = course.presentations[0]
         provider = self.get_provider(presentation)
     except ProviderException:
         logger.info("No provider found to book presentation.",
                 extra={'presentation_id': id})
         return False
         return provider.book(presentation, message, user_signer,