def __init__(self, flatten=False, **kwargs): im_dir = os.environ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '/cifar10/' self.label_names = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog','horse','ship','truck'] path = '' im_dir = get_file(fpath="{}/cifar-10-python.tar.gz".format(im_dir), origin=path, untar=True) self.img_shape = (3,32,32) self.img_size = self.n_classes = 10 fnames = ['data_batch_%i' % i for i in range(1,6)] + ['test_batch'] X = [] y = [] for fname in fnames: data_path = "{}/{}".format(im_dir, fname) with open(data_path) as fin: data_batch = cPickle.load(fin) if flatten: X.extend(data_batch['data'].reshape((len(data_batch['data']), self.img_size))) else: X.extend(data_batch['data'].reshape((len(data_batch['data']),)+self.img_shape)) y.extend(data_batch['labels']) X_npy = np.array(X, dtype=floatX) X_npy /= 255.0 y_npy = make_one_hot(y, onehot_size=self.n_classes) super(Cifar10, self).__init__(X=X_npy, y=y_npy, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, resized_shape=(222, 222, 3), **kwargs): ''' using only voc 2012 for actions classification, total 2154 images resized_shape is of (height, width, channel) ''' im_dir = os.environ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '/voc' path = '' im_dir = get_file( fpath="{}/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar".format(im_dir), origin=path, untar=True) actls = [ 'jumping', 'phoning', 'playinginstrument', 'reading', 'ridingbike', 'ridinghorse', 'running', 'takingphoto', 'usingcomputer', 'walking', 'other' ] X_path = os.environ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '/voc/X.npy' y_path = os.environ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '/voc/y.npy' if not os.path.exists(X_path) or not os.path.exists(y_path): print X_path + ' does not exists, generating..' annote = im_dir + '/VOC2012/Annotations' images = im_dir + '/VOC2012/JPEGImages' files = glob.glob(annote + '/2012*xml') labels = [] rimage = [] for f in files: bname = os.path.basename(f).rstrip('.xml') image = imread('{}/{}.jpg'.format(images, bname)) rimage.append(resize(image, resized_shape)) tree = ET.parse(f) root = tree.getroot() actions = root.find('object').find('actions') for act in actions: if act.text == '1': labels.append(actls.index(act.tag)) # only restrict to one action per photo break print 'saving data' with open(X_path, 'wb') as Xout, open(y_path, 'wb') as yout: X = np.asarray(rimage) y = np.asarray(labels), X), y) else: print X_path + ' exists, loading..' with open(X_path, 'rb') as Xin, open(y_path, 'rb') as yin: X = np.load(Xin) y = np.load(yin) super(VOC, self).__init__(X=np.rollaxis(X, 3, 1), y=make_one_hot(y, len(actls)), **kwargs)
def __init__(self, resized_shape=(222,222,3), **kwargs): ''' using only voc 2012 for actions classification, total 2154 images resized_shape is of (height, width, channel) ''' im_dir = os.environ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '/voc' path = '' im_dir = get_file(fpath="{}/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar".format(im_dir), origin=path, untar=True) actls = ['jumping', 'phoning', 'playinginstrument', 'reading', 'ridingbike', 'ridinghorse', 'running', 'takingphoto', 'usingcomputer', 'walking', 'other'] X_path = os.environ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '/voc/X.npy' y_path = os.environ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '/voc/y.npy' if not os.path.exists(X_path) or not os.path.exists(y_path): print X_path + ' does not exists, generating..' annote = im_dir + '/VOC2012/Annotations' images = im_dir + '/VOC2012/JPEGImages' files = glob.glob(annote + '/2012*xml') labels = [] rimage = [] for f in files: bname = os.path.basename(f).rstrip('.xml') image = imread('{}/{}.jpg'.format(images, bname)) rimage.append(resize(image, resized_shape)) tree = ET.parse(f) root = tree.getroot() actions = root.find('object').find('actions') for act in actions: if act.text == '1': labels.append(actls.index(act.tag)) # only restrict to one action per photo break print 'saving data' with open(X_path, 'wb') as Xout, open(y_path, 'wb') as yout: X = np.asarray(rimage) y = np.asarray(labels), X), y) else: print X_path + ' exists, loading..' with open(X_path, 'rb') as Xin, open(y_path, 'rb') as yin: X = np.load(Xin) y = np.load(yin) super(VOC, self).__init__(X=np.rollaxis(X,3,1), y=make_one_hot(y,len(actls)), **kwargs)
def __init__(self, flatten=False, fine_label=True, **kwargs): ''' PARAM: fine_label: True (100 classes) False (20 classes) ''' im_dir = os.environ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '/cifar100/' path = '' im_dir = get_file(fpath="{}/cifar-100-python.tar.gz".format(im_dir), origin=path, untar=True) self.img_shape = (3, 32, 32) self.img_size = fnames = ['train', 'test'] X = [] y = [] for fname in fnames: data_path = "{}/{}".format(im_dir, fname) with open(data_path) as fin: data_batch = cPickle.load(fin) if flatten: X.extend(data_batch['data'].reshape( (len(data_batch['data']), self.img_size))) else: X.extend(data_batch['data'].reshape( (len(data_batch['data']), ) + self.img_shape)) if fine_label: y.extend(data_batch['fine_labels']) self.n_classes = 100 else: y.extend(data_batch['coarse_labels']) self.n_classes = 20 X_npy = np.array(X, dtype=floatX) X_npy /= 255.0 y_npy = make_one_hot(y, onehot_size=self.n_classes) super(Cifar100, self).__init__(X=X_npy, y=y_npy, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, flatten=False, **kwargs): im_dir = os.environ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '/cifar10/' path = '' im_dir = get_file(fpath="{}/cifar-10-python.tar.gz".format(im_dir), origin=path, untar=True) self.label_names = [ 'airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck' ] self.img_shape = (3, 32, 32) self.img_size = self.n_classes = 10 fnames = ['data_batch_%i' % i for i in range(1, 6)] + ['test_batch'] X = [] y = [] for fname in fnames: data_path = "{}/{}".format(im_dir, fname) with open(data_path) as fin: data_batch = cPickle.load(fin) if flatten: X.extend(data_batch['data'].reshape( (len(data_batch['data']), self.img_size))) else: X.extend(data_batch['data'].reshape( (len(data_batch['data']), ) + self.img_shape)) y.extend(data_batch['labels']) X_npy = np.array(X, dtype=floatX) X_npy /= 255.0 y_npy = make_one_hot(y, onehot_size=self.n_classes) ridx = np.arange(len(X_npy)) np.random.shuffle(ridx) X_npy = X_npy[ridx] y_npy = y_npy[ridx] super(Cifar10, self).__init__(X=X_npy, y=y_npy, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, flatten=False, fine_label=True, **kwargs): ''' PARAM: fine_label: True (100 classes) False (20 classes) ''' im_dir = os.environ['MOZI_DATA_PATH'] + '/cifar100/' path = '' im_dir = get_file(fpath="{}/cifar-100-python.tar.gz".format(im_dir), origin=path, untar=True) self.img_shape = (3,32,32) self.img_size = fnames = ['train', 'test'] X = [] y = [] for fname in fnames: data_path = "{}/{}".format(im_dir, fname) with open(data_path) as fin: data_batch = cPickle.load(fin) if flatten: X.extend(data_batch['data'].reshape((len(data_batch['data']), self.img_size))) else: X.extend(data_batch['data'].reshape((len(data_batch['data']),)+self.img_shape)) if fine_label: y.extend(data_batch['fine_labels']) self.n_classes = 100 else: y.extend(data_batch['coarse_labels']) self.n_classes = 20 X_npy = np.array(X, dtype=floatX) X_npy /= 255.0 y_npy = make_one_hot(y, onehot_size=self.n_classes) super(Cifar100, self).__init__(X=X_npy, y=y_npy, **kwargs)