예제 #1
    def redeem_invite(self, invite, email):
        """Given an invite_url go to it and redeem an invite."""
        # Lets make sure we have a clean slate
        assert not User.objects.filter(email=email), (
            "User shouldn't be in database.")

        # We need to store the invite code in the session
        self.client.get(invite.get_url(), follow=True)

        # BrowserID needs an assertion not to be whiney
        d = dict(assertion=self.fake_assertion)
        with mock_browserid(email):
            self.client.post(reverse('browserid_login'), d, follow=True)

        # Now let's register
        d = dict(full_name='Desaaaaaaai',
        with mock_browserid(email):
            self.client.post(reverse('users:register'), d, follow=True)

        # Return the New Users Profile
        invited_user_profile = User.objects.get(email=email).get_profile()
        return invited_user_profile
예제 #2
    def invite_someone(self, email, invite_message):
        """This method will invite a user.

        This will verify that an email with link has been sent.
        # login as fake user.
        d = dict(assertion=self.fake_assertion)
        with mock_browserid(self.fake_email3):
            self.client.post(reverse('browserid_login'), d, follow=True)

        # Send an invite.
        url = reverse('invite')
        d = dict(recipient=email, message=invite_message)
        r = self.mozillian_client.post(url, d, follow=True)
        eq_(r.status_code, 200)
        assert ('%s has been invited to Mozillians.' % email in r.content)

        # See that the email was sent.
        eq_(len(mail.outbox), 1)

        i = Invite.objects.get()
        invite_url = i.get_url()

        assert settings.FROM_NOREPLY in mail.outbox[0].from_email
        assert invite_url in mail.outbox[0].body, "No link in email."
        return i
예제 #3
    def invite_without_message(self, email):
        Make sure we can send an invite without the optional personal
        message and that the template doesn't use Personal message:
        when there's no personal message.
        #login as fake user.
        d = dict(assertion=self.fake_assertion)
        with mock_browserid(self.fake_email3):
            self.client.post(reverse('browserid_login'), d, follow=True)

        # Send an invite without a personal message.
        url = reverse('invite')
        d = dict(recipient=email)
        r = self.mozillian_client.post(url, d, follow=True)
        eq_(r.status_code, 200)
        assert ('%s has been invited to Mozillians.' % email in r.content)

        # See that the email was sent.
        eq_(len(mail.outbox), 2)

        # Note it's mail.outbox[1] here because we're sending another
        # message in a previous test.
        assert not ("Personal message" in mail.outbox[1].body)