예제 #1
    def stage_loss(self, states, inputs):

        dx = states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)] + states[
            int(self.Nx * 0.5):self.Nx] - self.ss_states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)]
        du = inputs - self.ss_inputs

        return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.Q, dx) + mpc.mtimes(du.T, self.R, du)
예제 #2
    def stage_loss(self, states, inputs, parameter):

        dx = states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)] + states[
            int(self.Nx * 0.5):self.Nx] - self.ss_states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)]
        du = inputs - self.ss_inputs

        x_cost = mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.Q, dx)
        u_cost = mpc.mtimes(du.T, self.R, du)

        return (x_cost + u_cost) * self.gamma**parameter
예제 #3
    def stage_loss(self, states, inputs, parameter):

        # First part is actual state, 2nd part is offset free control
        dx = states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)] + states[
            int(self.Nx * 0.5):self.Nx] - self.ss_states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)]
        du = inputs - self.ss_inputs

        x_cost = mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.Q, dx)
        u_cost = mpc.mtimes(du.T, self.R, du)

        return (x_cost + u_cost) * self.gamma**parameter
예제 #4
    def output_loss(self, states, inputs, parameter):

        x = states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)] + states[int(self.Nx * 0.5):self.Nx]
        # y = np.array([(0.776 * x[0] - 0.9 * x[2]), (0.6055 * x[1] - 1.3472 * x[3])]) - np.array([100, 0])
        y = np.array([
            (0.776 * x[0] - 0.9 * x[2]),
        ]) - np.array([100])

        du = inputs - self.ss_inputs

        y_cost = mpc.mtimes(y.T, self.Q, y)
        u_cost = mpc.mtimes(du.T, self.R, du)

        return (y_cost + u_cost) * self.gamma**parameter
예제 #5
    def terminal_loss(self, states):

        # First term is real states, 2nd term is the output disturbance correction.
        dx = states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)] + states[
            int(self.Nx * 0.5):self.Nx] - self.ss_states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)]

        return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.P, dx)
예제 #6
    def _init_controller(self, args_mpc_functions=None):
        Controller initialization.

        # Init weights for cost function

        # Init lambda functions to get delta_x & delta_u
        self.x_diff = lambda x: x[:4] - self.target[:4]
        self.x_diff = lambda x: np.array([
            x[0] - self.target[0], x[1] - self.target[1],
            np.sqrt(x[2]**2) - np.sqrt(self.target[2]**2), x[3] - self.target[3
        self.u_diff = lambda x, u: u - x[-2:]

        # Defining lambda functions for alpha & dxi for system equation
        self.alpha = lambda u: np.arctan(
            (self._lr / (self._lf + self._lr)) * np.tan(u[1]))

        if args_mpc_functions is None:
            args_mpc_functions = {
                lambda x, u: np.array([
                    self._dt *
                    (x[3] * np.cos(x[2] + self.alpha(u))) + x[0],  # X
                    self._dt *
                    (x[3] * np.sin(x[2] + self.alpha(u))) + x[1],  # Y
                    self._dt *
                    ((x[3] / self._lr) * np.sin(self.alpha(u))) + x[2],  # psi
                    self._dt * (u[0]) + x[3],  # velocity
                    u[0],  # u0
                    u[1]  # u1
                lambda x, u: mpc.mtimes(
                    self.x_diff(x).T, self._Qn, self._Q, self.x_diff(x)) + mpc.
                mtimes(u.T, self._Rn, self._R, u) + mpc.mtimes(
                    self.u_diff(x, u).T, self._Sn, self._S, self.u_diff(x, u))

        self._sys = args_mpc_functions.get('sys')
        self._lfunc = args_mpc_functions.get('lfunc')

        self._controller = True
예제 #7
    def _init_controller(self, args_mpc_functions=None):
        super(CurvMPCController, self)._init_controller()

        # Defining lambda function for delta_x
        self.x_diff = lambda x: np.array([x[3], x[5], x[6]]) - self.target
        # Defining lambda function for delta_xi
        self.dxi = lambda x, u: (1 / (1 - self._kr * x[5])) * x[3] * np.cos(x[
            6] + self.alpha(u))

        if args_mpc_functions is None:
            args_mpc_functions = {
                lambda x, u: np.array([
                    self._dt *
                    (x[3] * np.cos(x[2] + self.alpha(u))) + x[0],  # X
                    self._dt *
                    (x[3] * np.sin(x[2] + self.alpha(u))) + x[1],  # Y
                    self._dt *
                    ((x[3] / self._lr) * np.sin(self.alpha(u))) + x[2],  # psi
                    self._dt * (u[0]) + x[3],  # velocity
                    self._dt * self.dxi(x, u) + x[4],  # xi
                    self._dt *
                    (x[3] * np.sin(x[6] + self.alpha(u))) + x[5],  # eta
                    self._dt * ((x[3] / self._lr) * np.sin(self.alpha(u)) -
                                self._kr * self.dxi(x, u)) + x[6],  # theta
                    u[0],  # u0
                    u[1],  # u1
                    # self._kr, # kappa
                lambda x, u: mpc.mtimes(
                    self.x_diff(x).T, self._Qn, self._Q, self.x_diff(x)) + mpc.
                mtimes(u.T, self._Rn, self._R, u) + mpc.mtimes(
                    self.u_diff(x, u).T, self._Sn, self._S, self.u_diff(x, u))

        self._sys = args_mpc_functions.get('sys')
        self._lfunc = args_mpc_functions.get('lfunc')
    def calculate_curvature_func_args(self, log=False):
        Function to calculate the curvature function arguments.
        This is done by fitting all reference waypoint from the waypoint buffer to 3th-polynomial function.
        :return: [p0, p1, p2, p3] of the 3th polynomial.
        kappa_log = dict()
        # Current waypoint as reference point to center all waypoints
        ref_point = np.array(
            [self.wp1.transform.location.x, self.wp1.transform.location.y])

        # Rotation matrix to align current waypoint to x-axis
        angle_wp = get_wp_angle(self.wp1, self.wp2)
        R = rotmat(angle_wp)

        # Getting reduced waypoint matrix
        wp_mat = np.zeros([self._buffer_size, 2])
        wp_mat_0 = np.zeros([self._buffer_size,
                             2])  # saving original locations of wps for debug

        counter_mat = 0
        for i in range(self._buffer_size):
            wp = self._waypoint_buffer[i][0]
            loc = get_localization_from_waypoint(wp)
            point = np.array([loc.x, loc.y])  # init point
            point = point.T - ref_point.T  # center traj to origin
            point = mpc.mtimes(
                R, point)  # rotation of point ot allign with x-axis

            wp_mat_0[counter_mat] = np.array([loc.x, loc.y])
            wp_mat[counter_mat] = point
            counter_mat += 1

        # Getting optimal parameters for 3th polynomial by fitting the a curve
        # Doc: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.curve_fit.html
        p_opt, _ = curve_fit(polynomial3, wp_mat[:, 0], wp_mat[:, 1])

        # Logging all necessary information
        if log:
            kappa_log = {
                'wp_mat': [wp_mat],
                'wp_mat_0': [wp_mat_0],
                'refernce_point': [ref_point],
                'rotations_mat': [R],
                'angle_wp': [angle_wp],
                'p_opt': [p_opt]

        return p_opt, kappa_log
예제 #9
    def terminal_loss(self, states):

        dx = states[:self.Nx] + states[self.Nx:self.Nx*2] - self.ss_states

        return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.P, dx)
예제 #10
 def _stage_cost(self, w, v):
     """Stage cost in moving horizon estimation."""
     return mpc.mtimes(w.T, self.Qwinv, w) + mpc.mtimes(v.T, self.Rvinv, v)
예제 #11
    def stage_loss(self, states, inputs):

        dx = states[:self.Nx] + states[self.Nx:self.Nx * 2] - self.ss_states
        du = inputs - self.ss_inputs

        return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.Q, dx) + mpc.mtimes(du.T, self.R, du)
예제 #12
    def stage_loss(self, states, inputs):

        dx = states[:self.Nx] - self.ss_states[:self.Nx]
        du = inputs[:self.Nu] - self.ss_inputs[:self.Nu]

        return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.Q, dx) + mpc.mtimes(du.T, self.R, du)
예제 #13
 def _prior_cost(self, x, xprior):
     """Prior cost in moving horizon estimation."""
     dx = x - xprior
     return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.P0inv, dx)
예제 #14
 def lfunc(x,u,x_sp):
     return mpc.mtimes((x-x_sp).T,Q,(x-x_sp)) + mpc.mtimes(u.T,R,u)
예제 #15
 def Pffunc(x,x_sp):
     return mpc.mtimes((x-x_sp).T,Qn,(x-x_sp))
예제 #16
def lxfunc(x):
    return mpc.mtimes(x.T, linalg.inv(P), x)
예제 #17
def costtogo(x,xsp):
    # Deviation variables.
    dx = x - xsp
    # Calculate cost to go.
    return mpc.mtimes(dx.T,10*Q,dx)
예제 #18
 def _stage_cost(self, x, u, xs, us):
     """Stage cost in moving horizon estimation."""
     dx = x - xs
     du = u - us
     return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.Q, dx) + mpc.mtimes(du.T, self.R, du)
예제 #19
 def _stage_cost(self, ys, us, ysp, usp):
     """ The stage cost for the target selector."""
     dy = ys - ysp
     du = us - usp
     return mpc.mtimes(dy.T, self.Qs, dy) + mpc.mtimes(du.T, self.Rs, du)
예제 #20
def lfunc(x, u):
    return mpc.mtimes((x - x_ref).T, Q, (x - x_ref)) + mpc.mtimes(u.T, R, u)
예제 #21
def ekf_continuous_discrete(f,
    This ekf is discrete-time to continuous-time EKF. That is, it can be used to 
    ODE models. 
    f and h should be casadi functions. f must be discrete-time. P, Q, and R
    are the prior, state disturbance, and measurement noise covariances. Note
    that f must be f(x,u,w) and h must be h(x).
    The value of x that should be fed is xhat(k | k-1), and the value of P
    should be P(k | k-1). xhat will be updated to xhat(k | k) and then advanced
    to xhat(k+1 | k), while P will be updated to P(k | k) and then advanced to
    P(k+1 | k). The return values are a list as follows
        [P(k+1 | k), xhat(k+1 | k), P(k | k), xhat(k | k)]
    Depending on your specific application, you will only be interested in
    some of these values.
    # Check jacobians.
    if f_jacx is None:
        f_jacx = f.jacobian(0)
    if f_jacw is None:
        f_jacw = f.jacobian(2)
    if h_jacx is None:
        h_jacx = h.jacobian(0)

    P_k_kminus = P  # Pmp1_cov is the covariance matrix P(k|k-1)
    xekf_k_kminus = x_hat  # This is the estimate xhat(k | k-1)
    C = np.array(h_jacx(xekf_k_kminus)
                 [0])  # Linearize the output equations to obtain C matrix

    # update step
    Lk = mpc.mtimes(
        P_k_kminus, np.transpose(C),
        np.linalg.inv(np.dot(np.dot(C, P_k_kminus), np.transpose(C)) +
                      R))  # L = Pc(:,:,i)*C'/(C*Pc(:,:,i)*C'+Rc)
    xekf = xekf_k_kminus + np.dot(
        (y - np.dot(C, xekf_k_kminus)))  ## update current estimate xhat(k|k)
    P_cov = P_k_kminus - mpc.mtimes(
        Lk, C,
        P_k_kminus)  ## update current estimate of P(k|k) based on P(k|k-1)

    # predict step
    A = np.array(f_jacx(xekf, u, np.zeros((Nw, 1)))[0])
    B = np.array(f_jacw(xekf, u, np.zeros((Nw, 1)))[0])

    [Ad, Bd] = c2d(A, B, Delta, Bp=None, f=None, asdict=False)
    P_kplus_k = mpc.mtimes(Ad, P_cov,
                           np.transpose(Ad)) + Q  # update matrix P (k+1|k)

    return [P_kplus_k, P, xekf]
예제 #22
 def lfunc(x, u):
     return mpc.mtimes(x.T, Q, x) + mpc.mtimes(u.T, R, u)
예제 #23
e = []
ef = []
l = []
Pf = []
for i in range(Nrobots):
    other_robots_list = range(Nrobots)
    Am_cont = generate_matrix_A(Acont, Nrobots)
    Bm_cont = generate_matrix_B([i], Bcont, Nx, Nu + Nslack, Nrobots)
    Cm_cont = generate_matrix_C(other_robots_list, Bcont, Nx, Np, Nrobots)
    # Discretize.
    (A, B, C, _) = mpc.util.c2d(Am_cont, Bm_cont, Delta, Bp=Cm_cont)

            lambda x, u, p: mpc.mtimes(A, x) + mpc.mtimes(B, u) + mpc.mtimes(
                C, p), [Nx * Nrobots, Nu + Nslack, Np], ["x", "u", "p"], "f"))


    def nlcon(x, u):
        x_ = x[i * Nx + 0]
        y_ = x[i * Nx + 1]
        dist_con = []
        for j in Rlist:
            if j != i:
                dist_con.append(r_dist**2 - (x_ - x[j * Nx + 0])**2 -
                                (y_ - x[j * Nx + 1])**2 +
                                u[(Nu) + len(dist_con)])
예제 #24
 def _terminal_cost(self, x, xs):
     """Prior cost in moving horizon estimation."""
     dx = x - xs
     return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.P, dx)
예제 #25
def Pffunc(x):
    return mpc.mtimes((x - x_ref).T, Qn, (x - x_ref))
예제 #26
Bcont = np.array([
    [0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0],
    [1, 0, 0],
    [0, 1, 0],

# Build the matrix for the centralized MPC
Am_cont = generate_matrix_A(Acont, Nrobots)
Bm_cont = generate_matrix_A(
    Bcont, Nrobots)  #C(range[Nrobots], Bcont, Nx, Nu, Nrobots)
# Discretize.
(A, B) = mpc.util.c2d(Am_cont, Bm_cont, Delta)

f_casadi = mpc.getCasadiFunc(lambda x, u: mpc.mtimes(A, x) + mpc.mtimes(B, u),
                             [Nx * Nrobots, Nu * Nrobots], ["x", "u"], "f")

Al = A
Bl = B

r = .25
# m = 3
# centers = np.linspace(0,xmax,m+1)
# centers = list(.5*(centers[1:] + centers[:-1]))
centers = [1]
holes = [(p, r) for p in itertools.product(centers, centers)]

Ne = 3

예제 #27
    def terminal_loss(self, states):

        dx = states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)] + states[
            int(self.Nx * 0.5):self.Nx] - self.ss_states[:int(self.Nx * 0.5)]

        return mpc.mtimes(dx.T, self.P, dx)
예제 #28
def lfunc(x, u):
    return mpc.mtimes((x - M_XREF).T, Q, (x - M_XREF)) + mpc.mtimes(
        u.T, R, u)  # - casadi.log( - 0.2**2 +(x[0]-x[4])**2 + (x[1]-x[5])**2)
예제 #29
def stagecost(x,u,xsp,usp,Q,R):
    # Return deviation variables.
    dx = x - xsp
    du = u - usp
    # Calculate stage cost.
    return mpc.mtimes(dx.T,Q,dx) + mpc.mtimes(du.T,R,du)
예제 #30
def lfunc(w, v):
    return mpc.mtimes(w.T, linalg.inv(Q), w) + mpc.mtimes(
        v.T, linalg.inv(R), v)