예제 #1
 def test_from_hdr(self):
     """WaveCoord class: testing constructor """
     h = fits.getheader(get_data_file('obj', 'Spectrum_Novariance.fits'))
     wave = WaveCoord(h)
     h2 = wave.to_header()
     wave2 = WaveCoord(h2)
     wave2.shape = wave.shape
     assert wave.isEqual(wave2)
예제 #2
def poly_sub(cfg_par, x, y, deg):
        Continuum subtraction on spectrum through polynomial fitting    
            parameter file
            x-axis of the spectrum  
            y-axis of the spectrum
            degre of polynomial to fit
            continuum subtracted y-axis of spectrum 

    if cfg_par['abs_ex'].get('zunit') == 'm/s':
        unit_z = u.m / u.s
        unit_z = u.Hz

    step = (x[-1] - x[0]) / len(x)
    wave_for_spec = WaveCoord(cdelt=step, crval=x[0], cunit=unit_z)
    spe = Spectrum(wave=wave_for_spec, data=y)
    cont = spe.poly_spec(deg)

    cont_sub = y - cont.data

    return cont_sub
예제 #3
    def test_muse_header(self):
        """WCS class: testing MUSE header specifities."""
        d = dict(crval=4750.,
        wave = WaveCoord(**d)
        start = d['crval']
        end = d['crval'] + d['cdelt'] * (d['shape'] - 1)
        assert wave.get_step() == d['cdelt']
        assert wave.get_crval() == start
        assert wave.get_start() == start
        assert wave.get_end() == end
        assert_array_equal(wave.get_range(), [start, end])
        assert wave.get_crpix() == d['crpix']
        assert wave.get_ctype() == d['ctype']

        def to_nm(val):
            return (val * u.angstrom).to(u.nm).value

        assert wave.get_step(u.nm) == to_nm(d['cdelt'])
        assert wave.get_crval(u.nm) == to_nm(start)
        assert wave.get_start(u.nm) == to_nm(start)
        assert wave.get_end(u.nm) == to_nm(end)
        assert_array_equal(wave.get_range(u.nm), [to_nm(start), to_nm(end)])
예제 #4
 def test_resample(self):
     """WCS class: testing resampling method"""
     wave = WaveCoord(crval=0, cunit=u.nm, shape=10)
     wave2 = wave.resample(step=2.5, start=20, unit=u.angstrom)
     assert wave2.get_step(unit=u.nm) == 0.25
     assert wave2.get_start(unit=u.nm) == 2.0
     assert wave2.shape == 32
예제 #5
파일: test_cube.py 프로젝트: musevlt/mpdaf
def test_convolve():

    shape = (3, 12, 25)
    data = np.zeros(shape)
    data[:, 7, 5] = 1.0
    mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool)
    mask[:, 5, 3] = True
    c = generate_cube(data=data, mask=mask, shape=shape,
                      wave=WaveCoord(crval=1, cunit=u.angstrom))

    # Create a symmetric convolution kernel with an even number of elements
    # along one dimension and and odd number along the other dimension.
    # Make the kernel symmetric around (shape-1)//2. This requires that
    # the final column be all zeros.
    kern = np.array([[[0.1, 0.25, 0.1, 0.0],
                      [0.25, 0.50, 0.25, 0.0],
                      [0.1, 0.25, 0.1, 0.0]]])

    # The image should consist of a copy of the convolution kernel, centered
    # such that pixels (kern.shape-1)//2 is at pixel 7,5 of data.
    expected_data = ma.array(data=np.zeros(shape), mask=mask)
    expected_data.data[:, 6:9, 4:8] = kern

    res = c.convolve(kern)
    assert_masked_allclose(res.data, expected_data, atol=1e-15)

    res = c.convolve(Image(data=kern))
    assert_masked_allclose(res.data, expected_data, atol=1e-15)

    res = c.fftconvolve(kern)
    assert_masked_allclose(res.data, expected_data, atol=1e-15)
예제 #6
파일: test_cube.py 프로젝트: musevlt/mpdaf
def test_write(tmpdir):
    """Cube class: testing write"""
    unit = u.Unit('1e-20 erg/s/cm2/Angstrom')
    cube = generate_cube(data=1, wave=WaveCoord(crval=1, cunit=u.angstrom),
    cube.data[:, 0, 0] = ma.masked
    cube.var = np.ones_like(cube.data)

    testfile = str(tmpdir.join('cube.fits'))

    hdu = fits.open(testfile)
    assert_array_equal(hdu[1].data.shape, cube.shape)
    assert_array_equal([h.name for h in hdu],
                       ['PRIMARY', 'DATA', 'STAT', 'DQ'])

    hdr = hdu[0].header
    assert hdr['AUTHOR'] == 'MPDAF'

    hdr = hdu[1].header
    assert hdr['EXTNAME'] == 'DATA'
    assert hdr['NAXIS'] == 3
    assert u.Unit(hdr['BUNIT']) == unit
    assert u.Unit(hdr['CUNIT3']) == u.angstrom
    assert hdr['NAXIS1'] == cube.shape[2]
    assert hdr['NAXIS2'] == cube.shape[1]
    assert hdr['NAXIS3'] == cube.shape[0]
    for key in ('CRPIX1', 'CRPIX2'):
        assert hdr[key] == 1.0
예제 #7
파일: test_cube.py 프로젝트: musevlt/mpdaf
def test_aperture():
    """Cube class: testing spectrum extraction"""
    cube = generate_cube(data=1, wave=WaveCoord(crval=1))
    spe = cube.aperture(center=(2, 2.8), radius=1,
                        unit_center=None, unit_radius=None)
    assert spe.shape[0] == 10
    assert spe.get_start() == 1
예제 #8
def test_spectrum_methods(spec_var, spec_novar):
    """Spectrum class: testing sum/mean/abs/sqrt methods"""
    wave = WaveCoord(crpix=2.0, cdelt=3.0, crval=0.5, cunit=u.nm, shape=10)
    spectrum1 = Spectrum(data=np.array([0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]),
    sum1 = spectrum1.sum()
    assert_almost_equal(sum1[0], spectrum1.data.sum())
    spectrum2 = spectrum1[1:-2]
    sum1 = spectrum1.sum(lmin=spectrum1.wave.coord(1),
                         lmax=spectrum1.wave.coord(10 - 3),
    sum2 = spectrum2.sum()
    assert_almost_equal(sum1, sum2)
    mean1 = spectrum1.mean(lmin=spectrum1.wave.coord(1),
                           lmax=spectrum1.wave.coord(10 - 3),
    mean2 = spectrum2.mean()
    assert_almost_equal(mean1, mean2)

    spvar2 = spec_var.abs()
    assert spvar2[23] == np.abs(spec_var[23])
    spvar2 = spec_var.abs().sqrt()
    assert spvar2[8] == np.sqrt(np.abs(spec_var[8]))
    assert_almost_equal(spec_var.mean()[0], 11.526, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(spec_novar.mean()[0], 11.101, 2)
    spvarsum = spvar2 + 4 * spvar2 - 56 / spvar2

                        spvar2[10] + 4 * spvar2[10] - 56 / spvar2[10], 2)
    assert_almost_equal(spec_var.get_step(), 0.630, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(spec_var.get_start(), 4602.604, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(spec_var.get_end(), 7184.289, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(spec_var.get_range()[0], 4602.604, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(spec_var.get_range()[1], 7184.289, 2)
예제 #9
def test_rebin(spec_var, spec_novar):
    """Spectrum class: testing rebin function"""
    wave = WaveCoord(crpix=2.0, cdelt=3.0, crval=0.5, shape=10)
    spectrum1 = Spectrum(data=np.array([0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) * 2.3,
    unit = spectrum1.wave.unit
    factor = 3
    s = slice(0, factor * (spectrum1.shape[0] // factor))  # The rebinned slice
    flux1 = spectrum1[s].sum()[0] * spectrum1[s].wave.get_step(unit=unit)
    spectrum2 = spectrum1.rebin(factor, margin='left')
    flux2 = spectrum2.sum()[0] * spectrum2.wave.get_step(unit=unit)
    assert_almost_equal(flux1, flux2, 2)

    unit = spec_novar.wave.unit
    factor = 4
    s = slice(0, factor * (spec_novar.shape[0] // factor))
    flux1 = spec_novar[s].sum()[0] * spec_novar[s].wave.get_step(unit=unit)
    spnovar2 = spec_novar.rebin(factor, margin='left')
    flux2 = spnovar2.sum()[0] * spnovar2.wave.get_step(unit=unit)
    assert_almost_equal(flux1, flux2, 2)

    unit = spec_var.wave.unit
    factor = 4
    s = slice(0, factor * (spec_var.shape[0] // factor))
    flux1 = spec_var[s].sum(weight=False)[0] * \
    spvar2 = spec_var.rebin(factor, margin='left')
    flux2 = spvar2.sum(weight=False)[0] * spvar2.wave.get_step(unit=unit)
    assert_almost_equal(flux1, flux2, 2)
예제 #10
파일: test_cube.py 프로젝트: musevlt/mpdaf
def test_subcube(mask):
    """Cube class: testing sub-cube extraction methods"""
    cube1 = generate_cube(data=np.arange(10 * 6 * 5).reshape(10, 6, 5),
                          wave=WaveCoord(crval=1), mask=mask)

    # Extract a sub-cube whose images are centered close to pixel
    # (2.3, 2.8) of the cube and have a width and height of 2 pixels.
    # The center of a 2x2 pixel region is at the shared corner between
    # these pixels, and the closest corner to the requested center
    # of 2.3,2.8 is 2.5,2.5. Thus the sub-images should be from pixels
    # 2,3 along both the X and Y axes.
    cube2 = cube1.subcube(center=(2.3, 2.8), size=2, lbda=(5, 8),
                          unit_center=None, unit_size=None, unit_wave=None)
    assert_allclose(cube1.data[5:9, 2:4, 2:4], cube2.data)

    # Test when subcube is on the edges
    cube2 = cube1.subcube(center=(0.3, 0.8), size=4,
                          unit_center=None, unit_size=None)
    assert_allclose(cube1.data[:, :3, :3], cube2.data[:, 1:, 1:])
    # pixels inside the selected region are not masked
    assert np.all(~cube2.mask[:, 1:, 1:])
    # pixels outside the selected region are masked
    assert np.all(cube2.mask[:, :, 0])
    assert np.all(cube2.mask[:, 0, :])

    # The following should select the same image area as above, followed by
    # masking pixels in this area outside a circle of radius 1.
    cube2 = cube1.subcube_circle_aperture(center=(2.3, 2.8), radius=1,
                                          unit_center=None, unit_radius=None)
    # masking the subcube should not mask the original cube
    assert ma.count_masked(cube1[0].data) == 0
    if cube2.mask is not ma.nomask:
        assert bool(cube2.mask[0, 0, 0]) is True
    assert_array_equal(cube2.get_start(), (1, 2, 2))
    assert_array_equal(cube2.shape, (10, 2, 2))
예제 #11
 def test_rebin(self):
     """WCS class: testing rebin method"""
     wave = WaveCoord(crval=0, cunit=u.nm, shape=10)
     assert wave.get_step(unit=u.nm) == 2.0
     assert wave.get_start(unit=u.nm) == 0.5
     assert wave.coord(2, unit=u.nm) == 4.5
     assert wave.shape == 5
예제 #12
파일: test_cube.py 프로젝트: musevlt/mpdaf
def test_truncate():
    """Cube class: testing truncation"""
    cube1 = generate_cube(data=2, wave=WaveCoord(crval=1))
    coord = [2, 0, 1, 5, 1, 3]
    cube2 = cube1.truncate(coord, unit_wcs=cube1.wcs.unit,
    assert_array_equal(cube2.shape, (4, 2, 3))
    assert_array_equal(cube2.get_start(), (2, 0, 1))
    assert_array_equal(cube2.get_end(), (5, 1, 3))
예제 #13
def get_sky_spectrum(filename) :
    """Read sky spectrum from MUSE data reduction
    sky = pyfits.getdata(filename)
    crval = sky['lambda'][0]
    cdelt = sky['lambda'][1] - crval
    wavein = WaveCoord(cdelt=cdelt, crval=crval, cunit= units.angstrom)
    spec = Spectrum(wave=wavein, data=sky['data'], var=sky['stat'])
    return spec
예제 #14
def test_resample2():
    """Spectrum class: testing resampling function
    with a spectrum of integers and resampling to a smaller pixel size"""
    wave = WaveCoord(crpix=2.0, cdelt=3.0, crval=0.5, cunit=u.nm)
    spectrum1 = Spectrum(data=np.array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]),
    flux1 = spectrum1.sum()[0] * spectrum1.wave.get_step()
    spectrum2 = spectrum1.resample(0.3)
    flux2 = spectrum2.sum()[0] * spectrum2.wave.get_step()
    assert_almost_equal(flux1, flux2, 2)
예제 #15
파일: fitmodel.py 프로젝트: ntejos/cgmspec
def residual(p,
    par = p.valuesdict()
    incli = par['incli']
    col_denst = par['col_dens']
    h = par['height']
    bes = par['dop_param']
    v_max = par['vel_max']
    h_vt = par['h_v']

    csize = par['csize']
    r_0t = par['r_0']

    h_v = 10**h_vt
    col_dens = 10**col_denst
    r_0 = 10**r_0t
    coord_sky = datacube.wcs.pix2sky([int(pos[0]), int(pos[1])], unit=u.deg)
    dec = coord_sky[0][0]
    ra = coord_sky[0][1]
    c1 = SkyCoord(ra * u.degree, dec * u.degree, frame='icrs')

    flux = datacube[:, int(pos[0]), int(pos[1])]
    abso = flux.data[specwidth[0]:specwidth[1] + 1]
    sigma = np.sqrt(flux.var[specwidth[0]:specwidth[1] + 1])

    scale = 7.28  # z=0.73379  # plat scale (kpc/") for Planck
    c1 = SkyCoord(ra * u.degree, dec * u.degree, frame='icrs')
    #D = scale * galcen.separation(c1).arcsec
    #pa = galcen.position_angle(c1).to(u.deg)
    #alpha = galPA - pa.value

    alpha = csu.get_alpha(c1, galcen, galPA)
    D = csu.get_impactparam(c1, galcen, scale)
    lam2 = np.arange(4825.12, 4886.37 + 1.5, 0.1)
    wave1 = WaveCoord(cdelt=0.1, crval=4825.12, cunit=u.angstrom)

    model = Disco(h, incli, Rcore=0.1)
    spec = model.averagelos(D, alpha, lam2, 100, 12, z, csize, col_dens, bes,
                            r_0, v_max, h_v, 0)
    spe = Spectrum(wave=wave1, data=spec)
    rspe = spe.resample(1.25)
    fluxmodel = rspe.data
    absomodel = fluxmodel[specwidth[0]:specwidth[1] + 1]

    #ymodelt = np.concatenate((ymodel[0][14:36],ymodel[1][16:36],ymodel[2][16:36]))
    rest = ((abso - absomodel) / sigma)**2
    dif = abso - absomodel
    return (fluxmodel, rest, datacube[:, int(pos[0]),
                                      int(pos[1])].data, sigma, dif)
예제 #16
def test_write(tmpdir):
    """Spectrum class: testing write."""
    testfile = str(tmpdir.join('spec.fits'))
    sp = Spectrum(data=np.arange(10), wave=WaveCoord(cunit=u.nm))

    with fits.open(testfile) as hdu:
        assert_array_equal(hdu[1].data.shape, sp.shape)

    hdr = hdu[1].header
    assert hdr['EXTNAME'] == 'DATA'
    assert hdr['NAXIS'] == 1
    assert u.Unit(hdr['CUNIT1']) == u.nm
    assert hdr['NAXIS1'] == sp.shape[0]

    # Same with Angstrom
    sp = Spectrum(data=np.arange(10), wave=WaveCoord(cunit=u.angstrom))

    with fits.open(testfile) as hdu:
        assert u.Unit(hdu[1].header['CUNIT1']) == u.angstrom
예제 #17
def test_arithmetric():
    """Spectrum class: testing arithmetic functions"""
    wave = WaveCoord(crpix=2.0, cdelt=3.0, crval=0.5, cunit=u.nm)
    spectrum1 = Spectrum(data=np.array([0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]),
    spectrum2 = spectrum1 > 6  # [-,-,-,-,-,-,-,7,8,9]
    # +
    spectrum3 = spectrum1 + spectrum2
    assert spectrum3.data.data[3] == 3
    assert spectrum3.data.data[8] == 16
    spectrum3 = 4.2 + spectrum1
    assert spectrum3.data.data[3] == 3 + 4.2
    # -
    spectrum3 = spectrum1 - spectrum2
    assert spectrum3.data.data[3] == 3
    assert spectrum3.data.data[8] == 0
    spectrum3 = spectrum1 - 4.2
    assert spectrum3.data.data[8] == 8 - 4.2
    # *
    spectrum3 = spectrum1 * spectrum2
    assert spectrum3.data.data[8] == 64
    spectrum3 = 4.2 * spectrum1
    assert spectrum3.data.data[9] == 9 * 4.2
    # /
    spectrum3 = spectrum1 / spectrum2
    # divide functions that have a validity domain returns the masked constant
    # whenever the input is masked or falls outside the validity domain.
    assert spectrum3.data.data[8] == 1
    spectrum3 = 1.0 / (4.2 / spectrum1)
    assert spectrum3.data.data[5] == 5 / 4.2

    # with cube
    wcs = WCS()
    cube1 = Cube(data=np.ones(shape=(10, 6, 5)), wave=wave, wcs=wcs)
    cube2 = spectrum1 + cube1
    sp1data = spectrum1.data[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
    assert_array_almost_equal(cube2.data, sp1data + cube1.data)

    cube2 = spectrum1 - cube1
    assert_array_almost_equal(cube2.data, sp1data - cube1.data)

    cube2 = spectrum1 * cube1
    assert_array_almost_equal(cube2.data, sp1data * cube1.data)

    cube2 = spectrum1 / cube1
    assert_array_almost_equal(cube2.data, sp1data / cube1.data)

    # spectrum * image
    data = np.ones(shape=(6, 5)) * 2
    image1 = Image(data=data, wcs=wcs)
    cube2 = spectrum1 * image1
                              sp1data * image1.data[np.newaxis, :, :])
예제 #18
def get_sky_spectrum(specname):
    """Read sky spectrum from MUSE data reduction
    if not os.path.isfile(specname):
        upipe.print_error("{0} not found".format(specname))
        return None

    sky = pyfits.getdata(specname)
    crval = sky['lambda'][0]
    cdelt = sky['lambda'][1] - crval
    wavein = WaveCoord(cdelt=cdelt, crval=crval, cunit=u.angstrom)
    spec = Spectrum(wave=wavein, data=sky['data'], var=sky['stat'])
    return spec
예제 #19
    def test_coord_transform(self):
        """WaveCoord class: testing coordinates transformations"""
        wave = WaveCoord(crval=0, cunit=u.nm, shape=10)
        pixel = wave.pixel(wave.coord(5, unit=u.nm), nearest=True, unit=u.nm)
        assert pixel == 5

        wave2 = np.arange(10)
        pixel = wave.pixel(wave.coord(wave2, unit=u.nm), nearest=True,
        assert_array_equal(pixel, wave2)

        pix = np.arange(wave.shape, dtype=float)
                                              unit=u.nm), pix)
예제 #20
    def to_mpdaf(self, row=1, scale=True):
        Creates a mpdaf.obj.Spectrum object from FADO 1D files.

        The spectrum can be specified as a row or as a name.
        Allowed names are the following

        1: 'Observed'         spectrum de-redshifted and rebinned'
        2: 'Error'
        3: 'Mask'
        4: 'Best'
        5: 'Average'            of individual solutions
        6: 'Median'
        7: 'Stdev'
        8: 'Stellar'            using best fit'
        9: 'Nebular'            using best fit'
        10: 'AGN'               using best fit'
        11: 'M/L'
        12: 'LSF'  Line spread function

        The best-fits for individual solution can only be specified as a number 13-XX
        see self.max_rows

        row: str, int
            Allowed names: 'observed', 'error', 'mask', 'best', 'average', 'median', 'stdev', 'stellar', 'nebular'
                'agn', 'm/l', 'lsf'
            The row number where the spectra is extracted, default=1 (0 in python notation)

        scale: bool, whether to scale the spectra or not, default True

        a mpdaf.obj.Spectrum object
            from mpdaf.obj import Spectrum, WaveCoord
        except ImportError as e:
            print(e, "MPDAF not installed, cannot continue")
        sp = self.spectrum(row, scale)
        wave_coord = WaveCoord(cdelt=self.header["CDELT1"],

        sp_mpdaf = Spectrum(wave=wave_coord, data=sp.flux)

        return sp_mpdaf
예제 #21
 def read(self):
     """Read sky continuum spectrum from MUSE data reduction
     if not os.path.isfile(self.filename):
         upipe.print_error("{0} not found".format(self.filename))
         crval = 0.0
         data = np.zeros(0)
         cdelt = 1.0
         sky = pyfits.getdata(self.filename)
         crval = sky['lambda'][0]
         cdelt = sky['lambda'][1] - crval
         data = sky['flux']
     wavein = WaveCoord(cdelt=cdelt, crval=crval, cunit=u.angstrom)
     self.spec = Spectrum(wave=wavein, data=data)
예제 #22
    def test_get(self):
        """WaveCoord class: testing getters"""
        wave = WaveCoord(crval=0, crpix=1, cunit=u.nm, shape=10)
        assert wave.get_step(unit=u.nm) == 1.0
        assert wave.get_start(unit=u.nm) == 0.0
        assert wave.get_end(unit=u.nm) == 9.0

        wave.set_crval(2, unit=2*u.nm)
        assert wave.get_crval() == 4.0
        assert wave.get_crpix() == 2.0
        assert wave.get_step() == 2.0
        wave.set_step(2, unit=2*u.nm)
        assert wave.get_step() == 4.0
예제 #23
파일: test_cube.py 프로젝트: musevlt/mpdaf
def test_sum():
    """Cube class: testing sum method"""
    cube1 = generate_cube(data=1, wave=WaveCoord(crval=1))
    ind = np.arange(10)
    refsum = ind.sum()
    cube1.data = (ind[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] *
                  np.ones((6, 5))[np.newaxis, :, :])
    assert cube1.sum() == 6 * 5 * refsum
    assert_array_equal(cube1.sum(axis=0).data, np.full((6, 5), refsum, float))
    weights = np.ones(shape=(10, 6, 5))
    assert cube1.sum(weights=weights) == 6 * 5 * refsum

    weights = np.ones(shape=(10, 6, 5)) * 2
    assert cube1.sum(weights=weights) == 6 * 5 * refsum

    assert_array_equal(cube1.sum(axis=(1, 2)).data, ind * 6 * 5)
예제 #24
def test_get_Spectrum(spec_var):
    """Spectrum class: testing getters"""
    wave = WaveCoord(crpix=2.0, cdelt=3.0, crval=0.5, cunit=u.nm)
    spectrum1 = Spectrum(data=np.array([0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) * 2.3,
    a = spectrum1[1:7]
    assert a.shape[0] == 6
    a = spectrum1.subspec(1.2, 15.6, unit=u.nm)
    assert a.shape[0] == 6

    unit = spec_var.wave.unit
    spvarcut = spec_var.subspec(5560, 5590, unit=unit)
    assert spvarcut.shape[0] == 48
    assert_almost_equal(spvarcut.get_start(unit=unit), 5560.25, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(spvarcut.get_end(unit=unit), 5589.89, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(spvarcut.get_step(unit=unit), 0.63, 2)
예제 #25
파일: test_cube.py 프로젝트: musevlt/mpdaf
def test_min():
    """Cube class: testing min method"""
    cube1 = generate_cube(data=1., wave=WaveCoord(crval=1))
    ind = np.arange(10)
    minimum = np.amin(ind)
    cube1.data = (ind[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] *
                  np.ones((6, 5))[np.newaxis, :, :])

    m = cube1.min()
    assert m == minimum
    m = cube1.min(axis=0)
    assert m[3, 3] == minimum
    m = cube1.min(axis=(1, 2))
    assert_array_equal(m.data, ind)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        m = cube1.min(axis=-1)
예제 #26
    def test_coord(self):
        """WaveCoord class: testing getting the coordinates"""
        wave = WaveCoord(crval=1, cunit=u.nm, shape=10)
        # By default the CTYPE is LINEAR and can't be converted to air or
        # vacuum.
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        wave.wcs.wcs.ctype = ['WAVE']
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            # Unknown parameter value

        refcoord = np.arange(10) + 1
        assert_array_equal(wave.coord(medium='vacuum'), refcoord)
        assert_array_equal(wave.coord(medium='air'), vactoair(refcoord))
        wave.wcs.wcs.ctype = ['AWAV']
        assert_array_equal(wave.coord(medium='air'), refcoord)
        assert_array_equal(wave.coord(medium='vacuum'), airtovac(refcoord))
예제 #27
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: ntejos/pyntejos
def image2cube(image):

    image : mpdaf.obj.Image
        Input image object

    cube : mpdaf.obj.Cube
        A cube version of the input image.

    from mpdaf.obj import Cube, Image, WaveCoord

    # get the wcs
    wcs = image.wcs
    # create dummy WaveCoord
    wv_coord = WaveCoord(shape=1)
예제 #28
def test_gauss_fit(capsys, cont):
    """Spectrum class: testing Gaussian fit"""
    contval = cont or 0
    wave = WaveCoord(crpix=1, cdelt=0.3, crval=400, cunit=u.nm)
    spem = Spectrum(data=np.zeros(600) + contval, wave=wave)
    spem.add_gaussian(5000, 1200, 20, unit=u.angstrom)

    gauss = spem.gauss_fit(lmin=(4500, 4800),
                           lmax=(5200, 6000),
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert '[INFO] Gaussian center = 5000 ' in err

    assert_almost_equal(gauss.lpeak, 5000, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(gauss.flux, 1200, 2)
    assert_almost_equal(gauss.fwhm, 20, 2)
    assert_allclose(spem.fwhm(gauss.lpeak, cont=contval), 20, atol=0.2)
예제 #29
def test_get_item():
    """Spectrum class: testing __getitem__"""
    # Set the shape and contents of the spectrum's data array.
    shape = (5, )
    data = np.arange(shape[0])

    # Create a test spectrum with the above data array.
    s = generate_spectrum(data=data,
                          wave=WaveCoord(crval=1, cunit=u.angstrom))
    s.primary_header['KEY'] = 'primary value'
    s.data_header['KEY'] = 'data value'

    # Select the whole spectrum.
    r = s[:]
    assert_array_equal(r.shape, s.shape)
    assert_allclose(r.data, s.data)
    assert r.primary_header['KEY'] == s.primary_header['KEY']
    assert r.data_header['KEY'] == s.data_header['KEY']
    assert isinstance(r, Spectrum)
    assert r.wcs is None
    assert r.wave.isEqual(s.wave)

    # Select a sub-spectrum.
    r = s[1:3]
    assert_array_equal(r.shape, (2))
    assert_allclose(r.data, s.data[1:3])
    assert r.primary_header['KEY'] == s.primary_header['KEY']
    assert r.data_header['KEY'] == s.data_header['KEY']
    assert isinstance(r, Spectrum)
    assert r.wave.isEqual(s.wave[1:3])
    assert r.wcs is None

    # Select a single pixel of the spectrum.
    r = s[2]
    assert np.isscalar(r)
    assert_allclose(r, s.data[2])
예제 #30
        if (pixi[:, None] == all_pixels).all(-1).any(-1):
            print(i, j)
            coord_sky = datacube.wcs.pix2sky([i, j], unit=u.deg)
            dec = coord_sky[0][0]
            ra = coord_sky[0][1]
            scale = 7.28  # z=0.73379  # plat scale (kpc/") for Planck
            c1 = SkyCoord(ra * u.degree, dec * u.degree, frame='icrs')
            alpha = csu.get_alpha(c1, galcen, galPA)
            D = csu.get_impactparam(c1, galcen, scale)

            flux = datacube[:, i, j]
            abso = flux.data[specwidth[0]:specwidth[1] + 1]
            sigma = np.sqrt(flux.var[specwidth[0]:specwidth[1] + 1])
            lam2 = np.arange(4825.12, 4886.37 + 1.5, 0.1)
            wave1 = WaveCoord(cdelt=0.1, crval=4825.12, cunit=u.angstrom)

            model = Disco(h, incli, Rcore=0.1)
            spec = model.averagelos(D, alpha, lam2, 100, 12, z, csize,
                                    col_dens, bes, r_0, v_max, h_v, 0)
            spe = Spectrum(wave=wave1, data=spec)
            rspe = spe.resample(1.25)
            fluxmodel = rspe.data
            absomodel = fluxmodel[specwidth[0]:specwidth[1] + 1]

            #ymodelt = np.concatenate((ymodel[0][14:36],ymodel[1][16:36],ymodel[2][16:36]))
            dif = np.sum(((abso - absomodel) / sigma)**2)
            ima.data[i, j] = dif
            ima.mask[i, j] = False
