예제 #1
def all_reduce(tensor: torch.Tensor,
               comm: MPI.COMM_WORLD = None) -> torch.Tensor:
    param_numpy = tensor.numpy()
    param_output = np.empty(param_numpy.shape, dtype=param_numpy.dtype)
    if comm is None:
        comm = _get_comm()
    comm.Allreduce(param_numpy, param_output, op=op.value)
    tensor = torch.from_numpy(param_output)
    return tensor
예제 #2
def all_reduce(tensor: EagerTensor,
               comm: MPI.COMM_WORLD = None) -> EagerTensor:
    param_numpy = tensor.numpy()
    original_shape = param_numpy.shape
    param_numpy_flatten = param_numpy.flatten()
    param_output = np.empty(param_numpy_flatten.shape, dtype=param_numpy.dtype)
    if comm is None:
        comm = _get_comm()
    comm.Allreduce(param_numpy_flatten, param_output, op=op.value)
    param_output = np.reshape(param_output, original_shape)
    tensor = tutils.to_tensor(param_output)
    return tensor
예제 #3
    def test_synchronize(self):
        """ Make sure that we can make the overlap spaces accurate. """
        for case in self.cases:
            data = np.random.randn(*case['shape']).astype(case['dtype'])
            cpu_data = np.empty_like(data)
            comm.Allreduce(data, cpu_data)
            g = Grid(case['dtype'])
            self.assertRaises(TypeError, g.synchronize)  # No overlap.
            # Test with-overlap cases as well.
            for k in range(1, 4):
                g = Grid(case['dtype'], x_overlap=k)

                # Overwrite entire grid
                data = np.random.randn(*case['shape']).astype(case['dtype'])
                cpu_data = np.empty_like(data)
                comm.Allreduce(data, cpu_data)
                cpu_raw_bad = get_cpu_raw(cpu_data, k)
                cpu_raw_bad[:k, :, :] += 1  # Mess up padding areas.
                cpu_raw_bad[-k:, :, :] += 1
                drv.memcpy_htod(g.data.ptr, cpu_raw_bad)

                # Prove that the data is not synchronized at this time.
                cpu_raw = get_cpu_raw(cpu_data, k)
                xx = case['shape'][0]
                gd = g._get_raw()
                self.assertTrue((gd[:k, :, :] != cpu_raw[:k, :, :]).all())
                self.assertTrue((gd[-k:, :, :] != cpu_raw[-k:, :, :]).all())

                g.synchronize()  # Synchronize the overlapping data.

                # Make sure that the overlap data is accurate.
                gd = g._get_raw()
                self.assertTrue((gd[:k, :, :] == cpu_raw[:k, :, :]).all())
                self.assertTrue((gd[-k:, :, :] == cpu_raw[-k:, :, :]).all())

                comm.Barrier()  # Wait for other mpi nodes to finish.
예제 #4
    def test_recover(self):
        """ Make sure we can store and retrieve information from the GPU. """
        for case in self.cases:
            data = np.random.randn(*case['shape']).astype(case['dtype'])
            cpu_data = np.empty_like(data)
            comm.Allreduce(data, cpu_data)
            g = Grid(cpu_data)
            gpu_data = g.get()
            if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
                self.assertTrue((cpu_data == gpu_data).all())

            # Test with-overlap cases as well.
            for k in range(1, 3):
                g = Grid(cpu_data, x_overlap=k)
                gpu_data = g.get()
                if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
                    self.assertTrue((cpu_data == gpu_data).all())

                cpu_raw = get_cpu_raw(cpu_data, k)
                self.assertTrue((cpu_raw == g._get_raw()).all())