def mutual_info_run_MPI(L=512, es=100, Bp=False): eta_pos_list = [] MI_pos_list = [] executor = MPIPoolExecutor() inputs = [(L, Bp) for _ in range(es)] executor_pool = executor.starmap(MI_pool, inputs) executor.shutdown() for result in executor_pool: eta, MI = result eta_pos_list.append(eta) MI_pos_list.append(MI) return eta_pos_list, MI_pos_list
def mutual_info_run_MPI(T, es, L): delta_list = np.linspace(-1, 1, 50) log_neg_dis_list = [] ensemblesize = es for delta in delta_list: log_neg_ensemble_list = [] mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool = [] executor = MPIPoolExecutor() inputs = [(delta, T, L) for _ in range(ensemblesize)] mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool = executor.starmap(MI_pool, inputs) executor.shutdown() for result in mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool: LN = result log_neg_ensemble_list.append(LN) log_neg_dis_list.append(log_neg_ensemble_list) return delta_list, log_neg_dis_list
def mutual_info_run_MPI(s_prob,L): delta_list=np.linspace(-1,1,100)**3 mutual_info_dis_list=[] params=Params(delta=0,L=L,bc=-1,basis='m') proj_range=np.arange(int(params.L/2),params.L,2) s_list_list=params.generate_position_list(np.arange(int(params.L/2),params.L,2),s_prob) for delta in delta_list: mutual_info_ensemble_list=[] mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool=[] executor=MPIPoolExecutor() inputs=[(delta,proj_range,s_list,L) for s_list in (s_list_list)] mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool=executor.starmap(MI_pool,inputs) executor.shutdown() for result in mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool: mutual_info_ensemble_list.append(result) mutual_info_dis_list.append(mutual_info_ensemble_list) return delta_list,mutual_info_dis_list
def mutual_info_run_MPI(s_prob, es=100): delta_list = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)**3 mutual_info_dis_list = [] if s_prob == 0 or s_prob == 1: ensemblesize = 1 else: ensemblesize = es for delta in delta_list: mutual_info_ensemble_list = [] mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool = [] executor = MPIPoolExecutor() inputs = [(delta, s_prob) for _ in range(ensemblesize)] mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool = executor.starmap(MI_pool, inputs) executor.shutdown() for result in mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool: mutual_info_ensemble_list.append(result) mutual_info_dis_list.append(mutual_info_ensemble_list) return delta_list, mutual_info_dis_list
def _mpi_starmap(func_or_classmethod, param_list, *args, path=None): """""" if path is not None: executor = MPIPoolExecutor(path=path) else: executor = MPIPoolExecutor() # print('param_list:', param_list) # print('args:', args) # print('actual:', [tuple([param] + list(args)) for param in param_list]) futures = executor.starmap( func_or_classmethod, [tuple([param] + list(args)) for param in param_list] ) results = list(futures) executor.shutdown(wait=True) return results
def RunTMCMC(N, AllPars, Nm_steps_max, Nm_steps_maxmax, log_likelihood, variables, workdirMain, seed, calibrationData, numExperiments, covarianceMatrixList, edpNamesList, edpLengthsList, scaleFactors, shiftFactors, run_type, logFile, MPI_size, parallelizeMCMC=True): """ Runs TMCMC Algorithm """ # Initialize (beta, effective sample size) beta = 0 ESS = N mytrace = [] totalNumberOfModelEvaluations = N # Initialize other TMCMC variables Nm_steps = Nm_steps_max Adap_calc_Nsteps = 'yes' # yes or no Adap_scale_cov = 'yes' # yes or no scalem = 1 # cov scale factor evidence = 1 # model evidence stageNum = 0 # stage number of TMCMC logFile.write('\n\n\t\t==========================') logFile.write("\n\t\tStage number: {}".format(stageNum)) logFile.write("\n\t\tSampling from prior") logFile.write("\n\t\tbeta = 0") logFile.write("\n\t\tESS = %d" % ESS) logFile.write("\n\t\tscalem = %.2f" % scalem) logFile.write( "\n\n\t\tNumber of model evaluations in this stage: {}".format(N)) logFile.flush() os.fsync(logFile.fileno()) # initial samples Sm = tmcmcFunctions.initial_population(N, AllPars) # Evaluate posterior at Sm Priorm = np.array([tmcmcFunctions.log_prior(s, AllPars) for s in Sm]).squeeze() Postm = Priorm # prior = post for beta = 0 # Evaluate log-likelihood at current samples Sm logFile.write("\n\n\t\tRun type: {}".format(run_type)) if parallelizeMCMC: if run_type == "runningLocal": procCount = mp.cpu_count() pool = Pool(processes=procCount) logFile.write( "\n\n\t\tCreated multiprocessing pool for runType: {}".format( run_type)) logFile.write("\n\t\t\tNumber of processors being used: {}".format( procCount)) Lmt = pool.starmap( runFEM, [(ind, Sm[ind], variables, workdirMain, log_likelihood, calibrationData, numExperiments, covarianceMatrixList, edpNamesList, edpLengthsList, scaleFactors, shiftFactors) for ind in range(N)], ) else: from mpi4py.futures import MPIPoolExecutor executor = MPIPoolExecutor(max_workers=MPI_size) logFile.write( "\n\n\t\tCreated mpi4py executor pool for runType: {}".format( run_type)) logFile.write("\n\t\t\tmax_workers: {}".format(MPI_size)) iterables = [ (ind, Sm[ind], variables, workdirMain, log_likelihood, calibrationData, numExperiments, covarianceMatrixList, edpNamesList, edpLengthsList, scaleFactors, shiftFactors) for ind in range(N) ] Lmt = list(executor.starmap(runFEM, iterables)) Lm = np.array(Lmt).squeeze() else: logFile.write("\n\n\t\tNot parallelized") logFile.write("\n\t\t\tNumber of processors being used: {}".format(1)) Lm = np.array([ runFEM(ind, Sm[ind], variables, workdirMain, log_likelihood, calibrationData, numExperiments, covarianceMatrixList, edpNamesList, edpLengthsList, scaleFactors, shiftFactors) for ind in range(N) ]).squeeze() logFile.write( "\n\n\t\tTotal number of model evaluations so far: {}".format( totalNumberOfModelEvaluations)) # Write the results of the first stage to a file named dakotaTabPrior.out for quoFEM to be able to read the results logFile.write( "\n\n\t\tWriting prior samples to 'dakotaTabPrior.out' for quoFEM to read the results" ) tabFilePath = os.path.join(workdirMain, "dakotaTabPrior.out") writeOutputs = True # Create the headings, which will be the first line of the file logFile.write("\n\t\t\tCreating headings") headings = 'eval_id\tinterface\t' for v in variables['names']: headings += '{}\t'.format(v) if writeOutputs: # create headings for outputs for i, edp in enumerate(edpNamesList): if edpLengthsList[i] == 1: headings += '{}\t'.format(edp) else: for comp in range(edpLengthsList[i]): headings += '{}_{}\t'.format(edp, comp + 1) headings += '\n' # Get the data from the first stage logFile.write("\n\t\t\tGetting data from first stage") dataToWrite = Sm logFile.write("\n\t\t\tWriting to file {}".format(tabFilePath)) with open(tabFilePath, "w") as f: f.write(headings) for i in range(N): string = "{}\t{}\t".format(i + 1, 1) for j in range(len(variables['names'])): string += "{}\t".format(dataToWrite[i, j]) if writeOutputs: # write the output data workdirString = ("workdir." + str(i + 1)) prediction = np.atleast_2d( np.genfromtxt( os.path.join(workdirMain, workdirString, 'results.out'))).reshape((1, -1)) for predNum in range(np.shape(prediction)[1]): string += "{}\t".format(prediction[0, predNum]) string += "\n" f.write(string) logFile.write('\n\t\t==========================') logFile.flush() os.fsync(logFile.fileno()) while beta < 1: # adaptively compute beta s.t. ESS = N/2 or ESS = 0.95*prev_ESS # plausible weights of Sm corresponding to new beta beta, Wm, ESS = tmcmcFunctions.compute_beta(beta, Lm, ESS, threshold=0.95) # beta, Wm, ESS = tmcmcFunctions.compute_beta(beta, Lm, ESS, threshold=0.5) stageNum += 1 # seed to reproduce results ss = SeedSequence(seed) child_seeds = ss.spawn(N + 1) # update model evidence evidence = evidence * (sum(Wm) / N) # Calculate covariance matrix using Wm_n Cm = np.cov(Sm, aweights=Wm / sum(Wm), rowvar=False) # logFile.write("\nCovariance matrix: {}".format(Cm)) # Resample ################################################### # Resampling using plausible weights # SmcapIDs = np.random.choice(range(N), N, p=Wm / sum(Wm)) rng = default_rng(child_seeds[-1]) SmcapIDs = rng.choice(range(N), N, p=Wm / sum(Wm)) # SmcapIDs = resampling.stratified_resample(Wm_n) Smcap = Sm[SmcapIDs] Lmcap = Lm[SmcapIDs] Postmcap = Postm[SmcapIDs] # save to trace # stage m: samples, likelihood, weights, next stage ESS, next stage beta, resampled samples mytrace.append([Sm, Lm, Wm, ESS, beta, Smcap]) # Write Data to '.csv' files dataToWrite = mytrace[stageNum - 1][0] logFile.write( "\n\n\t\tWriting samples from stage {} to csv file".format( stageNum - 1)) stringToAppend = 'resultsStage{}.csv'.format(stageNum - 1) resultsFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(workdirMain), stringToAppend) with open(resultsFilePath, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: csvWriter = csv.writer(csvfile) csvWriter.writerows(dataToWrite) logFile.write("\n\t\t\tWrote to file {}".format(resultsFilePath)) # Finished writing data logFile.write('\n\n\t\t==========================') logFile.write("\n\t\tStage number: {}".format(stageNum)) if beta < 1e-7: logFile.write("\n\t\tbeta = %9.6e" % beta) else: logFile.write("\n\t\tbeta = %9.8f" % beta) logFile.write("\n\t\tESS = %d" % ESS) logFile.write("\n\t\tscalem = %.2f" % scalem) # Perturb ################################################### # perform MCMC starting at each Smcap (total: N) for Nm_steps Em = (scalem**2) * Cm # Proposal dist covariance matrix numProposals = N * Nm_steps totalNumberOfModelEvaluations += numProposals logFile.write( "\n\n\t\tNumber of model evaluations in this stage: {}".format( numProposals)) logFile.flush() os.fsync(logFile.fileno()) numAccepts = 0 if parallelizeMCMC: if run_type == "runningLocal": logFile.write("\n\n\t\tLocal run - MCMC steps") logFile.write( "\n\t\t\tNumber of processors being used: {}".format( procCount)) results = pool.starmap( tmcmcFunctions.MCMC_MH, [(j1, Em, Nm_steps, Smcap[j1], Lmcap[j1], Postmcap[j1], beta, numAccepts, AllPars, log_likelihood, variables, workdirMain, default_rng(child_seeds[j1]), calibrationData, numExperiments, covarianceMatrixList, edpNamesList, edpLengthsList, scaleFactors, shiftFactors) for j1 in range(N)], ) else: logFile.write("\n\n\t\tRemote run - MCMC steps") logFile.write("\n\t\t\tmax_workers: {}".format(MPI_size)) iterables = [ (j1, Em, Nm_steps, Smcap[j1], Lmcap[j1], Postmcap[j1], beta, numAccepts, AllPars, log_likelihood, variables, workdirMain, default_rng(child_seeds[j1]), calibrationData, numExperiments, covarianceMatrixList, edpNamesList, edpLengthsList, scaleFactors, shiftFactors) for j1 in range(N) ] results = list( executor.starmap(tmcmcFunctions.MCMC_MH, iterables)) else: logFile.write("\n\n\t\tLocal run - MCMC steps, not parallelized") logFile.write( "\n\t\t\tNumber of processors being used: {}".format(1)) results = [ tmcmcFunctions.MCMC_MH(j1, Em, Nm_steps, Smcap[j1], Lmcap[j1], Postmcap[j1], beta, numAccepts, AllPars, log_likelihood, variables, workdirMain, default_rng(child_seeds[j1]), calibrationData, numExperiments, covarianceMatrixList, edpNamesList, edpLengthsList, scaleFactors, shiftFactors) for j1 in range(N) ] Sm1, Lm1, Postm1, numAcceptsS, all_proposals, all_PLP = zip(*results) Sm1 = np.asarray(Sm1) Lm1 = np.asarray(Lm1) Postm1 = np.asarray(Postm1) numAcceptsS = np.asarray(numAcceptsS) numAccepts = sum(numAcceptsS) all_proposals = np.asarray(all_proposals) all_PLP = np.asarray(all_PLP) logFile.write( "\n\n\t\tTotal number of model evaluations so far: {}".format( totalNumberOfModelEvaluations)) # total observed acceptance rate R = numAccepts / numProposals if R < 1e-5: logFile.write("\n\n\t\tacceptance rate = %9.5e" % R) else: logFile.write("\n\n\t\tacceptance rate = %.6f" % R) # Calculate Nm_steps based on observed acceptance rate if Adap_calc_Nsteps == 'yes': # increase max Nmcmc with stage number Nm_steps_max = min(Nm_steps_max + 1, Nm_steps_maxmax) logFile.write("\n\t\tadapted max MCMC steps = %d" % Nm_steps_max) acc_rate = max(1. / numProposals, R) Nm_steps = min(Nm_steps_max, 1 + int(np.log(1 - 0.99) / np.log(1 - acc_rate))) logFile.write("\n\t\tnext MCMC Nsteps = %d" % Nm_steps) logFile.write('\n\t\t==========================') # scale factor based on observed acceptance ratio if Adap_scale_cov == 'yes': scalem = (1 / 9) + ((8 / 9) * R) # for next beta Sm, Postm, Lm = Sm1, Postm1, Lm1 # save to trace mytrace.append([Sm, Lm, np.ones(len(Wm)), 'notValid', 1, 'notValid']) # Write last stage data to '.csv' file dataToWrite = mytrace[stageNum][0] logFile.write( "\n\n\t\tWriting samples from stage {} to csv file".format(stageNum)) stringToAppend = 'resultsStage{}.csv'.format(stageNum) resultsFilePath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(workdirMain), stringToAppend) with open(resultsFilePath, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: csvWriter = csv.writer(csvfile) csvWriter.writerows(dataToWrite) logFile.write("\n\t\t\tWrote to file {}".format(resultsFilePath)) if parallelizeMCMC == 'yes': if run_type == "runningLocal": pool.close() logFile.write( "\n\tClosed multiprocessing pool for runType: {}".format( run_type)) else: executor.shutdown() logFile.write( "\n\tShutdown mpi4py executor pool for runType: {}".format( run_type)) return mytrace
for _ in range( ] else: measured = args.density_numerator * subregionAp.shape[ 0] // args.density_denominator subregionAp_list = [ sorted(np.random.choice(subregionAp, measured, replace=False)) for _ in range( ] # print(subregionAp_list) eta = cross_ratio(x, L) executor = MPIPoolExecutor() inputs = [(params_init, subregionA, subregionB, subregionAp, args.type) for subregionAp in subregionAp_list] mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool = executor.starmap(run, inputs) executor.shutdown() for result in mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool: MI, LN = result MI_ensemble_list.append(MI) LN_ensemble_list.append(LN) eta_inf_Born_Ap_list.append(eta) MI_inf_Born_Ap_list.append(MI_ensemble_list) LN_inf_Born_Ap_list.append(LN_ensemble_list) print("{:.1f}".format(time.time() - st)) eta_inf_Born_Ap_list = np.array(eta_inf_Born_Ap_list) MI_inf_Born_Ap_list = np.array(MI_inf_Born_Ap_list) LN_inf_Born_Ap_list = np.array(LN_inf_Born_Ap_list)
mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool = [] for pt in range(args.pts): MI_ensemble_list = [] LN_ensemble_list = [] inputs = [] x = sorted(np.random.choice(np.arange(1, args.Lx), 3, replace=False)) x = [0] + x eta = cross_ratio(x, args.Lx) eta_Born_list.append(eta) subregionA = [np.arange(x[0], x[1]), np.arange(params_init.Ly)] subregionB = [np.arange(x[2], x[3]), np.arange(params_init.Ly)] subregionAp = [np.arange(x[1], x[2]), np.arange(params_init.Ly)] subregionBp = [np.arange(x[3], args.Lx), np.arange(params_init.Ly)] inputs = [(params_init, subregionA, subregionB, subregionAp, subregionBp, args.Bp) for _ in range(] mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool.append(executor.starmap(run, inputs)) for pt in range(args.pts): print("{:d}:".format(pt), end='') st = time.time() MI_ensemble_list = [] LN_ensemble_list = [] for result in mutual_info_ensemble_list_pool[pt]: MI, LN = result MI_ensemble_list.append(MI) LN_ensemble_list.append(LN) MI_Born_list.append(MI_ensemble_list) LN_Born_list.append(LN_ensemble_list) print("{:.1f}".format(time.time() - st)) executor.shutdown()
k_map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(args.hp_nside), dtype=np.float32) if os.path.isfile(args.path):"using snapshot {}".format(args.path)) if args.sim_format == "tipsy": snapshot = TipsySnapshot(args.path) else: raise NotImplementedError timer = time.time() if args.lc_mode == 'fullsky': pixels = pool.starmap( worker_fullsky, [(snapshot, args.lc_shell_range[0], args.lc_shell_range[1], batch_index, args.batches, args.sim_omegam, args.sim_omegal, args.sim_boxsize, args.hp_nside, args.randomize, args.seed) for batch_index in range(0, args.batches)]) elif args.lc_mode == 'smallsky': pixels = pool.starmap( worker_smallsky, [(snapshot, args.lc_shell_range[0], args.lc_shell_range[1], batch_index, args.batches, args.sim_omegam, args.sim_omegal, args.sim_boxsize, args.hp_nside, args.randomize, args.seed) for batch_index in range(0, args.batches)]) elif args.lc_mode == 'simple': raise NotImplementedError else: raise NotImplementedError pixels = np.concatenate(list(pixels), axis=0)