예제 #1
파일: diis.py 프로젝트: sunqm/mpi4pyscf
    def extrapolate(self, nd=None):
        if nd is None:
            nd = self.get_num_vec()
        if nd == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('No vector found in DIIS object.')

        h = self._H[:nd+1,:nd+1].copy()
        h[1:,1:] = mpi.comm.allreduce(self._H[1:nd+1,1:nd+1])
        g = numpy.zeros(nd+1, h.dtype)
        g[0] = 1

        w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(h)
        if numpy.any(abs(w)<1e-14):
            logger.debug(self, 'Singularity found in DIIS error vector space.')
            idx = abs(w)>1e-14
            c = numpy.dot(v[:,idx]*(1./w[idx]), numpy.dot(v[:,idx].T.conj(), g))
                c = numpy.linalg.solve(h, g)
            except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
                logger.warn(self, ' diis singular, eigh(h) %s', w)
                raise e
        logger.debug1(self, 'diis-c %s', c)

        xnew = None
        for i, ci in enumerate(c[1:]):
            xi = self.get_vec(i)
            if xnew is None:
                xnew = numpy.zeros(xi.size, c.dtype)
            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, xi.size, lib.diis.BLOCK_SIZE):
                xnew[p0:p1] += xi[p0:p1] * ci
        return xnew
예제 #2
    def extrapolate(self, nd=None):
        if nd is None:
            nd = self.get_num_vec()
        if nd == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('No vector found in DIIS object.')

        h = self._H[:nd + 1, :nd + 1].copy()
        h[1:, 1:] = mpi.comm.allreduce(self._H[1:nd + 1, 1:nd + 1])
        g = numpy.zeros(nd + 1, h.dtype)
        g[0] = 1

        w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(h)
        if numpy.any(abs(w) < 1e-14):
            logger.debug(self, 'Singularity found in DIIS error vector space.')
            idx = abs(w) > 1e-14
            c = numpy.dot(v[:, idx] * (1. / w[idx]),
                          numpy.dot(v[:, idx].T.conj(), g))
                c = numpy.linalg.solve(h, g)
            except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError as e:
                logger.warn(self, ' diis singular, eigh(h) %s', w)
                raise e
        logger.debug1(self, 'diis-c %s', c)

        xnew = None
        for i, ci in enumerate(c[1:]):
            xi = self.get_vec(i)
            if xnew is None:
                xnew = numpy.zeros(xi.size, c.dtype)
            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, xi.size, lib.diis.BLOCK_SIZE):
                xnew[p0:p1] += xi[p0:p1] * ci
        return xnew
예제 #3
 def run_diis(self, t1, t2, istep, normt, de, adiis):
     if (adiis and istep >= self.diis_start_cycle
             and abs(de) < self.diis_start_energy_diff):
         vec = self.amplitudes_to_vector(t1, t2)
         t1, t2 = self.vector_to_amplitudes(adiis.update(vec))
         logger.debug1(self, 'DIIS for step %d', istep)
     return t1, t2
예제 #4
파일: ccsd.py 프로젝트: sunqm/mpi4pyscf
 def run_diis(self, t1, t2, istep, normt, de, adiis):
     if (adiis and
         istep >= self.diis_start_cycle and
         abs(de) < self.diis_start_energy_diff):
         vec = self.amplitudes_to_vector(t1, t2)
         t1, t2 = self.vector_to_amplitudes(adiis.update(vec))
         logger.debug1(self, 'DIIS for step %d', istep)
     return t1, t2
예제 #5
파일: hf.py 프로젝트: zhcui/mpi4pyscf
def _partition_bas(mol):
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
    nao = ao_loc[-1]
    ngroups = max((mpi.pool.size * 50 * 8)**.25, 9)
    blksize = max(BLKSIZE_MIN, min(nao / ngroups, BLKSIZE_MAX))
    groups = ao2mo.outcore.balance_partition(ao_loc, blksize)
    bas_groups = [x[:2] for x in groups]
    logger.debug1(mol, 'mpi.size %d, blksize = %d, ngroups = %d',
                  mpi.pool.size, blksize, len(bas_groups))
    logger.debug2(mol, 'bas_groups = %s', bas_groups)
    return bas_groups
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, mycc):
        self._cc = mycc
        self.daemon = None

        nocc, nvir = mycc.t1.shape
        nmo = nocc + nvir
        nvir_seg = (nvir + mpi.pool.size - 1) // mpi.pool.size
        max_memory = mycc.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
        max_memory = max(0, max_memory - nocc**3*13*lib.num_threads()*8/1e6)
        blksize = max(BLKMIN, (max_memory*.5e6/8/(6*nmo*nocc))**.5 - nocc/4)
        blksize = int(min(comm.allgather(min(nvir/6+2, nvir_seg/2+1, blksize))))
        logger.debug1(mycc, 'GlobalDataHandler blksize %s', blksize)

        self.vranges = []
        self.data_partition = []
        self.segment_location = {}
        for task in range(mpi.pool.size):
            p0 = nvir_seg * task
            p1 = min(nvir, p0 + nvir_seg)
            self.vranges.append((p0, p1))

            for j0, j1 in lib.prange(p0, p1, blksize):
                self.data_partition.append((j0, j1))
                self.segment_location[j0] = task
        logger.debug1(mycc, 'data_partition %s', self.data_partition)
        logger.debug1(mycc, 'segment_location %s', self.segment_location)
예제 #7
파일: hf.py 프로젝트: zhcui/mpi4pyscf
def _eval_jk(mf, dm, hermi, gen_jobs):
    cpu0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
    mol = mf.mol
    ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
    nao = ao_loc[-1]

    bas_groups = _partition_bas(mol)
    jobs = gen_jobs(len(bas_groups), hermi)
    njobs = len(jobs)
    logger.debug1(mf, 'njobs %d', njobs)

    # Each job has multiple recipes.
    n_recipes = len(jobs[0][1:])
    dm = numpy.asarray(dm).reshape(-1, nao, nao)
    n_dm = dm.shape[0]
    vk = numpy.zeros((n_recipes, n_dm, nao, nao))

    if mf.opt is None:
        vhfopt = mf.init_direct_scf(mol)
        vhfopt = mf.opt
    # Assign the entire dm_cond to vhfopt.
    # The prescreen function CVHFnrs8_prescreen will index q_cond and dm_cond
    # over the entire basis.  "set_dm" in function jk.get_jk/direct_bindm only
    # creates a subblock of dm_cond which is not compatible with
    # CVHFnrs8_prescreen.
    vhfopt.set_dm(dm, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env)
    # Then skip the "set_dm" initialization in function jk.get_jk/direct_bindm.
    vhfopt._dmcondname = None

    logger.timer_debug1(mf, 'get_jk initialization', *cpu0)
    for job_id in mpi.work_stealing_partition(range(njobs)):
        group_ids = jobs[job_id][0]
        recipes = jobs[job_id][1:]

        shls_slice = lib.flatten([bas_groups[i] for i in group_ids])
        loc = ao_loc[shls_slice].reshape(4, 2)

        dm_blks = []
        for i_dm in range(n_dm):
            for ir, recipe in enumerate(recipes):
                for i, rec in enumerate(recipe):
                    p0, p1 = loc[rec[0]]
                    q0, q1 = loc[rec[1]]
                    dm_blks.append(dm[i_dm, p0:p1, q0:q1])
        scripts = [
            'ijkl,%s%s->%s%s' % tuple(['ijkl'[x] for x in rec])
            for recipe in recipes for rec in recipe
        ] * n_dm

        kparts = jk.get_jk(mol,

        for i_dm in range(n_dm):
            for ir, recipe in enumerate(recipes):
                for i, rec in enumerate(recipe):
                    p0, p1 = loc[rec[2]]
                    q0, q1 = loc[rec[3]]
                    vk[ir, i_dm, p0:p1, q0:q1] += kparts[i]
                # Pop the results of one recipe
                kparts = kparts[i + 1:]

    vk = mpi.reduce(vk)
    if rank == 0:
        if hermi:
            for i in range(n_recipes):
                for j in range(n_dm):
                    lib.hermi_triu(vk[i, j], hermi, inplace=True)
        # Zero out vk on workers. If reduce(get_jk()) is called twice,
        # non-zero vk on workers can cause error.
        vk[:] = 0
    logger.timer(mf, 'get_jk', *cpu0)
    return vk