def draw_circle(ax): """ Draw a circle in axis coordinates """ from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import AnchoredDrawingArea from matplotlib.patches import Circle ada = AnchoredDrawingArea(20, 20, 0, 0, loc='upper right', pad=0., frameon=False) p = Circle((10, 10), 10) ada.da.add_artist(p) ax.add_artist(ada)
def plot_scalar2_xy(grid, PI, unite, s, name='n', colormesh=True, pos=None, ax=None, fig=None, **kwargs): if ax is None: if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(dpi=150) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if pos is None: # If no position is supplied, take the middle! pos = grid.resolution[2] // 2 im = ax.contourf(grid.x[:, :, 75], grid.y[:, :, 75], PI, **kwargs) ada = AnchoredDrawingArea( 2, 2, 0, 0, loc='lower left', pad=0., frameon=False, ) p = Circle((7, 7), s, fill=False, color="black") ada.da.add_artist(p) ax.add_artist(ada) #im = ax.imshow(I) ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax.set_xlabel(r'$x\;[\rm pc]$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$y\;[\rm pc]$') cax = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) cax.set_label(r'${}\;\left[\,{}\,\right]$'.format(name, get_latex_units(unite))) return fig
def draw_circles(): for ip in logfile: if ip[-1] == '2': left_dbm = logfile[ip]['a8:96:75:c3:58:0d'][-1][1] elif ip[-1] == '5': #print(dbm, " came from erick") right_dbm = logfile[ip]['a8:96:75:c3:58:0d'][-1][1] elif ip[-1] == '4': #print(dbm, " came from justin") back_left_dbm = logfile[ip]['a8:96:75:c3:58:0d'][-1][1] elif ip[-1] == '3': #print(dbm, " came from aaron") back_right_dbm = logfile[ip]['a8:96:75:c3:58:0d'][-1][1] #back_right_dbm = logfile['']['a8:96:75:c3:58:0d'][-1][1] print('{0} {1} {2} {3}'.format( left_dbm, back_left_dbm, back_right_dbm, right_dbm), end='\r') fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)) ada = AnchoredDrawingArea(10, 10, 0, 0, loc=1, pad=0., frameon=False) left_circle = Circle((-550, -540), radius(left_dbm), fc="none", ec='g') ada.drawing_area.add_artist(left_circle) back_left_circle = Circle((-550, 20), radius(back_left_dbm), fc="none", ec='r') ada.drawing_area.add_artist(back_left_circle) back_right_circle = Circle((20, 20), radius(back_right_dbm), fc="none", ec="b") ada.drawing_area.add_artist(back_right_circle) right_circle = Circle((20, -540), radius(right_dbm), fc="none", ec='k') ada.drawing_area.add_artist(right_circle) ax.add_artist(ada) time.sleep(2) fig.clf()
def plot_greens(bin_ends, values, image_width, image_height, radius, driver_action): ada = AnchoredDrawingArea(radius * 2, radius, 0, 0, loc=10, pad=0., borderpad=0., frameon=False) def add_to_ada(ada, pos_x, pos_y, radius, angle_s, angle_e, ring_width, color_code, alpha_value): ada.drawing_area.add_artist( Wedge((pos_x, pos_y), radius, angle_s, angle_e, width=ring_width, fc=color_code # '#DAF7A6' , ec='none', alpha=alpha_value, antialiased=True)) bin_ends = 180 - np.array(bin_ends) bin_ends = bin_ends[::-1] values = np.array(values) values = np.squeeze(values) values = values[::-1] mask = gen_mask(bin_ends, values, radius, image_height, image_width) plt.imshow(mask, alpha=0.8) white_border = 2 border_color = '#FFFFFF' add_to_ada(ada, radius, -(image_height / 2 - radius / 2), radius + white_border, 0, 180, white_border + 1, border_color, 1) tick_len = 20 tick_color = '#FFFFFF' tick_width = 1.0 / 2 for i in range(len(bin_ends)): if abs(bin_ends[i] - 90) > 10: add_to_ada(ada, radius, -(image_height / 2 - radius / 2), radius + white_border, bin_ends[i] - tick_width / 2, bin_ends[i] + tick_width / 2, tick_len, tick_color, 10) driver_action = driver_action / 180.0 * math.pi start = np.array([radius, -(image_height / 2 - radius / 2)]) delta = np.array([radius * math.cos(driver_action), radius * math.sin(driver_action)]) * 0.8 color_driver = "#0000FF" ada.drawing_area.add_artist(FancyArrowPatch(start, start + delta, linewidth=2, color=color_driver)) return ada
def plot_scalar_xy_col(grid, scalar_field, unite, s, name='n', colormesh=True, pos=None, ax=None, fig=None, **kwargs): """ Plots a slice of a scalar field defined on a 3D cartesian grid """ if ax is None: if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(dpi=150) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if pos is None: # If no position is supplied, take the middle! pos = grid.resolution[2] // 2 if len(scalar_field.shape) == 3: im_slice = scalar_field[:, :, pos] else: im_slice = scalar_field if 'cmap' not in kwargs: if unite.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad): kwargs['cmap'] = 'bwr' if colormesh: im = ax.pcolormesh(grid.x[:, :, pos].value, grid.y[:, :, pos].value, im_slice, cmap='bwr', **kwargs) else: im = ax.contourf(grid.x[:, :, pos], grid.y[:, :, pos], im_slice, **kwargs) ada = AnchoredDrawingArea( 2, 2, 0, 0, loc='lower left', pad=0., frameon=False, ) p = Circle((7, 7), s, fill=False, color="black") ada.da.add_artist(p) ax.add_artist(ada) ax.set_aspect(1) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x\;[\rm pc]$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$y\;[\rm pc]$') cax = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) cax.set_label(r'${}\;\left[\,{}\,\right]$'.format(name, get_latex_units(unite))) return fig
def plot_greens(bin_ends, values, image_width, image_height, radius, driver_action): # bins are: [0, bin_ends[0]], [bin_ends[0], bin_ends[1]] ... # and the corresponding values to display are: values[0], values[1] # the final results are added to ada ada = AnchoredDrawingArea(radius * 2, radius, 0, 0, loc=10, pad=0., frameon=False) def add_ada_custom(angle_s, angle_e, value, color): add_to_ada(ada, radius, -(image_height / 2 - radius / 2), radius, angle_s, angle_e, None, color, value) def add_to_ada(ada, pos_x, pos_y, radius, angle_s, angle_e, ring_width, color_code, alpha_value): ada.drawing_area.add_artist( Wedge( (pos_x, pos_y), radius, angle_s, angle_e, width=ring_width, fc=color_code # '#DAF7A6' , ec='none', alpha=alpha_value, antialiased=True)) bin_ends = 180 - np.array(bin_ends) bin_ends = bin_ends[::-1] values = np.array(values) values = np.squeeze(values) values = values[::-1] # add a black background add_ada_custom(0, 180, 0.8, "#000000") color_shading = "#00FF00" for i in range(len(values)): #print(bin_ends.shape, '____all____bin_____') #print(values.shape, '___all_____values____') if i < 5: print(bin_ends[i], bin_ends[i + 1], values[i], '________________________') add_ada_custom(bin_ends[i], bin_ends[i + 1], values[i], color_shading) white_border = 1 border_color = '#FFFFFF' add_to_ada(ada, radius, -(image_height / 2 - radius / 2), radius + white_border, 0, 180, white_border, border_color, 1) tick_len = 20 tick_color = '#FFFFFF' tick_width = 1.0 / 2 for i in range(len(bin_ends)): add_to_ada(ada, radius, -(image_height / 2 - radius / 2), radius + white_border, bin_ends[i] - tick_width / 2, bin_ends[i] + tick_width / 2, tick_len, tick_color, 10) driver_action = driver_action / 180.0 * math.pi start = np.array([radius, -(image_height / 2 - radius / 2) - 2]) delta = np.array([ radius * math.cos(driver_action), radius * math.sin(driver_action) ]) * 0.8 color_driver = "#0000FF" ada.drawing_area.add_artist( FancyArrowPatch(start, start + delta, linewidth=2, color=color_driver)) return ada
def vis_discrete_colormap_antialias(tout, predict, frame_rate, j=0, save_visualize=False, dir_name="temp", string_type='image'): if FLAGS.only_seg: decoded = tout[0] speed = tout[1] name = tout[2] isstop = tout[5] turn = tout[6] locs = tout[7] else: decoded, speed, name, isstop, turn, locs = tout images = copy.deepcopy(decoded[j, :, :, :, :]) _, hi, wi, _ = images.shape turn = turn[j, :, :] def get_color(prob): cm = pylab.get_cmap('viridis') # inferno color = cm(prob) # color will now be an RGBA tuple r = color[0] * 255 g = color[1] * 255 b = color[2] * 255 return r, g, b def clamp(x): x = float(x) return max(0, min(x, 1)) def add_to_ada(ada, pos_x, pos_y, radius, angle_s, angle_e, ring_width, color_code, edge_color, alpha_value): ada.drawing_area.add_artist( Wedge( (pos_x, pos_y), radius, angle_s, angle_e, width=ring_width # , color=color_code#'#DAF7A6' , alpha=alpha_value, antialiased=True, ec=edge_color, fc=color_code)) def draw_cake(ada, pos_x, pos_y, radius, angle_s, angle_diff, ring_width, color_code, edge_color, alpha_value, share, shift=45): angle_s = angle_s + shift for i in range(share): if (angle_s + (i + 1) * (angle_diff) / share) == 360: angle_end = 360 else: angle_end = angle_s + (i + 1) * (angle_diff) / share #print(i,'_______________________________________') add_to_ada(ada, pos_x, pos_y, radius, angle_s + i * (angle_diff) / share, angle_end, ring_width, color_code=color_code, edge_color=edge_color, alpha_value=alpha_value[i]) def draw_pile_cake(ada, pos_x, pos_y, radius, angle_s, angle_diff, ring_width, color_code, edge_color, alpha_value, share, x_frac, y_frac, split, fontsize=24, shift=45): # draw the black one draw_cake(ada, pos_x=pos_x, pos_y=pos_y, radius=radius, angle_s=angle_s, angle_diff=360, ring_width=None, color_code='k', edge_color=None, alpha_value=[0.6], share=1) # draw the green one draw_cake(ada, pos_x=pos_x, pos_y=pos_y, radius=radius, angle_s=angle_s, angle_diff=360, ring_width=ring_width, color_code=color_code, edge_color='#FFFFFF', alpha_value=alpha_value, share=4) # draw the white edge draw_cake(ada, pos_x=pos_x, pos_y=pos_y, radius=radius, angle_s=angle_s, angle_diff=360, ring_width=ring_width, color_code='none', edge_color='#FFFFFF', alpha_value=[1, 1, 1, 1], share=4) ada.da.add_artist( ax.annotate(split, xy=(x_frac, y_frac), xycoords="axes fraction", fontsize=fontsize, color='w')) def draw_cake_type(ada, string_type, action_mean, predict_mean): if string_type == 'video': draw_pile_cake(ada, pos_x=210, pos_y=70, radius=60, angle_s=0, angle_diff=360, ring_width=30, color_code='#00FF00', edge_color=None, alpha_value=predict_mean, share=1, x_frac=0.513, y_frac=0.895, split='P') draw_pile_cake(ada, pos_x=80, pos_y=70, radius=60, angle_s=0, angle_diff=360, ring_width=30, color_code='#00FF00', edge_color=None, alpha_value=action_mean, share=1, x_frac=0.185, y_frac=0.895, split='G') elif string_type == 'image': draw_pile_cake(ada, pos_x=240, pos_y=70, radius=70, angle_s=0, angle_diff=360, ring_width=40, color_code='#00FF00', edge_color=None, alpha_value=predict_mean, share=1, x_frac=0.580, y_frac=0.89, split='P', fontsize=32) draw_pile_cake(ada, pos_x=80, pos_y=70, radius=70, angle_s=0, angle_diff=360, ring_width=40, color_code='#00FF00', edge_color=None, alpha_value=action_mean, share=1, x_frac=0.18, y_frac=0.89, split='G', fontsize=32) _, short_name = os.path.split(name[j]) short_name = short_name.split(".")[0] for i in range(images.shape[0]): action_mean = [ clamp(turn[i, 0] + 0.05), clamp(turn[i, 2] + 0.05), clamp(turn[i, 1] + 0.1), clamp(turn[i, 3] + 0.05) ] predict_mean = [ clamp(predict[i, 0] + 0.05), clamp(predict[i, 2] + 0.05), clamp(predict[i, 1] + 0.05), clamp(predict[i, 3] + 0.05) ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) ax_original = plt.gca() ax_original.set_axis_off() ax_original.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax_original.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.imshow(images[i, :, :, :]) plt.axis('off') ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='polar') ax_2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='polar') ada = AnchoredDrawingArea(200, 100, 0, 0, loc=2, pad=0., frameon=False) draw_cake_type(ada, string_type, action_mean, predict_mean) ax.add_artist(ada) ax.set_axis_off() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax_2.set_axis_off() ax_2.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax_2.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_name, 'viz')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir_name, 'viz')) if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(dir_name, 'viz', short_name + string_type)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(dir_name, 'viz', short_name + string_type)) fig.savefig(os.path.join(dir_name, 'viz', short_name + string_type, '{0:04}.png'.format(i)), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=-0.04, Transparent=True, dpi=100) print(short_name, ' ', i, 'Done!') plt.close() images2video_highqual(frame_rate=3, name=short_name, dir_name=os.path.join(dir_name, 'viz', short_name + string_type))
# the drawing area are not related to the placement of the drawing # area itself. Only the initial size matters. # # The artists that are added to the drawing area should not have a # transform set (it will be overridden) and the dimensions of those # artists are interpreted as a pixel coordinate, i.e., the radius of the # circles in above example are 10 pixels and 5 pixels, respectively. from matplotlib.patches import Circle from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import AnchoredDrawingArea fig, ax = plt.subplots() ada = AnchoredDrawingArea(40, 20, 0, 0, loc='upper right', pad=0., frameon=False) p1 = Circle((10, 10), 10) ada.drawing_area.add_artist(p1) p2 = Circle((30, 10), 5, fc="r") ada.drawing_area.add_artist(p2) ax.add_artist(ada) ############################################################################### # Sometimes, you want your artists to scale with the data coordinate (or # coordinates other than canvas pixels). You can use # ``AnchoredAuxTransformBox`` class. This is similar to # ``AnchoredDrawingArea`` except that the extent of the artist is # determined during the drawing time respecting the specified transform.
""" ============== Anchored Box02 ============== """ from matplotlib.patches import Circle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import AnchoredDrawingArea fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3)) ada = AnchoredDrawingArea(40, 20, 0, 0, loc=1, pad=0., frameon=False) p1 = Circle((10, 10), 10) ada.drawing_area.add_artist(p1) p2 = Circle((30, 10), 5, fc="r") ada.drawing_area.add_artist(p2) ax.add_artist(ada)
def get_nn(self, nnradius=10.01, axin=None, yshift=0, ms=9, lp='k-', ts=0, text_off=False, labels_off=False, atoms_off=False): # TODO: docstring if self.structure: env = self.structure[0].\ get_sites_in_sphere(self.structure[0][self.structure[1]].\ coords, nnradius) def getKey(item): # TODO: docstring return item[1] self.env = sorted(env, key=getKey) ss = [] for i in env: ss.append(i[0] self.species = list(set(ss)) if not atoms_off: atext = [] cs = [] c = 0 s = 10 for i in self.species: ada = AnchoredDrawingArea(s * 3, (len(self.species)) * s, 0, 0, loc=2, pad=0., frameon=False) cs.append(Circle((s * 2, c * s), 3, fc=get_c(i))) atext.append(i) c += 1 at = AnchoredText('\n'.join(atext[::-1]), loc=2, prop=dict(size=s), frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.), bbox_transform=axin.transAxes) for i in cs: ada.drawing_area.add_artist(i) ada.drawing_area.add_artist(at) axin.add_artist(ada) if axin: if self.vcn: astr = 'mult.={:d}\nvcn={:04.2f}'.\ format(self.multiplicity, self.vcn) else: astr = 'mult.={:d}\nvcn=na'.format(self.multiplicity) if not text_off: axin.annotate(astr, (-3, ts + yshift - 0.1), fontsize=10, weight='bold') ss = [] ds = [] for i in self.env: ss.append(i[0] ds.append(i[1]) ds = np.array(ds, np.float) axin.plot(yshift + ds[0:21], lp) for i, d in enumerate(ds[0:21]): c = get_c(ss[i]) axin.plot(i, yshift + d, 'o', color=c, ms=ms, alpha=0.8) axin.set_xticks(list(range(1, 21))) if text_off: axin.set_xlim([-0.5, 21]) else: axin.set_xlim([-3.5, 21]) if not labels_off: axin.set_xlabel('Neighbour index #') axin.set_ylabel('Distance to absorbing atom ($\AA$)') else: axin.set_xticklabels([]) else: env = [] if axin: print('nn info is not available.') return env
new_ax[beam_id].legend(loc="upper left", fontsize="x-small") # plot empty hexagons for beam_id in id_not_exist: new_ax[beam_id] = hexagonPlot(axins, [0], [0], centerxy=tuple(beam_shift[beam_id]), radius=radius, title='beam_{}'.format(beam_id)) os.system("rm -rf hexplotcache") # Big cirle hexagon = Circle((0, 0), radius * 5, ec="black", fc='blue', alpha=0.1, lw=2) ada = AnchoredDrawingArea(radius * coef, radius * coef, radius * coef / 2, radius * coef / 2, loc=10, pad=0, frameon=False) ada.da.add_artist(hexagon) ax.add_artist(ada) ax.axis('off') axins.axis('off') ax.set_title('Load files from dir:{}'.format(filein)) plt.savefig(png_name)