def plot_histogram(self, bf, row, col, plot_sigma=True, hold=False): = bf if is None: raise Exception("Need to pass in a BinFile instance to plot object") if not hasattr(, 'data_out'): raise Exception("BinFile instance does not have any data.") if not hold: self.clear() self.lines = [] try: h =[row, col, :, :].real.flatten() except: print "Error in extracting histogram" if hasattr(, 'pixel_label'): label="Row%d, Col%d (Pix: %s)" % (,,, col), 'NC')) else: label="Row%d, Col%d" % (, self.hist(h, bins=20, label=label) if MATPLOTLIBV1_0: datacursor() self.set_subplot_title("%s" % if plot_sigma: y1, y2 = self.get_ylims() for x in (-8, 8): self.plot([x, x], [y1, y2], 'r--', linewidth=2, label="_nolegend_") self.set_xlim(-64, 64) self.set_legend(loc='best')
def Graph_Instant_boot(): print ('inside Graph_Instant_boot graph') Plot1 = np.loadtxt('Output_VHFS_Instant_boot.txt') Plot2 = np.loadtxt('Output_VHFS_Instant_boot_2.txt') fig = plt.figure() #pl.subplot(311) pl.title('Instant_Boot: VHFS1 vs VHFS2') pl.xlabel('Incrementals') pl.ylabel('Time Taken in secs') pl.xlim(-1,11) x = Plot1[:,0] y = Plot1[:,1] y2 = Plot2[:,1] #yerr = Plot1[:,4] #xticks = Plot1[:,1] #plt.xticks(xticks) #plt.xscale('log') #plt.yscale('log') #plt.xticks(xticks) #pl.errorbar(x,y,yerr,ecolor='b') pl.plot(x,y, 'b', label = 'VHFS1', marker = 'o') pl.plot(x,y2, 'y', label = 'VHFS2', marker = 'o') pl.legend(loc = 'upper right', numpoints = 1) datacursor(display='multiple', draggable=True) pl.savefig('') pl.savefig('Instant_boot_VHFS_vs_VHD.png') pl.savefig('Instant_boot_VHFS_vs_VHD.pdf') print ('endddd') plt.close(fig)
def plot(self): specs = pl.array( list(set([ l['spec'] for l in self.lines ])) ) specs.sort() self.specs = specs pl.figure() pl.hold('on') pl.grid('on') pl.jet() lines = [] lines_spec = list(pl.zeros(len(specs))) for i in range(0,len(self.lines)): ispc = pl.find( specs == self.lines[i]['spec'] ) self.colr = float(ispc)/len(specs) ) wl = self.lines[i]['wave'] ri = float(self.lines[i]['rel_int']) lines.append( pl.plot( [wl, wl], [0., ri if not isnan(ri) else 0.], '.-', color=self.colr )[0] ) lines_spec[ispc] = lines[-1] datacursor(lines,formatter='x={x:8.3f}\ny={y:8.3f}'.format) pl.rc('text',usetex=True) pl.xlabel('$\lambda ~ [\AA]$') pl.ylabel('relative intensity [arb]') pl.title('Spectrum for '+self.spec+' from NIST ASD') if len(specs) > 1: pl.legend( lines_spec,specs )
def plot_k_walls(k_walls, plot_range=None, plot_data_points=False,): """ Plot K-walls for debugging purpose. """ pyplot.figure() pyplot.axes().set_aspect('equal') for k_wall in k_walls: xs = k_wall.get_xs() ys = k_wall.get_ys() pyplot.plot(xs, ys, '-', label=k_wall.identifier) if(plot_data_points == True): pyplot.plot(xs, ys, 'o', color='k', markersize=4) if plot_range is None: pyplot.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=None) else: [[x_min, x_max], [y_min, y_max]] = plot_range pyplot.xlim(x_min, x_max) pyplot.ylim(y_min, y_max) mpldatacursor.datacursor( formatter='{label}'.format, hover=True, )
def measure_iv(self): self.get_vd_values() self.textBrowser.append('Measuring I-V from ' + str(self.vd_start) + 'V to ' + str(self.vd_stop) + ' V') vd_values = np.linspace(self.vd_start, self.vd_stop, num=self.vd_steps, endpoint=True) id_values = np.zeros_like(vd_values) # self.measure_current() for i, vd in np.ndenumerate(vd_values): self.set_voltage_vd(vd) id_values[i] = self.measure_current() if self.stop_engaged: print('stop') self.stop_engaged = False break self.update_progress((i[0] + 1.0)/self.vd_steps) self.set_voltage_vd(0) self.textBrowser.append('Measurement completed') data = pd.DataFrame({'Voltage': vd_values, 'Current': id_values}) data.set_index('Voltage', inplace=True) self.data_iv = data data.to_csv('measurement_iv.csv') data.to_msgpack('measurement_iv.msgpack') ax = data.plot() datacursor(ax) # datacursor(display='single', draggable=True) winsound.Beep(750, 1000) fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig('measurement_iv.png')
def exploredata1d(data, slider='chans', stack='ants'): """ Set up interactive 1d (line) plotting for vis data of dimension (ints, ants, chans). """ axdict = {'ints': 0, 'ants': 1, 'chans': 2} assert slider in axdict.keys() and stack in axdict.keys(), 'slider or stack param not allowed' slax = axdict[slider] # need to account for axis shift after first 'take' stax = axdict[stack] if axdict[stack] <= slax else axdict[stack] - 1 slmax = data.shape[axdict[slider]] stmax = data.shape[axdict[stack]] xaxis = [name for name in axdict.keys() if name != slider and name != stack][0] fcndict = {'Real': np.real, 'Imag': np.imag, 'Amp': np.abs, 'Phase': np.angle} @interact(sl=(0, slmax, 1), f=['Real', 'Imag', 'Amp', 'Phase']) def plotautos(sl, f): pl.figure(figsize=(15,8)) pl.clf() pl.xlabel(xaxis) pl.ylabel(f) fcn = fcndict[f] for st in range(stmax): pl.plot(fcn(data.take(sl, axis=slax).take(st, axis=stax)), label='{0} {1}'.format(stack.rstrip('s'), st)) print('Plotting {0} vs. {1}.'.format(f, xaxis)) print('Slider for {0}. A line per {1}.'.format(slider, stack.rstrip('s'))) print('Click on a line to see {0} number'.format(stack.rstrip('s'))) datacursor(formatter='{label}'.format)
def main(icorr_mean_list): suffix = rate2suffix(icorr_mean_list) # load data datapath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('./'), 'data') filename = 'popdata_'+suffix+'.npz' datafile = os.path.join(datapath,filename) if os.path.isfile(datafile) is False: print 'no data available, execute with \ icorr_mean_list={} fist'.format(icorr_mean_list) sys.exit(1) else: popdata = np.load(datafile) allpop = popdata['allpop'] allfits = popdata['allfits'] front = popdata['front'] frontfits = popdata['frontfits'] pop = popdata['pop'] popfits = popdata['popfits'] plt.ion() plt.close('all') ##plt.semilogx(np.array(frontfits)[:,0], np.array(frontfits)[:,1], 'bo', markeredgecolor='b') #plt.semilogx(np.array(popfits)[:,0], np.array(popfits)[:,1], 'bo', markeredgecolor='b') #for popfit in popfits: for ind, popfit in zip(pop, popfits): ## journal version #plt.semilogx(popfit[0], popfit[1], 'bo',markeredgecolor='b', #label=u'flexure: {:d}, shear: {:d}, deck: {:d}'.format(ind[0], ind[1], ind[2])) # conference version plt.semilogx(popfit[0], popfit[1], 'bo',markeredgecolor='b', label=u'({:d},{:d},{:d})'.format(ind[0], ind[1], ind[2])) plt.ylim((-1,np.max(popfits)*1.1)) ax = plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(-3,3)) plt.xlabel(u'Failure probability') plt.ylabel(u'Strengthening cost (mm\\textsuperscript{3})') ## journal version #annotate_text = u'P={x:.2e}, C={y:.2e}\n {{ {label} }}' #datacursor(formatter=annotate_text.format,display='multiple', draggable=True, #bbox=None, fontsize=9, #arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-|>', connectionstyle='arc3', facecolor='k')) # conference version annotate_text = u'{label}' datacursor(formatter=annotate_text.format,display='multiple', draggable=True, bbox=None, fontsize=9, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-|>', connectionstyle='arc3', facecolor='k')) pause = raw_input('press any key after annotation...') plt.semilogx(np.array(allfits)[:,0], np.array(allfits)[:,1], 'o', markerfacecolor='lightgrey', markeredgecolor='lightgrey', alpha=0.8) plt.semilogx(np.array(popfits)[:,0], np.array(popfits)[:,1], 'bo', markeredgecolor='b')
def implot_data(self, bf, data_type='amp', vmin=None, vmax=None, hold=False, title=None, colorbar=True, sti=False, **kwargs): = bf if is None: raise Exception("Need to pass in a BinFile instance to plot object") self.check_alive() if not hold: self.clear() if not hasattr(, 'cross_corr') and not hasattr(, 'sti_cc'): raise Exception("BinFile does not have cross correlation data. get_cross_corr_data() first on binfile") if sti: if not hasattr(, 'sti_cc'): raise Exception("BinFile does not have sti cross corr data. Run sti_cross_correlate first") = else: = if MATPLOTLIBV1_0: interpolation = 'none' else: interpolation = 'nearest' if data_type == 'amp': self.image = self.imshow(10*numpy.log10(numpy.abs(, cmap=cm.spectral, interpolation=interpolation, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) else: self.image = self.imshow(numpy.angle(, cmap=cm.spectral, interpolation=interpolation, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) ax, kw = self.plotobj._get_current_axes() if MATPLOTLIBV1_0: datacursor(self.image, display='single',bbox=dict(fc='white'), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='simple', fc='white', alpha=0.5), formatter="x: {x:.0f}\ny: {y:.0f}\nz: {z:.2f}".format) def format_coord(x, y): if data_type == 'amp': z = (10*numpy.log10(numpy.abs([x, y] else: z = (numpy.angle([x, y] return 'x=%.1f, y=%.1f, z=%.2f' % (x, y, z) ax, kw = self.plotobj._get_current_axes() ax.format_coord = format_coord # self.set_subplot_title(title) if title is None: title = "%s" % self.set_subplot_title(title) if colorbar: self.colorbar()
def Graph_GFS_write(): print ('inside Graph_GFS graph') Plot3 = np.loadtxt('Merge_write.txt') Plot4 = np.loadtxt('Merge_read.txt') fig = plt.figure() pl.subplot(311) pl.title('Write :: Chunk_and_Block Size vs Speed') pl.xlabel('Chunk_and_Block Size in MB') pl.ylabel('Speed in MBps') #pl.xlim(0,10) x = Plot3[:,1] y = Plot3[:,3] yerr = Plot3[:,4] xticks = Plot3[:,1] #plt.xticks(xticks) plt.xscale('log') #plt.yscale('log') #plt.xticks(xticks) pl.errorbar(x,y,yerr,ecolor='b') #pl.plot(x,y, 'b-', marker ='o',) datacursor(display='multiple', draggable=True) #cursor = Dcursor.FollowDotCursor(ax, x, y) pl.subplot(313) pl.title('Read :: Chunk_and_Block Size vs Speed') pl.xlabel('Chunk_and_Block Size in MB') pl.ylabel('Speed in MBps') #pl.xlim(0,10) x = Plot4[:,1] y = Plot4[:,3] yerr = Plot4[:,4] xticks = Plot4[:,1] pl.xticks(xticks) plt.xscale('log') pl.errorbar(x,y,yerr,ecolor='b') datacursor(display='multiple', draggable=True) #pl.plot(x,y, 'b-', marker = 'o') #Dcursor2.DataCursor([write,read]) pl.savefig('') pl.savefig('GFS_Reading.png') pl.savefig('GFS_Reading.pdf') print ('endddd') plt.close(fig)
def omni_view(reds,vis,pol,int=10,chan=500,norm=False,cursor=True,save=None,colors=None,symbols=None, ex_ants=[]): if not colors: colors = ["#006BA4", "#FF7F0E", "#2CA02C", "#D61D28", "#9467BD", "#8C564B", "#E377C2", "#7F7F7F", "#BCBD22", "#17BECF"] if not symbols: symbols = ["o", "v", "^", "<", ">", "*"] points = [] sym = [] col = [] bl = [] ngps = len(reds) if save: plt.clf() plt.cla() for i,gp in enumerate(reds): c = colors[i%len(colors)] s = symbols[i/len(colors)] for r in gp: if np.any([ant in r for ant in ex_ants]): continue try: points.append(vis[r][pol][int,chan]) bl.append(r) except(KeyError): points.append(np.conj(vis[r[::-1]][pol][int,chan])) bl.append(r[::-1]) sym.append(s) col.append(c) points = np.array(points) max_x=0 max_y=0 ax = plt.subplots(111) for i,pt in enumerate(points): if norm: ax.scatter(pt.real/np.abs(pt), pt.imag/np.abs(pt), c=col[i], marker=sym[i], s=50, label='{}'.format(bl[i])) else: ax.scatter(pt.real, pt.imag, c=col[i], marker=sym[i], s=50, label='{}'.format(bl[i])) if np.abs(pt.real) > max_x: max_x = np.abs(pt.real) if np.abs(pt.imag) > max_y: max_y = np.abs(pt.imag) if norm: plt.xlim(-1,1) plt.ylim(-1,1) else: plt.xlim(-max_x-.1*max_x,max_x+.1*max_x) plt.ylim(-max_y-.1*max_y,max_y+.1*max_y) plt.ylabel('imag(V)') plt.xlabel('real(V)') if cursor: from mpldatacursor import datacursor datacursor(formatter='{label}'.format) if save: plt.savefig(save) return None
def lifetimefitting(icorr_mean_list, str_yr_list=[0., 0., 0.]): from scipy import stats from scipy.optimize import curve_fit # load data suffix = rate2suffix(icorr_mean_list) filename = 'pfhistory_str_' for ti in str_yr_list: filename = filename + str(int(ti)) + '_' datapath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('./'), 'data') filename = filename+suffix+'.npz' datafile = os.path.join(datapath,filename) if os.path.isfile(datafile) is False: print 'no data available, execute with \ icorr_mean_list={} and str_yr_list={} fist'.format(icorr_mean_list, str_yr_list) sys.exit(1) else: pfhistory = np.load(datafile) time_array = pfhistory['time'] pf_sys = pfhistory['system'] # lifetime fitting # candidate cdfs def fitexpon(xdata, *params): lbd = params[0] return stats.expon.cdf(xdata, scale=1./lbd) def fitweibull(xdata, *params): k = params[0] # shape param k in Weibull wiki lbd = params[1] # scale param lbd in Weibull wiki return stats.weibull_min.cdf(xdata, k, scale=lbd) def fitgamma(xdata, *params): k=params[0] theta = params[1] return stats.gamma.cdf(xdata, k, scale=theta) poptExpon, pcovExpon = curve_fit(fitexpon, time_array, pf_sys, p0=[1.], bounds=(0.,np.inf)) poptWbl, pcovWbl = curve_fit(fitweibull, time_array, pf_sys, p0=[1.,5.], bounds=([0.,0.],[np.inf, np.inf])) poptGamma, pcovGamma = curve_fit(fitgamma, time_array, pf_sys, p0=[1.,1.], bounds=([0.,0.],[np.inf,np.inf])) plt.ion() plt.figure() plt.semilogy(time_array, pf_sys, 'o', label='$T_f$ data') plt.semilogy(time_array, fitexpon(time_array, poptExpon[0]), ls='--', label='Exponential') plt.semilogy(time_array, fitweibull(time_array,poptWbl[0],poptWbl[1]), ls='-', label='Weibull') plt.semilogy(time_array, fitgamma(time_array,poptGamma[0],poptGamma[1]), ls=':', label='Gamma') plt.xlabel('Time (year)') plt.ylabel('Failure probability') #plt.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=9) datacursor(formatter='{label}'.format,display='multiple', draggable=True, bbox=None, fontsize=9, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-|>', connectionstyle='arc3', facecolor='k'))
def plot_avg_time_locked_data(timeLockedData, timeAxis, subplot=None, timeToPlot=None, remove_channels=None, picker=None, labels=False, figure_id=0, figure=None): if timeToPlot==None: if np.size(np.shape(timeLockedData)) > 1: samplesToPlot = [0, np.shape(timeLockedData)[1]] else: samplesToPlot = [0, np.shape(timeLockedData)[0]] else: Freq = len(timeAxis)/(timeAxis[-1]-timeAxis[0]) startingTimeDif = timeToPlot[0] - timeAxis[0] endingTimeDif = timeToPlot[1] - timeAxis[0] if startingTimeDif < 0: raise ArithmeticError("The starting time to plot must be after the starting time of the trial") if endingTimeDif < 0: raise ArithmeticError("The end time to plot must be after the starting time of the trial") samplesToPlot = [startingTimeDif*Freq, endingTimeDif*Freq] if figure is None: fig = plt.figure(figure_id) else: fig = figure if subplot is not None: ax = fig.add_subplot(subplot) else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if picker: def on_pick(event): event.artist.set_visible(not event.artist.get_visible()) print(ax.lines.index(event.artist)) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.callbacks.connect('pick_event', on_pick) if remove_channels is not None: timeLockedData[remove_channels, :] = float('nan') if np.size(np.shape(timeLockedData)) > 1: lines = ax.plot(timeAxis[samplesToPlot[0]:samplesToPlot[1]], np.transpose(timeLockedData[:, samplesToPlot[0]:samplesToPlot[1]]), picker=picker) else: lines = ax.plot(timeAxis[samplesToPlot[0]:samplesToPlot[1]], timeLockedData[samplesToPlot[0]:samplesToPlot[1]], picker=picker) if labels: datacursor(hover=True) for i in np.arange(0,len(lines)): lines[i].set_label(str(i)) fig.add_subplot(ax) return ax
def plot_iv(data,range,res,symbol): fig=plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax2 = ax1.twiny() act,=ax1.plot(data.DELTA,data.VOLATILITY,'r*',label='Actual Smile') fit,=ax1.plot(range,res,'g',label='Fitted Smile') ax1.set_xlabel('DELTA') ax1.set_ylabel('VOLATILITY') #ax2.plot(data.STRIKE_PR,data.VOLATILITY,'b*',label='Actual Smile') ax2.set_xticks(data.DELTA) ax2.set_xticklabels(data.STRIKE_PR,rotation=90,fontsize=12) ax2.set_xlabel('STRIKE') datacursor() plt.savefig("%s_VOL.jpg"%symbol)
def datacursor(self, widget, unit=None, labname='Label'): ''' Plot datacursors (useful when the number of lines gets confusing) Parameters ---------- unit and labname: to customize the info box''' # Clean previous cursors (prevent overlaps with remaining cursors) while len(self.cursors) > 0: dc = self.cursors.pop() dc.hide().disable() if self.actionDatacursor.isChecked() and CURSOR_AVAIL: def formatter(x=None, y=None, z=None, s=None, label=None, **kwargs): ax = kwargs['event'].mouseevent.inaxes output = [] output.append(u't: {0:0.3e} s'.format(x)) output.append(u'y: {0:0.3e} {1}'.format(y, unit)) for key, val in zip(['z', 's'], [z, s]): if val is not None: try: output.append( u'{key}: {val:0.3e}'.format(key=key, val=val)) except ValueError: # X & Y will be strings at this point. # For masked arrays, etc, "z" and s values may be a # string output.append( u'{key}: {val}'.format(key=key, val=val)) # label may be None or an empty string (for an un-labeled AxesImage)... # Un-labeled Line2D's will have labels that start with an # underscore if label and not label.startswith('_'): output.append(u'{0}: {1}'.format(labname, label)) if kwargs.get(u'point_label', None) is not None: output.append( u'Point: ' + u', '.join(kwargs['point_label'])) return u'\n'.join(output) for ax in widget.axes: if not ax.cursorlines is None: self.cursors.append(mpldatacursor.datacursor( ax.cursorlines, hover=True, size=10, color='k', bbox=dict(fc='white', alpha=0.9), formatter=formatter)) return None
def front_deprecated(icorr_mean_list): suffix = rate2suffix(icorr_mean_list) # load data datapath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('./'), 'data') filename = 'popdata_'+suffix+'.npz' datafile = os.path.join(datapath,filename) if os.path.isfile(datafile) is False: print 'no data available, execute with \ icorr_mean_list={} fist'.format(icorr_mean_list) sys.exit(1) else: popdata = np.load(datafile) # all pop is the same as pop allpop = popdata['allpop'] allfits = popdata['allfits'] front = popdata['front'] frontfits = popdata['frontfits'] pop = popdata['pop'] popfits = popdata['popfits'] plt.ion() plt.figure() ##plt.semilogx(np.array(frontfits)[:,0], np.array(frontfits)[:,1], 'bo', markeredgecolor='b') for ind, popfit in zip(front, frontfits): plt.semilogx(popfit[0], popfit[1], 'bo', label=u'flexure: {:d}, shear: {:d}, deck: {:d}'.format(ind[0], ind[1], ind[2])) plt.ylim((-1,np.max(popfits)*1.01)) ax = plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(-3,3)) plt.xlabel(u'Failure probability (log scale)', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel(u'Strengthening cost (mm\\textsuperscript{3})', fontsize=12) annotate_text = u'P={x:.2e}, C={y:.2e}\n {{ {label} }}' datacursor(formatter=annotate_text.format,display='multiple', draggable=True, bbox=None, fontsize=12, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-|>', connectionstyle='arc3', facecolor='k')) pause = raw_input('press any key after annotation...')
def u_plot(self, pvals, ufe): """ Plots U vs P for landau film. Parameters ---------- pvals: 1d np array of polarization charge values ufe: 1d np array of energy densities calculated at xVals. Returns ------- n/a """ fig1 = plt.figure() fig1.set_facecolor("white") plt.cla() ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) datacursor(ax1.plot(pvals * 1e6, ufe)) ax1.set_xlabel("Polarization Charge, P (uC/cm^2)") ax1.set_ylabel("Energy, U")
def make_datacursor(mode, filename, my_plt, fig): if mode == "mag": datacursor(display='multiple', tolerance=10, formatter="Freq: {x:.3e} Hz \nAmp:{y:.1f} Db".format, draggable=True) else: datacursor(display='multiple', tolerance=10, formatter="Freq: {x:.3e} Hz \nFase:{y:.1f} grados".format, draggable=True) my_plt.minorticks_on() my_plt.grid(which='major', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.3, color='black') my_plt.grid(which='minor', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.1, color='black') input("Press Enter ") fig.savefig(filename, dpi=300) my_plt.cla() my_plt.close()
def make_datacursor_zin(mode, filename, my_plt, fig, ax): add_legend_zin(mode, ax, my_plt) if mode == "mag": datacursor( display='multiple', tolerance=10, formatter="Freq: {x:.3e} Hz \nZin:{y:.1f} K $\Omega$".format, draggable=True) else: datacursor(display='multiple', tolerance=10, formatter="Freq: {x:.3e} Hz \nFase:{y:.1f} grados".format, draggable=True) input("Press Enter ") fig.savefig(filename, dpi=300) my_plt.cla() my_plt.close()
def plot_nist_lines_to_axis(self, axis, normalize_max=None, legend=True, measure='Aki', alpha=0.5): # measure='Aki' if self._check_download_conditions(): self.get_lines()"Plotting NIST lines to {0}".format(axis)) specs = np.array(list(set([l['spectrum'] for l in self.lines]))) specs.sort() maxi = self._get_maximum_relative_intensity(measure) lines = [] lines_spec = list(np.zeros(len(specs))) for i in range(0,len(self.lines)): wl = self.lines[i]['wave'] if wl > self.lower_wavelength and wl < self.upper_wavelength: ispc, = np.nonzero(np.ravel(specs == self.lines[i]['spectrum'])) self.colr ='tab20c_r')(float(ispc)/len(specs)) if normalize_max is None: ri = float(self.lines[i][measure]) else: ri = float(self.lines[i][measure]) / maxi * normalize_max lines.append(axis.plot([wl, wl], [0., ri if not isnan(ri) else 1.e-6], '.-', lw=1., color=self.colr, alpha=alpha)[0]) assert len(ispc) == 1 # dont know if correct, but working lines_spec[ispc[0]] = lines[-1] # datacursor(lines)"Plotting {0} lines of {1} in total for {2} from " "{3:2.3e} to {4:2.3e} nm".format(len(lines), len(self.lines), self.spectrum, self.lower_wavelength, self.upper_wavelength)) datacursor(lines, formatter='{x} nm'.format) if legend: if len(specs) > 1: # axis.legend(handles=lines_spec, labels=specs, loc=0) axis.legend(lines_spec, specs, loc=0)
def PlotFFT(self): fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(80, 60)) # signal plot axs[0].plot(self.t, self.f) axs[0].grid() axs[0].set_xlabel('time (s)', fontsize=16) axs[0].set_ylabel('Voltage', fontsize=16) axs[0].set_title('Signal', fontweight='bold', fontsize=20) # frequency freqs, Ampts = self.Freq() h = axs[1].plot(freqs, Ampts, 'r') datacursor(h) axs[1].grid() axs[1].set_xlabel('frequency (Hz)', fontsize=16) axs[1].set_ylabel('Voltage', fontsize=16) axs[1].set_title('FFT', fontweight='bold', fontsize=20)
def drawChunkChangePlot(self): x = range(0, len(self.changedChunksAll)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, self.changedChunksBlock, label='changedChunksBlock') ax.plot(x, self.changedChunksBlockEntity, label='changedChunksBlockEntity') ax.plot(x, self.changedChunksEntity, label='changedChunksEntity') ax.plot(x, self.changedChunksAll, label='changedChunksAll') # ax.plot(self.serverWorldTimeTicks, self.changedEntities, label='# changed entities', linestyle="-", color='g') # ax.plot(self.serverWorldTimeTicks, self.changedTileEntities, label='# changed tile entities', color='orange') # ax.plot(self.serverWorldTimeTicks, self.changedBlocks, label='# changed blocks', color='red') # ax.plot(self.serverWorldTimeTicks, self.changedSections, label='# changed sections', linestyle='-', # color='blue') # ax.plot(self.serverWorldTimeTicks, self.changedChunks, label='# changed chunks', color='black') plt.legend() ax.set(xlabel='Interval number (' + self.intervalLength + "s per Interval)", ylabel='Changed Chunks', title='Changed Chunks over time') ax.grid() datacursor()
def costkeeping(icorr_mean_list): suffix = rate2suffix(icorr_mean_list) # load data datapath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('./'), 'data') filename = 'costkeeping_'+suffix+'.npz' datafile = os.path.join(datapath,filename) if os.path.isfile(datafile) is False: print 'no data available, execute with \ icorr_mean_list={} fist'.format(icorr_mean_list) sys.exit(1) else: costkeeping = np.load(datafile) plt.ion() plt.figure() plt.plot(costkeeping['flexure'][0,:], costkeeping['flexure'][1,:], 'b-', label='Flexure (girder)') plt.plot(costkeeping['shear'][0,:], costkeeping['shear'][1,:], 'r--', label='Shear (girder)') plt.plot(costkeeping['deck'][0,:], costkeeping['deck'][1,:], 'g-.', label='Deck') service_life = np.max((np.max(costkeeping['flexure'][0,:]), np.max(costkeeping['shear'][0,:]), np.max(costkeeping['deck'][0,:]))) max_cost = np.max((np.max(costkeeping['flexure'][1,:]), np.max(costkeeping['shear'][1,:]), np.max(costkeeping['deck'][1,:]))) plt.xlim((-1,service_life+1)) plt.ylim((-1,max_cost*1.01)) plt.xlabel('Strengthening time (year)') plt.ylabel('Volumn of FRP (mm\\textsuperscript{3})') ax = plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(-3,3)) datacursor(formatter='{label}'.format,display='multiple', draggable=True, bbox=None, fontsize=9, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-|>', connectionstyle='arc3', facecolor='k')) pause = raw_input('press any key after annotation...')
def show_plot(): plt.ioff() plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 15] _fig, ax = plt.subplots() x = [d[0] for d in n] y = [d[1] for d in n] ax.scatter(x, y, s=5) mpldatacursor.datacursor(date_format="%x", bbox={ 'boxstyle': 'round,pad=0.5', 'fc': 'lightblue', 'alpha': 0.95, 'edgecolor': 'black' }) plt.ion()
def noMoreIntervals(self): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(self.timepoints, self.loaded_chunks, label='#loaded chunks', linestyle="-", color='g') ax.plot(self.timepoints, self.tile_entities, label='#tile entities', color='orange') ax.plot(self.timepoints, self.entities, label='#entities', color='red') #ax.plot(self.timepoints, self.changed_entities, label='#changed entities', linestyle='--', color='red') ax.plot(self.timepoints, self.diff_times, label='#time for statediff [ms]', color='black') ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot(self.timepoints, self.online_players, label='#online players', color='b') #ax2.plot(self.timepoints, self.changed_chunks, label='#changed chunks', linestyle='--', color='g') #ax2.plot(self.timepoints, self.changed_tile_entities, label='#changed tile entities', linestyle='--', color='orange') # fix legend # lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # lines2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels() # ax.legend(lines + lines2, labels + labels2, loc=2) ax.legend(loc=2) # upper left ax2.legend(loc=1) # upper right ax.set(xlabel='Time', title='Status information') ax.grid() datacursor()
def plot(sample, matrix): """ Helper function that does the actual plotting. Arguments: sample: An element of self.samples matrix: A string specifying which matrix to visualize. Must be 'ULM', 'SLM' of 'CM' """ mat_name = { 'CM': 'Correlation Matrix - ', 'ULM': 'Lead Matrix - ', 'SLM': 'Sorted Lead Matrix - ' } mpl.figure() try: mpl.imshow(sample[matrix], interpolation=None) except KeyError: print('Error! Matrix not found. "mat" must be ULM, CM or SLM') mpl.title(mat_name[matrix] + sample['Name'] + ':' + sample['Session'] + '-' + sample['Run'] + '(' + sample['Location'] + ')') mpl.colorbar() mpldatacursor.datacursor(bbox=dict(alpha=1, fc='w'), formatter=label_point)
def plot_rl(self): if self.cursor is not None: self.cursor.hide().disable() matplotlib.rcdefaults() self.figure.clf() self.figure.subplots_adjust(left = 0.12, bottom = 0.12, right = 0.88, top = 0.98) axes1 = self.figure.add_subplot(111) axes1.cla() axes1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(metric_prefix)) axes1.set_xlabel('Hz') axes1.set_ylabel('Return loss, dB') magnitude = np.absolute(self.gamma()) axes1.plot(self.xaxis, 20.0 * np.log10(magnitude), color = 'blue', label = 'Return loss') self.cursor = datacursor(axes = self.figure.get_axes(), formatter = LabelFormatter(), display = 'multiple') self.canvas.draw()
def get_opt_vol_data_hist(symbol): db=MySQLdb.connect(,config.user,config.password,'NSE') points=pd.DataFrame() fig=plt.figure() for i in [0,1,5]: date=pd.read_sql(last_date_query%i,db) date=date.timestamp[0].__str__() data=get_opt_vol_data(symbol, date) (range,res,pol)=perform_spline_calc(data, xlow=0, xhigh=1, xsep=0.02) if i==0: points=data.DELTA ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax2 = ax1.twiny() act,=ax1.plot(data.DELTA,data.VOLATILITY,'r*',label='Actual Smile') fit,=ax1.plot(range,res,'g',label='Fitted Smile') ax1.set_xlabel('DELTA') ax1.set_ylabel('VOLATILITY') #ax2.plot(data.STRIKE_PR,data.VOLATILITY,'b*',label='Actual Smile') ax2.set_xticks(data.DELTA) ax2.set_xticklabels(data.STRIKE_PR,rotation=90,fontsize=12) ax2.set_xlabel('STRIKE') elif i==1: ax1.plot(points,pol(points),'r',label='1 day ago') else: ax1.plot(points,pol(points),'b',label='7 days ago') lgd=ax1.legend(loc='upper left',bbox_to_anchor=(1,1)) datacursor() fig.savefig("%s_VOL.jpg"%symbol, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') db.close()
def plot(self, dataframe, param, param2, color='red', label='no', ax=None): df =, param) df2 =, param2) comb_df = df.join(df2) if label == 'no': comb_df.plot.scatter(x=param, y=param2, color=color, title=param + ' Vs ' + param2) datacursor(hover=True, point_labels=comb_df.index) # getting the summary print df.describe() print df2.describe() print comb_df #return dataframe.plot() else: if ax == None: return comb_df.plot.scatter(x=param, y=param2, color=color, label=label) else: comb_df.plot.scatter(x=param, y=param2, color=color, label=label, ax=ax, title=param + ' Vs ' + param2) datacursor(hover=True, point_labels=comb_df.index) # getting the summary print df.describe() print df2.describe() print comb_df
def set_data_cursor(self): if self.current_plot_idx is None: return None # Use a DataCursor to interactively display the label # for artists of the current axes. self.data_cursor = mpldatacursor.datacursor( axes=self.plots[self.current_plot_idx], formatter='{label}'.format, tolerance=4, # hover=True, # display='single', display='multiple', draggable=True, )
def make_datacursor_general(x1, u1, filename, my_plt, ax1): datacursor(display='multiple', tolerance=0, formatter=(str(x1) + " (" + str(u1) + "): {x:.3e} Hz \n").format, draggable=True) my_plt.gca().minorticks_on() my_plt.gca().grid(which='major', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.3, color='black') my_plt.gca().grid(which='minor', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.1, color='black') # # input("Press Enter ") my_plt.gcf().savefig(filename, dpi=300) my_plt.cla() my_plt.close()
def set_data_cursor(self): if self.current_plot_idx is None: return None # Use a DataCursor to interactively display the label # for artists of the current axes. self.data_cursor = mpldatacursor.datacursor( axes=self.plots[self.current_plot_idx], formatter='{label}'.format, tolerance=4, hover=True, #display='single', #display='multiple', #draggable=True, )
def plot_swr(self): if self.cursor is not None: self.cursor.hide().disable() matplotlib.rcdefaults() self.figure.clf() self.figure.subplots_adjust(left = 0.12, bottom = 0.12, right = 0.88, top = 0.98) axes1 = self.figure.add_subplot(111) axes1.cla() axes1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(metric_prefix)) axes1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(metric_prefix)) axes1.set_xlabel('Hz') axes1.set_ylabel('SWR') magnitude = np.absolute(self.gamma()) swr = np.maximum(1.0, np.minimum(100.0, (1.0 + magnitude) / np.maximum(1.0e-20, 1.0 - magnitude))) axes1.plot(self.xaxis, swr, color = 'blue', label = 'SWR') self.cursor = datacursor(axes = self.figure.get_axes(), formatter = LabelFormatter(), display = 'multiple') self.canvas.draw()
def plot_smith(self): if self.cursor is not None: self.cursor.hide().disable() matplotlib.rcdefaults() self.figure.clf() self.figure.subplots_adjust(left = 0.0, bottom = 0.0, right = 1.0, top = 1.0) axes1 = self.figure.add_subplot(111) self.plot_smith_grid(axes1, 'blue') gamma = self.gamma() plot, = axes1.plot(gamma.real, gamma.imag, color = 'red') axes1.axis('equal') axes1.set_xlim(-1.12, 1.12) axes1.set_ylim(-1.12, 1.12) axes1.xaxis.set_visible(False) axes1.yaxis.set_visible(False) for loc, spine in axes1.spines.items(): spine.set_visible(False) self.cursor = datacursor(plot, formatter = SmithFormatter(self.xaxis), display = 'multiple') self.canvas.draw()
def createFigure(self): # tkf= tk.Frame() # self.mainFig= matplotlib.figure.Figure(figsize= (5,5),dpi=100) self.mainFig = plt.figure() a = self.mainFig.add_subplot(111) line = a.plot([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], [5, 6, 1, 3, 8, 9, 3, 5]) # block= False ) root = tk.Tk() root.iconbitmap('/home/chris/Desktop/download.jpg') root.title("blah") canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.mainFig, master=root) canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg(canvas, root) toolbar.update() canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) dcObj = datacursor(line, snap=True) print()
def plot_magphase(self, data): if self.cursor is not None: self.cursor.hide().disable() matplotlib.rcdefaults() self.figure.clf() self.figure.subplots_adjust(left = 0.12, bottom = 0.12, right = 0.88, top = 0.98) axes1 = self.figure.add_subplot(111) axes1.cla() axes1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(metric_prefix)) axes1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(metric_prefix)) axes1.tick_params('y', color = 'blue', labelcolor = 'blue') axes1.yaxis.label.set_color('blue') axes1.plot(self.xaxis, np.absolute(data), color = 'blue', label = 'Magnitude') axes2 = axes1.twinx() axes2.spines['left'].set_color('blue') axes2.spines['right'].set_color('red') axes1.set_xlabel('Hz') axes1.set_ylabel('Magnitude') axes2.set_ylabel('Phase angle') axes2.tick_params('y', color = 'red', labelcolor = 'red') axes2.yaxis.label.set_color('red') axes2.plot(self.xaxis, np.angle(data, deg = True), color = 'red', label = 'Phase angle') self.cursor = datacursor(axes = self.figure.get_axes(), formatter = LabelFormatter(), display = 'multiple') self.canvas.draw()
def plot_cluster_lines(estimator, X, fig=None, ax=None, sample_colors=None, sample_labels=None, cluster_labels=None,'rainbow'), xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None): """Implementation of the plotting of the results of the :func:`Fuzzy K-Means <fda.clustering.fuzzy_kmeans>` method. A kind of Parallel Coordinates plot is generated in this function with the membership values obtained from the algorithm. A line is plotted for each sample with the values for each cluster. See `Clustering Example <../auto_examples/plot_clustering.html>`_. Args: estimator (BaseEstimator object): estimator used to calculate the clusters. X (FDataGrd object): contains the samples which are grouped into different clusters. fig (figure object, optional): figure over which the graph is plotted in case ax is not specified. If None and ax is also None, the figure is initialized. ax (axis object, optional): axis over where the graph is plotted. If None, see param fig. sample_colors (list of colors, optional): contains in order the colors of each sample of the fdatagrid. sample_labels (list of str, optional): contains in order the labels of each sample of the fdatagrid. cluster_labels (list of str, optional): contains in order the names of each cluster the samples of the fdatagrid are classified into. colormap(colormap, optional): colormap from which the colors of the plot are taken. xlabel (str): Label for the x-axis. Defaults to "Sample". ylabel (str): Label for the y-axis. Defaults to "Membership grade". title (str, optional): Title for the figure where the clustering results are ploted. Defaults to "Membership grades of the samples to each cluster". Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: fig (figure object): figure object in which the graphs are plotted in case ax is None. ax (axes object): axes in which the graphs are plotted. """ fdatagrid = X _check_if_estimator(estimator) if not isinstance(estimator, FuzzyKMeans): raise ValueError("The estimator must be a FuzzyKMeans object.") try: estimator._check_is_fitted() estimator._check_test_data(X) except NotFittedError: fig, ax = _fig_and_ax_checks(fig, ax) _plot_clustering_checks(estimator, fdatagrid, sample_colors, sample_labels, None, cluster_labels, None, None) xlabel, ylabel, title = _set_labels(xlabel, ylabel, title, "Cluster") if sample_colors is None: cluster_colors = colormap( np.arange(estimator.n_clusters) / (estimator.n_clusters - 1)) labels_by_cluster = np.argmax(estimator.labels_, axis=1) sample_colors = cluster_colors[labels_by_cluster] if sample_labels is None: sample_labels = [ '$SAMPLE: {}$'.format(i) for i in range(fdatagrid.nsamples) ] if cluster_labels is None: cluster_labels = [ '${}$'.format(i) for i in range(estimator.n_clusters) ] ax.get_xaxis().set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) for i in range(fdatagrid.nsamples): ax.plot(np.arange(estimator.n_clusters), estimator.labels_[i], label=sample_labels[i], color=sample_colors[i]) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(estimator.n_clusters)) ax.set_xticklabels(cluster_labels) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) datacursor(formatter='{label}'.format) fig.suptitle(title) return fig, ax
def plot(fn, inprefix='model_full', inpath=os.curdir, outprefix='model_ibc', outpath=os.curdir, ext='.su', isSU=True, endian='Little', clip=1e3, aspect='auto', cmap='seismic', interpolation='bicubic', title=None, colorbar=True, style='shot_gather', extent=[0, 1, 1, 0], figsize=(10, 8)): """ Create a plot """ if isinstance(fn, basestring): data = SEGYFile('/'.join([inpath, fn + ext]), isSU=isSU, endian=endian) data = data[:] elif isinstance(fn, np.ndarray): data = fn else: raise TypeError('LOL!') fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) # ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') # ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') # Remove the ugly ticks plt.tick_params( which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected bottom='off', # ticks along the bottom edge are off top='off', # ticks along the top edge are off left='off', # ticks along the top edge are off right='off' # ticks along the top edge are off ) # Set style-specific attributes if style == 'shot_gather': clipmin = -clip clipmax = +clip ax.xaxis.set_label_text('Horizontal location [m]') ax.yaxis.set_label_text('Time [s]') if title is None: ax.set_title('Shot gather') else: ax.set_title(title) cb_label = 'Amplitude' elif style == 'slice': clipmin = -clip clipmax = +clip ax.xaxis.set_label_text('Horizontal location [m]') ax.yaxis.set_label_text('Depth [m]') if title is None: ax.set_title('Slice') else: ax.set_title(title) cb_label = 'Amplitude' elif style == 'sub_volume_boundary': clipmin = -clip clipmax = +clip ax.xaxis.set_label_text('Horizontal location [m]') ax.yaxis.set_label_text('Time [s]') if title is None: ax.set_title('Volume boundary') else: ax.set_title(title) cb_label = 'Amplitude' elif style == 'velocity': clipmin = data.min() clipmax = data.max() #ax.xaxis.set_label_text('Horizontal location [m]') ax.xaxis.set_label_text('Inline [m]') #ax.yaxis.set_label_text('Crossline [m]') ax.yaxis.set_label_text('Depth [m]') if title is None: ax.set_title('Velocity') else: ax.set_title(title) cb_label = 'Amplitude [m/s]' elif style == 'density': clipmin = data.min() clipmax = data.max() ax.xaxis.set_label_text('Horizontal location [m]') ax.yaxis.set_label_text('Depth [m]') if title is None: ax.set_title('Density') else: ax.set_title(title) cb_label = 'Amplitude [kg/m^3]' # plt.xticks(np.linspace(2e3,4e3,3)) # Plot options plotopts = { 'vmin': clipmin, 'vmax': clipmax, 'aspect': aspect, 'cmap': cmap, 'interpolation': interpolation, 'extent': extent } # Create image im = ax.imshow(data.T, picker=True, **plotopts) # Colorbar if colorbar: cbax = plt.colorbar(im, orientation='vertical', shrink=0.9) cbax.set_ticks(range(int(clipmin+1), int(clipmax+1), int((clipmax-clipmin)/5))) cbax.set_label(cb_label) datacursor(display='single') fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onclick) #fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) return ax
def __init__(self, config, global_max_min): self.config = config print(config) _, _, _, self.raw_data, self.glo_max_score, self.glo_min_score = assemble_data( config['data']) Xs, npz_files, npz_dims, _, _, _ = assemble_data( config['data'], ext='.' + config['method']['name'] + '.' + config['data']['key'] + '.', dict_key=config['data']['key']) print(self.glo_max_score, self.glo_min_score) print(npz_dims, npz_files) self.fig = plt.figure(config['data']['key'].upper(), figsize=(14, 7)) = self.fig.add_subplot(111) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.5, right=0.9) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.onpick) checkb_labels = [] idx = 0 list_of_artists = [] labels_cursor = {} for data, file in zip(Xs, npz_files): print(data.shape) algo = file.split('/')[-3] rollout = int(file.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0][-1]) scores = self.raw_data[algo][str(rollout)]['score'] if global_max_min: global_limit = (self.glo_max_score, self.glo_min_score) else: global_limit = None hex_list = color_list(idx % len(COLORS), scores, global_limit=global_limit) artist =[:, 0], data[:, 1], c=hex_list, visible=False) list_of_artists.append(artist) labels_cursor[artist] = [] for i in range(data.shape[0]): labels_cursor[artist].append(algo.upper() + " r" + str(rollout) + " s" + str(i) + ": " + str(scores[i])) #artist.set_visible(True) #artist.set_picker(5) artist2data[artist] = (algo, rollout) label = algo.upper() + " rollout#" + str(rollout) label2artist[label] = artist checkb_labels.append(label) idx += 1 formatter = lambda **kwargs: ', '.join(kwargs['point_label']) self.dc = datacursor(list_of_artists, hover=True, formatter=formatter, point_labels=labels_cursor) checkb_ax = self.fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.8]) checkb_ax.axis('off') self.checkb = CheckButtons(checkb_ax, checkb_labels, [False] * len(checkb_labels)) self.checkb.on_clicked(checkb_click)
def imview(img, title=None, copy=True, fltscl=False, intrp='nearest', norm=None, cbar=False, cmap=None, fgsz=None, fgnm=None, fig=None, ax=None): """ Display an image. Pixel values are displayed when the pointer is over valid image data. If a figure object is specified then the image is drawn in that figure, and ```` is not called. The figure is closed on key entry 'q'. Parameters ---------- img : array_like, shape (Nr, Nc) or (Nr, Nc, 3) or (Nr, Nc, 4) Image to display title : string, optional (default None) Figure title copy : boolean, optional (default True) If True, create a copy of input `img` as a reference for displayed pixel values, ensuring that displayed values do not change when the array changes in the calling scope. Set this flag to False if the overhead of an additional copy of the input image is not acceptable. fltscl : boolean, optional (default False) If True, rescale and shift floating point arrays to [0,1] intrp : string, optional (default 'nearest') Specify type of interpolation used to display image (see ``interpolation`` parameter of :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`) norm : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` object, optional (default None) Specify the :class:`matplotlib.colors.Normalize` instance used to scale pixel values for input to the colour map cbar : boolean, optional (default False) Flag indicating whether to display colorbar cmap : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional (default None) Colour map for image. If none specifed, defaults to cm.Greys_r for monochrome image fgsz : tuple (width,height), optional (default None) Specify figure dimensions in inches fgnm : integer, optional (default None) Figure number of figure fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object, optional (default None) Draw in specified figure instead of creating one ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object, optional (default None) Plot in specified axes instead of current axes of figure Returns ------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object Figure object for this figure ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object Axes object for this plot """ if img.ndim > 2 and img.shape[2] != 3: raise ValueError('Argument img must be an Nr x Nc array or an ' 'Nr x Nc x 3 array') figp = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(num=fgnm, figsize=fgsz) fig.clf() ax = fig.gca() elif ax is None: ax = fig.gca() # Deal with removal of 'box-forced' adjustable in Matplotlib 2.2.0 mplv = matplotlib.__version__.split('.') if int(mplv[0]) > 2 or (int(mplv[0]) == 2 and int(mplv[1]) >= 2): try: ax.set_adjustable('box') except Exception: ax.set_adjustable('datalim') else: ax.set_adjustable('box-forced') imgd = img.copy() if copy: # Keep a separate copy of the input image so that the original # pixel values can be display rather than the scaled pixel # values that are actually plotted. img = img.copy() if cmap is None and img.ndim == 2: cmap = cm.Greys_r if np.issubdtype(img.dtype, np.floating): if fltscl: imgd -= imgd.min() imgd /= imgd.max() if img.ndim > 2: imgd = np.clip(imgd, 0.0, 1.0) elif img.dtype == np.uint16: imgd = np.float16(imgd) / np.iinfo(np.uint16).max elif img.dtype == np.int16: imgd = np.float16(imgd) - imgd.min() imgd /= imgd.max() if norm is None: im = ax.imshow(imgd, cmap=cmap, interpolation=intrp, vmin=imgd.min(), vmax=imgd.max()) else: im = ax.imshow(imgd, cmap=cmap, interpolation=intrp, norm=norm) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if cbar or cbar is None: orient = 'vertical' if img.shape[0] >= img.shape[1] else 'horizontal' pos = 'right' if orient == 'vertical' else 'bottom' divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes(pos, size="5%", pad=0.2) if cbar is None: # See if hasattr(cax, 'set_facecolor'): cax.set_facecolor('none') else: cax.set_axis_bgcolor('none') for axis in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']: cax.spines[axis].set_linewidth(0) cax.set_xticks([]) cax.set_yticks([]) else: plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, cax=cax, orientation=orient) def format_coord(x, y): nr, nc = imgd.shape[0:2] col = int(x + 0.5) row = int(y + 0.5) if col >= 0 and col < nc and row >= 0 and row < nr: z = img[row, col] if imgd.ndim == 2: return 'x=%6.2f, y=%6.2f, z=%.2f' % (x, y, z) else: return 'x=%6.2f, y=%6.2f, z=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)' % \ sum(((x,), (y,), tuple(z)), ()) else: return 'x=%.2f, y=%.2f' % (x, y) ax.format_coord = format_coord if fig.canvas.toolbar is not None: # See def mouse_move(self, event): if event.inaxes and event.inaxes.get_navigate(): s = event.inaxes.format_coord(event.xdata, event.ydata) self.set_message(s) def mouse_move_patch(arg): return mouse_move(fig.canvas.toolbar, arg) fig.canvas.toolbar._idDrag = fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'motion_notify_event', mouse_move_patch) attach_keypress(fig) attach_zoom(ax) if have_mpldc: mpldc.datacursor(display='single') if figp is None: return fig, ax
def contour(z, x=None, y=None, v=5, xlog=False, ylog=False, xlbl=None, ylbl=None, title=None, cfmt=None, cfntsz=10, lfntsz=None, alpha=1.0, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, fgsz=None, fgnm=None, fig=None, ax=None): """ Contour plot of a 2D surface. If a figure object is specified then the plot is drawn in that figure, and ```` is not called. The figure is closed on key entry 'q'. Parameters ---------- z : array_like 2d array of data to plot x : array_like, optional (default None) Values for x-axis of the plot y : array_like, optional (default None) Values for y-axis of the plot v : int or sequence of floats, optional (default 5) An int specifies the number of contours to plot, and a sequence specifies the specific contour levels to plot. xlog : boolean, optional (default False) Set x-axis to log scale ylog : boolean, optional (default False) Set y-axis to log scale xlbl : string, optional (default None) Label for x-axis ylbl : string, optional (default None) Label for y-axis title : string, optional (default None) Figure title cfmt : string, optional (default None) Format string for contour labels. cfntsz : int or None, optional (default 10) Contour label font size. No contour labels are displayed if set to 0 or None. lfntsz : int, optional (default None) Axis label font size. The default font size is used if set to None. alpha : float, optional (default 1.0) Underlying image display alpha value cmap : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional (default None) Colour map for surface. If none specifed, defaults to cm.YlOrRd vmin, vmax : float, optional (default None) Set upper and lower bounds for the colour map (see the corresponding parameters of :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow`) fgsz : tuple (width,height), optional (default None) Specify figure dimensions in inches fgnm : integer, optional (default None) Figure number of figure fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object, optional (default None) Draw in specified figure instead of creating one ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object, optional (default None) Plot in specified axes instead of current axes of figure Returns ------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object Figure object for this figure ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object Axes object for this plot """ figp = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(num=fgnm, figsize=fgsz) fig.clf() ax = fig.gca() elif ax is None: ax = fig.gca() if xlog: ax.set_xscale('log') if ylog: ax.set_yscale('log') if cmap is None: cmap = cm.YlOrRd if x is None: x = np.arange(z.shape[1]) else: x = np.array(x) if y is None: y = np.arange(z.shape[0]) else: y = np.array(y) xg, yg = np.meshgrid(x, y) cntr = ax.contour(xg, yg, z, v, colors='black') kwargs = {} if cfntsz is not None and cfntsz > 0: kwargs['fontsize'] = cfntsz if cfmt is not None: kwargs['fmt'] = cfmt if kwargs: plt.clabel(cntr, inline=True, **kwargs) pc = ax.pcolormesh(xg, yg, z, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, alpha=alpha, shading='gouraud', clim=(vmin, vmax)) if xlog: ax.fmt_xdata = lambda x: "{: .2e}".format(x) else: ax.fmt_xdata = lambda x: "{: .2f}".format(x) if ylog: ax.fmt_ydata = lambda x: "{: .2e}".format(x) else: ax.fmt_ydata = lambda x: "{: .2f}".format(x) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if xlbl is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlbl, fontsize=lfntsz) if ylbl is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylbl, fontsize=lfntsz) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) plt.colorbar(pc, ax=ax, cax=cax) attach_keypress(fig) attach_zoom(ax) if have_mpldc: mpldc.datacursor() if figp is None: return fig, ax
def plot(y, x=None, ptyp='plot', xlbl=None, ylbl=None, title=None, lgnd=None, lglc=None, **kwargs): """ Plot points or lines in 2D. If a figure object is specified then the plot is drawn in that figure, and ```` is not called. The figure is closed on key entry 'q'. Parameters ---------- y : array_like 1d or 2d array of data to plot. If a 2d array, each column is plotted as a separate curve. x : array_like, optional (default None) Values for x-axis of the plot ptyp : string, optional (default 'plot') Plot type specification (options are 'plot', 'semilogx', 'semilogy', and 'loglog') xlbl : string, optional (default None) Label for x-axis ylbl : string, optional (default None) Label for y-axis title : string, optional (default None) Figure title lgnd : list of strings, optional (default None) List of legend string lglc : string, optional (default None) Legend location string **kwargs : :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties or figure \ properties, optional Keyword arguments specifying :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties, e.g. ``lw=2.0`` sets a line width of 2, or properties of the figure and axes. If not specified, the defaults for line width (``lw``) and marker size (``ms``) are 1.5 and 6.0 respectively. The valid figure and axes keyword arguments are listed below: .. |mplfg| replace:: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object .. |mplax| replace:: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object .. rst-class:: kwargs ===== ==================== ====================================== kwarg Accepts Description ===== ==================== ====================================== fgsz tuple (width,height) Specify figure dimensions in inches fgnm integer Figure number of figure fig |mplfg| Draw in specified figure instead of creating one ax |mplax| Plot in specified axes instead of current axes of figure ===== ==================== ====================================== Returns ------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object Figure object for this figure ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object Axes object for this plot """ # Extract kwargs entries that are not related to line properties fgsz = kwargs.pop('fgsz', None) fgnm = kwargs.pop('fgnm', None) fig = kwargs.pop('fig', None) ax = kwargs.pop('ax', None) figp = fig if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(num=fgnm, figsize=fgsz) fig.clf() ax = fig.gca() elif ax is None: ax = fig.gca() # Set defaults for line width and marker size if 'lw' not in kwargs and 'linewidth' not in kwargs: kwargs['lw'] = 1.5 if 'ms' not in kwargs and 'markersize' not in kwargs: kwargs['ms'] = 6.0 if ptyp not in ('plot', 'semilogx', 'semilogy', 'loglog'): raise ValueError("Invalid plot type '%s'" % ptyp) pltmth = getattr(ax, ptyp) if x is None: pltln = pltmth(y, **kwargs) else: pltln = pltmth(x, y, **kwargs) ax.fmt_xdata = lambda x: "{: .2f}".format(x) ax.fmt_ydata = lambda x: "{: .2f}".format(x) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if xlbl is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlbl) if ylbl is not None: ax.set_ylabel(ylbl) if lgnd is not None: ax.legend(lgnd, loc=lglc) attach_keypress(fig) attach_zoom(ax) if have_mpldc: mpldc.datacursor(pltln) if figp is None: return fig, ax
""" An example of how to customize the keyboard shortcuts. By default mpldatacursor will use "t" to toggle interactivity and "d" to hide/delete annotation boxes. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpldatacursor import datacursor fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(range(10), 'bo-') ax.set_title('Press "e" to enable/disable the datacursor\n' 'Press "h" to hide any annotation boxes') dc = datacursor(keybindings=dict(hide='h', toggle='e'))
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpldatacursor x, y, z = np.random.random((3, 10)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=100 * np.random.random(10)) mpldatacursor.datacursor()
def _plot_clusters(estimator, fdatagrid, fig, ax, nrows, ncols, labels, sample_labels, cluster_colors, cluster_labels, center_colors, center_labels, colormap): """Implementation of the plot of the FDataGrid samples by clusters. Args: estimator (BaseEstimator object): estimator used to calculate the clusters. fdatagrid (FDataGrd object): contains the samples which are grouped into different clusters. fig (figure object): figure over which the graphs are plotted in case ax is not specified. If None and ax is also None, the figure is initialized. ax (list of axis objects): axis over where the graphs are plotted. If None, see param fig. nrows(int): designates the number of rows of the figure to plot the different dimensions of the image. Only specified if fig and ax are None. ncols(int): designates the number of columns of the figure to plot the different dimensions of the image. Only specified if fig and ax are None. labels (numpy.ndarray, int: (nsamples, ndim_image)): 2-dimensional matrix where each row contains the number of cluster cluster that observation belongs to. sample_labels (list of str): contains in order the labels of each sample of the fdatagrid. cluster_colors (list of colors): contains in order the colors of each cluster the samples of the fdatagrid are classified into. cluster_labels (list of str): contains in order the names of each cluster the samples of the fdatagrid are classified into. center_colors (list of colors): contains in order the colors of each centroid of the clusters the samples of the fdatagrid are classified into. center_labels list of colors): contains in order the labels of each centroid of the clusters the samples of the fdatagrid are classified into. colormap(colormap): colormap from which the colors of the plot are taken. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: fig (figure object): figure object in which the graphs are plotted in case ax is None. ax (axes object): axes in which the graphs are plotted. """ fig, ax = fdatagrid.generic_plotting_checks(fig, ax, nrows, ncols) _plot_clustering_checks(estimator, fdatagrid, None, sample_labels, cluster_colors, cluster_labels, center_colors, center_labels) if sample_labels is None: sample_labels = [ '$SAMPLE: {}$'.format(i) for i in range(fdatagrid.nsamples) ] if cluster_colors is None: cluster_colors = colormap( np.arange(estimator.n_clusters) / (estimator.n_clusters - 1)) if cluster_labels is None: cluster_labels = [ '$CLUSTER: {}$'.format(i) for i in range(estimator.n_clusters) ] if center_colors is None: center_colors = ["black"] * estimator.n_clusters if center_labels is None: center_labels = [ '$CENTER: {}$'.format(i) for i in range(estimator.n_clusters) ] colors_by_cluster = cluster_colors[labels] patches = [] for i in range(estimator.n_clusters): patches.append( mpatches.Patch(color=cluster_colors[i], label=cluster_labels[i])) for j in range(fdatagrid.ndim_image): for i in range(fdatagrid.nsamples): ax[j].plot(fdatagrid.sample_points[0], fdatagrid.data_matrix[i, :, j], c=colors_by_cluster[i], label=sample_labels[i]) for i in range(estimator.n_clusters): ax[j].plot(fdatagrid.sample_points[0], estimator.cluster_centers_.data_matrix[i, :, j], c=center_colors[i], label=center_labels[i]) ax[j].legend(handles=patches) datacursor(formatter='{label}'.format) fdatagrid.set_labels(fig, ax) return fig, ax
def get_coverage(self): if not self.wcs: QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), "Error", "Set configuration on \"Configuration\" tab") return wcs_params = {} rangesubset = self.dlg.bandsInput.text() col_min, col_max = self.dlg.colMin.text(), self.dlg.colMax.text() row_min, row_max = self.dlg.rowMin.text(), self.dlg.rowMax.text() if rangesubset: wcs_params['rangesubset'] = rangesubset print("OI") # self.wcs.get_coverage(coverage_id=self.dlg.comboCoverage.currentText(), rangesubset=rangesubset) print("FORA OI") start_date = self.dlg.startDateInput.text() or self.start_date end_date = self.dlg.endDateInput.text() or self.end_date wcs_params['subset'] = [ "col_id(%s,%s)" % (str(col_min), str(col_max)), "row_id(%s,%s)" % (str(row_min), str(row_max)), "time_id(%s,%s)" % (str(start_date), str(end_date))] print("PARAMS SUBSET") self.wcs.get_coverage(coverage_id=self.dlg.comboCoverage.currentText(), **wcs_params) print("GETADO") self.dlg.dataOutput.setText("") self.dlg.dataOutput.append(self.wcs.values) data_strings = "" elements = self.wcs.values.split(',') bands_values = [e.lstrip().split(' ') for e in elements] bands_it = len(elements[0].split(' ')) # plot (use with subplot) # figure = plt.figure() begin_date = parser.parse(start_date) final_date = parser.parse(end_date) dates = [] period = int(self.wcs.period) while begin_date <= final_date: dates.append(begin_date) begin_date += timedelta(days=period) import matplotlib.dates as mdates print(dates) for i in xrange(bands_it): array = [] for element in bands_values: array.append(int(element[i])) data_strings += element[i].lstrip() fact, remainder = divmod(len(array), len(dates)) if not remainder: dts = sorted(dates * fact) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%m/%d/%Y')) # plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.DayLocator()) plt.plot(dts, array) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() else: plt.plot(array, marker='o') # Uncomment next lines to enable one graph per band # ax = figure.add_subplot(bands_it, 1, i) # ax.set_title('b1') # plt.plot(array) datacursor(hover=True) self.dlg.dataOutput.setText(data_strings)
def bode_joaco(datos,mode,spice_filename ,output_filename): master_spice_data = read_file_spice("input/spice_data/" + spice_filename) # freq_arr = np.asarray(spice_data["f"]) # abs_arr = np.asarray(spice_data["abs"]) # pha_arr = np.asarray(spice_data["pha"]) # # freq_arr.shape = (len(freq_arr),1) # abs_arr.shape = (len(abs_arr), 1) # pha_arr.shape = (len(pha_arr), 1) # mat_aux = np.column_stack((freq_arr, abs_arr,pha_arr)) # mat_aux.sort(axis=0) # # spice_data_aux = dict() # spice_data_aux["f"] = [] # spice_data_aux["abs"] = [] # spice_data_aux["pha"] = [] # for i in range (len(freq_arr)): # spice_data_aux["f"].append(freq_arr[i]) # for i in range(len(abs_arr)): # spice_data_aux["abs"].append(abs_arr[i]) # for i in range(len(pha_arr)): # spice_data_aux["pha"].append(pha_arr[i]) # # spice_data=spice_data_aux for j in range(len(master_spice_data)): spice_data=master_spice_data[j] # for i in range(len(spice_data["pha"])): # if spice_data["f"][i] < 9 : # spice_data["pha"][i] = spice_data["pha"][i]+360 # spice_data["pha"][i] -= 360 if mode == "mag": ax1.semilogx(spice_data["f"], spice_data["abs"], "magenta", linewidth=0.1, alpha=0.9) else: ax1.semilogx(spice_data["f"], spice_data["pha"], "magenta", linewidth=2.5, alpha=0.9) ### Real if mode == "mag": ax1.set_title('Diagrama de Bode (Módulo)') ax1.semilogx(datos["f"], datos["abs"], "cyan", linewidth=1, alpha=1) ax1.set_xlabel('Frecuencia (Hz)', fontsize=10) ax1.set_ylabel('|H(s)|db', fontsize=10) #ax1.semilogx(f, mag,"darkblue",linewidth=1, alpha=1) else: ax1.set_title('Diagrama de Bode (Fase)') ax1.semilogx(datos["f"], datos["pha"], "cyan", linewidth=1, alpha=1) ax1.set_xlabel('Frecuencia (Hz)', fontsize=10) ax1.set_ylabel('Fase (grados)', fontsize=10) #ax1.semilogx(f, phase, "darkblue",linewidth=1, alpha=1) blue_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='magenta', label='Simulación') green_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='cyan', label='Práctica') #red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='darkblue', label='Teórico') #plt.legend(handles=[green_patch, blue_patch, red_patch]) plt.legend(handles=[green_patch, blue_patch]) ax1.minorticks_on() ax1.grid(which='major', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.3, color='black') ax1.grid(which='minor', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.1, color='black') # datacursor(display='multiple',formatter="Frec: {x:.3e} Hz \nAmp:{y:.1f}dB".format, draggable=True) datacursor(display='multiple', tolerance=10, formatter="Frec: {x:.3e} Hz \nAmp:{y:.1f} dB".format,draggable=True) input("Press Enter ") fig.savefig("output/dataset1/" + output_filename, dpi=300) plt.cla() plt.close()
def show_tradeoff(self): """Plot the tradeoff between coverage and density. Generates a plot of the tradeoff between coverage and density for the peeling/pasting trajectories. Color is used to denote the number of restricted dimensions. Returns ------- the Matplotlib figure """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') # setup the color map for coloring the number of restricted dimensions cmap = #@UndefinedVariable boundaries = np.arange(-0.5, max(self.peeling_trajectory['res dim']) + 1.5, step=1) ncolors = cmap.N norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(boundaries, ncolors) # plot the tradeoff p = ax.scatter(self.peeling_trajectory['coverage'], self.peeling_trajectory['density'], c=self.peeling_trajectory['res dim'], norm=norm, cmap=cmap, picker=True) ax.set_ylabel('Density') ax.set_xlabel('Coverage') ax.set_ylim(0, 1.2) ax.set_xlim(0, 1.2) ticklocs = np.arange(0, max(self.peeling_trajectory['res dim']) + 1, step=1) cb = fig.colorbar(p, spacing='uniform', ticks=ticklocs, drawedges=True) cb.set_label("# of Restricted Dimensions") # enable mouse interaction def handle_click(event): if hasattr(event, "ind"): i = event.ind[0] self.show_details().show() def formatter(**kwargs): i = kwargs.get("ind")[0] data = self.peeling_trajectory.ix[i] return ( ("Box %d\n" + "Coverage: %2.1f%%\n" + "Density: %2.1f%%\n" + "Mass: %2.1f%%\n" + "Res Dim: %d") % (i, 100 * data["coverage"], 100 * data["density"], 100 * data["mass"], data["res dim"])) mpldatacursor.datacursor(formatter=formatter, hover=True) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', handle_click) # enable tooltips on IPython Notebook if mpld3: css = """ table { border-collapse: collapse; } th { background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.95); } td { background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.95); } table, th, td { font-family:Tahoma, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; border: 1px solid black; text-align: right; } """ labels = [] columns_to_include = ['coverage', 'density', 'mass', 'res dim'] frmt = lambda x: '{:.2f}'.format(x) for i in range(len(self.peeling_trajectory['coverage'])): label = self.peeling_trajectory.ix[[i], columns_to_include] label.columns = ["Coverage", "Density", "Mass", "Res. Dim."] label = label.T label.columns = ["Box {0}".format(i)] labels.append(str(label.to_html(float_format=frmt))) tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(p, labels, voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=css) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip) return fig
def plot_coxeter_projection( sage_data_str, root_system=None, n_of_v_0=None, weight_index=None, is_interactive=True, image_format=None, ): import matplotlib if is_interactive: matplotlib.use('TkAgg') else: matplotlib.use('Agg') import mpldatacursor import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot if not is_interactive: pyplot.clf() # Unpack data from the sage script. data = eval(sage_data_str) weyl_orbit_strs = data["weyl_orbit_strs"] W_critical = data["W_critical"] root_strs = data["root_strs"] simple_soliton_table = data["simple_soliton_table"] v_c = data["coxeter_vector"] weyl_orbit = [eval(v_str) for v_str in weyl_orbit_strs] roots = [eval(r_str) for r_str in root_strs] title = root_system + "_" + str(n_of_v_0) max_n_digits = ceil(log10(len(weyl_orbit))) # Plot a figure of the projection of the soliton polytope. figure_size = 6 * max_n_digits figure = pyplot.figure( title, facecolor='w', figsize=(figure_size, figure_size), ) pyplot.axis('off') pyplot.axes().set_aspect('equal') mpldatacursor_artists = [] # Plot critical points. W_marker_size = 25 W_font_size = 18.0 / max_n_digits W_point_labels = ["$v_{{{}}} = {}$".format(i, v_i) for i, v_i in enumerate(weyl_orbit)] grouped_W_c = group_degenerate_W_c(W_critical) for W, indices in grouped_W_c: mplobjs = pyplot.plot( W.real, W.imag, 'o', markersize=W_marker_size, markeredgewidth=1.5, markerfacecolor='w', color='k', label=', '.join(W_point_labels[i] for i in indices), ) pyplot.text( W.real, W.imag, ','.join(str(i + 1) for i in indices), fontsize=W_font_size/len(indices), verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', ) if is_interactive: mpldatacursor_artists.append(mplobjs[0]) # Plot solitons connecting critical points. soliton_colormap = norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=len(roots)),'jet'), ) soliton_colors = [soliton_colormap.to_rgba(i) for i in range(len(roots))] random.shuffle(soliton_colors) if (weight_index is None or weight_index > len(weyl_orbit) or weight_index < 1): i_list = range(len(weyl_orbit)) else: i_list = [weight_index-1] for i in i_list: W_i = W_critical[i] for j in range(len(weyl_orbit)): soliton_data = simple_soliton_table[i][j] if soliton_data is None: continue else: soliton, sign = soliton_data W_j = W_critical[j] if sign == -1: sign_str = '-' else: sign_str = '' root = tuple([sign*r_k for r_k in roots[soliton]]) label = "${}\\alpha_{{{}}} = {}$".format( sign_str, soliton, root ) offset = .05 / max_n_digits x = W_i.real y = W_i.imag dx = W_j.real - x dy = W_j.imag - y r = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) mplobjs = pyplot.arrow( x + (offset * dx)/r, y + (offset * dy)/r, (1 - 2*offset/r)*dx, (1 - 2*offset/r)*dy, length_includes_head=True, label=label, color=soliton_colors[soliton], ) mpldatacursor_artists.append(mplobjs) mpldatacursor.datacursor( artists=mpldatacursor_artists, formatter="{label}".format, display="multiple", draggable=True, ) pyplot.margins(.05) if is_interactive is True: matplotlib.rcParams[""] = "./" # Display the plot. else: # Return the plot to web frontend. img = BytesIO() pyplot.savefig(img, format=image_format) return img
def remoteGene(gene): global Transcript_Annotations_File global ExonRegion_File global Selected_Gene global Prt_Trans_File global Prt_Regions_File global Prt_Boundaries_File global Etc_File import unique Selected_Gene = gene ExonRegion_File = unique.filepath("ExonViewFiles/Hs_Ensembl_exon.txt") Transcript_Annotations_File = unique.filepath( "ExonViewFiles/Hs_Ensembl_transcript-annotations.txt") Prt_Trans_File = unique.filepath( "ExonViewFiles/Hs_Ensembl_Protein__65_37.txt") Prt_Regions_File = unique.filepath( "ExonViewFiles/Hs_ProteinFeatures_build_65_37.txt") Prt_Boundaries_File = unique.filepath( "ExonViewFiles/") Etc_File = unique.filepath( "ExonViewFiles/Hs_RNASeq_K562_SRSF2_P95mut_vs_K562_SRSF2_WT.ExpCutoff-5.0_average-splicing-index-ProcessedSpliceData.txt" ) #"ENSG00000005801" #"ENSG00000110514" total_val = ProteinCentricIsoformView(Selected_Gene) junctions = total_val[0] p_boundaries = total_val[1] p_domains = total_val[2] transcript_db = total_val[3] exon_db = total_val[4] splice_db = total_val[5] #for i in exon_db["ENST00000349238"]: # print(i[2].EnsemblRegion()) domain_color_list = [] for i in p_domains: ploy = p_domains[i] for a in ploy: domain_color_list.append(a[1]) domain_color_list = list(set(domain_color_list)) domain_color_key = {} c_color1 = [0.8, 0.6, 0.1] c_color2 = [0.1, 0.6, 0.8] c_color3 = [0.6, 0.1, 0.8] c_color4 = [0.95, 0.6, 0.3] c_color5 = [0.3, 0.6, 0.95] c_color6 = [0.6, 0.3, 0.95] FLAG = 1 for item in domain_color_list: if (FLAG == 1): domain_color_key[item] = c_color1 FLAG = FLAG + 1 continue if (FLAG == 2): domain_color_key[item] = c_color2 FLAG = FLAG + 1 continue if (FLAG == 3): domain_color_key[item] = c_color3 FLAG = FLAG + 1 continue if (FLAG == 4): domain_color_key[item] = c_color4 FLAG = FLAG + 1 continue if (FLAG == 5): domain_color_key[item] = c_color5 FLAG = FLAG + 1 continue if (FLAG == 6): domain_color_key[item] = c_color6 FLAG = 1 continue for i in domain_color_key: print(i, domain_color_key[i], "\n") Y = 50 Transcript_to_Y = {} for transcript in transcript_db: Transcript_to_Y[transcript] = Y Y = Y + 200 import traceback ylim = Y + 200 currentAxis = plt.gca() ax = plt.axes() X_Pos_List = [] for transcript in transcript_db: try: Junc_List = junctions[transcript] y_pos = Transcript_to_Y[transcript] Gene_List = exon_db[transcript] color_flag = 1 for entry in Gene_List: G_start = entry[0][0] G_end = entry[0][1] Exon_Object = entry[2] try: LabelClass = splice_db[Exon_Object.EnsemblRegion()] ExonName = Exon_Object.EnsemblExon() RegCall = LabelClass.RegCall() SplicingIndex = LabelClass.SplicingIndex() PVal = LabelClass.PVal() Midas = LabelClass.Midas() Label = "\n" + "Exon: " + str( ExonName) + "\n" + "RegCall: " + str( RegCall) + "\n" + "Splicing Index: " + str( SplicingIndex) + "\n" + "P-Value: " + str( PVal) + "\n" + "Midas Value: " + str(Midas) if (RegCall == "UC"): color_choice = "Grey" else: S_Int = float(SplicingIndex) if (S_Int > 0): color_choice = (0.7, 0.7, 0.99) if (S_Int < 0): color_choice = (0.8, 0.4, 0.4) except: #print(traceback.format_exc());sys.exit() Label = "" color_choice = "Grey" #print("Start", G_start, "end", G_end, "Region", entry[2].EnsemblRegion()) if ((color_flag % 2) == 0): currentAxis.add_patch( Rectangle((G_start, y_pos), (G_end - G_start), 50, color=color_choice, label=(entry[2].EnsemblRegion() + Label))) if ((color_flag % 2) != 0): currentAxis.add_patch( Rectangle((G_start, y_pos), (G_end - G_start), 50, color=color_choice, label=(entry[2].EnsemblRegion() + Label))) color_flag = color_flag + 1 for entry in Junc_List: try: LabelClass = splice_db[entry[2]] RegCall = LabelClass.RegCall() SplicingIndex = LabelClass.SplicingIndex() PVal = LabelClass.PVal() Midas = LabelClass.Midas() Label = "\n" + "RegCall: " + str( RegCall) + "\n" + "Splicing Index: " + str( SplicingIndex) + "\n" + "P-Value: " + str( PVal) + "\n" + "Midas Value: " + str(Midas) if (float(SplicingIndex) > 0): color_junc = "blue" if (float(SplicingIndex) < 0): color_junc = "red" if (RegCall == "UC"): color_junc = "grey" except: Label = "" color_junc = "grey" currentAxis.add_patch( Rectangle((entry[0], y_pos), (entry[1] - entry[0]), 50, color="White", label=(str(entry[2]) + Label))) ax.arrow(entry[0], (y_pos + 50), 8, 40, label=(str(entry[2]) + Label), color=color_junc) ax.arrow((entry[0] + 8), (y_pos + 90), 11, -40, label=(str(entry[2]) + Label), color=color_junc) P_Bound_List = p_boundaries[transcript] P_Domain_List = p_domains[transcript] E_Start = P_Bound_List[-2] E_End = P_Bound_List[-1] P_Start = P_Bound_List[1] P_End = P_Bound_List[2] #print("Boundaries: ", P_Start, P_End) X_Pos_List.append(int(E_End)) #currentAxis.add_patch(Rectangle((E_Start, y_pos), E_End, 50, color = "Blue")) try: currentAxis.add_patch( Rectangle((P_Start, (y_pos + 120)), (P_End - P_Start), 10, label=("Protein: " + str(P_Bound_List[0])))) except: pass for entry in P_Domain_List: #print("Domain", entry) color_domain_choice = domain_color_key[entry[1]] currentAxis.add_patch( Rectangle((entry[2], y_pos + 100), (entry[3] - entry[2]), 50, color=color_domain_choice, label=("Protein: " + str(entry[0]) + "\n" + "Domain: " + str(entry[1])))) except: continue plt.ylim([0.0, ylim]) try: max_x = max(X_Pos_List) except: max_x = 5000 try: plt.xlim([0.0, max_x]) except: plt.xlim([0.0, 3000]) datacursor(hover=True, formatter='{label}'.format, bbox=dict(fc='yellow', alpha=1), arrowprops=None)
color='red') ax.plot(timepoints, diff_times, label='#time for statediff [ms]', color='black') ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot(timepoints, online_players, label='#online players', color='b') ax2.plot(timepoints, changed_chunks, label='#changed chunks', linestyle='--', color='g') ax2.plot(timepoints, changed_tile_entities, label='#changed tile entities', linestyle='--', color='orange') # fix legend #lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() #lines2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels() #ax.legend(lines + lines2, labels + labels2, loc=2) ax.legend(loc=2) # upper left ax2.legend(loc=1) # upper right ax.set(xlabel='Time', title='Status information') ax.grid() datacursor()
""" A bar plot where each bar's height and name will be displayed above the top of the bar when it is moused over. This serves as an example of overriding the x,y position of the "popup" annotation using the `props_override` option. """ import string import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpldatacursor import datacursor fig, ax = plt.subplots(), range(1, 10), align='center') labels = string.ascii_uppercase[:9] ax.set(xticks=range(9), xticklabels=labels, title='Hover over a bar') # By default, the "popup" annotation will appear at the mouse's position. # Instead, you might want it to appear centered at the top of the rectangle in # the bar plot. By changing the x and y values using the "props_override" # option, we can customize where the "popup" appears. def override(**kwargs): kwargs['x'] = kwargs['left'] + 0.5 * kwargs['width'] kwargs['y'] = kwargs['bottom'] + kwargs['height'] kwargs['label'] = labels[int(kwargs['x'])] return kwargs datacursor(hover=True, xytext=(0, 20), props_override=override, formatter='{label}: {height}'.format)
def show_plot(): plt.ioff() degree = 1 register_matplotlib_converters() plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 15] years_fmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') fig, ax = plt.subplots() dataset = data2 dates = [y['upload_date'] for y in dataset] y_a = np.array([x['view_count'] for x in dataset]) x_a = np.array([dd.timestamp() / 10000 for dd in dates]) z, resid = np.polyfit(x_a, y_a, degree, full=True)[:2] #y_a_fit = np.polyval(z, x_a) #y_a_adj = y_a - y_a_fit p = np.poly1d(z) scats = [] for v in dataset: y = v['view_count'] x = v['upload_date'] sc = ax.scatter(x, y, s=20, label='{} | {} | {:,}'.format(v['title'], x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), y)) scats.append(sc) ax.plot(dates, p(x_a), 'r--') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(years_fmt) ax.format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d %H') fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.title('y = {0:.4f}(x) {2} {1:+.4f} RSq: {3}'.format( round(z[0], 4), round(z[-1], 4), ' '.join([ '{:+.4f}(x^{})'.format(round(fc, 4), ii + 2) for ii, fc in enumerate(z[1:-1]) ]), round(1 - (resid / (y_a.size * y_a.var()))[0], 4))) plt.xlabel('date') plt.ylabel('views') plt.subplots_adjust(top=.94, bottom=.12, right=.98, left=.04) mpldatacursor.datacursor(scats, formatter='{label}'.format, keep_inside=True, hover=True, bbox={ 'boxstyle': 'round,pad=0.5', 'fc': 'lightblue', 'alpha': 0.95, 'edgecolor': 'black' }) plt.ion()
"\\usepackage{siunitx}", # load additional packages ] } mpl.rcParams.update(pgf_with_custom_preamble) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpldatacursor import datacursor plt.ion() plt.close('all') if __name__ == '__main__': costkeeping = np.load('costkeeping_bbb.npz') plt.figure() plt.plot(costkeeping['flexure'][0,:], costkeeping['flexure'][1,:], 'bo', label='flexure cost') plt.plot(costkeeping['shear'][0,:], costkeeping['shear'][1,:], 'r^', label='shear cost') plt.plot(costkeeping['deck'][0,:], costkeeping['deck'][1,:], 'gv', label='deck cost') plt.xlim((-1,101)) plt.ylim((-1,8e7)) plt.xlabel('strengthening time (year)', fontsize=12) plt.ylabel('cost (mm\\textsuperscript{3})', fontsize=12) ax = plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(-3,3)) datacursor(formatter='{label}'.format,display='multiple', draggable=True, bbox=None, fontsize=12, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-|>', connectionstyle='arc3', facecolor='k'))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpldatacursor import sys sys.path.append( r'c:\users\johnn\appdata\local\programs\python\python37-32\lib\site-packages' ) class Formatter(object): def __init__(self, im): = im def __call__(self, x, y): z =[int(y), int(x)] return 'x={:.01f}, y={:.01f}, z={:.01f}'.format(x, y, z) data = np.random.random((10, 10)) fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = ax.imshow(data, interpolation='none') ax.format_coord = Formatter(im) mpldatacursor.datacursor(hover=True, bbox=dict(alpha=1, fc='w'))
def perfect_1d_plot(dirlist,attribs,xattr="psi",normname="norms.namelist",speciesname="species",psiN_to_psiname="psiAHat.h5",global_term_multiplier_name="globalTermMultiplier.h5",cm=cm.rainbow,lg=True,markers=None,linestyles=None,xlims=None,same_plot=False,outputname="default",ylabels=None,label_all=False,global_ylabel="",sort_species=True,first=["D","He"],last=["e"],generic_labels=True,label_dict={"D":"i","He":"z","N":"z","e":"e"},vlines=None,hlines=None,share_scale=[],interactive=False): #dirlist: list of simulation directories #attribs: list of fields to plot from simulation #speciesname: species filename in the simuldir #normname: norm filename in the simuldir #lg: controls whether to interpret nearby simulations as being paired if type(attribs) is not list: attribs=[attribs] if ylabels is not None: if type(ylabels) is not list: ylabels=[ylabels]*len(attribs) else: if len(ylabels) != len(attribs): print "p_1d_plot: error: ylabels not the same size as attribs" exit(1) else: ylabels=['']*len(attribs) normlist=[x + "/" + normname for x in dirlist] specieslist=[x + "/" + speciesname for x in dirlist] psiN_to_psiList=[x + "/" + psiN_to_psiname for x in dirlist] global_term_multiplierList=[x + "/" + global_term_multiplier_name for x in dirlist] simulList=perfect_simulations_from_dirs(dirlist,normlist,specieslist,psiN_to_psiList,global_term_multiplierList) if markers == None: markers=['']*len(simulList) #some logic to differentiate between species independent #and species quantities further down will fail if there are simulations #one species (which you really shouldn't do due to quasi-neutrality!!) num_species_array=numpy.array([len(simul.species) for simul in simulList]) one_species_list=numpy.where(num_species_array<=1) if len(num_species_array[one_species_list])>0: print "p_1d_plot: warning: there are simulations with one (or) less species! Logic to determine whether attribute is a species property will not work." if generic_labels: for simul in simulList: simul.species_list=generic_species_labels(simul.species_list,label_dict) first=generic_species_labels(first,label_dict) last=generic_species_labels(last,label_dict) species_set=set([]) for simul in simulList: species_set = species_set | set(simul.species) #print gridspec i=-1 psp_lists=[] #list of lists of perfect subplot object gridspec_list=[] colors=cm(numpy.linspace(0,1,len(simulList))) #assign colors to simulations all_linecolors=[] color_index=0 local=[simul.local for simul in simulList] noddpsi=[simul.no_ddpsi for simul in simulList] if lg: colors=cm(numpy.linspace(0,1,len(simulList)-sum(local)-sum(noddpsi))) if sum(local)>0: #if we have local simulations, increment color after them for loc in local: all_linecolors.append(colors[color_index]) if loc == True: color_index=color_index+1 elif sum(noddpsi)>0: #otherwise, increment color after noddpsi simulation for nd in noddpsi: all_linecolors.append(colors[color_index]) if nd == True: color_index=color_index+1 else: #else, always increment all_linecolors=cm(numpy.linspace(0,1,len(simulList))) else: # force always increment behavior all_linecolors=cm(numpy.linspace(0,1,len(simulList))) if linestyles == None: linestyles=[] #linestyles generated from local or global for n,l in zip(noddpsi,local): # local overrides noddpsi in code as well if l: linestyles=linestyles+["dashed"] elif n: linestyles=linestyles+["dashdot"] else: linestyles=linestyles+["solid"] for i_a,attrib in enumerate(attribs): psp_list=[] #check whether attribute is species dependent #it will be assumed to be if the lenght along the 1 axis #is equal to the number of species in a simulation for all simulations #at least as long as there is more than one species in the simulation. attrib_sp_dep = is_attribute_species_dependent(simulList,attrib) #we will assign data to the following attribute related groups attrib_groupname=attrib if attrib_sp_dep: species_attrib_groupname="species_dependent" else: species_attrib_groupname="species_independent" if same_plot: if i_a == len(attribs)-1: perhaps_last=True else: perhaps_last=False else: perhaps_last=True if sort_species: species_set=sort_species_list(list(species_set),first,last) if attrib_sp_dep: for i_sp,s in enumerate(species_set): i=i+1 #data is taken for a given species for all simulations #index of species in simulation given by index to index index=[[ind for ind,spec in enumerate(simul.species) if spec==s] for simul in simulList] if all(len(ind)<=1 for ind in index): data=[getattr(simul,attrib)[:,index[i_si][0]] for i_si,simul in enumerate(simulList) if s in simul.species] else: print "p_1d_plot: warning: more than one of the same species in the simulation. Will add contributions." data=[numpy.sum(getattr(simul,attrib)[:,index[i_si]],axis=1) for i_si,simul in enumerate(simulList) if s in simul.species] if xattr=="theta": x_scale=1/numpy.pi else: x_scale=1 if xattr != None: x=[getattr(simul,xattr)*x_scale for simul in simulList if s in simul.species] else: # If xattrib is None, we plot against the index of the data # This probably will not work if we are not plotting against # the first index of data x=[numpy.array(range(len(getattr(simul,attrib)))) for simul in simulList if s in simul.species] if xlims == None: # min to max among all the simulations xlims = [numpy.min(x),numpy.max(x)] linecolors=[all_linecolors[i_si] for i_si,simul in enumerate(simulList) if s in simul.species] coordinates=(i,0) if perhaps_last and (i_sp == len(species_set) - 1): last_groupname="last" gridspec_list.append([i+1,1]) else: last_groupname="not_last" psp_list.append(perfect_subplot(data,x,subplot_coordinates=coordinates,groups=[s,attrib_groupname,species_attrib_groupname,last_groupname],linestyles=linestyles,colors=linecolors,markers=markers)) #yaxis_label=ylabels[i_a] else: i=i+1 if perhaps_last: last_groupname="last" gridspec_list.append([i+1,1]) else: last_groupname="not_last" #species independent plot data=[getattr(simul,attrib) for simul in simulList] x=[getattr(simul,xattr) for simul in simulList] linecolors=all_linecolors coordinates=(i,0) psp_list.append(perfect_subplot(data,x,subplot_coordinates=coordinates,groups=[attrib_groupname,species_attrib_groupname,last_groupname],linestyles=linestyles,colors=linecolors,markers=markers)) #yaxis_label=ylabels[i_a] psp_lists.append(psp_list) if not same_plot: i=-1 #merge the psp_lists if everything is supposed to go in the same plot if same_plot: final_psp_lists=[] for psp_list in psp_lists: final_psp_lists = final_psp_lists + psp_list psp_lists=[final_psp_lists] for i_li,psp_list in enumerate(psp_lists): for psp in psp_list: print psp.groups psp.xlims=xlims psp.x=psp.x_inrange() if same_plot: attrib_groups=[perfect_subplot_group(psp_list,groups=[a]) for a in attribs] for ylabel,attrib_group in zip(ylabels,attrib_groups): if label_all: attrib_group.setattrs("yaxis_label",ylabel) else: attrib_group.set_middle_ylabel(ylabel) else: attrib_groups=[perfect_subplot_group(psp_list,groups=[a]) for a in [attribs[i_li]]] for ylabel,attrib_group in zip([ylabels[i_li]],attrib_groups): if label_all: attrib_group.setattrs("yaxis_label",ylabel) else: attrib_group.set_middle_ylabel(ylabel) if len(share_scale)>0: share_scale_group=perfect_subplot_group(psp_list,groups=share_scale,logic="or") share_scale_group.setattrs("ylims",[share_scale_group.get_min("data",margin=0.1),share_scale_group.get_max("data",margin=0.1)]) species_groups=[perfect_subplot_group(psp_list,groups=[s]) for s in species_set] species_indep_groups=perfect_subplot_group(psp_list,groups=["species_independent"]) local_group = perfect_subplot_group(psp_list,groups=["local"]) global_group = perfect_subplot_group(psp_list,groups=["global"]) last_group = perfect_subplot_group(psp_list,groups=["last"]) all_group=perfect_subplot_group(psp_list,groups='',get_all=True) for species_group,s in zip(species_groups,species_set): species_group.setattrs("title",s) for attrib_group in attrib_groups: this_species_groups=[perfect_subplot_group(attrib_group.p_subplot_list,groups=[s]) for s in species_set] for this_species_group in this_species_groups: if len(this_species_group.p_subplot_list)>0: this_species_group.setattrs("ylims",[this_species_group.get_min("data",margin=0.1),this_species_group.get_max("data",margin=0.1)]) #print [this_species_group.get_min("data",margin=0.1),this_species_group.get_max("data",margin=0.1)] this_species_indep_group=perfect_subplot_group(attrib_group.p_subplot_list,groups=["species_independent"]) if len(this_species_indep_group.p_subplot_list)>0: this_species_indep_group.setattrs("ylims",[this_species_indep_group.get_min("data",margin=0.1),this_species_indep_group.get_max("data",margin=0.1)]) this_share_scale_group=perfect_subplot_group(attrib_group.p_subplot_list,groups=share_scale,logic="or") if len(this_share_scale_group.p_subplot_list)>0: this_share_scale_group.setattrs("ylims",[this_share_scale_group.get_min("data",margin=0.1),this_share_scale_group.get_max("data",margin=0.1)]) all_group.setattrs("show_yaxis_ticklabel",True) all_group.setattrs("vlines",vlines) all_group.setattrs("hlines",hlines) last_group.setattrs("show_xaxis_ticklabel",True) #print gridspec_list[i_li] if xattr=="psi": global_xlabel=r"$\psi_N$" elif xattr=="theta": global_xlabel=r"$\theta/\pi$" elif xattr=="sqrtpsi": global_xlabel=r"$\sqrt{\psi_N}$" elif xattr=="psiOverOrbitWidth": global_xlabel=r"$\sqrt{\psi_N}$" elif xattr=="actual_psi": global_xlabel=r"$\hat{\psi}$" elif xattr=="actual_psiN": global_xlabel=r"$\psi_N$" elif xattr=="psi_index": global_xlabel=r"$i_\psi$" elif xattr==None: global_xlabel=r"$i$" perfect_visualizer(psp_list,gridspec_list[i_li],global_xlabel=global_xlabel,dimensions=1,global_ylabel=global_ylabel) if same_plot: plt.savefig(outputname+".pdf") else: plt.savefig(attribs[i_li]+".pdf") if interactive: #dangerous, since it will (for some reason) be executed after all 1d_plot calls and show everything plotted in the given script. datacursor(display='multiple', draggable=True)