예제 #1
def Rlam(x, lam=None):
    v1 = kve(lam + 1, x) * np.exp(x)
    v0 = kve(lam, x) * np.exp(x)
    val = v1 / v0

    if np.isinf(v1) or np.isinf(v0) or v0 == 0 or v1 == 0:
        lv1 = np.log(sympy.Float(mpmath.besselk(np.abs(lam + 1), x)))
        lv0 = np.log(sympy.Float(mpmath.besselk(np.abs(lam), x)))
        val = np.exp(lv1 - lv0)

    return val
예제 #2
            def R0(kpsigr, b, N):
                h = float(b) / N
                k = 0.0
                for i in range(1, N):
                    x = i * h
                    if i % 2 == 1:
                        k += 4.0 * x * mp.besselk(0, x) * rho_perp(x, kpsigr)
                        k += 2.0 * x * mp.besselk(0, x) * rho_perp(x, kpsigr)

                return (h /
                        3.0) * (b * mp.besselk(0, b) * rho_perp(b, kpsigr) + k)
예제 #3
def f(th_e, A):
    tmp = A - chi*(m_e/m_i)*th_e
    if (tmp <= 0.0):
        tmp = 1.0e-20

    th_e = mp.mpf(th_e)
    th_i = mp.mpf(tmp)

    tmp = (1/(mp.besselk(2, 1/th_e) * mp.besselk(2, 1/th_i))) * (((2*(th_e + th_i)**2 + 1)/(th_e + th_i)) * mp.besselk(1, (th_e + th_i)/(th_e*th_i)) + 2*mp.besselk(0, (th_e + th_i)/(th_e*th_i)))

#   print repr(tmp)

    return float(tmp)
예제 #4
 def mpbesselk(v, x):
     r = float(mpmath.besselk(v, x, **HYPERKW))
     if abs(r) > 1e305:
         # overflowing to inf a bit earlier is OK
         r = np.inf * np.sign(r)
     if abs(v) == abs(x) and abs(r) == np.inf and abs(x) > 1:
         # wrong result (kv(x,x) -> 0 for x > 1),
         # try with higher dps
         old_dps = mpmath.mp.dps
         mpmath.mp.dps = 200
             r = float(mpmath.besselk(v, x, **HYPERKW))
             mpmath.mp.dps = old_dps
     return r
예제 #5
 def mpbesselk(v, x):
     r = float(mpmath.besselk(v, x, **HYPERKW))
     if abs(r) > 1e305:
         # overflowing to inf a bit earlier is OK
         r = np.inf * np.sign(r)
     if abs(v) == abs(x) and abs(r) == np.inf and abs(x) > 1:
         # wrong result (kv(x,x) -> 0 for x > 1),
         # try with higher dps
         old_dps = mpmath.mp.dps
         mpmath.mp.dps = 200
             r = float(mpmath.besselk(v, x, **HYPERKW))
             mpmath.mp.dps = old_dps
     return r
예제 #6
def roughness_spectrum(sp, xx, wvnb, sig, L, Ts):

    wn = np.zeros(Ts)

    # -- math.exponential correl func

    if sp.lower() == 'math.exponential':
        for n in np.arange(1,Ts+1):

            wn[n-1] = L ** 2 / n ** 2 * (1 + (wvnb * L / n) ** 2) ** (-1.5)

        rss = sig / L

    # -- gaussian correl func

    if sp.lower() == 'gaussian':
        for n in np.arange(1,Ts+1):
            wn[n-1] = L  ** 2 / (2 * n) * math.exp(-(wvnb * L)  ** 2 / (4 * n))

        rss = sqrt(2) * sig / L

    # -- x - power correl func
    if sp.lower() == 'power_spec':

        for n in np.arange(1,Ts+1):
            if wvnb == 0:
                wn[n-1] = L ** 2 / (3 * n - 2)
            wn[n-1] = L ** 2 * (wvnb * L) ** (-1 + xx * n) * besselk(1 - xx * n, wvnb * L) \
                     / (2 ** (xx * n - 1) * math.gamma(xx * n))

    return(wn, rss)
예제 #7
def pdf(x, p, b, loc=0, scale=1):
    Probability density function of the generalized inverse Gaussian

    The PDF for x > loc is:

        z**(p - 1) * exp(-b*(z + 1/z)/2))
                 s * K_p(b)

    where s is the scale, z = (x - loc)/s, and K_p(b) is the modified Bessel
    function of the second kind.  For x <= loc, the PDF is zero.
    x = mpmath.mpf(x)
    p = mpmath.mpf(p)
    b = mpmath.mpf(b)
    loc = mpmath.mpf(loc)
    scale = mpmath.mpf(scale)

    if x <= loc:
        return mpmath.mp.zero
    z = (x - loc) / scale
    return (mpmath.power(z, p - 1) * mpmath.exp(-b * (z + 1 / z) / 2) /
            (2 * mpmath.besselk(p, b)) / scale)
예제 #8
def matern_function(Xi, Xj, *args):
    r"""Matern covariance function of arbitrary dimension, for use with :py:class:`ArbitraryKernel`.
    The Matern kernel has the following hyperparameters, always referenced in
    the order listed:
    = ===== ====================================
    0 sigma prefactor
    1 nu    order of kernel
    2 l1    length scale for the first dimension
    3 l2    ...and so on for all dimensions
    = ===== ====================================
    The kernel is defined as:
    .. math::
        k_M = \sigma^2 \frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)}
        \left (\sqrt{2\nu \sum_i\left (\frac{\tau_i^2}{l_i^2}\right )}\right )^\nu
        K_\nu\left(\sqrt{2\nu \sum_i\left(\frac{\tau_i^2}{l_i^2}\right)}\right)
    Xi, Xj : :py:class:`Array`, :py:class:`mpf`, tuple or scalar float
        Points to evaluate the covariance between. If they are :py:class:`Array`,
        :py:mod:`scipy` functions are used, otherwise :py:mod:`mpmath`
        functions are used.
        Remaining arguments are the 2+num_dim hyperparameters as defined above.
    num_dim = len(args) - 2
    nu = args[1]

    if isinstance(Xi, scipy.ndarray):
        if isinstance(Xi, scipy.matrix):
            Xi = scipy.asarray(Xi, dtype=float)
            Xj = scipy.asarray(Xj, dtype=float)

        tau = scipy.asarray(Xi - Xj, dtype=float)
        l_mat = scipy.tile(args[-num_dim:], (tau.shape[0], 1))
        r2l2 = scipy.sum((tau / l_mat)**2, axis=1)
        y = scipy.sqrt(2.0 * nu * r2l2)
        k = 2.0**(1 - nu) / scipy.special.gamma(nu) * y**nu * scipy.special.kv(
            nu, y)
        k[r2l2 == 0] = 1
            tau = [xi - xj for xi, xj in zip(Xi, Xj)]
        except TypeError:
            tau = Xi - Xj
            r2l2 = sum([(t / l)**2 for t, l in zip(tau, args[2:])])
        except TypeError:
            r2l2 = (tau / args[2])**2
        y = mpmath.sqrt(2.0 * nu * r2l2)
        k = 2.0**(1 - nu) / mpmath.gamma(nu) * y**nu * mpmath.besselk(nu, y)
    k *= args[0]**2.0
    return k
예제 #9
파일: matern.py 프로젝트: pennajm/gptools
def matern_function(Xi, Xj, *args):
    r"""Matern covariance function of arbitrary dimension, for use with :py:class:`ArbitraryKernel`.
    The Matern kernel has the following hyperparameters, always referenced in
    the order listed:
    = ===== ====================================
    0 sigma prefactor
    1 nu    order of kernel
    2 l1    length scale for the first dimension
    3 l2    ...and so on for all dimensions
    = ===== ====================================
    The kernel is defined as:
    .. math::
        k_M = \sigma^2 \frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)}
        \left (\sqrt{2\nu \sum_i\left (\frac{\tau_i^2}{l_i^2}\right )}\right )^\nu
        K_\nu\left(\sqrt{2\nu \sum_i\left(\frac{\tau_i^2}{l_i^2}\right)}\right)
    Xi, Xj : :py:class:`Array`, :py:class:`mpf`, tuple or scalar float
        Points to evaluate the covariance between. If they are :py:class:`Array`,
        :py:mod:`scipy` functions are used, otherwise :py:mod:`mpmath`
        functions are used.
        Remaining arguments are the 2+num_dim hyperparameters as defined above.
    num_dim = len(args) - 2
    nu = args[1]
    if isinstance(Xi, scipy.ndarray):
        if isinstance(Xi, scipy.matrix):
            Xi = scipy.asarray(Xi, dtype=float)
            Xj = scipy.asarray(Xj, dtype=float)
        tau = scipy.asarray(Xi - Xj, dtype=float)
        l_mat = scipy.tile(args[-num_dim:], (tau.shape[0], 1))
        r2l2 = scipy.sum((tau / l_mat)**2, axis=1)
        y = scipy.sqrt(2.0 * nu * r2l2)
        k = 2.0**(1 - nu) / scipy.special.gamma(nu) * y**nu * scipy.special.kv(nu, y)
        k[r2l2 == 0] = 1
            tau = [xi - xj for xi, xj in zip(Xi, Xj)]
        except TypeError:
            tau = Xi - Xj
            r2l2 = sum([(t / l)**2 for t, l in zip(tau, args[2:])])
        except TypeError:
            r2l2 = (tau / args[2])**2
        y = mpmath.sqrt(2.0 * nu * r2l2)
        k = 2.0**(1 - nu) / mpmath.gamma(nu) * y**nu * mpmath.besselk(nu, y)
    k *= args[0]**2.0
    return k
예제 #10
def mean(p, b, loc=0, scale=1):
    Mean of the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution.

    The mean is:

                     K_{p + 1}(b)
        loc + scale --------------

    where K_n(x) is the modified Bessel function of the second kind
    (implemented in mpmath as besselk(n, x)).
    p = mpmath.mpf(p)
    b = mpmath.mpf(b)
    loc = mpmath.mpf(loc)
    scale = mpmath.mpf(scale)

    return loc + scale * mpmath.besselk(p + 1, b) / mpmath.besselk(p, b)
예제 #11
def cramerVonMises(x, y):

        x = sorted(x)
        y = sorted(y)

        pool = x + y

        ps, pr = _sortRank(pool)

        rx = array([pr[ind] for ind in [ps.index(element) for element in x]])
        ry = array([pr[ind] for ind in [ps.index(element) for element in y]])

        n = len(x)
        m = len(y)

        i = array(range(1, n + 1))
        j = array(range(1, m + 1))

        u = n * sum(power((rx - i), 2)) + m * sum(power((ry - j), 2))

        t = u / (n * m * (n + m)) - (4 * n * m - 1) / (6 * (n + m))
        Tmu = 1 / 6 + 1 / (6 * (n + m))
        Tvar = 1 / 45 * ((m + n + 1) / power(
            (m + n), 2)) * (4 * m * n * (m + n) - 3 *
                            (power(m, 2) + power(n, 2)) - 2 * m * n) / (4 * m *
        t = (t - Tmu) / power(45 * Tvar, 0.5) + 1 / 6

        if t < 0:
            return -1
        elif t <= 12:
            a = 1 - mp.nsum(
                lambda x:
                (mp.gamma(x + 0.5) /
                 (mp.gamma(0.5) * mp.fac(x))) * mp.power(4 * x + 1, 0.5) * mp.
                exp(-mp.power(4 * x + 1, 2) /
                    (16 * t)) * mp.besselk(0.25,
                                           mp.power(4 * x + 1, 2) / (16 * t)),
                [0, 100]) / (mp.pi * mp.sqrt(t))
            return float(mp.nstr(a, 3))
            return 0
    except Exception as e:
        print e
        return -1
예제 #12
def shot_noise_laplace_A_norm(X, g):
    Returns the normalized pdf of a shot noise process with laplace distributed amplitudes, A~Laplace(0,a)
        X: Variable values, 1d numpy array.
        g: shape parameter
        F: The pdf
    F = np.zeros(len(X))
    assert (g > 0)
    g = mm.mpf(g)
    for i in range(len(X)):
        x = abs(X[i])
        F[i] = (np.sqrt(g) * x / 2)**((g - 1) / 2) * mm.besselk((1 - g) / \
                2, np.sqrt(g) * x) * np.sqrt(g / np.pi) / mm.gamma(g / 2)
    return F
예제 #13
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: cryptomare/IIEM
def spectrm1(sp, xx, kl2, L, rx, ry, s, np_, nr):

    wn = np.zeros((np_,nr))

    if sp.lower() == 'exponential':  # exponential
        for n in np.arange(1,np_+1):
            wn[n-1, :] = n* kl2/(n**2 + kl2 *((rx-s)**2+ry**2))**1.5

    if sp.lower() == 'gaussian':  #  gaussian
        for n in np.arange(1,np_+1):
            wn[n-1,:] = 0.5 * kl2/n* math.exp(-kl2*((rx-s)**2 + ry**2)/(4*n))

    if sp.lower() == 'power_spec':  # x-power
        for n in np.arange(1,np_+1):
            wn[n-1,:] = kl2/(2.**(xx*n-1)*math.gamma(xx*n))* ( ( (rx-s)**2.
              + ry**2)*L)**(xx*n-1)* besselk(-xx*n+1, L*((rx-s)**2 + ry**2))

    return wn
예제 #14
def norm_sym_dsn_dist(X, g):
    Returns the normalized pdf of the derivative of a symmetric shot noise process, (td/2)*dS(t)/dt, lambda = 1/2.
        X: The normalized variable X = (x-<x>)/x_rms, 1d numpy array
        g: shape parameter
        F: The pdf of X.
    F = np.zeros(len(X))
    assert (g > 0)
    g = mm.mpf(g)

    for i in range(len(X)):
        x = mm.mpf(np.abs(X[i]))
        F[i] = mm.sqrt(2. * g / mm.pi) * 2.**(-g / 2.) * (mm.sqrt(g) * x)**(
            (g - 1.) / 2.) * mm.besselk((1. - g) / 2.,
                                        mm.sqrt(g) * x) / mm.gamma(g / 2.)

    return F
예제 #15
def shot_noise_laplace_A(X, g, a):
    Returns the pdf of a shot noise process with laplace distributed amplitudes, A~Laplace(0,a)
        X: Variable values, 1d numpy array.
        g: shape parameter
        a: scale parameter
        F: The pdf
    F = np.zeros(len(X))
    assert (g > 0)
    assert (a > 0)
    g = mm.mpf(g)
    a = mm.mpf(a)
    for i in range(len(X)):
        x = abs(X[i])
        F[i] = (x / (2 * a))**((g - 1) / 2) * mm.besselk(
            (1 - g) / 2, x / a) / (a * np.sqrt(np.pi) * mm.gamma(g / 2))
    return F
예제 #16
def psi(index, variable, b, a, beta):

    if b == 0:

        if beta < 0:
            return math.pow(variable, 0.5) * besseli(
                v(beta), sqrt(2 * index * q(a, beta, variable)))
            return math.pow(variable, 0.5) * besselk(
                v(beta), sqrt(2 * index * q(a, beta, variable)))

        if beta < 0:
            return math.pow(variable, beta + 0.5) * math.exp(
                0.5 * eps(b, beta) * h(b, a, beta, variable)) * whitm(
                    k(b, beta, index), m(beta), h(b, a, beta, variable))

            return math.pow(variable, beta + 0.5) * math.exp(
                0.5 * eps(b, beta) * h(b, a, beta, variable)) * whitw(
                    k(b, beta, index), m(beta), h(b, a, beta, variable))
예제 #17
def logpdf(x, p, b, loc=0, scale=1):
    Log of the PDF of the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution.

    The PDF for x > loc is:

        z**(p - 1) * exp(-b*(z + 1/z)/2))
                 scale * K_p(b)

    where s is the scale, z = (x - loc)/s, and K_p(b) is the modified Bessel
    function of the second kind.  For x <= loc, the PDF is zero.
    x = mpmath.mpf(x)
    p = mpmath.mpf(p)
    b = mpmath.mpf(b)
    loc = mpmath.mpf(loc)
    scale = mpmath.mpf(scale)

    if x <= loc:
        return -mpmath.mp.inf
    z = (x - loc) / scale
    return ((p - 1) * mpmath.log(z) - b * (z + 1 / z) / 2 -
            mpmath.log(2 * mpmath.besselk(p, b)) - mpmath.log(scale))
예제 #18
def f94(x):
    # synchrotron_2
    x = mpmath.mpf(x)
    coff = mpmath.mpf(2) / mpmath.mpf(3)
    return x * mpmath.besselk(coff, x)
예제 #19
def f31(x):
    # bessel_k2_scaled
    x = mpmath.mpf(x)
    y = mpmath.sqrt(mpmath.pi /
                    (2 * x)) * mpmath.besselk(2.5, x) * mpmath.exp(x)
    return y
예제 #20
def f29(x):
    # bessel_k0_scaled
    x = mpmath.mpf(x)
    y = mpmath.sqrt(mpmath.pi /
                    (2 * x)) * mpmath.besselk(0.5, x) * mpmath.exp(x)
    return y
예제 #21
def f19(x):
    # bessel_K1_scaled
    scale = mpmath.exp(x)
    return mpmath.besselk(1, x) * scale
예제 #22
    def _compute_dk_dy(self, y, n):
        r"""Evaluate the derivative of the outer form of the Matern kernel.
        Uses the general Leibniz rule to compute the n-th derivative of:
        .. math::
            f(y) = \frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)} y^\nu K_\nu(y)
        Notice that this is very poorly-behaved at :math:`x=0`. There, the
        value is approximated using :py:func:`mpmath.diff` with the `singular`
        keyword. This is rather slow, so if you require a fixed value of `nu`
        you may wish to consider implementing the appropriate kernel separately.
        y : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,)
            `M` inputs to evaluate at.
        n : non-negative scalar int.
            Order of derivative to compute.
        dk_dy : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,)
            Specified derivative at specified locations.
            "The Matern kernel has not been verified for derivatives. Consider using MaternKernelArb."

        dk_dy = scipy.zeros_like(y, dtype=float)
        non_zero_idxs = (y != 0)
        for k in xrange(0, n + 1):
            dk_dy[non_zero_idxs] += (
                scipy.special.binom(n, k) *
                scipy.special.poch(1 - k + self.nu, k) *
                (y[non_zero_idxs])**(-k + self.nu) *
                scipy.special.kvp(self.nu, y[non_zero_idxs], n=n - k))

        # Handle the cases at y=0.
        # Compute the appropriate value using mpmath's arbitrary precision
        # arithmetic. This is potentially slow, but seems to behave pretty
        # well. In cases where the value should be infinite, very large
        # (but still finite) floats are returned with the appropriate sign.
        if n >= 2 * self.nu:
            warnings.warn("n >= 2*nu can yield inaccurate results.",

        # Use John Wright's expression for n < 2 * nu:
        if n < 2.0 * self.nu:
            if n % 2 == 1:
                dk_dy[~non_zero_idxs] = 0.0
                m = n / 2.0
                dk_dy[~non_zero_idxs] = ((-1.0)**m * 2.0**(self.nu - 1.0 - n) *
                                         scipy.special.gamma(self.nu - m) *
                                         scipy.misc.factorial(n) /
            # Fall back to mpmath to handle n >= 2 * nu:
            core_expr = lambda x: x**self.nu * mpmath.besselk(self.nu, x)
            deriv = mpmath.chop(
                mpmath.diff(core_expr, 0, n=n, singular=True, direction=1))
            dk_dy[~non_zero_idxs] = deriv

        dk_dy *= 2.0**(1 - self.nu) / (scipy.special.gamma(self.nu))

        return dk_dy
예제 #23
 def test_besselk_int(self):
                         _exception_to_nan(lambda v, z: mpmath.besselk(v, z, **HYPERKW)),
                         [IntArg(), Arg()],
예제 #24
 def test_besselk_complex(self):
         lambda v, z: sc.kv(v.real, z),
         _exception_to_nan(lambda v, z: mpmath.besselk(v, z, **HYPERKW)),
         [Arg(-1e100, 1e100), ComplexArg()])
예제 #25
파일: sbf_mp.py 프로젝트: tpudlik/sbf
def sph_kn_bessel(n, z):
    out = besselk(n + mpf(1)/2, z)*sqrt(pi/(2*z))
    return out
예제 #26
def log_besselKvFA(nu, y):
    val = np.log(kv(nu, y))
    if np.isinf(val):
        val = np.log(sympy.Float(mpmath.besselk(nu, y)))
    return val
예제 #27
 def test_besselk(self):
         _exception_to_nan(lambda v, z: mpmath.besselk(v, z, **HYPERKW)),
         [Arg(-1e100, 1e100), Arg()],
예제 #28
def f16(x):
    # bessel_K0
    return mpmath.besselk(0, x)
예제 #29
 def test_besselk_int(self):
         _exception_to_nan(lambda v, z: mpmath.besselk(v, z, **HYPERKW)),
         [IntArg(), Arg()],
예제 #30
def f17(x):
    # bessel_K1
    return mpmath.besselk(1, x)
예제 #31
 def test_besselk(self):
                         _exception_to_nan(lambda v, z: mpmath.besselk(v, z, **HYPERKW)),
                         [Arg(-1e100, 1e100), Arg()],
예제 #32
def f18(x):
    # bessel_K0_scaled
    scale = mpmath.exp(x)
    return mpmath.besselk(0, x) * scale
예제 #33
 def test_besselk_complex(self):
     assert_mpmath_equal(lambda v, z: sc.kv(v.real, z),
                         _exception_to_nan(lambda v, z: mpmath.besselk(v, z, **HYPERKW)),
                         [Arg(-1e100, 1e100), ComplexArg()])
예제 #34
파일: matern.py 프로젝트: pennajm/gptools
 def _compute_dk_dy(self, y, n):
     r"""Evaluate the derivative of the outer form of the Matern kernel.
     Uses the general Leibniz rule to compute the n-th derivative of:
     .. math::
         f(y) = \frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)} y^\nu K_\nu(y)
     Notice that this is very poorly-behaved at :math:`x=0`. There, the
     value is approximated using :py:func:`mpmath.diff` with the `singular`
     keyword. This is rather slow, so if you require a fixed value of `nu`
     you may wish to consider implementing the appropriate kernel separately.
     y : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,)
         `M` inputs to evaluate at.
     n : non-negative scalar int.
         Order of derivative to compute.
     dk_dy : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,)
         Specified derivative at specified locations.
     warnings.warn("The Matern kernel has not been verified for derivatives. Consider using MaternKernelArb.")
     dk_dy = scipy.zeros_like(y, dtype=float)
     non_zero_idxs = (y != 0)
     for k in xrange(0, n + 1):
         dk_dy[non_zero_idxs] += (scipy.special.binom(n, k) *
                                  scipy.special.poch(1 - k + self.nu, k) *
                                  (y[non_zero_idxs])**(-k + self.nu) *
                                  scipy.special.kvp(self.nu, y[non_zero_idxs], n=n-k))
     # Handle the cases at y=0.
     # Compute the appropriate value using mpmath's arbitrary precision
     # arithmetic. This is potentially slow, but seems to behave pretty
     # well. In cases where the value should be infinite, very large
     # (but still finite) floats are returned with the appropriate sign.
     if n >= 2 * self.nu:
         warnings.warn("n >= 2*nu can yield inaccurate results.", RuntimeWarning)
     # Use John Wright's expression for n < 2 * nu:
     if n < 2.0 * self.nu:
         if n % 2 == 1:
             dk_dy[~non_zero_idxs] = 0.0
             m = n / 2.0
             dk_dy[~non_zero_idxs] = (
                 (-1.0)**m *
                 2.0**(self.nu - 1.0 - n) *
                 scipy.special.gamma(self.nu - m) *
                 scipy.misc.factorial(n) / scipy.misc.factorial(m)
         # Fall back to mpmath to handle n >= 2 * nu:
         core_expr = lambda x: x**self.nu * mpmath.besselk(self.nu, x)
         deriv = mpmath.chop(mpmath.diff(core_expr, 0, n=n, singular=True, direction=1))
         dk_dy[~non_zero_idxs] = deriv
     dk_dy *= 2.0**(1 - self.nu) / (scipy.special.gamma(self.nu))
     return dk_dy  
예제 #35
from math import gamma # Been there a while

#has_scipy = False

if has_scipy:
    from scipy.special import lambertw, ellipe, gammaincc, gamma # fluids
    from scipy.special import i1, i0, k1, k0, iv # ht
    from scipy.special import hyp2f1    
    if erf is None:
        from scipy.special import erf
    import mpmath
    # scipy is not available... fall back to mpmath as a Pure-Python implementation
    from mpmath import lambertw # Same branches as scipy, supports .real
    from mpmath import ellipe # seems the same so far        

    # Figured out this definition from test_precompute_gammainc.py in scipy
    gammaincc = lambda a, x: mpmath.gammainc(a, a=x, regularized=True)
    iv = mpmath.besseli
    i1 = lambda x: mpmath.besseli(1, x)
    i0 = lambda x: mpmath.besseli(0, x)
    k1 = lambda x: mpmath.besselk(1, x)
    k0 = lambda x: mpmath.besselk(0, x)
    if erf is None:
        from mpmath import erf
예제 #36
파일: sbf_mp.py 프로젝트: tpudlik/sbf
def sph_kn_bessel(n, z):
    out = besselk(n + mpf(1) / 2, z) * sqrt(pi / (2 * z))
    return out