def __init__(self, methodName): = GpactivateStandby() self.verify = StandbyVerify() self.config = GPDBConfig() self.disk = Disk() self.sdby_mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') super(OODClass, self).__init__(methodName)
def __init__(self): self.stdby = StandbyVerify() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname='walrepl') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() self.pgutil = GpUtility() = socket.gethostname()
def __init__(self, methodName): self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.pgdatabase = os.environ.get('PGDATABASE') self.stdby_host = 'localhost' self.master_dd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.stdby = StandbyVerify() super(WalReplKillProcessTestCase, self).__init__(methodName)
def __init__(self): self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.verify = StandbyVerify() = socket.gethostname() self.standby_loc = os.path.join( os.path.split(self.mdd)[0], self.standby_dirname) self.standby = Standby(self.standby_loc, self.standby_port)
def __init__(self,methodName): = GpactivateStandby() self.verify = StandbyVerify() self.config = GPDBConfig() self.disk = Disk() self.sdby_mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') super(OODClass,self).__init__(methodName)
def __init__(self,methodName): self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.pgdatabase = os.environ.get('PGDATABASE') self.stdby_host = 'localhost' self.master_dd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.stdby = StandbyVerify() super(WalReplKillProcessTestCase,self).__init__(methodName)
def __init__(self): self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.mdd = os.environ.get("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY") self.config = GPDBConfig() self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.verify = StandbyVerify() = socket.gethostname() self.standby_loc = os.path.join(os.path.split(self.mdd)[0], self.standby_dirname) self.standby = Standby(self.standby_loc, self.standby_port)
class OODClass(MPPTestCase): def __init__(self, methodName): = GpactivateStandby() self.verify = StandbyVerify() self.config = GPDBConfig() self.disk = Disk() self.sdby_mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') super(OODClass, self).__init__(methodName) def initiate_standby(self):'no') def check_standby(self): self.assertFalse(self.verify.check_standby_processes()) def get_standby_dbid(self): std_sql = "select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';" standby_dbid = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags='-q -t', dbname='template1') return standby_dbid.strip() def restart_standby(self): sdby_host = self.config.get_master_standbyhost() stdby_dbid = self.get_standby_dbid() cmd = "pg_ctl -D %s -o '-p %s -b %s -z 2 --silent-mode=true -i -M master -C -1 -x 0 -E' start &" % ( self.sdby_mdd, self.pgport, stdby_dbid) self.assertTrue(, cmd, self.pgport, self.sdby_mdd)) self.assertTrue(self.verify.check_standby_processes()) def check_diskusage(self, host): # This now checks for only /data (rc, result) = self.disk.get_disk_usage(host, '/data') if rc != 0: raise Exception( "The specified mount /data is not present for the device") else: available_usage = result return available_usage def _fill(self, filename, host): cmd_prefix = "ssh " + host + " \"" cmd_postfix = "\"" location = '/data' if not os.path.isdir('%s/diskfill/' % location): os.makedirs('%s/diskfill/' % location) cmd_str = cmd_prefix + "dd if=/dev/zero bs=16384K count=2000 of=" + location + "/diskfill/" + filename + cmd_postfix cmd = Command(name='Fill Disk', cmdStr=cmd_str)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: tinctest.logger.error('disk fill not working. Its already full') def filldisk(self): host = self.config.get_master_standbyhost() disk_usage = self.check_diskusage(host) i = 0 while (int(disk_usage.strip()) > 1000000): filename = 'new_space_%s' % i self._fill(filename, host) i += 1 disk_usage = self.check_diskusage(host) def remove_fillfiles(self, filename, host): location = '/data' cmd_str = "ssh %s rm %s/diskfill/%s*" % (host, location, filename) cmd = Command(name='Remove fill files', cmdStr=cmd_str)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: raise Exception('Unable to delete the fill files') return def cleanup(self): host = self.config.get_master_standbyhost() self.remove_fillfiles('new_space', host) #Recover segemnts in case segments and standby were on the same host cmd = Command(name='gprecoverseg', cmdStr='gprecoverseg -a')" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: raise Exception('gprecoverseg failed') while (self.config.is_not_insync_segments() == False):'Waiting for DB to be in sync')
class GpstartTestCase(MPPTestCase): ''' testcase for gpstart gpstart may return status code 1 as well as 0 in the success case. The difference is whether it produces WARNING or not, but here we don't care. ''' origin_mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') def __init__(self,methodName): self.gputil = GpUtility() self.stdby = StandbyVerify() super(GpstartTestCase,self).__init__(methodName) def setUp(self): self.gputil.check_and_start_gpdb() stdby_presence = self.gputil.check_standby_presence() # We should forcibly recreate standby, as it might has been promoted. if stdby_presence: self.gputil.remove_standby() self.gputil.install_standby() def tearDown(self): self.gputil.remove_standby() """ Gpstart test cases in recovery mode """ def test_gpstart_from_master(self): """ tag """ self.gputil.check_and_stop_gpdb() (rc, stdout) ='gpstart -a ') self.assertIn(rc, (0, 1)) self.assertTrue(self.gputil.gpstart_and_verify()) sleep(2) self.assertTrue(self.stdby.check_gp_segment_config(),'standby master not cofigured') self.assertTrue(self.stdby.check_pg_stat_replication(),'standby not in replication status') self.assertTrue(self.stdby.check_standby_processes(), 'standby processes not running') (rc, output) = = 'ps -ef|grep "wal sender "|grep -v grep') self.assertIsNotNone(output) def test_gpstart_master_only(self): """ tag """ self.gputil.check_and_stop_gpdb() (rc, stdout) ='export GPSTART_INTERNAL_MASTER_ONLY=1; ' 'gpstart -a -m ') self.assertIn(rc, (0, 1)) self.assertTrue(self.gputil.gpstart_and_verify()) (rc,output) ='PGDATABASE=template1 ' "PGOPTIONS='-c gp_session_role=utility' " 'psql') self.assertEqual(rc, 0) (rc, output) ='psql template1') # should fail due to master only mode self.assertEqual(rc, 2)'gpstop -a -m')'gpstart -a') def test_gpstart_restricted_mode_master(self): """Test -R option with standby.""" self.gputil.check_and_stop_gpdb() (rc, stdout) ='gpstart -a -R') self.assertIn(rc, (0, 1)) self.assertTrue(self.gputil.gpstart_and_verify()) (rc,output) = = 'psql template1') self.assertIn(rc, (0, 1))'gpstop -ar') def test_gpstart_master_w_timeout(self): """Test -t option with standby.""" self.gputil.check_and_stop_gpdb() (rc, output) ='gpstart -a -t 30') self.assertIn(rc, (0, 1)) self.assertTrue(self.gputil.gpstart_and_verify())'gpstop -ar') def test_gpstart_no_standby(self): """Test -y with standby configured.""" self.gputil.check_and_stop_gpdb() (rc, stdout) ='gpstart -a -y') self.assertIn(rc, (0, 1)) self.assertTrue(self.gputil.gpstart_and_verify()) self.assertFalse(self.stdby.check_standby_processes(), 'gpstart without standby failed, standby was running')'gpstop -ar') def test_gpstart_wo_standby(self): """Test -y without standby configured.""" self.gputil.remove_standby() self.gputil.check_and_stop_gpdb() (rc, stdout) ='gpstart -a -y') self.assertIn(rc, (0, 1)) self.assertTrue(self.gputil.gpstart_and_verify()) self.assertFalse(self.stdby.check_standby_processes(), 'standby processes presented')'gpstop -ar') """ Gpstart, test case in failover mode """ def test_gpstart_master_only_after_failover(self): """ for test purpose, failing back to old master should remove standby from primary after activate standby """"start master only with -m option after failover") activatestdby = GpactivateStandby() standby_host = activatestdby.get_current_standby() standby_mdd = activatestdby.get_standby_dd() standby_port = activatestdby.get_standby_port() activatestdby.activate() self.stdby._run_remote_command(standby_host,command = 'gpstop -a') stdout = self.stdby._run_remote_command(standby_host,command = 'export GPSTART_INTERNAL_MASTER_ONLY=1; gpstart -a -m') self.assertNotRegexpMatches(stdout,"ERROR","Start master only after failover failed") self.assertTrue(self.gputil.gpstart_and_verify(master_dd = standby_mdd, host = standby_host)) self.stdby._run_remote_command(standby_host,command = 'gpstop -a -m') = 'gpstop -ar') self.gputil.failback_to_original_master(self.origin_mdd, standby_host, standby_mdd, standby_port) def test_gpstart_master_after_failover(self): """ failover, start from new master, then recover the cluster back to have the old master active. """"failover, and run gpstart master test") self.gputil.check_and_start_gpdb() activatestdby = GpactivateStandby() standby_host = activatestdby.get_current_standby() standby_mdd = activatestdby.get_standby_dd() standby_port = activatestdby.get_standby_port() activatestdby.activate() self.stdby._run_remote_command(standby_host, command = 'gpstop -a') stdout = self.stdby._run_remote_command(standby_host,command = 'gpstart -a') self.assertNotRegexpMatches(stdout,"FATAL","ERROR") self.assertTrue(self.gputil.gpstart_and_verify(master_dd = standby_mdd, host = standby_host)) self.gputil.failback_to_original_master(self.origin_mdd, standby_host, standby_mdd, standby_port) def test_gpstart_original_master_after_promote(self): """ failover, start from new master, then recover the cluster back to have the old master active. """"activate and run gpstart for original master") activatestdby = GpactivateStandby() standby_host = activatestdby.get_current_standby() standby_mdd = activatestdby.get_standby_dd() standby_port = activatestdby.get_standby_port() activatestdby.activate() (rc, stdout) ='gpstart -a -v')'pg_controldata %s' % self.origin_mdd) self.stdby._run_remote_command(standby_host, command = 'pg_controldata %s' % standby_mdd) self.assertNotEqual(rc, 0) # This below error message comes from gpstart product code (if its modified change it here as well.) self.assertRegexpMatches(stdout,"Standby activated, this node no more can act as master.") self.gputil.failback_to_original_master(self.origin_mdd, standby_host, standby_mdd, standby_port)
class WalReplKillProcessTestCase(TINCTestCase): # this is not hard code, will be updated stdby_host = 'localhost' stdby_port = '5432' def __init__(self, methodName): self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.pgdatabase = os.environ.get('PGDATABASE') self.stdby_host = 'localhost' self.master_dd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.stdby = StandbyVerify() super(WalReplKillProcessTestCase, self).__init__(methodName) def killProcess_byPid(self, signal=9, pid_toKill=[], host="localhost"): pid_list = "" for pid in pid_toKill: pid_list = pid_list + " " + str(pid) kill_cmd = "%s/bin/gpssh -h %s -e 'kill -%s %s'" % ( os.environ.get('GPHOME'), host, signal, pid_list) (rc, result) = if rc == 0:"Process killed, %s" % result) return True else: tinctest.logger.error( "Killing process error, Status Code non zero, cmd: %s\n" % kill_cmd) return False def kill_walstartup(self): gpstdby = GpinitStandby() stdby_host = gpstdby.get_standbyhost() activate_stdby = GpactivateStandby() stdby_port = activate_stdby.get_standby_port() pid_list = [] startup_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(host=stdby_host, pgport=stdby_port, keyword="startup process") if int(startup_pid) == -1: tinctest.logger.error("error:startup process does not exist!") return False else: pid_list.append(startup_pid) self.killProcess_byPid(pid_toKill=pid_list, host=stdby_host) def kill_walreceiver(self): gpstdby = GpinitStandby() stdby_host = gpstdby.get_standbyhost() activate_stdby = GpactivateStandby() stdby_port = activate_stdby.get_standby_port() pid_list = [] walreceiver_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword( host=stdby_host, pgport=stdby_port, keyword="wal receiver process") if int(walreceiver_pid) == -1: tinctest.logger.error( "error: wal receiver process does not exist!") return False else: pid_list.append(walreceiver_pid) self.killProcess_byPid(pid_toKill=pid_list, host=stdby_host) def kill_walsender_check_postmaster_reset(self): pid_list = [] walsender_old_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword( pgport=self.pgport, keyword="wal sender process") if int(walsender_old_pid) == -1: tinctest.logger.error( "error: process wal sender does not exist on host") return False else: pid_list.append(walsender_old_pid) self.killProcess_byPid(pid_toKill=pid_list) sleep(2) walsender_new_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword( pgport=self.pgport, keyword="wal sender process") if walsender_old_pid == walsender_new_pid: raise Exception( "Killing walsender failed to force postmaster reset") else: return True def kill_transc_backend_check_reset(self): dict_process = { 'stats collector process': -1, 'writer process': -1, 'checkpointer process': -1, 'seqserver process': -1, 'ftsprobe process': -1, 'sweeper process': -1, 'wal sender process': -1 } for process in dict_process: pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=self.pgport, keyword=process) dict_process[process] = pid self.kill_transc_backend() for process in dict_process: pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=self.pgport, keyword=process) delay = 1 while dict_process.get(process) == pid and delay < 5: pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=self.pgport, keyword=process) sleep(1) delay = delay + 1 if delay == 5: tinctest.logger.error( "Killing transaction backend process failed to force postmaster reset: %s" % process) raise Exception( "Killing transaction backend process failed to force postmaster reset child process" ) def kill_transc_backend(self): pid_list = [] sql = "SELECT procpid FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='{0}' AND current_query like 'INSERT INTO%'".format( self.pgdatabase) "running sql command to get transaction backend process: --- %s" % sql) procid = PSQL.run_sql_command(sql, flags='-q -t', dbname=self.pgdatabase) count = 1 while not procid.strip() and count < 5: sleep(1) count += 1 procid = PSQL.run_sql_command(sql, flags='-q -t', dbname=self.pgdatabase) if procid.strip():"got procid to kill: %s " % procid) pid_list.append(procid) self.killProcess_byPid(pid_toKill=pid_list) else: tinctest.logger.error("There is no active backend process") def check_stdby_stop(self): gpstdby = GpinitStandby() stdby_host = gpstdby.get_standbyhost() activate_stdby = GpactivateStandby() stdby_port = activate_stdby.get_standby_port() master_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(host=stdby_host, pgport=stdby_port, keyword="master", option="bin") if int(master_pid) != -1: raise Exception("standby should stop but failed!") def start_stdby(self): gpstdby = GpinitStandby() stdby_host = gpstdby.get_standbyhost() stdby_dbid = self.get_standby_dbid() activate_stdby = GpactivateStandby() stdby_mdd = activate_stdby.get_standby_dd() stdby_port = activate_stdby.get_standby_port() cmd = "pg_ctl -D %s -o '-p %s --gp_dbid=%s --gp_num_contents_in_cluster=2 --silent-mode=true -i -M master --gp_contentid=-1 -E' start &" % ( stdby_mdd, stdby_port, stdby_dbid) self.run_remote(stdby_host, cmd, stdby_port, stdby_mdd) def run_remote(self, standbyhost, rmt_cmd, pgport='', standbydd=''): '''Runs remote command and returns rc, result ''' export_cmd = "source %s/;export PGPORT=%s;export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s" % ( self.gphome, pgport, standbydd) remote_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e \"%s; %s\"" % (standbyhost, export_cmd, rmt_cmd) cmd = Command(name='Running Remote command', cmdStr='%s' % remote_cmd)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() return result.rc, result.stdout def check_mirror_seg(self): dbstate = DbStateClass('run_validation') dbstate.check_mirrorintegrity(master=True) def get_standby_dbid(self): std_sql = "select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';" standby_dbid = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags='-q -t', dbname='template1') return standby_dbid.strip() def run_transaction_backend(self):"local path for backend.sql is %s" % local_path('')) for file in os.listdir(local_path('')): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'backend.sql'): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path(file)) def get_down_segment(self): query = 'select * from gp_segment_configuration where mode <> \'s\' and status <>\'u\'' result = PSQL.run_sql_command(query, flags='-q -t', dbname='template1') return result.strip() def check_gpdb_status(self): down_segments = self.get_down_segment() self.assertEqual(down_segments, '') def gpstart_helper(self): '''helper method to run in scenario test''' (rc, result) ='gpstart -a') self.assertIn(rc, (0, 1)) def gpstop_helper(self): '''helper method to run in scenario test''' cmd = Command('run gpstop', cmdStr='gpstop -a') def gpinitstandby_helper(self): '''helper method to create a new standby''' self.pgutil.install_standby() def removestandby_helper(self): ''' helper method to remove standby''' self.pgutil.remove_standby() def verify_standby_sync(self): if (self.stdby.check_gp_segment_config()) and ( self.stdby.check_pg_stat_replication()) and ( self.stdby.check_standby_processes()): return True else: raise Exception('standby and master out of sync!') def kill_standby_postmaster(self): pid_list = [] delay = 0 postmaster_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword( host=WalReplKillProcessTestCase.stdby_host, pgport=WalReplKillProcessTestCase.stdby_port, keyword="master", option="bin") while int(postmaster_pid) == -1 and delay < 20: sleep(1) delay = delay + 1 postmaster_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword( host=WalReplKillProcessTestCase.stdby_host, pgport=WalReplKillProcessTestCase.stdby_port, keyword="master", option="bin") if int(postmaster_pid) == -1 or delay == 20: tinctest.logger.error( "error: standby postmaster process does not exist!") return False else: pid_list.append(postmaster_pid) return self.killProcess_byPid( pid_toKill=pid_list, host=WalReplKillProcessTestCase.stdby_host) def initial_setup(self): keyword = 'rh55-qavm65' config = GPDBConfig() (seg_host, seg_port) = config.get_hostandport_of_segment(psegmentNumber=0, pRole='p') cur_path = local_path('') dir1 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql', '') dir2 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql', 'insert_from_external.sql') dir3 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'expected', '') dir4 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'expected', 'insert_from_external.ans') f1 = open(dir1, 'r') f2 = open(dir2, 'w') f3 = open(dir3, 'r') f4 = open(dir4, 'w') for line in f1: f2.write(line.replace(keyword, seg_host)) f1.close() f2.close() for line in f3: f4.write(line.replace(keyword, seg_host)) f3.close() f4.close() dir5 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql', '') dir6 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql', 'insert_with_gpload.sql') yaml_path = local_path('dml/sql/config/gpl.yaml') f5 = open(dir5, 'r') f6 = open(dir6, 'w') for line in f5: f6.write(line.replace('gpl.yaml', yaml_path)) f5.close() f6.close() dir7 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql', 'config', '') dir8 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql', 'config', 'gpl.yaml') f7 = open(dir7, 'r') f8 = open(dir8, 'w') for line in f7: if 'DATABASE' in line: f8.write(line.replace('tangp3', os.environ.get('PGDATABASE'))) elif 'USER' in line: f8.write(line.replace('tangp3', os.environ.get('USER'))) elif 'HOST' in line: f8.write(line.replace('rh55-qavm61', socket.gethostname())) elif 'PORT' in line and '5432' in line: f8.write(line.replace('5432', os.environ.get('PGPORT'))) elif 'mydata' in line: f8.write( line.replace('mydata', local_path('dml/sql/gpload/mydata'))) else: f8.write(line) f7.close() f8.close() dir9 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'expected', '') dir10 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'expected', 'insert_with_gpload.ans') f9 = open(dir9, 'r') f10 = open(dir10, 'w') for line in f9: f10.write(line.replace('gpl.yaml', yaml_path)) f9.close() f10.close() dir11 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql', '') dir12 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql', 'select_from_copy_table.sql') f11 = open(dir11, 'r') f12 = open(dir12, 'w') for line in f11: if '' in line: f12.write( line.replace('', local_path('dml/sql/_data/'))) else: f12.write(line) f11.close() f12.close() dir13 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'expected', '') dir14 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'expected', 'select_from_copy_table.ans') f13 = open(dir13, 'r') f14 = open(dir14, 'w') for line in f13: if '' in line: f14.write( line.replace('', local_path('dml/sql/_data/'))) else: f14.write(line) f13.close() f14.close() external_table = local_path('dml/sql/_data/quote.csv') clean_file = 'rm -rf /tmp/quote.csv' rmt_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e '%s' " % (seg_host, clean_file) cmd = Command(name='Running a remote command', cmdStr=rmt_cmd) command = 'scp %s %s:/tmp' % (external_table, seg_host) cmd = Command(name='run %s' % command, cmdStr='%s' % command) try: except Exception, e: tinctest.logger.error("Error running command %s\n" % e)
def __init__(self,methodName): self.gputil = GpUtility() self.stdby = StandbyVerify() super(GpstartTestCase,self).__init__(methodName)
class OODClass(MPPTestCase): def __init__(self,methodName): = GpactivateStandby() self.verify = StandbyVerify() self.config = GPDBConfig() self.disk = Disk() self.sdby_mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') super(OODClass,self).__init__(methodName) def initiate_standby(self):'no') def check_standby(self): self.assertFalse(self.verify.check_standby_processes()) def get_standby_dbid(self): std_sql = "select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';" standby_dbid = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'template1') return standby_dbid.strip() def restart_standby(self): sdby_host = self.config.get_master_standbyhost() stdby_dbid = self.get_standby_dbid() cmd="pg_ctl -D %s -o '-p %s --gp_dbid=%s --gp_num_contents_in_cluster=2 --silent-mode=true -i -M master --gp_contentid=-1 -x 0 -E' start &"%(self.sdby_mdd, self.pgport, stdby_dbid) self.assertTrue(,cmd, self.pgport, self.sdby_mdd)) self.assertTrue(self.verify.check_standby_processes()) def check_diskusage(self, host): # This now checks for only /data (rc, result) = self.disk.get_disk_usage(host, '/data') if rc != 0: raise Exception ("The specified mount /data is not present for the device") else: available_usage = result return available_usage def _fill(self, filename, host): cmd_prefix = "ssh " +host+ " \"" cmd_postfix = "\"" location = '/data' if not os.path.isdir('%s/diskfill/' % location): os.makedirs('%s/diskfill/' % location) cmd_str = cmd_prefix + "dd if=/dev/zero bs=16384K count=2000 of=" +location+ "/diskfill/" + filename +cmd_postfix cmd = Command(name='Fill Disk', cmdStr=cmd_str)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc !=0: tinctest.logger.error('disk fill not working. Its already full') def filldisk(self): host = self.config.get_master_standbyhost() disk_usage = self.check_diskusage(host) i = 0 while(int(disk_usage.strip()) >1000000): filename = 'new_space_%s' % i self._fill(filename, host) i +=1 disk_usage = self.check_diskusage(host) def remove_fillfiles(self, filename, host): location = '/data' cmd_str = "ssh %s rm %s/diskfill/%s*" % (host,location, filename) cmd = Command(name='Remove fill files', cmdStr=cmd_str)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc !=0: raise Exception('Unable to delete the fill files') return def cleanup(self): host = self.config.get_master_standbyhost() self.remove_fillfiles('new_space', host) #Recover segemnts in case segments and standby were on the same host cmd = Command(name='gprecoverseg', cmdStr='gprecoverseg -a')" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc !=0: raise Exception('gprecoverseg failed') while(self.config.is_not_insync_segments() == False):'Waiting for DB to be in sync')
class GpinitStandby(object): '''Class for gpinitstandby operations Disclaimer: Some of these may repeat with the mpp/lib version''' def __init__(self): self.stdby = StandbyVerify() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname='walrepl') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() self.pgutil = GpUtility() = socket.gethostname() def run(self, option=''): '''Runs gpinitstandby and returns True if successfull ''' gpinitstandby_cmd = 'gpinitstandby -a %s' % option cmd = Command(name='Running Gpinitstandby', cmdStr="%s" % gpinitstandby_cmd)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: return False return True def verify_gpinitstandby(self, primary_pid): '''Verify the presence of standby in recovery mode ''' if (self.stdby.check_gp_segment_config()) and ( self.stdby.check_pg_stat_replication()) and ( self.stdby.check_standby_processes() ) and self.compare_primary_pid(primary_pid): return True return False def get_masterhost(self): std_sql = "select hostname from gp_segment_configuration where content=-1 and role='p';" master_host = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags='-q -t', dbname='postgres') return master_host.strip() def get_standbyhost(self): std_sql = "select hostname from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';" standby_host = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags='-q -t', dbname='postgres') return standby_host.strip() def get_filespace_location(self): fs_sql = "select fselocation from pg_filespace_entry where fselocation like '%fs_walrepl_a%' and fsedbid=1;" filespace_loc = PSQL.run_sql_command(fs_sql, flags='-q -t', dbname='postgres') return filespace_loc.strip() def get_standbyhostnode(self): ''' Function used to obtain the hostname of one of the segment node inorder to use it as the standby master node" @return : returns the hostname of the segment node which can be used as the standby master node ''' hostlist = self.config.get_hosts() standby = '' for host in hostlist: if host.strip() != standby = host.strip() if len(standby) > 0: return standby else: tinctest.logger.error( 'No segment host other than master available to have remote standby' ) def get_primary_pid(self): pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=os.environ.get('PGPORT'), keyword=self.mdd) if int(pid) == -1: raise WalReplException( 'Unable to get pid of primary master process') else: return int(pid) def compare_primary_pid(self, initial_pid): final_pid = self.get_primary_pid() if initial_pid == final_pid: return True return False def create_dir_on_standby(self, standby, location): fs_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e 'rm -rf %s; mkdir -p %s' " % ( standby, location, location) cmd = Command( name='Make dierctory on standby before running the command', cmdStr=fs_cmd)'%s' % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: raise WalReplException('Unable to create directory on standby') else: return True def initstand_by_with_default(self): master_host = self.get_masterhost() gp_cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'gpinitstandby -s %s'" % (master_host) cmd = Command(name='Running the command', cmdStr=gp_cmd)'%s' % cmd) sleep(2) result = cmd.get_results() lines = result.stdout.splitlines() for line in lines: if 'Data directory already exists' in line: return True return False def init_with_prompt(self, filespace_loc): standby = self.get_standbyhostnode() gp_cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'gpinitstandby -s %s -a'" % (standby) logfile = open(local_path('install2.log'), 'w') child = pexpect.spawn(gp_cmd, timeout=400) child.logfile = logfile sleep(5) check = child.expect( ['.* Enter standby filespace location for filespace.*', ' ']) child.sendline(filespace_loc) sleep(10) check = child.expect(['.*Successfully created standby master.*']) if check != 0: tinctest.logger.error('gpinitstandy failed') return False child.close() return True
class OOMClass(object): '''Class for methods required for OOM testcase''' standby_port = '5433' standby_dirname = 'newstandby' def __init__(self): self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.verify = StandbyVerify() = socket.gethostname() self.standby_loc = os.path.join(os.path.split(self.mdd)[0], self.standby_dirname) self.standby = Standby(self.standby_loc, self.standby_port) def create_standby(self): self.pgutil.clean_dir(,self.standby_loc) = '-P %s -s %s -F pg_system:%s' % (self.standby_port,, self.standby_loc)) def setup_oom(self): # Build it before testing. thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) builddir = os.path.join(thisdir, 'lib') subprocess.check_call(['make', '-C', builddir, 'install']) #Copy and to all the segment nodes for host in config.get_hosts() : if host.strip() == : continue cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e 'mkdir -p %s'; scp %s/ %s:%s/; scp %s/ %s:%s/" % (host.strip(), builddir, builddir, host.strip(), builddir, builddir, host.strip(), builddir) def touch_malloc(self): # Touch file oom_malloc in standby directory cmd = 'touch %s/oom_malloc' % self.standby_loc def startdb(self): (rc, result) ='gpstart -a --wrapper %s' % (local_path('lib/'))) if rc != 0 and 'Could not start standby master' in result : return False return True def restartdb(self): # Remove file oom_malloc from standby cmd = 'rm %s/oom_malloc' % self.standby_loc (rc, result) ='gpstop -ar') if rc == 0 and (self.verify.check_pg_stat_replication()): return True return False def psql_and_oom(self): #Touch oom_malloc in standby_dir and issue PSQL : Check if processes are gone self.touch_malloc() PSQL.run_sql_command('Drop table if exists wal_oomt1;Create table wal_oomt1(a1 int, a2 text) with(appendonly=true);') sleep(2) if not (self.verify.check_standby_processes()): return True return False def start_standby(self): # Remove oom_malloc and start standby : Check if all processes are back cmd = 'rm %s/oom_malloc' % self.standby_loc res = self.standby.start() sleep(2) if (self.verify.check_standby_processes()) : return True return False
class WalReplKillProcessTestCase(TINCTestCase): # this is not hard code, will be updated stdby_host = 'localhost' stdby_port = '5432' def __init__(self,methodName): self.gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.pgdatabase = os.environ.get('PGDATABASE') self.stdby_host = 'localhost' self.master_dd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.stdby = StandbyVerify() super(WalReplKillProcessTestCase,self).__init__(methodName) def killProcess_byPid(self, signal=9, pid_toKill=[], host="localhost"): pid_list = "" for pid in pid_toKill: pid_list = pid_list + " " + str(pid) kill_cmd = "%s/bin/gpssh -h %s -e 'kill -%s %s'" % (os.environ.get('GPHOME'), host, signal, pid_list) (rc, result) = if rc == 0:"Process killed, %s" % result) return True else: tinctest.logger.error("Killing process error, Status Code non zero, cmd: %s\n"%kill_cmd) return False def kill_walstartup(self): gpstdby = GpinitStandby() stdby_host = gpstdby.get_standbyhost() activate_stdby = GpactivateStandby() stdby_port = activate_stdby.get_standby_port() pid_list = [] startup_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(host=stdby_host, pgport=stdby_port, keyword="startup process") if int(startup_pid) == -1: tinctest.logger.error("error:startup process does not exist!") return False else: pid_list.append(startup_pid) self.killProcess_byPid(pid_toKill=pid_list, host=stdby_host) def kill_walreceiver(self): gpstdby = GpinitStandby() stdby_host = gpstdby.get_standbyhost() activate_stdby = GpactivateStandby() stdby_port = activate_stdby.get_standby_port() pid_list = [] walreceiver_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(host=stdby_host, pgport=stdby_port, keyword="wal receiver process") if int(walreceiver_pid) == -1: tinctest.logger.error("error: wal receiver process does not exist!") return False else: pid_list.append(walreceiver_pid) self.killProcess_byPid(pid_toKill=pid_list, host=stdby_host) def kill_walsender_check_postmaster_reset(self): pid_list = [] walsender_old_pid=self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=self.pgport,keyword="wal sender process") if int(walsender_old_pid) == -1: tinctest.logger.error("error: process wal sender does not exist on host") return False else: pid_list.append(walsender_old_pid) self.killProcess_byPid(pid_toKill=pid_list) sleep(2) walsender_new_pid=self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=self.pgport,keyword="wal sender process") if walsender_old_pid == walsender_new_pid: raise Exception("Killing walsender failed to force postmaster reset") else: return True def kill_transc_backend_check_reset(self): dict_process = { 'stats collector process': -1, 'writer process': -1, 'checkpointer process': -1,'seqserver process': -1, 'ftsprobe process': -1,'sweeper process': -1,'wal sender process': -1} for process in dict_process: pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=self.pgport,keyword=process) dict_process[process] = pid self.kill_transc_backend() for process in dict_process: pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=self.pgport,keyword=process) delay = 1 while dict_process.get(process) == pid and delay < 5: pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=self.pgport,keyword=process) sleep(1) delay = delay +1 if delay == 5: tinctest.logger.error("Killing transaction backend process failed to force postmaster reset: %s"%process) raise Exception("Killing transaction backend process failed to force postmaster reset child process") def kill_transc_backend(self): pid_list = [] sql = "SELECT procpid FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname='{0}' AND current_query like 'INSERT INTO%'".format(self.pgdatabase)"running sql command to get transaction backend process: --- %s"%sql) procid = PSQL.run_sql_command(sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= self.pgdatabase) count = 1 while not procid.strip() and count < 5: sleep(1) count += 1 procid = PSQL.run_sql_command(sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= self.pgdatabase) if procid.strip():"got procid to kill: %s " % procid) pid_list.append(procid) self.killProcess_byPid(pid_toKill = pid_list) else: tinctest.logger.error("There is no active backend process") def check_stdby_stop(self): gpstdby = GpinitStandby() stdby_host = gpstdby.get_standbyhost() activate_stdby = GpactivateStandby() stdby_port = activate_stdby.get_standby_port() master_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(host=stdby_host, pgport=stdby_port, keyword="master", option = "bin") if int(master_pid) != -1: raise Exception("standby should stop but failed!") def start_stdby(self): gpstdby = GpinitStandby() stdby_host = gpstdby.get_standbyhost() stdby_dbid = self.get_standby_dbid() activate_stdby = GpactivateStandby() stdby_mdd = activate_stdby.get_standby_dd() stdby_port = activate_stdby.get_standby_port() cmd="pg_ctl -D %s -o '-p %s --gp_dbid=%s --gp_num_contents_in_cluster=2 --silent-mode=true -i -M master --gp_contentid=-1 -x 0 -E' start &"%(stdby_mdd, stdby_port, stdby_dbid) self.run_remote(stdby_host,cmd,stdby_port,stdby_mdd) def run_remote(self, standbyhost, rmt_cmd, pgport = '', standbydd = ''): '''Runs remote command and returns rc, result ''' export_cmd = "source %s/;export PGPORT=%s;export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s" % (self.gphome, pgport, standbydd) remote_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e \"%s; %s\"" % (standbyhost, export_cmd, rmt_cmd) cmd = Command(name='Running Remote command', cmdStr='%s' % remote_cmd)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() return result.rc,result.stdout def check_mirror_seg(self): dbstate = DbStateClass('run_validation') dbstate.check_mirrorintegrity(master=True) def get_standby_dbid(self): std_sql = "select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';" standby_dbid = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'template1') return standby_dbid.strip() def run_transaction_backend(self):"local path for backend.sql is %s"%local_path('')) for file in os.listdir(local_path('')): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file,'backend.sql'): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path(file)) def get_down_segment(self): query = 'select * from gp_segment_configuration where mode <> \'s\' and status <>\'u\'' result = PSQL.run_sql_command(query, flags = '-q -t', dbname='template1') return result.strip() def check_gpdb_status(self): down_segments = self.get_down_segment() self.assertEqual(down_segments,'') def gpstart_helper(self): '''helper method to run in scenario test''' (rc, result) ='gpstart -a') self.assertIn(rc,(0,1)) def gpstop_helper(self): '''helper method to run in scenario test''' cmd = Command('run gpstop', cmdStr = 'gpstop -a') def gpinitstandby_helper(self): '''helper method to create a new standby''' self.pgutil.install_standby() def removestandby_helper(self): ''' helper method to remove standby''' self.pgutil.remove_standby() def verify_standby_sync(self): if (self.stdby.check_gp_segment_config()) and (self.stdby.check_pg_stat_replication()) and (self.stdby.check_standby_processes()): return True else: raise Exception('standby and master out of sync!') def kill_standby_postmaster(self): pid_list = [] delay = 0 postmaster_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(host=WalReplKillProcessTestCase.stdby_host, pgport=WalReplKillProcessTestCase.stdby_port, keyword="master", option="bin") while int(postmaster_pid) == -1 and delay < 20: sleep(1) delay = delay + 1 postmaster_pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(host=WalReplKillProcessTestCase.stdby_host, pgport=WalReplKillProcessTestCase.stdby_port, keyword="master", option="bin") if int(postmaster_pid) == -1 or delay == 20: tinctest.logger.error("error: standby postmaster process does not exist!") return False else: pid_list.append(postmaster_pid) return self.killProcess_byPid(pid_toKill=pid_list, host=WalReplKillProcessTestCase.stdby_host) def initial_setup(self): keyword = 'rh55-qavm65' config = GPDBConfig() (seg_host,seg_port) = config.get_hostandport_of_segment(psegmentNumber = 0, pRole = 'p') cur_path = local_path('') dir1 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql','') dir2 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql','insert_from_external.sql') dir3 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'expected','') dir4 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'expected','insert_from_external.ans') f1 = open(dir1,'r') f2 = open(dir2,'w') f3 = open(dir3,'r') f4 = open(dir4,'w') for line in f1: f2.write(line.replace(keyword,seg_host)) f1.close() f2.close() for line in f3: f4.write(line.replace(keyword,seg_host)) f3.close() f4.close() dir5 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql','') dir6 = os.path.join(cur_path, 'dml', 'sql','insert_with_gpload.sql') yaml_path = local_path('dml/sql/config/gpl.yaml') f5 = open(dir5,'r') f6 = open(dir6,'w') for line in f5: f6.write(line.replace('gpl.yaml',yaml_path)) f5.close() f6.close() dir7 = os.path.join(cur_path,'dml','sql','config','') dir8 = os.path.join(cur_path,'dml','sql','config','gpl.yaml') f7 = open(dir7,'r') f8 = open(dir8,'w') for line in f7: if 'DATABASE' in line: f8.write(line.replace('tangp3',os.environ.get('PGDATABASE'))) elif 'USER' in line: f8.write(line.replace('tangp3',os.environ.get('USER'))) elif 'HOST' in line: f8.write(line.replace('rh55-qavm61',socket.gethostname())) elif 'PORT' in line and '5432' in line: f8.write(line.replace('5432',os.environ.get('PGPORT'))) elif 'mydata' in line: f8.write(line.replace('mydata',local_path('dml/sql/gpload/mydata'))) else: f8.write(line) f7.close() f8.close() dir9 = os.path.join(cur_path,'dml','expected','') dir10 = os.path.join(cur_path,'dml','expected','insert_with_gpload.ans') f9 = open(dir9,'r') f10 = open(dir10,'w') for line in f9: f10.write(line.replace('gpl.yaml',yaml_path)) f9.close() f10.close() dir11 = os.path.join(cur_path,'dml','sql','') dir12 = os.path.join(cur_path,'dml','sql','select_from_copy_table.sql') f11 = open(dir11,'r') f12 = open(dir12,'w') for line in f11: if '' in line: f12.write(line.replace('',local_path('dml/sql/_data/'))) else: f12.write(line) f11.close() f12.close() dir13 = os.path.join(cur_path,'dml','expected','') dir14 = os.path.join(cur_path,'dml','expected','select_from_copy_table.ans') f13 = open(dir13,'r') f14 = open(dir14,'w') for line in f13: if '' in line: f14.write(line.replace('',local_path('dml/sql/_data/'))) else: f14.write(line) f13.close() f14.close() external_table = local_path('dml/sql/_data/quote.csv') clean_file = 'rm -rf /tmp/quote.csv' rmt_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e '%s' " % (seg_host, clean_file) cmd = Command(name='Running a remote command', cmdStr = rmt_cmd) command = 'scp %s %s:/tmp'%(external_table,seg_host) cmd = Command(name='run %s'%command, cmdStr = '%s' % command) try: except Exception, e: tinctest.logger.error("Error running command %s\n" % e)
class GpinitStandby(object): '''Class for gpinitstandby operations Disclaimer: Some of these may repeat with the mpp/lib version''' def __init__(self): self.stdby = StandbyVerify() self.runmixin = StandbyRunMixin() self.runmixin.createdb(dbname='walrepl') self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() self.pgutil = GpUtility() = socket.gethostname() def run(self, option = ''): '''Runs gpinitstandby and returns True if successfull ''' gpinitstandby_cmd = 'gpinitstandby -a %s' % option cmd = Command(name='Running Gpinitstandby', cmdStr="%s" % gpinitstandby_cmd)" %s" % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: return False return True def verify_gpinitstandby(self, primary_pid): '''Verify the presence of standby in recovery mode ''' if (self.stdby.check_gp_segment_config()) and (self.stdby.check_pg_stat_replication()) and (self.stdby.check_standby_processes())and self.compare_primary_pid(primary_pid) : return True return False def get_masterhost(self): std_sql = "select hostname from gp_segment_configuration where content=-1 and role='p';" master_host = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'postgres') return master_host.strip() def get_standbyhost(self): std_sql = "select hostname from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';" standby_host = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'postgres') return standby_host.strip() def get_filespace_location(self): fs_sql = "select fselocation from pg_filespace_entry where fselocation like '%fs_walrepl_a%' and fsedbid=1;" filespace_loc = PSQL.run_sql_command(fs_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'postgres') return filespace_loc.strip() def get_standbyhostnode(self): ''' Function used to obtain the hostname of one of the segment node inorder to use it as the standby master node" @return : returns the hostname of the segment node which can be used as the standby master node ''' hostlist = self.config.get_hosts() standby = '' for host in hostlist: if host.strip() != standby = host.strip() if len(standby) > 0 : return standby else: tinctest.logger.error('No segment host other than master available to have remote standby') def get_primary_pid(self): pid = self.pgutil.get_pid_by_keyword(pgport=os.environ.get('PGPORT'), keyword=self.mdd) if int(pid) == -1: raise WalReplException('Unable to get pid of primary master process') else: return int(pid) def compare_primary_pid(self, initial_pid): final_pid = self.get_primary_pid() if initial_pid == final_pid : return True return False def create_dir_on_standby(self, standby, location): fs_cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e 'rm -rf %s; mkdir -p %s' " % (standby, location, location) cmd = Command(name='Make dierctory on standby before running the command', cmdStr = fs_cmd)'%s' % cmd) result = cmd.get_results() if result.rc != 0: raise WalReplException('Unable to create directory on standby') else: return True def initstand_by_with_default(self): master_host = self.get_masterhost() gp_cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'gpinitstandby -s %s'" % (master_host) logfile = open(local_path('install.log'),'w') child = pexpect.spawn(gp_cmd, timeout=400) child.logfile = logfile sleep(2) check = child.expect(['.* Enter standby filespace location for filespace pg_system .*', ' ']) if check != 0: child.close() l_file = open(local_path('install.log'),'r') lines = l_file.readlines() for line in lines: if 'default: NA' in line: return True return False def init_with_prompt(self,filespace_loc): standby = self.get_standbyhostnode() gp_cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'gpinitstandby -s %s -a'" % (standby) logfile = open(local_path('install2.log'),'w') child = pexpect.spawn(gp_cmd, timeout=400) child.logfile = logfile sleep(5) check = child.expect(['.* Enter standby filespace location for filespace.*', ' ']) child.sendline(filespace_loc) sleep(10) check = child.expect(['.*Successfully created standby master.*']) if check != 0: tinctest.logger.error('gpinitstandy failed') return False child.close() return True
class OOMClass(object): '''Class for methods required for OOM testcase''' standby_port = '5433' standby_dirname = 'newstandby' def __init__(self): self.gpinit = GpinitStandby() self.mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') self.config = GPDBConfig() self.pgutil = GpUtility() self.verify = StandbyVerify() = socket.gethostname() self.standby_loc = os.path.join( os.path.split(self.mdd)[0], self.standby_dirname) self.standby = Standby(self.standby_loc, self.standby_port) def create_standby(self): self.pgutil.clean_dir(, self.standby_loc)'-P %s -s %s -F pg_system:%s' % (self.standby_port,, self.standby_loc)) def setup_oom(self): # Build it before testing. thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__) builddir = os.path.join(thisdir, 'lib') subprocess.check_call(['make', '-C', builddir, 'install']) #Copy and to all the segment nodes for host in config.get_hosts(): if host.strip() == continue cmd = "gpssh -h %s -e 'mkdir -p %s; scp %s/ %s:%s/;scp %s/ %s:%s/'" % ( host.strip(), builddir, builddir, host.strip(), builddir, builddir, host.strip(), builddir) def touch_malloc(self): # Touch file oom_malloc in standby directory cmd = 'touch %s/oom_malloc' % self.standby_loc def startdb(self): (rc, result) ='gpstart -a --wrapper %s' % (local_path('lib/'))) if rc != 0 and 'Could not start standby master' in result: return False return True def restartdb(self): # Remove file oom_malloc from standby cmd = 'rm %s/oom_malloc' % self.standby_loc (rc, result) ='gpstop -ar') if rc == 0 and (self.verify.check_pg_stat_replication()): return True return False def psql_and_oom(self): #Touch oom_malloc in standby_dir and issue PSQL : Check if processes are gone self.touch_malloc() PSQL.run_sql_command( 'Drop table if exists wal_oomt1;Create table wal_oomt1(a1 int, a2 text) with(appendonly=true);' ) sleep(2) if not (self.verify.check_standby_processes()): return True return False def start_standby(self): # Remove oom_malloc and start standby : Check if all processes are back cmd = 'rm %s/oom_malloc' % self.standby_loc res = self.standby.start() sleep(2) if (self.verify.check_standby_processes()): return True return False