def prepareForSleep(): configureWakeupSource() try: os.umountsd() except: pass mpr121.set(10, False) eink.busy_wait()
easydraw.messageCentered("Installing...", False) display.flush() import dashboard.resources.png_icons as icons icons.install() # 6) Set flag machine.nvs_setint('system', 'factory_checked', CURR_TGT) machine.nvs_setint('system', 'force_sponsors', 1) # 7) Show message easydraw.messageCentered("PASSED", True) display.flush() # 8) Blink LEDs and make noise mpr121.set(10, 1) # Calibration resets MPR121, here we re-enable LED power buzzer_pin = machine.Pin(12, machine.Pin.OUT) time.sleep(0.01) buzzer_pwm = machine.PWM(buzzer_pin, duty=50) sndmixer.begin(2) synth = sndmixer.synth() sndmixer.volume(synth, 50) sndmixer.waveform(synth, 1) while True: buzzer_pwm.duty(50) buzzer_pwm.freq(500) sndmixer.freq(synth, 500) neopixel.send(bytes([0xFF, 0, 0] * 12))
def setPower(state): mpr121.set(10, state)
def vibrator_activate(duration): mpr121.set(8, 1) time.sleep_ms(duration * 10) mpr121.set(8, 0)
while True: time.sleep(1) #Sleep forever # 4) Install icons (workaround) easydraw.messageCentered("Installing...", False) display.flush() import dashboard.resources.png_icons # 5) Set flag machine.nvs_setint('system', 'factory_checked', 2) # 6) Show message easydraw.messageCentered("PASSED", True) display.flush() mpr121.set(10, 1) #Calibration resets MPR121 buzzer_pin = machine.Pin(12, machine.Pin.OUT) time.sleep(0.01) buzzer_pwm = machine.PWM(buzzer_pin, duty=50) while True: buzzer_pwm.duty(50) buzzer_pwm.freq(500) neopixel.send(bytes([0xFF, 0, 0] * 12)) time.sleep(0.25) buzzer_pwm.freq(600) neopixel.send(bytes([0, 0xFF, 0] * 12)) time.sleep(0.25) buzzer_pwm.freq(800) neopixel.send(bytes([0, 0, 0xFF] * 12))
def prepareForWakeup(): mpr121.set(10, True) time.sleep(0.05) # Give the SD card time to initialize itself os.mountsd()
def leds(state): _mpr121.set(10, state)