예제 #1
def sign(x):
    """Return sign(x), defined as x/abs(x), or 0 for x = 0."""
    x = convert_lossless(x)
    if not x or isnan(x):
        return x
    if isinstance(x, mpf):
        return cmp(x, 0)
    return x / abs(x)
예제 #2
def sign(x):
    """Return sign(x), defined as x/abs(x), or 0 for x = 0."""
    x = convert_lossless(x)
    if not x or isnan(x):
        return x
    if isinstance(x, mpf):
        return cmp(x, 0)
    return x / abs(x)
예제 #3
def default_color_function(z):
    if isinf(z):
        return (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    if isnan(z):
        return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    pi = 3.1415926535898
    a = (float(arg(z)) + pi) / (2 * pi)
    a = (a + 0.5) % 1.0
    b = 1.0 - float(1 / (1.0 + abs(z)**0.3))
    return hls_to_rgb(a, b, 0.8)
예제 #4
def default_color_function(z):
    if isinf(z):
        return (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    if isnan(z):
        return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    pi = 3.1415926535898
    a = (float(arg(z)) + pi) / (2*pi)
    a = (a + 0.5) % 1.0
    b = 1.0 - float(1/(1.0+abs(z)**0.3))
    return hls_to_rgb(a, b, 0.8)
예제 #5
def ellipk(m):
    """Complete elliptic integral of the first kind, K(m). Note that
    the argument is the parameter m = k^2, not the modulus k."""
    # Poor implementation:
    # return pi/2 * sum_hyp2f1_rat((1,2),(1,2),(1,1), m)
    if m == 1:
        return inf
    if isnan(m):
        return m
    if isinf(m):
        return 1/m
    s = sqrt(m)
    a = (1-s)/(1+s)
    v = pi/4*(1+a)/agm(1,a)
    if isinstance(m, mpf) and m < 1:
        return v.real
    return v
예제 #6
def ellipk(m):
    """Complete elliptic integral of the first kind, K(m). Note that
    the argument is the parameter m = k^2, not the modulus k."""
    # Poor implementation:
    # return pi/2 * sum_hyp2f1_rat((1,2),(1,2),(1,1), m)
    if m == 1:
        return inf
    if isnan(m):
        return m
    if isinf(m):
        return 1 / m
    s = sqrt(m)
    a = (1 - s) / (1 + s)
    v = pi / 4 * (1 + a) / agm(1, a)
    if isinstance(m, mpf) and m < 1:
        return v.real
    return v
예제 #7
def plot(f,
         xlim=[-5, 5],
    Shows a simple 2D plot of a function or list of functions over
    a given interval. Some examples:

        plot(lambda x: exp(x)*li(x), [1, 4])
        plot([cos, sin], [-4, 4])
        plot([fresnels, fresnelc], [-4, 4])
        plot([sqrt, cbrt], [-4, 4])
        plot(lambda t: zeta(0.5+t*j), [-20, 20])
        plot([floor, ceil, abs, sign], [-5, 5])

    Points where the function raises a numerical exception or
    returns an infinite value are removed from the graph.

    For parts where the function assumes complex values, the
    real part is plotted with dashes and the imaginary part
    is plotted with dots.

    NOTE: This function requires matplotlib (pylab).
    import pylab
    if not isinstance(f, (tuple, list)):
        f = [f]
    a, b = xlim
    colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'k']
    for n, func in enumerate(f):
        x = arange(a, b, (b - a) / float(points))
        segments = []
        segment = []
        in_complex = False
        for i in xrange(len(x)):
                if i != 0:
                    for sing in singularities:
                        if x[i - 1] <= sing and x[i] >= sing:
                            raise ValueError
                v = func(x[i])
                if isnan(v) or abs(v) == inf:
                    raise ValueError
                if isinstance(v, complex_types):
                    re = float(v.real)
                    im = float(v.imag)
                    if not in_complex:
                        in_complex = True
                        segment = []
                    segment.append((float(x[i]), re, im))
                    if in_complex:
                        in_complex = False
                        segment = []
                    segment.append((float(x[i]), v))
            except plot_ignore:
                if segment:
                segment = []
        if segment:
        for segment in segments:
            x = [s[0] for s in segment]
            y = [s[1] for s in segment]
            if not x:
            c = colors[n % len(colors)]
            if len(segment[0]) == 3:
                z = [s[2] for s in segment]
                pylab.plot(x, y, '--' + c, linewidth=3)
                pylab.plot(x, z, ':' + c, linewidth=3)
                pylab.plot(x, y, c, linewidth=3)
    if ylim:
    if file:
        pylab.savefig(file, dpi=dpi)
예제 #8
def lambertw(z, k=0, approx=None):
    lambertw(z,k) gives the kth branch of the Lambert W function W(z),
    defined as the kth solution of z = W(z)*exp(W(z)).

    lambertw(z) == lambertw(z, k=0) gives the principal branch
    value (0th branch solution), which is real for z > -1/e .

    The k = -1 branch is real for -1/e < z < 0. All branches except
    k = 0 have a logarithmic singularity at 0.

    The definition, implementation and choice of branches is based
    on Corless et al, "On the Lambert W function", Adv. Comp. Math. 5
    (1996) 329-359, available online here:

    TODO: use a series expansion when extremely close to the branch point
    at -1/e and make sure that the proper branch is chosen there
    if isnan(z):
        return z
    mp.prec += 20
    # We must be extremely careful near the singularities at -1/e and 0
    u = exp(-1)
    if abs(z) <= u:
        if not z:
            # w(0,0) = 0; for all other branches we hit the pole
            if not k:
                return z
            return -inf
        if not k:
            w = z
        # For small real z < 0, the -1 branch behaves roughly like log(-z)
        elif k == -1 and not z.imag and z.real < 0:
            w = log(-z)
        # Use a simple asymptotic approximation.
            w = log(z)
            # The branches are roughly logarithmic. This approximation
            # gets better for large |k|; need to check that this always
            # works for k ~= -1, 0, 1.
            if k: w += k * 2*pi*j
    elif k == 0 and z.imag and abs(z) <= 0.6:
        w = z
        if z == inf: return z
        if z == -inf: return nan
        # Simple asymptotic approximation as above
        w = log(z)
        if k: w += k * 2*pi*j
    # Use Halley iteration to solve w*exp(w) = z
    two = mpf(2)
    weps = ldexp(eps, 15)
    for i in xrange(100):
        ew = exp(w)
        wew = w*ew
        wewz = wew-z
        wn = w - wewz/(wew+ew-(w+two)*wewz/(two*w+two))
        if abs(wn-w) < weps*abs(wn):
            return wn
            w = wn
    print "Warning: Lambert W iteration failed to converge:", z
    return wn
예제 #9
def plot(f, xlim=[-5,5], ylim=None, points=200, file=None, dpi=None,
    Shows a simple 2D plot of a function `f(x)` or list of functions
    `[f_0(x), f_1(x), \ldots, f_n(x)]` over a given interval
    specified by *xlim*. Some examples::

        plot(lambda x: exp(x)*li(x), [1, 4])
        plot([cos, sin], [-4, 4])
        plot([fresnels, fresnelc], [-4, 4])
        plot([sqrt, cbrt], [-4, 4])
        plot(lambda t: zeta(0.5+t*j), [-20, 20])
        plot([floor, ceil, abs, sign], [-5, 5])

    Points where the function raises a numerical exception or
    returns an infinite value are removed from the graph.
    Singularities can also be excluded explicitly
    as follows (useful for removing erroneous vertical lines)::

        plot(cot, ylim=[-5, 5])   # bad
        plot(cot, ylim=[-5, 5], singularities=[-pi, 0, pi])  # good

    For parts where the function assumes complex values, the
    real part is plotted with dashes and the imaginary part
    is plotted with dots.

    NOTE: This function requires matplotlib (pylab).
    import pylab
    if not isinstance(f, (tuple, list)):
        f = [f]
    a, b = xlim
    colors = ['b', 'r', 'g', 'm', 'k']
    for n, func in enumerate(f):
        x = arange(a, b, (b-a)/float(points))
        segments = []
        segment = []
        in_complex = False
        for i in xrange(len(x)):
                if i != 0:
                    for sing in singularities:
                        if x[i-1] <= sing and x[i] >= sing:
                            raise ValueError
                v = func(x[i])
                if isnan(v) or abs(v) > 1e300:
                    raise ValueError
                if isinstance(v, complex_types):
                    re = float(v.real)
                    im = float(v.imag)
                    if not in_complex:
                        in_complex = True
                        segment = []
                    segment.append((float(x[i]), re, im))
                    if in_complex:
                        in_complex = False
                        segment = []
                    segment.append((float(x[i]), v))
            except plot_ignore:
                if segment:
                segment = []
        if segment:
        for segment in segments:
            x = [s[0] for s in segment]
            y = [s[1] for s in segment]
            if not x:
            c = colors[n % len(colors)]
            if len(segment[0]) == 3:
                z = [s[2] for s in segment]
                pylab.plot(x, y, '--'+c, linewidth=3)
                pylab.plot(x, z, ':'+c, linewidth=3)
                pylab.plot(x, y, c, linewidth=3)
    if ylim:
    if file:
        pylab.savefig(file, dpi=dpi)
예제 #10
def lambertw(z, k=0, approx=None):
    lambertw(z,k) gives the kth branch of the Lambert W function W(z),
    defined as the kth solution of z = W(z)*exp(W(z)).

    lambertw(z) == lambertw(z, k=0) gives the principal branch
    value (0th branch solution), which is real for z > -1/e .

    The k = -1 branch is real for -1/e < z < 0. All branches except
    k = 0 have a logarithmic singularity at 0.

    The definition, implementation and choice of branches is based
    on Corless et al, "On the Lambert W function", Adv. Comp. Math. 5
    (1996) 329-359, available online here:

    TODO: use a series expansion when extremely close to the branch point
    at -1/e and make sure that the proper branch is chosen there
    if isnan(z):
        return z
    mp.prec += 20
    # We must be extremely careful near the singularities at -1/e and 0
    u = exp(-1)
    if abs(z) <= u:
        if not z:
            # w(0,0) = 0; for all other branches we hit the pole
            if not k:
                return z
            return -inf
        if not k:
            w = z
        # For small real z < 0, the -1 branch behaves roughly like log(-z)
        elif k == -1 and not z.imag and z.real < 0:
            w = log(-z)
        # Use a simple asymptotic approximation.
            w = log(z)
            # The branches are roughly logarithmic. This approximation
            # gets better for large |k|; need to check that this always
            # works for k ~= -1, 0, 1.
            if k: w += k * 2 * pi * j
    elif k == 0 and z.imag and abs(z) <= 0.6:
        w = z
        if z == inf: return z
        if z == -inf: return nan
        # Simple asymptotic approximation as above
        w = log(z)
        if k: w += k * 2 * pi * j
    # Use Halley iteration to solve w*exp(w) = z
    two = mpf(2)
    weps = ldexp(eps, 15)
    for i in xrange(100):
        ew = exp(w)
        wew = w * ew
        wewz = wew - z
        wn = w - wewz / (wew + ew - (w + two) * wewz / (two * w + two))
        if abs(wn - w) < weps * abs(wn):
            return wn
            w = wn
    print "Warning: Lambert W iteration failed to converge:", z
    return wn