def run(): global state global connection while True: # Wait for connection while state != CONNECTED: try: state = CONNECTING connection = MQTTClient(DEVICE_ID, server=HOST, port=8883) connection.connect(ssl=True, certfile='/flash/cert/certificate.crt', keyfile='/flash/cert/privateKey.key', ca_certs='/flash/cert/root-CA.cer') state = CONNECTED except: print('Error connecting to the server') time.sleep(0.5) continue print('Connected!') # Subscribe for messages connection.set_callback(_recv_msg_callback) connection.subscribe(TOPIC_DOWNLOAD) while state == CONNECTED: connection.check_msg() msg = '{"Name":"Pycom", "Data":"Test"}' print('Sending: ' + msg) _send_msg(msg) time.sleep(2.0)
def mqtt_benchmark(N, is_server, broker, user, pwd): received = 0 def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): nonlocal received received += 1 print("Connecting to MQTT broker", broker, "...") mqtt = MQTTClient(broker, user=user, password=pwd) mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("iot49/{}".format(is_server)) topic = "iot49/{}".format(not is_server) print("Starting test ...") gc.collect() try: t_start = time.ticks_ms() for i in range(N): if is_server: mqtt.publish(topic, "msg {}".format(i)) mqtt.wait_msg() else: mqtt.wait_msg() mqtt.publish(topic, "ok {}".format(i)) t_stop = time.ticks_ms() dt = time.ticks_diff(t_stop, t_start) if N != received: print("***** sent {} messages, received {}".format(N, received)) print(">>> MQTT throughput, broker {}: {:8.4f} msg/s (N={})".format( broker, 1000 * received / dt, N)) finally: mqtt.disconnect()
from mqttclient import MQTTClient import time def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): print("MQTT received topic={}, msg='{}'".format(topic, msg)) SERVER = "" mqtt = MQTTClient(SERVER) mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("y") # publish for i in range(20): mqtt.check_msg() msg = "value=" + str(i) topic = "x" print("publish topic={} msg={}".format(topic, msg)) mqtt.publish(topic, msg) time.sleep(1) mqtt.disconnect()
print(0) # Connect to Adafruit server print("Connecting to Adafruit") mqtt = MQTTClient(adafruitIoUrl, port='1883', user=adafruitUsername, password=adafruitAioKey) time.sleep(0.5) print("Connected!") # This will set the function sub_cb to be called when mqtt.check_msg() checks # that there is a message pending mqtt.set_callback(sub_cb) # Send test message feedName = "mzdesa/feeds/me100project" testMessage = "Robot Connected!" # testMessage = "1" mqtt.publish(feedName, testMessage) print("Published {} to {}.".format(testMessage, feedName)) mqtt.subscribe(feedName) #The following will be the "LOOP" section (analogous to arduino) for i in range(10): #read messages from Adafruit IO for 10 seconds mqtt.check_msg( ) #uses a callback function to limit the time the program runs (see inf. running commented out above) #print(x) - x ISN'T actually storing it! time.sleep(1)
class Subscribe(base_calvinsys_object.BaseCalvinsysObject): """ Subscribe to data on given MQTT broker """ def init(self, topics, hostname, port=1883, qos=0, client_id='calvinconstrained', will=None, auth=None, tls=None, transport='tcp', payload_only=False, **kwargs): def sub_cb(topic, msg):{"topic": topic.decode('utf-8'), "payload": msg}) = [] self.payload_only = payload_only self.topics = topics self.user = None self.password = None self.ssl = False self.ssl_params = None if auth: user = auth.get("username") password = auth.get("password") if tls: print("Using TLS") self.ssl = True key_file = open(tls.get("keyfile"), "r") key = cert_file = open(tls.get("certfile"), "r") cert = self.ssl_params = {"key": key, "cert": cert} self.c = MQTTClient(client_id, hostname, port=port, user=self.user, password=self.password, ssl=self.ssl, ssl_params=self.ssl_params) self.c.set_callback(sub_cb) self.c.connect() for topic in self.topics: self.c.subscribe(topic.encode("ascii")) def can_write(self): return True def write(self, data=None): pass def can_read(self): try: data = self.c.check_msg() except: return False return bool( def read(self): data = if self.payload_only: return data.get("payload") else: return data def close(self): self.c.disconnect()
from mqttclient import MQTTClient import binascii, machine, time, gc mqtt = MQTTClient("") def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): print("callback:", topic, msg) global run if topic == b'stop': run = False else: print("received unknown topic={:s}, msg='{:s}'".format(topic, msg)) mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("stop") run = True count = 0 while run: mqtt.check_msg() mqtt.publish("x", str(count)) count += 1 if count > 100: run = False time.sleep(1) print("mqtt demo: stop MQTT client and return to REPL") mqtt.disconnect()
BROKER = "dev.home" BROKER = "" print("Connecting to broker", BROKER, "...") mqtt = MQTTClient(BROKER) print("Connected!") def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): global led, run if topic == b'repl': run = False print("got run false") mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("repl") # Joystick button = Pin(A21, mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) xout = ADC(Pin(ADC0)) yout = ADC(Pin(ADC3)) xout.atten(ADC.ATTN_6DB) yout.atten(ADC.ATTN_6DB) # offset xoff = 1920 yoff = 2005 scale = 1900 # filter alpha = 0.5
motors.brake(0) motors.brake(1) else: print("release brake") elif topic == b'x': x = float(msg) set_speed() elif topic == b'y': y = float(msg) set_speed() elif topic == b'repl2': run = False mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("repl") mqtt.subscribe("x") mqtt.subscribe("y") mqtt.subscribe("stop") # motor controller freq = 100 stop = False motors = None def speed_to_freq(speed): f = 2500 * fabs(speed) - 450 return min(max(20, f), 500)
PWD = None print("Connecting to broker", BROKER, "...") #sleep(2) #CREATING the mqtt object and CONNECTING to the broker mqtt = MQTTClient(BROKER, user=USER, password=PWD, ssl=False) print("Connected!") def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): print("RECEIVE topic = {}, msg = {}".format(topic, msg)) mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("charles/esp32/hi") #PUBLISH - SUBSCRIBE LOOP for i in range(5): #PUBLISHING a message topic = "charles/esp32/hi" message = "Hello " + str(random.randint(1, 101)) print("PUBLISH topic = {} message = {}".format(topic, message)) mqtt.publish(topic, message) #CHECKING for a new message for _ in range(5): mqtt.check_msg() sleep(0.5) #pause for 0.5 second #Close sockets
m3.duty(14) m4.duty(0) sleep(2.9 * anglefactor2) m3.duty(0) m4.duty(0) m1.deinit() m2.deinit() m3.deinit() m4.deinit() topic = "{}/motor".format(session) mqtt.set_callback(runMotor) mqtt.subscribe(topic) print("wow") # wait for MQTT messages # this function never returns print("waiting for data ...") while True: mqtt.check_msg() time.sleep(1) # Set up motor control PWM pins # Initially forward at 50% speed
def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): global currentSpeed message = msg.decode( "utf-8" ) #msg comes in as byte-format, decode turns it directly into a string currentSpeed = int(round(float(message))) if currentSpeed > MAX_SPEED: #Capping it currentSpeed = MAX_SPEED mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("charles/pc/boserBeater") #SUBSCRIBE TO COMPUTER TOPIC ################################ # SETUP # ################################ #Connect DRV V_in from Vusb. This is running on 5V from machine import PWM, Pin, Timer from board import A20, A21, A6, A14, A15 from time import sleep, ticks_ms from max6675 import MAX6675 ################################ # THERMOCOUPLE # ################################ so = Pin(A14, mode=Pin.IN)