예제 #1
def make_hdiag_csf (h1e, eri, norb, nelec, transformer, hdiag_det=None):
    smult = transformer.smult
    if hdiag_det is None:
        hdiag_det = make_hdiag_det (None, h1e, eri, norb, nelec)
    eri = ao2mo.restore(1, eri, norb)
    tlib = wlib = 0
    neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec (nelec)
    min_npair, npair_csd_offset, npair_dconf_size, npair_sconf_size, npair_sdet_size = get_csdaddrs_shape (norb, neleca, nelecb)
    _, npair_csf_offset, _, _, npair_csf_size = get_csfvec_shape (norb, neleca, nelecb, smult)
    npair_econf_size = npair_dconf_size * npair_sconf_size
    max_npair = min (neleca, nelecb)
    ncsf_all = count_all_csfs (norb, neleca, nelecb, smult)
    ndeta_all = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca)
    ndetb_all = cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb)
    ndet_all = ndeta_all * ndetb_all
    hdiag_csf = np.ascontiguousarray (np.zeros (ncsf_all, dtype=np.float64))
    hdiag_csf_check = np.ones (ncsf_all, dtype=np.bool)
    for npair in range (min_npair, max_npair+1):
        ipair = npair - min_npair
        nconf = npair_econf_size[ipair]
        ndet = npair_sdet_size[ipair]
        ncsf = npair_csf_size[ipair]
        if ncsf == 0:
        nspin = neleca + nelecb - 2*npair
        csd_offset = npair_csd_offset[ipair]
        csf_offset = npair_csf_offset[ipair]
        hdiag_conf = np.ascontiguousarray (np.zeros ((nconf, ndet, ndet), dtype=np.float64))
        det_addr = transformer.csd_mask[csd_offset:][:nconf*ndet]
        if ndet == 1:
            # Closed-shell singlets
            assert (ncsf == 1)
            hdiag_csf[csf_offset:][:nconf] = hdiag_det[det_addr.flat]
            hdiag_csf_check[csf_offset:][:nconf] = False
        det_addra, det_addrb = divmod (det_addr, ndetb_all)
        det_stra = np.ascontiguousarray (cistring.addrs2str (norb, neleca, det_addra).reshape (nconf, ndet, order='C'))
        det_strb = np.ascontiguousarray (cistring.addrs2str (norb, nelecb, det_addrb).reshape (nconf, ndet, order='C'))
        det_addr = det_addr.reshape (nconf, ndet, order='C')
        hdiag_conf = np.ascontiguousarray (np.zeros ((nconf, ndet, ndet), dtype=np.float64))
        hdiag_conf_det = np.ascontiguousarray (hdiag_det[det_addr], dtype=np.float64)
        t1 = time.process_time ()
        w1 = time.time ()
        libcsf.FCICSFhdiag (hdiag_conf.ctypes.data_as (ctypes.c_void_p),
                            hdiag_conf_det.ctypes.data_as (ctypes.c_void_p),
                            eri.ctypes.data_as (ctypes.c_void_p),
                            det_stra.ctypes.data_as (ctypes.c_void_p),
                            det_strb.ctypes.data_as (ctypes.c_void_p),
                            ctypes.c_uint (norb), ctypes.c_uint (nconf), ctypes.c_uint (ndet))
        tlib += time.process_time () - t1
        wlib += time.time () - w1
        umat = get_spin_evecs (nspin, neleca, nelecb, smult)
        hdiag_conf = np.tensordot (hdiag_conf, umat, axes=1)
        hdiag_conf *= umat[np.newaxis,:,:]
        hdiag_csf[csf_offset:][:nconf*ncsf] = hdiag_conf.sum (1).ravel (order='C')
        hdiag_csf_check[csf_offset:][:nconf*ncsf] = False
    assert (np.count_nonzero (hdiag_csf_check) == 0), np.count_nonzero (hdiag_csf_check)
    #print ("Time in hdiag_csf library: {}, {}".format (tlib, wlib))
    return hdiag_csf
예제 #2
def make_hdiag_csf_slower (h1e, eri, norb, nelec, transformer, hdiag_det=None):
    ''' This is tricky because I need the diagonal blocks for each configuration in order to get
    the correct csf hdiag values, not just the diagonal elements for each determinant. '''
    smult = transformer.smult
    t0, w0 = time.process_time (), time.time ()
    tstr = tlib = tloop = wstr = wlib = wloop = 0
    if hdiag_det is None:
        hdiag_det = make_hdiag_det (None, h1e, eri, norb, nelec)
    eri = ao2mo.restore(1, eri, norb)
    neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec (nelec)
    min_npair, npair_csd_offset, npair_dconf_size, npair_sconf_size, npair_sdet_size = get_csdaddrs_shape (norb, neleca, nelecb)
    _, npair_csf_offset, _, _, npair_csf_size = get_csfvec_shape (norb, neleca, nelecb, smult)
    npair_econf_size = npair_dconf_size * npair_sconf_size
    max_npair = min (neleca, nelecb)
    ncsf_all = count_all_csfs (norb, neleca, nelecb, smult)
    ndeta_all = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca)
    ndetb_all = cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb)
    ndet_all = ndeta_all * ndetb_all
    hdiag_csf = np.ascontiguousarray (np.zeros (ncsf_all, dtype=np.float64))
    hdiag_csf_check = np.ones (ncsf_all, dtype=np.bool)
    for npair in range (min_npair, max_npair+1):
        ipair = npair - min_npair
        nconf = npair_econf_size[ipair]
        ndet = npair_sdet_size[ipair]
        ncsf = npair_csf_size[ipair]
        if ncsf == 0:
        nspin = neleca + nelecb - 2*npair
        csd_offset = npair_csd_offset[ipair]
        csf_offset = npair_csf_offset[ipair]
        hdiag_conf = np.ascontiguousarray (np.zeros ((nconf, ndet, ndet), dtype=np.float64))
        det_addr = transformer.csd_mask[csd_offset:][:nconf*ndet]
        if ndet == 1:
            # Closed-shell singlets
            assert (ncsf == 1)
            hdiag_csf[csf_offset:][:nconf] = hdiag_det[det_addr.flat]
            hdiag_csf_check[csf_offset:][:nconf] = False
        umat = get_spin_evecs (nspin, neleca, nelecb, smult)
        det_addra, det_addrb = divmod (det_addr, ndetb_all)
        t1, w1 = time.process_time (), time.time ()
        det_stra = cistring.addrs2str (norb, neleca, det_addra).reshape (nconf, ndet, order='C')
        det_strb = cistring.addrs2str (norb, nelecb, det_addrb).reshape (nconf, ndet, order='C')
        tstr += time.process_time () - t1
        wstr += time.time () - w1
        det_addr = det_addr.reshape (nconf, ndet, order='C')
        diag_idx = np.diag_indices (ndet)
        triu_idx = np.triu_indices (ndet)   
        ipair_check = 0
        # It looks like the library call below is, itself, usually responsible for about 50% of the
        # clock and wall time that this function consumes.
        t1, w1 = time.process_time (), time.time ()
        for iconf in range (nconf):
            addr = det_addr[iconf]
            assert (len (addr) == ndet)
            stra = det_stra[iconf]
            strb = det_strb[iconf]
            t2, w2 = time.process_time (), time.time ()
                ctypes.c_int(norb), ctypes.c_int(ndet))
            tlib += time.process_time () - t2
            wlib += time.time () - w2
            #hdiag_conf[iconf][diag_idx] = hdiag_det[addr]
            #hdiag_conf[iconf] = lib.hermi_triu(hdiag_conf[iconf])
        for iconf in range (nconf): hdiag_conf[iconf] = lib.hermi_triu (hdiag_conf[iconf])
        for iconf in range (nconf): hdiag_conf[iconf][diag_idx] = hdiag_det[det_addr[iconf]]
        tloop += time.process_time () - t1
        wloop += time.time () - w1

        hdiag_conf = np.tensordot (hdiag_conf, umat, axes=1)
        hdiag_conf = (hdiag_conf * umat[np.newaxis,:,:]).sum (1)
        hdiag_csf[csf_offset:][:nconf*ncsf] = hdiag_conf.ravel (order='C')
        hdiag_csf_check[csf_offset:][:nconf*ncsf] = False
    assert (np.count_nonzero (hdiag_csf_check) == 0), np.count_nonzero (hdiag_csf_check)
    #print ("Total time in hdiag_csf: {}, {}".format (time.process_time () - t0, time.time () - w0))
    #print ("    Loop: {}, {}".format (tloop, wloop))
    #print ("    Library: {}, {}".format (tlib, wlib))
    #print ("    Cistring: {}, {}".format (tstr, wstr))
    return hdiag_csf