예제 #1
def main():
    usage = '%prog [options]'
    description = (
        'Inspect available job flow pools or identify job flows suitable for'
        ' running a job with the specified options.')
    option_parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description)

    import boto.emr.connection

    def make_option_group(halp):
        g = OptionGroup(option_parser, halp)
        return g

    ec2_opt_group = make_option_group('EC2 instance configuration')
    hadoop_opt_group = make_option_group('Hadoop configuration')
    job_opt_group = make_option_group('Job flow configuration')

    assignments = {
        option_parser: (
        ec2_opt_group: (
        hadoop_opt_group: (
        job_opt_group: (

    option_parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
                             default=False, dest='list_all',
                             help=('List all available job flows without'
                                   ' filtering by configuration'))
    option_parser.add_option('-f', '--find', action='store_true',
                             default=False, dest='find',
                             help=('Find a job flow matching the pool name,'
                                   ' bootstrap configuration, and instance'
                                   ' number/type as specified on the command'
                                   ' line and in the configuration files'))
    option_parser.add_option('-t', '--terminate', action='store',
                             default=None, dest='terminate',
                             help=('Terminate all job flows in the given pool'
                                   ' (defaults to pool "default")'))

    # Scrape options from MRJob and index them by dest
    mr_job = MRJob()
    scrape_options_into_new_groups(mr_job.all_option_groups(), assignments)
    options, args = option_parser.parse_args()

    MRJob.set_up_logging(quiet=options.quiet, verbose=options.verbose)

    runner_kwargs = options.__dict__.copy()
    for non_runner_kwarg in ('quiet', 'verbose', 'list_all', 'find',
        del runner_kwargs[non_runner_kwarg]

    runner = EMRJobRunner(**runner_kwargs)

    if options.list_all:

    if options.find:
        sorted_job_flows = runner.usable_job_flows()

        if sorted_job_flows:
            jf = sorted_job_flows[-1]
            print 'You should use this one:'
            print 'No idle job flows match criteria'

    if options.terminate:
        terminate(runner, options.terminate)
예제 #2
def main():
    usage = '%prog [options]'
    description = (
        'Inspect available job flow pools or identify job flows suitable for'
        ' running a job with the specified options.')
    option_parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description)

    import boto.emr.connection

    def make_option_group(halp):
        g = OptionGroup(option_parser, halp)
        return g

    ec2_opt_group = make_option_group('EC2 instance configuration')
    hadoop_opt_group = make_option_group('Hadoop configuration')
    job_opt_group = make_option_group('Job flow configuration')

    assignments = {
        option_parser: (
        ec2_opt_group: (
        hadoop_opt_group: (
        job_opt_group: (

    option_parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true',
                             default=False, dest='list_all',
                             help=('List all available job flows without'
                                   ' filtering by configuration'))
    option_parser.add_option('-f', '--find', action='store_true',
                             default=False, dest='find',
                             help=('Find a job flow matching the pool name,'
                                   ' bootstrap configuration, and instance'
                                   ' number/type as specified on the command'
                                   ' line and in the configuration files'))
    option_parser.add_option('-t', '--terminate', action='store',
                             default=None, dest='terminate',
                             help=('Terminate all job flows in the given pool'
                                   ' (defaults to pool "default")'))

    # Scrape options from MRJob and index them by dest
    mr_job = MRJob()
    scrape_options_into_new_groups(mr_job.all_option_groups(), assignments)
    options, args = option_parser.parse_args()

    log_to_stream(name='mrjob', debug=options.verbose)

    runner_kwargs = options.__dict__.copy()
    for non_runner_kwarg in ('quiet', 'verbose', 'list_all', 'find',
        del runner_kwargs[non_runner_kwarg]

    runner = EMRJobRunner(**runner_kwargs)

    if options.list_all:

    if options.find:
        sorted_job_flows = runner.usable_job_flows()

        if sorted_job_flows:
            jf = sorted_job_flows[-1]
            print 'You should use this one:'
            print 'No idle job flows match criteria'

    if options.terminate:
        terminate(runner, options.terminate)