예제 #1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """:py:class:`~mrjob.dataproc.DataprocJobRunner` takes the same
        arguments as
        :py:class:`~mrjob.runner.MRJobRunner`, plus some additional options
        which can be defaulted in :ref:`mrjob.conf <mrjob.conf>`.
        super(DataprocJobRunner, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # Lazy-load gcloud config as needed - invocations fail in PyCharm
        # debugging
        self._gcloud_config = None

        # Google Cloud Platform - project
        self._gcp_project = (self._opts['gcp_project']
                             or self.gcloud_config()['core.project'])

        # Google Compute Engine - Region / Zone
        self._gce_region = (self._opts['region']
                            or self.gcloud_config()['compute.region'])
        self._gce_zone = (self._opts['zone']
                          or self.gcloud_config()['compute.zone'])

        # cluster_id can be None here
        self._cluster_id = self._opts['cluster_id']

        self._api_client = None
        self._gcs_fs = None
        self._fs = None

        # BEGIN - setup directories
        base_tmpdir = self._get_tmpdir(self._opts['cloud_tmp_dir'])

        self._cloud_tmp_dir = _check_and_fix_fs_dir(base_tmpdir)

        # use job key to make a unique tmp dir
        self._job_tmpdir = self._cloud_tmp_dir + self._job_key + '/'

        # pick/validate output dir
        if self._output_dir:
            self._output_dir = _check_and_fix_fs_dir(self._output_dir)
            self._output_dir = self._job_tmpdir + 'output/'
        # END - setup directories

        # manage working dir for bootstrap script
        self._bootstrap_dir_mgr = BootstrapWorkingDirManager()

        # manage local files that we want to upload to GCS. We'll add them
        # to this manager just before we need them.
        fs_files_dir = self._job_tmpdir + 'files/'
        self._upload_mgr = UploadDirManager(fs_files_dir)

        self._bootstrap = self._bootstrap_python() + self._parse_bootstrap()

        for cmd in self._bootstrap:
            for maybe_path_dict in cmd:
                if isinstance(maybe_path_dict, dict):

        # we'll create the script later
        self._master_bootstrap_script_path = None

        # when did our particular task start?
        self._dataproc_job_start = None

        # init hadoop, ami version caches
        self._image_version = None
        self._hadoop_version = None

        # This will be filled by _run_steps()
        # NOTE - log_interpretations will be empty except job_id until we
        # parse task logs
        self._log_interpretations = []