def match_all(self, current_pc, current_centroid=[], name_list = []):

		vmap = mapper.VoxelMap(self.res, levels = self.mrolLevels)	
		pose_zero = poseutil.Pose3D()
		poseList = []
		costList = []
		centroid_input = 0
		current_centroid_local = np.zeros(3)
		if current_centroid==[]:
			centroid_input = 1

		if centroid_input==[]:
			current_centroid = np.mean(current_pc, axis=0)			

		current_pc -= current_centroid
		current_pc_vox = pointcloud.PointCloud(current_pc)
		rad = .2
		current_pc_vox.boxfilter(xmin=-rad, xmax=rad, ymin=-rad, ymax=rad, zmin=-rad, zmax=rad)
		if centroid_input:
			current_centroid_local = np.mean(current_pc_vox.points, axis=0)
			current_pc_vox -= current_centroid_local
		vmap.add_points(current_pc_vox, pose_zero)
		for i in range(self.modelCount):
			#Check to see if 
			for j in range(len(name_list)):
#				print self.all_names[i]
#				print name_list[j]
#				print self.all_names[i]==name_list[j]
				if (name_list == [] and j == 0) or self.all_names[i] == name_list[j]:

					pc_ground_vox = self.models_vox[i]
					bestPose, maxCost = vmap.align_points(pc_ground_vox, pose_zero)
		#			print "Pose: ", bestPose
		#			print "Max cost: ", maxCost
					bestPose_inv = poseutil.inverse(bestPose.get())
					bestPose_inv = poseutil.Pose3D(bestPose_inv)

					modelPose_T = current_centroid + current_centroid_local + bestPose_inv.get()[0:3]
					modelPose = np.reshape([modelPose_T, bestPose_inv.get()[3:]], 6)
		#			mat = poseutil.Pose3D()
		#			mat.set(bestPose.get())

					if 0:
						xyzs = poseutil.transformPoints(pc_ground_vox.points, bestPose.getMatrix())
						pc = pointcloud.PointCloud(xyzs)

		return costList, poseList
    def setUp(self):
        self.mpts = 100000  #Adding a zero here changes the cython results dramatically
        self.npts = 10000
        self.high = 50
        self.M = np.random.randint(0, self.high,
                                   (self.mpts, 3)).astype(np.int16)
        self.P = np.random.randint(0, self.high,
                                   (self.npts, 3)).astype(np.int16)

        self.testpose = (-2., 42., 80., 0.2, 0.1, 2.6)
        self.testposeinv = poseutil.inverse(self.testpose)
        self.Pxformed = poseutil.check_and_transform_points(
            self.P, self.testpose)[0]

        self.ol = occupiedlist.OccupiedList(1)

        self.Mkdt = spatial.cKDTree(self.M)

        self.maparray = np.zeros((self.high, self.high, self.high),
        #self.maparray = ndsparse.ndsparse((self.high, self.high, self.high))
        self.maparray[self.M[:, 0], self.M[:, 1], self.M[:, 2]] = True

        # set up packed arrays map
        ids = occupiedlist._pack(self.M)
        self.mapvoxels_int16 = dict.fromkeys(ids, 1)
        self.mapset = set(ids)
        #self.mapvoxels_int16 = collections.defaultdict(int)
        #for ID in ids:
        #    self.mapvoxels_int16[ID.tostring()] += 1

        # bloom map
        self.bloom = occupiedlist.BloomFilter(self.mpts)

        # dictionary of dictionaries
        #D = dict.fromkeys(self.mpts[:,0], dict())
        self.Pint = self.P.astype(int)

        D = dict()
        # first initialise
        for a, b, c in self.M:
            D.setdefault(a, dict())
            D[a].setdefault(b, dict())
            D[a][b][c] = 0
        for a, b, c in self.M:
            D[a][b][c] += 1
        self.nestedDict = D
예제 #3
    def setUp(self):
        self.mpts = 100000 #Adding a zero here changes the cython results dramatically
        self.npts = 10000
        self.high = 50
        self.M = np.random.randint(0, self.high, (self.mpts, 3)).astype(np.int16)
        self.P = np.random.randint(0, self.high, (self.npts, 3)).astype(np.int16)
        self.testpose = (-2., 42., 80., 0.2, 0.1, 2.6)
        self.testposeinv = poseutil.inverse(self.testpose)
        self.Pxformed = poseutil.check_and_transform_points(self.P, self.testpose)[0]
        self.ol = occupiedlist.OccupiedList(1)

        self.Mkdt = spatial.cKDTree(self.M)

        self.maparray = np.zeros((self.high, self.high, self.high), dtype=np.bool)
        #self.maparray = ndsparse.ndsparse((self.high, self.high, self.high))
        self.maparray[self.M[:, 0], self.M[:, 1], self.M[:, 2]] = True

        # set up packed arrays map
        ids = occupiedlist._pack(self.M)
        self.mapvoxels_int16 = dict.fromkeys(ids, 1)
        self.mapset = set(ids)
        #self.mapvoxels_int16 = collections.defaultdict(int)
        #for ID in ids:
        #    self.mapvoxels_int16[ID.tostring()] += 1

        # bloom map
        self.bloom = occupiedlist.BloomFilter(self.mpts)

        # dictionary of dictionaries
        #D = dict.fromkeys(self.mpts[:,0], dict())
        self.Pint = self.P.astype(int)

        D = dict()
        # first initialise
        for a, b, c in self.M:
            D.setdefault(a, dict())
            D[a].setdefault(b, dict())
            D[a][b][c] = 0
        for a, b, c in self.M:
            D[a][b][c] += 1
        self.nestedDict = D
예제 #4
                # 			print time_out

                if pose != None:
                    _, new_pose, ros_time =

                    rot = np.array(new_pose.rvec)  # *180./3.14159
                    rot_mat = rodrigues2mat(rot)
                    trans = np.array(new_pose.tvec)

                    T = np.eye(4)
                    T[0:3, 0:3] = rot_mat
                    T[0:3, 3] = trans

                    P = poseutil.Pose3D()
                    new_pose = poseutil.inverse(P.get())


                outDir = baseDir + objectID + "/"
                bag.save_pts(pts_pos, pts_color, objectID, out_folder=outDir)

                pc_6D = np.empty((pts_pos.shape[1], 6))
                pc_6D[:, 0:3] = pts_pos.T
                pc_6D[:, 3:6] = pts_color

                feature = featureExtract(objectID, poseutil.mat(new_pose), pointcloud=pc_6D)

                poses = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
                T = trans
                R = np.array(rot_mat)
예제 #5
                #			print time_out

                if pose != None:
                    _, new_pose, ros_time =

                    rot = np.array(new_pose.rvec)  #*180./3.14159
                    rot_mat = rodrigues2mat(rot)
                    trans = np.array(new_pose.tvec)

                    T = np.eye(4)
                    T[0:3, 0:3] = rot_mat
                    T[0:3, 3] = trans

                    P = poseutil.Pose3D()
                    new_pose = poseutil.inverse(P.get())


                outDir = baseDir + objectID + '/'
                bag.save_pts(pts_pos, pts_color, objectID, out_folder=outDir)

                pc_6D = np.empty((pts_pos.shape[1], 6))
                pc_6D[:, 0:3] = pts_pos.T
                pc_6D[:, 3:6] = pts_color

                feature = featureExtract(objectID,

                poses = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])